PAGE BIX Vace two BHD XK11EV1LLE CITIZEN. " satttidat, eE3TEAronn so, i?o. L?L?L tiL?L c?L 4?c t'c v I c t iw c j Jora opens tonight at C o'clock ; WEDDING GIFTS 0 0 u a o u 0 u u ill a ' l( Two New Reclpea for Punch by Mra.; Rorar. k ' , i, 'W.'ddlne' Punch tlratc th- yellow. . rind of two oraiisx and thre lemoua ligo on unart of water; add tn j-Iunc!i of sugar;' arlr until the sugar Xjy uievwi. .a,,. .r .. .. rilraln WirougU a attva. u. turn uim ' to the Ore; add u lumblrr f currant lly, one of napU rry Jelly ami one tit rf ''Mack berry JHIy. -Mix and mrilii through a col.tntli r, anil whtn cdl iiiM ' a grated fin-ujit' .mil a pint of Krde juice. Cover Mil l Ktaihl ahle over night. At. arrvlnK time ad'l telv ., rp peaches, iiiuhIh il. or a can of peaches, a quarter of a pound f cun 'rved cherries cut Into, unil a nuart of straw herii it, mashed. eUlr ' the mixture. Put a pint In a pumii ;!! ''bowl; add a pint of ulntcr nle, a pint ') Of ahavud Ice ami a ipiart of efTervex- .. oant water. t Indian Punch Moll a imiuihI of an ' unr. a quart of water and 5 i-.-i I '-'I yellow rind of a I nmn fur five mln utea, nnd strain; add a teasponiif ul 'if ; . bitter almond xtr.i t, the Juice of three ; lemons, a teaspooiifitl of vanilla and ( two rupxful of MlrottK tea. When very f Hild add Ice nnd a pint uf etT i venr. nt ' - Th Excuriion to Toxaway Successful. '' fi Th? excurwlon to Toxaway Thurxday '( for the lneflt of the Flower mlxsion 4 I"i wm both a fttinnelal and a nodal sue I iLi rex. About a hundred and fifty o- F 3" P'c advantage .of this opm lunlty i Km to vlxlt th Bapphlre country at tnM,! mi.n nn,t .1... errt&'it tl.'l Vra Kill U. ., ..,, . ., .... ..... dellifhled with the extrein eour:. nhown by the railroad offlelalH and Z7Z tho hntrl jmv. IWjth rallniada gave J a liberal percentait- of all tlrketx xnld r. nnd th hotel people did the Fame on f thu mealx xerved and th r Titlnjc uf bontx. An excellent luncheon was Oierved he ylxhor nt the hotel, drf Ina; room" given over 'for their line In rnrt, everytninit poxxitu wan mine in make the. day njnynhle. Mr. Thomas MeHee, perxonally conducted Ihe ex eurxton. and to him Is due much of the credit for the xsillHfactory arrange nientx and etrt . rtalntnent of the parly. Sanator and Mr. Gazzam Give a Re caption. Senator nnd Mix. iSuzxani of Phila delphia gave a reception ul KonHworth Inn ThurxdaV nfteriKMin In honor if Itlhop and Mix. Talbot of IYim-l-vanla. Among thngft prexmit were Hi-hop an I Mras Worfitrt AHhevllla, Tr. nnd Mrs. IJodney Itush Swope, Itlltinorc; Ilcv. and Mr, Charles I tooth Halterlee.i Columbia, Mra, 'M.. .T.ihnm f tleorgla. Mra. Hp. Mr. and Mm. KlnK. Ir. un I Mrt. OhiHbornuf;h, Mrs. "oniiiillv Coxe, Mr..anl Mra. Mallard, . Bat torle. Mvfl. Rartett, Mrs. Unny, Chi cago, Mra. Pencil, Mrx. Warner, Th Mlaxex Andrew". The lllii I.yonM, New OrleanH. Mrs. gnblnua and Mrx. Davidson, Augnxta, Mra. and M' Solbba, Moi fgomery. t : T1o Kenlhvorth or hextra gave sev eral enjoyable classic xelwtlRiis diult)-; Ihe afterno -n, J Bridge Party, Mrs. Uranch will entertain with brldKo party at Margo Terrace thl ftftrnotin at S:BH ojvlock. I H I PERSONAL Ml: Lola Duson of Intlslana. Is In the city. Mt, Jamex Conrad arrived y stv rday from Chicago. Unimex Penn of Virginia, is In the city on buxlnexx. J"3 Pr. Roberts of Marshall spent yen z ' ' Judge Bynum ha returned to h home in Chariot te. .. Charlie Davlx of New Tork, Is In ' the clly vlaltlng relative. "", Mr. Howard Pettn of Ianvllle, Va l at the Rattery Park. .tiin.t . P. I Inwrenot and VV. C. Inwrein of Ijoulal.tna, are In the city. . M", and Mrx. Louis Dtimax. of New -. 'York, are at Tlattery Park, M. and Mrs. Noble Junes of Sa vnttnah, are at K nllworth Inn. ' Mra. ninomlnatelt of fonal.lxnivll!e, T.i.. I xpendlttk n few day in Ashe ville. Mr. Porter Keys of West Va., r . rived In th city yestertlay on bul- nf xx. 0 a. i Correct Dress , i . Z. "J " "' Hi sf "Modern Method" ayatera ol l .h-fraJe tailoring introduced by ( E. Hoy & Co, of Cincinnati. O, i . -lute roc J dressen everyw here. '. . , All Carr-tenta Mada Strictly , t Your Maaacrro I J ssooVx n-icca. 500 arrlea el lonage mj OT.i.ti:,z Lbric iron which te cbone. A -.- r .ir :sr le thew mm oat line, or if f ... :er , ie.4, v.rii to u for fartuiare, r i jays gx co. till .1WNATI, OHIO. MlVfs M. W. Mem fee if Penaacola, Id p nilm? several -weeks here wllh f rn min. . SJr .,,( j(rH. Hlnunt of Florida, who have Kpent lh' .aummrr here, have kduC ' Hoton. J)r fl(iJ Mn( ,irv,.y Bh0(,maJg,,r f i j jj . J t-1 ' 1 1 . arrived y. alerday and are 'm t he Hwannunoii Jlrn. InloiH will have Monday with h: two little dauxhtcrs to xptid the winter In California. Mr.', It. M. of Charlotte, has returin d home after "pending the mini in, r In tlie 1 1 1 1 ul i . .i I tin. Dr. Arthur Prllctnrd has gone to Thoniavllle, i la., and will makw tiiat place Ills flllllie home. Mrn. liion.-e Vanilerblll hax gone to N. v York for a few iluy to attend a wedding In the family. Mrx. P. A PI. i-ee and son have turned to I'nion Clly. Tenn., nftT Np.'iulluK the .summer her-. Mrx. M.all. ho h."l xpmt !ll Kunmn: In the mountains, left y..-ter day fi.f In r home In Mobile. Mr. John c. Itumhough, proprietor f Mountain Park hot 1 at Hot Springs, ;s at th liatery Park hotel. Mr. Morton Paine of Charl'xln'n. who hax hem In Aslievill, for the pa.xt threi weeks, will have today for his home. Mrs. W. H. Troy has elos -d hei lountrv home. Itushee, and will l.av lodav to Join .Mr. Troy In Jackson. Tenn. Miss Z rtlia M. I). iJreene will I in fills afternoon for Uloonilngton, Ind where Bh will enter the state uni versity: Mrs. Polk and Hill daughter, Wll mn, who have been visiting Mrs. Bond Anderson, left yesterday for their hoint in Jackson, Tenn. Mr. IIP hard Lyons and Mr. Isaac Si uipps I'shl null "if New (Mentis, who have be n slopping at Klnlhvorili. have trmie on a mountain parly. .Mrs. M ln h and Miss Krw lu of iimore, have reltirned to their homes. .Mr. nod Ms. t..x of West Point. Miss., h ft y cit.-rdav for lhat city. Missis. I'r.iueis and T nehe f'oxe ind Mr. Haywood Parker made a IhihIiuwh to fire en River In 1111 autonioliil'3 Thursday and returned same day. tin Mrs. Von liuiker and Miss Von Itiuker ha v.'' retained from an exten sive trip thromrh tlio 'northwest. Mrs Vim ' Uarker will he at horn - to her custom- rs Monday, October 2. The latest in w s from ex-Mayor Raw Is Is most eiiouraghig. H' Is able niuv to write li ters to his friends and relatives, and f.-.-is that he may soon he nhle to r. turn to his home. THANKS FRIENDS. In behalf of the Riverside Indiislrlal chili," I wish to thank Its friends 'far the i nntrlhutloin to Hi" various 'depart ments of the work. They are appre ciated very much and kIvhii out only to the needy and worthy one- who are .lex. rvlm; assistance. We hope to add many new friends and tv Ive in Interest many old ones, wkho will assist us i i earryins on l'il work thie winter. The work Is Increas ing and larger deicanes are made -upon i's. We would be glad to have all Intel ested III this work to make us a visit ami x e for themselves the wor thy cause "The Club" is su' alnlnu. All contributions and donations to ths work will be thankfully received. lrup ns a postal a aid and we will send to your house for your d( IUU (Ions, The following, friends assisted In this work In the month of September: Ashevllle Library As-ochltioii. book for l ife Club" library. Supt. Tighc, booki for the night schoel. Riverside Pr.sbyteiiaa Sunday k hool stove pipe and xlnc. Ashevll e Free Kindergarten, JS to ward a Move. tiaybiNsik James, two lining for the liove. Mr'. I!. P. Campbell, M. P. Murray, books, shoes an liethlntj. If. rf. Lambert, paperx and magaxlnes, . M. C. A., pnpera and tnagailnes. Needhum Wrightman, hatx and trimming-' Children at "The Manor" nwde .Iresses for children. Arhellle t oltoi Mllb, two black- ts'ards. R. l ', HACK. Ires. QUESTIONABLE WAR RELICS. From London (On't ) Free Prew.) Canadians are not given to awaft- qvrinn about the vt toriea achieved over the Cnlted State troo; e In 1S1 though they mltsht Justly do m. They have therefore ream to resard with displeasure ithe lnietiious desire of certain dlreetora to rnlae. the-.'IlrltiHt boala whhh were aunk In the Klver Ihnmea near Chatham after the flKht on Ijike Erie, and remove them to de trort aa rellca of the ensaifement with Peny. What possible rlKht hav& the AmerieaiiR to British property rescued from that affray? The Canadian sov iimen should certainty tiave mine- thina- to nay on that head, and aay It l:h no uncertain vote. The Detro't eltlaen. .Ir. C. M. Rur- ton. who locatej and exposed the hull of one of th vwli sunk by General Proctor, clalma It aa hi private prop- Hit by right of dlaeovery Ilia wish 1 to present .to the . Ity of Detroit to be aet It In i ap lally conatructe.l museum on telle I? and. Mr. Iturton and hM- frienda are not wise -In their iah to euceeed In ear nine out thla point: no would thSel f rvtroit a how the aplrit of amity to be looked nr In to near a helghbor by m-ouraalng- IL Tbo only theory oa which relic of, Sterling Wares, Cut Glass. Harrrmeied Bn ss Gcods, Electroliers, Bronze Mounted Vases, etc. The Thompson-Brannon Co. Jewelers and Silversmiths. . ; - AU Salurday, Sepl. 30 MR. W. E. NANKEVILLE ANNOUNCES The Navar Ceaaing Suceeaa Human Hearts An Idealized Story of Life in the Ar kanaaa Hills. PRKSRNTKD WITH A CAREFULLY CHOSEN COMPANY cenio Seniationa loua Mechanical Magnitude SEAT SALiE AT PFAFFLIN'S. Pricea 25o, 50o, 75c. $1.0. the war of 1812 could pass from (' nnda for Jubilant exhibition In any part of the reptibll1 with any show of oo I taste and il. i t lit rtard far Interna tional ametiitiis wo. ild ! lib- ieu tallon of It by the Canadian authorl tie . as a Ire. -'.''I offering; and Ibis eould not w i ll h done In a case Involv ing sii. ii ; ea. anl men: n ies as those mm et'-d with liar lay ami normr. The Vex-els Mltlk la til'- Til line-. If 1 e p I, t .,: I' ll- lay's lb el. wi.u'e liev in tin- ham.. -i of l'.r. as trophic- war. 1 Iley w. le u.seii ny i.emiai I m - tor as ir.uispoi-ts .up tie' I names, a--- ompanyitiK pmetor mi his retreat Into the Interior. They w .! e .-link by him on the aiipeuran e of ovt-rwhelnilns Ids, and having lain al, ihe bottom of Uie Thames lor nearly lull years cannot be resurrected by foreign inter ference wlili" 't spo 1:1 1 con-ent of the Canudluu Kovernnn nt ami iks le. IMPORTANT TO TRAVELING PUB LIC. KlTeetiv v. ii-- the last car a avinK Ash.-viCe ' i- C.i iiiestoti uelol.r sth. his Pa. will pe .i noted lo Coiunihla-aarl.-itoti lift-. I i si car b avins? Aslu- ile I letobi r XI h. .Macon-. le disci ai-l le sl.'i ploy car line will i ist ear leaviriK Ashe- lii h i'ii!;' ear Hue ii,-- lli-niineh.-iia Ine, Aie viiie for .Mobile itihis ilia' will be short-iiai-aiiiio-ia line. .Vdu ville for MetntdiU vlll t .;.) t iV. Mo'.!-.' .'.ah.-v Will I.e. Oltf- M I ear . !e-i' l-i on I'letol i - ,: ! h. Asliei Li,.. M . i il lo Mi -r ,Mj e r le IV ieii i i !,.hrr Sh, Ail pas-a-m;, rs i,-it;n acconeuo.l.t oiy no tin hc iim s oa or befnt-e ( ic ier Sih. should write Imm diately to the uaib rsUm d and r serve aci-onuno- latlons. J. H Wii'M). Iip-l-kt PasseiiKir Aent. Ashevllle. .. C. It 11 ( ! It AHA M, Tlck-t Aifen', No. (it) I'atton Ave., Ashevllle, N. C. . .rl n 7 7 nv.v:v n: ai;t coat ihk cnn.rntKN. Pattern No. :TiO. All Seams Allowed. A pritly e.tat f'r .'Inlitren is shewn here In tan prun. Il l elutli. A fancy cap-,-Klvea tirt-uKttli to the ubotil.icrs uikI cna. cenU the anuare y,ke. TtTeta. hearl etla, eashmere, covert and arrgv ar x velb'Ht selections fer the d-sin. The pattern l In I niaer to 6 years. For a child of 3 year. Ihe coat r.'qulre; t ya:;U of naiten.U Si Imii. a wkle, 3i yaads 3a Inchta wa'e. 1 yard 4 inutwa wide, er S j'urda U Inelu-a w d. . Prh. in exit's Pattern Department, , Tha Ashevllle Cltlaen. Oentleraeo: Pleaa. aeodt m. Pat- tern No. Eli No. Nam. p. a Stat.. .. r, .. .. m, mmm SuperbXs Marc (4t I ' r ( I ' . .ill t-V- JTiat?. -. Auditorium Thursday, Oct. 5 Wm. A. Brady's Special Pro duction Way Down East Elaborated by Jos. R. Grismer Prices 50c, 5c, $1.00. sale at Pfofflin's. Seat GRAND OPERA HOUSE Tuesday Niflht, Get. 3 The Original Irish Comedians Murphy & Mack In th; Mirthful Musical C medy Mafoney's Wedding With Maud Su'.ton and A'! Star Cast Their own special Band and Orchestra Prices 25,35, 50 and 75 Seats on sale at Ward's Phar macy. RIU Monday, Oct. 2 The Magnificent Alice Neilsen $40,000 Prcduction of The Fortune Teller With Grace Orr Myers. Big Singing Show, 60 Selected Artists, Prices 75, $1.00, $1.50 Seat Sale at Pfafflin's, ASQEV1LLE BUSINESS COLLEGE Srd floor Paramn builJlng. op p. P. O., Phon 704. BookkHplng, business pracUo conre, ..,,..$5004 Shorthand, typewriting course,. .$50.00 Kngliah. apelilns, penmanahlp, arithme tic. FREK with other course. H. 8. SHOCK LEY, Principal. T. W. 03TEEN, AaaiaUnt. VI AW, Mtss Grace E. Griswold, Mgr. Office 159 North Mai atiW. Offica hours: Thurdaya, S to I . and by appointmant. Phono 431, 4 Millinery Opening at Mears Daylight Store Saturday. WANTED 200 Families THE DAN RIVER COTTON MILLS Danville,' Vi, can give employment to 200 famlllea of good, reliable people in their various department of Carding, Spinning,' 8pooling, Warping and Wenvlng. The Mllla are entirely mod ern and up-to-date In every respect. Nice new cottnpe nnd tenement houses. Rents moderate. Abundant supply of good water. We pay good wair . Have (rood achenlule of hours. No nirht work. For full particulars, write or apply at once to Dan River Cotton Mills DANVILLE, VA. Veterinary Surgeon DR. R. II. MANOGUE Office at Chamber It Weaver's stable, IS Willow BtreeL Telephone 18. Edwin McKecy ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Phoae ISt No. 16 Church strsw IT IS AN UPHILL JOB to undertake the Impossible, as you will find out if you try to make an old, failed, worn out carpet do duty In place of a new one. It is fala economy, spi'tially as we( off -r yon chance to get a new one at remarkably low alues. Our carpets are all of the newvst styles and patterns. Sawyer's Carpet House Phone 128. .Nos. 18 and J1 Church St. 1 Wc Haul or Move Anything ASCEVILLE TmSFEK CO. CO Pat ton Avenue. Tel. 810. With Uptown Ticket Office. B. A. VINIARINSKI SHOES REPAIRED. . Finest Hand Work. While you wait (S Fat ton Arena. Opposite P. O. Preserving Quinces and Pears. HIRAM LI NOSEY, ' U0 & Ualn St Phono MO. C9tiien Want Ads Bring Reoul!. CMaa Want Adr Varfn Reaulta, CtUiea ?Tnt Ada Bring Roaul.SL Life-like Photo graphs Made by HARRIS s!Lrc. fit ft,- to a v ;. ;. - . m-j?ys" sz s- . ' . , tt,t- Ide will be closed today, but will open our doors at 6 o'clock this evening Phone 338 gon flfarche The Ashevilie School oi Stenography and Typewriting Is organizing tts fall classes. Term commences, Wednesday, September 6th. Pupils entering on or before th at dale will receive a full course at one-third less than the regular rate. Don't delay phone MISS FANNIE EMANUEL, No. 391, now, or drop us a eare and we will call on you. Information cheerfully given. Class room Drhumor building (over Field's Jewelry store.) Individual lnstruotion, if desired. THE NORMAL AND COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG WOMEN. Offers four courses of study. Under sixteen teachers and .ofTte ers, who are experts. Special attention is drawn to the courses In slenographsTr, typewriting, bookkeeping, dressmaking and millinery. Tuition in these and all other departments, except music, $25 per year. Board and tuition Ut0 per year. ; m. P&SrB'.'yJ Fall term begins September 20th, 1905. Model school for small children op ns October 2nd, 1905., For catalogue address REV. THOMAS LAWRENCE, D. D. Holman Christian University - Black Mountain, N. C. Offers superior advantages in -the following departments: Primary, Preparatory, Regular College Courses In the School of Arts and Sciences; Vocal and Instrumental Music, Art, IJuslnesH, Law, I'.lble, Elocu tion; Courses lead to graduation with appropriate decrees. Splendid ac commodations for a large number of students. ' Beautiful groundu, board at cost on rlub system. Tuition in Primary $18.00; Preparatory $27.00; Uni versity nnd Special Departments $40.00. The $40.00 pays tuition for a year In any and all tepa-tmenrn I. e., a studant payins the J40. will- Iwjuliniltetl free of furth'r charge to al Iclasaos of the school for the. year; -ilcnee a good student could take music, art and the regular college course or the one tui tion of $10.00. A number of boys will he given nn opportunity of working nut their tuition, and a largo number fession of 'teaching can upon proper end loan fund. Term September 23 to president, Tender Veal You can be pleased with the meats we sell. Others are. Kiibler & Whitehead, Telephone 195 Select Beef Ashevilie Tailoring and Pressing Club My large line of Imported and domestic Woolen3 have arrived for fall and winter Reasons. I cordially invito you to call and Inspect my stock and make selection before the rurh. ' t 4 N. Pack -quare. Phono 389. J. C. Wllbar will show you the stvies and the way garments should fit We Have list Received A Fresh Shipment of Toasted Corn Flakes ...... 15e Oranose Bis 15c 3ra Cracker Plain ...15c Gra Crackers Sweetened .... 18 o Bell & Van Every "PDRB FOODS" 23 Haywood Phone 221 1 Miss Ada Gordon -- - e- . TEACHER OF PIANO FOR TERMS AND TESTIMONIALS APPLY TO 63 CHARLOTTE STREET. PHONE 887 R MISS CRUISE, Manicuring and Hairdrassing Parlors. Residence Phone 42S. Office Phono IS. Cheropody, Shampooing, Facial Mas-i age. Treatment of tha Scalp. 11 Menwthr Building. Haywood Strut Ova O a CsiSk ,15 13 South Jtlaln St who desire to prepare fo rthe pro orsement .have the benefit of a tuition June 1. For particulars address the J. C. OOGGINS, Ph. D. Choice Lamb Good Poultry It is a Pleasure to Any Man To slip Into shirt we have laundered ly done. It Is always correct- Ashevilie Steam Laundry s Jiu-jitsu The art of self protection for Jrour "Groceries" easily taught by phoning your orders to the The "Tea Pof Grocery Phooe Ml. FOR GALE. Several vacant lots cleae In at ex- cer,,on1 ,ow tnca. ranging from - 5 op to 11509. These are safe ln- wstlfcU. F. T. H. WOODS, 1-Ii Uin SL Real EstaU Desiar. . I

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