. " f , I THE ; ASHEMLLE CITIZEN THE WEATHER SHOWERS BOARDING HOUSE ADS. BRING SUMMER BOARDERS VOL XX NO 273 ASHBVILLB N. C, SATURDAY MURN1NG AUGUST 19, 1905 PRICE FIVE CENTS. PASSING OF ABSOLUTE MONARCHY IN MAN IFESTO OF ( OF FREEDOM FOR DOWNTRODDEN PEOPLE Emperor NlGholas Issues Ukasd Fixing Time For Meeting of Representative Assembly Thus Recognizing the Right of the People to Participate in the Administration of the Government IS MORE MOMENTOUS EVENT THAN ' THE LIBERATION OF THE SERFS rieretofore Unlimited Power of Czar May be Held in Check by Doumai, in WhiGh Peasantry are Represented -First Convocation Will be Held In Mid-January According to Order Issued Yesterday St. Petersburg, Aug. 18. Russia's national representative assembly, the fruit of decade of stress and striving for reform, which endows the Rus sian people with the right of being consulted, through their chosen rep resentatives. In the suggestion, prepa ration and repeal of legislation, today takes its place among the fundamental Institutions of the empire. In a solemn manifesto Emperor Nicholas announces this morning to his subjects the ftultlon of his plans summoning the represents, lees of the people as outlined by him In a rescript Issued on March 3 last, and fixes the date for the first convocation as mld January, and In a ukase addressed to the eenaite-formally orders that body to" register os the imperial will a law project fofmulating the nature, pow er and procedure of the new gov ernmental organization. Momentous Event. The manifesto, ukase "and project ate published ithls morning in special editions of the Official Messenger in St. Petersburg and Moscow. They will be given out for publication at noon to all the newspapers through out the empire, many of iwhtch are preparing to Issue extra editl."V 0 slgnallae a momentous historical event, overshadowing In importance the liberation of the serfs In 1861. , The national assembly will be i consultative organization In connec tion wkh the council of the empire, and not a legislative body. The pow ri" of owipcr-r m tin theoret ically absolute. As the emperor is Uk. supniue iaw iver and autocrat, the decisions of the Doumai have only a recommendatory and not a binding force, though the rejecti on of any legislative -measure by a two-thirds majority of both houses Is sufficient to prevent a measure from becoming a. law. People to Be Heard. The representatives of the people Will have not only the right to bo heard on any legislation proposed by the government, but can also voice their views on new laws and will have the right to exercise a certain supervision over budgetary appiopri atlons. ' The reprcsenta.rjri, is not universal, it Is based on property qualification, the peasantry bavins a vote through members in communal organizations. A considerable pottion of ths resi dents of cities possessing no lands, to gether with- utomen. soldiers, civil functionaries, etc., are without suf frage, " The Imperial manifesto fays in part: "We reserve to ourselves en.irely the care of perfecting the organiatlon of the Doumt ini4 when the course of events shall have shown the necessity for changes corresponding completely to the needs of the time? and the wel fare of It he empire we shall not fall O give t the proper moment the'nee essary directions. "We are convinced that those who shall . have been elected by the confi dence cf the f.oople and who will thus be callei upon to participate in the legislative work of the government will how themselves in the eyes of all Rus sia io bei worthy of the imperial trust nd that in perfect harmohy with other Institutions and authorities of the state established by us they will contribute profitably and ealbusly to. our labors ,forJhe strengthening of the unity, the security and the greatness, oth" em- SALESMAN, DISPLAYING HIS GOODS, IS FATALLY WOUNDED BY INSANE BOY I lbanon, Va., Aug. If. W. T. Boyd, a traveling salesman for Armstrong, Cater Co.. of, Baltimore, Is lying at the point of dea h in this town from wounds receive! by blng struck over the bead wlih a ha.ihet in the hands. of Dr, Walter K. Aidersnn, of Lebanon. The assault occurred thlr morning at t o'clock, and this afternoon Dr. Alder eon waa declared ptrson of unsound Blind and was -r,t . the asylum at RUSSIAN CZAR plre, as well as for the trann.uiU.llty and prosperity of the people." iThe manifesto lonrludcs by express Ing the hope that "Russia will emerge triumphant from the trying ordeals through which she Is now passing atd would be born again In the strength the greatness and the glory of bur his tory, extending through a thousand years." AUTO RUNS INTO A POND OF WATER Machine Minute Atoms- Driven at a M'le a Rate Smashed to -Jay May Die Buffalo, N. Y.. Aug. IS. Webb Jay, of Cleveland, was probably fatally In jured at Kenllworlh Park today In the ien-rplle automobile race. At the three nuarters of the fourth mile Jay's ma chine crashed through the fence, down an embankment of ilfteen feet, and into a pond of water. What caused the ac cident is not known. It is believed, however, that Jay was blinded by dust and steered into- the fence. He was driving about a mile a minute when the accident happened. . Jay, unconscious, would have been drowned had not two spectators sit ing on the fence near by, gone to his rescue and dragged him out. He was taken to the German hospital, where it was found that his right arm and nine ribs are broken, one of his lungs is punctured and his right femur is frac tured. HUSBAND SHOOTS WIFE BY MISTAKE Knoxville, Tenn., Aug. 18. Harvey Mize. a citizen of H?mie:t, Tenn., a little mining ton. in Campbell coun ty; near LaKollotto, Tenn;, shot and Instantly killed his wife at an early hour this, morning, mistaking her for i burglar. Mrs. Mize had gone up la the rear of the house to secure a drink of water for her little girl, who was ill. While letting down a window, the noise awoke her husband, who was sleeping on a couch in the room. Seeing the sTitdow of a person before him, he seiserL a 45-caHbre pistol and fired. His wife, fell to the floor gasp ing for breath and died without being able to speak a word. The father and little daughter ar craned with grief. THREE HANGED. Memphis. Tenn., Aug. 18. James Norfieet, Jihn Champion tuld General Bone, three negro murderers, wer hanged here" today. Trey killed wo men of their own race, ,,- t Marlon. It l no known what caused the assault, which occurred In the store of C. C. Alderson, one of the most prominent business men in Russell county. Mr., Boyd was making a dis play of his imllllinery goods, when young Alderson picked up a hatchet nnd truck h m a 'severe blow on the head. His condition was precarious from the starrt and at o'clock tonight Boyd was4 ni t expected to survive. MARKS DAWN CITY OFFICIALS ' UP FOR BLACKMAIL Another Case of Wholesale Corruption Said to Have Been Unearthed in Florida Tampa. Fla.. Aug. J8. Wlmt threat ens to develop into a wholesale cx- posturc of official misonduct In Ybor I'l y was precipitated t mlay by the ar rest of I'onslubles N. Mudrugu and Louis (,'allcntserg on the charges of Attempting to extort blaekniall from the proprietor!) of bullta, or Cuban lottery names. The' warrants were sworn out liy I)( puty Sheriff J. J. Stephens and the prisoners were re leased in $1,000 bail inch. It Is stal ed that this is but the first step In the exposure of an elaborate, system of blackmail. LEGISLATURE IN FIGHT TO THE END Atlanta. Oa., Aug. 18. Georgia's legislature adjourned at 9:45 o'clock tonight, closing Its session constitu tionally limited 10 liO days. UrXll almost the last moment the tight lasting for several days between the twi branches of the legislature continued over a bill fixing the gen eral state liijuos license, the senate contending for J3IMI and the house for 1500. The former figure was agreed upon. WILLIAMS IS FOUND , GUILTY OF MURDER Pensacola Fla., Aug. IS. After re maining in the jury room for only a few hours, the jury In the case of Will iam F. Williams, charged with the murder of John White and Edtvin CC. Drinsby, re urned a verdict tonight of guilty of murder In the first degree, with a recommendation for mercy at the hands of the court. Williams- was tried for the murder of White and the charge of having mur dered Dansby Is still against him, and may be called at once. Unci Sam If I could get rid TUCKER WILL BE PRESIDENT Distinguished Lawyer Chosen President of Jamestown Exposition HIS ACCEPTANCE IS CERTAIN' TO FOLLOW Successor to General Lee Is Unanimously Selected by Directors Norfok, Val, Aim. IK.- lion. Henry St Oeorge Tucket . .It .in of Hie n hool of law nnd dlplonia.'.v of lieoi ge Washing ton t'nlverslly. formerly Columbian University, wiis unanimously eleicd president of th J ,i use town Exposition company this after noon by the board of directors. Vim of the cotr,?an. M if Mr. Ticker v he said that lh a tlrully certain. A pointed to ge to V. Mr. Tucker of hi. ni' of the officials Kleley, was asked id take the place optancf was prac onnnltlee was ap InnHtoa nnd notify l'c ion. nrmlttee today ad- 1 he notification dressed the follow Inn; o Mr. Tucker: i;-omted by the f the Jamestown The committe, a p. board of directors o Exposition company to notify you of your election to the presidency of the company wined you as follows: At a meeting of the directors of the Jamestown Exposition company, Just held, you Were unanimously elected president to fl!l the vacancy occasioned by the death of den. Fitzhugh I,ee. Your acceptance will maintain the high his ortcal and educational standard of he exposition, which if our cardinal ambition, and thereby make It a fitting ommemoratloti of the three hundredth annnlversary of tr.c nation's birth.' ' "We beg to conllrm this telegram. Rarely, if ever, has the state of Vir ginia demanded a leader' for an enter prise as great - the one you have been chosen to direct. The' story of our greut commonwealth teems with romance1 and bristles : with derisive Incidents. The plain tah of stale . an, epic, her story a drami, - whose climaxes have been Jlmlte.'t OTfeVy by occasion. GOVERNOR IN WRECK. New York, Aug.. 18.--An autombil 1st. said to he Governor" Kruzler ti Tennessee, suffered a wreck today on a steep hill at a point near W. K. Vand'erbiir Mlehour estn'.e at Oak dale, L. I. The automoblllst was burled In a snampund esaped severe Injury because of the soft mud. . vir PROJECT;' APPROVED. Mexico city. Aug. IS. The Italian royal maritime commission has ap proved a project to establish a steam ship communication between Italy and this country. of yo pests, I'd hava It yellow fever MANY CASES ARE REPORTED Yeliow Fever Is roii.id In Many Parishes Through out Louisiana SITUATION IN NEW ORLEANS UNCHANGED Spread of Disease Continues Unchecked Death Rate Still Low YESTERDAY'8 RECORD. . New Or leans. Aug. IS.--Official report it to tj p. ru.: Nrw cas.n, fi'J; total to date, l.t-'sr,. Deaths. S, total ;o dale. New I H'i, Iti: total to date. 27. Number of case s under I ivatim nt. 4 1 .V New Orleans. Aug. is. -The figures fur the day show nothing of special in tcrost. Kl von of the sixteen foci ate above Canal strie . Two more cases have appeared In the French asylum on St. Ann and Derbigny streets, mak ing live In aU- Thai Is the only 'asylum affected up to date. Of the deaths two were lit the charity hospital and two In the emergency hospital v One oc eurred In Algiers. News Unfavorable. News from ou slde the city continues unfavorable. Dr. Brady, the medical Inspector of the board of health, who was also health oflVer of Jefferson cO Ish, spent most of the day In his parish on a still hunt, and found gev era I cases. He found one case In Han son City, just above Kenner; two cases In Shrew.-bury, five miles from New Or leans, and one case in McOonovllle, across the river from. New Orleans. Dr. Brady also visited Pecan drove planta tion, In St. Charles Parish, and found live cases In two houses. Pa'terson reports ix new cases and no death?. .Alexandria's one patient died today. "Dr.' Ooidberger, of the marine hos pital service, hns been assigned to take charge of the work at Alexandria. Dr T. A Devron left for Thlbodoaux th Is noinlng to visit the nest of Infection it the taou'h of Bayou Ii Fourche. It will be Impossible to hear from him, for at least three days. There nre no new cases at Mississippi City. . ALABAMA SHUTS HER DOORS TO TRAVELLERS Montgomery, Ala., Aug. IS, State Health Officer Sunders said today that persons from infected yellow fever dis tricts In other states who want to come i my system, . ' , HIGH HOPES REPLACED OF BLACKEST PESSIMISM through Alabama going to other stat will no: be allowed in Alabama until their- seven days detention are up, even If they do not top within the border of Alabama. FEVER AT STARKEVILLE. M .bile. Ala., Aug. IS. Dr. Kckford, city health officer of Starkevllle, .Miss a n noiinei s a well developed, case of vellow fever at that place. The case Is that of a mm named Clark who came from Mississippi City. The Mo Ml' Ohio has annulled all lialnsoi the Starkevllle branch until they can make further arrangements. PRESIDENT MAKES A FINAL ATTEMPT Thought That Russian Envoy Will be Called to Oyster Bay for Conference Portsmouth. N. H.. Aug. IS. At mid night Assistant Secretary Pelrce was hurriedly called te the Hotel Went worth, where a message was awaiting him from the president. He Immedl ntely wrote a lengthy reply. . Later he was called to the telegraph Instrument and for half an hour carried on a con versation by telegraph with the presi dent, who was at he other end of the wire at Oyster Bay. The Associated Press has reason to believe that the 'purpose of the presl denl's conversation with Mr. ePelree was to arrange for one of the Russians to go 10 Oyster Bay. The president Is understood to be already In com munlcatlon with the Japanese through Baron Kanoako. The president Is re solved to induce the warring coun tries to compromise. FUNNEL IN TALC GIVEN TO RIVER MARINE DIVERS REFUSE TO EN TER FLOODED SHAFT. Was tife Risking Job to Work der Water 300 Feet From 8haft. To stop the leak in the roof of a leep tunnel by which the wa,ter of tli Xantuhala river cume down and Hooded a small part of the Hewitt talc mines Hewitt's Station was too much of an undertaking, even for the experienced marine divers whom president F. H. Hewitt, of the North Carolina Talc and .Valuing company, had brought for this purpose from Norfolk. ' The divers wlth their diving ults, in which tho hud many times been un der the surface of the ocean and In 'unken ships, took a look at the situa tion. The tunnel ,a big horizontal hole running under the liver level for 300 feet, was full of water, and at the far ther end was a fissure which was let ting in water faster thaa the pumps could take ii out. The divers declined to try to stop the leak, saying that the long distance from the air puirop and the mud in the bottom of the tun nel made the work too hnxardou". This tunnel will now be abandoned and the bed of talc which it reaches will b cupped by finking another tun-, nel, whlfh wit b I'-rpJ through a mass of murhif to le'c'n the talc be yond It. SHOT FROM AMBUSH. Huntington. W. Va.. Aug. 18. Rob ert Murphy, a deputy sherlfr from Buckingham county, Va., was shot from ambush and Instantly killed while riding on a railroad velocipede between Logan and Holden. Murphy had just brought Henry Harmon, who was arrested In Virginia, to Logan for trial, and It is supposed tlitt ithe act was committed by soms friend of Harmon's.' ELECTED SECRETARY. Duluth, Minn.. Aug. 1. J times Mo- Fall of Rounoke, Va., was today, elected secretary of the International Association of Fire Knglnecrs. . I NEW YORK BANKERS RECEIVE INFERNAL - MACHINES BUT BOTH ESCAPE UNINJURED New York. Aus IS. Two small In- fernal machines were sent to proral- nent New Tm k brokers today. Jnfipb II. Hchleff. the banker, was the tatfjvnarked as V coming from ifilwara VIL . . . i. fet of the nrre dangerous of the machines, a . contrivance capable - .'uusing death. The other was re--elvrd by M. Guggenheim's Sons, and was directed to the office ef the Amer ican Smelting A Refining company. . Mr. Fchliff was absent from tha city, being at Bar Harbor, lug Arm of Kuhn, Lob T 4' bank- V Co., of OF PEACE BY A FEELING' Thought That Envoys WU Meet In "Seance d'Adleu' Tuesday FINAL EFFORT WILL BE ; MM)E FOR COMPROMISE Powers will Not Let Chance of Peace Slip by Without Final Effort Portsmouth, N. H., Aug. 18. Black pessimism reigns at Portsmouth to night. The prevailing view Is that the fate of the pence conference Is already sealed: that it has ended In failure and that all that now remains Is for the iilcnlpotentlarlea to meet on Tues day, to which duy they adjourned thla afternoon upon completing the seriatim, consideration of the Japanese terms, sign the final protocol, go through the conventions und bid each other fare well; In other words that the meeting Tuesday will be what diplomacy colla the "seance d'adieu," but there Is still room for hope of a compromise. Neith er President Roosevelt nor the powera will see the chance . of peace ship wrecked without a final effort and iat pro-sure is being exerted especially at loklo to induce Japan to moderate her terms is beyond question. Just what la being done, or Is to be done, has not transpired. King Edward Is understood to be now lending a helping hand and the financiers of the world are known to be exerting all their Influences. Japs Unyielding. ., At Toklo and St. Petersburg the final Issue will be decided. The Japanese have been implacable throughout the six days' sittings. They have listened and explained, but they have yielded not one lota of the substanee of their original demands. Mr. Witte accepted outright seven of the twelve Japanese conditions, one in principle and four, , Including fhe main tissues. Indemnity and Sakhalin, he rejected. The other two limitation of naval power and the surrender of Interned warships, might have been arranged had there been any prospect of agreement on the two points upon which the divergence teem ed irreconcilable. In the oral discussion of the term ; Mr. Wltte yielded upon two articles, but substantially the refult of thirteen . sittings of the envoys has only been to emphasize the position taken by Mr. Wltte In the written reply he presented last Saturday lo the Japanese terms. and now both sides turn to home for-, he last word before the cards are thrown face upward upon the table next Tuesday, for the Impasse reached today by the plenipotentiaries Is rec ognised to be only a diplomatic fiction If In the Interim fresh Instruction are received by either side compromise la s. yet possible. But the chances are rec ognized to be slim. (So far as the Russian plenipotentiar ies are concerned there never wa a chance of their yielding both Indemnity and Sakhalin. The cession of Sakhalin without Indemnity was, according to the best Intlde Information, the ex treme limit to which Mr. Wltte would ; ever consent to go, and the emperor has pot yet given the word to even- concede . ' that, and tonight suddenly new fac- ' ior has been Introduced which In the opinion of those most competent to Judge lessens materially the 'chances lhat he might do so, namely, the Is suance of his manifesto granting a poip tilar representative body to his subjects. The bearings of tills "historic docu ment" as Mr. Wltte described It a few flays ago. upon the Issue are exceeding- y comprehensible. It is bound to ameliorate the internal situation . In Russia. The manifesto Is Emperor Nicholas' answer to the Japanese de mand for the payment of a war tribute. The grant of this broad reform la re- ,.l garded 1s virtually an appeal to the Russian people for support to resist It, At IToklo It Is Impossible to tell what View will be taken, peace probably can t be .even now secured by the sacrifice of the Indemlnty. Vague Intimations tonight come from the Japanese side lhat "The demand for the cost of the war" might be moderated, but Mr. Wltte'a reply Is that he will pay liber ally tor the maintenance of the Russian prisons In Japan but "not a copeck for tribute." . - ; ' ' ' . ' Tonight the situation can be summed Continued on page Four) which he Is a member, received hf mall a wooden box about six Inchea long addressed to Mr. BchiefT and WU liiinreuiMieiy tuniru um lo mc ponce, tm removal oi ine wooaen cover discovered only" an, Innocent looking package, wrapped In some pa per bearing stock quotations, but la side was a contrivance arranged, at the least rough handling, to di.K-hare tiro cartridges loaded with S2-c '. bullets and packed about with ;. '. slues. i