; FOURTEEN PAGES , PART ONE. VOL XXI NO 148 The Only NEW SAN FRANCISCO IS ALREADY IN THE FIRST STAGES OF REBUILDING All Buildings Inspected and Ground Cleared For Reconstruction. HEALTH CONDITIONS ARE SATISFACTORY Tons of Provisions are. Com ing In and Homeless arc Being Sheltered. (By Associated Press.) , SAN FRANCISCO, Apiil -" The new San Francisco that will rlsv from the ashes of the "Id today was In it first stages of rebuilding. After live days of confusion uul almost super; huinan elfin mi tile nart ot . inzeiis nt California's metropolis the great task of sheltering, feeding and other wise caring for the homeless thou sands, complete order has been es tablished and attention has been turn ed to the, futuie. Throughout tne Kie.it business ouarter where tlie devasta tion by fin was toe most complete, dangerous walis were razed. buildliiKS that hud not been disintegrated were inspected with a view of r.nccupaney and ground was cleared for the Imme diate construction of buildings In which to resume business at the ear liest .oslble time. C.tinKdencm Restored. x Coiilldenee has been restortd by nnsuiauor of Insurance companies rn.iitii.rii ttitien hv the financial t Ik tlit in - uiihiMmiu th nvomnt and reassuring words that have reached the business met) of Han Francisco from eastern llnan iul centers, all these things tils polled the feeling of uncertainty. The generally encouraging situation tem porarily Buffered a set-back early to day because of a chilly rain which felHn the late hours of last night and during the forenoon on the thousands protected only by canvas cuvcrlngs and cA'cn less Imperious sheltering. While the rain caused considerable suffering for the time -being, conditions were iiulckly ameliorated by the prompt ac tion of every relief committee as well as by tile, voluntary acts of house holders. Homeless people we re lodged today 111 8 systematic manner. From the water front, where the boat loads of provisions docked there was an end less procession of carts and drays ai ry food to the scores of sub-station ; established throughout the city and the parks. Atr,.th--sc stations fiud and drink, complins bread, prepared meats and canned goods, milk and a limited amount of hot coffee and even fruit, were served lo all those w ho ap plied. Tons of Provisions. About l.JOW Ions of provisions arc moved daily from he water front lMrg supplies of blankets, tents and other material, P provide covering for Ihiim' wlio have been scantily supplied, are reaching the supply stations rap idly. Barracks have been completed at several points and in these many people have found coiiuort aiiu sm i-( ter against the Inclemencies of the weather. The situation tn me con gested camps, such as Golden J'ark and the various public squares throughout tlie city lias been consid erably relieved 1" Hie departure of many people for points 011 the other side of tlie bay. While l he number of people leaving Die ity is nothing like the vast crowds that paeked tlie ferry boats during tlie Hist two days follow ing the earthquake, the .number was sufficiently large to satisfy the ielief cominltU-c that its task will become less difficult fr"'" " Health Conditions Good, (hnernl health conditions are sal is factory. Willie the number of cases at the various hospitals has increased .ucii dav, sickness is mostly due to ex posure and worry. The most encour aging feature Is the absence of any thing like contagion or an epidemic of disease of any nature whatever. Tim somewhat unsatisfactory sanitary arrangements in the various camps, the lack of a variety in diet and the exposed situation or so many peopi. necessarliv develops ailments and In some places there have been a few cases of such diseases as measles and NEARLY THOUSAND REFUGEES REACH OGDEN AND ARE FED BY THE RELIEF COMMUTE! 'I By Associated Press.) OGDE.V. fun. April 23.-Six hundred arid forty-four refugees reached Ogden today. They ore being fd by the local relief fommlHse. The mental strain of the fleeing, terror-stricken people is best i"' In the misfortune of Mrs. Ida Jleed. She arrived In Oakland apparently of lound mind, but when the tension of the scene, was relieved by a rea ix llon that she was safely located on the refugee train bound east her mind gave way. She detained in the city tall Her destination is Waverly. lows. Her ten-year-old son Is being cared for hy the relief committed Th flight of the refugees can onlv b j THE Associated Press Newspaper in Western North clueki n-pox. but probably not more than would develop turner ordinary circumstances in a large city. Tin primary caues of disea:. s are reinux--ed as fast as possible. General A. V. Greeley look com mand of Ihe federal troops at this pout, superseding General l-'unston. who will act under General Greeley's orders. G -ul Grcolc has. established liead- iiarlers at J'oit Mason, just east of the I'ri-sidio reservation on Sin Fran eisco lia. SENATE INCREASES THE APPROPRIATION (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON. II. ("..'April 2:!.. The Senate today increased to Sl.rilMi.OaO the second up; ropi ialion of funds In h half of the sufferers from tllie Cali fornia caYtliiiuake. and this legislation, like all of the same character that has preceded it. was enacted without com ment of any kind. Tlie Senate ad journed until tomorrow. HUNTOON VISITED MRS. DUKES' HOME (By Associated Press.) XBWAKK.-N. J., April 23. Tile trial of the divorce suit of James li. Duke president of tin- American Tobacco Co.. against his wife Lilian N. Duke, was begun before Vice-Chancellor Pitney today Tliv court room was crowded. Tli Hist evidence was given by u de tective who testified that he followed Mrs puke and faw her meet Frank Huntoori saverai Males lh Central Park, and at Coney Island, and that they look automobile ricks together. He also testified that Huntooii visited Mrs. Duk-'s house in West 6Sth street. New York. HONOR PAID TO E. S. BLACKBURN (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, April 23. Rcprefcen tntive K. Speller Hlaekbui'ii, of North I'aroliita, who was r cetitly acquitted i lunge of receiving fees for legal prac tice b fore the government depart ments, was' eni liuslastically welcomed by tnemly is of the House on his re turn today. Speaker Cannon as a spe cial mark of distinction, placed Mr. Hlachbiirn ill the chair to preside over Hi; House during the consideration of HiF'riel of Columbia, legislation. CRAP SHOOTERS ARE RAIDED BY POLICE At about 3 o'clock Sudny morning Patrolmen Rape. Messcr, Hotter, l.y erly. J. M. Taylor, and Rlackstock and Sii-iiul Policeman Duckett, raided a gam? of crap shooters, who were play ing in a sinnll out building, back of the Oaks Hotel. Four colored dicers were arrested and all fined t and costs, with the exception of Charl?y lluniette. who was sentenced to 13 days in Jail. All denied their guilt. The three lined were John Kllgore. Henry Williams and John Elliott. THOW WATER OVER MONUMENT. As a result of a dispute Saturday night, a tent was made by the firemen to see whether or not a stream of water could be thrown over the Vance monument. "The ayes had it" The water went over easily, with nearly 25 feet to spare. ; likened fu that of a retreating army, The people, arriving today apparently were driven from their norms vitnoui time to properly dothe themselves. Some ar hatless and loatles. and others are garbed In misfits donated by the relltf commit as between Oak land and Ogden. They all have the same story of horror to relate and their one desire is to get as far away from the scenes of their misfortunes as possible. Individual lunches for iJ j-ersons were handed out. each lunch being en cased In a cardboard box. The children were provided with milk, and special thought was given tc. the babt and buttled milk waerve4 them. . ASH ASHEVILLE N. GLENN URGES TAR HEELS TO GIVE ALL AID Covernor Wants North Cap- Una to CIvo as Much as Possible. ASHEVILLE COMPANY RECEIVES CHaK EK Asheville Loop Line Kullrojd Will Buy and Oporato Craggy Alt. Line (Special to The Citizen.) RAl.HIGH. N C April I':!. -( iovei nor (ilenn has issued an appeal to the peo ple of the state In behalf of the suffer ers In the San Francisco disaster, urg ing Noith Carolinians to respond lib erally to appeals tor their r lief. In the course of tlie address he says; "The news front Sail Francisco continues to shov.' increasing suffering and dang t to Ihe helpless and homeless peopl. of that grievously sti ickel city an I it the efore belioov s the charitable and anil Christian peopl of our state to do all In their power to render aid to their brethren In their sad hour of affliction. 1 therefore, as Governor of the-sta,!. call on all good reople throughout the state to v spond to the calls from the different mayors and committees giv ing of their means as God hath pros p red ttiein for the purpose of helping tlvose destitute and needy ptople." . A charter Is issued for tlie Asheville Loop Line Railroad Company, the spe cial purpose being the purchase of the road now owned by the Asheville unci Craggy Mountain Railroad Company, extending three miles out from Ashe ville from what is known as the Golf Club Station. The company also has authority to operate litu-s within fifty inilcs of As"ievilk The capital Is $10, 000 -authorized, the incon; orators ly ing Frederick Culver, R. H. Tingley and W. B. Gwyn. BELHAVEN MILLS ARE BURNED DOWN (By Associated Press.) NORFOLK. Va., April L'3. The Bel haven Lumh-r company lumber mills at IWIIiaven, X. i'.. together with an immense' iuanfity of lumber, was to tally destroyed by Fire Friday night, entailing a. loss of at least 1U,IHHI, which Is understood to be largely cov ered by insurant-;. , ?7ol ' , '-r, ffff'j 4v, " jjpJfsz - - . . . TVQ LIKE TO 2-k M& k A BALL VAsTgVEg N. 1,-At 4 beginning W the baseball ses.on H it th. joyous .mil. No. 2. Shows tho change when the horns hs lost about two m EV1LLE C TUltSDAY CORNING 'ENGINE GUTS AN "ASHEVILLE NEGRO IN TWO vith BoJy Nearly fevered J In Hill Remained Con- :v.iyUb lor Hours. j, - - jUMi-i dJoffm .VI(i 1KAIN TO HIS DEATH Was Able to Talk But Could i Not Explain Cause of Awful Accident. John Hill, u 21 years, fell in singer train N the Asheville V and was run m .1 hosil r of ibo.it t in- w li -;s of pa -at v : ;;o o cl.ork .n .-. Suiul 1- 111 Ulll'lU. hi-; lntd i,e;ilK nca: -waist lie liv.Nl lllltll , i h aft i n "n. ipenied a br-ali-- 1.. is oing oil No, i i iiii hhu nearly as ta . u here he uttcnip'.o I ly severed at hi- about o'clock n Hill had at von 1 ho depot who old Fort, riding as the coal ohm.. to Jump off. lb' alighting, mode recov: ry but I II body lying ut-i-oss of wli- els puss. .1 -pas d over lilni and both his leg were crushed am ! ist his footing i desperate effort li. between cars bis 'he track. Two sets o i r him. The wheels in a slanting manner and one of his ai ins mangled A switch engine as pressed Into service and the man brought to til baggage rootn of the depot where the first attention was given hoin. Or Milliard having been summoned. Al though the man's injuries were hideous, his body having b en cut open so its almoHt to disembowel him, he was con scious and his sufferings were terrible. He talked hut could not explain how he came to fall an I no one else was found who could slate Just how it happened. After Ills injuries wvr drissed lie wun taken to Ins home on Depot street where, arter more llvan eight hours of unspeakable 'torn re he died at about 5 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Hill was a night employ,, of the Southern Hallway, a bop, er lo the hus tler, the mail ho takes charge of an engine tin- i it is leoiight into the yards for tie night He had the rep utation of being faithful lo his duties. . BOTH HORSE SHOW DAYS TO BE FAIR (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON. April 23. Forecast for Tuesday aiJ Wednesday: North Carolina Fair Tuesday: wa'.mrr in the intu'ior. Wednesday warmer, light Iresh north. a-i winds. 4t j Tl"' 1 ''ice men under arrest are K. CITIZEN APRIL 24 19C6 IN LIS RELIEF AUTO WAS MR, TiLDEN KILLED Under Ked Cross Protection , i San Franciscan shot in Back and Killed. GKCAT INDIGNATION OVER THE KILLING Was Prominent Man and Car rylng Aid to All who Stood In Need of It. (By Associated Press.) SAN FRANCISCO. April 23. -II. C TIMen. one of tin- most prominent mi rs of tin- general ielief 'com mittee, was shot a:id almost instantly killed in bis automobile early this morning at C.ueierro and 22nd streets while returning from Meulo Park. He was shot by men supposed lo lie inein ln rs of the citizens' patrol. Hugo Alltscliul. a coachman, who was In Hie automobile, was cut in the face by a hell.-! and another boll pierced the seat and 'struck in the back R. G. Seaman, lcting lieutenunt of the Second coni taiiiy of the Signal Corps. The force ,.t the bullel was spent and Seaman suffered no Injuiy. Tllden was a prominent commission merchant, a member of Governor Par dee's staff, and was one of the fore most workers in the general relief work. He had taken his three chil dren and a nurse from the Fourteen Mile J louse, where they had been since tlie earthiiiakc. lo'Monlo Talk, where lie bus a summer cottage. His uulo mobile had been used as an. ambu lance In conveying nick and wounded to the hospital and the Red Cross Hag was displayed on hill ear. Bealdoa this, lie bad the Red Cross iijuignla on his right unii. According to Seaman, six men Blood In the. middle of tht ruad at 22nd and Guerorro street, separating when tho'Hmr bad gone within fifty yurds of Them. When thn car was within ten feet of the guard Seaman claims I lie guard began shout ing without warning or challenge, and kept up firing after the cur had passed them, '"The machine had gone about fifty feet pan-t the patrol." said , Seaman "'when Ihe car stopped suddenly. TII dtn. who was operating the car, fell toward me, saying 'Well, they got ine they killed me." He then dropped back in the seat and rolled out of the car. 1 sprang up and fired five shot In quick succession at those who were still shooting behind us. A doctor came running from a house near by, and after examining Tilden said he was dead. Several policemen came running up and arrested those of the men who did the shooting. They v ra nd bouquet w nJ"r hom St. I turned over to General Funstori." HEAVY RAIN HIGH WIND MISERY S. ltoviitou, a tilephone Inspector In Ihe employ of Hie Pacific States Tel ephone compinv: George. W. Simmons and Malcolm Vance. They aro ail vouiit tren and members of the citi zens' patrol. Itoyiitun declare that he did not hip the Red Cioss Hag on TH dea's car. and when the latter did not stop hen challenged, he tired. The coachman in the rear then began shooting and Simmons and Vance re plied The killing of Tilden has cre ated the greatest indignation. BOSTIC ALLEGED TO HAVE SHOT NEGRO sir,-.-! Snoeriiiteiitlent .1. T itostle re ceded word Sunday that his son, W. A Itostle. had shot ami killed a negro Friday afternoon at Pennington Gap, where he is engag l in building rail road for tb South & Western. Mr. Itostle left Immediately for Investiga tion. It was reported that the negro had displayed guns U.moUK the cursed them all out. they men. . and b'lng tin- I urine 1. He w -lit away ami later, U Is 'said, suddenly appeared before Mr. I Rustic, shooting ut him several times j until .Mr. Rostic shot him In self-defense. EVERYTHING READY FOR HORSE SHOW K-verytliing Is ready for the response of the classeB to the culls of the bugles today hi the Horsci Show. Exuberant spirlls prevail throughout tlie clly In antlclpiaioii ut iwa day . generously filled w ith a: good time,' timt thw eupu city of Riverside Park will overflow. The pleasant Hituallon was summed up last night by Manager .Randolph, who said to )h- Cltlncii: "With Ihe reasonable certainly of sunshiny w-euther, sixty-one enthusi astic exhibitors eager for the ribbons and a list of- t wo hundred and i Ight entries, Asheville will turn out to a horse show with the welcome Its peo ple always give to a good think' and the horse show will be more ftrlnly a fixture in the attractions of the city." The hustle for entires for the four-in-hand class resulted happily yester day, whin the fours were obtained. This class of populur and exciting in terest will have a four mid coach from Mr. Philip S. Henry's stables mid two fours cnt-red by C. ( Millard. CORUNDUM COMPANY GETS A RECEIVER In the suit of the Columbia National Rank of Buffalo. New York, Judge Pi itclnii'd In tin ITnltexJ States .Circuit Court yesterday ui pointed G. N. Halg-lei- of Haycsvlll receiver of the North Carolina Corundum company, and di rected him to take charge of all Its property upon his giving omul In the sum of t.'iOK). The complaint and affidavit on which the appointment was bused set out that on August 23. lOt, the Corundum com. nv heeainc Indebted to plaintiff S22.- (it) and gave a mortgage on Its prop erty. IhIkI' giving a second mortgage on all its property, and that on Janu ary 3D. lWifi. defendant failed to pay the Interest whereupon the complain ant applied lo Its payment Xii.i, Willi h was in its bank, and now de mands the payment of the balance dt-?. TWELVE DROWNED. (By Associated Press.) ANTWKKP. April 23. Twelve (S eiirsionlsts were drowned t.xlay in the river Scheldt, by the capsizing of a ferry boat. WITHOUT DEBATE, HOUSE CONCURS WITH SENATE Iff APPROPRIATING RELIEF FUND (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, April 23. -Without debute the House today concurred in tlie Senate amendments on th Joint resolution appropriating fl.&OO.OtlO . for the relief of the Sun Francisco suf fer, rs. The House hud undT consid eration but did nut complete the bill increasing th; salaries of school teach ers in the Ilstrict of Columbia, and ro-organizing tho board of education. The bill provided for a board ot edu cation of nine members, three of w hom "Phali be of the colored race." Mr. Sims (Tenn.) said it was time lo pt away from nils-calling the negro race. He said tho word "colored" included the yellow, brown and red people as FOURTEEN PAGES, i PAGES 1 TO 8. PRICE FIVE CENTS Carolina STORM AND ADD TO THE OF SUFFERERS Once It Would Have Been a Cod-Send But Now Only Added to Torture. TEMPORARY SHELTER FAR FROM WATER-PROOF t Tens of Thousands cf Deli cately Nurtured Women Lay In Wet Beds. (By Associated Press.) SAN FRANCISCO. April S3. A . drenching rain fell upon. San Francis . o last night. From midnight until 3 o'clock 11 poured and drlxxled at In tervals, while u high wind added melancholy accompaniment, whist ling and sighing ab'Ait the ruins of the buildings In the burnt district. F!v days ago whrn the (Ire catastrophe was In Its Infancy, this downpour would have been looked ujun, asy . merv.v and a God-send. This mofi lug It could not be regarded In any light than us a calamity. It has caus ed indescribable sufferings to the thousands encamped upon the nuked hills, the parks and In the open place of the city. Few of these were pro vided with water-proot covering. For the most part their only protection from tho wet was a thin covering of sheeting tacked upon Improvised Hit poles. Through this the water poured as through a sieve wetting the bedding and soaking the rround upon, which they lay, When It Is understood that lens of thousands of delicately nurtur ed women and infants in arms, and old and feeble people were In this plight, liolhlnjf i-uu be udded to describe tlv. misery of iT.clr condition. ' Th downpour has aggravated the already unsanitary contlithm of the camps and . will doubtless add great , numbers of pneumonia cases to those already crowding tho regular and temporary loapltals of the city. rV"hat could be done was done by tho guards In charge or tho cumps to reheve th distress). Whom .er covering ttould be had for the women and children U was taken advantage of. They tvers . housed In chilly and cheerless churches, garages' and in barns, and thue who had saved their homes wer called upon to take care of the un fortunates exposed to the storm. With few exceptions those who had homes, responded readily to the new call mad uuon them, and where they did not th hntt ffidu of rifles outckly forced ! wny through Inhospitable doors. j While tlie sfo'rni has added io th i .inn. -iilil, a .f the ir( ner.il committed, .specially those having in charge th care ot the sick, the sanitation of tho city, the housing of the homeless. It liau been a spur lo ever greater ef forts to brins' order out of chaos, pro vailing. Regular shelter leiils will b provided as well as cots standing off the ground. It Is realised that thes provisions are imperii id vo us much s" us I he providing of food. After several hours of clear weather tin.-re was anothi r precipitation at S a. m. nnil another at 9 o'clock, tlie fall continuing at" Intervals throughout tha (III V. ''I'' Of Individual instances or suffering tlie number is legion, but one will tell the story ot them all. About 4 o'clock, when the rain had been falling for an hour, a middle-aged man, whlte-faoed in his distress and fatigue, appeared at the heudiiiKirtevs of the general com mittee. He had walked two miles from his camping place In the park to mak an -appeal for his suffering wife and little ones. As he told of their distresa tears coursed down his cheeks. His v.tfe und children were, he said, with out cov. ring other than: a sheeting overhead, and were lying on the nakivi eramid and their bodies protected only by a unlit and blanket which of his household bedding were all be had managed to save. These had quickly h en soaked and according to his own account he could not bear to listen to : tiji. walls of his loved ones and had t,-,n, .ill th.. wav from his canli- Inm place to the committee headquar ter In the hope tnat tnere m; nuem find some means of getting his family under shelter. Wi-ll as negroes. He said the -word " nigger"" was a corruption of "negro," and wholly incorrect in tha description of thu -race of peopte provided for hi the bill. He said that Secretary TaCt, '"one of the ablest and greatest men of his time" In his recent address at Tuskegee Institute had used the words "negro"' and "nigro race", twenty-five times, and "colored race" but four times. This fact. Mr. Sims thought was luminous of a correct understand ing of the nomenclature of the race. Mr. Sims' amendment to the tni! striking out the word) "colored" and in serting "negro" MlKi'ever it occurs, was defeated. ' The House adjourned uutil Vednei.. day.

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