E ASHBILLE CITIZEN Ct yur vsts In Popularity. .... k . y m ,x Cnu( ty. . .. . J ; . int. WEATHER. fair --- ; . .JUL 5 J VOL XX NO 213 ASHBVILLB N. C, SATURDAY MORNING JULY 15, 1905 PRICB FIVB CKNJS 311 1, RACE WAR TAKES PLACE IN STREETS OF NEW YORK "San Juan Hill" Scene of Ter rinc Fight in Which 1000 Take Part OUTBREAK QUELLED BY 250 POLICEMEN Many Hurl In Furious Battle That Kaged for an Hour During Evening N-w V.iik. July 14. "Kan Junn Hill the dimrlct bounded by Amsterdam and West Knd avenue and SIxly-tlrM and Kilty. third streets, no culled because of it notoriety an u buttle ground, was lb s flip loiilght uf a furlouH race kit. which miulrnl 2M policemen to quell after muny shots had been II red and sev ral persons hud. been serlouly Injured. The trouble began Fhortly after 9 o'clock, when a Miicemiii urrealed Ed ward Connolly for attacking Henry WllllumR, a negro, and win pursued to the tailon house with hla prisoner by u mob of t'onnolly's frlondH, hurling show ra of stones and other missiles. When the station houn reserves turned out the whole neighborhood wan In an uproar and blacks and white engaged In desperate struggles In th streets. Torrents of missile were hurled from roofs and windows. Within ten minutes not less than atliourand nun, boys and women, black and white, were engaged in furious combat. Th- small party of polke were powerless and relnforoe ments were summoned. On their arriv al a cordon was drawn around the i whole district and atrong patrols made repeated charges down the streets In a vain efTort to restore order. They ucre ded In making a few prisoners tnd were forced to retreat. flghing ev ery Inch of the way and pursued to the station house by a howling mob The riot spread down to Fifty-seventh street and up to Sixty- Ighth street although the hardest battles were fought between Sixty-first and Sixty third street. For more than half an hour cars on the Amsterdam avenue lln were blocked. Colored men pur sued by whites took refuge on curs us they parsed and" ' w ere tollowed by showers of brfeka'and stones as they fled. Every window In many cars was broken und pasfengers took sh I ter in neighboring houses. Conductors and moiormen hid under seats, lejvlng their cars to the mercy of the mob. Several posseng rs were hurt by brok en glass and stones. Commissioner McAdoo arrived at 11 o'clock and -made a tour of the battle field, the fighting by that lime having ceased. He raid the riot Would n ver have taken place had not the rough element been permitted to carry arms. They appear d to have a regular ar senal of weapons, as the police found when they search the prisoners. In all seven whites and two negroes had their Injur! attended to by the ambulance surgeons, bu: scores of oth ers less seriously hurt were taken to their homes by friends. Five whites and six negroes, among th m women of bo h races, all of whom bore traces of conflict with the police, were arrested. mm WILL ACT AS CZAR WISHES Russia's Plenipotentiary Will Not Follow Written Instruc tions If Czar Say Not St. Petersburg. July 4. M Wlite hud u prolonged audience with the empt ror this uf etnoon. ut which Ihe whole subject of ihe peace m-gmla Tons wan goti" over In d all. The difficulii'S of the situation weir free ly dlscusse.), amf indications were given that his majesty Is more apt personally to cover n M Wlttc's course Hum the formal Inst ru. tons which have been g,vn him. M. Wl:tc will leave St. Petersburg n il Wcdncs lay for Paris, s illing, as previously announced. finm Cite: hours July 20 on the X irth ! riti .li Uoyd steamer Kaiser Wlllielin dcr (Irosse. At M. Wlttc's personal solid atlon. M. Korolovitx. one of the ablest young illplomnts. who formerly as secre- ary to the ltuss.au legation at re- kin. lll he natached to the Russian mission. S. CAROLINA PRESS MEET Colonel Hardwlck Delivers an Address Before Editorial Association OPPOSES THE ESCH- TOWNSEND MEASURE Declares That It's Enactment Would Put the South Back Many Years TOBACCO FIGURES TO BE VERIFIED Claims That Leakage Exists Here Also Cause of Inves tigation by Government SEVEN CHARGES AGAINST CLERK Circuit Court Officer Is Said to Have Raised Checks and Misappropriated Funds Pensaeolo. Flo.. Jul 11. Cnu'i'.y So licitor Scot: M. Loft In :oday fllo.l in the Criminal court, now in session, sev en Informations agalnat K. II. Uurton, ex-deputy dork of the Circuit court, charging hlm woth forgery, u'-.enng forged .papers and obtaining ho sigua tuie of tHe chairman of th hoard of county commissioners to papers by fatfe pretenses. The Informations ure based upon seven checks ait 1 warrants, til drawn for four dollar on4 raised to forty dollars. Mr. Burton, as deputy, had charge of the issuanc- of all coun:- ai ranis. It Is understood that thpo lire only u few of the many charges '.hat will be brought against him, as hU shortage. it Is alleged, will amount 'o thousands. MEMPHIS ALSO WRIGHT AND WARD ARE STILL WINNERS Whlleston Lltlu.i Sin lugs, July 4 Promised railrn.id legislation by congress and tlie -i.'.i.ly advance In general oiull.luii In th South were discussed III a n, in li in.i Icfccic tonight by Col. S. H. Ilaidwl, k. pisneiiger traffic miinnger ot the Soutliern rail way. The iHcu-lon was the i hlrty-IIist annual meeting of the South Carolina lres Assoclatlun. Colon I Hardwlck opnsed the enaclmeii of the Kr-h Townsend bill, urging ihit such legis lation would put t In- South back many years. Cnlnne! H.iidwiik sutil in pur. "I am coire to atiiie.il to vou. our brethren of the iircsw .f Smiih Canillna and through you :o the im-- of all th South not to allow anylhhig to il In tra ( us from our woik of advanclnr. the best Interests of the South. Hear bo.h sides, or all shies, of this mo mentous question of committing to n pa ernal government the light to cir cumscribe your dev lopment: the right to say whai markets you may reach, and of tying to the South. 'Thus far halt thou go. but no farther.' Not even your best friends, the rullroads. shull be allowed to help you beyond such dlcfum of this proposed nios; radlcul measure. "This ra.e-making pow er by a bureau of th- government would affect our whole blessed land. Hut I consider, as a business proposition. It must nffe.t the South at -his time more than any o her section, because the South pos sesses such Utilities- umlev lu: ed re sources of such vuled und such needful kinds that no other se.tlon can much longer have the advantage If the South Is given a fair showing and a reason able opportunity. Now, at this critical Junttur , if left free, she will soon equui lye, even .-urpass all other sections In her trlumphant.development. "Railroads mus keep their expenses w-lthin their Income: so they must cur tail or mayhap finally : ase their op erations. But it is in no selfish way that I appeal to you and all oir breth ren of the Sou h, but I reneit I am come to ask you to do nothing to en thrall :he South to ony other section in this piesent pragrrss of her dev lon ment, bu: let her be forever unshackled, free to obtain the bet terms for her s If; free to deal with her own rail roads, to be able to go to her own rall niadf; free to adyince the progress of o. development. Washington. July It ! elpt of numerous fiom the South and si lll! In tin- pl-l-M Mt Wi llie a ailstl s of Ihe 1 i I Icultuie nil tobacco w i I ulat-d In ihe ln-.eret lob.i , ii ust, Secrrl.ii gun .hi In-iulry Into tlx -I ii In- Investlgiitkiil Hi' the ...II I - -t.itlstlcs of I til. is will b held up, .1 !, . ill. ir inonlhly figures b given out on Monday next I w .is stated at th' .I- i il.iy Hi 1 1 -p.-. la agents i.i to the l.iik tobacco il.si' iinky and Tennessee fm ' of iilfylng or correiil in-iii n ilKurea. This m CAROLINIAN A DIRECTOR Charlotte Man Among Those 4 Elected to Manago Equit able Affairs ii;!l .be - 'in. .III. ill l.ie.l .mi., th.. .',! ,.f ' u- maul,' .ill II ll 14 IM ' J'-i. I'elld- -ib'l- atlon of - v. l .l .11.. kh the leg ll. - w 111 1m- : lllellt to. ' - te eu sen: of K.-n-'ne purpose th d.-par -i Mi. Hyde. he , lil.-f -tallHtlclun, kiI.I w in In l. f elellce In Ihe sentiment will, li had b.-ell eugendi r d that the i l 1 1 uieiit's fig ures wen- wholly Iiicoit. i Mi. Hyde has been given direct liarge of the Invest Ik i Hon, which. It Is rupee cd. will be con. hid d within two .u three weeks GET SIX MONTHS FOR EMBRACERY Hal. lull, X. , July II. -J. Howan i tog. rs, ex-snerlff or this l oiinty, oni J. 1'. S.irrell, who weie found guilty of embniciry In ntteniptlng to inhu me jurors for President Kllgo of T;:nlty and H. N. Xiuke of ;he Amer- li-.-in Tobacco company. In the case of the Kcv. J. Oattls against them for ni ill. Inns itii I, were :o.l.iv seiucnceil to six mouths each In the county Jill They h ive already served 3n days for contempt of court. NEGRQES DISCUSS TUBERCULOSIS Newsport N?v.i. V'n . lul. 11 The losing sesslOJi of ihe Hampton Negro ronfert-nce was h Id today at the lUnivtou linsiltu e. In a dis.ussion of the ravages of consumption among ne groes Dr. Joseph J. Frances, of Ports mouth, Va., .hawed that the death ra;e of the colored population from that dis ease was twice as ki- at as the death rate of whites from ihe name disease. It was pointed out that the conference in co-oper;(tlng with the iNatlonul Tu berculosis Association and the estab- llshni' nt of .inltariums for the treat j j jj JJJJJJ mont of negro consumptive was urged. TWELVE DIRECTORS CHOSEN BY BOARD Resignations of Fitzgerald. Bourno and Demlng arc Accepted New York. Julv H Twelve new dl rii toi were i hoss'ii, and Ihe reslgua tlnns of two old dlrvi tors and one r.- eiitly elei t .1 wet.- a, . epted by tile board of dliec ors of ihe Hqultable'l,:! Assurance Society to.liy. The directors who ieslguc.1 were lien. Louis Fllx-ve.' aid. former pr si. lent of the Merc.i i till Trust company Horace C m-mlinr who now Is president of thai Instl u U.i i . und Frederl. k ltourne, who wa.i chosen at Ihe last mi-ctlng of the nioanl. T he M.-rcanllle Trust coiiumny U con trolled by lb Koult.ible Society. The full li t of newly elected director fol lows: To fill vicam les In the term expiring lie I'lnlier 31. lsn.1: Wallace I,. Pierce. if Huston; Daniel A. Tompkins, Char lotte, N. i'.; Thomas Spratl, Ogdens burg, N. Y.: Louis Ht rn. New York Frank S. Wltherbee, New York: James Mc.Mahon, New York. For term, to expire December 81, 108: Wlllard F. Mi-Cook, Phlladelcjhlii ; Con gressman Charles K. LI tleneld, ltock land. Me. For 'erm to xplre December SI, 1907 Nevida H. Stranahan, collector of the port of New York: D. Cudy Htrrlck, Albany. For the term to expire December 81, lWix: Nicholas Murray Hutler, president of Columbtila I'nlverslty; Charles H. Zeiid T, Philadelphia. WOMAN DEFIES POLICE FORCE Proprietress of Grocery Re fuses to Give Up Posses sion of Property ACTORS FORM SECONfl;TRUST SEW HOTEL COMPANY ELECTS OFFICERS (Special to The Citizen.) Salisbury. N. C. July 14. A corpora tion to be known us the Salisbury Ho tel company was organized here toduy wl'h the following officers: Pr sldent, Hon. John S. Henderson; secretary and treasurer, W. B. Strachan: directors, Senator Lee S. Overman, A. H. Boyden, T.. Clarke. F. F. Smith. J. M. MaUpIn, Hon. John S. Henderson und W. Strachan. The company I to hav- an authorized capltul of $125,000 and will construct a larga and modern hotel n Salisbury. ( M 4; SENDS PROTEST Memphis, TVnn.. July 14. The Memphis Cotton Kxchangc tnnigh: forwarded a letter to Picsldent Roose velt ss follows: "Hou. Theodore Roosevelt, President of the Unlw-d States. Washington. t'Sir:-Tho Mmfh:.s Ootl lon . Kit changes di shes to enter .its earnest piotest against the system of leakige In the governmenit cotton report of the bureau of statistics of the department of agriculture as recently exposed,' and expiesoes. the nope that you will or der a thorough Investigation and that crlrrinal prosecution of the party or parties guilty of this . crime will follow, , Vei y repeol lu lly, : ; . "DKNNIS SMITH. Pres. "HENRY HOTTER. Sec." London, ' July 14. Holconie and leals C. Wright played championship en n is throughout the three sets at the )ueen's club loday, defeating with lie utmost case Max (Jermot and M. )acugis of France In the semi-final doubles for the Dwight V, Davis In ternatlnnal Trtwn tennis trophy. With almosit equal ease the Australian pair. Walter Dunlap and Norman K Biooks, disposed of the Ausirlans, C Von Wcssely and R. Klnsil. This brings the tlnltod IStutes and Australia together next week In the finals. SALISBURY LOSES HER LEAGUE TEAM Danville, Vs., July 14. The Salisbury Spencer team of the Virginia-North Carolina 1 ague has been transferred to Winston-Salem. Earl Holt, manager of the Salisbury-Spencer team will man age .(he new team. The change Is made because of non-support accorded at Salisbury. The pre nt team will be retained entire. MAN WHO CHARGES POLICEMEN WITH - BRUTALITY IS NOW HELD FOR PERJURY C. J. Alston, whtrcame Into piom-jmen, separately and colleotlvely," with inence some lime ago in the prosecu tion of Sanitary Inspector Gairison for cruelty to- animals, as a result of which Mr. Garrison wa cxhonoiated and Mr. Alston had to foot the bill of cosis, stepped again Into court cir cle yesterday, and tMs'.:lme paid a fine of $18 and costs for disorderly conduct and g-ave a $180 bond for his appearance a Jh next term of Su perior court to answer to a charge of pei jury. The entire trouble a nose out of the arrest of Horace Melton Thurs day evening by several patrolmen. Alston claiming that the officer' mls ireaied the prisoner and beat him n the head with their clubs. As told by the witnesses. In pollot court yesterday. Melton was arrested on the square and resisted the offlcei so that it was necessary 4o use some force before he could be locked up. After Melton was placed In the cell Alston Is, said . to (lav used expres ses la ahlch be charged Umi, police- j being cowards- and rascals. For this language he wa arrested, and upon the evidence of the witnesses being heard found guilty of disorderly con duct, consisting of the use of abusive words, and fined $10 and cost. This fine wa paid, although notice of an appeal wa at first given. During the aklng of, the evidence Alston testified, that the pa-trolmen making the arrest had beat Melton over ihe head with clubs. This state ment wa denied by the patrolmen ;hemselve and other witnesses, and on tlie strength of this Inconsistency Judge Jone bound U Din over to court on a $1M bond on a perjury charge. -The patrolmen participating In the arrest of Mel; on, D. K. Lyerly. H. B. James. W. R Messer, T. T. R ig era and 3. L. Page.. stated yesterday that thty used no more force than was absolutely necessary In aneatlng Melton, , and tnat Mr. Alston' na, merrts were entirely unwarranted. USES FOUR REVOLVERS IN DEFENSE OF PROPERTY Mouse Finally Dragged Out of Place by Switch Engine on Nearby Track M.-mpnis. Tenn.. July 14 With a revolver In either hand and two other n-volvers In e.i.iy reach. Mis. Annie Mogrldge. proprieties of a g ocery store in tMiuih Memphis, for two hours today lp-ld at buy n posse of otncen who sought to eject her form her home which had been condemned by one of .he lallioad lines of the city under the right of eminent domain. When the officers underHik to d.xpossess Mrs. Mogrldge. she defied them and avowed that she would not surrender us long s she lived. Ihputy SlieiifT Krnesl Miller succeeded In catching th" lady off her guard today and iled her. Willi ihe defender of the house undrr arrest, a la ge force uf workmen iiulckly moved the stock of goods from the grocery and piled them upon the sidewalk. The building was then dragged away hy meuns of switch engine und hruvy cable. FALLS FROM SHI? DURING EVENING well Known Yale Graduate Lost Near Honolulu Had Letters to Taft Party ! 4,. i '-, Leading Stars Will Fight the Theatre Combine Through out Country BELASCO AND FISKE AT HEAD OF MOVEMENT Looking for Support of All In dependent Opera Houses Fight Expected Honolulu, July 14. When the steam er Manchuria arrived today It wa re ported it hat Walter Sullivan, a pas senger, had disappeared over boa id last night. Ho hud been In the smok ing toom with friend up to near itildnght. It Is not known whether or not his disappearance was due to accidental causes. He was a graduate of Tale and en gaged lu business with his til her In he D. Sullivan Company of San An tonio, Tex. He was enroute to Ma nila to vIhU- his sister, the wife of Col. Clem. New Yoik, July 14. Announcement uf a new combination of acton la America against what I known a the theatrical tru-t wa muda today by Lm Shubert, or S. S. Shubert 4k Lee Bhu Ijer.. Th - leidlng companies Iri th new i omlilnullon are those headed or David Helusco and Mrs. Minnie Mad- dern Flske. Lee Shubert will mating ' the line of theater which will be plae d t the dlsponal of Mr. Belaaco, lira, , Klske and others. The new combine will back Afteeat companies on the road, and such ao tors us Sara Bernhardt, Ada Rohan. David Angells. H nry Millar. Ulllaft Rusvell, David Wirfleld, Blanche Bates; , Bertha Uulund. Robert Hllllard. Mr Flske. Hertha Kallacb and Mr. Leall Carter. These actor under tbe- new -management xjpect within another week to have j fufflelent huntber ot theaters on their own circuit Itl Amer lea and England to play In the year round. Mr. Shubert announced' today that hi company now ha '-.i.tteen play houses under I s control. Including th -ater In New York, Pbll idelphla, Chi- ' cago, St. Louis and London, England, and that h would within a week be able to open half a doxen more thea ter to hi attractions, among them . ' house In foston. W Beside .'H te place -the r.cw C .hibln atlon 1 counting on the supnort of In- , dependent houses all over the country. The amendment by tha theatiioal syndicate managers, : of a ' .contrsi t , which Mr. Sjxubert iy h madt with, tham, agreeing to pay thorn Si per cent. , of the iiiroflts on all of the ayndlcatt'a attrawiont booked at hi theaters, ,W ft tlie oause of, hla break front the. UUat ranks. . His frt ndUuesa towart 1)4 v Id, : BeUacyo during the lose two rn-.tiths ' he said, wa a cm us of trrtubls. .. A MUST PAY $25 FOR GIVING iiD MACK1E A WINNER OF GOLFING HONORS - . FV Hi! I9 Bl- e51 VV 1 t - -: ..... 1 " , - M : . -V J - Mir J k. a. -- - 1 r ' . ;. . ,'' : ' - ", "jl ? j ,1 ''tV - " .. j '. ' . .-' l I New York. July 14. Isaao Maokie of the Kox Hill flolf club, Btaten Is- land, won the principal lionorH in .the professional golf tournament at Van 'ortlandt park today. He led a field of 52 experts yesterday with a scoie of 79 and 73 for two rounds of the 8-hole course, and today he made 79, following up with 77, a total of 308 for the 72 holes. VON HERMANN WILL GO TO BALTIMORE . (Special to The Cltlsen.) . Raleigh, July 14. Charles V. Von Hermann, for 18 year In charge of the North Carolina weather bureau office as section director la no;Ifled by the chief of the weather bureau that orders will be Issued in putting him charge of the Baltimore station, nd thut he will be relieved here prob bly about the last of July by Alfred Thlessen, now in charge of the sta tion at Mount Weather, Va. Von Herrmann has not decided whether he will accept the proposed 'transfer, a be Is greatly attached to Raleigh and o North Carolina. , Representative Found Guilty of Giving Money to ftictira Passage of Measure V ff'r Little Rock. Ark., July-It. Rebr- , seniutlve George P. Cbapllne of Mon- , roe county was tonight convicted of the charge ot conspiring to bribe,, ffWt , jury ass seed the punishment at a , II tie of $25. ' -' - . v :--.?.':.';'..' ', ';. .' The case went to the jury at i p.-tin. and the verdict' wa relumed r! thfea hour latgr. Under the gtite law coti jplrtng to commit brlbet-y 4b putilslni le, by a fine hot exceeding $a60, or-Imprisonment in the county jnlj. for ntit more, 'ihuti twelve morttha, or by .both ( flue and Imprisonment. ;;: t : It was charged In this case thrft Cliatl llne conspired with it. p. Cook to e- cure the passage of a bill .creating th' Cache river levee .district by brtbefy and that 11,378 wa put m escrow td be paid to Cook if the bill passed: . Th charge of attempt to brlba a m mbbr-'-on another levee Is pending Bgjlnat . Representative Cha(illn an by con sent It ha been docketed for th next term pf thd Supreme court. - ONO-FRISBEE MATCH OFF; BUT LATTER N ;:; I WANTS MATCH FOR jfi6i N U : - . , - - - 5 A (" 'i After a meeting iheld yesterday' a.f- JltU (tricks thtughottt tha.taatoh., it ternoon which wa' attended by Prof. ' that time, he aald. he could get hlh Ono, the celebrated Japanese Jlu Jitsu'self In good shape, ao tha,t he need ; accurate map af workttian on tht Panama Canal to dat, expert or Annapolis, ana "Mig Tom Frlbee, at which the detail of the wrestling match thut was announced to take pluce between the men were discussed, it wa announced that no satisfactory of rules could be diawn up, and the match was de ciured off. The reason for this ac tlon were aeveral. and, when all Is considered, neither of tbe proposed contestant seems to be In the wrong. Mr. rrisbee wa unwilling for Prof Ono ito hav. use of hi Jlu-Jltu knowl edge during the entire match, wishing to wrestle according to the vidi.?ry (Jraeco-Roman rules for the Brt fail while the Japanese expert would not agree to enter the ring unless h we slven the privilege of offsetting the advantage of Mr. Ftlsbee' height and weight by the trick of the jlu Jlisu art. The truth of -the matter seemea to be that the pair are so different In eery respect that, under either ar rangement, one of . the cont jnts would have been under a gr-ttt dis advantage. Mr. Kris bee stated after the con ference that he would meet Prof. Ono In any city in the United States In 4M day time and wrestle for $1.04) aide, allowing Prof. Ono to use bis Jlu have no fear of being .worn ,dowp by unfamiliar tactic. . i Although .tbe match Jba been tailed off. Prof. Ono win give ait exhibition, of Jlu pltsu at the tlrand opera noua on evening next week, tit .which tlrna . he will offer 1100 to any person wlio will itirow him while he makes use of hi knowledge of Jlu Jluu. If there are' no takers of thl offer. Prof. Otio and' one of hi Japanese friend who Is , Ith him la the city wtl give .an ex hibition of wrestling and swotd dnne- '"' ' , ' ,' " "At ft'9 Mountain." . , When "Hlg Tom" ' FrUbee i WalUed mi ins Pmla laiock room last night : everybody hunted for cover. They re- turn d to their lunches, however .when ' Tom told the mthat he was not l.v k- ' Ing for a wrestling match. W'ti-Ti i e . lie Frlsbeo up It Is not to be wna dered at thru Prof. Ono wanted to '-t hla Jlu-JltU tacttca only. Tom is a big aa mountain, weigh IM roun-U. and does not have to 4t on a. r.' s. f I when b eats has meala. His arm is as big aa an ordinary man's leg, and ; a Di use lee bang In bunches. A at a of Madison county manhood Tom i i- : be Is toe real thing. '