a as TEN PAuEl. PART ONI TEN PAOM. PAQEt 1 TO I -ii. Ji- PRICB FTVB CENTS Asheville Bids Welcome to the "Soldiers of the Day and Night" UIT1 V . VrtT TTMn -Jit ' ' . I A TTW VTT T T? M r TT Tt?C rskt unT..ttn ' " ' i . I -r i , . t' 7 1 f. VIRGINIA AND OLD NORTH STATE JOIN HANDS TODA i IN ANNUAL CONVENTION COTTON MARKET BADLY EXCITED Stampede Follows Unexpect edly Unfavorable Monthly Crop Report Yesterday LOSS -OF. LIFE MAY BE 1,000 Press Associations of TWo States Arrive at Dlltmoro This Afternoon ' MAYOR AND BOARD OF ALDERMEN TO RECEIVE Interest Irt the on -nt ion and! contributed liberally of their fun DELEGATES WILL CO TO WAYNES' Wayesvllle" Sends Kind Invita tion to Newspaper Boys Which Is Accepted THE PROGRAM. Tuesday Afternoon Indlm games at Riverside Park. Wednesday Morning. Business session. Wednesday Afternoon.. Trolley ride anil luncheon at Swannanoa f'ountry club. Wednesday Evening. Ball at Kenllworth Iiin. Thursday Morning. Business session. Thursday Afternoon, j Drive through Riltmorc es-' tate. , .... Thursday Evening. Banquet at Kenllworth Inn. Friday. Excursion to Waynesvllle. Friday Evening! Smoker at Kenllworth Inn. An Invltaion w is yesterday riived from u I'liinnilttee of cltiz of Wayn svllle, headed by Col. I A. Jones, Inviting the eilitnra to vll thai city Friday, mid him been nocetll. It was at first Intruded Hint the lltoi should be taken to Lake Toxaiy on that day. bin owing to a hltclpi the arrangements this t:i n had to llibnn doned. A sp clal train will I fur- nisheil by the Southern to taV the lllcliilieis of the I wo slito editail - soda Ions to Waynesvlllo for t day TEMPERATURE I ROME GOES T0103 New York. July 3. The cotton Mini sei mcuine badly exiltcd after the publication of the government crop LE I r,,," ' l"lli'V' m,'K Ihe eondHon of union oi He p,.r o,.nt,, r lower than even the sin. ill crop year of M, Tile report win a gnat deal worse than had been expected and caused a stampede of general buying, the mice Jumping up on.. cent per pound within ten minutes .iftei tin- publication of the report. This was the equivalent of J", a bale. The weekly crop reports had been generally f:vorable. and Ihe trade expected today's monthly re port to show ,in Improvement of SO per cent, at least. lixfrtlng scenes Were witnessed 111 the" traiKnv nil w hen the unfavorable repot t was read. Thousands of bales were thrown over by t:ie hulls, who took profits nt thel prevailing high prices, and this selling (Uletei the market. Together with the belief that the advance had discount, il the existing conditions, Liter In the afternoon prices advinced nearly to the top fot the day. Flood Struck Town In Very Midst of Merry-Making and Joy EVERYTHING SWEPT AWAY BY FLOOD FROM HILLS Priest Addressing Words of Consolation Himself Perished of nan injutn. Mexico. July life variously estimated .-at -Loss more CHARLOTTE LOST BOTH PETITIONS Interstate Commerce Com. mission Decides Against Shippers Association There VOLUNTEERS MAN TORPEDO. , . V : "" " v.'i a' I Washington, July J., t state commerce commb..-; down Its lleclsotv ti, tl,, coveting the complaii t i t lotte. N, ( shlpp.ri' ngillns; various south' rn i ... volvlng the iiuestoii of rates to charlotte from u other northern and ruMim from I.outsvllle anil Chltici er western points, and , the w est as being gr. at, shorter distance to Ch; rlit:, the longer distance fro n ri more distant localities. T 1 1. slon listnisscd both pe:i, i, ground that the faet-s tr. Ik .i llrl for t ; l t r , ei Mllfll j - -"II til. He. I did llOr COIlHtlllUM :1 llllMS fill' t ..l;..r .. I.l i. than mm nnd less than 1,000 persons I could be enforced. BOAT SAILING TO DESTROY BANDIT CREW OF WARSHIP i iuuiiuii I'lUUIIIIIIU WUOlil m Must Now be Considered as a Pirate HAY'S BODY NOW LIES IN STATE , KNIAZ POTEMKINE HAS LEFT ROUMANIAN PORT Rome,' .Inly " --The licit I. -fro wine; more Intense and reached. lln th .shade today. The pope Is riB'led to be Ruffe-ring from his seclusii in the Vatican, the atmosphere lne git deriK' being too hot for linil make use .of them. Many rases I death from sunstroke have nccurrl nmong persons working In the ha.vlelds. FRANCE SEPARATES CHURCH AND STATE Paris. July .1. The bill for the sep lira ton of chinch and stale passed the chimin r of deputies Utc tonight by the dielsive vote of 341 to 233. Tlfe result was greeted by govern menial cheeiing and opposition hisses. and i here was Intense excitement. The finishing .touches were Vut to th arrangements for the Virginia-North Carolina press convention, when the en tertainment oemmlttee met In final ses sion vest -rday afternoon. A feature of Interest which developed was the an nouncement that an Invitation hud been received from a committee of Waynes Ville cltliens, h aded by Col. S. A. Jones .asking that the newspaper men "visit that city, next Friday morning. The Invitation wis promptly accepted and a vote of thatvks to Colonel Jones and the cltlaens of Waynesvlll? was unanimously pasjed. The delegates will make the trip In a special train pro- vided. by the Southern railway. Although th convention, proper does not begin till tomorrow th - preliminary skirmishes will take place at 1:40 this afternoon, when most of the delegates are expected to arrive at Blltmore. A reception commltte-, headed by the mayor and" board of uldexmen, will t ike the knights of he pen in tow. and af .er they have "passed quarantine" at Ken llworth Inn, a speclil train of the South rn. railway w ill bear the visitors and their escorts to Rlveri-lde Park, where a tribe of Plummet's Indians have agreed to give scalping exhibitions for the .--difleation of the strangers. Kf forts are beln made to Induce one of the local "devils" to part with his scalp, ', and it Is probable that this omnipres ent geourge of all newspaper ofhYes will at last get lall that. Is coming to him. After the optical feast at Riv rside the visitors will be allowed to roam through Ihe city under the care of keepers. All. however, must report at nightfall at K nil worth Inn to receive checks for. berths Not more than six, says Mr. Moore,, will .be allowed to sleep In one, bed, except in the case of twin brothers, who will be counted as one, save at m;al times., "Flat beds"! only will be provided for Journeymen printers, and all are expected to abide strictly by the "column rules" of the hotel. Guests finding themselves unduly crowded can obtain more roorpi by stretching the ''space bands." I Business Session Wednesday. . The convention will settle rfown to i business Wednesday morninw. when President VarfU" will call .thel opening session to order. It is the pf-esld-nt's Intention that no delega:e escape this session, and any -one feigning sickness will be, carried In on ,aj str teher. .Wednesday afteiyioon. as prvlously an nounced, Mr. H. W. Plurhijier. general manager of the "Ashe vllle Hie trie com pany, will endeavor to sliaw the visitors- the sup rlorlly of elwetrlc transit over the method employel when mules cavorted and brayied oii Ashevillp'a grassy slopes.. With thlsi end in view hp will place at the disposal of the vis iting d-legateanve or six of his chariots nd will show them' -"llrie sight of th" "city." A stop will be made nt River side Park, where a phjonographic con . cer.C will be the attraction. Time will also be allowed at trio Swannanoa Country club tor a liglfit luncheon. The crowning ev?nr of W'f-dnesday evening win be the ball at Kjenll worth-Inn. .to which Many citizens) of Astteville will ?be invited. The services of a splendid orchestra have been secured and., as a aid- line, a buffet- iLncheon, will be served. Aa stated In Sundaf 'a Cltiien, all In- dlcatlona point 4o A V most successful convention .perhaps the most success ful hi the history 4 V the two lassocia tlona taking narK rhe Hoard of Tride and the cttlmrns nfl Asheville generally,' have displayed an) unusual amount of slve, SENATOR MITCELL I IS FOUND G LTY TOpEKA BANK ,s Por.Innd, Ore., July 3. A jl tonight found T'nlted States Senatriohn II. Mitchell guilty of accepting Iney for practicing b .fore Federal illrtments In Washington. The Jury wiut eight hours). DRIVEN TO WALL BLACK DESPERADQILLS SEVEN COLORED OMEN Amerleus, Oa.. July 3. Tlf'holesal shooting and killing of gfi negro women at the hands of Wifn Hieks, black desperailo, 'e.-tenlastill cre ates the greatest exelt-maV'ln the neighborhood of the city. fc county is appalled it the horrlbpeed. The eountv commissioners met llay nnd requested Governor TerrelB offer a reward for the murderer's tur, the commissioners making sucll offer on behalf of the county, tks was chased ten hours by a posslut Is still at large. Topeka, Kan., July 3. No definite statement was obtainable lodny r gard liig the eondillon of the First National bank, com rolled by Charles J. Devlin, a wealthy coal mine owner, which closed lis doors this morning. Col. W. II. Aosslngton, vice president of the bank, locked the Institution's books In the vault to await th - arrival of J. T, Bradley, national bank examiner, whotrl the comptroller hud appointed rccelvi' of the failed bank. and property damage to the extent of "vi r a million dollars, have been caused by the flood which has swept ov. r his town as (he result of cloudhinst. The telegraph service has been restored ami the authorities ar. rapidly bringing order out of chaos, ilreat suffering Is prevalent, but aid is I. -Ing received from surrounding tow ns . i ml a semblance of normal con ditions. It is belie ved, will .soon be rea In d. . i Hurl I of the dead Is progressing lapldly, although many bodies 'are though: to he among the ruins of lions, s ami arc dlllt, -tilt to locate. At ihe time when Ihe storm seemed likely to. abate and before Its greatest Intensity was felt, there was a great crown ,u meriyni ikcrs in the nlnzu (laming operators had scarcely time to set up their tables and place their money thereon when the tluod rushed down from the hills, sweeping aw booths, money and tables: Many peo ple H,re then and ihete drowned. A large number . of . people had sough refuge In the church of San Diego, but soon wete crushed to death under Its falling walls. The priest, who wiis addressing words of hope and conso lation to the lieople, was killed. It Is protorrble that many bodies w be found under the Vulns of the houses. The famous Ijif)lli't-m Is 'Intact, (hough at one time It believed to have burst. Many people are still Camping in the 'mountains. The au thorities and the telegraph officials have done vo-verythlng possible ' to maintain oruVr-ntul keep, communica tion open. IS ROBBED OF 25 THOUSAND DOLLARS FAIR COMMITTEE MEETS. If. A. Miller, chairman of the Audi torium fair committee, has called a meeting of the committee for Thurs day iiftci'itoon at 4 o'clock. New York, July 3. Janu s j.u ks..n IIIggliiRon, banker and broker, of thh city, has been robbed of iwenty-tlve tliouSHiml dollars worth of diamonds nnd Jewelry. The police and private detect tyes ha v. been not i tied and working on the caso. With his wife and daughters Mr Illgginson attended the theater Kt i day night. Upon their, return horn tho woman put their Jewels -away usual In a safe oh tho second door, off Mrs. Hlgginson's sleeping eh:miln .-sne uiscovereu ner loss n xt morning Mrs. l-llgglnson wns not sure that th safe had been IockiM the night hel'or, Hut. It was jijar when she went to II u ine nexi morning, and wa empty. tu ,inig ,e body of John Hay And tttt DesUny and Plan ' y In soIUmi- ystate In the au-1 . are Again In Uncer- , talnty COTTON CROP REPORT SHOWS AVERAGE OF 77 Washington, July 3. The monthly r port of the chief of lhe,buriBtu. ulsia- tlstlcs of the department of agrlcul lure will show the average condition or cotton on Julie 25 to have been 7 as compared with 77.2 on May jr.. ijiji: SS on June 25, 1!W4. 77.1 at the imr spondlng date In 1903, und ten-yea average of 84.6. Following Is the condition bv states Texas. 72; Georgia. S2; . Alabama, fa Mississippi, 72; South Carolina. 7S: Ar kansaw, 75; Louisiana, 73; North Car ollna, S2: Indian Territory, 79; Tetuies see, mi; Oklahoma, 83: Florida. 87: Mis souri, SO; Virginia, 8S. ieei ,ti. o July 3,(iUarded by tour ayah v. one of u hum ui,,,,a h side and urn ithcr end of C,i ket , "lay in soil tar ystate In the au ditornini ot the tlwimher of .nmm,.r, will remain th re all of tomorrow and until Hrlii on Wednesday morning. "verythliig connected with the funeral of the secretary has thus far been of he simple. t character und it Is thel st- Pa'waburr. July i. According to wish of the memh ... f .h. ,...... I "'-l'" received by an official agen- ... " y me torpeao Doat aes trover Rnetllvv. osieniatton. The with a volunteer neew hn. Pllhlle hfis not been admitted to . I. u-1 Odessa with' Ihn. Intontlnn nr .iki. he body and will not be allowed to see lh" Knl Hotemklne. With Kustenjt Ii at an vtime I u"u """"r unprotected porU of Hon- I mania, nulfarlg and Turkey at the ... ,,.,, ami mercy of the battlesh o'a runs, and i wo crossed palms. I w ith th? Inability of Vice Admiral Kru- ""'Khl and held tnaetli... i.v ii,.i ger'a sniMdron to Interfere wtfh her e. "I "f purple ribbon, rested o in,. 1'' ""'"'y admitted by retiring them ivt...i ,.. .1. . .,. t luiuiiimiun, una aesperaie exneai " 1 "" 1 ' 111 ends of nit wns rWld.,l t .i. .,. tile nit r av two iiW ,,.,-a.,,Vw, e n.A. ... .. I vwiiip.auiiii inu nti tnt Surrounding the casket was "lack Sea of the muntlneers. Thla n ' lnli.tnkmen! of palms and polled pru n r ln'8 destroyer, which l'l '"ls were scattered In nenf ul,. " ! ' tiuuugn sit dt iit the chamber uesi, as sn win nave to encounter both ri , a or hi., v.,.i.,i lne K',,,a, 'o'mkine and her attend " '' 'i.Hitiiiiu UU IU I- . ...... . "'led as escort for ihe bodv On L .""w compncaiea Wednesday morning ,,t. remains wi V . u'parture or tM Mttleahlp from . lie t.ik, n to u i.. ZL1 . . 1 Kiwie-nll. and Ignorance ss to where brief w,.t .. in v.,. u-.:,., ' . ' """ win next turn tip. but the dispatch . the ,neib,., nf hi. r1"" " a aie'.in oi nop (him nt. who will act as honorary .L... uur . Bll.u""" Of mtimatlng pall hearers, will arrive at 9 o'clock 1 T ""merB" le numoer or nttr crew Wedtiesdav ,or,,i . .vL . I ar xiouB i0 desert their leader, and 'lege' will start for th, , , " e8,nP8 ln conaequence of their tnu- Willllll n f,.u- ,l,o V.I.. ....a '"'"U mi ions. " -! nt.n iiin.tiiii! , ..... ... . ; val. fin the eonclu.lon of ih 1 " aumiraHji nowever, It attould be es the president will return to his ?u,,,, aon not " lhat the Bnellvy train nnd 0.1 . i gone n sucn an errenu. aitnougn , . . -,, 1 tnr omciai- aay fr.inKiy that the Knlat I ' 1 oi.niKine must in taw DC regarded a a pirate. .th STOCK COMPANY WILL MANAGE COAL TRADE Two Local Companies Will' be Placed! Under Single Manage. Thought to Have Left on Return to Odessa ment. HART SPRANG SUIRISE AND WON INT1ELFTH Reno, Nov., July 3.Mai Hart, of Louisville, today knockeLut Jack Root, of Chk.ago, In th? Ifth round of a fight for 'the heavy ht cham pionship The betting 01 were 3 to 1 in favor of Itoot. The ich which encompassed the downtu the Chl eagoan was a short "po ul Jolt of the right arm to the boi The blow was delivered with t rrl force, and It e'aughtf Root while he w billing up. Root was hopelessly 'detld. I p ti Reiferee James J. Jeffries! tying over the prostrate form of tl.'hicngoan counted ten, making Hafavyweight champion pugilist of- tlf'Orld. II might have counted tweif cojids, for Root W3B hopeless! ydepd. Up to this point of the nghtfit hud an apparent lead over. Har ALLEGED BANK TRIAL BEGINS W XKERS JESDAY Charlotte, N. C, JuBArgument i-ns heard In the C'rtlil court nt Newbern, N. C.V at noofaay to post pone the trial of ThoiW. Wewey chared with wreckhBie defunct Farm rs' and Merchonfank of that nlnce. The motion in continue the case was overrule lJudge Jones and the trial will begirfdnesday. Four Perish In Danville, Va., July Slur men were killed outright and s so serlousl yinjured It 1 st a por Hon of them will die of a threshing machili Hon ot Rush Eanes, ry county, this evenlij loslon others were Commutes Washington. July has commuted the eel 1 Kindig and Willi.f ht explosion the planta- Axton, Hen- tence fhe presid nt ea of William Jacobs, who were sentenced In ISfbe Imprisoned for welve yenrs In varCm peni tentiary ai Philadel and k pay a fine of J5.0W t'r c 'rteiting. The president's art Ion taken on the ground that the sei m w--re exces- I. A. Miller and V. M. Weaver hav purchased the business of the Ashe- lllc Ice and 'Coal company and are iigaiiizing 1 strong stock compuny for he purpose of handling this business md that of .Ihe Carolina Coal nnd Ic iTnipany. It Is proposed to place the two companies mulct the same man tgement and thereby save largely In running expenses of the buslncsH The .purchasers say that the new coin pany will be composed of leading Asheville business men and vw ill glv the people lieiter service and -cheaper rates than ever, before. MAIL CARRIERS TO MEET HERE TODAY Annual Convention Brings Many Del egates to the City Address es Scheduled. Delegates from all parts of the Hale have gathered In this city for he annual convention of the North '.irulina Rural Mill Curriers' "assocl 1 : Iiin. which begins today, The' -firs! session will be held at .10 o'clock this morning' In the K. of P:,hall, Ptesl- lent Monday will preside and the ad Iress of welcome will be delivered by iistmast.t W. W. Rollins of this ?Hy, me of ihe Important addresses of the meeting will be fh.it of Postmaster Biilley of Raleigh. 'Addresses were to mve been delivered by Congressmen .ickbu'rn and Pou, but they will nol he able to attend the meeting. NIGHT SESSION OF THE WALKER CASE A. nfelit session of the Lola Walker bench of promise proceedings was held st night. Two character witnesses testified. The Investigation will be untlued today. Two Firemen Perish , ' A FORE WARNING. The Deadly Toy Pistol (to the Jap) Vau think you ar a caution to kill Ruasiana, when I celebrate July 4 with Young America. but 4t watch . me Illnnliicham, Ala., July 3. A fire on Morris street- near Twenty-first sireeet today resulted in the death of two Bre men.' O. 11. Spru il and E. Huffman, the Injury of two others and the dc-tru'-;lnn- of property valued at. more than JKN'.UUO. Buchnrest, July 3. The. Knlat potent., kine left Kustenjt this afternoon, it Is' stated that she Is returning tij Odesn, The terpedo Mttfe'o. HB accompany Ing the Knlaa Potemklne attempted to enter the port of Kustenjt today. The Roumanian cruiser Elisabeth fired on ",; the torpedo boat; but failed to hit her. the torpedo boat thfn retired. This Incident .followed the refusal of the crew of the Knlai Potemklne to accept the government's offer, made through the mptaln of th port, who, positively announced that the muti- -neers would not' be allowed to receive ' provisions unless they came ashore un. armed and delivered up the battleahtj and torpedo boat to the captain of the port. If .these conditions were fulfilled the mutineers would be at liberty to ' go where thy pleased. The rebellious Biilors conferred together, then refused . the government's demand and then re newed their demand for provisions. This wus again positively denied by the captain' of the port, whereupon the Russian' torpedo boat attempted, to en ter the port, but upon being fired upon . - by the Elizabeth ,an devldently awed by the firm stand taken by the-authorl- ties, Bhe decided to retire. Vessel Surrenders Odessa, July 43 a m. The sur render of the Georgl Pobledonoaetc was form illy carried out this morn ing. The warship's officers returned from Ntknlietr, went on board -- and picked out the leaders In the mutiny and several of their followers, sixty . seven of whom were brought ashore and imprisoned In the citadel. Number Dead 6.000 . - . ' Odessa, July S. Estimate of the , number killed during the fires and riot big of last week rurv high as ale ' thousand. A far greater number were shot down, buc. many of the bod lea were Incinerated. , , ' COACHES PLUNGE INTO RIVER THROUGH BRIDGE Rfrnlts Fines New York, July S. In accordance with the decree of the court in the Mc- :rar rise President Pulliam, of Jh National Leigue. today remitted the floe of veral players disciplined tor J sonler on the ball field. Mexico City, July . The bridge on the Mexican Central railroad: at klto-' meter 317, between Iraputo and Sllao, fell as the southbound passenger train . was passing over tt early Sunday mm n Ing. The baggage and third class coach fell Into the river. . Seven pas-, sengers weie Hilled and ai injured. No lirsi clam passerigere .were hurt. GIVE BARBECUE. A big barbecue picnic will be held at Topton, Cherokee county, on July 11 and 12. There will bo public speak ing and fireworks each night, and a hi time Is rdanned bv the manage. Jment of the affair... . r-