)( .,.-. ., . . . ' ' Cast year vt In PapuUrVy ' - CniMt tod. .. ' .! - . mm V . - THI WIATHtft. ASHBVILLB N. G, TUESDAY MORNING JULY 11, 1905 PRICB FTVB CENTS f LITTLE BOB". HITS THE ELKS IN FORCE AT BUFFALO, N Y. WILL NEVER SEE HAVE NOT SEEN THE PEACE DOVE RECORD BREAKING HARD- 5 r 1 OUR ASHEVILLE BRITISH1 ARMY A RUDE JOLT WOOD DEAL CONSUMATED AS ? Says "Tommy Atkins' Is Do . Needs Overhauling BLAMES NOT "DE KINO" BUT THE PEOPLE Lord Roberts Waxes Hot and Says England is Due to Get -Birred" London. July 10. Field Marshal Liml rtobrrts ciealed a sensation In the house of lord thin evening when In a lengthy and well considered speech, he deliberately expressed his opinion as practical soldier Ibai t ht ml I'liry force of Great Hrltslii wis Inadequate, Imperfectly 1 rained and totally unfit to uphold Gre:it , Hiltaln if a flrat class power. Lord Robct did not blame the government,, which he said, was actuated by a national feeling, but he scathingly attacked the nconlo of Ehcland. who. lie aild showed no nation il feeling towurda the irt'lltiry until danger arose. Lesaona Forgotten. Lord Robetts said ihc Irasana of the South African war hid been for gottrn. He had no hesitation In say Ing that the armed forces of - Orea Britain as. a body were now as abso lutely unfitted and unpieporcd for war as they were when the South African trouble broke out. He declared cm phatlcally that the choice lay between conscrtlptlon on some practical! ays tern of universal training, and that only by such means would It be pos slble for Great Brlliin to possess armed forces organized and trained to meet the demands of the empire In the event of war. GOV. GLENN NAMES NEW N. C. DIRECTORS fRneclal to The Cltlxen.) ' mielgxr' J&yitfotfernor '" GTctih has appointed the. follow 'ng eight di rectors of the North Carolina railway: W. T. Brown," Winston; W. M. Wil liams. Newton-. Hugh Chatham, presi dent, Elkln; L. Banks Holt. Graham; Thomas H. Vandeiford, Salisbury; John W. Lambert Thomasville; Allen J. Ruffln, Hlllsboro; S. C. Per, Reldavllle. The last four are new. There 'were 305 aspirants. MANUFACTURERS WANT LOOK IN ALSO If Cheatham of the Growers' Associa tion Gets There Others Will Go. Chulotte, N. C, 'july 10. In view of the report that Secretary Richard Cheatham of the Cotton Growers' as sociation is .to be present when the August cotton report W made by the agricultural department. President R. M. Miller. Jr of the American Cotton Manufactuiers' association today sent the following telegram to Secretary Wilson of the agricultural depart ment: "If Mr. Cheatham or any other rep resentative of any organization Inter ested In cotton ls'W appear before -your department when the, August cotton report Is being ptepared. we respectfully ask for the privilege of representation also on behalf of the Cotton Manufacturers of America." SHE DIDNT WENTf Kustenjill, Rouroarcia, July 10. The announc meni. that the battleship Knlai, Petemklne sailed wl;h Rear Admiral Kruger squadron yesterday evening turns out to be Incorrect. Be fore leaviffg the Knlas Potemklne the mutlne rs opened the sea cocks and flooded her hold. She Is now lying .a-t the bottom, but I. Is said will be re floated 1n time to leave for Sevastopol - July 12. KEPT DYNAMITE. , Bud Payne waa y:terdiy arrested on the charge of keeping dynamite for sale In the tlty without a license and will be given a hearing before Judge Jons thls morning. It Is thought that other charg s will be preferred In 'the eourse of the Investigation that has been be gun, as Fiyne is tald to refuse to sta'.e where he obtained the 106 ticks found, ana the theory of the police offlcrs Is that he aide them. The arrest was made by Cteptaln Bartlett and Patrol man Messer. , THREE MOONSHINERS ARE KILLED IN ; j : DESPERATE FIGHT WITH REVENUE OFFICERS Roanoke, V, July lO.-Detalls reached here todny from Christians burg t iling of battle, between reve noe agent arid alleged moonshlnexa In Bochanan"couatjr. brief report of which was sent out Saturday night. Tba revetm men went Into th moun tains to rartore distilleries said to be op rted in violation of the law. Tbcjr BOYS FIGHT WITH . A FATAL RESULT family feud Cause or Shoot Ing In Madison County- Election Held (Special Jo The Cltlsen ) Marshall, N. C July 10.-N wa has reached here of the killing at Handy Mush. In township No. t, yesterday aft CI noon of CTnwiora -Morrow, oy Armor Freeman. Both of the participants In the ,-iffalr ore young men. Freeman be Ing but IS years old and Morrow 21. It la said that ther has been bad feeling between the two families fur some time over the death of some tur keys which the Freemnns claimed th Morrows killed. According to the re port received the two young men met yesterday and Freeman charged Mor row with having kill d the turkeys Morrow denied the chirge. and then it Is reported. Freeman drew his gun and shot twice, both bullets taking ef fect in Morrow's back, killing him al most Instantly. Freeman Is under nr rest her' today awaiting a hearing. An el ctlon is being held here today for the purpose of deciding whether or not the city shall Issue bonds to riise money for Improvements. Th- plan la to construct a waterworks. Install a sewerage system and to puve the prin cipal street. COTTON LEAK FRAUD MAY LEAD TO PEN Now Thought That Criminal Prosecution Will be Under taken by the Government fryjrter-Biyr L. I.; July 10. It Is r: garded h re as not unlikely that crlm nsl prosecution may result from the Investigation of the cotton report leak In the department of agriculture. The subject has not yet been present-d to he president In a formal way. although he is famlllir with most of the details of ,the inquiry. I'nlted States District Attorney Beach, of Washington, waa of he opinion, after a cursory sxamlna lon of a part of the evidence ad duced In the Investigation,1 that a erlm- nil proceeding would ,not He against Assistant Statistician Holmes, who Is alleged to huve profiled by giving ad- ance Information of the condition of th' cotton crop to certain brokers. The department of Justice Is. not ln- llned to accept this view of the case. While no decision to Institute criminal proceedings Jias b en reiched, the sub- is being considered by Attorney General Moody, who later will take the matter up with the president. NOT AFRAID OF LIBEL. Washington. July 10. Secretary Wilxon Intends to take no step back ward In his report, on the cotton leak Investigation. This was evidenced to day by his statement that he was no afraid of any libel suit which might be filed agttnstj him by Mr. Price or others mentioned- In the report. In fact, !ie said, he 'would welcome such action, because It might be the means of developing some facts not already uncovered and which it was desirable to know. ., "This Is a quarrel among gamblers," he said, "brought about by the dis satisfaction of some of them Ih not gett'ng what they thought was their due. I have nothing to take back. As the head of an executive department of the government-, it was my duty and my right to g've to the public the re sult of the Investigation by the sectet service agents Into the charges which had been filed leading up to the dis missal of Mr. Holmes. CHEATHAM RETURNS. Atlanta, Ol. -July 10.-8cratry Ricjard Cheatham of the Southern Cotton association reached his.- head" quartets In this city today, having re turned f : nm Washington, where she has been asslstlfrig in the Investigation of the statistical bureau of the de partment of agrlcultufftre with refer ence to the leakage In the cotton re' port. Secretary Cheatham was to have held a conference with President Jor dn here , today, but Mr. Jordan was unexpectedly called from the city. The conference will be held tomotrow. were met by a band of moonshiners led by Henry Adams and firing on both sides began. Three moonshiners were killed and three more mortally wounded and one r venue agent. Deputy Collect or O. M. Tucker, was slightly Injured. The dead: Columbus Collins, Andy Anderson,, Senior. ; The names of the wounded moon shiners are not given. Delegates From all Parts of Country Attending An nual Reunion ELKS' HOME IN VIRGINIA RECEIVES ATTENTION Present Rules of Admission to Home Said to be Too Stringent Buffalo. N. Y.. J : 1 In Th nlnteenth nmni.il ri'iii:lon of tli- liievii"iit mid Protective order of Klks hemm here today. peleKntlon ( i nil parts of i he country began to pom Int., the city and the iprriatlnii or large at- twidanee lire being realised. The re- port of the board of Koxernor of the .National li.iire of Klks. at Bedford! Clty, Vu.. has been p'a, .-.1 In th hands of dram) Exalted Ituler i T.i I,mi. Be sides ailllstls of iiialnten.i 111 e the re port discusses -everal lnioitant ues tlons. 1 'The pr sent board of governors." the report says, '"deems it advisable to inform the grand lodge that If the present rules of admission are adhered toJlt does not se ni advisable to con-' tlnue the operation of mi large .1 plant for so few residents, now numbering only twenty under the present res ric tlons of admission. As a business' proposition th- men could be more(' economically cared for by pla-lng them. In a private Institution. "The alternative Is to admit mem-' bers suffering from various forms of: disease that now disqualify and to per-1 mlt the age limit to he disregard d In ! cases of members who by rea.-uti of In flrmltlcs are hopelessly decrepit." OUR GOVERNOR INVITED TO SPEAK (Special to The fltlsen.) Salisbury. July 10. Governor R. B. Glenn of North Carolina has accepted an Invitation to deliver an address here on September 7, the occasion be- the annual celebration of Labor day. The various unions here and at Spencer will on that day unite in a great celebration. The piogi-ini com mittee has Invl'.cd other distinguished speakers, and elaborate prep u-itions are being made for the event. Tha inspactors have ben notin to th Chinas. OtHor carssMsiens will Chinas NiwMtsi. - - . No, 1 Unele Saen'a former attit U. 2 China getting a Westam No.-Tr,r.wlt.. , . Plenipotentiaries of Russia and Japan Won't Taste North Fork" Water WILL SIT AND THINK AT PORTSMOUTH. N. H. It Is Said That New Hamp shire Will be Nice and Cool-But? Washington, July to Asslxtiint Hec relaiy I'ler.e today aniiounred today amiii'. iiei-il thut the lileMiDoteiitlarles of ' Itupxlu ml Japan had attieed upon lNir mnouth, N. H.. n the me ttng pluce for the seMlnn Of the )ie,iee confer ence to be held outside or Wa'hlngton. The sessions will be held In He gov- einm nt navy yard at rorlsniouth. In the new building Just completed there. The selection of Portsmouth ns mu- tunllv a i-eiitnble to the iwa.e envoys of the belliger-nt. as beside being ! cool nnd comfortable place for ihls sea son of the year. It has lie advantage of offering a building on government soil, which Is regarded as an Import ml consideration. This will Insure seclus ion, as no one can ffnlii admission to th navy yard without permission. While i he sessions will be held In the navy yard, the plenipotentiaries and their l iff will live In nearby hotels. INSTRUCTORS OF DEAF MUTES MEET Convention of National Soci ety Assemble at Morganton From Thlrty-tWo States Morgantoj, X C. July 10. Thirty two m;ate,-tno'''Dlstrlct of Columbia and he Canadian provinces of Mani toba and-Onlsrlo are now represented In the atteiiduneaiere on th' American con vent Isiri-'bf 'Instructors of the deaf. Deleg&'cs are mill coming In and by tomorrow It Is expected tint the num ber of slat s represented will be In creased by several and the total num ber of delegate? will lie much larger. Arleady there are 2Ki on the register of the hotel department of the school. Ev ery southern state Is represented and ivery sta.te In the middle west. Many oi the delegates -ire mutes. ' . not t bs tse harsh n th .nfore.msM .f th immigmuft 'Vn " b msds to lssn t byo against .merican trsos new ams t ; '' '- ' - . as toward China. tip. ' ' . ' . - Japs and Russians Still Mak ing Holes In Each Other Out East RUSSIANS. AS USUAL. HIT THE PIKE Japanese Stop to Capture Guns and Then Give Hot Chase Tnklo. July 10 I p. in. The follow ing ri'iutrt has rtecn reee.ved from the Japanese til my headquarters on Sak halin island: "Our army. wiUlimi, much teslst- lire, occupied Korsnkovsk early on July 8. The, enemy burned the town ml retired to positions eight miles north, wli. re they resumed resistance. "We illslitlgcd i hem and are now In pursuit. "At 11 in on July S the enemy hid retieile.l to a poll) It! miles north of Korsakovsk. "We riture.i txo 12-ceiillinette guns, two lS-poundd n and- also an amount of ammunition. "We suffered no loss." RECEIPT OF NEWS MAKES TOKIO GLAD Toklo. July 10. The announcement of a Japanese force at Sakhalin Island and the occupation of Korsikovsk, fol lowed by the northern flight of the gar rison, has been received with gr at sat isfaction by the Japanese. The Innd lng of the army at Sakhalin marks the first entry of the Japanese upon Rus sian territory proper. The Japan se have expressed themselves pleased tn bs again in possession of the island, de claring that Jhey have long f'lt tht the bargain- under which they relin quished the pluce forty --trs ago was unsatisfactory. The Japanese express the belief 1 ha: th y will speedll" control the entire Hand, as they regard the garrison there as being Incapable of serious re isVnnce and re confident that. It will certainly be captured. SHE'S GONE, LET 'ER 001 Odessa, July 10. The authoilties here have been Informed that the Kulsa Potemklne has nailed fiom Kus ten 1nl for Selkistopol. Tl(e .foreign consuls declare that they will make claims against the Russian government. The claimants number about 400. ami the total losses are now estimated it $20,000,000. by - BANDITS MAKE A HAUL IN CUBA Wealthy American Has a Lit tie Surprise Party While He Is Dining Santiago de Cubi, July 10. Julian Cendoya, a wealthy American banker und agent of the Ward I.lne, while din lug last night with his family at his home across the bay. wis attacked by eight bandits, who cover d the mem bers of the family with firearms ami searched the bouse. The bandits pre sented a written demand for 130,0000 and seized Mr. Cendoya as a host a until the imount should be paid. Aft er parleying Mr. Cendoya consented to pay $2,000. and the bandits departed This morning Mr. Cendoya paid the money over to the bandits at a r n dcivous In the bay. According to reports the bandits are all Snil:iid- and desperate looking. One of them has been recognised as a boatman who was formerly engaged In the work of salvage on Admiral Or vern's balttlcshlps. Rural guards ure pursuing the out laws. NOW NO DANGER OF ANOTHER FASHODA France and Germany Have Come to Terms on the Morocco Question Berlin. July 10. The agre-inent be twoetf France and Germany n the sub ject of Morocco, w hich Was made pub lic In both Paris and Berlin todiy. Is received here as a diplomatic success of th first Importance over both Great Britain and France. .1 he attitude of the American govern ment towards the Moroccan coniroverj iy was together satisfactory to fjll" many. Precisely what part Preslieftf Rcosev It took In forwarding the set tlement Is not made public In Berlin, but It Is appreciated that the Inltnenos he exerted at Paris and Umdoi) con tributed towards the seitl'ment. -N FIGHT OVER CELL Of ASSIGNED POWERS Moyorof Cincinnati and Jailor Have a Personal Encoun terPowers Transferred Cincinnati. July 10. In the cutody of it United States marshal, under or ders of lTnl:ed States Judge Cochrin. who last week assumed Jurisdiction In th- case, Caleb Powers, charged with complicity in the murder of William Ooebel, at Frankfort, Ky., In the win ter of 1900, tonight was lodged In New port Jail, across the river from Cincin nati, where he will be held pending a decision of th- various leg il points arising out of his transfer from state to Federal Jurisdiction. Incidentally a controversy arose be tween Jailer Plm-ger and Mayor Hem bold as to w hat cell the prison r should occupy, the mayor Insisting the cell prepared for Powers wjs not the prop er place. Rubsequemly Ploeger knocked Mayor Hem bold down. Con-t-mporaneously the furnishings of the cell pre- ared for Powers were confis cated by people to the police unknown. Powers was placed in another cell with other prisoners t mporarlly. -, GOOD JOB8 FOR MANY. . Washington, July 10. Announce ment wis made at the navy depart ment today of the JM successful can didates In the examination for the of fice of assistant paymaster. The list Includes Lewie W. U Jennings, 'Vir ginia: Swlnton Legaie Rethea. South Carolina; Elmelt Howard Tebesu, fogth Carolina ; William James Hill. Tennessee. WHITE MURDERERS ARE v. IN THE MOUNTAINS OF NORTH CAROLINA Bri-tol. Tenn.. July to. John and Pave rhlppa, young white m n residing hear Butler. Tenn.. are being hunted in th mountains, along the ) border of Ntorth Carolina and Tennessee tonlgfht br i Dorx- of fifty armed men, w ho ! have sworn to Uk- thera dead or alive. tThe Phlppa boy are charged with one I of the bloodiest crimes ever commlt- l ted In this mountain section. ) Front th report reaching Bristol on 5 Is Largest Transfer of Kind Ever Made In South Lo cal Attorney Interested NORTH CAROLINA'S , RESOURCES DEVELOPED Almost 50.000 Acres of For est. Containing Rich Min erals. Conveyed What Is siid to be the largest hard wood lumber Ual ever consummated In the South was made public here yes terday. It Involves the sale of mora than 4S.000 acres of the finest hardwood timber forests tn Western North Car olina and Northern Georgia and will result ultimately In the opening up of a sect Ion if country that Is said to ri val the famous "Sapphire Country" In beauty and grandeur. The land la question w i le property of the Tl- lulah Itlver l.timb r company, of itbls , rtate, composed of R. F. Dalton and Moses 11. Cone, of Greensboro; J. B. Coxe. of High Point, and Congressman Page, of Aberdeen, and has been con veyed to the North Georgia company. a corporation recently Incorporated un der the laws of .Georgia, wl h a capital stock of .iO0.OO0 and composed Of sev eral New York, Michigan nnd Georgia, capitalists and lumbermen. The con sideration was In the neighborhood of 1250,000. The fsle was made under the dlr ctlon of R. F. Dalton. who spent the greater part of lusr week In the city -In conference with Judge H. B. Stevens, of this city, the Talllulnh River com-.- pany's attorney, who drew' up th d ed. " The plana of the North Georgia com ' pany, as fur an known, Include ah ea- tensive system of Improvements that will develop he mlneval end " agricul tural value of the troct,,plaee the valti ' able hordwood tlmh-r on the' market'' and ultimately opni the t nllre ssctM) f of the jplihtrv,t he tourist land resorter. , tf W irt-, this latter particular that the mot ' Interesting plana bar been formtd. "' . 1 ' ' This, iract oTfUd.Ja lttiittd Iti'tha extreme northeate-i eell.in of Oaorgta and In Clay county, Nirth CtlroUna, In- eluding a large parr of Hi- western half of flu bun county, Ueft -gl i. s ctlons of Towns ind Haversham count Is. Oeor- la and few thmis in.1 acres In' 7lay aunty. It (extend trvm TalluUih Falll. J'.'fefambus' C-eorg.n rM-irf. along th, eadwiters of thj Tallurett rlvef Irco'. fh"i' Phooting"Crek section of . Clay onunty. The acenery In that part Of , the two stat s la reported to be equal , p any In the Appalachian system, and as noon as the railroad, which will S' among the first Improvements, It , nstrurtted along the Tillulah river , e Uatl will become a great adddltlon . tha North rn Georgia resort, Tal It'lnh Falls, especially. ,-. , The marketing of the lumber from the extensive virgin hardwood forest will begin as soon as the rallroid I : eoinplnte and a Inrg' bandsaw mill will be incited -'near the center of trie tracr to facilitate the work. Other plan's, such as furniture factories, will proba nlv be er cted In Ihe near future, '-a Not only Is the property rich In !um , her, but Is Is also said It contain mineral deposits of great value. ..Gold - and corundum are found in large quan tities and mines will be opened as soon as prictlcabl'. Among the first steps taken In the plan of development will . he the settling of nbout fifty Michigan -families on the land to engage In shep raising and fruit growing, for both of ' which purposes the land Is said to . be entirely stilled. This work will, of course, not be undertaken at onee,'btlt ' It is predicted that within , few year the results of this transfer will be seen In great additions to the wealth of this state arid Georgia. '- - T The Tallulah River Lumber company purchased this land In about 150 step- 4 uat? tracls iwo years ago. Judge ' Stevens spending, almost a 'year In the two counties looking Into the ,' titles and making the purchase. , Th deed drawn In the present Instance la -said to be among th largest ever exe cuted In thetrtate .containing about ISO closely typ Written pages. . ' . ANOTHER RATE WAB. , New Orleans, July 10. The eastern railroad lines about a go an nounced a rut on shipment of coffea from New York to pu nt In " Iowa. Nebraska and Kansas. This action pat the ro ids entering New Orleans prae tlcally nut of business as far.aa car rying coffee was concerned. All the local roads and their' western con nections today announced rate "fully meeting the eastern .cut and,, putting; : New Orleans coffee shippers pn equal tetms with those of New fork to the point dtilpwtrt:''' ' f , J BEING HOSTED' i P.,-. ...( Bundsy afternoon they 'used an ax it ihop the body of William Rankin to pr, ind so wounded, with- the sin weapon. Flllmme Moreland that be will In all probablll'.y die. . The trouble ora.-ur.rad at a place called Doevllle. and 1 said to be largely the result of mean liquor Illicitly distilled In . hat lmmedHt- locality. All part.e are white and well known In the moun tain ' : ' .

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