THCB8DAT, SEPT. M, 10. THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. Best Biltmore Berkshires Go to St. Louis Exposition AERIAL NAVIGATION IN THE TROPICS. H,30CIAL!h W. IV tOCtAL CA LANDER ' . Thursday September 29. UMltM a the Aahevllle Vm'l Bzehange. II a. m. ,. Woimn'i Cbrlatlan Teinir- anc Union meeting. 4 p. in. ' Friday September 30. Call meeting of the Hower . Mission and Organised Charl- tie at 11 a. m. SaM ra at the Bwannanoa ooalav stub I 7 p. ro. Obaablac Party from Ba tWry Herb 4 p. m. 4 city yesterday will vlnlt frlen 3 t Chlldrene" Entertainment. . delightful entertainment waa given at the Manor last night by the children. ' tha fullowtng prnirram being rendered : Handy Jiff Ituth Porter ' liacltatloB Blntrlnf Lesson VHona Kolilnson " : Recitation Wti Doll.. ..Huth Porter -' flopraoo Bolo Eleanor Iteinv Oaka Walk Eleanor Remy, Velonu i .,' Robinson, Rath Porter. fflia proa-Maa wu enjoyed by about ' forty of tba meets who were highly V planned by tha remarkabU talent ills ' playad by tha young ladles. f jt jt Miaa Wabb Eentertained. 7; Uttla Mlaa Margaret Webb delight - . '. fully antartatnad a number of hei 'f friends yeaterday afternoon at her - 1 bom a on Panola it rest In honor of her fourth birthday. Tba Uttla cblldran aseembl-d on th ; .. lawn la front of tha noun, where In ,t 'taraatlnff ffamaa wera played until ; luneh waa announced. The luncheon v waa served la tba dining room, on ' labia prettily deoorated for lb occa !, aloa trltb cut-flowere. Wrlra Fair Party. c Tba following Jolly party, panne.) through tha city yesterday enroute to c the' World's Fair at St. I-oula, where 1 1 they will atay for two weeka: Mr. and Mra. Batherwalte. Mlaa Htatherwalte i f WayneaTllle, Mlaa Rleanor M. v Brnathers and Mlaa Mabel Mathla of I ;.,, Turnpike. , , ' ' Willing Workara. A There waa a meeting of the Willing $ Workara of Trinity church yesterday l 1 afternoon at 4 oclock. at the churcn w F A large number of the member of tne ' j aaaoclatlon attended and the afternoon ; wu plaaaantly apent. If J J -1 Flcwar Mlaeloit. . & eall roasting of tha Mower Mla alon and Organised Charities wit! be held at tha home of Mra. Charlna At . Piatt, 74 North French Broad avenue. Friday morning at 11 o'clock at which. It la desired that all who can, attend. 4 4 frW - -w- w- - - - W- . Tba regular mectln g of the Worn ana Cbrlatlan Temperance Union will be held thla afternoon at the home of Mra. If. B HllJIard, 106 Routh Main atreat, at 4 o'clock. A full attend ' " aae; ta dealred . ,,,,,,-1,1, ; Woman' Exchange. " -'"Vhara win be, an Important meeting ,,of"tha; ilharllle Woman'a KuctiBnge " bald In the eiehange rooma on Pack 1 tUqiM-w hi uoraiat.mi 1 1 a'dork I -Jlta apetl that tba weakly niort 5 " ot amJea WIN ehow an Increaae over la ivaak. ' - jr . Euohra Party. ' Tba gaeata at the Mattery Pnrk hotel enjoyed an informal euchre party In tha peJra room of thn hotel laat night from to 10: M o'clock. ... , j AahevRle ewlina Club. , , 'WtN wi an Intereatlng meeting n) of tha Alhevtlle flowllng club held t laat Might at tha Albemarle alleya. A w.,v' lull attendance waa preaent. WWat Morton of the Hotel Franklin at flrevaad bj fee the atty for a ehorl MnntiTx arrived In the from WlhnfiiKt"", and frli-nda for three weeka. Mlna Willie Andreua or Italelh h i returned to her home after IhMIhi; MIhm May lielle AndreuH lor a w ek. Mr. ami Mm. J. I.. Moore v. Ill leave tomorrow for Weynenv Hie, uliete they will atay for xeveral d.ijx. . W. H. Htnlth of 1'arkernlnjrg, W. Va . arrlVed at the Swanriaiioa hotel yex terday morning for u bl.iy of xewnl daya. H. A. Itarla-e of Ureenslxiro ha n ur- rlved In the rlly to MJiellil Meei;,l weeka. lie had many f i leiidn in Anlir vllle. .! " Itev. and Mm. W. Theodotua C:i r Hill leave lieicl u ' ek for HoHtOII, ller" they will atlenil the I ioiiv-n-tlon. id urtEAK- e e nrror I U fll Melon... a 1 f'real with a a worse than 111 "renin. a a 1 1 At ,,,"ln "nB" : ,ttr"irar"" IJ(Y : I a " CufTva. a I a MNNKR. a va 8aiu, a lirollrrl '...ll)h II. rh Banc. a M.iln.l I'eiat.iea. 1'eua. a lir.-en Corn. a Vanilla I' e I leum. a Culfiu. BtTPKIt. llake.l KkK. potato lilm lilt. Jelly Hull. Tea. . - lrjTAT( P.ISCI'IT.-Sift together 0 euiiful of Hour and one of corn- r atarcti. add a leaniioonful of uilt and J two if l.nkliiK powder; have four T l.irtre olal.KM ready, boiled, peeled J and tea, put theln throiiKh a pntalo preNH "r a e.-Lueter, ad.lhiK two heat- en eKK and two etipfuiM of milk; Mtlr ail i.iK. lh.T. inldliiK aa inmh more ? II ur aa may he neeeaaary for a aoft il'niKli; roll out thin, eut In amall t.i.'MiiH. hriiKh the topH with milk. and hake til a quirk oven. q Fifteen of the finest p. -i knhlrea on earth are now on their wav from Illlt moie eatate to the Ht. Ixuii fair where they will be exhibited und. r charge W Mr. Keiihen flentry, the .Xpert who haa charee of thla feiii' a1 of the fai'ina. Kut I he pIkx will not h" an Kxtate ajexhililt. Mr. Vanderlilll ha.s xent only jjeraeya to Kt. Loula. They will be 2 , hIi.iwii by Mr. J. M. tiv.iton who haa a j re.-enily purchuaed them from the ea- I tale with tlm annexed eon I Hon that he ! have the nervlcea of Mi. 'ientry to a properly exhibit, them. Mr. i iverton la, one of the iiioat nol- I hreadera of live Mtock nthlx couil- furm will ahow hnraei nt the horae ahow in Loulavllle next week but the pig aent from here will be the only exhibit It will make at St. Loula. The fifteen Blrkah.rea are pertmp the flneat collection ever aent from the Hilt more ptrgery and It will be aurprlalng if they do not take the blue ribbon at the live atock exhibit. The moat coatly pig In the boar, Loyal l-e. aecond of lliltmore, price 11,000. Another pig coat $.'00 and the real coat from 175 to 2.r.5 each. Several of the plga under alx ninntha old weigh from 2!0 to 276 pounda each. Klght yearling mow a, Juat 377 daya old. average 437 pounda each. One male weighs 800 pounda even. Another try and his magnificent : mil of aomeinly ten months und twenty one daya fifteen hundred acres si miles from. old tlpa the scales at 423 pounds .aliville, Tenn.., produce notable JetHey cattle. IlerkMhlr. Southdown Nheep and fine nnraes. The Overton 1 One of Mr. Overton's employes has been here for three months lit or der lo learn Mr. flentry'H methods. The recent advance In aerial navigation la euch aa to Juatify Ita Introduction to the tropica, aince In utilizing tha auperabundant hot air tha coat of gaa will be aavad. Fashion 'siLatest Change DONNELLY QUICK 10 DENY CHARGE . . "t gfertoert Tyeon waa among the vlsl , tax to aha atty yeeterday and the day ti bafora. : J Jt .: X. S. lfoore of Charlotte la in the . ally yeeterday fur a atay at the nut tery Park. I ftehlller, of thla city, left yeaterdnv for Baltimore where he will reside per ' maaeatty. Mra. J and Mlaa William t hive foae foa a vtatt of aeveral weeka to It louai. Jl Jl Wlaa Julia Teonet haa gone for a aev . eral weeka' visit to the Ht. Loula fair. " . She left yeeterday. Jl Jt Iflaa Caroline Wlgga of Iloaton Is a ffueat at the Battery Park. Hhe arrlv yeaterday moralug. Jt Jt lira. Will lam son haa gone for a IhIi to frleade In Henderaonvllle. She will alay for aeveral wcoka. J J4 -' Parry CobB, who haa been pen din k "" tba aunimer la the Sapphire Country ' haa returned to Aabevllle. . ' ' ' Jt J Him Mabel Randolph and little Mlsx Dorothy Randolph are In Wayneavtlle for. a Tlalt to Mra. Sprague. Jt Mr. and Mra M. M. Newton have returned from a vlalt of aeveral weeks to frteuda In East Tennessee. Jl Jl Mra Belle Jonea, who has been visit lug frleade In Georgia for the past aev eral Weeka, returned yeaterday. . r vt jt Mlaa A role Sharkleford returned to her honi In Columbia, S. C yesterday after VlalUng Mra. Jr U Moore, jl . . : Mr. aad Mra P. C. Canton of lur ham arrived In the city yesterday nor a lag for a vlalt to relatives, jl i Mra J. 8. Bllgh of Jacksonville ar rived In the city yeaterday a f tcriiooii and la a guest at the Hwannanoa. Jt J ' Jtmea Druramond returned yesterday from Knox vllle, where he went to at tend tha Unlverelty of Tenneeeee. fcflfistloa ConJ ta eat week wlU Drake's Pmuoeuo Wlaa Send tMMal card requaat for free avcUe le Oraaa enaiua tieaapaay, Oaleat. tArv4Wf&l. V Va Continued from p.o;e 1 to h ive given them on' m that form at Hits time. Kvery piei . of literature Issued by the national S. ialist Party hears the Imprint of tile national com mittee and we are willnii; lo accept any responsibility It issuance may bring, our Indictment is of the capi tal system and we can lind enough of truth to charge against It and both old parlies without resorting to dis honest or qeustlonable methods; to make our case." GIOLITTI'S VISIT CAUSE FOR MEDIATION TALK BEATH ALSO SENDS LETTER OF DENIAL Washington, Sept. Ls. Secretai .' Iieh tonight made puMic a dispute'.) from United States' Attorney Kettle, .it i'hiiai;o, regiirdlng the letter purport ing lo have been addressed liy pral i nl Itoosi veil to Mieha. l I'oniU'JIy of Chicago. preHldent of the Kiitchers and Meat Cutters union, an. I severely ar raigning labor unions. The district at lorney says that Mr. fkmnclly received no such letter. The tel. gram follows: "Chicago, S pt. 2X. 1'JOt. "Hon. William Ixeb, Jr.. secretary to the president, Washington, 1). C. " I have seen Mr. Donnelly. He, of course, knew of no such letter as re ferred to in the morning papers and expressed Ills deHire to I'm. I the person who Hist printed it as a genuine letter. ml wishes to do anything in his power to counteract Its extended effects. (Signed) 'S. II. II RATH, "TJnited States Attorney." A reception gown of Mink velvet ton-colored lace of antl.ite pattern, cess stlye, with a round train. II the arm. continued w .t'i Ma. k chilTon mid litit The gown Is cut In the graceful prln i loses down the shoulder and under Mr. and Mrs. .1. II. Martin have n - turned to "flonihroom," alter spi n. ling several weeks in St. IjouIm at Un fair. . " Misses l.tnda and Willie Schirtle left Tuesday for St, ljniis, where they will visit the World's Ualr for fifteen daya. .1 , Miss Annie Watson returned to her home in Churl ston yesterday after after visiting in Ashevllle for s.-eial days. .v .4 Mr. it ml Mrs. Thomas li. I'.uter re- fumed to their home In Cincinnati yes terday, after staying in Ashevllle for I month. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Durham of Kan sas City arrived in the city several days ago for n visit to Mr. Durham' parents. .4 .4 Mra. Jackson, who has been visiting datives In Ita 1 1 h in n for the past sev eral weeks, has return. il to her home in this city. .4 ,4 Miss Iinlse Niuve, who his been visiting Miss FYances Trov all niimner will leave this afternoon f.u In i h.cin III Salisbury. .4 .4 Mr. and Mrs Mollette of Chi. io re turned to their home yesterday after laying at the home of Mrs. Simpson for a we-k. .4 .4 Mr. and Mrs. (i M. I'.la. k of New Orleans arrived In the city v.ste, ,iv afternoon and are staving at It." I'd- ton avenue. .4 ,! Mr. nild Mrs li. .1 l!e,.;e I -ft verier- day afternoon for their home in At lantn after staying at the I'-etk. ley for aeveral days. .4 ,4 Frank Sanders of Hrevar.l came t.i i Ashevllle yesterday morning and will 1 remain until tomorrow, when he will! ro to Spartanburg. j .4 .4 j W. J. Mr A lister of Philadelphia, who I has many friends In Ashevllle is i guest at the Swannahoa hotel, lie will stay for several days. .4 .4 Mrs. Tt. I Montgomery arrived in the city yesterday afternoon tin I is visiting Mrs. J. 1. Patterson. She will atay for a week. .4 .4 Mra R. H. Samuels of Aimi!.i i: a . arrived In the city yesterday for i week'a atay. Thev are guests at the Battery Pnrk hotel. rrcfessnr and Mrs. K. Ulan I list on left estrdav afternoon for Jersey Ity. where Mr. llarker .will hsve charge of the organ In the Flrat Pres byterian church. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Ite.lford left M ster.i .y all. in. him for their home In Louisville, after staying at the Hai ti ry Park for a Week. .4 ,4 Mr and Mrs. W. M. Davids, in, af ter sMcicilng several w eeks -wit ll Mrs. llasser at "i laklnirsl." have returned ..i their hcmie In Savannah. .4 .4 Mr. and Mrs. Kdward It. Kverett ar rived at the lint lory Park hotel yes I I-l.i - morning and will si ly for a week. They are from Jacksonville. .4 .4 Mrs. Charles M. I 1 1 will leave soon for Huston, where she will allend the Kpiscopal convention. She will go In. iii I:.. slim to New York for a stay of s vcral weeks -4 4 Mr. and Mrs. H. .1. llaiklns and Miss Klsle ll.iikins left vest r. lay afternoon for I heir h.nne in Tennessee, alt. a staying at Mi M. -1111111.11 avenue for the past Ihlee weeks. EDITOR M'NEItL WILIi; GET HIS DAMAGES 3upreme Cur. Hanrfa Down List of Opinions Embracing Many Euitt. Ilerlln, Sept. 2S. Signor filollttl, the Italian premier, left Hamburg to day for Karconlgl, Italy, ufter u two daya' visit to Chancellor VonHuelow, which at this Juncture of International affairs haa naturally given rise to con- J- (Hires that the conference concerned partly the tjue'stion of mediatory offers in the far eastern war. The Herman. as well us the British and Italian press was quick to comment oij this probability. The conjecturers, however, have brought out equally prompt denials from the government organs., The na tional Zeltung, In on evidently inspiiv.i paragraph, styling the reports that the conference dealt wlllh.tyho question of mediation as "absurd falsification." Baths for Health Pleasure Turkish, Cabinet, Momevents. Russian. Electric, Plunge, Shower, MASSAGE, Swedish Bath Department DR. CARROLIVS STNITARIUM. The SANITARIUM offers every cure for Chronic, Nervous and Drug Habit Cuses. Trained Attendant Dainty Dietary. HALTHENON BLDG-, 31 HAYWOOD STREET. 'PHONE No. 421J TORPEDOES FLOAT IN GOLDEN GATE WATERS Ran Francl(0. Sept. IS. Two torp1 does were lost last Friday from the Cnited States submarine boat Pike, which has been experimenting In San Pablo Hay under the direction of Lieu tenant MacArthur. on.' has been re covered by Italian fishermen, the othpr Is sLHI at large and may be exploded by a passing vessel. It Is charged with 200 pounds of gun-cotton. A reward of IL'DO la rewarded for its recovery. THEY STAND THE STRAIN Whoever may ride In vehicles we sell, they will bear the brunt or other hard usage, as well. They are built to carry nnd to draw, over rough roads aa well as smooth. De monstration and proof of the fore going in many conveyances owned by many people whose names are on our books. , 7, Alexander, Coston & Glass. ALL A MISTAKE; GEORGE FAILS TO MAKE GOOD ONCE Covington, (ia., Sept. 2S. Th sup posed boll weevil disroverei 011 11 plan tation In the eastern part of this eounty several days ago, upon .oinparlson With the re il Mexican bo'l weevil specimens of which were s nt here by the slate entomologist department. proves' to he an entirely different in sert," being of n fllffereht color and very miivb larger than the Median weevil. There are, however. , Serious apprehensions that it may provo to t as destructive as the Mexican insect. We Want Your Drug Trade We want you to come to us every time you have an ache or a pain, or a prescription to be filled. We want to supply you with BIO, SOFT SPONG ES, toilet waters, perfumes, etc. PFAFFLIN'S DRUG STORE 'Phone, 132. Patton avenue and Church Street. Professional Anrourcement (Special to The Cltlaen.) . Riil-luli, N. C. Sept. 28. These' opin ion and per curiam orders were handed down by the Supreme court today: CrubliM vs. Ferguson, Northampton, new trial; Williams vs. Telegraph com pany. Halifax, new trial; State vs. l4ury, Pamlico, error; Ijissiler vs liailro id. Not I hatnptoii, error; Har rington vs. Itawls, Pitt, remanded. Tripp vs. Null , Pitt, new trial; Poco- nioke t.uaiio company vs. ICtlwnrds. ireeii, allirmeil; chemical company vs. Kdwards, tlreeii, alliimed; Stalllngs vs. Kills, Franklin, error. In re Drury entries, Burke, per cu riam, ntlirmed; Stallings XS. TeleK raph company. Martin, per curiam. illli ine.l ; Worsley vs. Koch, FjilKe omlie, per curiam, atllrmed; McNeill .s. l.. & C. from Moore, tier iirlam; 110 new pi inciple belhg pre sented the petition Is dismissed",' Wels I vs. Cobb 1J2 N. C. t',71. This last case is damaKe suit of K.litor McNeill of the Carthage Itlade, and leaves judgment ffeclive for $l..'.ml ilaniages for iiijuil.-s while riding on an expired free pass. In Wake Superior court . today the ase against V. K. McHee and K. S. Finch for conspiracy in the A. & N. C. railroad receivership litigation, was continued by consent. DENVER BACK IN HARBOR. DR. I. MANN Newport News, Va., Sept.. 28. The Cnlted States cruiser, Denver, return ed today from her, final trial trip and test off this coast,. The trial board left for Washington tonight where the re port on the the behavior of the cruiser ar sea wui he made. LAND FRAUDS GROWING. Kansas City. Sept.. 28. Senator William Stewart, of Nevada, chairman of the Senate committee on Indian af- tairs, is note, senator Stewart says that land frauds. In Idlan Territory has grown to such proportions tha' they have a bad effect In the fight f j. statehood . DR. NAVARRO'S SUCCESSOR. Mexico City, Sept. 28. Til Mexican j government has appointed .""ayetmo . Romero, a brother of the ! ite Maths uomero, Mexican ambassador at Washington, to he consul genortl at New York, succeeding the late Dr. Na varro. Mr. Romero Is now consul at San Francisco. MITCHELL Dentist over Law's China Store. 37 Patton avenue Aaheville N. C. V "BOX BALL 'and BOWLING For Ladies and Gentlemen at the Pleasure Palace 86 Patton Avenue Best order maintained JULIUS LOWENBEIN & Co Proprietors, Proposition Any one having, bought an Inferior Piano may, exchange in for-'the BEST MADE and receive fair value for their old one. Falk's Music House 37 S. Main Street J. H. McGINNEvSS. (Sue. to Carl Schults.) j Practical Dyer and Cleaner 37 S. Main Street. Phene No t0 CAME FROM MACHINIST. HARE, BARD & CO., Undertakers & EmbalmerS SS 8outh Main t. Telephenn 171. Preserving IVurs arriving dally, lifto per peck. The crop Is short, Peaches nearly over, Quinces itone. HIRAM l.lN'DSEY. City Market. Phone 800. Brown is This Season's General Favorite We have purchased a line of Brown Goods and can satisfy your every wish. We have prepared for this big demand of Brown Goods which are so very scarce on the market at rrestnt. A few of the many thirds we have in browns are given below: Broadcbth (really Ladies' cloth) in several shades o! brawn from light tan to the darkest shade of brown, for $1, $1.25, $1.5", $1.75 and$2 00ayard. Brown Moha;rs, 38 inches wide, for 50c yd; 4-in. width, excellent quality, for $1 yard. Brown Zibeline. 36-inch, for 50c yd; 50-inch for 75c yd. Brown Panama Cloth for $1 yd, unusual good value. Brown Percale, 36-inch, for 12 1-2 yd. Brown Silks . Poppinette, 22-in, for $1 yd. Taffeta 19 and 27 inch, for 75c and $1 yd. Diana Satin, fine for waists, for $1 yd Fancy Silks for 79c, 85c, $1 and $1.25 yd. Also in Crepe de Chine, Peau de Cygne, and others. Bor Merche Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 2S. The Wis consin Toller Is. a paper purporting to I be a labor .organ, published in Euelnlre. Wis. The editor of the Toller says the Konaevelt letter was handed him by member of the machinists' union of that city, who says he clipped It from another paper. I WORK OF BRUTE MEN. LADIES For Fine Tailoring go to F. L. HORTON, 22 1-2 South Main, 'Phone, E95. Newark. N. J., Sept. 28 Philip Stel- li bel, 53 years old, stabbed his wife in the neck tonight and then plunged the knife Into his own heart. She is in th hospital and will probably die. Their 16-year-old daughter, Theresa, was se verely out while trying to wrest the knife from her father. The stabbing was the culmination of a long series of quarrels resulting from the Insane jeal ousy of the man. College St. Dye Works CLEANING, DYEINQ AND UK PAIR INQ DONE. eipeetai tiuuuuu aivin La Ljto.r. Oeoda. All goods called for aul J- nrered promptly at my price r. Pi MARTIN, Prop. Quadra Photos Are the latest $1.00 per dozen C. F. RYAN, PMoyiptar 7 and 9 Patton av, over Radwood'a NOT A CENT LESS THAN $200,000. Macon. Oa., Sept.. 28. Receiver W. J. Hutler. of the First National Hank. received today Instruction from t'ump trotler Ridgley at Washington, direct ing him to stand firm as to his xle mand on the stockholders of the bank for $2(10,000, the amount for which it I claimed they are liable under the na tlonal banking law. FIRE IN GEORGIA VILLAGE Knoxville. Tenn, Sept.. 28. Fire to night at Hlue Ridge. Oa.. destroyed the Hlue R,gP hotel Brvan's lewelrv snore and Qullllan's grocery store and three other structures. Water fur nished by a tank on a Northern en gine, saved the town from destruction. KENTUCKY'S DAILY AFFAIR. Carlo. Ill, sept., 28. While Kink Heail, a farmer living four miles from Clinton, Ky, a small town twenty miles south of here was standing with his wife and children on their front porch tonight, they were all shot from ambush. Head was ratally wounded, and the woman and child seriously hurt. Head had some trouble with his neighbors. The sheriff haa gone to (the acene. Meal That Is Meal Is your meal sweet and white? If not, ask for Hazel Green meal. Don't be satisfied with "Just as good." Be your own Judge. tf Licensed Embalmer. rh-humor Block. It Patton Aye. A8HETILLB. N. O. MEXICAN MINISTER TO SPAIN DIES AT MADRID, Mexico City. Sept, 28. Informa tion has been received here- of the death of Manuel Tturbe. Mexican min ister to Spain, which occurred at Mad rid. FIREMEN GET THROUGH Fiuffnlo. N. T.. 8-pt. 2S. The ninth biennial convention of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen which has been in session for about two weeks ad journed today. Milwaukee was chos en as the meeting place for 190. No decision waa reached regarding the proposition to change headquarters of the brotherhood. Edward E. Short Decorator and Designer of Beautiful Interiors I Invite your coitus pondenca at will gladly call and effer ura-mtlaru and caterings. ASHEVILLE. N. C All Pork Sausage, toasi Pork or Pork Chops Are In season. Also the finest West ern Beef, Lamb and Veal. Try our Premium Bacon or Sliced Ham. A delicious. Breakfast Dish from J: v- brwn w. M. HILL xunerai director ana P -ONB 4. R.EED TUNES PIANOS Falk'a Music Houaa. TELEGRAPHY A thorourh mnm at fltincklef'S School of Telegraphy at nurht. ta an easy way to ?mt a good noaltton. you enter thia week the tuRlon will be cheaper than If you wait. Call at ; BUSINES8 COLLEGE In the Paragon Building ami arrange to take tha course. H. 8. 8kock)er. Principal.

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