i f fi, V r i SATURDAY, J CCDC 0 1 Makes the very best bread, cakes and pies.; The last pound in the barrel is as good as the first. :; 24 Pound Bans, 85 Ccnls Wholesale and Retail Staple and Fane) Ct oaiSes Y)if f in JlvrAnviA 0 1 auuii ft Vt 11 lit FOR-. SAI SEVERAL CHOICE, ,VELL SHADED LOTS NEAR THE NEW PAS 8ENGER STATION, 60 BY 'MONTHLY PAYMENTS, ' 150iFEET LaBarbet& mm ta come to our store ami sea out SOUVENIRS All of the leadlng'-dally p.ipSrsi line of correspondence paper In tfhe Rogers' Book Stores, For RentUnfurmshed Two 7 -room modern cottages, on ear. J. J. McCIOSKIY Church Street For Sale House car line. Call on II. F. For fall particulars LOGAN authorities among well-dressed .men and LOGAN. Merchant Tellor. Cnmer Rminre and Patton Avenue. t - r We also do Ladies' Tailoring The.-QuoJity. ofl Torve In lhe nOBART HI. CABLE WAS0 Is Marvcjus. See them at DUNHAH'S HUSIdHOUSE ELSidelo A regular 15c Cigar for BERKELEY CIGAR WM 1 ORDERS For Wines and Liquors In tion. -. . ' .. a We have only the purest goods fine old Whiskies that delight the .table wines of all kinds. Let us can Judge for yourself . IVEY & The Bi Phone 30, H South Main Boarding'Hou 3QOC30 n MI YTV W Asheville, N. C. o 3C 3SC30 A - LE EACH. P Rl ES $200 TO $4130; Company IN ASHEVILLE ARE INVITED line of current' mngaz, res and the finest country, in llxes and tablets. 5ttonAve, phone 154. Sign ef thl Book. Asheville. Una for rent Ju In ast $31 1st $30.00 a month. Real Estate Broker, A 'very popuar : hoarding on pavt d street near GRANT ft SON 6 Pa tton Avenue, Says the makclip of his clothes is "Ujicommon," wloh make's his styles womsn. Second .Floor. I Telephone 797. Mecwels 1 Caper bef ofSC.HSO. STAND way that Is sure give ratisfac- Id AVines and iM-ur. Choice 4" so that you and lh. best. heart ot the c fill an or dec for . v ' V" WAItD, .hevinc, N. C. 'dcrr I MATTERS OF'REtZ.lD J-- V City and County j POLICE DOCKET. ,". r. -Wells? drunk on the greets fined $t and costs ' ' - . h.fle, J ones, statutory 'offense, 30 days In Jail. ' , James - levies, statutory offense.' -90 daya on county roads. Martin race, druqk -on the streets, fined 12 anfl costs. , 4 ayior trout, carrying a concealed weapon; discharged. . lames uoMiins.- AYerchara-lnv fur naoK service. dlsch.rsril i William Jones, drunk and disor utjn, iiuBu )i am costs, ana com pelled lo give 90 days peace bond in sum or fiuo. ; j-ayior ana Ollle Trout, larcenv and receiving stolen property, bound lo Superior court on 1100 bonds. urn jhwuii, receiving sioien nroD- erty, Douna ta court on 1100 bond. DEEDS REGISTERED, . D. F. Owens and J. I. Owens to the Beej Tree Railroad company. 40-foot Ight of way acioss property on wat.. ers of -Bee Tree creek; considera tion $55. J., ti. McDowell of Washington to E. A. Beamaii. lot on. Southern street, near Depot street; consideration $140. W. C. Harrison to F. W. Garrison 7 acres of l.ind on waters of Flat creek; consideration $800. D. S. Hlldebrand to Lula Laughter, ot on west side' of Clyde stieeL: con sideration $225. M. Y. Angel to W. II. Shaffner. lot In Ashevllle township; consideration $J30. , PARTLY CLOUDY. . (By Associated Press.) Washington, I). C, June 30. Fore cast for Saturday and Sunday! Noith Carolina Partly cloudy Sat urday, showers in the interior; Sun day showers, light to fresh southeist to south winds. Emerson Electric Fans made to create the largest quantity of - artificial zephyr breeze with the least possible -'consumption of current We carry a full line of all sizes. PIEDMONT ELECTRIC CO. 35 SOuth Main street. Phone 478 Fihest Printing f&J K; ., " . f. ... ft "The Secret of Our Success ! is the Work we do." TU is our' bust Aess to print everything. Perhaps your' printer has'nt enough modern type we have. Perhaps his presses are not- of the latest patern ours arc. Perhaps he can not always do a job ' quickly we can.' f We have the material and skill to pro duce everything pertaining to the Printers' Art. Phone 950 f. , - : ' - - , , l4-. ( -r ' ,. Ashevillc Printing Engraving Co. WALTER A. STEELE, Manager No. 11 Church Street jinn AsmsyiLLE SUNDAY LAVS AIRED AGAIN BOARD OF ; ALDERMEN PASSES NEW ORDINANCE ON ITS FIRST READING. SODA WATER AMONG THE ARTICLES ALLOWED SOLD ' .. ..,, ;,V,L- ... .. ';,.fr-'-' "Baggage" Ordinance Laid on Table Indefinitely by Unanimous Vote.. . The discussion of a proposed ordi nance providing for a less strict observ ance of tbe Sabbath was the feature of the, meeting of the Board of Aldermen ist veiling; 1te resolution was in troduced by Alderman Stikeleather and was discussed at length by Dr. ,K. F. Campbell, the Rev. Frank Slier and the Itev. W. T. Capers, On a vote the board divided evenly, but Mayor Bar nard cast th? deciding' vole for the af firmative, An Interesting fight was expected when the "baggage" o"dlhance came up on its second reading, but the aldermen were evidently tired of speech. making nd the many, attorneys present repre senting the parties interested were giv en no chance to addr ss the board, the ordinance being laid on theitable in definitely. Other matters; of Interest, Including light, sewer ad water peti tions,' were ,onsidertd. ., r A recommendation of the water com mittee that ; water- rents for buildings occupied by more than one tenant be harged to ihe owner or uuthoriz d agent was carried. I The city engineer was ordered to pro- pare plans nnd estimates of cost of a six-Inch water maliv o; West College str et from North Main to Haywood street. A recommendation of. the -park com mittee that a light be placed in As ton Park was referred to the light com nilttee. ; is r- - ' ' The committee on public safety, roc ommended that a blclt fhop on South Lexington avenue b ordered torn down, it being In a dangerous condl Uon; The recommendation was adopted Can Hold Shoots. The committee , also . recommended tsat' the" present ordinance prohibiting the -firing of a'guh'ln the city be changed so as to allow the Ashevllle gun club lo hold its shoots within the corporate limits., TBljS was adopted, a the recommendation of the sewer com mitiee a sewer, .was ordered, laid on Spruce street from College to. Woodfli streets. The b6nds;iOt TSfx Collector Chambers and City Clerk HalyburtUn were accepted by thft. board. The distiller's bond of P. II. Thrash, operator of the Mountain City Distilllnr, company, was aceeptea, '( Soda. Wtte.U',.;;;.;. Alderman Uurnette moved the adop tion of an ordiiiancotallpwing the sal of soda water, ices, peanuts, confec Ions and like articles. In addition to the articles now On the "free" list. An am iiilinent of Alderman Allen that the simps should be opened from noon until 8 o'clock only was lost tor want or a second'. Dr. H. F. Campbell, pastor of the First Presby(erian ' church, spoke agalnt lhe adoption of the. ordinance. He said he opposed It because it Is con trary to American principles; because It is contrary to the opinions ,, of the greatest and best men of former tims and because the relaxation of the hab bath laws is contrary lo the teachings of history. The American ieopte, ne aid, seemed to be bent on breaking down the very-law 'that have shielded them n the past. Fnally,, said Dr. Campbell, he opposed the adotlon nf the ordinance because tt would oepnve man of his Clod-given right. He reviewed briefly the history of the Sunday laws- In Ashevlll and closed with a statement that the people of Ashevllle will not forget the action of the board on this question. "Yoti may think they will," he said, "but we will see that they do not.", , , The R v. W. T. Capers, pastor ot Trinliy Episcopal "church, poke, briefly- on .the question, tie saia ne Deiicveu the board was looking too keenly at I the material siue or m question, ow lng to its desire for the material prog V-. -.- '. " ' . 5-" ." ' -'-', -- '' Kinodrome Program WEEK OF JUNE 25, 1905 AN IMPOSSIBLE VOYAGE The Love Letter, , Hooligan in Jail, At an English Gymkana, - The Shadow Lady TOM, TOM! THE PIPER'S SON ,,-., t - . . . '.--- - A Bashful Curates Revenge, Cascades and Water ' Procession, The IgoiTotti Savages St.' Louis Expo." ; The Swing, The Kleptomaniac. j- Fireworks following Pictures Each " . . Thursday Night. ;5 . n Band Ccncerl' Each Tuesday and, Fifsy cttizek. ress of the city. He declared that the greatest benefits to the city will con from ihia use and not' from he abuse of Sunday. The, speaker told of the ex perience of other cities that adopted "wide open" Sunday laws and urged the board to take warning from them. The Rev. Frank SiKr, pastor of the Central Methodist church, said a few words along the lines followed by Dr. Campbell and Mr. Caper. On a vote Aldermen Burnetts, Ran dolph and Stlkelealhpr voted ay:-, and Aldermen Jones, Allen and Filzp i Irlck no. The mayor voted aye nnd the pro posed ordinance passed its first read ing. " '. , Baggage Ordinance. , The baggage transfer ordinal"-., v. a laid on the table by a unanimous vote, ,:. An app!ltlfn for a light on Char lotte street near the intersection of Ualrd and Broad tree;s va. referred to the light committee. Mr. Randolph said it had been report ed to him th-it hackmen, express com panies and other persons are charging excessive rates for delivering persons and packages Into the added territory .and asked what should be done in the matter.' After some discussion the city attorney was ordered tg look Into the mutter and prepare any ordinances that may be hec ssary to make the laws now In force In the old city oper ative In this territory. ' i At the recommendation of the light committee a light .was ordered placed on Jefferson- drlv near the residence of Mrs. Ftshen, A Jury was ordered placed on the Beaverd.am road to condemn -the right-of-way. , Substitute Police Judge Carler ten dered his resignation, to take effect on the return of either Judg? Stevens or Judge' Jones. The resignation was laid on the table for on week. . Th? treet committee was ordered to Investigate the condition of Short street and report.. A request'of P. Melntyre for a whole sale liquor dealer's license was granted To Repeal Ordinance. An ordinance proposed by F. Stlk' - leather providing for the repeal of that ordinance requiring merchants to make sworn statements of sales each year was passed on its final reading. Building p-rmits were issued as fol lows: To the Catholic church, for an eight room residence on Flint -troet, to cos! $1,000. - . . ,' To Wlnyah Sanitarium, ' for a six room residence near the sanitarium to cost $t.000. To John W. Bailey, for u residence on Chestnut stre t' to eot $1,500. To F. I, Johnson, for tin addition to a residence on Wood flu street to cost 425. To W. Cooper, for a store room on 'Xtorth Main street to cost $",0. A petition for a sewer on lola circle was read and referr-d to the tjjwer committee. A petition asking tint the city mar kef be closed July 4 was granted. After transacting some minor busi ness the board went Into exectitiv? ses sion. During this session It wu or dered that the city engineer adver tise for bids for the construction of a trover for the standplp The board ad-1 Journed at 10:15 o'clock. j Correct Dress The "Modem Method" system pi high-grade tailoring introduced ly L. E. Hayt & Co, of Cincinnati, latisfies' good dressers everywhere. All Garments Made Strictly to Your Measure at moderate prices. 500 stylo of foreign and domestic fabrics from which to chooM, Ask your dealer to thaw you oar line, or If not npreseniM, write lo u tor particulars, L. E. HAYS (EL CO. CINCINNATI, OHIO. ft!; No Dessert More Attractive' Why use gelatine and spend hours soaking, sweetening, flavoring and coloring when jcii-a produces better results in two minutes? Everything in the package. Simply add hot watersndsettoeool. It's perfection. Asur. prise to the housewife. Mo trouble, less ex pense. Try it to-dar. . In Four Fruit Fla vors: Leinon, Orange, StMwbeiry, Rasp. oerry. At grooets. inc. i Ladic's Tan Tics Dark shade, low leather heels, made for comfort's sake, soft uppers, Tun Soles; price $2.50. ' High heels, bluoher cuts. Fr, nth or Cuban dqrk tan, heavy sole two eyes ivlth large ribbon lac. pumps, $3.0O.; Also heavy sue strap $3.50, If Its shoes we have them. pump NICHOLS SHOE CO. On the Square. YachfCIub SALAD DRESSING s, Gives the fltilshlna touch to salads, Cold Meats, Slced Tomatoes -. and Lettuce. ' J ' 3$ cents pet- bol(le. Bell ti Van Every 4,PURB FOODS" 23,Haywood Phone 221 SPECIAL RATES Round trip colonist rates to Texas Oklahoma, JjOUlslana and Indian Ter ritory, each first and third Tuesday. . Round trip Convention rates to Col orado June 2.9th, to July Srd, inclusive. Round trlpconventiori rates on vat' lous dates from May 23rd, until Sept, 28th, with final return limit 90 days to California and Lewis and Clark Expo stU'in, '-Portland Oregon. Tlii-TOKh Pullman tourist cars oper ated uir na,ys a week from WasJi Ington, D. C., to San Francisco with out change, via Atlanta, Montgomery, Mobile and New Orleans, anC two cars per week from St. Louis, via Chicago & Alton and Union Pacific, via Kansas City and Denver, Information cheerful ly given,' - ' ' ' ;:y . J. F. VAN RENS8ELAER R. O. Bean, T. P.. A.. (Jen. Agent a. W, Ely, T. P. A. UPeachtreeBt Atlanta, CU. ' . ASIIEVILLE CEMETERY CO. r Annual Meeting o stockholders. Aa provided In the charter of the Ashevllle Cemetery company, the an nual meeting of Us stockholders will be held at the company's office In th city of Ashevllle, on the 10th da; of July, 1905, at 4 p. m. 1 - J. P. 8AWTER, President T. W. PATTON,-. ... . Se;retary and Treasurer, til July 10. , , ' - Sunday Schedule Of Passenger Trains 'on Ashevllle and Craggy Mountain Rallwuy Company taking effect Sunday, June 18th, 150E; Leave . noif Yard 2:00 p. m. 3: 80 p. m, 4 :00 . p. m. 5:00 p. m. :0O p. m. Leave ' Ot'agv. ,' J:30- p. in. 3:JO p u '.'3o p.- m : 6: 30 p. in. ,J:q0 p.m : -'v -V, . - 3. F. BIACKWOOD, Superintendent l-V-.,..-'V'-'-' J-J"-i 1 ; '. ' Schedule of passenger trains an - Ashcyille & Crajg5y : Mountain Railway Taking effect Monday. May 1st, 1905. Dally Except Sundays. Leave Golf Tard. Leave Ctuggf. :0 A. M. 8:00 A. M. :30 A. M. ' : 10:09 A. M. ' :10:S0 A. M. ' i 12 Nonn. ' V 2:30 P. M. " 1:09 P. M. 4:30 P. M. : 6:40 P. M. (Eastern Standard Time.) Take Charlotte street cars, leaving Pack square 15 minutes before leav ing lime at Golf Yard, to make con nections with the' above trains. nectlonn with A VJ.F. ..... . -. Blackwood, SupL. ,r " , ,. . wssjMsisjaMssMWBi mmm s' ! mm MMMKMswa President , -. V -XV : i l rW.V I' ' BELL RINGS! rTTSrV- I V!wt is. tl.s trouble ",f ' f V. I Oil explosion! '. . Did not1 use t jj : Fire Kindlcr ! . Carolina Coal & Ice Coi J I ' Phone 130. "' ' I ' ' RE-ED- . TUNES ; f PIANOS Folk's Musla HeuM, g Baggage Transfer Freight Haulinflf Draying of all kinds, Furniture movine. ' In. z Storage warehouse. Baggage checked from residence to destination with railroad check. Excavating and con structing. . . ASIIEVILLE TRANSFER CO. B.C. Allen, Mgr. Fbene Sit. With City Putt. Kv Ticket Offloe. , DR. CIS REED Specialist Diseases of the Rectum, jiiilto-Unuaiy Organs. Roeil liuildiiig., and m mm ' THE" PUREST ' of InKi-cillents but the most ca pahle ind careful of prcscrlptionists for compounding prescriptions ro what Kive us l.i.i ,. ami desirable class1 of patronage we aro constantly secur- '"ff- . . , ..r. You can implii Itlv Inist us for qunl ily. nrciiracv and -promptness. Our Toilet rcipiiKlti'S aro the best that Con, be. proi'iirrd . - Our prices are ns low as iscoaV sistetit-with best iiu.iliiy. Try us. ; Plalllin's Drug Store ; Phone132. Cor. Patton Church Street. Ave anil ous A lemplinff , Roast, Lamb w Heft,' one of lhe ,"ma.kc-yi)iir-miiutliwalor'"' kind, Is an easy pinposillun, for ma Juki, now.. 1 .. a Jt W. M. HILL; Phone 4 - FEATIIERST01J , SOOG Dealers 4a all kinds of IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WINES, LIQU0R3 ; AND CIGARS. - ,, it V w Purity Guaranteed ; Phona'40l. "'..TTlfl NO. 5, West Cellege Streets . '""i No. 29 North Main Street,' SilMeafel -V synonym for the 'best nicaf food.Ji Hit cs pfive our clnlm by .calling , ., THE STAR ' ; Teleplione 66. , TIP TOP LIOT ROOi',1 Corner North Main and 'College' St, for hot lunches, Ilam-sandwlchta. pit fee, eta. Everything new. ,' i ' Best of Service. Open dny and nigUt. MARSHALL WEST, prop. . , i , t Clarsoes Err!y Mart -'V'y :v '"Air" i-,,"';'iSi,A'1' --Cj ' Delie J

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