BL'NPU MTLX 11. I0. " 01IE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. 60 CIAL BeUy Hamlltaej to Oiv Reading. Brrjr Hamilton, ,one of the but known and moat popular southern au Iboreaaea and public reader, will five a aulas of rulln. In Aahevlll Ihla week The date will be announced latar. ona waning al Hatiery Park, one t Kutlworth Inn and ona at lha Manor. Belay HamlKnu In private Ufa la Mra. If. V.' Moorr, of Alabain-i. Mra. Mupre baa written a number of character akeUbra, The fieorgut Cracker." "Ola Mia Freshours. Hob and the Preacher," perhapa being the beet known through bar Impereonitwm. Thcee (ketches have never been published, bun Mra. Moure Imp r'onalea theae orlgliiul hararter In bar arllatlona. Henry Oradv said of bar: 'The Ileiay Humlllon recitations In dialer! are rich verbal picture which cannot be reproduced In cold type;, they depend fr muih of h Ir moat enjoyable value on tht feature of lingual eipreslon which drfle lh printer' art." J J At Mountain Meadow. ' Among the arrlvala and recent via Itora at Mountain Meadows Inn are Mra K. V. Ahlxill and Mra. I'. A. t("b- arli nf nivlniii. Kla. Mr. WIMIain Km-1 ger of Ashpvllle. Mra. WaLer Hhxoii nd Mra. Annie H. Kankln of New Orleana, La.. MlMKea Mary H. WliiKins .and Caroline T. Kckalurm of Chicago, 111., Mr. and Mra. KlngMlicrry of Flor ida, Mr. V. t'. Waddcll mid various Dart lea of Ashevllle. Mr. Ciulse una friend, of A'lunl i. ln . Mr. mid Mm. H. P. Clarke of Hy;ncu. N. V.. Mr and Mra. N. K Houlc and Mr. and Mra. Vw. C. )nwd n Charlotte. N. C. N. '' Law and Mis Lyda l.:nv of lied Spring". N. C. P. o. Iteillry f WiihIi 4nglon, f. ('., Mr. Ornrgc Krdm in. II. W. Plummer. J W. Hinder an t J J McCloskey of Ashevllle. J Children's Party. Little. May Rogers gave a parly In i honor of her friend, Julia Hwom, nl her home on South French Hroad avc ' nu ' Friday afternoon frmii 4 lo 6 'o'clock, flame were played 'end re- freahmenla served. Those present were: May Rogers. Julia flhope. Anna Nichols, Connie Benson, Pauline P rry. Nora flnll rig, tannic Arthur. Howard John , aon, Kate Cunningham, Myrtle Harris. Kvelyn Rlohman, Bele (Jiaiit, Adell Duncan. J . Recent Arrivals. ' The following are recent arrivals al A band of musician pleasure of the ave- school building will add to the lilng. J German al Lake Tesaway. There will lie - germati at Toaaway Inn on Tuesday night, July J5. The ger man will lie led by Mr. N ablt and Mlaa Merrell. The wn-IhI life at Toxaway la quit gay Just now, many bowling partlea, dances, card parties and water fe e 'tre being held by the society el ment slaying In the hotels. . J Rehearsals for th Kirmsss Monday. At II o'clock Momlay morning. May imle dance, Nile wnrwhlper and slaves Hpanlsh dunce m o'clock. Indian dince and .Idana's attendants , ut s:30 p. In. .4 . Young Woman's Missionary Society. The oung Woman's Missionary Ho. ety of the First Presbyterian church will m el Monday afternoon ut b o'clock will Mlaa Lambert, 140 church trrrt. - AUAAA fftf I www WW PERSONAL Mrs way. A. J. JohiiHton Is ut Lake Toxa Mr. and Mrs. Maurey nine lime at Toxiway. are H;-tnllnK W. T. Wea er ha buiiln Sf tup lo New ret urned York. from a Ml mm Margaret Jordan, of Iianvllle, Va., Ih a recent visitor to 'he city. F. M. Hpann. of Hiimter. S. '.. Is III the city, reglslered at! the llerkeley. Mrs. J. W. Jnym " is very III at liar l.eine, 18 Hoirh I'm in Ii Hroad avenue. Mrs. J. Taylor Amiss will leave to day for Waynesvllle for a short slay. Miss Annie O'Hrlen will siend llils week at Husbrc Ih guest of Miss Ftuii ccx Troy. Mrs. It. (', Frank, who has been visit ing relatives In Old Foil, has returned to the city. Miss JpHHle HhHf klcford. of Knoxvllle, street; . la the guetit of Mr. and Mr. Alexander Mrs. Main's, M North Main Ir. T. C. Bales and family, Orangsburg.. V st, of Rlltmore. N. C: Mlaaea Duckelt. Sumter, S. C; : Mr. and Mra. Trowbridge, And r son. S.I Miss Mlitle FltxNitrl C: Mcsara. Webb and Hunter, Ander I eon. S. C: Mr. W. M. Lyles. Charlotte, ,N. C. Mr. Lloyd Lyles, Chirlotte, N. C; Mra. Wilson, Monroe. N. C: Mn. Ingraham, Monroe, N. (".; Miss Daniel, Virginia. ' ;. J . t. . . Arrrvsls at lillovs R. Dr. and Mra. George Krecger. Lake Charles, La,.! Mr. and Mrs. Julius and k. who Is visit ing In Knoxvllle, Is receiving a great ma ii y social attention. Mrs. C. N. Welist r and little daugh ter have gone to Morrlai'iiwn, Tenn., for a visit of several week". are stopping -li 'U i ics C. 'olllns, who n.irijcd In Charleston, III ll:l iTWOOd I'l l. H. I Harris, of Charlotte, l spend ing some time In Ashpvllle. Mr. Harris I in H iirtliciii iMiuir in cue eo. child, Columbus, On.: Miss Hessle : Btrue, Cnlumhua ,Oa.: Mr. and Mrs. O. Mr. and Mrs iM. Llbrman, New Orleans; Miss Llllle, were reentl.v Bauer, Rk'hmond, Va.; Mrt. W. A. 8etit and two children, of Wyoming, 111.! Mlaa M. W. Prealey, Rockhlll. H. i C: Mra. 0. W. Merwln, Benton Harbor, Mich. '.. , lea Cream tuppep for Fra Kindsr-aarten. . Th ladle of the Ashcvlllp Free Kin dTgarten Association have announced i that there will ba no poa ronement or Miss Then Or gg and Mrs. (leoiae the Ice cream feallval next Tuesday lld ker, of Suinler, H. C are at Bonnie night. In case of rln refeshments will Crest Inn, Hkylund. for a couple of b served Indoor at the Park uv nue weeks. lr. Morlson, of Lexlntf on, Va., Is spending some time In Ashevltle. Ir Morrison Is u missionary In Africa. ' Mayor Barnard left for Durham yes terday afternoon to attend the memor ial cxeci Ires of the Knights of I'yttal is prof. Hugh Coocannon, masseur, of Chicago and Hoi Springs, la In th cl y snd will probably make Aehevllle his home, Mr. Alexander Webb, of Rulelgh. passed through Ashevllle yest rday on hi way 'o Hkyland, where he will eiid mine time. j The fBinlly nl Col W'lllam K. Oulne of Wanblngton. l C. hakeii No. IH chestnut atra. f r Ine season and wl'l ieud aeverul iiia::, bar. Mrs. Kd. K. : ii i till and h-r lltt!--dauthter, Jean, )f ilirinlngliuii'. A.a . t visiting Mr. and Mra. John A. Campbell at I Cumberland aveni.e. Mra Kdwln Overman, who haa b-eu visiting her sister. Mrs. Thomas on Oak Hreet. I ft ye erday islth her little diughter, Ml Mildred, for Salisbury. Mr. J. F. Blackwood, sir erlulendcnt of the A'hevllle A Craggy Mountain railway, left Saturday for Clinlona'l on a buslncKS trip. II'- lll r turn Thursday. J. W. C. Dnke r turned to the city ycHtirday from a visit lo his former home In hll. svllle. N. V. He also tisik Int the Klk' reunion ut Huff tin while away. Mra. M. II. Nit lint, iiccompunl" I l.v her diiuglrer, Vl Cn li i" i f "harl ton, H. '., Is visiting in Ashevllle. stop ping with Mra. N. Kmanuel, a' II Starne avenue. Mrs. H. f It ii ' 1 1 ri if and her daugh ter. Mrs. M. H. I .nn l'ltx. frequent Inl lot x In A mI i villi, have returned ami are I lie gties h or J.i:' J. lavior Ainifs at lloiinle ie . Ilr. Louise Menimon haa leased the leired the Sharpless co.taKi'. No. ,0 Fieneh Broad avenue, for a yeir. Th lease was made tlirmiKh tlie M.iitellir rompiiny aKeucy. I'rof. ami Mrs. II. I. KiiiK have re turned fioin ill iilct conference at Harnardsvllle. 'h'li th re they wire 1'iitertalned it th- lisoll.ihle home of Mr. and Mrs. It. I'. I'ti kner. Misses Sarah Jones. Margaret Wads- worth. Kmma (IuiIkit. Calherlin" Ma- shi and Mell WrlKlr" nave reiutneii from (.'onnelly Sprlnxs, where they have been attending the hous party of Miss L Uage Oates. Around Town. NEW YORK FASHIONS Pattern For Girl's Frok Desltfncd Dean No. 463S by Martha The change of fashion In children' clothe are never at any time so marked or midden a is sometime the rnse with the fashion of their elders. We hear very often these day that children wero never so well dressed as now, and surely good taste and simplicity are more evident ' than for some time past. For general wr ir It will be found In the long run thnt the plain, simple, comfortable mode of dressing them usually survives the lon gest. - We have here Illustrated a pretty frock for the little daughter. It la on exact copy of our little English cousin's sailor suit. It la made with a real sailor collar, and the waist la In one piecethat Is, It has no shoulder seams and come very low over th shoulder where the sleeve I Joined. Th lower part of th sleeve la mad plain shirt style, with i pointed cuff, or, rather, English sailor atyle, aa that la th way all of them ara made. The skirt I side plaited and at tached to an under body. Many mother make Just one blu aerg aklrt and theaj half a doaen galatea or pique walara to wear with It. The Insignia mny be used or not, and a very pretty Idea Is to put a band of red on the left aVm at the Joining of th aleeve to the dress Either wasa gooda or woolens may ba used In the de velopment of thla design. Site. I to 14 year. DIRECTIONS FOR ORDERING H eeat to thla office, live number of thla pattern. No. 48. and state at 4)stna. It wtll then be aent to yoa by mall postpaid. Be sure to writ ateiaig and ajways gtvo fail addreaa. Several daya must b allowed for delivery of pattern. . .... .. .... BACK FROM MITCHELL. MrssiK. Mark Km In. Dun Hcvlcr, A. Webb. Locke Craig and Zeli Weaver h.ive returned from a trip to Mount Mitchell The party report having a much trip, hill i good ami njnyahlo time. LOT -OLD. Mclvin PrcKHlcy lias sold to tlwyn Kilwaiils a house and lot throuKh the real estate angeiicy of Hall I'eti- lliml. the consideration hi lug ItlHO. GETS AN ORDER. As a tcHiilt of Citizen advertising. the Ashevllle Tobacco company lias Just received an order from a whole sale grocery firm, of Aberdeen, H. D., for a lot of "Potter's I'erhiue" smok ing tobacco. The Two Pita. (A ri"rssse to the christian Kmleavor er nr l.o'.'islnnn published In their state paper. A toller bent n patient back Atsive n yawning ptt. And time nnd strength and. love and wcilth He shoveled Into It. And still. I hough mnny yenrs he tolled And bitterly he cursed, The pit remulned n hollow hole, As empty ns at llrst. A second workman bent his bnek Above a second pit. And time nnd strength and lova a DO wealth He shoveled Into It. And. lo. before his sun was set The pit was brimming o'er With ruddy gold and Jewels rare, A vast, exbnustless store! Oh. toiler In the field of Ufa, 'TIs not the work you do. But where you do It and for what Menus hnne or bliss for you! Alike Into a yawning pit May go your strength, your pelf. Kbit one pit Is the rhurch of Oofl, The other la yourself, Amos R. Well. SCIENCE PREVENTS 9 II "1 BALDNESS. the Fatal tleraa and Ita Reasrdy Now Facta of Seleaee. It la the rarest thing In the wr)d for man to bo necessarily bald. No man whose hatr Is not dead at the roots, need I be bald If h will una Newliro's Ilerpl cldo, the new scalp antiseptic. Horpl clde destroy the germ that cut the hair eft at too root; and clean the scalp of damuutr and leaves It In a perfectly healthy condition. Mr. Mannett, In the Maryland Block. Butt. Mont, was en tlrely bald. . In less than a month Herpi clde had removed the enemlea of hair growth, and nature did Ita work by cov ering hi head with thick hair an inch leng, and In aix weeka h had a normal suit of hair. Sold by leading druggbds. fend we. m atampa for sample to Ths Herptdd Co.. Detroit. Mich. PFAFFLIN'S DRUQ STORE, SPECIAL AGENT.' Pmtterm DaptftoMat. . , AahartU Cltlaoa. Aaherllla, Nrth Carallaav Oeatlemea: lDcloa4 toi It oenta, for which plae send mm by rtura anaJl raitar No.. .. .. f. .. .. ).. .. 4UJ). .. .. mm a. a. aa a aa .. - . s Blrwt gddrvaa.. .. .. .. .. .. ,. City.. .. .. CUto.. i. M .. .. .. Have Your Next Pholo- graphs made by . HARRIS Onff a ensiomrr always a cnslomf r Studio over Ashevllle Hardware Co. Si u!U Pack Snuae. 1 towi That THE THOMPSON BRANONN CO. Jewelers I a ad Silvrsir3ths, vill duplicate the price offered by any reputable catalogue house, and in many instances will quote a lower figure. Prices Right. Qnality Guaranteed Convince Yourself of this Fact. MARRIAGE LICENSE. W M. Jones to Tabith.i Itucknccr. WEAR WELL CARPETS AT REASONABLE PRICES THE Palais wyafl Monday and Tuesday Mon ey Saving Offerings to All Our Customers Closing Out Sale. All Summer Good at Great Sacrifice, Sal Start at 9 O'clock. ;:t'c box Toilet Slip fo: 10c Mciinen's lie Toilet l'mvdcr 18c vSummer F-brics Warm Weather We show a most desirable line of Summer weight materials at great ly reduced prices. 1 -i (Mi' r I IT Our line of Summer Silks is up-to-datf. choice and templing. In many shades of the Jap and Ban zai Silks 27 inches wide at 50c yd Linen Suitings in White and col ors. We have the kind you want at most reasonable prices. I White Linen Sheeting 90 inches wide at 85c, $1.15 and $1.50. j Colored Linen Suitings from 25c to 50c yard. :i y.)ii' V ;n,-'i - S 1 ii our .-( i .it re licillti-,-l'KS tli;.t f" t Wi:bY I lo hiive ili.siilay uf Skirt Sate aOc line Cr.ieh Linen tililrts at 24c JIV" exit. I Hkltts a; v.ilue piety Wuali You will liiel fill p:i:tifn.s in curpctf have iltir thillty pi ices. We will he pit sis Vihi cull .inil Inspect our pooils. Sawyer's Carpet House IMionc Nos. 18 suid L'O Church St. 49c $7.5 vcrj liii.- illlil I'lolll Mii'tM pile ut Hlcillsin $12,110 Si.! $4.69 Skirls a" S7.S0 Petticoat Sale Slit)') line colors, sit J18S black coal at .Silk Petticoats, all $3.98 Mercerlaril Fettl- 98c Shirt waist Sale ti n while Silk'iShirt Walsd at $1.98 t.S5 Arte thltrln Waist at 98c Wash Goods Sale 150 price .Lawn, in odd colors, sale 10c very ctiloia, at 4 l-2c fine cool Lawn, all 4 3-4c ntAov ron use. GINGER H. HASKELL Manufacturer and Wholesale Shipper of ALE ANQ SODA WATER. SELTZER AND VICHY IN SYPHONS. LIQUID GS. 170. 217 Haywood Street. Phone "Thp quality of goods bearing our name ' ; , Athevillc, N. C. IV iover questioned." Asheville Llectric Co. The Latest in Go-Carts BURTON & HOLT 32 S. Main St. 19c extra tine Lawn at 9 3-4c 1.000 yards 10c Ginghams at 5c , White Goods Sale Hair Goods In order to Introduce my uperlor wink in Asiievllle, will tscll regular $3.00 hair switclio, made from finest human hair, for 2.o0; other switches 1.2i mill Jl 50. IYriipadours and ev cryihing In hair goodi at very low priced. rtring your cut hair and comliitiKs and have a beautiful switch made, slrnilcss, only $1.00. Mrs. Sherman,! STIIEET C.!.r, SCHEDULE. In effect Thursday. June 18, 1905. Leave Square for Riverside 6:30. 7:00, 7.30. 7.45, and every IB miuutts until last car at 11 o'clock. Leave. Square for Depot via South side Avenue 6:30, 6:45, 7:15, 7:45 aHd every 15 minutes thereafter until 8:15 cur: then every half hour untU 10:45 p. in. Leave Square for Charlotte Street fi:15, 7:00, 7:15, 7:30, 7:45, running to Manor only. Then every 15 minutes through to (lolf Club until 7:30 p. in. After than every 15 minutes to Manor only, up to 9:45 car leaving Square: 10:00, 10:30, end 11:00 o'clock, last car. go through to Golf Club, on half hour schedule. Leave Square for Depot via French Hroad Avenue 6:30 and every hall hour until 11:00 o'clock last car. .-d m. ni . Leave Square for Mil; mare 6:45 every 15 minutes until 8:30 p Then every half hour until 11:00 p. last car. Leave Square for Woolsey 6:i0, 7:00. 7:30; 8:00, and every 15 minutes until 8:00 o'clock p. m. Then every half hour until 11:00. last. car. For convenience of Montford Avenue patrons, an early car will leave Panola street in time 'to reach the Square to connect with 6:30 a. in. car for he depot. Sunday schedule differs in following particulars: Car for Depot, via SouthBlds Avehus 6:30 . m., waits , for 6:50 train. Next regular cur leave Square 9:00 o'clock. First car leaves Square for Riverside 8:30 a. in. With the above exceptions, Sunday'! schedule commences at 9:00 a. m., and continues same as week day 1 Sidelo R-Csgos A Regular 10c Havana Cigar for 5c. Berkeley Ciger Stevrvd "Many Pretty Things" at The Ladies' Outfitter 19 1-5 Chicago Hairdresser. North Main Street, Asheville. 12c AVbit-j 40-Inch Lawn at 8 l-2c line', sheer I MASSAGE 15c white Lawn at 40-Inch flue sheer 9J-4c ;c htte SS-lnch prise price . 10C GENERAL, SPECIAL AND FACIAL. At your residence by I VICTOR SEHRWOLD. Phone 959. 76 Haywood street. Linen, sur- Bosiery Sale MI55 CRUISE Manicuring and Hairdretting Parian. IS Church Street. Chiropody. Shampooing. Facial Ma saie and Treatment of tbe Scalp, ReiMenc phone 421; office phone It. pahs Ladles' fine Dec lace hose, all new styles, 3 palra for $1.1) Monday only. , Black Cat How. the itn?teT- er made, at : A Plain : Proposition I: : Si lSe xai i5r Let do your wu shins and save you tbe trouble and worry of this task during tbe hot daya f iummer. .... Swao&aaoa LtBslry Wc have just received a beautiful new line of womensand misses col lars in' silks and laces in the very latest styles. We will put them on sale Monday morning. We carry a full and complete line of guaranteed kid gloves. Every pait strictly guar anteed. Come to see us and let us show you the things which you are contemplating buying. We think we can please you in every respect John A. Guffey, PR.OPR.ICTOR. Pallic Phone 471. ijlSOEVHIE

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