' tcc- !.vv, Nuvr.u.L.r. :i, urn. ' - : IS- r v r SOCIETY FASHIONS won EN fcF- Mr w liy Mr. rlvul- Thanksgiving Suggestions, j It 1 no eauy mutter for a house Wife to offer her family ami friends aomething n-w on em h Thanksgiving day, no matter how faithfully she may try to do bo. After nil tlx- old stnple dishes term most suitable for HiIh day and are UBUully gn-ntly H'" -ii t d and enjoyed. If a f" tinwlil. s are deal red thry need ln'1 crowd ul th" , old standby". Nothing ean take tin place of good old fashioned roat tur key and what In better limn a well made chicken jile? A colonial decoration In a good Idc.i for the table A pretty -ntcrplecu may e made of wheat and Hmall arti ficial pumpkins the wheat bi be In a Bet piece like a sh'-af open -d out to j c. appear fenthry and graceful. Hmalb-r at til heave may be aet down the length of the table. The color of yellow may b- still further enrtled out In bonbon and candle shade b ( s m iy be nerved In little puinpklnn or moulded In that shape. The name of the gin Hf may In tied with yellow ribbon around th-) Heck of a tmall tu-kiy to be put hi ach cover hs a favor. Mulled elder or elaret Is espfi hilly nice to nerve Willi a Thanksgiving feast. An excellent menu for an elab orate dinner U as follow : Oysters on the half k)h II Drown Itread tartlncs Celery Radishes Clear Soup Untied Checs.' Fish Fillet., sauce llnllantlalsu Potato Hall.i Cueuirtber Farcl. Cream Sauce Roast Turkey Sweet potato Houffle Olazed Turnips Individual Moulds of Cranberry Jelly Mulled Cider Roman Punch In Colonial Hata Halvad Quail on Toast Celery Salad with tiny onions Blaalng Mince l'le Cheese Ice Cream In pumpkin forma Uttla Cakes Coffee , . . Favorite Rang and Univaraal Exhibit Ends. Mr, Martin and Mm. Swann who have-been conducting an exhibition and Ira lo of the Favorite rngen and Unlveraat cooking utensils nt the Ashavtlle Hardware company, closed , Up their exhibit yesterday and each Will ' leave today for towns further aouth, Mrs. Swann going to Georgia to yearesent her company by giving derrtoiiHtratlonx and Mr, Martin leaves -for Columbia to conduct another spe clal?al of ranges and stoves. Tha Favorite Range company will posaH)ly aeevre the services of Mrs. Bwajltl for the coming year to assist ' In conducting (heir exhibits. Th rnnge monjby Mra. Thompson was delivered o Bcr yesterday. V MM- I Sanfl'Odda and Ends to tha Rummage . Bala. When tha all housocleanlng la uu oeriaxen many odds and ends are toroajrnt to light, which are valueless o Um housekeeper, and no end of n nuisance to know what to do with. ' A suggestion la mart" by the ladles who, have tha rummage sale In hand that they be cent lo them for dis posal. What proves an embarrass lng possession may be of great service to someone else. If there Is anything in four way. or you are Inclined to donate your rubbish In a good causa phone Mis Grant ,6o. 326, and a wag - on will call for the artli'bs. MM K.nilworth a Mecca for Brides and ' Grooms. Kenllwoith Inn seems to be a fav , Orlta place for brides and grooms this season. Seven newly-married couples are staying In the hotel at present. . mm ' Salt of Faney Articles for Missionary Sooiaty. Thera will be a sh1 of fancy nr- tcla?ihy the Woman's Mlsloiiary Ho claby of Trinity church at Carmlchael'x drug, store on Wednesday. The sale (Will continue all through the day and an excellent opportunity will bn a;lven , to purchasa dainty gobl it for Christ mas presents. Woman's Club Met With Mr. Whit lock. Aj interesting meeting of tbe Wo man's Club wit held yesterday after- noott at 4 o'clock with Mis. Bernard Whltloek on Montford aveuuo. Mrs McArthur read the principal paper, ami Mra. Alfred Barnard led the dlncua- lon. I . . M Dr. Gilbert T. Rowe and famtly are xpcted to arrive In Anhevlllo this wee and will occupy tha parsonage of Central church. Dr. Rows will preach his flrat senium In Asheville 3unday morning at Central church. 4 PERSONAL Otis Coxe Is In the city. Kent of Hot tarings. Is In A. W the city, Mr C. T. ('. Ieake la considerably betlir now. Mlsn flertrude to Htatesvllle. Harrlll bus returned filbxon of Knoxvllle. Is In tin business. K mp of Atlanta, Hwannaiioa. Is a gucxt and Mrs. M from N'. w York r are recent ar- Mis W. I! Slo lton will leave today to J'lln Mr Mniton In Columbia. Mr T S Itolllns N expieted to re turn fioin 1 1; c.'iisihoro In a few days. Mis Annb Willi. una 1 diM'iidliig a . week." ilb friends In New York. ipent tha winter her last' aeaaon. Is expected to return on Sunday with her little daughtera and will tie at lis Cumberland avenue for several months. SECRETARY SHAW TO REMAIN LONGER (By Associated Press.) WAMIIXtlToN. Nov. 20. Secretary will pmnln as secretary of the 'ie:iury In Prcsbluit Iloosevi t's cab net lllllll the eoliclusfoil of tbe ap-proai-hlng si-slon on Congress, an.l rbip' for eevcral months lung-r. Il tias lain und?rat'Hid, In it tenla Ive way, that Secretary Shaw expert' d io retlr.- from tin! cablni t about h first of l'i biu.iry next. If. Indeed. I- anould not con lude to rcllmiulsh 'lis olMi lal diltlea I i fore that time, blmsilf. was the authority for ;bls stati inent. It was understood gen- inUy th.it be derld'-d to leave tbe al.lncl with a view- to greater freedom n promoting bis candidacy f ir tbe Re aibllcan lionilnalloii for Presbb nt III ill", altboiicb the .Tretaiy blmelt er his aiuiouuci-il Ills Intention p) ome a candidate. ANOTHER GOOD ONE. M; niel Mis A i. I'oster of Hoston. will spend some time at Hutlery Park T P. Curtis of Louisville, arrived yeste iluy and is n gui st at the Swan- n a noa. J. H. Tucker Is here, after an nb s -nco of several weeks In the western part of the state. The offering fur next l-"rld iv night I the Ciiand opi ra house Is the w il- kn iwn Ibggir Prince company In the Id ravoritc. This roaring laugh lncu ator Is presented by a company of wiib h Mi-s Kttu Meirls, the chic coni- dlemic, la the star .and she is sur rounded by a company of clever ver satile people. Including u ihoru-. of handsome girls who can plug, dance 1 1 1 1 make merry, as well an wear he mining nnl artistic eoatunn s. The play itaelf has Ibeen revived, making It an entertBlnmt nt second to ii and i xi cplleipally meritorious from start to ftntfh. "Jlshefdle s Best Pry (foods Store" Our Great Blanket Sale Continues To-Day To-Day will be your last chance to buy All Wool Blankets at Special Prices. Take advantage of it. f:: Our Thanksgiving Sale of TaMe Linens Napkins, Towels, Etc., begins To-morrow morning. Be one of many who will profit by attending this Sale. Clock Repairing C. C. Millard, Livery. 'Phone 180. Most Beautiful Woman I Have Seen in the South -1!w",f M ' s. Tour attention la directed io our newly established clock repair- clock-maker of niany establishments Ing department. In charge of a. competent i ycara cxperlenoa ll) one Of the. leading Jewelry Philadelphia. -. ,j. i Clocks called for and delivered. Prices right . and !i satisfaction assured. The Thompson-Brannon Co. In Jewelers and Silversmiths, 52 Patton Avenue. Tutorlntr In cl'mentary and ad vanced mathematics; the preparatory Kngllsh b:.unh:'. and e, mciilnry chemistry, phyolca and engineering. O. L. COWARD, B. S., Sunset Drive, City. Ultf (a?XiKA AiXLXlVX ALXU ATLANTA, Nov. 20. When President Itoonevelt was in Atlanta on his recent southern tour he shattered the traditional standard upon whlel the most beautiful women of the south have been gauged. The tall, slen der. vivacious, pink-rose girl with big hazel eyes and an abundance mf soft brown hair, who undisputed queen, has been dethroned. The petite blonde of the llly-f-the-valley typo with eyes of the finest blue and a crown of buff-gnbl hair has taken her place. At the reception given to Mr. Hoosevelt In Atlanta Miss Selma Adelaide Allen was one among hundreds of la ly guests who in line awaited their opportunity to be presented to the president. After shaking hands with a large number, he was Interrupted by Secretary Loob, who told him he was exceeding his time limit. "oh, very well," said the president, "but I can't go until I have been presented to that young lady over there," pointing lo the grain ful figure of Mlsn Allen. fh was told of rhe president's wish and was led. blushing and smiling, to where he stood and was presented to him. "1 urn honored," said Mr. Iloow veil, while holding her hand n.s In his custom with those . ho particularly attract him, "to meet the most beau tiful woman 1 have seen In the south." It w as a moment of supreme happiness, as well as enibai ras-nient. to Ihe yourg lady, who managed to say. quite modestly: "Oh, I tjiank. you, Mr. President; but I'm' tif raid our outh'.'rn hospitality has Minded you somewhat to our defects." Miss Alio Is a remarkably lovelyyoiingwonii.nl. Her 'blue eyes, under lark I sialics. oniplcxlon of blended rose and gardenia, well poised head, cro wned In vivid gold, presents what Do Vela would term "a glorious color scheme," kMm li ,iJk J Av-.!.,,J I Correct Dress TT "Modern McthoJ" lyrfctn of MciS-rrawe laborinj introduced by U E. Kays & Co, of Cincinnati O, iJtif pood creoori everywhere. f j AM Crsat. M&ds Strictly J atoW.Te. MO vU lomga J-noa ILtKa rrur. orJcatockoaas. not M', asit writs id as for partulars. I E. HAYS CD. CO. CIMCINNATti OHJU. Rov, and Wn, Slier with their chil dren will leave today for their fu lfil re liotne In StateMvllIe. Mr. and Mra. Ilcllman have returned k New York after spending a short lliii- at the U.ittery Park. Mis, Jane Moseley of Kaliigb. uriiV' ed Saturday to visit fi lends. Dr. A. W. Calloway has been called to Cincinnati by the unexpected death of his father, Mr. T. H. Calloway. Mrs. Shaw has returned to her home in California after visiting her sis ter. Mrs. John Key Williams, all sum- in -r. C. P. Adams, superintendent of Tel- graph! f'r !?!e t ur.liern. Is making sho.t st y in Astui!le on busi ness. l"o: luct.ir J.irvl' pot and '"tiatioM" home and Mr. 1(. lug his place. who U on the Ie lln , Is sil'l n( his II. I'ostell la tuk- LUTHERAN CHURCH AT HICKORY BUILT WORK IS COMPLETED ON I3,000 EDIFICE. HICKORY, Nov. SO. The members of tbe local council of the National I'illon ne Id their annual oyster least Thurs day night at the C. J. Youut cafe. All greatly enjoyed the supper and ex pressed themselves aa delighted with the eveudig. This council Is one of the strongest lodges In Hickory. Twen ty-rive new members have been added within tlie lust two weeks. Ten or fif teen more are expected In the next ten days. Mrs. liLtnt;. who lias spent the sum mer In Ktigtand. hast t. -turned and will be with Mrs. Turner on Grove street for the winttr. Mr. W. V, Randolph left yesterday for it. I.ouls having received word that hit son. Ueorge, who lives ther. has typhoid fever. Harrlll Wood went to Statcsvllle yesterday with Mrs. Harrill who has been a vuest of Mr. and Mra. J. H. Wood for several weeks. Mr. Jarm S. Alden of New York City, Is visiting his s!st?r. Mrs. Ross. on Charlotl street. Mr. Alden -will be In the city several weeks. Ml Mary Andrews who has been In Philadelphia for several weeks, has returned t Asheville and will spend the winter at Kenilwonh Inn. Mrs. Adams of IndlanaMlla - who Miss Klljraheth Leanard won first prUe In tapestry painting at the state fair. Miss Leonard Is an accomplished young lady and deserves much consrut. ulatlon for this prise. ltev. larker Holmes, who so ably served the Methodist congregation last yen- will be with us another year. Mrs. K. V. Shuford and children are visiting her mother at Acworth. Ga. The topic of Lutheran Inte'est In Hi kory Is the completion of Holy Trini'y church. Rev. Dr. J. C. Moser, pastor. On Sunday. tlw 5th, the last service was held in the old church. On Sunday, the tth, the Holy Communion was administered In the new church. This chi-rch has ben two years in erection, and the community la glad to see the structure completed. We be lieve It Is the prettiest church In he t'nited Synod. The churrh cost some 13., but would cost twl-e that sum under ordinary building. Hickory l happy over the completion of hla beau tiful church. It standa aa a monu ment to tha Judicious, cautious, busi ness sense of Dr. Moser and hi faith ful people. The chun-h la free from debt - Ever been to Atlantic City? Ever see the Heinz Pier'.' Ever taste the "Si" varieties? I have a Heinz store, 450 S. Main St HIRAM LINDSEY, DO South Main St. Phona 200 B. A. VINIARSKI HHOB REPAIRER. Wanted to buy old shoes. 6 PATTON AVE. Winter residents In Aslfevllle or vi cinity who wish private tutoring for their children, ni'iy address Miss Rachel U Oliver, M Keacon Hill avc m ', Lynn, Mass.. n grailunto of Hym Maw r College, of exp rlence In- teach inif both gruihmar and preparaiory school studies. References given from nar.'iils of former pupils at J ryon N. C. Large Lists tF J'f STJ sj.'ci.Kcrto I'JSM. wt, anveli mrvA'nSr fry ffavajtwaw Ste m th 1 for of tow n prop rty and farrn lands sale. We solicit Inquiries. Slaton, Rcctor.Cunningliam & Co Real Btate Hrokers. HENDERSONVILLE, N. C. DUE NOTICE. Physicians, merchants, architects and contractors, also laboring people, can have their claims collected through ihe general collection egencv of F. T. H. WOODS. 45 1-2 8. Main St., Atheville, N. C P. S. Send in claims to us we do the rest! THE DYSART No. 30 North French Broad AventM CENTRALLY LOCATED. Furnace heat and wood fires. A home free from the atmosphere of Invalidism. MRS. J. L. RONCI, Telephone 911. PULLED STICK CANDY, 15c A POUND. FRESH. TOE TEA POT Phone 961. TROUBLE EXPECTED. (By Associated Praaa.) TOKIO. Nov. 20. H Is reported here that Russia, atiiire hendlug a mutiny of misotiers on board the transients con vevimr them from Japan, asked the Japanese government to convoy uncm with warships to Viadlvostock. but me Jananese declined to do so. Mrong enmitv between the members of the army and navy Is said to exist. Admiral ltotestvenskv I; said to be keeping in his cabin. MORE NONSENSE. (By Associated Press.) LONDON. Nov. 20. The Spanish Em teissy says there Is absolutely no truth in the statement of the Corrcsponden- ia, of Moilrld, to the effect that King Alfonso is to marry Princess fcna or Hattenbeig. The foreign office de scribes the report as "arrant non sense." To Remove Freckles and Pimplea In Tan Days. NADINOLA 1 & new discovery w hk-h la sold under a positive, guar antee and money will be r funded in every ca where it fails to remove frecklea. pimples, llver-spo's, aun-tan. black-hectds. collar dlicoloratlona, and al disfiguring eruptions of the akin, no matter of how king standing. Cures ordinary cos.w In tea (10) day and the worst case In 12 to 10 day After these defects have been removed the skin will be clear, healthy and beauti ful. No possible harm tifin result from Ita use. Aa regards our reputation and ability to comply with our agreements, wa refer to the- Commercial Bank and the Rank of Henry, Paris. Tenn or any county ctflclal. Ask your druggist for NADINAUO. If he has not rot it send us a SO cent mawr order, atid' w will aend you a SO. cent pacRAga of NADI.VOLvA by mall. If K fails to do ail we chtim for It, notify us and we will promptly return your money. Ad- dreas NATIONAL, TOILCT CXMPANT. (tuea-thura-aun-tf) Paris, Toon. MISS CRUISE, Manicuring and Hairdressing Parlors. Residence Phone 425. Office Phone 16. Chiropody, Shampooing, Facial Mas sage, Treatment of the Scalp. Meriwether Building Haywood Street, Over Club Cafe. Photos for Christmas Presents, best, made by Cit the HARRIS On tbe Square. 0 A Plain Proposition Does Your Chimney Smoke? if so, you havn't a Wilson Heater and 40 per cent of the burnnole part of the soft coal i3 escaping unburncd in the form of smoke. THE WILSON HEATER with the celebrated Hot Blast Down-Draft, consumes these fumej and turns them into heat. This may be readily seen by the absence cf cmoke in the chimney when a Wilson is used. You pay 100 per cent for your fuel; why not get ico per cent vJue froi it? W.A.Boyce ! 11 SOUTH PACK SRUARE AS HE VII LF, IV. C. 17 South Main Street Tuesday Immense Bak.r- HOSIERY SALE. 25c quality. Tu?sday at Hoe for boys and girls, all sizes, 25c quality, Monday at ' Let us do your washlag and 4 tare you tha trouble and worry 4 t of tuls task Curing the hot dsya 4 I of summer. Swannanca laaairj HOME COMFORT CARPETS AND RUGS will be fount! In a large assortment of ttnulve pattrns In our sto-li. The quality Is durable ami the price opent to competition. We will be pleased to have you look. Sawyer's Carpet Douse Phona MS. Noa. II and tt Church 8tJ 12 l-2c SUIT SALE. Ladles' Tailored Suits at great reduction, $25.00 Suits at 520.00 Suits reduced to $1. 75 COAT SALE. tT.50 Fine Long Ctoats at 112.73 Very Fine Long Coats at $10.90 SKIRT SALE. $6.50 Fine Stylish Winter Skirts at $5.39 Very Stylish Skirts at $3.98 FUR SALE. 100 Fine Furs, all styles and col ors. Sale price 98c to $12 MILLINERY SALE. 200 Fine Hats, very stylish, $5.39 stylish hat,. Sale price $3.39 SHIRT WAIST SALE. ,5c Shirt Waist at 49c $1.50 Shirt Waist at 98c $3.00 Fine Shirt Waist at. $1.98 $4.98 BIG UNDERWEAR SALE. Follow the crowds and go to fhe Palais RoyaJ Tuesday. NOW IS THE TIME, to select a choice fowl for Thangivlny. We hare a pleasing lot of Turkeys, Chickens and Ducks. Order now. KQBLER & WHITEHEAD Telephone 195 1 II it