ASHBVILLB N. C, WEDNESDAY MuRNING JULY 5, 1905 ' VOL XX NO 224 PRICB FTVB CENTS Shoiild Aula Acquaintance be Forgot and Kever-Brocht to Mind?" THREE HUNDRED DELEGATES ARRIVE TO TAKE PART If! VIRGINIA-NORTH CAROLINA PRESS ASSOCIATIONS CONVENTION HERE Sons and Daughters of. Two Great States Mingle Together in Fraternal Reunion at Kenllworth innOld Faces and Old Scenes Float . Before Delighted Ees, While Hand " Clasps Speak Volumes LEADING PAPERS ARE WELL REPRESENTED THIS YEAR Trip to Riverside Park Yesterday Mernoon and Informal. Dance Last Night Were Social Fea tures -First Business Session This Morn ing at 10 o'clock- Trolley Ride This Afternoon MR. VANDERBILT'S INVITATION. -'.'. -The. rain had no power to dampen th? enthusiasm of the accept ance by the Press asmclitions of Mr. George Vamlcibllt's Invitation to lunch at the estate Thursday. It Is the first time shut Mr. "'an- derbllt has entertained those attending a nievtlng of any Kind In Ashevllle, and the aff .lr is looked upon therefore as highly compli mentary. Luncheon will be served at the dairy house, the delegates also having the opportunity of going over the estate. . More.-than -Uwwtt- hundred "knights.. " of the pen" are now registered at Ken llworth Inn, where the first session of the- Virginia-North Carolina Press associations'- conference will be held this morning. Thieo hundied had lived at 10 o'clock list night, and many more are expected to arrive to day. It goes without saying that this is the Wgest number of delegates which has attended the conventions of the respective associations for several 'Shears, and, more than that, the pres ent gathering Is the most representa tive one. The leading papers of Vii -glnla and North C'atolini are repre sented here, a feature which has been missing In some of the recent conven tions. ; -llat Arrivals. The trulri bearing some of the "leading llgJMs" which was scheduled to arrive at Biltmore at 1:40 ytslcrday nfterndon was neatly aVSiour into, and No.' 11 had the same story to tell, on ly on a larger scale, it being two h.iurs late. Mayor Barnard and the board of aldermen, accompanied by the re ception committee, , stood around . on the platform and told funny stories to lessen the tedlousness of the long wait. Alderman Burnette told "fish stories." wlille the mayor and Alderman Stike leather discussed thfi question of es tablishing a government mint In this '&ty. ,: Finally the long delayed editors ar rived, and at that moment the sky, Which had assumed a threatening aspect for some Jifne before, became Inky black, and a downpour of rain, such as only Asheviile can boast of, gieeted the strangers. A grand rush was made for the conveyances which the Kenllworth stables had sent down, and a sigh of relief went up when the inn was reached. Many of the visitors remained St the Biltmore depot a.nd went on to Rlversde patk on the special train which the Southern rail way had thoughtfully provided. Mr. James H. W-oofl, district passenger agent of the Southern, met the In coming trains at Sallsbuiy; and" did much lor the' guidance of the delegates. Those who came in on rne nii train were fortunite enough to find that the luncheon provided by Mr, Moore had not been entirely subsidized. nd the Inner man was satisfied. , At Riverside Park. About seventy persons took ad vantage of the Riverside park special, which was run to give the Virginians an opportunity of'seelng a real, live Notth Carolina--Indian.-, Owing to the heavy rainfall,, the scalping exhibi tions and war dances were not given, the game of lacrosse being the only feature. The visitors had. a good time, however, and all retained to Keitll worth at nightfall tired, but hippy.. The scene attending the Reunions In tne cornoors m u.r. terestlng to. a high degree. "Pen pushers" who had not seen each other for years metaphorically fell on each nttwr'a neck, and shook nanas long says he la not a candidate for re-election? was - Bdtleed to be f mufh fattri til in when last seen nt Raleigh, K(i Itor Shciril df Oonoard alleges . that Mr. Vainer has been better fed since he left the capital city. It was a great reunion, and will not be soon forgot ten. It should be stated that Mr Bouls of Charlotte was also oh hand with his type ttnd other things. The Virginians. Af:er dinner the Virgnla Press .as sociation held a shot t business .ses sion, at which reports of the various committees wore read. The Virginia boys are here to the extent of a hun dred or more, and they ate a fine loiklng lot of journalists. Many of them jhave brought their wives and daughters, and. judging from the sain pies seen yesterday, Virginia is In no Immediate danger of losing her repu tation -fur "flue lads and bonn las sies." The delc-gites are a courteous lot rtf gentlemen and seem to greatly enj.iy being with their Tar Heel brothets. Ball Last Night. , Although It was not on the program an Impromptu dance was given In th Kenllworth ball room last night, and it did not take long for the visitors tb "mingle .in." A first class orchestri added much to theenjoyment of the oc casion. It was strictly Informal, how ever, and this feature, perhaps, may have be?n responsible for the spirit of jollity which prevailed. To quote the expression 01 a famous wit, "the hilari ty of the occasion was fanned by the wing of friendship." Proprietor Moore of the Kenllworth, even .at th? height of his prosperity, seems to have his troubles. Last night he complained of being "dead tired," and the end, he said, wtn not In sight. It Is' puzzling him now to know what he-Js going to do when ithe balance of the -newspaper crowd comes in. Ev ery yoom In the hotel is taken and some have four and five delegates In each. Business Today. The first business session will be held this morning at it) o'clock, when May or Barnard of. Ashevllle wll deliver the a"d dress of welcome . to. the two asso ciation.. The papers and addresses amed on the North Carolina program will be . read In jblnt session, but, the speci business of each association will be discuss 'd separately.; This afternoon a trolley ride and luncheon at the Swannanoa Country club will be the at traction, and tonight the compliment ary ball at Kenllworth Irm will doubt less be a drawing card for many of Ashevllle's cltixehs. Mr. Vanderbilt's Courtesy. "A feature of unusual Imprest d-vel-oped yesterday, when it was1 learned that Mr., George W. Vanderbllt had kindly thrown opea-hU splendid Bilt more estate to the. visiting newspaper men. and 4hat he would give them complimentary luncheon at his famous dairy Thursday afternoon. Many ex pressions of gratlflcatlcn and apprpecl atlon were heard when the .announc- and. lustily "far the sak of Auld uing ment was maae. mi is tne nrst time Syne." , Prominent among the dele- th a courtesy of this nature has been ctes were netlced J. P. Caldwell- of j extended to any convention In Ashe- the Charlotte uoscrver. - . r. v h t - , land of the Rh-hmond Times-Dispatch, As far as oin now learned the R.. at. Phillips of the Half ign atoming newspaper ooys are oeiignuti wrni me Post. Joaeprrus Daniels of the. Raleigh city, and It is not improbable that they News and Observer and nr. M. Dickson, state auditor, of Raleigh. Ed itor. Undsey of lMrlotteeVllle. -r Vr hn arrived In town wltn hie at.irk nt vrn." was th center of attrac- wlll return here In I!. CLUBS EXTEND COURTESIES. The rouriesies of the Ashevllle club ind the Elks' club have been' extenl- tfofi r a .while, and President H. B. ed O-the .members of the Ykglnia and Varner of Lexington, who, by the wajyNorth -Carolina i'rtas . ftseocutfoos. REIDSVILLE MAN KILLED BY TRAIN Injuries so Serious That His Death Occurred Yesterday at I o'clock (Special to Tin- ( Itlsen.) Iteldsvlllc, July, 4.- Williams. about '' yens old, n of ex-Majnr It. T. Williams, was ctiMiVd by one of the fast nor !'-!,. inM passenger trains early till- niornliiK ::l died r.hont 1 o'clock 'his iifleriioim. It Is 'supposeil he young man w:is euli r sitting or GLENN TALKS . TO TAMMANY Tells or the Dangers of Pres ent Methods of Work and Living QUOTES GOLDEN RULE AS AMIGH1Y REMEDY ROOSEVELT AND PARTY TO ATTEND Are Now on Their Way to Cleveland to be Present at the Funeral of Sec'y. Hay n' ent to Invites Tammany Braves Nonh Stafe to Eat Hog and Hominy York, July 4.- Th.- T.iinniany 's nunuil I'ourtli "f July cele In front of tin' wigwim In iitli sir coiuU-Umed nliout ly iu!llf rxcrclsVs iii obsei vnnce I'otirth In M iniiatt.iii. chief spe:ike of :lie Tammany Robert H. Ilni and I.leuien- iVernor J-Vid Y. Sanders , of Lin.i. Ooverti 'i- Oleiin slid: lo it. I'm: til,- . T i l.f.'m.mi were 11 i lie if North :ml I. oil s an.ling on t he r.-i strm k. The nY.iicled foi-ni enrrle.l to the family ! street ami pliysi. lans wounds Three ribs w k hen he w as a Immediately one on Main dressed the broken, the lde of the fa. e v.ns heirllily lacerated and there were in. lira ; ion of Internal Injuries. The young man never re gained consi'lousness. I luring th- re cent Spanlsh-Amerln n war the de ceased was a volunteer and eerve ' with ihe regular nrmy In the hospital carps. PUGILISTS AGREE TO A THIRD ENCOUNTER SOON Heno. New. July 4. Jat liKoot and Marvin Hart today agreed to' a third and deciding buttle. Kaeh man non holds a vlitory over the other, Root avlng won his first fight against Hurt in six rounds. TWO HURT CELEBRATING THE GLORIOUS FOURTH Augusia. (in.. July 4. At a barbecue c Jebration of the fourth it linston. In Lexington 'county. S. c. two men were seriously wounded, on- proboijiv fatally, and several others more or less badly hurt In a figh; lhat Rr.ew to riot proportions. The fatally Injured are L. R lteee. shot in th - 'abdomen nd back; Mack Jerrlette. cut In the back and side; Joe Reese fhot In Ihe hip. I you have -n ole niistakes none . will deny: that yon have elevated to I office and put In .,.siil.uis of trust snnt" who have he. n untiiie :o their o.i I lis. unwoithy of your order and a ineii.i.-e to soclet' ami good govern ment y m yourselv. will admit, but you hive controlled, directed and gov .'rne.l lesser and gieate-r New York un til today It has in nonilers. wealth and ii.iwer outslrlplied every city un der the sun. "Tin- subject you have assigned me today Our Country is vast and un limited. "Political clouds, now no la'ger per haps than one's nan. I. are ailsing on the political horlxon. The dangers are the conflict between capital and labor; conccntr 1 1 Ion of.alj wenlth In tin hands of a few and mt: living too f ist, both as .1 nation .nil ns individuals. The list Is ninklnj ti a ml ion 'of' gam blers and thieves. .Honesty Is the besi policy, and we nn live within our means and still le lutppy. "The danger of the great citlsens Is unres . anxiety, a never ending, cease less strain on body, mind and soul. No time for Bundny and rest. Vice stalking abroad In the day and shame without!' fear walking at night. For all these evils ihiie is a gieat -and mighty remedy- the message of Christ the King. 'As ye would lint men would do unto you, do you unto them like wise." "There is n ctlon of our land that j IS 111 ,- .Mill. I. llliri.-fiirrriiir,i ...r ,.n,l nf lillelru he 1 1 c.llfa nml Indian battel Dixie. Your land as nell ns' mine, Ihe glorious, sunny southi" (Continued on page four.) Philadelphia, July t- I 're-id Roosevelt and nearly all of it,, and former inembera of lilt t- tliliiet at en route to Cleveland toni-tu ,,n a s . clal train on the Pennsyh'wl.i i.iiii.ia.t to attend the obsequies of j,.Ui h .y late secretary of tut. Th? party . .in stitutes 4he largest represm. i..,, ,.r i). executive branch of the ,, , riin.. iu ever, iiss mbled on one tnla. It in cludes, lie-Ides the presi.lmi. an inn one member of-he present i. .ml three ex-niemb rs of Hronldent Roose velt's former cabinet, the Ititer h.-iio: F.IIhu Root, former secreiary ..f war; Paul Morton, former hmhih of tin navy, and Charles Emory nii ti. 'r.u m er pos mnst r general, who at ,- ,.f ,, president's party. KNIAZ POTEMKINE, PIRATE; ; ' SIGHTED OFF PORT ODESSA PATIENTS AMONG THOSE PERISHED Hospital Itself Not Spared by Fury or the Storm That Struck Mexico Town Before Leaving Bucharest Mutineers Declared War ) on Russians PROMISED TO PR01ECT ALL NEUTRAL SHIPPING DATES FOR INSTITUTES HAVE BEEN ANNOUNCED (Pieclal to The Cltizm.) Hnlelgh, July 4. The following In ules or rarm rs institutes in me nmun ,uln regions Is announced by the board of agriculture: Henderson county. Wednesday. August S3; at Henderson- vllle, Transylvania county, Thursday, 24; at BretMrd, Polk county. Friday. 25; at Columbus, Haywood county. Haturday, 26; at M-.tcon, Monday, i't ot Frnnkllnton. Jackson coumy. Tins day, 29; at Webster; Wednesday Swoln, at Bryson City; Graham. Thurs day, 81, at Rnbblnsville; Ch r.ike.-, Frl diy, September 1; Clay, Saturday, 2; Ha ye? v'lle, Madison Monday 4. at Mnrshall; Buncombe, Tuesday, r., at Weavervllle; Yancey,'. , at Hirfnsvllle; Mitch II, Thursday.;, at Uakersvlle; Watauga, Saturday, ji; at Boone, Ashe, Tuesday, 18; at Laurel Springs, Alleghany, .Wednesday, i:i at Sparta. - . BARON ROSEN STEPS ON AMERICAN SO L iNiew York, July 4. '"Please deny for me that I have given out any inter view or expressed publicly any opinion of a political nature," were 4 J most the first words of Baron Rosen. In? new linsslftn ambassador to America and peace plenipotentiary, to a representa tive of the Associated Press, a the Kaiser Wllhelra II. wu moored to her dock In Hobokjn .today. - ''Please nay that and nothing more and I will be much pleased." . Huron Rosen was accompanied by his wife, daughter and Prlnre Konducheff. the Russian minister to the grand duchy of Hesse-DnrmtBdt. oan . Ju, i ... Mexico., July 4. Govern idn.-Kon estlma es the loss the life Hi.- r milt of the cloudburst which le.l ihls i Ity m .oinetlilng over 200. lies of lie victims ire being recov. I 'I lie hospital was Hooded so kly iliat the pat ienls were drowned ' m ignltlc nt Juare theater llo.,-,l li nt Juare- theater was I In- flour of the first bal cony and Mil.llers who had taken refuge had to climb to the upper bnn coiij lo save themselves. The powjy; I I nt is daningiil -mid th city Is In do kness. Th.- properly Iops Is now est hunted at JJ.iKXl.ftOO.' MOBILIZATION OF ARMY IS ORDERED Crew of Admiral Kruger's Transport Said to Have Mutinied : " Loudmi Jul- 4.3:SO p. m. A duv, patch io The Evening Standard from Odessa says the Knlag Potemkln- baa been sighted twenty-five miles off that port. Mutiny Prevented the Departure of War Ship Paris July 4.-4:45 p. m. A dispatch lo The Temps from Constantinople say that the Russian ship Nicholas It. which had been ordered to proce d to Alexandria In place of Odessa, was un- able to leave Cons antlnople on account offa mutiny of -the crew of the Emperor Nicholas II., who Insisted on going to Odesm to prot rt their families, v SI I 'ret ord army -r kliolm. July '. The " Associated is in a position to state that an for n moblllratlon of the Swedish litis been Issued and that a pro clamation to this .ffect will probably he Issued within a week. The nioliillzaiion Is Intended us u nie.ns of giving added force to any pro posal for settlement which he special commission appointed by the Riksdag may make to the Norwegian Storthing. NASHVILLE CHURCH DESTROYED BY FIRE Nashville. Teiin., July 4. Fire -tonight destroyed McKendrkk M. K. church, on Church street, h tween Fifth and Blxth avenues-, and one of Nishville's finest houses of wor-hlp. and threatened a destruction of the retail district. In the midst of which the edifice was situated. Tli Arlington Hotel, directly across Hie street, was In Imminent danger, and considerable confusion" prevailed for some ilme among the guests. The Homes were, howev r. confined lo the church, the o?.y on which Is com Vte and has been estimated nt JGO.OOO. The amount of Insurance could not be learned tonight. The flames w-re discovered Knlaz Potemkine Declared War Upon Russian Vessels Itia hai-est, Rounuinla, July 4.Befor .he Knlui fyilemklne failed from KuaL tenjl a d legation from the crew hand- . ed the prefect a proclamation ad dressed to the represenMtlves of the powers In Ronmnnla, formally deHarln; war on all Russian vessels which re fuse to join th mutineers.. The procla a-. mnllrtn an j ha Ifntaa nrttamVlna' vrlll respect neutral territory and foreign shipping. The delegation . requested that ihe proehimatlon be forwarded ttf the pow rs. ' ' " ''v u t Crew of Transport 5hlp . Mutinied but Repented i - .'''. St. Pet rsburg, July 4. The minister of marine has received the following telegram from Admiral Kruger: - "The crew "of the transport sProut, when leaving Budrovo Bay, mutinied, arresting the captain an other officers. Second Lieutenant NeMertieff ant Boatswain Koslltlne were killed. -. "The Prout has arrived at Bebaetopot and the crew now Is rep nlant. The officers -have been released, the cre'w begging them to resume thelif posts. The Prout Ivts bt.-n ordered to anchor nt Kamosheval Rov. and an Inquiry Into the affair has been opened."-; midnight and had ihen made su -h 1 . ; - ' '--- headway that their spreul to iidJolnlr'pp pRPATP RV" f ir.KIWfl buildings seemed certain. The chun was destroyed by fire once before, In 1ST?. Th origin of the fire Is unknown. !. SIXTrtN HUNDRED CELEBRATE FOURTH Why all this excitement in th western fcanreet fields? " "' ' " '' -'-''' It i Ue arrival, of.-he Sret harvest-karxi fnsm the Eastern cellegecThe demene! for harvest hand great last summer- A number of eolUgs.attfdents will 'ge to the western fiefds- Ntws Rem.' - 's is Knoxvllle, T--nn., July 4. Over sl" ecu hundred teachers from twenty- t'iuhl states c lebrated the ourth of July in patriotic style at the big um mvr si-hivil of the South today.. After march. In which all the, s-tate par ticipated, on the I nlvepsrty gf Tennes- ee campus, spokesmen were heord from the various states In ithree mlniite address s. Dr. Edwin .Marie Sparks, of the 1'iilverslty of Chieigo, lellvered the oration of the day. This Was lOIIOWeo vy me llljliillf'ii il lie, laratlon of principles. In which the as semblage ncpealed to the cltlx -ns of ev ery southern state to demand educa lop for every child, not -ts n luxury, out as a privilege, intiiwni- uuij mhu n minrantee of the conilnUance of fre ln-.tltutlons. consolidation of small and weak schools wns commended and the introduction -of both ogrleulturil and mechanical training into the schools. and their" enlargement by colleges and' universities was endorsed. 1 Appeal wns'j made for more liberal support of both schools- and colleges in the South, and for the establishment of strong 'ind ef ficient normal schools for the training of teachers. JOHN BULL ONCE MORE Philadelphia Beat Put It All Over, the English Crew In Henle . f Regatta. Henley, England. Jul " 4. The creer of the Vesper Boat Club of Phlladel phlu celebrated Independence day,: In England by winning Its .heat against the b-f-t university crew competing at Henley this year, and by making the best time of any?lht. American flag were flying oil over Henley. Tonight (here Is much guessing over, omor:. row's struggle , whkth unqutsttonably wll decide who will be the . winner of the grand challenge; eup-:;:-; j AWAY FROM HOMES ARE MINDFUL OF THE DAY Leave Jor Philadelphia Atlanta. D July 4. William U Ken. n and William M. Jacobs, the two Philadelphia counterfel.ers. h'vve. lett this elty for Philadelphia, after being released from the (Federal penitentiary hfif. Their sentences were commuted lo pres nt service by President Roose velt on he ground that the sentences sere excessive. TWO PRIVATES INJURED. , ; Boston. July 4. While firing the na tional salu:e of 45 guns at Fort Wash ington. Boston haibor, todsy. the charge of the sixteenth round explod ed prematurely. Injuring two privates f the Ninety-sixth cewst artillery, private James J. T3uckley was proba bly fatally wounded, v " Mexico City, July 4. The fourth of July was celebrated by . the American colony Robert BaVrett read the dec laratlon of Independence and Ambassa dor Congr read a patriotic address. Presideat. Dlaa was entertained by the Society of the - American Colony at lunch and made a brief address paying a tribute to the United States.': tie was cheer d lustily. . -.,-. Found Not Guilty , ., Little RbckV Ark.; July 4. A verdict of not" guilty was returned Ihls eve rtliig by the Jury In the trtal of State Senator A. W. t'ovlngton on charge of accepting bribe of Ifi.fiOO on the bill appropriating fsflO.000 for the cemple--, thin of the new stalo enpltol. ' ' -1 " MISS SUTTON WON AGAIN. London, iuly 4. Miss May Button, ot PnsMden i, Cat., upheld the honor 6f the United States In the all-England tennis championships at Wimbledon today. It looks as though Miss Button will carry the champlonrfilp to ne United 8m t s. In the finals of the single Broc-k-a beat Rmlih tnd consequently the chm plonshlp lies between England and Au stralia, while In the doubles Engmr America and Australia are still tn i:. game. '.:

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