E ASHEf ILLE CITIZEN TIT T TRY THE CITIZEN WANT ' t' THE WEATHER J WEDNESDAY RAIN. fW ADS THEY BRIN j RESULTS " Vol. XX No. 3. ASHEVILLE. N. C. WEDNESDAY MORNING SEPTEMBER, 28 1904 Price Five Coents, , pnly Associated Press Newspaper in Western North Carolina "BARKED UP WRONG TREE," SAYS TEDDY TO DONNELLY This Saying Slaps Mr. Fair banks In the Face VICE PRESIDENTIAL MAN GETS ECHO OF BIG STICK Fairbanks is Held Up In Colo rado to Explain MINERS' JOURNAL GOES ' AFTER THEODORE ROUGH-SHOD ON ACCOUNT OF RE CENT LETTER. I :i 1 1 ! . Mont.. Sept., -7. When K.-n-: , t , . , I'nribunks .mil Ills parly arrived li.i.- tlcy finiriil I he Itcpublloati leul ti much excited ovrr the publication in the Minrrs Magazine, issued :il li.iner by tile Federation of Miners uf wliil purported to be a deiuinrl.il Inn uf lilmr 1 1 tiio i) K by President Koosi" It ami i ' it.-ii Ial of authority .by Hie pivsi- il nt . The presidents denial xxas sent II litor. I.ee Mtintlo, .'Hlil In us fol io. X "While House, Washington, Sept., L'll. ..ill- telegram received. The let til n leri eil In purport ing to be dir ected by nie to Michael Donnelly :inil r . r . i r . . iii Hie .Miners Magazine of ".t.toinber, 22, is, of eoinse, absurd in I inipinlent forgery. I have writ t. ii no such letter, nor .my letter even i. ciubling it to Mr. Donnelly, our :my Ise. I have written Mr. I lonncl- U r. .pieMing to know if ho has re i.ix.d :iliil Klleh leller Mini requesting Inm if '( to :it once lay it befme the ill mi. I attorney of ( 'hlcc-o to lind mil nhetlii-i il is possible to discover and punish the forgters. "ii i i:t )D irk nnosKVKi :r ." 'I'lie leller In which die president is i ipiesenleil to have made his attack ininii labor WHS addressed to Mloh- :i I Donnelly of Chicago, president of tin' liiitehers' and Meat Cutters' union Tie- d'" uinent given in full, with Pi.-id.-nt koosi'veH's iiMirii' nltiehed. leu xxilhoiil dale, and il is slated thai ii vims written in response to an ap .. il b Donnelly to him, to interfere fin the settlement of the lale butchers' s n i I. . I.olloxviug are some extracts trmn il: "Barking Up Wrong Tree." . "I 'I ind ready to do. as my llluslrl tue: predecessor, drover ('lowland did. and .insert the fiower of this nation against all local niillifiers. Last summer I felt Impelled to wide a letter calling upon my countrymen to pui down lynching, but labor union I'M!1"! ism and crime are as great a na limi il menace .as lynch law. ' 'I. el me tell you that the first duty uf il fleers of the law, whether tli- he sheriff, constable, municipal elll. , is, mayors governors or the pres ident himself, Is to maintain public oi.fer and put down the mob with tin Iron hand." j "Won't Like My Hand " I Alter advising Donnelly to put a j stop In the strike, the president Is rep- j resei, ted as saying: ! "In any case be assorted I wjll kc.-pt my h inds off until your folly brines ymi into colllssion with the laws of the I'niieil States when my hand will k" mi in a way you will not like. So far as ( am concerned you have harked up tie uronj tree, I am not to be either xx I led or freightcned into meddling Willi uhat is none of my business." MEXICO AVENGES THE DEATH OF AMERICANS Murders of Way and Latimer ' Dealt With by Government Accord ing, to Hoil. I'.nsti.n, Kept. 27. William T. Wiy. of llns 1 it y xvas informed today by .Ib-i -I'll 11. . Peirce, third assistant sec retary of state, that the Mexican :iu thiuiiies had passed s ntence upon the I'i-iiiis concerned in the murder of Mr. Way's brother, Clarence, and K.l- ar, 1!. Uitimer, another Ani.-i iao citizen. The rnitoil Slates i:-u I at Ma.atlan, reiiorted to the stal patl tneiit that Francisco flastro had been sent, .,., to ,)cath; Hennolao Torres, Ha Alcadc of AfTUaO Culcielle dr Waco, the town where th- tragedy o. cutr. d. '" ten months imprisnntnent and u tine of !' and Fidelio Cjrrasio to el;-hi monihs' imprisonment. Way and Lati mer were killed July 19. IOWA HAS SCHOOL TROUBLES HERSELF Mount Ayer, Iowa. Sept. 27. Sainu. 1 KKly is dead, and William Kline. !d:' s If-.onfessed slayer. Is in jail today the result of a qinrrel .oxer the siliooi i;,xyS. I'oth are directors and bad met 011 school husiness xvhen the Jimi-ulty arose. ' Eply threatened to s'rikc Klinor with an axe anil the, latter sh"t him through the heart. Self-de-tense la the plea. IRON MOUNTAIN HAS BAD WRECK Nine Seriously Hurt in Spread ing of the Rails THIRTY ONE WERE MORE OR LESS INJURED "Hot Springs Special"' Goes Into Ditch in Missouri LEVEL COUNTRY SAID TO BE ONLY REASON FOR ESCAPE OF MANY OF THOSE ON BOARD. SI. I ,i hi is, Mm . ttepi. .'v. - :'prea.lin ails I "day as -. I a i . a on I he St. Louis. Il"" A I i i 1 1 . ! :in and Suillholll Kailioel, near y-l.-.m. Mo , 12.", lailo ti'iMi lei., in ixbru Ihiity-i'lie persons xx . r i i j ii i - I . si : i rioiisly. The train, a southbound pass, r know u as II"; "I l"l Spl inc.: : .e, i.il" p;,, e; .11 ee ell nrs e i.ilisly. Hei ioiisly iajin . I . I'.il Mailin. I'... .ilii.ht i;:. Ark. W. V. Stioi her-. 1 11 s ,rc. Ark. Dr. S. Dak-,-, ,i.., Ark. II. S. II i.-.-. i-ax.-iie, M,,. Mrs. .1. W. Mieh.i I-:, I. it He Do. k. Ark. II. II. l:d. I.itile l;.i U. Aik. Il w as staled sil He- ""ii r.il ..tli "I' lliejnui Mouiil'iin route t -1 1 i 1 1 f th.ll tin. ne. ;,h nt w is caused by ll.e 1 nt le a vy 1 a ins. The t va in Is .1 fast sjieeial and was innnini; well tip in srhcilul (hue when the accident oe. 1 1 1 if. .I. Th" Ivie.ivi'.'e inn! chair cars. .1 day roach ami a sleeper let! the r nls and ov.-rlui Hi'il. Al He1 1 a a. " c. here til.' a ' id' Cl o. 1 lin ed 1 he I r 1. k is on .1 I'Xel will! the Sill lolll'dlic; C"llll'l . .-a that Hi" il.T.iiliic .:11s .III not i"ll down an null : ; 1 . 1 1 1 nt. and I" 1 his is ntliiliilled th" I'aet that 11 v.. 1 c killed. A special It 1 i 11 brought lie injured to t. fiuis rind they were t.ij. en t" ti".: pila!" or to th" homes nf I'll 11. Is they desired. I'hyslcians wlm a. ."'. 1 anil d the reli-d train staled I " a ' . : 1 1 1 that in their opinion none of tin- in jur, d would die. ELKS OUT OF THE PALE SAYS JUDGE Madison, Wis., Sept. 27 The .aiiue re court rendered a d eision Imlilitiu thill i.iclcr Wiscnisin laws 1 he It. v.Vnl and l'lolrrtixe ( ir.lcr of laics "I Vio. 1 -i. a. is not a In 11. xa.lcnt nrfi.i nial ion and 1 li.'i ('. ii- any pioporty it holds is 1 1, it . .x. nipt from taxal mil under the statuary pi ovisions exe'ptiii". Ii!tev. olent orca ni.a t ions. CORPORATIONS SQUABBLE I'hi. a-". S' id .7 - Coniuiitle.-s rei'tc S'lliiner th'' 1 intral l'r. ittht aSsoci.il io;i mi.) the Wesieni TaritT association mi I today and disruis-'si th advisability of 1 hau;:irc; tin- b'sinc. point for rim in .nil niaia I'loiluet: from l.he Missis sippi ,i',. i , I'hic :'... The eislein men are all in fax or "! lb" move; esl -era iialiic men ar- .lixidrd on the suh- ject. FAIRBANKS CLAWS FUR AT ANACONDA Ihltlr. M"' ' Speech at A c dt. -s 111 1" ' I.e. d hi- ran party ass..,: I stone cnipiti x 1 rnsri nx; ! he . riving at Du't -7. With a lay and an ad- lor l-'ai: banks ' Montana. Tic I pp.'I Vell.UV- 1 ; . il. ilia 'atl y. I id.- and ar . ,f.t sell, .lul ' -I lb:'"' sli.cis t ih:; Timber , II Th" entire ,1 t ai ia d out l.i . ;,!. ntial caiuO- t mi' At . I xxrie made I I.ivincston population wol, (late mi, till BISHOP POTTER DinRliand" ; N. an address l f": thi.- city ton: I. i l.rohibiti ' s lid that no' i; mil. h too l I'" i : as Disb p I'' 1 ' cons T'.lal t )..!:." b attention to ': ponor tral'tc . -done. COMMENDED S-pt . 27. - In 1 lUdiem e in lias Swallow, ! 1 president oxer done as a.hiiioti cause .Hon of a has railed 1 a i.-ss of t he : , No has ever DONNELLY CAN'T BE LOCATED. t i, I,.:. ! I hinnelly. ,1, b. is and Meit l in hi. aiio to ,1 p. I.e 011 a rait i,. l.etxx.'.ni St. ". II, IlethtVl. t hicai'". S'-l 1 president of ;. rutins I'niui. niuht. H" i' ?,: road train "'u I.ouis and ( he : Cnited Statis d -. In a, act attorney, state I Mini .!- tonight that I," had heard noimng 01 the letter albe'.J to have been forged. "OURS MUST BE A WORLD LIFE" President Greets Scientists; With Above Phrase ! AND HE SAYS ALL OF US ' MUST DO OUR SHARE . International Congress Stops .....w 10 OpCdK Willi lUUUy HE SET FORTH FOOD FOR FRAG MENTARY THOUGHT, AND ALL AGREE THAT HIS IS A GOOD IDEA, ANYWAY. Washington. Sepl.. 27.- 1'ie; Icii Ito.e eVell received ill tile K...:; l.i II t the Wldte House today about s. x 1 nly-live members of Hie liil.au 1 lioiial ('impress of Arts and SHon. . headed hy the president of the i'...i .i.-ss, I'rofcss.u' .cxcoinhe and I'm lessor Huk'ii .Munsterliui'K. M tny I al ies were present . The president said : "I. el ic ,-hi. tic ' l.tii.ii : I wish lo say tliii I p. tullilriy alipleciatc tin. Kiei'lia. this body. I'erhniis the huppioa fa lure of our modern xvorid life i- lb. I steadily lneiv:rinK recognition "I t!i- fail that it must be a world I 1 - -; ! 'hat no 11 ition can hope for Hie I idlest ! '.xelopn.elll if It lolib'les it -ell e - , clllsixady witllill its oxx II boliu.la 1 ies : that i-iro,i,-re.::: iiiiisl conie from a Ii auk o.miilion of tlh' fart that each na- Hon can is Ip oliieis and can be help-' d by I )ii-iii . I feel that not only do . issoci.il ions and -rat hei'iii"s such as 1 this mean minh for th" scieiitilic. flic iii.ai. , the in 1 die. dual development f all H'e 11 1ti.1i.:: taking iart in Ih. ni.l but 1 feel al"" that these "i t hei 1 1 1 - s I Help In prep Me 111" Wtl.V for tllejnl' ii xx hen rlehl and m ii i t y shall pi "-I il aiimiir, Hie nations exactly as Ih-y now, iii hicbly i v i II :-. countries, it e xail anion;; individuals. I xxclcomc xiui here I fee that vnii are doiut; a ae.it xv,m !. mil Hen it is an honor ui b"h dt' of th" American Itvpuhlic lo pi eel oil . I'll" delegates, .llllelli; XX ll O tl I HIT.' niaiiv ol th" nies! distin pushed s. i"ii- tists ol Km . and America. xxcrc then inlni ''lee l to the pi. -si. lent by I'rof.'ssor X.'xc.onbe and I'rnfossor Xluiisi.-i Inn a. . GEORc'lA FINDS THE REAL MEXICAN BOOL WEAVIL loxiimPiit. Ha., .-'.pi. 27. An insect snpp.-d-tn b' a Poll weevil has been teiitid in this eonntx. on the plantation ..f I.. !. Duke. I'barles (1. Smith sub- j, . led the insect I" a microscopic en -;i mill , t ion and compana! it to an cn latc.ed pictute oi the bull weevil Issued 1.x the deparliiietit of agriculture, atid I, tin ds it to b" practically ideal ica I j xxilh the Kciiiptie Maxiran hull weevil. The Bcai I do hope that old man Russia dors not expect to be able -ui0) tM3xj -paifituo q im uedtr I ' - : i JOINT DISCUSSION ,s P0STP0NED CONGRESSMAN Cl-TiGn HAD UPPER HAND, Of DESATE AT WEBSTTR. tSpeclil to Th. ' 1 i n 1 W'elisler. Si'pt., 2T. 1 :e Joint c.ill- essimial debati' ' Is . . '..:.iv l.etx-.eea in;icssn:,!u liinii e: 1,1 J.niue Kw - ,'- '.nt ia irke.l the sa - I,, ,,f 11,,. 1 i , : ic siou until 1)1 ' 1 IT xx hen It u.ll he resumed Wax nesx-llle . ! : " ' ''Xart (leclme,! , Mr. Ci ljc, until that tin - As usual Coitgivssiiiai: 1 ..1. met- mane an able udillVSH. II. brought f"llll hold .ipiluuse from 1 1: bundle. Is of n ople xx bo heard him. la .xny point of ai -;tiiiicnt he h e! 1 a. upper hand of In:; opponent. The Judce was p.. 1 ..1 Pi: dlstiict re! f died to tiring Pen. ,x.u a hand- I ip. He xvas e,,;ii i. 1. Ix torn to pieces oil ill IliatlelS lll.ll XX.'le 'liS . lis, I. AS THEY SEE FIT NEW YORK POLICE JUSTICE CAN SEE NO WRONG IN AN AUTC0mLE. N.-xx York, Sept. 27. Women may si,, .. . :,.s ihey chose xx bile ridiiic; in ,, 1 1 1 . , , , ..biles, so far as Hie police de- p. , I I icelit is COUC I'll. I. .i.'olilil:S 10:1 .1 miiiiici . meiit made ,.,y b.x Dole - 1 a, 1,11, lis: loner McAil"". This announce. ui.-'il ranic after 101c Ii m-xx spa per 1 oou t had folloxx. d an H ie d of a member of ell automobile parly Sine day ixoninr. th arrcsliic; poll, ems : tel. in:; orcsion to labirie- a voinan In the automobile for sue. Liu . ia public "The su.oklnt, xvas i.'ilv an incident , . ; tl,. eocrally ,h a.uc rlv eli.ir.'lcl.-r these ill Hie :: 1 1 1 nil lob i I e, " Slid 111' trains: bun r toiay. OLD VESUVIUS WEAKENS. N'aple-?, Si-jd. t Th "ruption o! Mount X'esuxius I i-i ereully diuiinislc . .1. Th. stoic s i. tc from Hi" cn.te, do not no xv lis' '".on.l a Ii i:;hl of I " f (. Th.- a nth. iii -s have r.l a. d lb. reslrl. linns p' I on llv u;l.tir xx h c I In i i in a i. in at its height ami my no is peinP ' to ascend th" moun tain. Manx a- l ists arc malxin:; I he Iriii hi insp. i i th" volcano in s. dan cha it s. COLONEL COLSON DEAD. Middlesboi" Ky., Sept. 27. '..l..i D. i. Cols-oi'. 'einier collar, ssnia n frnai the Kltihl b .Ii ' a i .m,i ( -,, buicl i-f the .',,urlh K a i regiment duiina th - Sp aiiisli-A i". ii xvnr died here lo.lav ill' xxas talc a add. Illy 111 last lilc.h! with iicixnu - i t ration and sank tap Idly to t b i fli't w as one of th" most" protni slate. lti'iiublica ns in the Time will '.T-e me! to do much .innnst Japan until next year ' TO RUIN HULL OF CONNECTICUT Battleship Said lo Have Had Narrow Escape LAUNCHING ENTERPRISE MAY I5E POSTPONED Obstructions Placed on the Ways at Navy Yard FOUND AT ALMOST LAST MO MENT AND NOW GREAT CARE IS BEING TAKEN BY ALL. Xexx York., Sept.. 27. The Ibiild lonioiaoxx xx ill print the folloxxin".: "Will the ill l el 1 1 ion of I'll in 1 1 114 tin hull ol th.. battleship Connecticut xxhich will be launched at the Ncxx i oi ti n ivy yard I huts. lay, some per son or persons placed an ohst in, I Ion in Dm ways. When It xvas placed there, or by whom, it Is not knoxx n An ex 1 1 1 1 i i i , 1 1 ion was made this exen i.c; as a matter of precaution and III, niHioiities xxetc informed Hill an oh- struition ji'ni been placed on Hi" xxays that xvoiild haxe destroyed (he work it months. "Waxy yard otllcial xxouhl not dls ii. -: the mailer, and it would have .ml become known had not an extra ;uald of txxo marines been placed al In- si. Ill of the vessel with lustrue I ons to lite at any one x ho approacb- d Hie hull by land or xxalcr. Il is be lieved the obstruction wan bioiu;hl lo lie yard and placed in position from a it . As is usual I. inn. bed divein that the xxays nt duxxn for the befnl la rue ship xxcrc sent down to were clear. They tlrst time on Sat urday and since the obstruction xvas found they have been making the most careful examination and were xxorkint; there yesterday afternoon. TtieX' xx ill be sent doxi'll for Hie last i me I oi nort oxx' moi'iiim? before the ship is l.auurheii. an.! Xax.rl Colislrllr "! Pixl.r. ho his chare,.. ol the i'lurliiim, will I." sal islic.l I hat every thn is all iii;bi before he Rives the siun-il which xxill send Hie battlesliip into the w iter, or the taunchlii!, xv ill he postponed." , NO MORE NEWS FROM SENATOR HOAR'S ROOM V a tor. Mass epl. lo no 1 :.'!u this inornin"; Iher had be nexxs issued from Senator Hoar's room since the eveiiinir bulletin which said that the senator was xxcak.r than at any previous time, but might lixe two or thro: days. By that time it is expected that WESTBROOK GETS OFF EASY Chief of Police of Albany Came Out Ahead of Minister LATTER MADE PULPIT CHARGES WITHOUT PROOF Commission Overlooked Fight With the Preacher FOUND THAT OFFICER HAD BEEN DRINKING AND HE WAS FINED "BUT EXONERATED." Albany, (la.. Sept. 27. -The trial of Chief of police Weslbiook on sensa tional charges (list pr I'ericd by Dr. I., tl. I ti oiichion. ,,f Atlanta, In a sermon hero three months iiko. and folloxxin"; whlcb th the chief, e preacher xxas cowhide was concluded lute this 1 by vea- iK. (if the seven speclilc charges pre ferred the chief xvas found uuilty of two, viz: Drinking while on duty and ill uniform, and visiting- bar-rooms xx bile on duty and lolleriiiK at such placed. The commission Imposed a line of $27, for each of these offenses, and . xoneiateil blm on all other chaises. ( f the charRo of assault on the mlM IMcr the commissiouei's said: "We llnd Chief Weslbrook Rullty of this chart;,', but in our opinion the pe culiar circumstances .Instilled him as a man in pui'siiiio,' Hie course hi' did." The verdlcl Is rcKiiril'd by West- brook's friends as an exoneration us he xvas not found K'lHly of either of the most serious charges. A feature of the trial was the devel .pmoiit of the fact that 1 r. liiounhtoii lid not have allblaxlts to sustain his 'hai'nes as he rlalinc.1 to have at the time he made his pulpit attack TRIPPLE MOVE IS EXPECTED AT ONCE laps Will Probably go After Russians Aggressively IT IS BELIEVED THREE PLACES ARE SCHFDUI ! News From Port Arthur Is of Slow Variety CZAR'S MEN GET BUSY MAKING PLACES TO CAMP NEAR OLD MUKDEN MOBLIZA TION GOING ON. St. Petersburg, Sept. 2S. Indications point to the imminence of a forv.ntd iiiiixi'iiii'iil ol the Japanese armies against the liussiaiisat Tic Pass, Sin inintin and Mukden, (iencrul Kuroput- kin is fortifying leukoma n, northeast f Mukd ti, in order that he may be prepared for the contiency of the evacuation' of Slnmintln. Itepot ts of a naval engagement with the southwestern extremity of Sakha lin are not verilled: to the contrary it is b.'llevttd that the Vladivostock squad ron remains in the harbor. Tl'ere is no news from Port Arthur. MOBLI2ATION GOING ON. St. Petersburg. ' Sept. 2S.--'J:'l."i a. in. The war commission adjourned early last evening xxithoiit issuing further nexxs from the front. The Mukden Id giam to the p.erlin I.okal Anzeiger, repoillnn that the .1.'., l aiiesehad crossed the Hun river, fifty miles above th, u . x . i I r to si out il ig pa ' If XX hose pl'eseli, ,- t here the Associated I'l ess September 2'.. The niox emeii I of .1 i I he T iao ri v, r xx hieh a dispatch from ( Jen lie d I. of Japanese ,as recorded lu dispatches o; forces (Ot 1 e.l tkarolY the general statf on S the more signilleant. II'. I rt I ha t t he I tussi; l-'a koina n, t xx-ent - lix of Mukden, shows th pat kin is proparim; P eptelllbel' 2'; is ,,! Th" atllMUili. -ns at'" I'm 1 it'yii'g mil. -: ii.m th, 1 1 leer 1 1 K uri i , eh. ek the tlauk- 1'ass from the ing movement on Tl west in case Siiimintin hou!d have to be evacuated. The entire abseti. of n- .vs from Port Arthur, It is felt. h. f s a ehuer 1 l"i kad- th re Half i to dlsp.it. bes fiolll (ieli.'tal Sto. s-'. I have been rout ing through s.tiii-xx ekiy. A telegram r. iv.- l her" from l!a toiini r i.oitini; th it r, setvists ;irc be ing transput ! I a-long the ( 'aiicaslaii const bring tie lirsl intimation that troops there are being mobilized. JVInce Svi ,rtn undid Svi.ilopolk-Mirsky xxas recelv- e today by the emperor. The prliic. will assume charge of the ministry of the Interior on September 29. COTTON MEN UP TO TIMES At St. Louis Growers Mak(i Necessary Provision AT CHARLOTTE SPINNERS MAKE SCALE OF PRICES Between the Two Fabric Men Should Pull Even GROWERS URGE FRATERNITY TO HANDLE MIDDLING GRADE CAREFULLY SPINNERS MAKE PROVISION. I M St. Iriils. Kept. 17. The Southern. Cotton (! rowers association held the foiu luilliiK session of the convention today. With a. view to maintain a la--Id" market and fair pries for the cot ton crop of the south, the association adopted the plan of organising: a eor-' poratlon to be composed of the cotton1 uroxvers, the business men nnil bankers of cotton ki'ow'Iiik states, which corpor ation should build warehouse! where-' ever feasible for the purpose ot Storing: the product and preventing a glutting of the market. The plun adopted ftr xx hat Is known ns the Waco plan. The association also adopted a- reso lution urliiK cotton grower to withhold from the market all cotton of the mid dling grade unless 10 cents a pound cad he secured for It. Also that th cotton crop be marketed as slowly aa poMlbt during the mouths of October and No vember. ' !,:' The ollUiers elected by the association follow: 1 'resident Harvle Jordan, Montlcello, C.a. . ' Vic -President Eugene Wtlllami, Waco, Texas. . Secretary-Treasurer John R. Alli son, Concord, N. O. , , An executive committee composed Qf one member from each groxvlng state was appointed. The next meeting will be held at tha cull of the executive committee. SPINNER8 MAKE SCALE. . Charlotte, N C. Sept., ?T. Puriu ant to a recent call by lending eiiton mill men acting Independently of any organization about spinners renrejent Ing a total of 477,494 spindles engaged In the manufacture of hard yarns In, North Carolina met here today and agreed upon an advanced aeale ot prleees. The committee will keep In elps touch with market condition in IK I Interest of the manufacturers and .an to arrange and Issue a correred sched ule of prices fro mtlme to time. JUDGE PARKER AGAIN IN GOTHAM SLIPPED IN UNANNOUNCED AND HAD MORNING TO LOOK' AFTER AFFAIRS. ' " New York, Sept. 27. Judge Parker today met and conferred nt length with Democratic politicians from half a dozen states covering territory aa fir east as Connecticut and west to Cali fornia. His visit to New York Is the third of a series. He arrived at 9:30 a. m. from Kxopus and will not return before Thursday noon at the eurlleat. In accordance xvlth his custom, Judgw Parker prohibited broad circulation 'Of his plans for his New York vlHit and aa a result had the forenoon eIHr to re ceive such persons as come by appoint- , incut. During the afternoon he saw number of delegates who learned of thft judge's pies m e through the Demo xralic national committee. FARMERS IN SESSION AT WORLD'S FAIR City 1 Sept. 27 The twenty n al I'arir.ers' congress open .: th" wnrid's fair grounds. ::; xvas called to order by dan of Montlcello, (Ja. P. , ehi f of the agricultural the world's fair, delivered of welec. ig address, to which B. moron of Slatesvllle, N. P., and dma Strange, of Marion, Hid., re in. led. Kollowlng the president's ad ss. I-:, s. Peters, president of the xas Cotton (Jrowers association, id a paper. LAUNCHING PARTY ENDS DISASTROUSLY Milford. Del., Sept. 27. Two hundred persons were thrown from a platform mid fell 30 feet at the launching of tha schooner Charl s M. Pumas today. Fifteen persons xvere seriously Injured. A spike xxhich held the platform gave way and the entire structure fell. Phy- ' Klcians from Milford were summoned and with nurses and others Who Vol unteered their services, attended to th4l Injured. -