i nn N - CAIT YOUR VOTE IN POPU- ' ' " LARITV CONTEST TODAY. . ' TMf WEATHER i TVEtDAY FAIR. VOL XX 1:0 251 ASHBVILLB N. C, TUESDAY MORNING JULY 25, 1935 PRICE FIVE CENTS -t I1!1 !'' SUCCUMB WHILE ROGERS GIVES A LARGE BOND WILL STAMP LOOKING INTO . ASHEVILLE MAY SECURE A 1 1 ' f OUT DISEASE COTTON LEAKS FIGHTING OIL WELL FIRE LARGE FOREIGN FACTORY ' 4 ' , TWELVE Y i - ' Eleven Tanks aro Wrapped In 'Flames and aro Beyond all Control . LEVEES OF EARTH KEEP --BACK BURNING LIQUID Losses Will Probably Reach Two and One half Mil lion Barrels Houston, Teg. July S4. The fire I th Harabl oil fields which Blurted last night la a 1 1 1 1 burning fiercely, bu It ' rrraalna confined to the tanks of tht Texas company. While no name are ascertainable. It Is believed that 12 person lost their lives, Bo far as can be learned these were all ne J roes who were employed In trying tn prevent the spread of the flamt-a. Forty-throe anials are known to hav perished. The manaaera of the. Trxxaa com pany .state lhl the tanks contained proximately !.;.000 barrels of oil, which waa valued at uboul 25 cent per barrel and that none of the oil will be saved.. In addition they say the . big pumping plant at the tanks was entirely destroyed, makng a total loss of moie than1 IfOO.Ot " Build Levee. Today the efforts of int. Are fighters hava been confined to throwing up earthen embmnkmcnts between the burning tanks, of which there are 11 and those In which 4.000.444 b-irrets of oil bclona-tna- to other cotnpanlees Is stored. These 'tanks arc 1000 ai 4000 feet away from the Die, but the , water which oovers the fields as a result of the rain of Sunday has floated the burning oil to the first level and a sudden "boll over" may send Hhte . burning fluid to the sec ond embankment, which would place the other tanks In greit danger. The Are, Is not spreading toward the pro ducng field an It is not expected that It will. r Hundreds of men . are engaged to nlghtm strengthening the levee, building , them higher and In throw- in ud .additional ridges. Scores of people have tost " their temporary -'lwwetn TBrfl'to. Marty of these have already gone to Houston :o seek shel- . Lata 2,500,000 Barrsls. 1. Th hjssegi accordng to 8. J. 8. Oil llnan. prerkient of the, Texas, Oil company, who is on the scenybf the fire at Humble.. will aggregat at, least J.BOO.000 barrels of oil onl Inciden tal damage to the 'anks .which can not be eatmaed until toe fire sub sides. Mr. Cullinan says II will be necessary to repair th" tanks exten sively. . but he does aot know how much will reaq.ulrjfar each tank He further stated thnJjfr'ths area of the fire was so grest tnat It wis practi cally ImpossitiV to arcuntely esti mate the dange In dollars and cents. As to J.nsiiihce, Mr. Cullinan st-ited that thwas practically no Insur- "nwrtti policy of the owners being to pro rate the loss amonsr tne pro ducers who had oil stored In the ,inks. This will fall heaviest on the Texas company, as tne lanns con tained the greater part or tne com pany's oil. Among the companies who had ol stoned In the Texas Company s tanks are gtetrasen and Anttt, su.uvu barrels; Brooks OH company, 100.000 barrels: ' Landslide Ol! company, 125, 000 tarrela. , ' ' MANN WILL HELP PUT MEN IN JAIL . New Tork July 24 Colonel W. D. Mnn. pi Inclpal owner of Town Topics was a passenger pri the Liner Bealand which arrived tonight from European ports. Colonel Mann was asked con eerong the district attorney's Inves tigation. of the publication known as "Fads and Fancies." " He said: "If any of Town Topics men have been guilty or blaekmil! I hope they will all go to tall and"! will help to put them there.", s The colonel woulJ not make any statement about Justice Deuel's con nection with "Fads and Fancies, or with. Town Topic- ENGINEER KILLED f ; ' WHILE AT HIS POST (Special to The Cltlsen.) Spencer. N. C. July 24.-FI reman Ne on, aged . whoae run I on the South ern rallwriy between Spencer and Oreenrllls 8. O,, waa.lnafantly killed today at Air Junction, near Chartot'e. by th crown sheet of-lne locomotive blowing out with terrific force. Nelson, who was n the loromotlr. waa en-re!-oped In re and am and was cald-d to death. It Is If irned that a flagman, who waa sitting on tank of the en gine, waa blown about flfty feet, fall ing among the care and being seriously Injured. et?on waa making hla first pifcj trip, having been learning the road. . -... r- ',-' PUT ON TRIAL. Taldoeta. Oa.. Julyy !. Jejise and Ipnard Rawllnr" wer put upon Irial this morning for the murder, of the Carter children. CZAR AND KAISER SPEAK OF PEACE Emperor William Advising Nicholas to Make Terms and Grant Reforms Berlin, Jul 24. -The foreign office hne Is udvlsid tin u Hireling be tween KmiKTur William and Emperor Nicholas tonk place eariy toils)' off the Swedish coast, near the Island of BJomkoc. The inciting Is a sequence to a correspondence that has been go ing on between the two emperors eo li cet n lug peace, In which Emperor Wll lam urgei Kinpctor Nicholas to 'take steps toward peace. Emeror Wil liam was then co-operating with Pres ident Ruosevelt in seeking to bring he belllgerants t a discussion of the erins of eaec and in the present meeting the Associated Press Is au- horltatlvely Informed Kmpetor Wll- lain will continue o advise peace. should the Russian empeior ask for hiffuriluT vies a and it would be very natural tha; Emperor .Nicholas should do so as a development of the corres Dondeiice which has already taken place. Emperor William wuit to the meet ng, as the Associated rress is trai lally Informed, prepared to say If he peror Nicholas could attain a full un frstandlne and reconciliation ' with he discontented portions of his peo pie only through reforms, The Her man government is Interested In hav ing the neighboring country peaceful nd prosperous, for, it Is toward the Russian empire that Germany's man ufacturers look for great panslon In the future. trade ex- OFFICERS FORCE GATES TO TRACK Squad of 100 Men Enter Del- mar Park to Prevent Bet ting on Results St. Louis, Mo.. July Z4. unaer oroer Governor Folk 100 ' policemen under command of Captain McNamee today forced entrance into Delmar race Lrack, just outsld-:- the city limits, to see thu: there, was no violation or me iaw gainst, pool selling, and to arrest any persons making ,be:s. No arrests were ade. With a squad of thirty policemen Captain McNamee appeparett at tne race track entrance at the time or me first nee and demanded admittance. This was not granted and the police men marched In, meeting with no re- sisiance. Fearing attempts might be made to resist th? offlers If arrests were be made, Captain McNamee ordered second squad from the reserves, und the quad has Just arrived when Con stable Lenti. ith a posse and a war rant charging trespass and destruction of property, endeavored to arrert Cap tain McNamee. Chief of Police Klely had ordered that none of the officers should submit to arrest and Captain MoNamee 'refused to allow Constable Lents to take him into custody, his own men surrounding him tn protection until Lent zdeststed. The races were run on schedule and when the Hist race had been finished everybody departed. YELLOW FEVER Mi ALSO IN MOBILE? Mobile, Ala.. July 24. There ta a ru; mor current' that two of the crew of the Columbia.- which unlaid ed fruit last night and returned Immediately, wer; taken off she vessel when she arrived Inward bound at the quarantine tt tlon, thirty mile below Mobile,- wl ib yellow fetrtr. Dr. Henry Ooldthrwalte, hearth and executive officer of the quar antine board of Mobile Bay, went down there today, but ha not returned. Dr. Ooede, president of the board, wh"n asked for IrvforrmMlon tonight, said he had heard nothing ' from Dr. ' Gold thwat'.e a to the nature of the Illness. It I reported that one ef the "men died, but this lack confirmation. TWELVE KILLED. Pslermo.. Blcllr. July Zl. By the -plosion of a coal mine today twelve men wer killed and many wounded. - F0AD8TOLL8 KILL FOUR. Philadelphia. July 24 Toadstools mixed with mushroros and eaten at birthday party has caused the death of four of nix members of tht family of Joseph Fransor. farmf r. who re sided near Landisrllle. N. J. - Man Charged With Murderous Assault on Dochery Now at Liberty SELF DEFENSE TO BE DEFENDANT'S PLEA Claimed That DocKery As saulted Rogers Before the Shooting Ste. itt -o The Cltlsen.) Halelgh, N. ., July St. There was hearing here today of the notable ciiS' of tn 8tnte against Policeman Isac Hugos, who a month ago shot and wounded Du;nrty Tutted 8ta es Marshal John C. IXKkery. Attorneys for Kogers moved he be admit ed to bail. Only one witness wis Introduced. Dr. Hubert A. Koyster, who wild Dockery was sitting up I'.wo-thlrda of th- day His temperature and pulse are normal. his condition good, and as far as the wo bullet wounds were concerned he war out of danger. The state asked mm warrant against Kogers De so m nded as to charge him with secret ssault. .. Self -Offense tha Plea. The defense announced that Rogers' plea would be self-defense, rind this would be proved, and Insisted that the first assault was made upon Kogers by Dockery as Rog rs came from the of fice of his physician, whom he had con sulted regarding a member of his fam ily. The iniiglstrate allowed the war rant to be amended so as to charge se cre assault and fixed the ball at r,000. trough, h - state wanted It made $10,000. The state announced It wit not ready to now go Into a hearing because of the absence of James H. Pou, Its most material witness. The preliminary hear ing was set for August 15, and Rogers gave bond un:ll tlit dat". PETITION FOR LEAVE TO APPEAL DROPPED Washington. July !4.-Mr. McMast-r, Canadian counsel for the United States government In It!-' ruse against Green and Oaynnr, has cabled the department of Justice from London that the two men have withdrawn their petition for 1 ave to appeal to the privy council at London, and that on Wednesday the council will formully dismiss the ap peal. This leaver pending In the courts onl ythe habeas corpus proceedings, which will come up before Judge Oul mot at Ottawa August T. War on Yellow Jack Begins In Earnest In the Cres cent dty ALL PATIENTS FLACED UNDER MOSQUITO BARS Transmission of the Disease by Insects Is to he Thus Avoided New Oilcans. Jul :'l -Tonight-Mayor Hehrmao, In view of the presence of y How fever In New Orleans, Issued n proclamation to the people of New Orleana urging Ih. m to heed the ad vice of tha health u hoi I ties relative to tha sanitation of their premises and calling special attention to the neceslty of Screening their houten and pla ing nets over cisterns mill all pools of wa ter which ' might breed innsqultdes. This proclamation wan J so signed by the president of the state board of health,' by the pr sldeut of the ol:y board of health, by Surgeon White, of the marine hospital enice. and by the advisory committee of the New Or leans parish medical socle y. At 'i meft-lng of th state board of health today It was decided In re sponse to. the numerous requests for Information, from the parish heal h offi cer to iprepare-xind send out a detailed s ar ment of the situation.. This will Include an official -tatemen thit up to date there have been seveneen cases of yellow fever In New Orleans and six d aths from yellow fever. The quaran tine regulations suggested by the race -Ing o cltlsen requiring six days' de tention for all vessels from pnr s sub ject to yollow fever were adopt d ifler a heated discussion. No'lficatlon was received at noon from Dr. Hunter, of the Mississippi board, tha' he had pro claimed quarantine against the whole state of Loulsrtna. b cuise Louisiana had not quarantined again New Or leans. This question was discussed and" It wa decided iyt o quarantine the state against, the city. The 'New Orleans Parish Medical So- clo y ha sent, out a circular to all physicians Urging them to mak lm media report, to the board of health of. all- fever cases, whether yellow fe ver or not. and that Immediately on discovering disease th pr'ient be put under a mosquito net. Surgeon White Is perfeMlnit nrrange- mnn's for estiihllhment of detention ranrp for the different railroads. li u- tenant Colonel Maus. I'nltei Plates army, came today to Investigate the situ Ion at Jackson' barracks. He found no rases of Illness apd recom mended against r . 'moving the troops at he present time. He urged, however. that the men be kept within the grounds. FOH SAFETY. Political Prisoner (on let; Hello What your crime? Political Prisoner (on rifht I'm a Csar! Federal Grand Jury Investi gation Begins at Wash ington. D. C. NEW YORK BROKERS TO APPEAR AS WITNESSES Interesting Developments are Promised During the Next Few Days Washington, July It. Tin- Investiga tion of tie li'n k t jg In the cot on re r s of the department of agii ultuie was lienun today before the Federal grand Jury. In aivordanrc with the all of Dlstfli Attorney Iteai h the Jur ors assembled promptly at 11 o'clock and ntered upon the work before them. As Mr. Heich en'eted the room ho ile ilned to ex-ires an opinion as to how long the Inquiry would con tlnue or slate how many wi nossea would be (ailed, or to give any Infor mation what ver, except that lie would personally conduc the Investigation. There was no witness presen; when the Jury wa called to order. SUBPOENAS SERVED ON LEADING COTTON MEN New York. July 2t. Subpoenas re quiting the presence of several local cotton brokers before a Federal grand Jury In Washington, where t'he Fed ral authorities are making an Invesllga- of the cotton report leik scandal, were received In this city :oday. More sub poenas are In the hands of th' FeVra! officers here and they will be sefved ns soon as he persons named In them can be located. The attendance of thos ' named In the subpoems Is required In Washington before the end of the pres ent month ; A Federal official h re said toduy that all the men upon whom subpoenas have been served have made abatements, both signed and sworn, In whit h they tell til chey know of the so-cnll d Ct)t ton scandals. It was upon these state ments forwarded to Washington that Dt-tiict Attorney Beach caused the subpoenas to be Issued. When, where and befor? whom the statements were made could not be learned. "We hive ascer, alned enough," said the official, who declined to permit the use of his name, "no Justify Mr. Hcach In instituting th- proceedings already begun by him in Washington. That the disclosures to follow will be In the na ture of a turprlse goes without saying. MINISTERS WILL NOT YET RESIGN rjairour Makes statement o; Position Taken by Him and His Colleagues London. July -'t The government hns, no luteal Ion of resigning In consequence of Thursday' advers' vole. This was the gls of premier Halfoui'e eagerly initl'ipnted stutem nt In th House of Commons this afternoon. Although It had lice n generally recognised that such would be the decision of the premier, there waa feverish -agernees on all sides to hear the exact terms of his statement. The houe was ll.erally packed. Kveiy gillery available to the ;i ers nnd public was crowded and there had not been such an attendance of members during the life of the present parliament. Mr. Malfour. who was heartily ih ered by hi supporters on rising. tried the patience of his hearers some what by a long dl-qulsl ion on how former adminl-tratlona had ignored de feats similar to thati of Thursday. He declared that such Incidents iiad nev er be n regarded as ground for resigna tion or dissolution, and announced that he government did not propose either o resign or dissolve parliament be cause of Thursday's occurrence. The premier hop d the practice would never prevail of allowing a government united In ltelf and .posei'slng the confidence of the majority of the house, to abm dnn Its post merely In consequence of such a vot . HERO'S BODY ON AMERICAN SHORE Remains of John Paul Jones Now In the Possession ol His Adopted Country AiinaiMIs, Md., July 24. The body of Paul Jones Is now In the posesslon ot the rnlted States. Today It rests upon American soil, homed temporarily In an uupreten.lous vault In the center of the grounds of the naval academy and nest the unfinished chapel In whose crypt later It Is to find honored repose, a perpetual Inspiration to the young men of the na lon here trained to th arts of nav.il warfare. The body was removed from the Brooklyn to the tug 8tandlsh, which came alongside nnd made fast to the Brooklyn shortly before V o'clock.-, The body of the dead admiral was hoisted from i'.r position on the "half deck" by a boit crane, carried to the starboard side, where another crane lowered It to the deck of the tug. U, Hear Admiral 8lgbee and his ship officers crime aboard the tug and the stnrt for the shore was begun. The tug took Its course down between the two columns of cruiser and tU:le- shlps. and a It was making this run minute guns from every ship gave the fifteen-gun salute. A hearse, drawn by four black horses was In waiting, on either side of which were the honorary pi 11 bearers. When the procenslon began to move a shore battery fired minute guns to the numb r of fifteen around the vault a huge square was formed on three sides by the sailors and murines, the fourth being occupied by the hearse and mldfhtpmen. .After the body had been removed from the hearse and. placed oa a par which rested on a tem poral wooden track loading to ibe vault. Chaplain Clark, of the naval academy, assisted by fleet chaplain Biyard, read a portion of the episco pal funeral service and offered prayer. The car was moved to the vault, the band playing a funeral march. After It had been pi iced In position a squad of marines fired three volley and taps wer sounded by the buglers. . The cor tege was then dlstnlssed, 'A SOUTHERN PLANTERS CONFER WITH WILSON Washington. July 24. The delegation from the American Cotton Mannfactur. era . Association appointed at 4h re-. cen meeting at Charlotte; N. C. .1 take up w'th Secretary Wilson the question of Isiulng a ucw June cotton acreage reiMjrt called nt the depart- m nt of agrh'Ut ure today and were In leng hy conference with the secretary.. At the conclusion of the conference Hoeretary Wilson gave out the follow ing riaiement: ' '' - "The d par ment of agriculture has determined that the statistical board shHll meet Wednesday. July it. to con sider whether revblon of the June cot ton acreage should be made from -list ing da a or from a new Inspection, and to make public their finding or esti mate at 12 o'clock on that dite, or the earliest convenient dat thercaft-r.'' WILL NOT QUARANTINE. Memphis, Tcnn., July 24. The Mem- ohls board of health at a meeting to night derided not to establish a quar antine against New Orleans, t Negotiations Now Under Way for Capture of Rich In dustrial Plum PARTICULARS LAGKINO. ; , BUT PROSPECTS ROSY i ;4V. Several Southern Cities Have Made Effort to Secure In d us trial Enterprise Negotiations are now pending for bringing to Asheville large Industrial enterprls . now Incited In Belgium and one for which several American title hav - made frantic bid. . The loci I gen. tlemen who have th deal In hand ar loath o publish par. irulars at tha prea- ent time, but they state that ihta city has every pros pec of capturing; th . plum. One of .the g-rrtlemen Interested jld yesterday: "We ar not yet quit ready to give out particular, for th reason that a .premature publication ' might upae.1 our plans. I tan say, how ever, that Ashevlll.- I being favorably considered and, unless there Is .t hitch, we will have a factory her which will employ several hundred people. ' Th site under consideration la Juat outsld the city limits, but 'the city prop? would reap the benefit. New Orlean, Memphis, Dallas and Atlanta put up strong fight for It, but I beltav w hold the .trump card." When asked if could nam U sp clfie Industry Th Cltlsen' Inform, ant said: "Not yet; but It won't be long before we can give you full particu lars. You know It I not sat to ihoirt befor ytu ar out of the wods.". ANOTHER SENATOR , HELD FOR BRIBERY Little Bock, Ark., July H glatt Ben. ator F. (X Butt wa arested at Berry vllle today on a bench wannt from Lit. tie Rock charging him with bribery In connection with the bill appropriating lsoo.0000 for the completion of th new stat capital.' T,h indictment allege that Senator Butt paid 1100. und prom. Ised 1400 more ta Senator R. H, Adams, of Orint county, for th latter- vot In favor of ihe bill, ji , Penator Butt gave bond today In th sum of t.1,000 for his appearance at ,th September term of the Pulaski county Circuit court to answer to th charge. goodlake fined Mga1l1g MAN CHARGED WITH OPERATING ROOM GETS THE v "'. LIM i. Police Much Gratified at 8ueful Outeem of Test Cass..' Cam- " -' i paign t b Bgun. ' 1 lleotge Ooodlake, said to b the pro. prletor of gambling room, In th Dhrumor dullding, . who wasarrested Saturday afternoon, was given a hear. Ing before Judge -Jones It) police eourt yeaterday.' morning toii the charge, and, being adjudged guilty, was given the limit, a fine of 60 and costs. . . The police depat ment is much grat. Ifled over; this conviction. It being in' the nature of a test case. Heretofore much trouble has been experienced In getting sufficient evidence t con vlct a defendant of gambling owing to the fact that witnesses must teti fy that they saw the defendants gam bllng. Jn ;.he preset Instance the plan was tried of allowing some of the Inmates of tiie raided room to "go. free and calling them ,as witnesses against th others,' . In' this manner the necessary, testlmonywas' secured and the man convlcfed, , , . ... . . It Is understood that an active cam paign, agalnt all forms of , gambling . will at one be. begun by tn police department. nd that no games, pub Ho or private, will be spared. ;'. " BENNINGTON MEfl ; ' tut . f 1? ACCOUNTED M San Diego, t'a!.. July Stl. Ail inert connected witb the gunboat Bennington at the time of the faMI boiler explos ion In San !lgo harbor wer account ed for today. Exploration of th ves sel's hold continue as It Is rapidly mptled of . water. v The summary of ?iie situation 1: Dead, fifty-eight; wounded, forty-slxi uninjured. 2: dewerter. 1. Total number of crew before accident, 197. The Bennlng on'a Interior present a less disordered appearaac today. A board has been appointed, consisting of Commander Toung and Lieutenants Tate and Wade, to attend tie woilc of condemning the stores. Commander Toung and the officers of tiie ih p ro gan sn lnvesigation Into the caj3 o the explosion this sf erpoon. A

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