Asheville: t TEX THOTJSAHD FXOWLB Read Tb Citiien every dajn Tou- announcement la thl p- ; per will brln rwilU. . - CIHCTrLATION BOOKS AHU 'AlWATB OPEN TO ADVTH- 4 ;iMiMM VOL. XVIII. NO. 137 ASHEVILLE, N. C. MONDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 10. 1902 PRICE T Cents e THE PRESIDENT STARTS ON A TOO WEEKS' TRIP An Old Fable Brought Up to Date Itinerary Includes Dedication of the Chamber of Commerce in New York, and a Celebration in Memphis To Honor Gov. Wrignt of the Philippines jf A Five Days' Bear Hunt in Mis sissippi, with President Fish of the Illinois Central road Will Begin on Thursday Rail. Next MOLINEUX TRIAL! DRAWS TO A I CLOSE ! Ex.-Gov Black Points to Harry Cornish as the Murderer of Mrs. Adams c :... Nov. 1. Roosevelt will : -h i ngt on tonight to be absent H ill t- accompanied by ;.-ort- K. Cortelyou and his a I'urjis of servants N'ev. f.r.k Nov. In. Yht- . riniinal branch ,,f the Sujuvp . curt opened today upon th- cloeing sc-nes in the s,(l" 1 fi:l :' Roland M.-.lineux for Hie f -'a-h-rin- .1. Adam.--. A no!v t u U ,,r-.. nd throtig- i '! - -r if'H .f f i. will also be an t .'. ol .-ave at 1 tonight over , ania railroad for New ai noon tomorrow he will dedication of the new chain-in- ri . building In the even iv vw!l be guests at a ban- rri-. :p-l!. IV iiaght tomorrow the President party will leave New York on . I train ov-r the Pennsylvania Memphis, going by way ot Ixjuisville ! was Thursday i Di Cincinnati and ing in Memphis on mil rd I'lun 1 e.l the i rig i t o i and sion. Contiary t. ceedios did of fol I'ilT ' a. missal ..f tie CUSed Th;;' gram, :oi II Ide .1.1 A t : s of the , riminal huild ore.i fol admission. Vis nad in I" Miles four deep, I to show c :i of admis- i he expectation I lie p o I'.'t open v itn the appeal no,- Hla -K tor the ,;is ha rg.-s k un-t th-- ac- Has tic- S i.e.lllled piO- soii.e re , :. , hatige MITCHELL WOULD NOT ACCEPT PRESIDENCY Says He Can Best Serve Labor in His Present Position Sharon, Pa.. Nor. 1".--Tli following telegram is self explanatory: Wilkesbarre. Pa., Nov 10 W. B. Wilson, Indianapolis. Tr.!. -Replying to your Inquiry concern' i g the use of my name by The pres a- an aspirant to the presidency of the American fe4ration of labor, I dcs-iie to say that I am in no way responsible for the cir culation of these rumor.. While it is the duty of every mc u serve the cause of labor in any oosil.'or In which he can be most useful, I firmly believe I can l'p of more real vice in my present position'. "If any attempt is mst'c U present my nan e for the presidency of the fed eration of la'aor at the Nnv Orleans convention you will favor n.e by saying that under no eireumstar.t e. would 1 accept election. (Sigi edi John Mitchell.-' A ount i man h.i i iie some grain to carry to the mill, was bothered as to how to balance the load upon his i 'ioiiki s !..u k. Finally he hit upon the e pedient o placing a large stone in the ather end of the sack. Thus did he baJ- tnce matters to his great satistat tion hut to the doubling or tne loaa on tne noimey. in I ":- Mtmphis the President w ill go i--;i pi en a bear hunt as the I r I 'i evident Kish of the Illinois' Me will lie absent on r' i tie .lays. No itinerary of ?" the dip is made public -.-idem will n-turn to Mem '. morning of Wednesday, the I during that day and evening t ipaie in the celebration in I-nke Wright, vice -'f the I h tli ppines. !:.:i;tit on the l'Mh tie- T'i-sI-1 his party will start tor U'ash Timg here on the morning of Thai day will be spent here in. ruing of the UJ.t the Presl ! ! Philadelphia to attend ,i ii t'oumler's day. returning Washington on the J".d I. A v i . a n i l:i i. k lose.l a- i; in l.amo i. ;)). s I i 1 1 ! I I i ..-i i i 1 1 ux ed as K h:s up h.i l!i:.T Kuinished 11 bee II ' 't i ll pied .; f-"hi t street. rooms that bv sick pe'i- 11 in :;t FOR SALE in i was. a;.. K KX-I ' . e, ; the ,-a-i w.i I test i in. t, .'. had I.. .1 ust i 'ity of : and t h : begu-i. In .., Molii ill... K.-r Athl.-t i, , : ;is t-inployt-d. .M i i "..rnish and del li o I ! I I a 1 1 V t'l'ie T ; . ; - .a ps oi 1 1 1 y . ! i c j MolilieUX ( ollsl le I' i and Molineux Was that a ic ing to Cornish a sufficient to kill club-.-' a.-ke.l l;l.,. " 'o : ii sh insult liellX le ha veil k. i:m Mn .'.iffeienc. pass.. ,,n Is that a "Nothinir .-is.- under produced her.- to in, Molne ux oul.i have to kill ' 'ornish. Th.- trouble b.-iut .ln ut he l-pli. a,,, -t. il tiiat , as ! a k i i : 4 ! '! a- . mi nsel : Dee ... ith j Ilot te-;ify , i . II lis- ! . a - Clack sal., i i i lie- K n ii k - li"i'. ' "on i . iii at.j nk llaipstel 11 lub and pt-i -i ! sl ; w I .ii e was ROOSEVEIT AND CLEVELAND TO SPEAK The New Chamber of Commerce Building Dedicated Tomorrow Coed SituaLtion Growing Worse Instead of Better GOV. WRIGHT ON THE PHILIPPINES Less Coal Being Shipped Into Asheville Than Ever Before Dealers Say There Will Be Another Advance in Prices Unless the Situation Improves The ew York. Nov. P administered th splendid new horn a . i in din plain.d n t". .i Mo Mr. 1 1 1 1 . n . 1 1 1 i d ( f l : .M-.ha. : e 1 1 1 1 I : I llell proof i n oper iet I' it. UX S.-llil- r p. lisoa in that i a ill u Moli a;. Icyai'i iation iin nl' niurdei i i ! V1".' i A . th" sky has been lie. it., any motive had for wanting and - Th- dec orators final touches to of the New York uber of commerce which will at.d iit noon tomorrow. .or l,inv will preside and President veil will head the list of speakers. r Pi evident C.rover Cleveland w ill a honored guest of the chamber and '! liver an addles. The new build .s in Liberty street, on the site of Id real estate exchange. At night v id l.e a banquet at the Waldorf ria to honor President Roosevelt tip- other guests of the chamber. Am w hiit Place ma i r .- Ac- iiei' advance I'" in-ill cial de"ile'-s iovlip.d the car ani:np'oved. il This 19 v will take mation re- irdin. ;"s the coal .s. iali'lii'- ' ' i area from acres. Some with im d others wilhout See us i tc ul mi h u: I. a. res Victoria Siiitabl. f h .nd an for lore ! c id. ! slum W ol d ! III -Ilia 11. b.-fo! e that n I 'oil 1 1 s Ida ing a', expert n Cornish a nd ux occurred more than a year he he poison package appeared No has been piesente,! here to that Molmeiix said one unkind about Cornish. All tin- evidence away from Mopn- ux. to an. .tie ' PRITCHARD CHASED TO CAPITAL CITY to local be situation it. Asheville is growing worse rather hai becoming ',eiter. "We are gettin;' less coal that cw: before.'' said i well known dea'er this morning ;o i I'iiizen repoiter. '..i d ?he situa tion " bluer anl l.'ut r every day. iL is nit the faailr of the retail dealer Aor the fault cf the operator that s bringing ?i-cli enormous but it is the 'ailt cf the rail way ci.nii iny entirelv It is almost n inii.ossibility to go' c i rs. Domestic coal his advanced at the i-ines to J5 a t a anil indications are ihat it will be spe dih advanc-'d to J"..jO per ton. This mean- aiother iu'vinc for Ashe ville of Jl pei ton. makir," soft coal worth $7.. "in net- ton jus; double the price oal years ago. figure, l.ut the ciuestio' get eOU; -it any price "What ire the chan tion ir"proving?" the "We cdn not tell," rep'it ie of the situa k "it-i' asked, (he dealer. "It seems from pre.-ent indications that the Southern wil' not be able to get their r.ew engines :;uj coal cars in the market in time to fill the demand for winter coal." "Hose about anthracite'" the dealer was asked "According to P.iest advic es," he said, "it will be the first of next year before we will be al l. to get any anthracite and the thai v; a-e doubt ful if we get any then .4ril.racite can not be had now for f-iiht-r love ot money. Coodle is bein" used as a substitute and seems to p.- ijuite satis factory except in hot air iurnaces." It is evident that the ; rice of coal is to be advanced when tlu first cold weathei jmes, provided chat there is was selling- fo; here two ; not ,uiv decline in the i 'ices at rhe It is no lonret a cpuestion of ' mines by that time ?",d ; rovided the shall I sit d. in just to tile nd i. ate w h, iw n. The . as sure i.'i t h star' new a'id . nil all !. $J') per nioiilh. SlM"-. I i a 1 1. a 1 ; i a- w near ' J i .o ! - i i . m ml i ngs I .o in' I'd add i- J H W hAVIiU CO. fraud. (the b eUX. found the di 1 Th.- i .the 111 the d's ii "It U.l: Adam.- . less the . v ask.-d . yn nil nrao 1 i th- s . :hat t It tool; up de, 1. 11 1 IlilV. I" '. he th-ih l r -.i- Cit-'d he S t a a i i tinii. piliJ that man is se points to . s a n : ' of writ Washington stupendous bat none of by Molin- I a i or nth' i- . w ritine i: at git- iippressicii o ttorney's off crime to 'flSti. : t i n & to be and in ngth upon cidence by -tat- Iii. ' . Ash ke. - ' I 'it- . A Reliable Medium er l I'll Th he said. but ime to murder erice in this ' belie', e that n cf iner.lirv ' it with a mas edition ;isks v iin ii.ily be gotte ' want i i you . ., on w a nt i y.' 'ii you tfo to lull h I'll get you . r in w ithin the sh ll not cost i-. urder Mrs. t -would be no this man upon is'V You are man tan get "1 ss he ap k a iid in fact to believe ,. m Newark, i I'l-t it. If any ! m rcury get or it ou have .'':gh to poison jotind of my :'nii more than A Republican of prominence was here sterday looking for Senator Pritch- ille arii. and seemed disappointed when told jthit the Senator had gone to Washing ton. The m -ink-man took the afternoon tram. ;i:al is camping close on the Sen ator's trail. It was learned that a stiff fight is being made over the postofTice at Haw River. (Hie faction desires lo oust the present incumbent. Mr. Rason, and put J. S. Mi-Adam?, one of the old line Republicans, in his official shoes. Republicans, or some of them, are claiming that the present postmaster's Republicanism is of a very passive va riety, and that he accomplished very little for the cause during the recent election. being ib!" to get coal a nominal icoal ca. situation is n - b THE SPANISH CABINET HAS AGAIN RESIGNED CASTRO'S TRIUMPHANT ENTRY INTO CARACAS Madrid. Nov. Uk Prener Sagasta today tendered to Kinr Aifonso the resignation of the ent' e cabinet. The king will decide tomorrow whethe.- he will accept the ministers' resign-Cions. The cortes will be infoimed of the crisis today and will su-nend sittings. KING EDWARD'S 6IST BIRTHDAY THE CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO BANQUETED n Molin the pros siispp ion - M mn Id th.oat;li II perfectly fitted 7 - ii in a new light - ' i K w lie ii w e ex a n i -: i glasses to them. S. L. MrkrF THE OPTICIAN. .'4 I lit ton AVe I'pp I a laid great sir. up. i llir f ness to uhi - f... i when he w its :t 1 i he arrest. out-sf! then said that the t.-sti- of the -anilw lit iter experts show -the differed an; how all had :i d uniVr cross . xn .nina tion that v . re hundreds of characters in :i.-oute. and ...m-Ced that the at;; that in no v. v resembled o-i-er. "Slack .1 cla:.-.l "There was and there wa I" "tive iind M e points to Hari- i 'ornish." I-oii'ion. Nov. 10. lime in t he history . Mayor'.- procession ' its. Nov. 10. President Castro ma !.- a triumphant official entry into Caracas yesterday at the head of "2.000 troops, amidst the ringing of bells and a display of fireworks. The flight of the armies of the revolu tionists continues. Not even the Cara cas revolutionary committee can ex plain the cause of the snlit nmonsr the leaders of the movement, or say what : 'ashio-ia ble thoroughfares has become of about 10,000 soldiers who lane, n the nf-nrt of the were under arms as late as November recognition of the Jeviii. - Sit Mimu; -Samuel. t r 1 he ( government officials believe that Ceneral Matos has gone in the direction of Tucasaeas, a seaport on the Carib bean sea, 2o miles from Puerto Cabello. '"astro intends to re-occupy ( 'orro, Bar celona. Civdad. Bolivar and Cumanaa- l in immediate y. j Saturday he sent fifteen hundred men l under Ceneral Baptist to attack Corre. Tt.I-iy .or the first f London the Lord tr. vetsed the un- f Petticoat (Ihetto. in ancestry of new Lord Mayo.- J.wish Iondt n tjecially cle ebrateo the '. vent an ' t'l. poorest in habitants i f Whit hapel and Houn N Ditch were ba' ded at the expen o their weal'hp. co-religionists. Cleveland. Nov. 10 This w biggest day of the several w Mch k An- my; taken up in the ..!- r a r, . . treet. Department Monte Carlos In the afternoon a Catholics leprt-sentins and the tity's parisht r.ew oulls W e a . .. showing ': a k . l; .1 ' e 11 1 ll 11 ' 1 l is: ret eived ;i They are tail- ' v smart in st le. I erf. I 1, es S12 to $25 Y. a . I ' II A. 'i Place by colored ' I'! ior referenee :il '; Plini 11 p ::t I I,' fL lOtV 4.E Uli'lt 'J III . I 11 ftTI I I I III I I I II 1 RwAA 10.000 Catholics Parade Kefugees go to Jamaca Port aa Print e. H;. vM, .Nov. the be- tlle 'tiftitth anniversarv ot St. John's Ca thedral in this city. Pontifie ;il mass wns celebrated by Bishop Dennis 'Da:in ghue, of Indianapolis, at lo o'clock. Aiso present at the mass were Archbishop Klder of Cincinn;4i, Archbishop Ryan of Philadelphia. Bishop Moes of Cov ington. Ky.. Bishop Me-ejuaid of Roch ester. N. Y .. Bishop Hortsniiinn of ( lev. 'land an 1 Vicar t!t-n. ral Rvrr.e of Boston. The sermon was by MeQuaid Jei i . J M. Fi- leader, ace had Stiugh started for ! steamer un. an. I he lea-ling nin. the exile i t: accompanied !u- i M. refuge Jaiiiaic a t 1 , Hippoiter ol 'volutionary ersons. who aive hav id a Cuban TOWELS WITHOUT COST. Kvery forty-eight pound sack in which "Clifton" flour is packed will make two good towels. me regular toweling goods being used in the man- ' Bishop ' ufae ture of the sacks. Ask your gro cer to send you a forty-eight Dound parade of 10.000 : sack. several societies s occurred. Thos. J. Rickman sells it. London. Nov. 10. King Edward was 61 years old yesterday. Beyond the customary salutes and the display of flags over the royal residences there w ere no observances of the anniversary, the general celebration of his majesty's birthday being deferred until May 30, in accordance with a wish expressed by the king upon ascending the throne. The king passed the day at Sandring ham. where he has continued to reside since his return from his northern trip, with the exception of a few short in tervals spent in London. Honolulu. Nov. 10. The transport Sumner arrived here October 30, en route o San Francisco w ith General A. R. Chaffee and Vice-Gov-rnor Luke E. Wright of the Philippines, on board. The steamer passed thr7ugh a terrib't experience in a typhoon soon after ieaving Manila. She lost one of her boats -.'.id had several damaged and for number of hours was in grave dan ger. In an interview Governor Wright had the fol'owing to say of conditions ii the Philippines and their future: "The developments following the in auguration of the civil gr.rrnment of the islands have been most satisfac tory. They now have civil governmeiii almost everywhere and the people seem tr be learning its advantages. The sys tem of provincial and n-.un'tipal power government has worked well. During the pait year there his not been a sin gle delalcation anaci very rew mens. The government is strictly one of civil service. There is a degree of peace and safe ty in the Philippines now thot was nev er reached under the Spanish rule. The Spaniards used to pay the brigands to keep he peace and we nave refused to continue this system. After the pas sage Oi the pnmppine nil :ast year we established the insulai constabulary and we now have 6000 i f these police. We find that they are the best men for the ba?iness and they h&ve cleared the province of law-breakers with great activity. The service is one which ap peals to the natives for the police ar chosen from the tribes where they must irve. "Th3 future of the Islf.nds will be a great one. What are needed most are railroicls and these may be built soon by American capital. There is a trunk line on the Island of Luzoi. now un der consideration and its building will help matter? greatly." Governor Wright also rtatd that he conside.ed that the return of the llriars was he best thing tor the islands and 'ie expected that the Pope would send a representative to appraise the church land- in the Phi'ii pines. PEARSON APPEARS TO HAVE SLIM CHANGES Not Likely That He Will Get Into the Collector's Office Other Candidates It was said today that D. C. Pearson of Morganton, secretary State Republi can committee, would have about the same difficulty in getting into the col lector s office here aa the average camel would have going through the eye of a needle. The barrier is the civil service, an in stitution that has caused bo much trav ail among the faithful. Not that Mr. Pearson could not stand the examina tion but there is no examination to stand at present, and the appointment is to be made without delay. Tho articular vacancy is under the civil service regulations, as it is one of the two clerkships in the office, and there is talk of designating the place a deoutv collector." which permits Mr. Pearson to enter by a route that, while a little circuitous, would be safe. Mr. Pearson has made friends among his nartv associates In this part of the State since he has been associated with Senator Pritchard. and they are hoping he will find a way to circumvent the obstacles. He has the endorsement of Senator Pritchard. And in the meantime, while the mat ter is hanging fire, the candidates for the dace are increasing at a marvelous rate. NEED OF NAVY IS MORE OFFICERS Washington. Nov. 10. The most cry ing need of the navy, according to the annual report of Admiral H. C. Taylor, chief of the bureau of navigation, is more officers to man the warships. He declares the preparations are now going on for mobilization of the fleet for win ter manoeuver in the West Indies brought the department face to face with the critical condition due to the lack of officers, which has reached sucn a point as to be dangerous to the effi ciency of the fleet. He says the number of officers on tne ships is less than the number on board ships in other navies, although our ships require more officers because we are compelled to man vessels with green crews, having little or no knowledge of sea life. GENERAL WOOD HAS ARRIVED IN AMERICA A BOY MANGLED IN ENGINE YARDS New York. Nov. 10. Gen. Leonard Wood, who went over with Generals Corbin ami Young to represent this country at the German war manoeuvres arrived on the American line steam ship St. Louis. General Wood was ac companied by his famil'. "I remained after General Corbin and Young," said General Wood, "in order to visit Scotland with my family. The generals and myself were treated very kindly both in Germany and in England. We were granted every facil ity for seeing the workings of the mili tary systems and have seen many things which were not only interesting and instructive, but will be useful if adopted in this country." General Wood was asked whether he is in favor of establishing the canteen in the a i my. He replied: "My canteen reports are on file. Gen eral Punston has come tfut strongly for the canteen, did he not? I think we are all of one opinion on that subject." Prince Henry of Pless, who comes to represent the German emperor at the dedication of the New York chamber of I commerce on Tuesday, was also a pas senger out tile St. Louis. "Mountain Balsam Cough Syrup Immediate Relief T.C.SMITH'S DRUG STORE :::::: Monument Square :::::: The Embroidery Sale Today AT THE Bon Marche Is Drawing Crowds Every Piece Bargain! MINISTER STRICKEN IN HIS PULPIT tSpec al lo The c i en.) Witio.on Salem. N. C. V',v. 10. Wil liam lay, aged seventeen, was run over by a shifting engine ii the South ern yard today anl kdiec. He was horrib;.. mangled. H ; Uempted to cross the track in front of the engine when he stumbled an" fell. CRIMINAL COURT OPENS New York, Nov. 10.--Dr. John Reid of the Memorial Presbyterian church, one of Brooklyn's best known minis ters, has been stricken suddenly, in hts pulpit, just as he was beginning a pray er. The collapse was caused by acute in digestion and his condition "is reported serious. Superior court opened today for a two weeks criminal term. The morning ses sion was taken up in organization and the judge's charge to the grand jury. The grand jury met immediately upon the adjournment of the session. j" The court hours have been fixed from !t a. m. to 1 p. m. and from 2:30 p. m. to ." p. m. A Temple of Labor New York. Nov. 10.- It Iri nspired at a meeting of the central '.-derated La bor Co. on that certain wealthy men here ,u'.' considering a pin: of erecting a larg building, fitted primarily with meeting rooms for labor organizations. The ihin. it is unde-'tco'l, will in clude the rection of a ter. pie of labor, centrally located an1 abundantly, equipped for its purport". Biltmore FIrewooA Phne 700. The Most Important purchase which, you ever have to make is the prescription for the dear one who is ill We want you to come to us lo have your prescriptions filled liecause we keep none but fresh drugs, and because we are accurate to a drop in making them up. Though the price is a secondary matter we want you to understand l hat it is never a penny too high. Pfafflin's Drug Store Cor. Patton Ave. and Church St. i Take your kodak work to De Moss & Co.. 29 Patton avenue. They finish for I $l.oo per dozen. Develop plates and ' films free. We have opened up a pho- a: ea of eight lograph studio nt Brock's old stand. 29 i Patton avenue, and are prepared to give Big Fire in Cape Colony apecown. Nov. 10. aeres at East Leland. been d-stroved hv r,-e rnr,.- L I you up to date work from 25 to 50 per - .- .... r i i l OIKC i Ar 'ape Colony, has ouildings :n the were oestroyed cent -i- of the town TELL WHAT YOl' YOUR GROCER WANT When you order a sack of flour b certain to tell your grocer to send you "Clifton." otherwise you may get some thing that costs the grocer less, but which you buy no cheaper. And vou don't get as good, pure flour either al ways ask for "Clifton" brand. At Thos. J. RU kman s. cent cheaper than you can get else where. Come in and see our work and prices before having your work done. th; : styles, such as fitted hack coats: I'-ngtlis and rag- $7.50 to $45 j M. V. Mdore OUTFITTER. r "We doMerhhant Tailoring" One of the most important things a druggist does is putC--up prescriptions. There is no drug store where this fatare has more scrupulous attention than here. It doesn't pay to take chances In matters of health, of life and death, perhaps. Bring your prescriptions here, where everything is certain to be right. Paragon Drtfg t Company WA Hlj HOPKINS, President. I. ft WHEELER. Sec. Trs 4i ? 49 4S i 43 4 i 4s? 49 49 ? 49 49 49 49 49 49 09 49 49 49 49 49 49 Standard High Grad Railroad Watches Cut in Priea for Cash Vanguard. 21 jewels 25.0 Crescent St. 21 jewels... 20.00 A. T. & Co. Premier. IT. . jewels IS.bu Veritas. 21 Jewels 28.00 B. W. Raymond, 17 jewels is.50 B. W. Raymond. 19 jewels 26.00 In finer adjusted watches we hive: Bunn Special, 21 jewels, 128.50 No. 940. Hamilton. 21 Jew els 28.00 9 & c & o 9 Why Do the Best Dressed Men Deal Here ? Because we hava the widest showing of "Up to the latest" sm! s. Different men have different tastes, require different styles t.. s iit their different characteristics; t hats where our wide style--i.nge t omes in. A man can get from us just the kind of clothing that makes him look his best. Whitlock Clothing House - 41 PATTON AVE. ARTHUR M. FIELD CO. & Leading Jewel .-rs, Cr. Church 8t. and Patton Avenue. c a?9 S 1 "'IJOi. The Standard Coal Co W. L. MceOT, President. Wholesale ai.d Retail Dealers in Jellico Steam Coal and Coke - - -.:. r. -. vjt- -. Office Phine i7. Yard Fhorie SU-- Unfurnishcd Houses Are "n deriand and if you are looking for one let us show you !e following as they are without doul,t the bert house now vacant ! tha city. 1 5 Room Niuse on Clayton street $12.50 1 8 Room bouse or. Baiiey street $13.00 1 6. Jioom bouse on Chestnut stnret.." $18.00 1 toom H use on Charlotte street.. ." ..' $20.00 l 8 Room ii .use on Haywood street.. .. $20.00 1 7 Room fc .use on Haywood street... . $21.00 1 9 Room ' house on Spruce stre-t $21.00 juse on Montford $26.00 on Soco $35.00 Cumberland $35.00 Maker A Money and Saver Leader for 56 Ye i3 rs "Ql'EEN OK THE SOUTH" French Burr Corn Mills. Stantlird of compar ison. Eight sizes, 15 to 36 inches. Write for catalogue and prices j T. S. MORRISON, Agent, ASHEVILLE, X. C. 1 7 Itoom avenue 1 8 Room street. . 1 8 Room avenue ho.ise H. F. GRANT & SON REAL ESTATE AGENTS, 48 PATTON AVE. Aston, Rawls& Co. REAL ESTATE AND RENTING AGENTS JUST RECEIVED One car lot f fle-wer pots. Having been delayed in shipment they will be closed out at a special low price. Bet ter see them. The I. X. L. Department Store 22 PATTON AVENUE. ' '.: f 19 tf 18 1-2 South Main Street Brce Up! See the line of Suspend ers and Braces in my window at 25co I defy any one to equal them for less than 50c. Monday and Tuesday . Bargains AT THE Palais Royal l'i 8ouh Main Street. Dress Goods Sale 60 Inch Venetian cloths worth 9c, special 49c. We wish to call the attention of the public to our Sale of Dress Goods for Monday and Tuesday. Will be the talk of the town. Every piece of Dres Goods reduced. Be sure and see them. Sale of Dress Skirts for Mon dayall cur $3.9 Skirts reduced to $2.98 See our $5 and $ Dress Skirts, special for Monday and Tuesday, $3;98 Remember, bargains through out the entire store at the Palais Royal Hf;S. COURTNEY o 18 Patton Av.' Phoned! Chinese Lily Bulbs We can supply Chines or Sacred Lily Uulbs of excellent quality at lOo each. !. . Hyacinth Glasses in"coJors, 15c each. Large Bulbs for same, 10- each. GRAN IfS PHARMACY v i rant's Ho. 24 cures told25c. " ' -St

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