SOCIETY FASHIONS WOHEN r- How 4 Proportion a Hundred Dollars a Month Incoma. A Jiraethal uiiinari ulw lui made thomuKh mudy of nimninc a Jmuhh nd tirliigliijf up " family " a 1 1 m H I ln.-ome hm irnxirtliiin -d an xpciiill -ture of a hundred d. ,11ns a month (an average pal. ir ) for a family in follow: Though n. h nh" H pr-'liN-rn i." t'-i own, I. would Ik- wt-ii i n . 1 i- Hi'- following tigur- In Hp.-ii.ling a hun- Ull'l. I lred-tlilar income riot entirely new : J-4 llmli fur rent . . . 2-6 limit for food. 1-6 limit f..r loili. 1-20 limit fT i-i. l Until In 1-10 KlVe.l Tilt' ri-inaliiil r old what umall way- , ou,l !,, -.i m n ure, hook-', out lny s In ,. a:.n. much, but the -alary li the ndltlomt ''lit helter 1-S (a, but In Iter 1-3 ID in vtv.-.l In in il..ii ll is l.ol straltfli' line t" willed .ill fivrin. Where the . il li lire not i tidaiige' . the proportion la BUIIl llllil II!" I ! f" )le of 111" ui an ! kpei ll; II1"! ill- . ing ami th" hi alth !. k. i v. -ll w It hiii il A (I. tlnlie r hiilHe-k"'".ll!lC I 1,1. en 1 1 ve tn H- temiitle saving. Hilt il- not think lhal tlie woman houl I tie- only nam that (hi- -aci UI. . Is Ikth. Kiieli Tiieinh.r of ih.- fully should .-har. alike prosperity or h.i. rlti. c, with shais on. I uliure alike. Tha Approach of Thankigiving. Mont of our lioll.layn v.. a.o to the ChrtMlliin ehur h, for Ionian, , , Chi Lu nula ami KaHt.r. hut Thanksgiving l more a rlvle than a n -ilglotnt hull. lay. Thin ha been the case hIimi- In the early i-olmilal days a dan- wan i In tho inivernor of the colony Instead of by the mlnlHt' i . '1'h" m n Irn haw al ways paitnkon of this elvle character It UKi'd to he n.ild of an eminent di vine In I husi old d iyn that h look occasion In the long piay'r In th Thanksgiving service lo ,iciunliit the Almighty with Ills political opinion.! Thld "feaf' day Ik ii.sunlly celehrati-I by getting the yeattered III" nil.ein of families together, a home coming in it werff for th" wanderers uml entertain ing them with u bountiful dinner at which an many mildly American 1lnh!. w holt some ami hearty, are pru Vhteil hy the thoughtful wl'.t as wis Kile. The two dlshis prlmo favorite ami always foi, me turkey and pumpkin pie. ,4 .1 Ladiaa Who Will Act At Judge, in Cooking Contett. Afer8. Martin and Applljy who are In charge of the cooking content and exhibit at 'the Anhevllle Ilurdw ii,re company arrived In the city yesterday morning. Th9 following ladles have cunauntetl to ai t u JuilK" In tho cmm tom: Mra. II. n. Stevens. Mrs II. I Fakea, Mrs. Charles A. Webb, Mm. H. Whltlock and Mm. J. W. t'ainphcll. Thenn ladle nr. thoroughly iiimi--Bant w ith auch nuitte.i.i a ml it Ih a I CfPtalnty that the beat bread and (like will w l(i u .1 Racaption for Biahoa and Mra. Cokt Smith and Rev. and Mra. Siler. The luilli of the Central Methodist church will entertain In the lecture room of the church by hIvIiik n rec. p tlon on Krlduy nl((ht In honor of Hlnhop and Ml'". ik Smith and He v. uml Mrs. Frank Slier. All adukt members of Central church are Invited by the commltteo who has the affair In ihafK"' to attend. Mr. Cone Entertaina. Mr. t'liiw entertained a dozer, or nwkro frlenda with a card putty at tery I'ark last evening Supper was nerved about 12 oe'lock . . To Entertain Sunday School Ciaas. Mm It. K. Campbell will i nt. rtiln her Sunday school cUihh this evening vt her home, 17 Grove streot. T T rt,rou;AL L. O. Conrad of Mouth Caiollna, la In the city. If J Moorr of St.i. khouw. arrlv. ! ) ...ida'. a. . oiiipunled by Mls M nil. I Mr and Mrs J C Andrew" of He U in. .in I. Vi. ii n- vIsliliiK friends in Me j ' Hy. W i: IIi-. im . Jr., editor of ire- Hi - l.ail llihr. Is in th- city and r-;ii.ilri a f-w .1 is MM Krin v. Ill spied of thi Inter huh her pni-iiln In N.i -folk, V. M. I Coop, r of Hievard. N C has been er low with pnctini-.nlu, ' ooval.'scl -loU Social Tragedy CL. Mrs Annie T. mini: I i da from Clin Inn, it : li.-. n laklnK a ..e. in. ilt il. K and l;i it' i oik M 1-1 I :ilz. I" I h I '"i I ' Mi i Klrh M.Cre ! . ! i, : i .. I !. r lay nf t lilt to II. n. I. I - oln 111- r. ! i n d w hi re .-lo-mil-' In d' .irl li. ! i ,f i in. Inn., fi from Y Women WnoBraveDeath foriocial ilonora. Y In the midst of one of the most brilliant social fync- liuua Wl III- JvdJUll, cl liun-u sji,.i; "oii..i w . . suddenly from her chair with a scream of agony and fell Insensible to the floor. A Iqw hours later the distinguished physician told her anxious husband that she was suffering from an acute case of nervous prostration brought on by female trouble, and hinted 2 operation. Fcrtunately friend advised her to try e I a- l. ich. .1 In r. of 111- - ' a iri 1 1 al Slm.Kt.ii.. II. in in I'lo-- no I 'ulna, of Mis Venal. le .11.. I Mica lira. V. liable, w ho I. ft In : In AuKUs! ' 1 ili! -tKl.iti.'il v' wolk at lhat .-latlori W. T. CAPERS TAKES UP HIS DUTIES AS DEAN Corjmony of Inttallation Takes Place in Lexington With Buhop Button Preaiding. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Tli I X 1 1 1 K I . 1 1 II I. r ih. I.I has th. f.. . i-l, III. ill. in "if Iniviiitf account K v. W. T. c.ip. ry as d. in or Chrlm cl uicli e!it7i dial In that city. Ily Impressive " :.niony the K ' W illiam Theodotus Capers was Sunday m .rnlntf In-tltuted dean of Christ eliur-h cathi drill. He w ill Immediate ly ILSSUIlle the duties of the church oltlce. The new dean preaciod a slroiiK 8ermon on "Christian Morality Mr. Capers 1 omeH to I,i rr.nn AhevHle, . C. to succeed the lb- It tker I., w ho went , to I,. is An-K'-hs, Cal,, last Keht'uary to the rc tcrshlp of 1 'hi 1st chur h in that city. The Installation scrvlci s .neie told at the church at 9 o'clock and II o'clock In tin' morning, Holy Coniniiin-I0-.1 followlnr the usuil niornli.K pray ir The lilifht Itcv. I.i wis W Iturtoii. bisliop of this dioci s. , instituted Mr C 1 purs as dean, 'rin1 bishop was as slsf.'d In the attcinllnK ceremonies by th. Rev. Mr. Camvell There was little departure from the u ual service. The pioces.lon of til.; 1-i -1 . i r was formed in the chapel an I inirched lulo iho chinch. Th choir w is follow id by ltlshop IHirlon, the chur. h WHidcn. and vest ryiueii, ih" lt..-. Mr, Caswell and Mr. Capers. At trie chancel gate Mr. Capers was 11 the k' ys of the church by the Ben in, warden, mid lllshop Iturtoii pra.M I ami blcss''d the cotiK'i . Ration. Ii.-an C.ipeiH kiolt at the altar and ultired a prayer 'or the welfare or Ills otlioc 111.1l of the cHiigri gallon. KollowliiK a HtroiiR ilis-our.e by tie n. w dean which was begun at II .1 ' lock, the Holy Communion was ci l ! rated Mr. Caper-' subject was "Christ -'.nil Mortality," taking his text from :Ii. tlrst chapter of Corinthians, "What 11 1 m 1 Thou That Thou Didst Not Ke- dlve'.'" III '.4. "s. Er"l Gl T-tnA .. jjjr BTOHSSE .1 . ii vr r. .si w r V if , . H X -.f7 a k 1 vcr h . is 1 !ock Repairing - . 1" ' V" Your attention la directed o our newly established clock repalr lne department. In charge of a emp tent cl k-maker of manr y(.ar. experience In one of the U-ad1::g j-vselry eatabllshment. In Philadelphia. Clocka called for and delivered. right and satisfaction assur a. The Thompson-Urannon Co. and Silverimitha. 52 Patton Avenue. W2 The result wa3 that she escaped the surgeon's knife and to-dav is a well woman. y The derangement of the delicate female organism sets every nerve in Jr the body quivering with pain. Headaches, backaches, torturing bearing down pains and dragging sensations make women nervous and hysterical. 1 Dear Mrs. Pinkham : I was troubled for ei.'M years with irregularities which broke down my system and brought on extreme nervines;; and hysteria. 1 ccuia en;oy my meals nor sleep nights, became easily irrit'ed and nervous and very despond ent. Lydia E. l-'tnkham's Vegetable Compound proved to be the only medicine which helped me. After taking the third bolt'.e, my j;ei oial health began to improve. At tha end ol the fifth month 1 wis well and could attei J to my hi ur.elicid and social duties and enjoy life. Mrs. CaciTER Corky. 42 Su'.-toja Street, East Boston. Mass. Mrs. Curry, whose portrait appears cn the right, Is the leader of the Ladies' Symphony Orchestra. The following letter is from Miss Coode, President of the Bryn Mawr Lawn Tennis Club of Chicago: DeAR Mrs. Pinkham : I tried many different remedies to try to build up my system, which had become run down from loss of proper rest and unseasonable hours, but nothing seemed lo help me. Mather is a great advocate of Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for female troubles, having used it hei itlf some years ago with great suc cess. So I began to take it, and in less than a month 1 was ab'.e to be out of bed and out of doors, and In three months I was entirely veil. Really I have never felt so strong and well as 1 have siru-e. Mtss Cora Cc-.oe. ..OS E. Chicago Ave., Chicago, 111. Mrs. Pinkham's advice is free to all. Her address is Lynn, Mass. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Cures Where Others Fail '.' If. ;rJ:JAl i r.s. al v -) Buck's Stoves , arid Ranges MEETS NO PUBLIC DEMONSTRA TION. Sc;.-s of delighted usora will bear cheer'ul testimony as to their merits. B; a Buck.. Ycu will never regret it. Burton & Holt, Agt's Phone 980 2tfaZEiaEl3HtB3Eamiai5E!Hr3K5 SATURDAY 10:30 a. m. November 17th, 1905 .wianaiiiM.iiia ,iayiaiiiu. nana 'i bun liMfc m il ar J'it tkOADi'f a' "tut-b-i'. APPEARING OLD A rim nm Ilur to rrontnblc Employ ment. You rnnnot afford tu Krow ohl. In tht'.st. days uf strenuous It Ih neei-Bsnry tn rniiintnlii. ns Inn;: ptis.slhln iiiiom youthful ,'tpicai ai.i i1. It in Impossible to do this niMi.uii re tninlnff a luxurious rrowili ..f hair. Tho prosence of PandrutT liullcati-s tho prt's.Mioe or a burrcwini; mrni whi llvr-s and thrives on th.- r....!i i.f the hair until It camae total". Nruvi.r.i'H Herilci.lo iii tin t.nlv krp.w lestruycr of this pist. and It i. a: c!Te live as It Ih delightful to uao llertileldo mnkfls nn elegant hair dress luff tia well fis Pan.lrufr cur... Aeeept n i euhstitutc ihore ! ; ri a.iirl bv IcailliiK 1run;lHt!t Pe'i.l !.-. In tnmps f-T F.lmple to Tho Ileri.iclde Co. Detroit. Mica. PFAFFLIN'3 CJUQ STORE. SPECIAL. AGENT. Candy Kitchen Caiwiuels; made fiiim Foi Itiver butter; pure cream and sugar. tO-tf John 11 jfati rtiuy Mr J. !l on ImikIir'mi. ll.irt of HahlBh, arrive, I Tucker is out of the city J. J. Hlmre ..f Washing-ton. Is a truest Bit Hotel Ilerktley, Mr. Frank Wenvt : returned fiMin OroetiMboro on Monday. Mayor linrnar.l l. expected In re turn frtrin Sullsbury today. Mr. and :l x. c bono, are at i. ! i ! -lit Of Oiecll' v V 1 -in I! IT THE DYSART No. 30 Noith French Broail Avenjs CENTRALLY LOCATED. Furnace heal aid liivs. A linn fn-e from the at iii..k.Ii. of huaii -.lisin MRS. J. L. RONCI, Telephone 911. I2i ;c PACKAGE CEREALS i .!!. Sni, i t. -I !i. at i liln-iilt laiini. lac I'A.'KA, l:l-:.VI.S 'ii.r. I '. 1 1 I y, Sc..;, i M.inilii.- (I h - .m i Mil: 1, W'h. al HIRAM LINDSEY. 450 South Main St. Phone 200. -'..Mi aV I 'uuir CONSUMPTION Hope, fresh air, rest and Scott's Emulsion are the greatest remedies for con sumption. Scott's Emulsion will always bring comfort and relief - often cure. Scott's "Emulsion does for the con sumptive what medicine alone cannot do. i It's the nourish tnent In it that takes the pa tient in long strides toward health. SCOTT 4 tOWMK. had aaraaw Nr. Tort. Tl .lu J.ii'KPT I M': r " i . All Sums Al I '; 1 tun -ac.! h 'l'ftK KOU v, s nmr.j vailati nii a t-loih. with a tallette, wht.'h U li i,l a I p aus i. i'l- .1 JliTltUi- i i i ti i.u .- i;i ; t. l ' : ;, s:, n st:u. - v i.tre r. i aial cut. . - i,.i i. seise, elamir.e ;.n ! ... fT 'ril fcr the n n:. i " liiiieni It. ti s rlzri-Z' to 4t' hn: Li.?! "ious ;u. vr ,x ,S, -line i-i'it,-,., 6-. m.,:, f .nit-, w.df. nr,la 41 H -s, . .. . 1 aa , r up nuj d..n. 'r e. ecnts. Pattern Depar.ment, The Ashevllle Cltls. n. Dentlemen: Pleaae send me Pat tern No else No LOVE OF 'POSSUM LANDS MAN IN JAIL " ilTICISED RESTAURANT THAT DIDN'T SERVE THAT DISH. ,'ropnator Objected and a ' Freo for AH" Followed Men Wer Arrested. ,h MISS CRUISE, (viamcurirtg and Hairdrcssing Parlors. i; -s,,i.iic- i'ii.,i 1 jr.. 1 nm ri.i.i... ' lit i -"iji, S '1 .ojuy. F.u M.i Va A. H i . a ,1 ui'U 't ihe, Si ijii . erKvvtrier 3ul(d(n Havwood Street. - Ovor Club Cafe. DUE NOTICE. riivaicij: -. merchants, artliikvl' :.,! LCii6rai'.oi n. air-ei l ihurinyr peoj.l . an li.ival tlii.ii- !nirft-Voll.'Ctod through 'lie griiiral , ol lc. 1 1. hi agency of F. T. H. WOODS, 45 1-2 S, Main St., Athevilla, N. C. I'. S tfetiii in elaims to us .we do I.f rest! ! WAN PL T Large Lists f town in,.ir;y , nil farm lunds f.u v.'. We f.ill.-u inquiries. S'alon, Rec'lor,C!:nn!ngham& Co. Ivcal 1 11. HiHikers. HENDERSON VI LLE, N. C. 1 - f 1- r Mi i 1 li VCYU I AT) 1 1 ' twenty i l lu. nt;. i.ij.i eis'ht l"iil: ys. J. ,'lllli'IS. .i- 1 1 ili- anil Ita . ity of tlu-s.' .lot. I: in !1 1 an ! work v .111 I i 1 harness. Thi tale aueiiiui and the h tin- , I. .!.!;,. l-iRllt Jae! l-oniel- of Pii - .y sti' 1 ts. The ys have aau' I under saddle will lie a Um l hest hidd. r gets E. J. RANDOLPH, Agf. l'ostorn- ..' n.ix :o9. FREE!! The lady wrltins CHKon Flour Itins the- words tCPVRlSHT CARPETS FOR THANKSGIVING c- awaitii, your i-.-lcetion In- 011:' .!. They ei.miiri-ie ;i very full line 111.- SiilMillH be.-t .atteriis. with 111 ad, lit ion.ii iKiveliie.s just recei'e,l. ,1111- l OOil'S 11, e.l IK-W e.ll'l.etS Ol o .l.r tli.111 now. Pon't wait till, .i. then tin- best will h" Sawyer's Carpet Bouse Phiine 228. Noe. 18 and 10 Church Bt. ""si! I'ltaiu'i'HMaiMt MILLINERY. CORRECT STREET HATS, 60c TO $1.98. We id ice 0:1 sale today a tempting; i-peeial line of STREET HATS, yli.-h and e, rreet fr. 111 every view ;.,.iiit, at 50c to 11.98; real value tl to $3. 'il ls sal.- will continue one week only. nn- shirtwaist and Skirt Department is now complete, and we are ahow r ti. creations in these lines. Fine tailor made Skirts $3.98 and 1 nil latest shades. THE PARIS MILLINERY, ID South Main St. i I ii,ii The oloreu iiian -iuU- a hi: postal carl the greatest nuni- ot iiai. v;i; 1 ,-eive il barrel of 11. 1 lluir. A .t-i, -uii.i can uf Whit, tar I'.nT, e ( 1 and Java) is otTer 1 as a s, ,-,.!;, j p--l ie, Contest closes - , ei 1 1 1 1 - i" ',th. llnhor l.rlns our lids IO Slole ,i;. P. (I. IUX 411. 1'or rule jjovci 111: g this contest ca.ll THE TEA POT ::, i'"i.i,i:'-i: sTrtfJi-rr. : B. A. V1NIARSKI SHOES REPAIRED. yen wait. 11. avy oak !,) Opposite P. Wc Hani You fo See heauti'iil oh, Hi .trianhs we tt'K pleasure to '!. tin in to you and your t i n n 1. I pn.,!u,,. Sll.e.l ti HARRIS Cn fte Square. Electrically Heated Smoothing Irons are- ahv.iy-i ready. We have them in sizes to suit the work. PIEDMONT ELECTRIC COMPANY, 35 South Main Street. Asheville. N. C. Phone 471 MEAT MEAT. MEAT MEAT. MEAT. ME A" TRY KIIBLER & WHITEHEAD Telephone 195 CHOICE, TENDER AND STLECT. 'Jtshevillss Test Dry (foods Jtore: ttoe. Ave. r.R '.!' utt -in. mii, and i... in, ii vc. re. l,c.--d up as a result , f it Cdniuhus Kiiu v.ut into lee 1:,, Is . e-t.iaraiil v':i ''elleire street and er '. r, ,1 sorn.'thirs IVyd did not have. ttittit'K to set tn'. he ordfrreil '(ou:n and it hlil- f.n! ol to get this also Kmn is sai l to have tnadf some eery ttrie'iu'tlm tit.irv remark' nitount a rcsrau-ant that did not keep possum and sifter tho x ohanfre of Koruf vnis, Ii1of are re - , ported to have teeil s.rtlck Patrolman J. W. Bailey happ, :u d to 1" liasMtts , on his way from dinner and th men in. Thev will he hea d 10- day. Cleanliness Expert Washing 15 South Phone 33S .-...r '.L i .in, d"i.ands ,-f V th.- laun.'ry o: k i vaing niSct the - patrons who arc li sliest grail? of W2W J'teamer Rugs at Six-jijty and SeVen-fiJiy We arc just in receipt of a shipment of Steamer Rugs. The are pretty and very desirable. There are two kinds, both being' Plaids at $6.50 and $7.50. They measure 80 and 88 inches lone by 60 inch wide. P. 0. Cfcat ... Philologists claim that the p-h-ase 'a I' 'Sleep lik a top" o-mies from th French "dormlr comni unr taupe" 1 .Mcip like a mole, tl is Jild. too, thai Cinderella' slipper wore not made ofij (g;IuM. but of "vair." the old 'FriiicJJ , word for ermine, lihh in lime tie-j 'came corrupteU into vrrv. giass. j Asheville Steam Laundry fur Scarfs and far J'ets You will find here an exclusive line of pretty new Furs. They are priced very reasonably z.ud many are rare bar- Furs $1.50 on up. gains. Outing Gowns for Women. Men and Children Our cftllection of Outing Gowns is a large and superior one. Outing Gowns for women in plain stripes or checks at SOc to $1.50. Oiting Gowns for children at 50c and 60c Outing Gowns for men at 75c and $1.00 I

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