THE ASHE VILLE CITIZEN ! TWELVE PACES. ' PACES 1 TO V f VOL XX NO 250 ASHBVUXB N.C, SUNf; MORNING JULY 23, 1935 PRICE FIVB CENTS DEFECTIVE BOILERS HAD h BEEN TALK OF THE SHIP MAKE A BREAK FOR LIBERTY SULTAN HAS A CLOSE CALL THREE ACRES BODY OF AMERICAN HERO IS RECEIVED WITH HONOR BLOWN IN AIR TWELVE PACES. , , PART ONE i . " i "Crew of Bennington Say That Accident Was Feared for flPFRATIftnK WI! 1 Months SOON COMMENCE MAINE SURVIVOR WAS MEMBER OF THE CREW ooposlng Armlos Can TaKe the Field In Manchuria Ear Man Was Unhurt In Former Explosion Escapes In ' Jury Again Her Than Was Expected M um tun In, July -ii mil ,ii present Pan Diego, Cul.. July 22. Tonight's ummiiry of casualties duo In u boiler explosolon aboard the gunboat Hen nlngton In San Diego liny giv s a to tal of 5 dead and 54 serious Injuri'd total, 110. A number of men are Mill nils-Ins; Rome of these rrriy te dead, and prob ably a doien of t.lie Injured will dl of their wound. The watT In the Bennington today had risen mill higher In the hold and It was Impossible to reach the bodl known to be hidden beneath the decks. It Is known lhat at least fifteen bodies will b found in the vessel. A fire tug wit h i powerful pump w ill be ued to empty the hold of water and give work erw an opportunity to reurh the dead. Commander Young today requested Chief of Police Thomas to arest all m mbers of the Bennington's erew who may be ashore wlthou't a pass. In this way Commander Young hopes to arlve at a correet estimate of the missing. as well as to prevent desertions. Commander Young expresed :h opinion that there was a weak place In one of he boilers, but said there had been no visible defeets so far as h knew.' Bojlera Defective. The men who were Injured tell a dlf fer lit story They said li had be.n the talk of th ship for al least six months that the boilers were defective: many of them hud feared for a long time that Just such an accident would happen One of th men e'iid thai a year ago last February, while th ship was ftiag dalena Bay, i;he engineer of the cruiser New York was sent for to Inspect the boilers, and be reported that they wer In good condition. While the vessel was In San Francisco last year the b'k of defective boilers again arose, but no ateps wer? taken to remedy them. The upper deck amidships presents a mass of wreckage. The smoke stacks have been blown out of place ind the sirperetrueiure Is bent and twist d in all sorts of shapes. The plates on the side are bulging out ami leaks In a number of place are letting in t!ie wa ter. Was on Maine. John Turpln. a colored man of the crew, who was on board the Maine when she was blown up In Havana, was on board th? Bennington and again es caped Injury. He rendered valuible aid in rescuing the dead and wounded. Out of the confusion that followed the disaster and, the work of rescue come thrilling stories of h rolsm and relf-saerlflpe. The bravery of the crew was commented on by all who had op portunities to witness the fcenes. Men who were badly Injured and seild d worked to rescue those who w ere worse off it han themselves, and all the special instances of heroism of the disaster probably will n?ver be fully written. The self-sacrificing efforts on the part of the physicians and scores of nurses were also commented on with praise for all. Ev ry one who could be made useful at the hospitals was put to work, aind those who could pot were asked'to return and relieve those who were accepted, Fi. man E. G. Hmpp nukes the firs' statement as to the cause of the ac cident. He gays that shortly before . the explosion one of the boilers was found to be leaking badily, and "he boiler maker was tit for to repair . then damage. Before the latte rcame he explosion occurred. Hopp saw men all about him killed outright, and he him self was ftunned for a moment. Military Burial. The dead will b given a military reservation at Point Lima. Services will be held at 2 o'clock on the Point, and launches will convey across the bay the living officers and men abl' to attend. Scenes at the hospitals today were . trying to those unused to them. At .' AgTiew sani arlum thlry-seven men lay swathed in bandages, many of th m having their features covered with masks of medicated cotton, with only openings for the mouth and nostrils. Nearly ail suffered severely about; the ' hands and irck. Not more thin three 'men were In any one room, and the - ararrgementa for caring for them was complete in every detail. There were nurses and to spar1. Every one of the, 1'iiill.ipupil. The J.ipnnc? cupy tin- .nl Inn ir in I in in. use sick le, Willi he handle reaching from a few niil K soma ot l.ia.i Yang and passing thmug.i i 'lianiaru. the blade circling north .ird toward Klrln, w ith the lp on the K'ire in coast south of I'usslet Hat. It I estimated that !eii. Xogl has Mi battalions. Crn. I Iku 80; i XihIkii ::u: ii Kiimkl 160: Hen. K.i w .i mm .i :n. .m l ton. ll.iM K.nt a th.. halt. ill.. us ;im raging a thousand men. which makes the numerical tieuKt.i nf tin- Japanese "ifl.nilO bayo nets. w:;h LMui.i j, , p.ei'. s anil moun tain K'ln a:nl about Hill slcgc guns. Tin .lap. in s,- ex reiiie It fl Is guard I by Hen Tamura's cavalry division. The I'hliiise in ihe Japanese ser vice an in th. liter, screen il by cav- ilry under i maud nf Hen. okihara. The rains tins y. ar have been less htavy than usual, and li tt 111 lie possi ble to hcit.n operations sooner lhan xpcclcti. Japanese cruise: s arc making dem onstrations along 'hi' coast in the rear f the Itussl in fmc s In Korea, evl- lenily Inteii; on fat-llitufing Ihe ad vance of Ceti. llascgawas force liy men -.icing the Hussinii line of ciiniinu- 1 1 it'll 1 1 1 Ml. LIGHTNING KILLS MINING ENGINEER Nineteen Government Pris oners Attack Guards . While at Work LUCKY AMBUSH ENDS IN FAILURE OF PLOT Two Passing Soldiers Appear While the Fight Is In Progress New York. July - A j.loi of nine iccn nullaiy pit-one tthn attempted to ot'ipotter the lone soldier guarding them on (ioten.m s lland and to es cape, failed by reason of , lucky am bush of two tinned soldiers who hap pened 'to be passing Three hundred prisoners, under . oin u oi utenit-iitc guarus in li un loaded rill's, were working In small de tachments about i lot ei inn 's Island a "he time. 'Ihe nineteen men. undet guard of I'rlv ite I .yon. Company I', Klgjith Infant i t . while working near the shore, where they look il across he narrow mihH to Brooklyn, made n preconcert ed break for liberty. Four of them, led by Fred It. Snyder, attemp ed to disarm the guard, whir the others scatt red. running In every direct Ion. Private I.yon o,,lc, his piece and pulled he trigger just In Inn- to pier e tin' hand of Snyder, reaching forth to grab the till' . The guard was ti en al the iner y of the other three leaders. I'nknotvn o he plotters, a corporal and a prlva c, passing by ch nice, were behind the trees n ar by. As this pair advanceil with leveled rides the at tackers xurendci ed, evefi before secttf lug Lyon's w4 aism. Bomb. Thrown by Unknown Man. Explodes but a Few Yards Distant ABDUL-HAMlD SHOWS A WONDERFUL NERVE Drives His Own Carriage Through the Streets to the Palace Immense Ledge Overhanging Plscataqua River Remov ed In Second if 'list inllllOl) C I V a. Sofia, RuIk iim honib tt hlcll w as i i:. e ihe sultan fell -ht, about 30 yards diManl Jisty. The latter n.e III' Sit p Of Ihe II Kill the mosHue. A i mi l.i d the sultan's . i t.. oin t dlgnlta: It s i i-h. .if July 21. July -The I i in blow up ami exploded fioin his ma tit' time on leading from I '1 1 11 !' I I , I ui.ige. aiiil the 'I up ainl 1 1 1 1 - THREE YEARS SPENT MAKING PREPARATIONS Amount of Explosive Said to be Largest Ever Set Off at One Time AAAAAVMMWVMM,sVWNA,VVWVMV,V, YELLOW JACK IS AMONG ITALIANS (Special to The Citizen.) Salisbury, X. ('., July Tt V. J. Parker, a mining engineer of Cleve land, Ohio, was Instantly killed by a stroke of lightning at Whitney, lr miles south of Salisbury, lute yester day af.eitioon. Mr. Parker, who was also an electrician, had Just complete! an clce ileal plant for the Whitney Reduction company at the Xarrows on the ladkin nver. At tile lime or the unfortunate occurence he wa mounting a horse, which was Instantly killed. The body has been shipped t( Cleveland. plnreil A bilul-IIa nil I to remain In the niosiiue. The sill in. however. Mi ls ed ou proceed an, and entered the '.Ullage with a ciiiiness not usually iltt llutt'.d to him. aiiil t icking up Ihe le ns iliove hlins-It tn th. i IKliz pal- ce anil 1 the ch-. i nf the admiring fflclals. The explosion was heard as far ns the Peru quarter. Several horses w iv killed, carriages were smashed Into matchwood and In- windows of the pavilion reserved f.u the diplomatic orps were broken. The pit ill. in con tained, among ollnrs. t". S. (Irani Vnllh. second secre:ary of the Amerl lli ligeatlon 11' 'iv. who was accom- pannd by ( apt. Smiley of the 1'nlteil ates army. Xo one was hurt in the pavilion with the ixeeption of a f. itendants who receive 1 scratches ftoin flying glass. Iintni'dlately aftei he sultan had ileparteil .a detachment of cavalr. charged down the strei t pnrullcl with the niosipie' and from w hich the liouih was thrown In hopes of finding lite author nf the attempt, who. however has not yet been discovered. DERAILED TRAIN DELAYS TRAFFIC HELPER ENGINE JUMPS THE TRACK NEAR WILLITS. New Trucks Placed Under Tender. Trains Delayed Several Hours. Train Xo. 20 on the Murphy branch was delayed ten hour yesterday on account of a derailment in from. The engine which assists the trains up Bal sam Mountain was returning from the mountain top when It left the track, carylngi'he t nder with It. The engine was priced on the track In about art hour and a half, but it was found that the trucks under the tender were dam aged to such an extent 'that ihev could not be used. The wrecking crew at Ashvlllo was sent for to bring out new trucks and the damage wis repaired about naif past ei. ' v POLICEMEN REMAIN OUTSIDE THE GATES FARMER KILLED U cvniDcinM TDA1M St. Louis. Ma, July ..-mder order LAUUIX I ltU oue or iitiveruor josepn vt . eoiK, sev enty-live policemen under command of Chief K ly, of St. Iuis, went to the Delmar race track,. Jus; outside the city limits, to .'top gambling on the races. The policemen were not admitted by the track ow ners, so t.ey camped out side the 11 nee. The chief of poll e. po lice commissioner and Chief of Detec- Ives Desmond bought tickets and watched the races. After the list race the officers Joined 't'hl- men on the out side and returned to St. Louis. No ar rests were made. The police officers and the track managers held a pri vate meeting at thr- truck. (Special to The Citizen.) Marlon. X. '., July Charlie A. Hint, a promim lit farnn r of McDow ell county, was instantly killed this afternoon near Kberman staliou by an excursion train from Asheville. as he was walking on the Southern track. His deifuess .in. I the unusual hour for the train cinnhiiied in causing Ihe ac cident. Mr. Hird was a bmther of J. 1 4. C. Hird. a well known lawyer of Marion, lie was about 4H years old, mil leaves a wife and child: cu. I'm t - tn. hi I Ii. N. H . July An le. -111 spaik today illseliat gel fort-lite Ions ot dt n .ml v and a tin ee-acre ledge that ha. I men ...-.I navigation In the Pi. itiliua liter ttas tlestrovetl I I t selling on of his enormous amount of xploslte. said to have l the grea est eter hall. lied at - tlmr iii this lounliy. If not In Die world, w a telnletl lit little itauget- ami lit no at blent. It tt .is de l.ire.l a .nuplelt suces ," hotii ht h cnniractors wh ha. I eairlcil nut the undertaking ami lit t'nlte.l Stn es government ntllclals who had su ; ervlscd the work. The swlt h by tthl.h the Iniiiu hi si whs ill''il was operated by Miss K h I Foster, tjie young daughter of the stiiei In enilent of Hie contract Ing tlrm .at a signal given by Hear Ad in i ra 1 Meade. lommniiilaiil of H Portsmouth navy yard. The event wa- Ihe climax of ;hrc years worn. Willi n involved Ihe xpen liture of n il ly lln ee-iuai lers of million dolhirs. and as a resul of It Ihe new. government dry dock at the navy yard here Is given an approach of sufficient w ill h and depth to i r- mlt the safe passage of the largest ves sel i Moat. A; 4:10 o'clock (leaf Admiral Meade gave the signal for which .Miss Foster was walling. Her hand moved the w itch, ther was a fraction of a second Interval, then came a tremendous up ln-ival of w titer, rocks, clay and liim ber, accumpanled by a sound like the boom of a distant cannon. From the center of the commotion a great muss of water was t'hrotvn up to a great h,igh and n huge wive rolled over toward the Newcastle shore. The only element of danger was the great rush of toward the Newcastle shore which was some l.Tillil or 2.(100 feel away On great wave stvep' '.cross with trc menilou c lor e anil others, resembling tne sun in a siorin roiiowen. New Orleans Fruit Handlers District Center of Terrible Disease One Death Wiv (irleans. !.... July . The offl . autopsy ou a patient, mi Italian, who dle.l today of whit has been call il l leloii- feter. ills, limed thll: he dls ease wis yellow fever. Ir sl.lent Sou 'ion. of the stale hoard of health. Il.1 ik. tilled I' 111, in. liai d and In health oill, . is of Mississippi, Texas and llab. una. Arrangetneuts hive tie n made for a detent ion to reat the remaining cases Appli anon of the same methods which were purued at liar n. i is to be mad and the ail iliorllles are hopeful tha ihe disease i an be stamped out. President Solli hull said: "It Is the be lief of Hie Louisiana slate hoard nf Health tha, yellow f ver cxls ed In He- lle and Puerto Cortex for sever ttecKs lielore II was I'eporleil In II on May and that a case from Hellie or Puerto Cortex In th j erlod of tin u ballon wa- In-rndiice.l here before ihe I nitc.l States marine hospital authori ties ndvlsed us on May i'4 Ih it yellow fever existed at It llxe and Cortex: tha Is. before we had he quarantine on. "During ihe (ii.uant Ine season of 1M1.1 and pull there was no report of tiny suspicions use from Hellxe. A soon ds Hi existence of ihe fever was an nounced on May 24 no passengers were taken by he fruit ships. Medical In spectors were placed on lsaard of the vessels and all other qu.iran In restric tions were stringently appplled. hilt a se In the period of Incubation may have already i.-is-ed some time during the time the y How fever was tinre porled. II "The renter or Infection Is on Dem ur street. In the vicinity of St. Philip, union. a number of Italians, who hnve been working on the fruit ships." GOING TO PHILIPPINES. Washington, July 22. Orders hnve been issued at the navy department to prepare Ihe torpedo boat Biddle, Hani. t. Kagley, Shtlhrick, Thornton and Tmgey for service In the Philip pines. The boats are ilow In the re serve force at the Norfolk. V a., navy yard, and to reach their destination It will he necessary for litem to traV'l' half way around the world. FLORIDA QUARANTINES. Pcnsacolu, rju , July 22. The stati mil city boards of healt htoday or- 1( red a nuarantlne against New Or leans. Freight will b,. permitted to pass after fumigation, bin Inspectors stationed at Loiningtoii with In structions to allow no persons from X'etv Orleans In pass. Remains of John Paul Jones Enters American Waters Instate VIRGINIA CAPES WERE PASSED AT DAYBREAK Long Line of Battleships do Honor to First American Admiral X. folk Va . July In the tarljr of ,i mid-summer morning the body of John Paul Jones waa brought back today througcSie Virginia cape lo th,- land of bis adoption. Cnttasitr pe Henry, ocean View and WIN loiighhy Spit lined ihe shores to we! come home ihe body of the American idimral. The sight as the ship) pas. led in line was one of stately grandeur and beauty. Across the bow f the gieat cruiser Drooklyn as she passed Ocean View sailed little schooner. Tim those who looked thla ship appeared small and puny In con irast to the magnificent flagship, an! yet this stray schooner was almost aa large as the Hon Homme Richard, aboard which John Paul Jones stood as she sunk with the broadsldea ot tha Hera phis (muring In upon her. many of his men wounded and dying,, until Hie captain of the Seraphli stopped Hie fighting fur a moment to ask him SPENCER MAN DIES OF HEART FAILURE (Special to The CItlaen.) Spencer, N. C. July 22. Chas 0. Burton, a prominent young man of this place, died suddenly here last night of heart rouble. Mr. Burton re tired in .ordinary health at his usual hour, but was found In a dying eon dotlon an hour later. . All efforts to revive him were futile. t: (Continued on page 5) Stopped in Second. Shreveport, La., July 22. Shreveport Montgomery game stopped during aec ond inning by rain, with store 3 to 0 tn favor of Montgomery. GRANDSON OF JUDGE PARKER NARROWLY ESCAPES DROWNING WHILE SWIMMING .t Poughkeepsie. N. V.. July 22. Alton . Parker Hall. grandort of Judge Alton B. Parker, had a narrow escape from , drowning while swimming In the Hudson river with his grandfather at Esopus today. He was rrwd by Kdward Frlta of Poughkeepjde. Judge ; Parker, was swimming with the little Vetlnw on his hnrk.. when the boy be rame frightened and suddenly began choking his xrnndrtfbeT.- Pr the time that his grandson released his hold and fell Into deep water. Judge Par ker was thoroughly exhausted from want of breath and could do little to assist the lad. Frits, who was on a wharf with if family wartlng for t boat. tHrewe off Ms coat and jumpd into the river. The boy was out. -of ig)t. but Frltc dived and caught hold nf his hind about six feet under wster, bringing him to the surface and o the' shore. 'Judge Parker reached the shore without assistance. roi ' : ' FIFTEEN HURT IN A COLLISON Two Crowded Street Cars Rush Together In a Curve Three Victims Will Die Portsmouth. X. H July 22 Fifteen persons were injured, eleven of them I seriously and three of them probably fatally. In a collision between two electric cars on the line of the Ports mouth electric railway near this city early this evening. The cars clashed tog. ther on a steep grade .Jnd while rounding a curve, neither motormiin seeing the other car In time to pre vent a collision. One of the cars was well tilled, carrying about 40 passen gers, while the other was ciowded with passengers, most of them resi dents of Haverhill, who had Journeyed Ito this city to witness Ihe destruction by dynamite of Henderson's Point. if he was ready to surrender. "We have not begun to fight yet." was the famous answer. Under a threatening sky the three divisions of the North Atlantic fleet. headed by the big battleship Maine, flagship of the commander-in-chief. Rear Admiral Kvnns, bore majesticat down the rape, and at 1'tO tha long lino of battleships forming the escort of the body of John Paul Jones, nlmnrtl the cruiser Brooklyyn, passed the capes. , When the flagship Brooklyn came . ate the copes orders .from-the navy . department Instructing the command ing officer, Capt. John M. Haw ley, hot to try to enter the Severn river were imnsmltied to the ship by Wireless telegraphy. ,. The Brooklyn will, accordingly, not venture closer to Annapolis than,. the mouth of the Severn. The orders were Issued ns a precautionary measure, to prevent the grounding of therrulser. In accordance with these orders, (he body of the American ' hero, , not nenrlng Its last resting place In, tho soli of his nntlvlty, will have to, be transported to Annapolis pn a launch : from the Brooklyn, which will anchor about two miles from the naval acad emy. The bn'ttleshlp accompanying the funeral cruiser also remains W low with the Brooklyn. The two fleets met yesterday morn ing at o'clock 250 mllea from 'the capes. During the Journey down the. coast Admiral Plgsbee and ' Admiral Evans held constant conversation by . wireless telegraphy. When Admiral F-vnns' battleship left Admiral -Slgs-bee's fleet today the Kersarge, tine. Kentucky and Missouri each ' fl red a salute of 15 guns. The Brooklyn re sponded. Admiral Davis, In charge of the cruiser division, will . accom pany Admiral Slgsbee to Annapolis. Admiral Rvansw III remain with Ma fleet In Hampton Hoads 411! Tuesday, when nhe ahlps will go a JJew York. MINER SHOOTS A SUPERINTENDENT Bristol. Va July 22. A special from I Big. Stone (lap, Vu., sn.vs: This afternoon at Irondale, about Id vi miles east of his place, Jasper Abshlre shot and fatally wounded A. M. Hull, superintendent of Kelly and Irvine's mines. Mr. H ill is still living. but the physician says he can live but shut while. Abshlre was drunk and I rough and was asked to leave, but re-. fused and. a man led him to the com missary door and let him go, when he I shot superintendent Hall three times in t:ie breast with a 45-callbre revoiv- Ior. Ahsmre maae nis escape, dui is being holly pursued by an armed posse. FREIGHT TRAINS CRASH TOGETHER Nashville, Tenn., July 22. One man was killed and three others fatally In jured as a result of a head-on. collision of freight trains on the Louisville NasWvlll? road thla evening at Hop kins Crossing, near Pulaski. Tenn., eight mile south of here. A. L. Por ter, fireman, of Pulaski, was scalded to death. The Injured: Charles Welden bakcr. nlneer, Nashville: thigh and leg broken; , will die. Joe Zanona, en gineer, Nahv!!le. hurt about head. Kramer ; .brakeman. N'JshvlUe, back badly wrenched. . Failure to obey orders la said to hare b en the -ause of the wreck. NEW RANGE. "t The Swannanoa hotel Is having In stalled an up-to-date kitchen range, which includes ovens, dish warmers snd all of the modern kitchen necis- jsltles. ' "'. I , ' .... - ,-, (.;... ., . . fc, ' ' TWO MEN HELD FOR OFFERING BRIBES 1 TO JURORS EXAMINING BRIBERY CASES Little Buck. Ark.. July "2. Final ad- ingtnn, who was rocentljr acquitted. Journmeut of the Pulaski county grand; Cook was released soon after his ar Ths Get-Rich -Quick Man Tho Lambs r ithw all broks or got wi . Jury, whl-h has been Investigating leg islative bribery charges, was followed I this evening by two arrests. 8. M. D. L. I Cook, rn taken Into custody on a I charge of bribery In paying to John A. Kills, who wan until Monday a member I of th- grand. Jury. 1100 to Indues him to vote against indicting Cook. Cook was a lo accused of perjury tn Ills testi mony before (he grand Jury on tha, 11,000. bribery charge against Senator A. cor- num. rest, giving bond In th sum of S-sOOs. John A. Flls, of Ellis township, was arestsd on a charge of offering a bribe of I10O to W. 8. M. Oarvm, a fellow grand Juror, to Indoco him w tm against Indicting Cook and of offering a bribe of X to J. H. Steed, another fellow grand Juror, for a similar pur pose. Ellis was released on a bond of No furth r arssts eavs fcfsa

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