2V HEmivB- CITIZEN . THI WCATHER, . I II ,1 Cat rur vet In Popularity CMt dy. . t ' - ' V , i MOVYIfcS. " , VOL XX NO 242 ASHBVTT.T.K N. CI., FRIDAY MORNING JULY 14, 1905 PRICB FIVE CENTS i tVi i'i'i ' im iitv a rj IE LAWSON WILL rains work havoc nnFiTRAnd IN OLD VIRGINIA 11 UWll I (Bridges Washed Out. Low C ..... 11- tifltf Mnn ah I Ho Cot Wrongfully From ; American People Delayed In Many Sections "ROCKEFELLER GOT ALL HIS MONEY UNFAIRLY" Will Make People Sell Their Stock and They Will Not Want to Buy Again Minneapolis. Minn.. July 13. Thoin-i W. Luw.-on. of Bow on. vn the guest of the Minneapolis Commercial Club to day. Mr. Lawson loke before 300 members of the club after luncheon. H eald In part: "I have several millions myself, and 1 wronged the American people In get ting It, but I did not know it at ihe time. When the time comes I will glv that money buck to them. "John D. Rockefeller Is worth $500,' 000.000, and I can sit down and how you In a week's, time how he got ev ery penny of It. There Is rio cret about It. Every dottar that John Rock efeller has he got dishonestly. "If I live I'm going to . make the American people sell every dollar's worth of stock ih y've got, and by tha time they'll know better than to buy back." Mr. Lawson scored the Equitable Life Assurance Society heavily. LAWSON TELLS WHAT HIS REMEDY WILL DO Roanoke, Va.. July 13 . The heavy ruins during th p int li n days li.tve caused Die mount'itn pI imhh to rle very high. In pome Ins iimi higher than since ' lit- frcshils of IsTS. Re ports today show th.n great d imago was done. Many bridge have been carried away. At Radford u new lion bridge being bulli urns New ilver for the Norfolk ft Western nilltuud wax badly UamaKcd, two spins being swept uay. A big force of men, In cluding railroad officials, worked nil day to save the slruc lire. The liver at '.hi t iHiin.; rose lit fret and traffic nun delayed eight hours. At Puhskl Peek rhrk Is higher than for yeais and greui daninge has been done to the roads mid streets. At Wythevllle the precipitation In 12 hours was three Indus and Reed river Is higher run It ha been In 30 yeais. A't Irving (loose creek Is sweeping ev erything clean. At Ronnoke the raln-j fall for the pant 12 days has been 7.38 Inches, while the average monthly lamfull for this section Is but thie Inches. Roanoke river roe after mid night, and families in .he Peedee bot torn were endangered mil fled Ao 'the hills. Trains hive be n greatly de layed by washouts, but tor ?ht tiaffie la better. ' 1 ' . ' WITTE MADE.,,, PEACE ENVOY President of Commltteo of Ministers Receives Formal Appointment EMBRACERY NOW i Mr.. 2:.'. ADMITTED BY TWO TWENTY RUMORED THAT JAPAN ASKED FOR A CHANGE Peace ?ex Overjoyed at So lection: but Grand Dukes are Furious TAR HEEL MAN IS VICE-PRESIDENT fit. Paul, Minn., July 13. Thomas W. Lawson gave a talk to a large audience at the Peoples' Church tonight.. Mr. Lawson declared that should his so called remedy, which he did not make public, be put Into tffect there would be great financial revolution; there would be no more stock Inflation; the money stolen from the people by the "system" ; would be, returned io the - people, and because railroads and in dustrial corporations would have only to earn a fair percentage on the true VaTOW"tif the lt" Investments, 'the post of living would be reduced md wage earners would be able to enjoy greater luxuries and a lay by a greater por tlon of their earnings. "My friends," sals' Mr. Lawson, "Wall street Is nothing but 8 trick machine. Every year Rockefeller, Rogers, Mor gan and oihera of their class run the American people through t,r.at machine from on end to the other, and as they pass through the money In their rock ets falls into the 'system's' bucket. What I propose to you Is simply to re verse the operation; run the 'system' through the other way and In that man ner separit" them-from their Ill-gotten gains and return their stolen millions to the rightful owner, the American people-" i Morgamon, N. C. July 13. This, the lust day of the convention of the In structors of the deaf, was a busy one. Icessful teimlnitlon of the negotiations. St. Petersburg. July 13. l:':i,", p. in. Emptror Nicholas h is sinned the ap pointment of M. Wltte, president of l he committee of ministers, to be rhl-f pi-nlpotentlary repre enllng the Rus sian government In the peace ncgo.la tlons to be conducted next month In the United Slates. The appointment, which was signed after midnight, clo hes M. Wltte wlih plenary pow rs. Official notification of the designation of M. Wltte to head the mission was forwarded to Washington this morn- j ing. M. Wltte will take pa-sage on the North German Lloyd steamer Kal s r Wllhelm der Oros-e. which sails from Cherbourg July 26. It has been intimated that Japan of ficially objected to certain utterances atttrlbuted to M. Muravieff reflecting upon the Japanese nation, but Inquiries made her have failed to obi-Jin any confirmation of the rumor. The peace party Is overjoyed at the fact that negotiations have been placed In M. Wltte's hands. It Is the firm be lief lhat this not only lnsur s a .uc- Raleigh Sen Say They Af. tempted to Influence Jury In Duke-KHgo Libel Case FOUR , i i are Hanged Leaders In Odessa Riots Pay Penally on Scaffolds In Prisons i INVESTIGATION TO BEGIN TODAY Plan Is Adopted Whereby Of- flclals Will More Readily Consent to Give Evidence SWEEDENMAY.-. FIND AN $ 1 1 ALLY Raleigh, N. C, July lv J Rowan Rogers and L H. Borrel:. ui aie now In Jail serving a senteyici' ! Inc. y days (or lontcmi't of couri m luituemlng Jitnirn In favor of Preskl. ,,1 kiik. of Trinity College, and H. N I'nke, f the Amcrtr.in Tobacco couii-.tny during lh..l. '.-I..I..,. tl,u.j.ftkiii.u ..r it. I.... - li. ber g.init t. x aattu .i ' Meinodisi iFIotit Against Government Is mlnlHti-r. lodav nleadeil k.-u,ii in mmn 1 . . court to embracery. They will be sen enced tomorrow. The i-nilre Jurv In the i ns against Duke an.l Kiluo ha been Munitioned before th. grand Jury IO ee If other parties arc Involved. CONCORD MAN IS KILLED IN EIGHT Quarrel Oyer Cigarette Mak ing Ends In . Death of R. V. Slough Assailant Escapes St. Louis. Mo Julr 13. Raymond V Stoiigh, a bricklayer, who came to Si. Louis from Coniord, N. c i few- months njn was ahot and Ins.antly ' killed dining a quarrel over clgaretfo smoking In n rooming house. John Freasc r. a pnlutetv who witnesses de . Clare, fired the shot, escaped alter a 'long flight through the street', pur- ' aiiAfl v i riminmn.lft tt M i..,uV.'h AMNESTY BILL IS TO BE WITHDRAWN Paris, July 18. Psrllament adJour-;d for the summer recess tonight after an exciting scene la the Chamber of Denu tles over the cluu In the amnesty bill reinstating those convic.ed of draw-lng up secret reports concerning the conduct of army -officers, during which M. Lasles (anti-Semite) violently attacked Qen tal Andre, former minis ter of war, cillltig him a Veptile." The sitting was suspended and at an Impromptu ministerial council It was Papers were rend In the niorn-lng by Prof. Perclval Hall of C.allaudet col lege on "Speech Teaching In Dnllau det College"; by Mrs. J. S. Anderson of New York on "PrucCciJ Methods of Developing Hearing; Its Scope and Limitations"; by Miss Enfield Joyner of Alabama on "Letters and Journals in Kliat and Second Years of Oral Instruction' ; A deaf and blind North Carolina boy Identified sprigs of shrubbery, the omies.of which he had been told only once before1, while pupils from Ohio also showed the icsult of careful training. The formal sessions of the convention adjiurned tonight to meet th;ee years from now at Ogdcn, Utah. The presem officers were all re-elect ed witji Ihe exception of the vice pres Ident E. McK. Goodwin of Norlh Carolina was elected vice president. but that M. Wltte will secure the best possible terms from his country. Some of the grand dukes and couriers of the emp ror's entourage, however, are re ported to be furious at M. Witie's selection. COTTON MARKET SHOWS WEAKNESS ATTENDANTS AT ASYLUM STRIKE AMERICANS NOT MONEY LOVERS New . Yoik, July 13. The cotton tn-irket showed weakness during the entire diy, with Hading fairly active) ana some exciieinr.: awing me ia:c afternoon session, as the decline caught stop-l iss orders. Tlie closing was within a couple of points of the lowest and barely steady at a net de cline of 30 ,to 36 points, with October quoted at 10. &8, or S3.75 a bale below the high level of last Monday. Good crop weather arm reports or imerai offerings for snot cotton were factors encouraging ithe bears. C'hnttahoochee. Fla., July lit. The at tendants at the Insane asylum her to day walked out as a result of a failure of the inamgement to discharge D. W, Yarbough, bpokkeepea, and. his wife. the trouble grew out of a ree nt legis lative Investigation of the affairs of the asylum, the legislative committee bringing In a report charging a condi tion of gross Immorality existing there. A? the report sp cltled no names 'ill of the attendants felt that It reflected on them. The report is said to have been founded on testimony given by Yarbrough. The superintendent was ou,t of. the.cfly when the petition was drawn up. When It was presented on his return Superintendent Whltner asked for four hours in which to con cult wl'h YarbrouRh, und when this tlmc'explr d without a decision from him the attendants li ft. ""j SEVENTEEN MORE TO BE HANGED IN PUBLIC Shown In Action of Judges at the Trials Odi-s.-a. July 1.1. -Tn en y-four lead ers of the recent disturbances here were h'liged today in various pris ons. Ano hi r batch of seventeen will be publicly executed upon the arrival here of (iwi. Ignitleff. president of the special confidence for Ihe revls- son or the exceptional law, designed for safeguarding nubile order. The ba-:tieshlp G -orgl l.'iible.loiio- e:s Mas arrived hero with a fresh erew for the purHse of taking " miillneeis :o Schistop.il for tilnl by court martial. Of 202 peisons arrest ed and charged wlh robbery or in cendiarism In connection with the recent riots hire, 74 were acquitted :odoy owing to a lack of evidence and 28 were s.-ntenced to six weeks' Im prisonment, the lime lo Include the two weeks which they have already passrii In prlxon. The extiaordln iry outcome of the t ills has aroused much comment here. II is openly as serted that It Is a political demonstra tion against the military government and furnishes evidence of the con flict going on between the municipal ity mil the government, ns the Judges are elected by the people. KARSAKORSH SET ON FIRE BY JAPS TokKi, July 13. 8;16i p. m. An eye witness' of Ine Jipanese bombardment of Kursakorksk wires that the Russian forts were silenced on July 7, aft"r the exchange of a very few shots. The piers, warehouses and other buildings were set on fir and the conflagration was r .llected by the foggy atmos phere, converting the sky Into one mass of blood red color. The Jipanese army land d amidst the fire, which was fast spreading to the forts. The Infantry quickly captured the forts, from the lops of which the bewildered Inhabit ants were seen fleeing In very direc tion, carrying what property they could remove. .The fires were not eubdu-d for over forty-eight hours. Attorney J. M. Beck Declares yMoneyphobla" Is Not a Trait of American People Frontenac, N. Y., July 13. At the an nual conven lon of the New York St He Bankers' Association here today R. R. I Flynn, president of the National Live I Stock Bank, of Chicago, and fornvr As- I slstant Attorney General James M. I Beck, of New York, delivered addressee. Mr. Beck's subject was "Money,p,hobla." i He iMld In part; I 'No charge Is more false than lhat we ar - a money-loving people. No peo ple of any time or clime ever cared less I ; for money when earned than we. Prod- decided to withdraw the bllL On the resumption Of the sitting Pre mier Rouvler announced the proroga tion of the chamber, thus annulling the Istlc of the average American. amne'ty bill. . The amnesties, will be grinted by presidential decree. Igallty of expenditure rather than a I narrow desire to hoard unnecessary! wealth la the distinguishing character-! If he I ' Via a m i trtii cr mirrtniia and Q rt ftarriMt I desire to. aman weal;h It Is in most I CLERKS' CONVENTION VOTES CHANGE IN RATE Galveston, Tex., July 13. At today's session of ?Jie National Convention . of Retail Clerka the T?port of the commit tee on taws was presented, and brought about much discussion. By a two-thirds vote he per capita tux of members was Chang, d from 40 cents per quarter for men jnd 28 cents p r quarter for women to -IS cenU, per month for all members.' "The old law of 1100 funeral benefit' was eliminated and a national sick benefit of $5 per Week for twelv? - consecutive weeks with graduated scale of death benefits of 150 to 1200 for mem bership of one , to . ten jr.ars was adopted. ; 41 n cases because mon y is the necessary -material for further constructive work. To achieve rather than to acquire is his ambition." SLIDE DETAINS THE MIDNIGHT TRAIN A small landslide occurred late last nlglu- at Graphite. M. C, a few miles I east of this ; city. . Fortunately ; the slide was discovered before the an I- val of the midnight train, No. 85, and I this itr-ln was detained at Old , Fort I while he dirt was removed from ,ihe track. . The train arrived here at 8; 401 this-morning, j, ; i THIRTEEN DEAb, SCO RE , 0 VEKCOiME, IS - RESULT OF HOT SPELL IN NEW YORK New York. July it. Thirteen deaths atttlbuted to the ho - weather were recorded In few York todar. A score or more of persons were overcome by the heat and sfe under treatment In attending the present hot spell in thisl city. John McCerroon, complaining of illness Induced by the heat and sent I to his borne in Third avenue, -lost con sciousness as he was ascending the! the dty hospitals. Tonight a strong i atalra and fell backward, breaking his westerly breese Is bringing a share oft ne . i, , w ,.T . I wricgen suadt-my oy me neat as relief. The high humidity nd the!he w workJng. on . roof in Jhe eonnnttanee thmuuhout , the night of , nrenx. Homuel Schultx. a painter, felll temperarares varying onry slightly five stories to the ground and was In-1 from those of the hottest hour of the irantly killed. Many children were In-1 oay nave ransrd the Bear fatality eluded In the death list. . , X ' - 1 " t Washington, Jul It. The lines' ga i (ion by the I'nited Sl.ile .ll-trl t sttor i I ney Into the cot on leak ense wl.h the i vli w of volvlng uniclent evidence i ukiii which to secure an Indictment or liututnu-nis will be begun here today or tomoi row. A room has been set ipnrt for his use In t he liepanmeni of agrl . ult lire and the employ s of the divis ion of statistics again will be put through a rigid examination. District Attorney Reach will be aided by officers of ihe secret service. It l Hate 1 that it the previous Inve'tlgatlon th employes of this division, under the pledge of ihe secretary of protection ill their positions should they divulge any Information which would throw light on the subject, talked freely and frankly. The nm rials nre feeling some cone rn as to whether or not the New York parties whore names alreidy have been published and others who-e names Jiave not been made known enn be pre vailed upon lo speak out. SAVANNAH SAYS i TOLD YOU SO" Savannah, On.. July IS. At a special meeting of the directors f the Savan nah Co. ton Kxchange totmy a resolu tion was pased asking the president to lir?lst upon t full Investigation nml calling for th- punishment of those guilty of selling Information of the de pnrlment of agriculture In regard to the cotton crop. The Savannah exchange Inst September called upon the secre tary of agriculture for nn Investigation of in nil ged leak In his department, and received n reply emphatically de claring that there was no manner In w hich the Information could be secured in advance. .This entire correspondence has been forward d to the president. German Emperor Holds a Long Conference With King Oscar HENDRICKS MAKES AN EXPLANATION fiyracus. N. Y.." July IS. Stare In- nnance Superintendent l-'rancls Hen Urlcks was .inked ns to why reference to the Uepew- Improvement company mil lis ixo liltant loin from the Rqullable Life Assurance society was not contained In the preliminary re port of his Investigation of the socl ety's uffdrs. Mr. Hendricks said; "That was ancient history. We had gone Into lint before. We told them (the society) to cull the loan. We marked the vn luatlon of the property down "-to $150,000. They kicked on thai, and e told them lhat if we made any change it woutu oe less. Theyjthen foreclosed the mortgage oa the property, bidding it in Tor 130,(100, and they have It yet." Mr. Hendricks said Mr. Jerome had never asked for a copy of the Hen drlcks report. J , 1 .3 1 BIG DEMONSTRATION ; OF NAVIES PLANNED - t Sweedlsh-German Alliance' Among Probabilities of European Politics Stockholm. July 11-Th- Associated . Press Is able to state on good authority ihit u German-Swedish alliance la Ser iously contemplated. The question, It is said, was dlaciwaed , 1 conferences between Emperor Wll- Ham and King Oscar on board th lm 1 perlal yacht Hohentollern at Gette to- . day. The conferences lasted from twa o three hours. .? King Oscar nd his party will re main with Rmperor William until he leparts from Gefte Friday afternoon. Resides Fmperor Wlltlam'i personal visit, Germany -will soon make the greatest navil demonstration to lit Via- ,' lory In Swedish wai .rs. On July ti gig , battleships will arrive at Gothenburg and eight cruisers at I'ddevalla, whlla August S seven battlenhlps, ten cruiser and a toriwdo bnat snuidron la duewt ' Sock holm and Norrkoeplng and battleships at Karlkroha.: ' - -.. 'The go( rnment ' has granted ' th squadrons permission to enter war port. .1 v ; r-.-v i . t ;. x t- -'vr. .-ir r JEROME REEUSED; COPY OF EVIDENCE i furt f Let Him ARMY SYSTEM IS. UNSATISFACTORY London, July 13 In the House of Commons tonight Premier Balfour re ferred to the pe eh of Field Marshal Lord Roberts in the House of Lords Monday last, In which the latter said lhat the armed forces of Great Britain as a body were absolutely unfitted and unprepared for war, and d'clnred em phatically that the choice lay between censcriptlon or some practical system of universal training. The premier said he could never be led to bell ve that conscription could be successfull adopt ed in England. He maintained that the government's scheme of army reform as' the best solution of th problem. Hunter Will Not Have the Record ' of Eqult-' able Life Investigation ; ' New Ycrk, July ll--DItrlct Aftor ' ney j rome today Imnde an unucce ful attempt to secure from the offlca of Flrat, Deputy Superintendent of In surance Robert H. Hunter, In thl city, a copy of the detailed evidence on th ' affairs of the Equitable Life Assurance . Society, taken before Suprelntendent of , Insurance Hendricks. , Thl I th ret port which alreidy has been printed and of which Mr. Jerome said yester day It was "funny" that he could pot obtain a copy when a newspaper se-.' cured and printed It. ,, '? . ; s', Mr. Hunter refused to deliver it un . less Mr. Jerome" agreed to return it,. but the latter aald he would not agree to "return on demind to a subordinate a copy of evidence directed to be fur nished by ihe governor of the state ot " TWA EVER-TMU. ' ' - - - (So. 2. Comtnued frwn Yesterday I Urcl Sm Hold all that trust-justing truck ef min. Sammy, Jr. wf. (la I peny up fr tnevgh U.mU " JORDAN GOES NORTH TO SEE New York. July M. Harvey Jordan, president vt the Southern Cotton Asso ciation, and Secretary Cheatham,' who recently .made the charges of leikago m the -bureau of statistics, of the ag ricultural department, which reoulted In Secretary .Wilson' report WOULD KEEP All LIQtfOR MEN 00T Buffalo, N. .T'.il' July 13. When, the grand lodge of Klks met today H ' was With the Intention f completing bus iness before final" adjournment. One of the Important matters remaining to be considered by th grand Iddge -Is the future of the Elks' home at Bed fotd, Va.. which Is costing a ? hug so in of money to maintain, and ha but 18 Inmates, ' ; i , !. , - , At the afternoon grand lodge 'ses sion the southern lodges led tight to secure passage of a resolution (de barring saloon keepers and other con nected 'with the? liquor , traffic , . from membership in Ihe order. The nttn crn lodges, opposed such a move. The Matter was, loid overj4R will probably eome up at! Deriter tteit year! . Receiver gives ovr ( A SHORT STATEMENT Charlemon, 'ft, July - IS. Bright Williamson, as recelver,,' today Issued a circular to (be ston-kholdera of th w.nt to. Independent otton Oil Company, re- Oyster Bay tonight to try to see Presl- porting '1 he) company In bankruptcy dent Roosevelt. On behnlf of coiton snd giving a statement of, asset and operator here and In- the louth- they i iinWIHres, which he iay Is a near will ask the president to mnk certain Sigh; as possible to get tn the limited changes In the manner of publishing' lme he has had. The asset are given the cotton report, particularly. In re-'tt $t,rr$31S.4;:: ttal Nabiritle - gajrd to the acreage figure. J l.7.TS.S3. - e-it f : BOTHER OF DEAD BANK OFFICIAL WATCHED;;-; -'( - BROTHER DRINK THE DEADLY FOii C .1 Columbia, S. C. July 11 The coro ner's jury In the case of Keith Dargan, he former president of th Independ ent Cotton OH company, of Darlington, ho committed sulcld Monday, re amed a verdict that thedeeeaed came his death by taking carboTle "arid. t wa developed at the eoroner'a In luest that Mr. Peram Dargan, broth er of the dad -man. wa present at the lime of Dargac'g death. Thl brother wa priced on th stand and aald that the note left by Dargan would explain all. Thl not was read, ' and In It the dead man said that al though he had mismanaged be was not , a tewsrd. The par nts of the aukid are HI from the ehock. The physician who wa called to th -ied sni'l aid teetlfled, that.Pegram . Dargan said he bought the acid and m hi brother drink It. Pegram Dnr tn made no refeenc ta thla. hoiief. . In hi testimony.