HE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN i f THE WCAYHER r""' " v - r r - fair. if BOAROINQ MOUSI ADS.'" BRING SUMMER BOARDER . .( VOL XX NO 276 ASHBVTLLB N. C, WEDNESDAY MORNING AUGUST 23, 1905 PRICE FIVE CENTS T president rdoseveli devises a plah!" t .... WHEREBY TO JAPAN Associated Press Makes President's Efforts to Break the Existing Deadlock in the Peace Negotiations at PortsmouthBoth Japan and Rus sia May Make Concessions THAT NICHOLAS WON'T YIELD Nevertheless It is Thought velt's Solution Will Meet With Acceptance--Komura Favors Prolonging Negotiations In Hope That Pressure Will ForGe the Czar to Give Away Portemoj 1, X. H , 22 ot'lated PfM Is now in n 1 ;,h turn t'i reveal suDSianuany inc " President Roosevelt lor breaking the existing deadlock In the peace negotia tions. His solution would Ingeniously permit the satisfaction of tih? Japani demands for reimbursement for the tost of the wnr, and at the same tlmf en able Russia to face the world with IV declaration that she hud not ceded a foot of territory or paid, a kopeck of war tribute to the victor. The dilution Is the one whle'.j has been heretofore described in th Associated Presr db patches OS the natural und logical com promise. .Te,raly jt .iie4 11. consists in an agreement by nussli t. repurchase pos.'wsion of el'.he; all or l.alf of the Island trf Sakhalin, tow In the military occupation of Jipi i for a sum the amount of whl "h if tlie two countries cannot agree on, shall b decided by some method of arbitration h-reafter to be determined. Tre pui".-!ia-e money, together with the mm Japan would ob tain frdrn the cession of the Chinese Eastern railroad, and the n'alntenance at the RusHnn pris, -iers in Japan, would, It i estimated, about equal the amount claimed by Japai v her bill for ti'ic cost of the war. Pra: .leally, therefore the solution ofeed by Lhe president Involves recession by Japan on Article 5 (Sakhalin), and recession by Russia on Anlc'.o (indemnity.) Japs Willing. It seems .practically c rtuiu. tl. .ugh. that this not to be affirmed positively, that the prei iden.t today was able to give. Mr. Wltte assurance that Japan would be willing to accept such a compromise. This Is apparently upr ported by the authoritative Japanese Statement made to the Associated Press tonight in reply to a question a's to whether Japan had not decided to make substantial concessions. "It all 6e-' ponds upon Russia." Witto Gets Message. ' It was the president's message to Mr. Wltte which caused the sen- a lion of the day. Early in -the morning had come the announcement that the meet ing of the conferen&e which. was? to have been fteld today had been post poned until tomorrow at 8:30' o'clock. The public reason assigned was that the protocols for submission had not been completed. A lew hours later the true reason leaked out. J. L. McGrew, one of the stenographers attached to she executive omit-; at Oyster Bay, had arrived with a communication fram the president for the Russian plenipoten tiaries. Mr. Wltte and Baron DcRoseo had left the hotel, ostensibly for a ride In an automobile, but bad subsequently slipped over to the conference building at the navy yard to receive the message from Assistant Secretary Pelrce. The most elaborate ; re: autionn had been taken to Insure irccr, but It leaked out through a "tip" .from New York which reached the AssiK-atciJ Press. Won't Talk. "From 10:30 until 1:30 Mr. Wltte and Baron IeRoen remained at the con ference building with Mr. Pelrce. All those present dec-line to make any statement regarding at transpired at the navy yard, even refusing to admit that any importance attached to the matter. ;t Depend on Czar. The general dlsposKion was to reijurd today's swift and kaloidoc-oplc devel opments as materially brightening the VIRGINIA DEMOCRATS NOMINATE THOMAS S. MARTIN TO SUCCEED HIMSELF IN U. S. SENATE Rk-hmond, Va.. Aug. C In the Dem ocratic state, primary today Thomaa S. Martin wai nominated to succeed him self In the- I'nlted States eenate and Representative Claude A. Swenson. of the Fifth congressional district, to suc ceed Andrew J. Montague as governor of the ate. by large rnnjorltles". Chair msn J. Taylor Kllyoon. of the Iemo cTatlc state lotnmitte. ni nominated for the lieutenant governorship by au RUSSIA WILL, PAY, KM AND YET PRESERVE "HONOR" Public the Result of the That President , Roose chunres of success of the prcHitkMit's 1 hrrolr endeavor to suv tht ptraru cn- fivi'iii'.o frnm f:iiliii'f I'.llt It W:i rt'Jll- , Used that ail. uh ibcforo. depended upon the iiRltuiie of Emperor Nicholas und Mr. Wltte, it is positively stated, per sonally favors the solution offered by the president, but he is jiowerless un less his Imperial master gives the word. W'lt.h the most intense anxiety that word was awaited. It .-pells peace or war. WILL DISCCSS IT TODAY. Portsmouth, N. H., Aug. 22. It is stated tha; Baron Komura has agreed to offer at the session at 9:30 this morning, - the itreslderUs compromise proposition. High authority believes H Impossible 'that a final rupture can come today, no matter what the cha racter of the emperor's flnnl Instruct ions to M. Witte imiy be. "if lhe lies,' ia :ions can be prolong ed Into next week" said he, "so much pressure will be brought to henr upon t-'le emperor that he will not be able to resist." ' KICKS AGAINST AMERICAN BOYCOTT State Department Continues to Receive Vigorous Pro tests Against Retaliations Washington, Aug. 22. Piotesta against the Chinese boycott of Ameri can goods continue to bo received by the slate department, but very tiw make any suggt stlon that looses have been incurred, although in one or two instances transportation companies have said that there has been a falling oil In the shipment of American gooijs to China. No further reports indi cating the progress of the boycott have bcin received at the state de partment and It is not believed that there Is any progress of the boycott outside of Shanghai. One instance on hji attempt to In sult the American (lag Was reported from Amoy. This happened a month aso, but the govei nor of the province promptly made amends and ordered all attempts at a d: monstration di rected towards Americans cease. The Washington government Tias no com plaint to make of -the local authori ties In China as the rcpoits Indicate that they have been prompt nnd effi cient In the protection of American Interests. WIL60N TESTIFIES. Watfjfn'gfnnv Aug.- 22. Secretary Wilson and Assistant 'kfcretary Ky ra of the department of agriculture today testified before the grand Jury In connection with the' Investigation of -thee oton report. overwhelming vote, and William A. An derson was cBoseo'for re-ele-tton itf. at torney general, ajnd i. V. Efcgleston. Jr.. of Prince feMward county, was nominated for sujerfiitendent of public Instruction by majorities approximat ing those of the leaders, of the ticket. The nominations are rbiimed by the Demorrata to 1 practically equivalent to election, thVugh the Republicans have a ticket In (be field and propose to make a slAmg fight. N1TY HAS CZAR UPSET ALL CHAiXCE OF PFACE? Portsmouth, N. H, Aug. 22. A long cablegram from St. Pe tersburg, which is believed to .be the Rucsian reply, arrived about 10 o'clock tonight and M. Witto and secretaries, Mr. Na bvikoff and M. Plancorn, im mediately began deciphering it Considerable excitoment was apparent in te annex where the Russian headquarters are lo cated. .Sheet by shoe: the translation was taken to M. Witte's room. .The rumor is that it is a refusal a non-pos-sumus, a reiteration of the riusiian position that she has given ample proof of her desire, for peace in the articles alrea dy accepted and that more she could not yield with dignity rtd hfcnor. O . o MANUFACTURERS GET TOGETHER Albany, N. Y Auir. 22. Twenty-one prtunliic.nl manufacturers from differ ent parts of the counlry are named a directors of the National Association of Manufacturer.- of the I 'lilted States of Amerl -a. which w as incorporated here today for the principal purpose of regu lating relations between em; loyers am enployes and dealing with labor union. The lertifieate states that the organization-!!" funned for the better ment of relations between employer and employe, the protection of the Individ- ual liberty and rights of. employer and, Worse even than the dangers of the employe, the education of the public In sen, of famine an 1 of thirst the pas the principles of Individual liberty and sengprs say, was the odor of the de- ownership of property, the support of 5:gl la t ion t.i furtherance of these prin ciples and opposition to legislation In derogation thereof, alma to secure free dom from unlawful and unjust exact Inns. MORE PEONAGE. Valdoxta. Oa.. Aug. 21. Deputy I'nlted States Marshal Godwin, has returned fiom Baconton. where he ar rested a negro, William Strickland, on the charge of violating lhe neonagu law. It Is claimed that Strickland has been holding a negro boy named Henry Steillng, in "Involuntary aer.. vltudo" I About the snly indemnity that SAFE IN PORT Athos Arrives Aficr Drifting Many Weeks at Mercy of the Waves FAMINE THREATENED TO EXTERMINATE CREW At One Time Each ferson Was Allowed but a Swal low of Water Pa Day Ne, York. Aug. 2 .thus, 1 7 days over i pass. iii i m and u oar. lianas on, I wHh bum shaiks tin board, to in Tile w i steamer !i . IkIi l i. :ed ha ir ill ali' ill, i-. l I S, oilnn.l of lur viy.ip', urrlve 1 Lights!, ip last niglit. (in July .10, tlie D" cnuipauy's ste.iiier A- il I unship lc- 1-,-ft lVrl New York. ,i plOVlsl ll III peri.il. Tlin ' ' nlric l ml on Antonio, Jumacin. for six days voyage, with plenty for ;hls short hours out of poit an the nmine broke und fi mi hit hour u 1 1 1 1t last Sunday, pr ti:ms i, nly an taur m der her own steuni, Hi tliln; S'Cne- I iy from un A;li,,s drifted 'l us. ill roll- without ::: thi- mercy of the i slum ,l,i user of fumln, diinklng water, and re, i from time to time off .i UK supplies ilnur steam ers until on August iln- disabled steamer r.ave up aul .-hsiiallcd the rtramer Altai for a low This steam er brought the Athos tn New York. On August 8, the disabled steamer sighted the steumshlp Adirondack and signalled "all well on boaid," but on the H ill the las I tank of water wr opcird and found to I"' minted wltl lhe tile of rotting bananas. Some dolphin were caught two days Intel and on August 13, tlie incipient fine Ine was further relieved by the steamer M ntevidi :, wtfieh Hupplic," provisions. But not only was th( .--learner forced to drift about while repairs were under way but for two days of tills period a great storm anil high .una steamship. broke ovfr tlie helpless raying- banami cargo. At one time the only water to be had was ocean brine which had been balled and condensed. One swallow a day to each person was all :lint this process furnished. CONGER RESIGNS- Oyster Bsy. N. Y.. Aug. 2. Edwin H. Conge:.' of Iowa., has resigned hl post as American ambassador, to tak effect Ontnhrr IS. next, and Prcsldeitl RoogeveH has aci cnted his reslgna- tlon. It Is believed that Mr. Conflxr wll" not go to China .s a representative of the government. WHEN THE WAR -1$ -OVEri (e Russian and JP privafe 51dler will FRUIT GROWERS Decide to Ha vo Apple Exftlbl Hon Here From Septem ber 20 to 30 ANOTHER INDUSTRY WILL BE DEVELOPED Possibilities Along the Frul Lines Fully Discussed Last Night Tti.it Asln-vllle should have o fruit e !i i I , i i, a urn- In w hi, li all of the fruit CMiuil- cspeei.i lly a ppleg I'll W CIS Of W i s: el n Neilh Carolina, can exhibit 1 1 ir li'iin-'l s ei hrens was the unan In "'.: ile Niui of Mine who attended the onlelelue held at the Audltoilun la. I ulaht. T.-.e meeting was attend ed liy 1 1 -J resell 1 a 1 1 es of most of the larM' fnilt growing seettiMis of West ern Nitrlii C.inillna and llio greatest in leiest in the proposed exhibition was shown, all of the gniwers stating that lhe pitiple of their section would lend iheir tippnrt lo the fair ami make it a scei-ess. The idea which war kept prominently l.efen- tlie inii'tlng at all times was that In .Western North. Carolina there can lie produced some of the llnest spec! mens of apples to lie found in the oun t iy. and that once (his fact Is known throughout the Soulh a large amount cf the trade tlfiit now goes to New York and oirer large northern apple mar kets will come here. It Is principally or the pin;' of advertising the up iles of this rccthiu of Hie state and xleiiilinjr the field ill which they are iiarkt'led that ha growers will give an xhibitlon under the ausphes of lhe Xsheville Hoard of Trade In ihis city from September 2il lo f)'tober 1. Mr. Stewart's Talk. The nneting was favored last night ay the preseu e of Mr. Ouv I.. Stew art, of Atlanta, who In an apple expert -nd connected w ith the land and indus- Irlal department of the Southern rnll road. Mr. Stewart was able to give ome very valuable hints to the grow crs and promt ed his valunblo iat ince 1n making the arrangements for the exhibition. He said that It could be positively stated that Western Nort'ti Carolina can produce as fine apples as ' i be found In lhe country and that should the farmers in this section inn e go Into the apple growing business In eariu-f t and succeed In making the high quality of their product known throng-bout the South the future of thl section would be assured. Today there ine, practically speaking, no aspples raised In the South-for southern nuir kcls. the demand being supplied from tin; north, while this section alone, were the' possibilities along the appvle growing line realised, oould supply a large number of southern markets with get. YELLOW JACK SPREADING: AT AN ALARMING EXTENT THROUGHOUT LOUISIANA frull equal or superior to that now fur- n!-hed by ii'irlbern siinls. As to the best mcihod of encouraging apple growing lit this part of the state Mr. Stewart reccinmended the follow ing: First, to make rhe people of West ern North Carolina acquainted with the pofslhlllilfN of the industry here; sec ond to build up lhe tone of 'the Indus try by means of fairs and exhibitions, which stimulate the grower to improve the quality of their frull: third, to make the oU'slde world acquainted with the high quality of frull grown here. In thl " latter j articular, he said. Ashe- vllle's fame us a resort for tourists was of value as fairs held here would be at tended by perrons from every sec tion of the country. Ten Day's Fair. Many of the grower present made enthusiastic talks approving Mr. Stew art's suggestions and making others a to the best method of conducting the cxhlhllzion. It was finally decided to hold the fair In this cSty for ten days, beginning September 20. although the fruit will probably ls kept on ex-hlbl-llun for a longer period. Awards will be made for the best exhibitions of dlf- rent varieties of apples. Prof. Hume ind Mr. A. A. Hog-'f, of Wnynesvllle. were apilnted a committee to prepare IbK of awards. It Is pi-iambic thai committee will be app linted III each of the sixteen eounlles affected to interest the fruit growers of the section In tthe exhibi tion, whln'i will be known as the 'Western North Carolina Appple Ex hibition." The arrangements for the holding of the fair will be made by lhe Board of Trade of this city, whloh Is one of the prime movers In this plan to further develop lhe apple Industry of this section. WOMAN SHOT TO DEATH BY ROBBER Dastardly Crime Committed on lhe streets of Chicago While Hundreds Look On Chicago. Aug. 22. Mrs. 8. E. Mlse, f New York City, was murdered to night by a robber whllo taking an eve- slug walk in one of the fashionable ideu -e districts of the south rids. . For tihe greater part of the summer Mrs. Mlse hus been n guest at the Del Prado hotel, which fronts on the Mld wsiy Plalsance. Tonight, In company with Mrs. B. F. Wilson, of Las Cruees. M also a guest at the hotel, tibe wemt out for a short walk. They had reached the corner of Fifty-ninth street and Washington avenue, two squares from the hotel, when they were con fronted by n. man who demanded 'their money und valuables. All along Fifty- ninth street and Washington avenue n o; le were sitting on verandas and Is the front ynrds of their residences, nnd Mrs. Mle. evidently expected help from some of them, vigorously attacked the rol-ber, at the rame time calling loudly for. help. Mrs. Wilson turned and ran bark toward the hotel. Mrs. Mlse was able to -utter Just two crlfw for aid when the robber shot her through the heart, killing her iri ftiimTy. Mrs. Wilson, who was looking back at the lme. fell In a faint. The murderer escaped. CHATTANOOGA PUTS UP BARS Chattanooga, Tenn,, Aug. 22. The city and unty bonis of health at a Joint session today adopted still more strin gent quarantine regulations. Inspec tors on trains entering the city will re quire from all persons desiring to rfop In Chattanooga health certificate from proer and recognised authorities. STEAMER ASHORE.' New York, Aug. J2. The three-masted schooner Marion E. TtoekWIU bound from South Amboy. N. J for Danvers port. Mass., went ashore near Amngan sutt Bay, Lontr Island, today, and her crew- of Ave men were rescued by life savers from Amat;a,nott station. The schooner la owned by M. L Gilbert, Bath, Me., who also commands nere. roa-istered 270 tons and was laden with coul. . . LITTLE GIRL ACCUSES HER MOTHER OF :: r-rmt,. mil REVOLTING MURDER OF HER HUSDAD Knoxvllle, Tenn., Aug. S2. The little daughter of Mrs. John Lea, lately a widow by the supposed suicide of her hu band, a sawmill man, who resided near Cleveland, Tenn.. today confessed to her grandmother at Murray. Ga., where she had been sent on a vHt, that her mother and James Miax. also a sawmill mnn. who boarded at the home of the Leas, killed her father. The story Is one of the most revolt ing in the criminal annals of Tennes see.' Lea was found hanging to a rope which was attached to one of the beamf Deaths and New Cases Re ported Yesterday From a Dozen Parishes SIXTY-NINE CASES IN ONE SMALL VILLAGE Every House tn Levllle Con tains a Victim of Awful Disease YKSTERDAYlS RECORD. ' New Orleans, Aug. 22. Official report up to C p. m. .., . f New cases, 67. Totul lo date, 1.B0S. Deaths, 9. Total, 214. A New foci, 21. Tota.l S42. Remaining under 310. treatment'. New Orleans, Aug. 2. -With tna fever checked In the city and plans under way to prevent further rela fecilou from the country, local , situation Is still encouraging. The news from outside the - city show s the continued seriousness of the situation. Definite informieflon was received today from Doctor J. A, Dey , ron, the state board- physician sent, to Ieevllle, at the mouth of the Bayou. La Kourche, a few days ago. His repeat shows that the first news re- . eelved from there was not exaggerat ed. During w days of work there , he found sixty-nine positive cases of fever; 53 suplsclous cases and 145 eases of dengue. He adds: - i Case -in Evsry Hows. ',, "There are. about .J00 , houses and famines here-and i do not think ther I as a Single .nouse nere wnicn is not on r more ra" seem to hav lost ambltlOrt td or. They are completely dwnbrallxetJ." '' Patterson report 16 new case Ind , no deaths. St. Tammany parish re-, port a positive case, . Hanson City reports . Kenner reports one new case. There was one death in rbervflle, ' St. Rose, In St. Chalcs parish, has two eases, and one Is dead. Oorrlne pl- " latlon in fM. Bernard parlsli parish . below the city, reports one. fleatJl. ' Mississippi City reports three new cases, and states that the report that the state board has declared: that the fever epedemlc there, is unfounded. Banker Arrsstsjtl. In spile of all the agitation there has' breu on tir.e subject some vKcrns still rftniiln unwreened and th polics have received orders to spare no one who shows an indisposition to obey the law. The failure iro sereein caused Hart New man, former president of the New Or leans baseball clsb, and a son of Isador Newman, the millionaire banker, to spend a brief time In a cell today. Mr. Newman la the head of Mie company whh'h o'it.i Athletic rark. Some ont discovered that there were three ' m screened cisterns on the grounds, aa4 made nn affidavit against htm. ; - Boycott Goods. ' y Some of the country towna are seek ing to avoid a clash with th statt board of health In h matter of quar antine In a way calculated to be 4aa aging tn New Orleans-. Laks ChsurlM Is an Instance. The fear of fever Is M great there that the people refuse 'to aTcept any freight whatever from hers). ; Oovernor Blanohard and the stats board of health hnvlmg- intimated an In tention to take extreme measures, Lake Charles people are witling- - to modify the tquarantlne, ut have cir culated a petition which 1s being- gen erally signed, pledging all merchants tere to refuse to make purchases here. TAFT ARRIVES. ' Cebu, ' P. I., Autr. it. Seeretarr Taft and party arrived here today the transport Logan. . The Logan was met outside and escorted Into the : -bnr by scores of launches and boat. FOUR KILLED BY EXPLOSION..; ftosworth. Mo. Aag. IS. Four men m ere killed by the explosion of an engine on a dredge boat , near Nor- t horn. Mo., today. The bodies were 'terribly mutilated. of the row-mill, his neck broken. ' A coroner's Jury pronounced him a sui cide. Then Hlax and Mrs, Lea dis appeared. The tittle girt declares Hias held her father while her another broke his peck with a weapon. Hlax tetlina her where to strike. They threatened te kill the child If she told, accordirrs; to Hie tittle one. Hlax has been ar rested at Spring Place. (., and: officers are looking for Mrs. Lea at Sherman Heights, Tenn.. where she Is visiting. It Is hinted that others knew of C alleged crime, but have not toij f r reaionc- not explained. I