THE WEATHER ' THURSDAY CtEARV - CITIZEN WANT RESULTS ' Vol. XX No 4. Price Five Coenli ASHEVILLE. N. C. THURSDAY MORNING SEPTEMBER, 29 1904 Only Associated Press Newspaper in Western North Carolina BRILLIANT MEN TO VANDALS ARE LOOSE AGAIN WESTERN BRANCH NOT NECESSARY VOCABULARY IS DIVORCE EVIL WILL MURDERED IN COLD BLOOD Marshal of Oliver Springs. Tenn.. Killed on Street ' 1 1 STUMP COUNTRY SURELY TAXED LEAD T0 BARBARISM BOURKE COCKRAN, C. A. TOWNE, INDICATjONfl NOW ARE THAT CAMPAIGN WILL HAVE ONLY HEAD OFFICE. SUCH IS BISHOP POTTER'S TERANCE IN HIS AN NUAL REPORT, UT Oct After Jap Fce In Earn J. M. HEAD AND OTHERS TO CO OUT AT ONCE. Russian Exhibit at the Fair Mutilated Charges are Many and Varied est at Benslhu Against Officers COSSACKS DO A FAST STUNT Mi r. RUSSIAN CAVALRY HAS SENT IN STRONG JABS oyama ls Advancing Slowly and Cautiously , KUROPATKIN ASKS AUTHORI TIES FOR MORE OFFICERS HE NOW HAS HIS.. BEST EYE WELL FOCUSED. sr. Petersburg,' Sept. 29.-3 u. m. Movements nt the front bo fur us dls , Inn 11 Iiy the meagre dispatches re ceived here are confined almost en tirely tn continuous outpost sklrmiHhes l,y means of which General Kuroputkin is keeping In close touch with the Jap anese .--'ong the whole of the front. Ki hi Marshal Oyama's advance ap-it- us to he extremely deliberate. There are no indications us yet that lie has begun lo overlap Russian position. The superiority of th ltussbin cav alry Is beginning to lie apparent. They h.'ne hail the best of It in 11 number of minor encounters. It apears thai General Rennen k:iniif's movement to the southward on September 19, extended beyond the dis tance indlented by fire reports. His Cossacks mnde a rapid HWrtp on Sep tember 22. and struck a Japanese fore at IVnslhu, threatening their com munications and causing considerable excitement. Reinforcements are rapid ly arriving at Mukden, and many con valescents ure already returning to duty. II Is reported that General Kurnpnt li in has made a refitiestlon upon the Hiithoiltles here for additional officers tn make up the heavy loss s In killed find wounded in the battle of Liao Yang. TRAIN WRECKER HAS BEEN CAUGHT AGAIN John Kennedy, uondemnea to ueetn i , Who Escaped From Roanokf, ' H . ' i i ' ,, Again in Toils. ' " I'1 - " ,; v Koanoko, Va., Sept. 28. William (!. Baldwin, president of the railway spe cial agents of the United States and Canada, with headquarters here, re-r-ived a telegram today from the au thorities at Danville, 111., which staled Unit John Kennedy, the condemned train wrecker, has been arrested at that place. Kennedy escaped from the Staunton. Va.. Jail several months ago, after having received the death sentence. TVPHOID EPIDEMIC FOR GREATER NEW YORK New York., Sept., 28. Greater New York is at present threatened with what may be the severest epidemic of typhoid fever in its history. Not only are the number of typhoid cases re ported for the three weeks of Sep tember ending last Saturday greater than that of any month last year, but sin-e the beginning of the summer the death rate has been so mucht high er than formerly that the health de partment is now thoroughly alarmed and is bending every effort to check ing the disease. When it Is considered that the spread of typhoid last year was great er than it had been for many years he gravity of the present situation Is indicated. For the three weeks Just ended the total number of cases re ported at the, health department was H. The fatalities number- 74, or a death of nearly twenty per cent. Last year during the worst month that of October tho largest number or casts in New York was 324, and the highest death rate at any time dur ing lh year was 13.4 per cent. PLUNGER HARROUN PLEADS NOT GUILTY Kansas City, Mo., S-pt. 28. W. II. Harroun, the grain plunger, was ar Migned today In the criminal court, on the charge of issuing fraudulent ware house receipts. Through his attorney he pleaded not guilty, and he was re leased on bond for J2.500. The sp cifle tharge against Herroun Is that he, as president of the Belt Elevator com pany, issued a warehouse receipt for J' bushels of wheat and to be in the elevator, when, ns a matter of fact the information sets forth, the wheat was not there. - FUNSTON TAKES COMMAND. Chicago. Kept, 28. Brigadier Gen era! Frederick Funstnn. . arrived In Chicago today and succeeded Briga dier Frederick Grant as commander of th department ot the lake. - New York, Sept. Arrangement ure rapidly being completed for the as signiucnt of Democratic speakers: V liourke Cockran of New York. am James Head of T miesa- e, are to speak at the Academy of Music in Phlladol phla, October S. .Mr. Cock ran Is a fan hilled for New Haven November Charles A. Tow ne sneaks October 1 at Lima, Ohio, October 3 at Sandusky inn October 13 at New Hav 'n, Conn. For mer Assistant Secretary pt the Treas ury Charles S. Hamlin will speak at Fort Wayne, Ind., tomorrow evenln Representative Morrln Sheppaid of Texas will enter th Wisconsin cam palgn with a speech at Madison tomor row evening and will remain in the state until October 8. Senator Joseph W. Iiailey of Texas has been engaged for a spech at 'hnrle.slon, W. Va Former 'iingressinaii John S. Crosby. of Massnhuset ts, and Fomier Cionp troller Bird ('olir, of linioklyn will speak at Hartford. Conn.. October ltepresci(i nl Ive Oscar I'nderwood Alaliama, is to speak at I leinpstc id. I., tomorrow evt ntng. JUDGE PARKER A VERY BUSY MAN Many Notables Call to See Democratic Nominee BIGGEST RUSH OF VISIT TOOK PLACE YESTERDAY It is Definitely Stated Ho Will Make no Tour WILL ONLY RECEIVE PELEGA TIONS WHO CALL AT HIS ESOPUS HOME TWO , TALKS A WEEK. New York, Sept. 2S. At no time pince Juds- Parker was imaged as the candi date "f the Democratic party for pres.1 ident has he mot so many members of his party who occupy li i jjtIj positions politically and commercially as on bis present visit to Now York. The can didate's rooms at the Hotel Si vil c whii h wore well filled yesterday were over-run with visitors today. Many came to discuss subjects of interest in campaign work and otheis to im i view the judge on his letter of accep tance and his campaign generally. For breakfast and luncheon he went to the main dining room of his hotel but in the ev ning he ' accompanied Howard Taylor, prominent in the or ganization of Parker Constitution clubs, to the I'nion club, where they hud dinner. Mr. T.iylor's only guest at dinner was William Travers Jerome, district attorney, of New York. Among Judge Pnrk'i's callers were Senator Kayner, Governor Warflcld and II. W. Husk, all of .Maryland. Mr Rusk Is chairman of the Baltimore Democratic committee. As on former occasions when Judge Parker has vis ited New York he has be -n urged to undeitake an extensive speaking cam paign on his own behalf. It is under stood that he his now- declared final his decision not to make politic il speches except to delegations whi h may call on him at his home at Fsopus. It seems likely now 'he will accede to a request that he make two speeches each week, each speech confined to one tonic callable of more than one political interpretation. SENATOR RAYNOR WILL STUMP FOR PARKER New York, Sept. 2S.-Senator-eIect Isador Ttnynor. who was elected I nite.i States senator from Maryland last win t r, was at the national headquarters today and saw Messrs. Sheehan. Tag gart Belmont and David It. Hill, who was nlso a caller. After these gentle men had been in conference for some tJm the announcement was made that Senitor Ravnor .would take an acllv-part-ln the national campaign and would speak in New York on Tuesday of next week. He will make speeches In New Jers y and Indiana. IROQUOIS THEATRE MEN. WANT CHANGE OF VENUE Chicago. Sept, 2S.-Whrn the ease of Will J. Divis and others charged with manslaughter in connection with the Iroquois theatre fire were called In Judge Kerstens court today the at torney for the defense asked for a change of venue. Tt-u !i,ii..iirned this evening no decision on the motion for a change of venue had been reached. CZAR-S FINE PICTURES TORN AND DEMOLISHED! His Features Stamped Upon and Disfigured WHEN EXHIBIT WAS OPENED TO PUBLIC UNEXPECTED CON DITION WAS BROUGHT TO LIGHT. St. Louis. Sept. 2X. When the Kus- sl in exhibit in the varied industries building nt the world's fair nan opened today it was discovered that several Unable oil paintings of Kmpeior Nicholas had been torn ftoni the wall md mutilated by some uniueutilicd icrson or persons. A either porlrnil of the 'emperor, a handsome and valuable panel done tn co! led silk, has liecn lorn I rout its support and subjected lo the greatest Indignity.' The oil paintings were torn ind there wer marks showing that l:i" features of the emperor had been Uainped upon. The vandalism was. reported at once to the exposition authorities and an in vestigation order d. Both Jeff-rsoti guards ami members of the World's Fair detective fore have been assigned to the case. The ofllcials in charge of tho exhibit have h on assigned to the ape. The ofllclals in charge of the xhlblt have engaged private detectives and every effort Is being made by both th exhibitors and the World's Fill minorities to discover the guilty per son or persons. WOMAN BURNED TO DEATH Memphis, Teiin., Sept., '2S. Mrs. Herman, Welder was burned to death ite today by the accidental' ignition of taaollhe vapor in her room. NEW ORLEANS MAN HELO IN ST. LOUIS Joseph F Edward, Charged With Embezzling Big Sum, Will be ' : Returned South. St. Iiuis, Seid. 2 Joseph F. Ed wards, is at The Four Courts, where he will remain until The orlieers who have him in iharge, start with him for w iirleaiis, where h' is to answer to lie charge of embezzlement of $12,(100 ml ngtaining $:!,H00 by forgery. Kilwards was In charge of the busi ness of llie Atomic 1'iow company ni N'ew Orleans. He was arrest -d it1 Denver. UNSLE SAM I think I'll take IN. - -An apparent sent of toe qucs n:ent of west r;i rlrrs was an i I i o-iins today. nounccd at lbs naii like mem bora Of He i u.ive comnnt hic said' no such h -, 1 1 'in. liters woiiM b ( ttablished, and riim inan Tap.garl I said lhat letter and li-lcgi-ams receiv ed today ma di it appear that the es tablishment pffsuch headquarters was unnecessary. J . Mr. TuKK.irt jfxpei Is to so west anu i.lso lo visit sach other points as s en necessary, butiiulcss something at present unforeseen nccurrcs there will be no regular ivesteru briin-'i and tne campaign Wlll.-be manage, from this city. DONNELLY QUICK TO DENY CHARGE Declares lie Received no Such Letter From Teddy TOILER ARTICLE HAS CAUSED MUCH WORRY Even the Socialist Party Makes a Denial ALSO SECRETARY LOEB. WAS CALLED ON TO EXPLAIN 1 THAT ROUGH RIDER NEVER SAID IT. -'; ''. Chicago, Sept 2S. President Mh-had Donnelly, of tho Amalgamated Meal Cutters and JJinrtiera union, flatly de nied today ever having received u let ter purporting to come from rresid nt Uoosevelt. SOCIALIST PARTY HAD NO HAND IN AFFAIR Chicago, Sept.. 28. William Mailly, national secretary of the Socialist Party, Issued a statement today in which he says: "The Socialist Parly has no share in the responsibility incurred by the to have been written to Michael Don nelly by i'residenl Roosevelt . The letter bears o:i Its face the evidence of its . spiiM'iiisness, for, even if the president i-n'ertalned the views at tributed to him. It would hive been eminently t o (less and foolish for bin (Continued on pare 2) a transfer-. Thia volcano ia liable to Now York,' Sept. settlement for t'-ie 1 1 tlon of the istabla : I lemocratic -' 'he idii i STATESBORO MOB AFFAIR REBOUNDS WITH A THUD Judge Advocate Napier Ready for Court Martial CAPTAIN HITCH, LIEUTENANTS MELL, MORRISON AND GRINER HAVE MUCH TO EXPLAIN. Atlanta, lla., Sept. 2N. Judge Advo cate Napier of Ihe Statestioro court martial, which will conven in Savan nah, k'tober 10, served the officers to day with the fottn il charges on which they will lie tried. Captain It. M. Hitch 'will be tried on the following charges: 'Cross neglect of duty, incHleh ncy and misbehaviour before a riotous mob In violation of the sixty-second article of war." "Conduct to the prejudice of good or er nud military discipline in violation of the sixty-second nrtlele of war." The charges against Lieutenant Mell ire: "('loss negiiH't of duly, in IfUlen- cy and misbehaviour belore a riotous mob." "Conduct to the prejudice of military discipline ami good order." Against Lieutenant Morrison: "Con duet to the prejudice of good order and military discipline." Against Lieutenant (.liivr: "Quil ting his guard without leave." "Shamefully abandoning his post." "Conduct to the prejudice of good oiiler and military discipline." Against Lieutenant Cone: "Quitting his guard without leave.":; j "Conduct to prejudice of good order and military discipline," The officers will begin at once pre paring their defence. i . BUBONIC. PLAQUE,,, ... ABOARD A STEAMSHIP Bishopsgata Arrives at London From Hamburg, and Is Sent to Quarantine." ' London, Sept. 28. Bubonic plague, II is otlicially .announced has broken out on board the steamship liishopsgate. which arrived in the river Tyne today from Hamburg. When the Itishopsgat was discharging her cargo from itosa rio, Argentina, ut Hamlnirg recently, a number of rats thai had died of the plague were found on board, tin tin arrival ot the steamer at Jarrow thi boatswain was III and was removed tc a floating hospital. The case proved t be undoubtedly Ilubonic plague. break looaa any tima. New York, Sept. 28. Bishop Henry C. Toiler attacked divorce in vigorous terms in his report today in the annual convention of th Protestant Kplscopni Diocese of New York. He declared lhat unless the church sets itself against the spread of the evil, society would relapse into a stale of pructlcai barbarism, and he urged the clergy to set Itself against divorce, which Jle characterized as a "Oodles license, which lllngs aside the most sacred vows because of vexlous uncongental Ity." NEW YORK POST RESPONSIBLE. New York, Sept. 28. The letter al leged to have been written by Michael Donnelly, the leader of the meat strike, purporting lo be one sent by President Itoosevelt, was copied from an editorial in the New York Evening Post of Aug ust 1. FOSTER FAVORS A SMALLER NAVY Says He Hopes Secretary of Navy Was Misquoted THIS IS IN REGARD TO BIGGEST NAVY POSSIBLE Former State Secretary Would Advice Disarmament MAKES ADDRESS BEFORE LAW YERS AT WORLD'S FAIR IN WHICH ARBITRATION IS FOUNDATION, ' St. Louis, Sept. 28. The first univer sal congress of lawyers and Jurists held under the auspices of the American liar Association, convened today in Festival ball at the conclusion of the American Bar Association. Lawyer? and jurists from nil over the world were present. The congress was call. I to order by F. L. Lehman, of the c -post linn committee on conr:euses President Francis of th exn ;U welcomed the congress, and '. '.ro' 1 !ho president of the, lien. David Itrewer, associate j n -t " Cnited States suprr- i oi:rt. .Tn ' r, iJrewer was received with applause, lie spoke briefly. Navy is Big Enough. Fin men- S ecretary of State John W. Foster wan introduced and made the irlnelpnl address on the subject of in erne I tonal arbitration and The Hague ribunal. He said in part: . "It has been reixirted in the press hat the secretary of the navy has an lounced himself as in favor of a navy ciunl to the greatest navy In thn world, f trust he has been misquoted. Our ;overnment should hold Itself ready to mter Into an agreement for Interna ional disarmament and not to the in-r-ase of the navy. This country should mid Itself to other and far more pence 'ul pursuits In the settlement of strife ban to the making of Implements of 'estruitlon and death." He then entered Into an explanation of the failure of The Hague conference to effect an agreement on tho subject of international disarmament. He ex pressed deep regret that tho fruits of war made necessary the permanent In crease of the American army and called Into the prosp-ctlve large increase in the annual expenditures of the govern ment for the navy. NAVY YARD OFFICIALS ADMIT THE ATTEMPT New York., Sep!.. 2S. At the New Pork Navy yard today armed marines patrolled the enclosure wherein the fl nal preparations for the launching of the battleship, Connecticut, are un der way. Naval Constructor Baxter who Has general charge of the ship building plant, said today: II is true that un obstiuction was found qnthe ways down which the Connecticut is to slide Into the water. It was sufficient to check the vessel. I will not s.iy that It would have wrecked the Connecticut if It had not been discovered and exactly what would have happened I am unable to tell. The obstruction was not a pile and no dynamite was found. It was. how.ever, nothing lhat could have drop. ped from the ship or come there by ac cident." An officer of the navy yard declared today that whoever made the attempt did a clumsy Job. "The most lax man agement." he said, "could not help but hiiv discovered the obstruction and there was never any chance of the thing getting as far as a catastro phe. The scheme could not have been formed by anyone familiar with navy yard methods." MANY WITNESSED DEED, h BUT COULDN'T PREVENT Son of Prominent Physician Wielded Weapon OFFICER HAD ARRESTED YOU NO MAN AND IT IS SUPPOSED -HE HELO GRUDGE HE SURRENDERED. " ' . Knoxvllle, Tenn.. SepJ. $8. H., ? Cash, town marshal of Oliver Bprlngi, , Tenn., was shot and killed tonight lit that place by William West. aon Of . Dr. T. West, a druggist at OHvar Springs. The tragedy which waa cold-blooded one wal witnessed by 4 member of people, but bo quickly w -the shooting done thai none had an, opportunity to Interfere. Th marshal leading his six-year-old' adn By' tilt , hand was enroute to kri entertainment While passing the West tare: West stepped in front of the officer, pulled . his pistol and fired four time, all tha shots taking effect. The marshall aank. to the ground and died tn, eight mln- utes. West surrendered, but, would ' irtaka no statement. West had .been irreat ed several time by the officer anA for this reason Is supposed to hav born -a grudge against him. , ITS ALL SETTLED, NOW. Mexico City, tiept Cbriijresa hiJ made a formal proclamation., df thi f election of Dint n president and .'wf l ral as ylee-presldept. Both the candl-, dates have returned lthnnk to their fellow eltUeng and to public rhrb ' which Interested themselves, in their i i.oininatlon, ' , ': THEODOKET HAS BUST ' DAY OF STATE AFFAIRS Washington, Sojpt,., 28. mi "trig i -; i 1 - - v w ' Ai 4 . one of the busleat days President Itoosevelt has hud for several weekat I4ecretary Taft called In company ytilf Major General Corbln, who haa been , assigned to the command of the .dK vision of the Philippines. , General t'o-blii b.ido the president , farewell :ie'lnilnary to hla departure from thla city. He will sail from San Francisco , for Manila October IS. , ... r Ho retary and Postmaster Genera Payne had brief conference with tha president on departmental mattera, t 1 " e " . e BOOKER T. ADMITS DR. STRANGE'S WORDS - - .'.I-,'. t Ha Alto Saya Amalgamation Raea Would ba Failure. of (HI New York, Sept. 28. Before art addU ence that filled St. Thomas Protestant Kplseopal church and In the present of Booker T. Washington tonight the Rev, Dr. Strange, bishop coadjutor-elect of the diocese of South Carolina, declared that one set factor In any, real and practical solution of the negro problem was the entire separation of the race in social, scholastic, religious and do mestic affairs. . , When Mr. Washington arose to Itpeajt he virtually agreed with the bishop by saying the problem could not M settled by amalgamation or by depor tation of the negroes, hut by ettfnpat sympathy and co-operation Of '- th4 races, although his chief argument waa for Increased facilities for ed,ucatioli and encouragement for thogij of Bla people In the south. ' POSTAL IS REACHING OUT.. ' Pern or, Colo., Sept.. 28. Wmlath H. Bake-, vice-president and geherflt man i.Tr of the Postal Telegraph cor pany and p.. j. fJaiiy, general super l:itoM !cnt of the Western division Of the company, were hete today for th purpose of opening up the new Postal line to Salt Lake. The completion of this new line gives tha Postal conl puny three through routes to tha Pi- cific coast. . . . T BEVER1DGE OPENS AT IIOOSIER CAPITAL Indianapolis, Ind., Eept. 28. The first Republican meeting of tha campaign in Indianapolis was held In Tomllnaon hall tonight. An Illuminated proces sion escorted Senator Albert J., Bever ide and Congressman Overatreet to tba hall, which waa well filled. Congress man Overstreet presided, and In at brief address Introduced Senator Bevartdg. who spoke brilliantly for mors than aa hour.

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