J CIKCULATION BOOKS AM. AX.WAT8 OPEN TO ADVF.R- 4 TISERS. niMM,ttt t TEN THOUSAHT) FEOVUS 5 Read The Cltlien every T. Tour announcements In UOa pa- per will briny reaulta. VOL. XVIII. NO. 138 PRICE 2 Cents ASHEVILLE, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 11. 1902 eiio A- PRESIDENT TODAY ATTENDS CEREMONIES IN NEIV YORK Dedication Of Chamber Of C0m-ffelt nra RuiMinn Melri Tnriau try when our government wa? threaten- merce bunaing neia ioaaye by arme,i ri.beiUon. its protest an.ii in the Presence of Eminent Men ot This and Other Coun tries . tx-President Cleveland Speaks. . LaUding LOinnierCe AS HaV- ing Vast Influence In Curbing Man's Besetting Sin of Self- Man's Besetting Sin shness and Greed" 11 - I i-si.l. rit itixise- : s- v " , at : t his i.' 1' ania road lie : ; ' ' : t . i 7 J.".. u h-n t. h Twenty-third 1. .v ..s driven t a p.- br. -.' i nu t in J,r- I-- Tin le was ."a-n in Jeey City but a t ..! kihIi-iv. at th.i '("!:!! ! st re.-i a lid when .;i l-e.ir. !. .ie was yr.-ete.l ' ' esrl-.st Usit.-.l i I ; il'i Us. .i '. and then re- ! "nioi. League . lub. where ' 1 tilii to K . to the IleU "'"!.!'. I. -dilation (.-, ' ! i.n i;i:i:.m n i i:s I-...-I.. at and a former -u--t- ..f honor, and with - ... !' ae i l; i i governments tt-'i -,.i-.)ied quests. the 1 1 - n : . i - t o 1 1 1 a 1 1 y d d 1 a - -. - i ; I .-; i s . 1 1 y luil.iy. ' a h. i ndsoi ii. st rti. t - n: i- sit itab-.t in IJb- "pen- d nh ! -!: u -i I ix. n-a-i of n. 1 iv tin- 1 ; ' ..ml., r lollow ,-.. Then -lay was del j v ere. I by , ' r ' i - ' er i 'le ,-la nd. V CI. l Sl'KAKS i -1 . 1 1 -1 i n pa t t : ' ' Pi'-.-" if the popular i 'I i- i.n.-n.ss , irga n izat imi ' i k - int.. ,;i i fnint all it ' ' I-. it.!i ! itrioti. pur- !' . Il FOR SALE -! a - - -': a v- a Ham 1 - -e-'ie With 1111 I ' I - 'A I i ho t See Is a. res of l,n l a toria i ,an Su't.iblo -or I I 1 el: - : a a , io- I p.-r month. S.'pi-'i i ddi- J- li X I: Wi.K (X : la. k. - - . Si . id - N. , A Reliable Medium - A , V icily n;o a n.-A ugh! (, A e . 1 ' . s io 1 h.-n S. L. WfhEF THE OPTICIAN, ' ' '" ' "' ' ' " Department Carlos ! ats 1IOW1II-, 4 I - i .-.I a ; ! , ar. tail- I I Alt i I sty !e, i j 1 I'l e e- Si 2 to $25 si . ., such, as : I back coats: -:!hs aii rag- S7.50 to $45 IVTV. Moore T5he OUTFITTER. "Wecfo Merchant. Tailoring" Monte more deeply, effectively and throb-j bing of patriotism and devotion to coun- ! aid weri? immediatelv forthcoming when a f lerw ard.s mi iruiduous attack was ma.d- upon financial integrity through the attempted debasement of our cur-r-ncy. Its spousal of the cause of busi ness education among our people has j been hearty and practical. " If we justly appreciate what these thing? mean, we shall relaize that com merce has done an immense service to iS taWW honest dealing among" civilized commu- imties. and by curbing man:s besetting sins .,f selfishness and ereed. tiik ptar jicnt. I is .'-".rned from Mi.,sissini.i ibar ,i,1;ir;: f- the presides b.- hum are I .'ilioul c nnplele. j President Pt.ivi.iry I'mifl- I.vku. nil Ftuvw-sant Fish will li-ave New Vn.k li.niclu. 'i.inni i.ff at Lou isville Wednesday n i sr li I where a recep tion v ill tie tender,' I llb-m. 1 They - i 1 1 th. i en ti. Memphis w li. - ' their M-.-nn will ;, over ih- Yazoo and ' .Mississippi Valley r.t 1 to a . amp ; ivhii h has been estal)lisn d in-ai Sniead. in shark y entity. Miss -lppi. At th'- Sir.al - amp tea ilist i ri - m shod 1 party will 1,.- i !.- i-r -sis .if . Loritr- ' tin. ,,f Mis.-issi., . m vis. .if Al kalis, s. ;in, i ;,,v H,a-'. of Louisiana. I It is tn.rst.i.Ml that 1' . si. lent li.i se- .li has lieen u i:,.J-- ,r, i . three ' :ovei r,.i-s loi -,imr niir.;:is i.. j.iiri them jm ;, l,e-,r hunt in th Mississippi delta, l,ut thai his time has be n so elliw , u- jpj-il that the ,,,), I .. f,, fnltilling this pro nisi- did not .i"?. i;t itself untij i:nu Moke . oilier, a Metro .vho is owner of the I:. ; .i noil- i,-.. . f in the delta. Il; be- ! -tl1blo. d t V.O ., the ; hunt. 1 Th- ..,-, .:i , unti! i,h" -hic of ! p.,:. ,,h-ni!,. -a ill "'"l'n ' M- nit. his in tl to jiaMni- I 1 1 i 1 1 : 1,. . i - - ;rj - - : tM- ai . n in oni.i .f ;. --. 1 ,n k K. '.'riht. . BACK FROM EUROPE WITH, FINE STOCK As-1 st., ni Sup ni.b i-deiit a-iitry. of I ;ilt:iiore lai'i.s. win- i.,.-ntly went io Kurope t" I'.im :i.i-- st,,.:.. has 1 o - j i u.ne-l with .- .-v .-i ii .i! loads of lino I I 'a ..-k-nir. s. The h..y the finest .-! - -! i h t ti is p.. : i of tin- . . i' i ni : y . F. P. MORGAN DEAD K- ladson I-:, 'i i-l'.ji has i . - , . 1 ; la dispatch from ! ' a a ' ' i i . . T, nn . an- i a.ni:-. in-; th.- death a t is breih.-i. 1-'. I IV M-irg.iii, of thai . Mr. Morgan i has t-..n-- to Kankin to a.t- nd the fun- i -ia' I l-.e- miny e.iis A!'. .Moruan :u; a ! . prominent ticnre in Hani onih.- county, j lb- nt .me tine- In-!1 nn- position of j ' deput -. sheri I'f ; i nli-i .1 in I : . Kill. ' ALL IN Till: ASK I Nil. A-k for a sa. k of flour and you get I th.- flour that best suits your dealer. ,,,, ,v .y , fo, his profit than y-a;i health. Ask for ('lifton" and ; ..i ; ! the Ii. st ,.) purest flour sold .in ih-- south i'f-:- sab- by Thomas J. i I : a k ma n The Leader inet-nine percent, of the busi ness of The Mutual Life Insurance ('otnpany of New York has been acquired since 1859, when the next largest company began business. During these forty-two years its record has EXCEEDED Unit of am ot'i.-i i$mpan by 216,813,510 lo'ai Inco-ce, P. a mots tL1 f c! :ers. Policv- 188,063,836 1 34,732,61 I 82,175,981 67,883,475 44,822,897 38,127,777 37,229,689 .1:1 Income, . -t Income, -"-:-.ler Values, -,1. Claim. - - -Ln.l. ' ntrnis .aid Annuities, A . ri;. t.-aav f.T - Wheic Shjll I Injure:" Tiik Muti ai- Life Insi kance Company of New York Richard A. MiChdv, President. IIXKIMS K WII-COX. MANACKI: Charlotte, N. c. Walt, i- Toms YVray. l' s;. .Main sdic. One of the most important thiogs a druggist does is putt'n tip prescriptions. There is no drug store where this fature has more scrupulous attention than here. j It doesn't pay to Lake chances in matters of health, of life and death, perhaps. Bring your prescriptions here, where everything: is certan to be tight. Paragon Drug Company tUWAKD HOPKINS. President. 1 f.. n VCHEELER. Eeo. jfc Treft" Whai We Mey Possibly Come If the Price of Coal L tvl SOME CHANGES TO nr BflBnc t i DC IVIHUC HI MONTREAT An Important Meeting Called For Tomorrow President Huyler Here poi taut " ia t ion I lay U r. niter, 11 uisiness. .1 t laiin a. i i iik .s meeting of the Mont w ill be held tomorrow . the millionaire candy F lioklvn. an assori- Thomas '. Dunham, s and other New York pirits in the enterprise. ill i a t : tl MiUHieat where they expect mtil the latter part of the i - 1 1 It 1- probable that some matters af - ttitu in a cry material way the fu-a.- . the assoiialhin will be taken up --!! ation. There has been an nioi, ;. c;s, iission amoiii; individuals ct-! 1 1 i f .1 plan whereby a wider oi .; niarkation may be draw 11 bo- : v. :i in.- secular and religious sides of at-. ai t;,,. beautiful mountain villaere. I'liKinally it was intended that the . oinmunity should be one in which the i elijTPMls f.-ature should at all times be uppermost in every phase of life. It is still desimd that this feeling shall pre dominate, but at the same time some hav, i!-.otifht it advisable to separate to sonic octree the business from the sec ular, in the umdui t of the hotels and oth'-r institutions, while preservinR at the same time the high moral tone of the village. The plans are not very clear, being' merely nebulous, but it is understood that such a suggestion has met the approval of Mr. Huyler. An incident decidedly out of the or dinal y gave the Montreat colony some thing to talk about yesterday. H. M. Kit eh. the contractor who built the Montreat hotel, claims that about JPH) is still due him on account made with the association in 1900. He instituted suit to recover the amount and a eon stable w as given the papers to serve. It so Happened yesterday that Mr. Huy- i Ii r had plai.ue. 1 to make a short trip join of town, and was unaware, when he I started for the Ulack Mountain sta jtion. 1 hat la- was a "fugitive from jus- ! tice. ' j Just as Mi Huyler started to hoard 1 the train the officer, who had driven at ja lapid rate from Montreat. approach id and began to read his papers. The train was ready to leave, the conductor call.-d ' all aboard. " and the distinguish I ed New Yorker had to accomplish u.uite Ian acrobatic feat in making a sm-cess-;ful l.-ap onto the rear platform as the jotfi.e, uttered the last words. The cas- was tried before a justue of I the peace aft.-r Mr. Huyb-r's return. at d he decision ,.f the court was to th- 1 that the 1 ontractor 1 ou!d not re .). 1 . Murphv of this ,jtv ivpre- I Mi. Huyler 't. MASON DISCHARGED; THE NEGRO IS HELD Cambridge. Mas ... Mason. l"eld for the ,mirdei Clara Morton, of Wave' !y. 11. a;, a f Miss tod a y discharged. Ceorge Perry, a uegio. is . harg with the murder of M.s-s Morton. d 0A FOLKS DAY. We will mak.. free of , harge one fine photograiih of .-very man and woman next Wednesday and Thursday that is ." years old o: over. Don't fail to get the old folks .nit. It dues not cost you one cent c. Do Moss r Co.. l';i Patton t ; k's old stand 11 pi 2t I Railroad Employes Finding it necessary to obtain X a new watch on account of 2 the very strict inspection 1 required by the railway c-obi- f I'.iny should take advantage l 40 of our CUT KATE SALE T TJ OF WATCHES Vanguard. 21 jewels 25.00 0 4 Crescent St. 21 jewels... 20.00 J 4 A. T. & Co. Premier. 17.. 4$ jewels.. .. 1S.5J- i Veritas. 21 jewels 23.00 Jo B. W. Raymond. IT X jewels 18.50 J B. W. Raymond. 19 J jewels 20.00 c 4s? Bunn Special, 21 lewels, $28.50 o Xo. 940. Hamilton. 21 jew- els 28.00 iv 1 ARTHUR M. FIELD CO. S 49 Leading Jewelers, 49 C-ir. Church St. and Pattoo f -Avenue, 999 4 9999994 I 1 -S .. ISCll, . WJ" I 111' im . . r I ' Vh p,er of Cos To Be Had And No Danger of Famine Southern Railway People Say Local Coal Dealers Are Crying Wolf" That There Is As Much Coal Coming In As Ever Before A i 1111", to the Southern Kailway imp my Asheville coal dealers are working a crv of "wolf," about the .oal situation, for the put pose of main taining higher prices. Their state ments published in yesterday's Citizen are refuted by the Southern railway, who claim that "there is as much coal coming into Asheville now as there was last year" and that their assertion may be verified by the Southern railway's freight books. The Southern railway people have the following to say in re gard to the situation: "Aecord-ng to the railway freight Looks ilSOfi tons of coal were received here during October, 1901. In October, 190.'. there were 3562 tons of coal receiv ed a difference of only 144 tons, or about five car loads. In November, 11HI1. :'..V!. tons were received. Already H0o tons, or an average of five car loads daily, have tome in this month. which ;h. will exec. Novcmbei vember o 1 oa 1 was been .m c ording 10 the present rate, I the amount received last And last October and No 10I weather had set in and in great demand. There has aid weather yet and notwith- LUMBERMEN TO BE HERE ON NEXT TUESDAY Important Meeting of the Hard wood Dealers National Association 1 Th, e x t Ca n 1 1 date of meet ing Tuesday. the hardwood lumber here this month will be Mr. 1. C. Cummings of whf is in the city today, re- oeivee telegram this morning from Secretary Louis Duster of the Hard wood lealers' association, naming the date .a the meeting and extending a cordial invitation to all hardwood lum bermen io b" present. The meeting will rake t-i.,, e at the Hotel Berkeley. The obje, 1 of the meeting, as has been taten by The Citizen, is for the pur pose fixing a uniform scale of prices :id pi itecting the interests of the lum bennt 11 who compose the Hardwood 1'ealei.s association. The lumbermen jiiteiesid in the movement say that the meeting is not for the purpose of form ing a trut. but only for the purpose of iuutu.il pioteition and to promote the alter, sis of this fast growing section. It is expected that the Ashevilie meet ing will draw a large attendance, as the nteivsts of a large number of well know a lumber firms, is ret.resen ted in t m. Pearson Disconsolate it was stated at the collector s office .ooav ,uai no way nau Deen round by which li. C I'earsoii could lx appoint ed to fill the vacant olerkshin in ihut office. Mr. Pearson spent a part of yes terday in the city looking over the situ- f"1" h ation. and returned to his home in Mor- krndlin ? canton today. Coal Co. Why Do the Best Dressed Men Deal Here ? 9 Because we have the widest showing of styles. Different men have different tastes, to suit their different characteristics; t hat s range comes in. A man can get from us jUSt that makes him look his best. e Whitlock Clothing House 41 PATTON AVE. L To Keeps Climbing i standing this fact as 11111. h .-. received this year as last y the coal dealers are try ing t. situation as most alarming . up the old ct y of car shortai "There is no coal shortag ville nor is there any dang being any. Ashoville is not with a coal famine as the 1 w ould4 have the public belie aiming '4ii at the rate of fiv daily and there is no dang shipments falling under this At the various coal yards ,s being and yet pict the putting e in Ashe r of there t hreatcned oal dealers e. ('oal is i- car loads el of the amount, in the city- today the supply is as follows Carolina Coal company Citizens' Coal company Ashevilie Coal company . . ".ya t, "About :IO0O tons of coal (or ; IGiin ton:; 1000 tons 600 tons month's j supply 1 is in the yards of the three, leading companies, which are raising1 such a howl about the coal supply. "Theic has been no advance in freight rates on coal and the local dealers have; contrails with the coal operators they made lasi summer before coal took tin advance and yet the dealers are charg ing $2 and ' a ton more than last' vear." THE HOUSE PARTY HAS BROKEN UP Vanderbilt and His Friends Go to New York Count Costa Is in the Party Jeorge V of friends andi-rbilt and left yesterday- a large party afternoon for - or more in New York. The party. number, is traveling in Mr. Yanderbilt's private car Swannanoa. Mr. Yatiderbilt expects to piakc only a hurried visit to the Metropolis, his plan being to return the hitter part of the week. Among the distinguished party was ill,' well known Italian. Count Costa. Tin party recently had spent several days ,n Mr. Yanderbilt's hunting lodge in tin- I'mk Beds section, and derived si' at pleasure from their sojourn in ih" mountains. Mrs. Yanderbilt and daughter. Corne lia Stuyvesant. are at Biltmore House, v here they will remain during Mr. Yan derbilt's .absence. Shot by Motorman No.folK. Va Nov. 1! -J. A. C;ihoon, a motor-nan of the Nort lk and Atlan tic Terminal c ompany, today shot Cap tain Wi'ifie'.d Tucker of the Merritt and chapman Wr.-c-kina r jmpany three times and inflicted fatal wounds. Tuck- r wiis urawing a p-'stol to shoot Cahoon ,,,, ount of troubles when Cahoon tired firt from the platform of his car. Cahoon was arrested. -h grade coal and phone 40. Ail-eville dry pine Ice and 11 11 tf 1 "Cp to the latest" renuire different styles where our wide style the kind of clothing The Standard Coal Co W. 1 McCOY, President. Wholesale ai,d Retail Dealers in Jellico Steam o Coal and - .5"--l Cofcefe EAST RIVER MEANS BAER'S REPLY TO THE MINERS' DEMANDS Denounces Demand for Increase Wages Denies That Scale Is Too Low in Washington. Nov. 11. The reply of ( b-orge v". B;ier. of the Pnila-delphla. and Reading Con! company, to the charges of President Mich '1 f the Fnited Mine Workers, presented to the anthra cite coal strike conimiss'on. was today made public. Baer makes no reference to Mitchell as presidiiit of the miners' organiza tion, but refers to him simply as an in dividual. Following is a brief summary of the response to Mitchell's propdsi 1 ions : The demand for 2 per cent increase ir. wages on piece work is denounced as "arbitrary, unreasonable, unjust." The company contends, after mailing all li'Vess.-iry allowances for different conditions, that the rate of wages paid f a mining anthracite , oal is as high as that paid ill the 'i'uminous coal tieldS. The company denies that the present scale of wages is lower than that paid in other occupations in ;he same local ity, controlled by like londitions. Baer denies that the earnings of the anthrac' e worker;: are less than the average earnings for other occupations requiring skill and training: also the charge that the earnings are insuffici ent because of the dangerous character of the work in anthracite mine. The company pronouin is unjust and inequitable the demand for a reduction of tweinv per cent in th-v hours of labor without a redueli n of the earnings for time employes, and this Demand is pro nounced impracticable. Baer.s says the company has no disa greement with any of the employes about the weighing of coal, because the quantity is usually- determined by measurement, not by weight. JURY SAYS MOLINEUX IS NOT GUILTY Yolk. Nov. 11. Tile jury in Mo-c.-ise brought In verdict of not guilty. LITTLE TROUBLE ' IS ANTICIPATED Los Angeles. California. Nov. 11. Discussing" the '-nuiw for increased a Mgejs among the railroad brotherhoods in the employ of the western lines. 1- : ' .: Ripley of Santa Fe said: As far a the Santa Fe is concerned, we had intimated that the subject would soon be submitted. No formal re quest has- yet been made. "What new schedules are proposed 1 ! not know, but knowing the general asei a t ism of railroad brotherhoods, 1 am 1 oavinced that on both sides in any controversy they will settle their affairs amicably. I do not say there will be no trouble, f u the statement might be misconstrued, but 1 am convinced hat what differences come up will be adjusted by reasonable stand of all par lies to Hip c ontroversy." GOES TO INVITE THE FEDERATION OF LABOR J. B. W hite, representing the Central j Liiior union of this city, will leave this j afternoon for New Orleans, where he I goes as representative of the local uu n ns at the convention of the American I" -deration of Labor. Mr. White, at the instance of the Board of Aldermen and Board of Trade, will invite the Federa tion of labor to hold the next annual . mix eiition in this city. A warm invita tion will be extended and some take the view that there are grounds for hope that it will be accepted. New 1 11 leans. Nov II. -The annual meeting of the Ameiico'-. Wankers' asso ciation Jim. in thi n- irnirg in Tulaue 'hall. . Biltmore Firewood -Fhone'OO. HAVE YbU SEEN THAT Bargain offerin ni " mberland "haven't, don't . avenue If you blame us if it is soli before you see it. A word to the wise is sufficient. We hav? the oargajn. The price is right and 'he terms are to suit you. If you have the money Jet's trade H. F. GRANT & SON REAL ESTA1E ACSENTS, 48 PATTON AVE. Aston, Rawls & Co. REAL ESTATE AND RWlNQjA.GENTS 18 l-2South-Main Street BRIDGE FIRE S600.000 LOSS Contractors, Among Whom Is the Jno.A Roebling Sons Co., Will Have To Meet the Loss Completion of the Bridge Will Be Delayed Fire Caused by Careless Work man, Who Threw a Lighted Match Among Some Rags- The Men Supposed To Have Been Burned Are Safe New York, Nov. 11. All the men who, it was feared, perished In the fire which swept the great tower of the new East river bridge last night have been ac counted for. Today careful estimates of the dam age are being made. This is difficult to approximate until experts ascertain the eonditio.i of the great cables, at least three of which may have to be replac ed. If this must be done, a loss of $600, U00 will fall upon the contractors and there will be much delay in completing the bridge. The contractors who will be forced to meet theNoss are the John A. Roebling Sons Co., the Pennsylvania Steel Co. of Scranton, Pa., the New Jersey Co. and Terry & French. The fire was caused. Engineer Hilde brand said today, by a workman throw ing a lighted match among some oily tugs. The flames started at the Manhattan tower and did not stop until the wood en footbridge attached to the immense cables had been burned away. The sheds protecting the hoisting machinery on top of the tower, together with ma chinery it will be difficult to duplicate, were destroyed. The blaze was ;S50 feet in the air and difficult for the firemen to reach. A stiff breeze was blowing and the department could do nothing but pre vent the flames from spreading on the buildings beneath the bridge. Burning embers dropped into the East river and ships had to be moved to safety. The senior member of the' firm of John A. Roebling Sons Co. is the father of John A. Roebling of this city. COURT JURORS FOR DECEMBER TERM Tl follow ing curt jurors for the f Superior court were the County Board of December term today drawn by 'ommissioiiers: First week S. Greenwood. P. J. Own bey. .1. R. Pari Gillespie. A. J. Rice Roberts, James M. B. Davis. W. M. Creasman, Robert er. Pink Iteed, C. A. Cany Bryson, A. P. Taylor, Tom Jones, J. N. Swann. John Gragg. F. Sluder, M. F. Stevens. T. H. DeBroad. J. P. Lan ning. Second week H. A. Brown, Caney Allison, V. .1. Harrison, George XV. Whittenii.re. Hardy Chambers, L. M. Mason. T. J. Garrison, John Bartlett, Fred Beeves. Ym. White, W. R. Brown, J. V. Brown. B. A. Patton, Wm. Par ham. John Harper, Ellis 'arson, M. F. Iteed. J. F. Glenn. An order was made that no underta ker of Ashevilie should bury any pau per without an order so to do from the County Board of Commissioners. A number of road orders was also made. TELL YOCR GROCER WHAT YOU WANT When you order a sack of Hour be certain to tell your grocer to send you "Clifton." otherwise you may get some thing that costs the grocer less. but which you buy no cheaper. And you don't get as good, pure Hour either. Al ways ask for "Clifton" brand. At Thos. J. Rickman's. A Money Maker and Saver Leader for 56 Yesrs OJ'EEN OF THE SOUTH" French Burr Corn Mills. Standard of compar ison. Eight sizes. 15 to 36 inches. Write for catalogue and price T. S. MORRISON, Agent, ASHEVILLE. N. C. JUST RECEIVED One car lot of flowei- pots. Having been delayed in shipment they will be closed out at a special low price. -Better see them.' The I. X. L. Department Store 22 PATTON AVENUE. f 19 tf Brce Up! See the line of Suspend ers and Braces in my window at I defy any one to equal -them for less than 50c. , H. S. COURTNEY Phone 261 18 Patton Ave. 25c "Mountain Balsam Cough Syrup" Immediate Relief T.C.SMITH'S DRUG STORE :::::: Monument Square:::::: The Embroidery Sale Today AT THH Bon Marche Is Drawing Crowds Every Piece a Bargain ! The Most Important purchase which you ever have ti make is the prescription for the dear one who is il! We want you to come to us to have your prescriptions tilled bee 1 use we keep none but fresh drugs, and because we are accurate to a drop in making them up. Though the price is a secondary matter we want you to understand that it is never a penny too high. Pfafflin s K Cor. Patton Ave. and Church St. Ribbons For Wednesday at the Palaisiloya! 17 South Main Street. Chinese Lily Bulbs We can supply Chines or Sacred Lily Bulbs of excellent quality at 10a each. Hyacinth Glasses In colors, 15c each. Large Bulbs for siitnp, 19- each. GRANT'S1 PHARMACY Grant's No. 24 curts solas, 2c, Z5c wwinu 1 m 1 1 hhi Special Sale of 1 1 r BgBmmsmr w 1