TIZEN ! ' TWELVE PACES.' j TWtLVl PAQKt. J PART ONI PAGES 1 TO t ..A VOL XX UO 2M ASHBVHXB N. C, SUNDAY MORNING JULY 16, 1905 PRICE FIVE CENTS "TEDDY" ALSO i . WIFE TAKES SIDE' "TOWN TOPICS" AGAINST HUSBAND UNDER THE BAN FLYER illTS ANTI-TRUST LAW UPHELD THE ASHE V1LLE 0. PAYMASTER LOSES $5,000 TAKES A HAND COMPLAINT MADE BY LUMBERMEN National Association Claims That Railroads Dlscrlmltate Against Lumber Interests FREIGHT CAR New 18 Hour Train Meets Declares That Holmes Must be Prosecuted If He Has Violated Any Law SENDS POINTED NOTE TO ATTORNEY GENERAL "Man Is Greater Scoundrel Than If H6 Had Stolen the Money" i Oyster Bay. L. L, July 15. Presi dent Roosevelt has determined thnl the scandal (rowing out of life cotton rexji l Iraki In the department of agri culture (hall be probed to the bot tom. He bold that the man or men responsible for the leaks are wen In a greater degree culpable that they would have been had they stolen money outright from the government He proposes that Assistant Bt.n l- MHan Holmes, against whom serious allegations are made, shall be pun i ...... u ii it snull be found possible 10 secure his arrest and conviction un der present laws. . 1..- president has followed the work of the Investigation conducted by Secretary Wilson with keen Inter est. The general results have been presented to him with such recom mendations' as Secretary Wilson had :o make. The president '.06k. prompt and decisive action. He referred the matter to the department of justice, with Instructions that It should be given Immedla'le and careful atten tion. In accordance with that Order Solicitor General Hoyt la now mak ing a thorough inquiry into the case. To reinforce his formal order. Presi dent Roosevelt wrote'' the following pointed lette. '.o Attorney General Moody: " Vf it riaa- UnAf1v'.T moat DnmAal. ly hope that every effort, will be made to bring Holmes to Justice In connec tion with the cotton report scandal. Please go over 'the pipers yourself. The man Is, In my Judgment, a far greater scoundrel that If he had stolen money from the' government, as he used 'the government to deceive out siders a,nd to make money for himself ' and for .'others. Sincerely yours. . ."THEODORE ROOSEVELT. "To Hon. William H. Moody. Attor . ney General, Boston, Mass - , -V 1 In 1 esportse Id llie ' preAileht's letter Attorney General Moody replied: "Boston. Mass., July -4. 1905. "Dear Mr. President: 1 have re ceived your letter, of July 12, anil note with, care the anxiety you ex press that Holmes, the offending offi cial In the cotton case, be brought to Justice If possible.; I have kept, 'through correspondtn'ce with the so licitor general, in close touch with this Investigation. It rshall receive my most earnest personal consideration I will not now express an opinion, as I think it better to await the -result of some Investigations now In pro gress In the department of justice. At the first seasonable moment I will communicate ,to you the program we have made and the prospect of in dictments. Very respectfully, (Signed) "WILLIAM H. MOODY. "The President, Oyster Bay, N. T." . Telfs How Husband Shot at HerDurlno His Fight With New York ,,Soc,ety Edllors' a Third Prnn naauwauuii may uci an Airing in Court Tampa, Flu., July 15, Sensational features are attending the trial In ihe criminal court of Harry Bom fold, a prominent plumbing con tractor, charged with the shooting of Papt. ( I.. Park, nephew of Htate Treasurer R. E. Park of Georgia, last May. Park surprised Boniford In the for mer's house In Hyde Purk, the fash ionable lesldetice section of this city. with Ills wife and a duel resulted, In which Paik was seriously wounded. Today Mrs. Park whs on the stand nearly all clay, denying nil charges of intimacy with Uotnfurd. and frequent ly giving nwn.v to tears. - She testi fied, among other tliltiKS. that Park shrt: at her after h ' had been shot by Horn ford with the Intention of killing her. While utteiidlng today's session of court t'upl. Park received telegram announcing the death of his father. Maj. J. W. Park, of Ma con, Ua., which, coming amid all nls other troubles, almost completely un nerved him. The trial will be con eluded Monday. SOCIETY LEADERS ARE WILLING TO TESTIFY Hand of Justice May Overtako Dealers In Scandal and Gossip BOAT RAISED AFTER TEN DAYS New oTrk, July 15. Throe prominent society irwivons have Informed the dis trict oltorney's office hat if their serv Ices are required they will appear as complainants against ('hurl s E. Ahle. of the Society Editors' Association, who yesterdiy was held in ltt.r.00 bail for the grand Jury on a churge of nt oinpted blackmail, lodged attains! Mm by Kd wln M. Post, a member of the New York Stock Exchange. This announce ment was made today by Aa-I'tunt District Attorney Krot I. who iws been assigned by District Attorney Jerome to prosecute Ahle on Mr. Post's com plaint. The allegation against Ahle Is that he attempted to coerce Post Into subscribing for a book dealing wl:4i the New York sod ty, which was to be printed and old to ubscrlbera at $MM) CtihmarfnA PaiviriAt Rrnilftht Ir copy. uuuiiiuiniv uiuuu. "'""K"' Mr Post alleges that Ahle told him th.it a scandalous story involving his name, which was In' the possession of a New York publication, known as "Town' Topic." would im: be printed If 'he subscribed for the book. At the time of Ahle's iirr xt the police found a list containing the nume of many persons prominent socially. Opposite euoh name were figures representing sums ranging from $."00 to $1,000. 'Up to i'.oday Mr. Post his stood alone as complainant against Ahle, but now, ac cording to Assistant District Attorney Krotel, h l. to be reinforced by two women and a man of he highest social standing, wiho are ready to press corn- Second Accident While at a High Speed OBSTRUCTION THROWN FROM THE MAIN TRACK Little Serious Dam ago Done Engineer Injured by Jumping I rain No. "ay. known he new i'ii Chicago 111 ac Ident to Surface and Bodies of Imprisoned Crew Recovered Bixerta, Tunis, 'July IB. The subma rine boat Farfadet, which sank .at the entrance to th port of SIdi .Abdallah July 6, w.js (owed Into dry dock today after en days' hicessant efforts to raise her. The salvage operations, wnwn were conducted by Admiral Aubert, as sisted by 250 sailors and a large etaff of engln.ers, have been attended lihpontrhoiit u-Li.h B Ian? eertes of mis- haps. The huU of the submarine was iplalnts agonist the prisoner on the same covered with slime, but was undam aged. When the door of the Fflrfadet was opened (there was a ri of nause ous ga-f s from the decomposing bodies of the fourteen men who hfid perished In. her, and . great emotion--.prevailed among the navat officers and the men who had assisted In raising the ves sel. Powrful deodorants were Intro duced Into ;ihe vessel and the ventilat ory were started. An Inspection of the FarfiJdot shows that her crew employed every imagin able devices In their attempt to es cape grounds taken by Post. Mr. Krotel explained, however, thai these off rs were conditional. The per sona were ready to .testify against Ahle he ald only If guaranteed that no questions War asked concornlug the scandals on which their subscriptions to the publlaition wer solicited by Ahle. r Hairlsbtirg. Fa., July I . 2 on the Pennsylvania r;ii .a th Pennsylvania t" cightecn-hour train be and New York, met with today a mile west of port i;..yal. which fortunately did not result seriously. A w Ht-hm nd freight tral:. hearing Port Hoy. I tried to stop sud l. nly ami the engineer made a too violent appill a tltui of ;he ulr, the consequence of which was that a car buckled nid was thrown over to track No. 1, on which the dyer was pe ding cast. An at tempt was made to flag Mains In front mid in the rear of the wreck, but .the break occurred' almost slutultHiienu!)' with the arrival of the tlyer and the rai l plunged Into th.' wreck. The mo mentum 'hrew the wrecked cur from the track, but the flyer did not Jump the rails. Knglneer t'ulvln Miller, of this Ity, when he ..aw the obbstruo Hon on lie track Jumped from ihe n fiine and was hurt about the lie id and back. He whs the only one Injured on the train. Fireman Gaim.in brought the train to a stop. The pussengers, all of whom were In . heir b rths, did not know there hud been an accident untU after the train had been implied for some I line. They were not even shaken nnd none of th m was Injured. The train was only slight ly damaged. Supremo Court of Arkansas Decides Famous Suit. Two Dissenting FOURTEEN COMPANIES MUST LEAVE STATE Fire Insurance Firms Cannot do Business Unless Com bines are Broken h.iv htn AMERICANS STILL WINNING AT TENNIS BYNUM PLEADS GUILTY I OF MURDER OF ALfORD NEW ACREAGE REPORT H WILL BE ISSUED SOON Washington, July 15. Secretary Wl'iSon was In lengthy conference to nlght with President Jordan of the Soutliwn Cotton association, and Sec retary Hester of the New Orleans Cot ton Exchange, as a result of which It was djeclded to Issue a new cotton acreage report to take the place of the report lssued iln'June, provided there were enough funds' -available to do the work. - Mr. Hyde, the chief statistician. It Is said, has expressed himself In fa vor of the Issuance of a' new report. JORDAN CONFERS WITH HESTER AND CHEATHAM u . rtV Washington, July 1J. Harvie Jordan, president of ihe Southern Cotton Asso ciation, arrived here today and Imme diately went Into conference with Rich ard Cheatham, secr.-tary of: the-same association, and. Henry Hester, eecre tary of tha New Orleans Cotton Ex change, who are In the city In con nection with the probing of. charges that the government cotton statistics have been jugggled for the benefit of brokers. None of the cotton, men would state ithe character of the business un it; r -consideration beyond sayinjr th.it the officials of:. ths, two organixatlons, Contln'ujed on page four WELFARE MEN TO . GO TO ISTHMUS Italelgh. N. C. July 15 R. I). By num. under Indictment' for the mur der of his partner, J. B. Alford, to day pleaded guilty to murder In tlw second degree. Sentence will be im posed Monday, the limit being thirty years' Imprisonment. London, July 15, Both W. J. Cloth ier and HoUiombe Ward Won their ten nt marches ntthe QweetTW Clutragattwt .'he Frenchtivn, Oermot and Decugls, without exertion, nnd Norman E. Brookes und A. F. Wilding, the Aus tralians, easily accounted for C. Von Wesley and R. Klnsel, fhe Austrian pair. The match of the day, however,-was in exhibition game, In which Brookes ind Wal'.; r t)unlap, the litter also of the Australian team, defeated th.- Do .orthy brothers, three sets to two. The o.ui: of this match compllea ed the mtlook In the contest for the Davis rophy, as it is evid nt It the Austra lans maintain ihelr form of today they A'lll give .the Amerhuns trouble. Utile Rock. Ark., July 15. In the Hupreme com t of Arkansas today the celebrated a n 1 1 -1 in "l ait of tile gen eral assembly, passed nt Its recent session, was li.i. ld In a lis: suit In- volv.ng the vall.llly of the mac: incut. The new l.i excludes from doing bus- ues In Arkansas miy foreign III.' nsuraru-e colllStl!cs that ale lllelllhels of pools, cSinliinatlons or ngt'eeineiils to fix pr ices aiiyu In rv, whether In Arkiiisus 01 not. When the act be came etTecllve March 2.1, last, the Hartford Klre Insurance company con- lulled 10 do business, while other for eign fire Insurance coinninles left the state. Attorney (Seneial R. I,. Rog ers tile 1 sul iik itinst tin' Hartford com pa 11 ley for penalties and forfeiture of the light to remain In Arkansas. In the Pulaski Circuit court t the company was held liable to the penal ty and judgment was glvenu accord ingly. An appeal was then taken to the Supreme court, pending which the company continued business In the stute. Limiting Ihe decision entirely uo the facts before the couit, l ma jority of the Supreme court today held that the state has declared and possesses the light to declare that foreign Insurance companies cannot do business 111 this state wh'e be longing to a pool or combination fix or effect Insurance rates any hero Justices. Battle and Wood filed a dis senting oplonlou. When the new law went Into effect In March more than fifty non-resl dent llrel nsuiunce companies ceused doing business In the slate,, and today all the agents of the Hartford Klre insurance' company In Arkansas werr notified by the company's agents here to write no more business in the stale. an. July IV Complain tiled with the Inti-rsi.t!, oitiini-slon h the Nation. 1 1 r l-a lets' assocl.i illroiid ope r.i : lug ii the "orll. lal cl.isl ' north of .!.. (!il is and cast of thj ami ihe 1all10.1l' 1 xdllcHllon" :.iill..r anil rot. un. ic rlv. i Held Up and Robbed on Rail road Track by Two Mask ed Highwaymen Wholesale l.uinl lion against ih vi hat is known ,1 Mention tt-i'i Ho y and Po.omac rlv Mississippi rlv. r, u "southern ch souili of the 1 'lit. and cast of he Mlsslsslpd It Is . Ii.irn. d that the rallro id" dWi i liniiiatc aKalnst lumber Interest in thai an allow, uic,. of 500 pounds for racking of gondola 01 tl.it cars is vix en to shippers of other commodities ami the cost of such racking Is paid by the defendants. It Is claimed by the lllinh. r association that he a.unc character of rack Is employed in th shlpincni of lumber that Is needed for the shipment of many o, vv com modities, and that lumber shippers should lecelve Ihe same allowances. COMMANDER WAS t DRUNK ON DUTY B. 0. Scott, of Cruiser Detroit Is Dismissed From Service After a Court Martial ONE ROBBER KILLED AND MONIJY RECOVERED Detectives do Quick Piece of Work. Finding Man In Five Minutes TOOK THEIR MONEY. New York, July 15. John Perry O'Neill, a negro, whose home Is in Newark, N. J., was arrested In Jersey City tonight on a charg" of embessle ment. He is treasurer of the Pullman Palace Car Porters' and Railway Km ployes' Association, and accused of having appropriated to his own use $2,000 of the funds of the organisa tion. . . Will Look After Opportunities for Amusement and Recre ation in the Canal Belt New Tork, July 15. The welfare de partment of .th National Civic Federa tion his arranged with the Isthmla canal commlflon to supply the serv Ices of two expert welfur? managers, who will sail with Commissioner Shonts and Chief Engineer Stevens next Tuen day for ne Isthmu?. vThe commissi? desires to have thes men Investigate th needs and the opportunities fdr re creation on the fcithmus, recommend their 'Conclusions and arrange to IVive carried into ffeot such plans as are adopted. ' These plans will Include amusement halls .club houres afid outdoor sports which may be adapted to the cllmitlc conditions. The experts are Mr. Nasro, at present the welfare munager of the Plymouth, Mass., Cordage company. and Edward A. Mbffatt, editor of The Bricklayer and Mason. LUCKY WOMAN. Tampa, Fla.. July 15. A special to The Tribune from Fort Myers says that James DeLancey Driggeis and his son. Lorenzo, well known resi dents of Lee county, have just re ceived notice of the death of a forrr uncle in trance, leaving them an en tire estate - amounting to $3,000,006. The' heirs will leave at once for New Tork to take steps to secure the leg acy. Toung Drlggera was married onl? a week ago. POLICEMAN WHO SflOT A YOUNG GIRL . HAS NARROW ESCAPE FROM LYNCHING I'''--'!- - Chicago. " July 15. Members of the Eighth regiment, 1. N. Q., rescued a colored policeman from crowd that was threatening a lynching last night In Thirty-seventh street, near the Rock ' Island tracks. The policeman was Fred Locke, who was appointed recently r for stilka yluty. . In trying to escape- from mob he opened Are with his -revolver, shooting Julia Mc Hugher. It years old. not. however. Injuring her seriously. A crowd of several hundied persons surrounded the man. bent .on klllinc him. He was knocked dow-4,anaf rample4 , upon. J About twerity negro militiamen were on their way to the Eighth regiment armory preparatory . to leaving for their annual encampment at Spring Held. They heard , the shots and rushed In the direction from whenc the sound came. The militiamen were in full uniform and armed with rffle The mob was driven tit and Lock was taken to the hospital, where His Inlurb a were Josed. Later lie was locked up. The 4 rouble was due to an attempt by Locke to disperse a crowd that was jeering a non-union teamtter. Washington, July 15. The court -mar tlal record In the case of Commander I I. O. Hcott, X'nlted States navy, has been recelv d at .the navy department. Commander Scott, who-was In com mand of the cruiser Detroit, was found guilt yof drunkenness on duty, suffering a vessel of the navy to be run upon a shoal ami be placed. In great danger, and neglect of duty. H was charged also with filling to obey a lawful order of arrest, and with conduct to the two Judlce of good order and discipline, but the charger could not be proved.. , " Tb orten-es are alleged to hav oc curred on board the Detroit at Puerto Plata, on May 17. The court sentenced Commander Hcott to dismissal from the service, but a unanimous reeomnv na tion .to (he clemency of the reviewing nuthorl.y was spread upon the record. EARTHQUAKE FELT IN NEW ENGLAND CITIES Portland, Me., July IB. An earth quake shock affecting a large portion of Maine occurred at 6:10 a. m. to day and was noticeable for about ten seconds. ' It was said to have been more severe that the shocks of March 10, 1894, which occurred about 1 a. m. Today's trembling awoke many peo pie from sound slumber. It was reported from Bangor to Kittry, and from above Farrnlngton to the coast at Rockland, and seemed most severe In central Maine, and especially at Augusta and Watervllle. Two shocks were felt In Brunswick. Thomnston and some other places, the second being more severe than first. HlrmliiKh.un. Ala., July 15. L. D. Burr, paymaster of the Slims-Shef-fl-ld Iron and Steel company, was held up by two masked highwaymen tills aftern.Kin on ihe railroad ' be tween Littleton and Hat Top and re lieved of l.Vtmo. ivhlch was to be Used In paying nfT the men. l.css than five minutes afterwards IVtectlve O.oige Bodeker. Policeman Joe Nix and Charles Ptckaid, a Flat Top guard, had shot and killed one of the highwaymen and recovered the money. The other robber effected his escape. Some time ago Vice President J. McQueen of the Sloss-Sheffleld com pany learned that an effort would be made to hold up the paymaster. Sev eral days ago Mr. McQueen learned further of the plans of the robber, and that they Intended putting their design into effect today. - With that Information Frank H. Oafford, mine superintendent, requested the police department to de:all officers 10-work on the case. Two officers left the city today and spent the entire morn ing watching the riVir bank of the Little Warrior. H was by this means that the officers Vefto able to be on the . scene almost Immediately after he' robbery occurred. When confronted one of the highwaymen offered resist ance and was killed, while the other made, his escape. .The money was re covered from the man' killed. High way robbery Is a capital offense In Alabama.'' ' ' ' 4 , TOOK ITALIANS? : - FOR LIBERlAtlS New Tork, July 15. Mistaking the swarthy jackles of the Italian cruiser - Dogall, lying at the foot of West Thir ty-fourth street, for men of Ihelr own race, negroes started a rumor tonight that the cruiser was a Liberia man- of-war, commissioned to lake colored refugee to Aft lea. The rumor spread quickly and hundreds of negroes, ex cited by the 1 lot of Jast night. swarmed on the pier and were with difficulty held In check by the Italian sentries. The police, hearing that an other riot was In progress, hurried to the scene, dispersed the crowds and arrested three colored longshoremen. the .... COT HI I TO THE DOOR. WILL HE GET HI M THROUGH? LINEVITGH STOPS OFFENSIVE WORK Tokio, July 15. An urmy officer who has returned from Manchuria says (hut the expedition that General Llnevltch would aum the ngggresslve Is dimin ishing. . The Itussluns, who formerly conducted the most active reeonriala mnces. General Llnevltch with his alaff going to the advanced line in an en deavor to draw out the Japanese and discover th lr positions of it'rength, have ceased and It is believed that General Llnevlich' tactics now are to be non-aggressive and entirely on the defenslv . Reports of the existence of epldernk and contagious dlsoises among itu Russians continue to reach the Japan ese army. .-' . Iei er details from Karsakorvsk say that the fire which continued to burn until July 10, practically defrayed the town. : '-'.; ' JAPS VICTORS . IN . A SHARP ATTACK Washington, July 15. The Japanese legation here his received a cablegram from Tokio detailing the action on the Island of Sakhalin on July 10 and IV In which the Russians were forc;d to abandon positions. The cablegram fol low': ' - "The-Sakhalln army report that In pursuing the enemy It dislodged thlm from the neighborhood of Veladlmires ka and DHJImole, two mile west of Veludimlr k, on the 10th of July, and occupied both places. The enemy's main' for;e retreated to fortified positions northwest of Dallneye, where wild ma chine guns a stubborn resistance was off red. Our army commenced a vlg- . orous attack on the 11th and routed the enemy toward Mauku on the dawn of : the 12'. h. Enemy's loas not obtainable, but iprobably at leust 150." NEAL MATCHEOi Heattle, Wash., July 15. Frankle Neal, the American bantam - cham pion, haa been matched to fight Owen Moran, the English boxer, at Butte on Labor day. '. FIRED ON MOI. Lods, July 15. Three persons were killed and six wounded by a volley , fired by Cossacks during an antl-ftnv- ' ernrnent demonstration in Kamlenna stree this .evening. ; ' SHOOTS BRIDE OF SIX WEEKS IN FIT OF JEALOUS RAGE OYER OLD LETTER Little Rock, Ark, July 15. A spe cial to the Oaxette from Texarkana says: Charles Reynolds of New Totk, In a Bt of jealous rage, .tonight shot his J Mde of six weeks at 1124 Wood street, where they have been visiting for a week past. -The bullet, a 4 nllbre, entered the left breast two. nches above the heart. Mrs. Rey tolds la In a critical condition. Rey--vlds escaped after the shooting, but "' ( t :i..-(t.. ' ' the officers are scouring t'4e town fr .-. him. ' , The couple were man led In New Tork six weeks ago and left at once .: for the west on a "bridal tour, going. j first to Houston. Tex. where they tr- . malned ontil they came nere. Mrs. Reynoldg Is a 'beautiful blonde. Si years of age. and was a widow when j shem anted Reynolds. The finding by' the latr of sit old love letter writ-' ten by a former sweet hearj., of the lady. Is said to have caused the trouble. ' . .

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