HEVILIjB 'CITIZEN VOL. XXH, NO. 62. ASHEVILLE, N. C, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 20, 1907. PRICE FIVE CENTS. The Only Associated Press Newspaper in Western North Carolina THE A s Section One ANNIVERSARY OF LEE'S BIRTH IS OBSERVED WITH APPROPRIATE EXERCISES Ceremonies Held at Washing ton and Lee University Where He Is Burrled. MASSACHUSETTS MAN DELIVERS ADDRESS Charles Francis Adams. Pays Tribute to Memory of the South's Great Chieftain. POWDKlt CAK KXPLODKS; PASSIM t;FHS KILLF.D (By Associated Press.) LKXINQTON, Va., Jan. one-hundredth anniversary of the na tal of the South's great chieftain, Kobert E. Lee, was observed by appro priate exercises today at Washington and Lee University, which bears his name, over which he was so long the guiding genius, and where he now lies burled. The principal exercises were held in Lee Memorial chapel, 'Where an ad dress on hla life was delivered by Charles Francis Adams of Massachu setts. The large auditorium was pack ed with an audience until no more could be admitted. The exercises were opened by the singing of a favorite hymn of General Lee by the University choir. Prayer was offered by Rev. G. B. Strickler, of Richmond, rector of the university. I Dr. George Dettny Introduced the dis tinguished speaker of the occasion, and In concluding his remarks confer- INLIANAPOL13. Ind. Jan. 19 According to fairly reliable re- ports received through unofficial sources a terrible catitslropho overtook a Big Four aceomoda- Hon train at Kunford last night. According to the Information tained at midnight It appears that eight or ten persons were killed and probably 25 to 30 In- Jureu.l one? report stated that while the passenger train was passing a side track at Sanford, a car of powder exploded, killing or malnlng most of the passengers on the train. The accomodation train car- rled a baggage car, and three coaches. IMMENCE DAMAGE CAUSED BY FLOOD Crest of the Flood Water In the Ohio Not Yet In Sight and Loss Reaches S500.000 CINCINNATI, Jan. la. With th crest of the Hood water in the Ohi river not yet in sight, tho financial loss In Cincinnati and vicinity, due red upon Mr. Adams in the name of , to hlgn wator is jsno.OOO up to to the university the degree of LL.D. 1 nhL Tne i,)sa includes damaged The speaker was received with great KOods. loss of manufacturing faclli- applauae and for over an hour held his audiences closest attention. Mr. Adams at the start captured the great audience when he said: "I would hava done- as Lee did, though It may be deemed traitorous to say so." At the conclusion of the exercises In the chapel Mr. Adams held a recep tion on the rostrum, being Introduced by Mr. Denny. Among the audience ties and wages of idle men. Some IB 000 persons have been driven to nigher land. ' Nearly fifty houses In Newport, a dozen In Covington, and large areas in the east end and Mill Creek quarter o. Cincinnati, are un der water. The conditions are similar at all points between Pittsburg and Cairo. Tho immense stretch of the river, silently and remorselessly carrying were many of the old students who , bef(ire a mann(r ()f pr0perty' was attended the university forty years ago watched all day by thousands of peo mm a unuer me. Bum..,B j pIe on both banks and the high build- . , , . i Ings. while strenuous efforts were The camps of Confederate veterans made ))y min(lre(ls of men to parry present 1 urmea jiru'iHsnm umi marehod from the court house to the! to places of safety those whose homes had been invaded bv the Hood or some of the household effeetH from the Iiooded homes. For better hand linff relief work. Mayor Dempney thit afternoon divided the city into four relief sections. SHERIFF CATCHES ESCAPED PRISONER chapel. The university faculty in cap 1 and gown, with trustees, followed by ; the student body In cap and pnvn, formed their procession at Ne.weomb ( Hall and marched to the chapel across , the campus. ! Luncheon Served. Following the exercises In ihe chap el, a luncheon, with an elaborate menu was served by the Lee-Jackson camp j of Confederate veterans in the iniiver-1 slty gymnasium, where covers were: laid for 200. Among the speakers; were Attorney General Anderson of; Virginia, who responded in behalf of1 the veterans, and Colonel .1. M. 71. Ross, who gave reminiscences of Ihe Confederate soldier. This afternoon, from " to 7.30, o'clock, the Confederate veteran:: and visitors were given a reception by Mary-Custis Lee Chapter c.r the Daughters of the Confedera v. in the home of President and Mrs. Iiwiny in the University grounds. I mi; the. residence of General Lee. Tiii- was a ! most brilliant local function Among j RECEIVER FOR FIRE imiimv in ine receiving i';ni, if.iur? the officers of the chapter, were Mrs. George Denny, Mrs. I A. Xolson. Mrs. William Flunkln, and Mr... Charles F. McNulty. Tonight a banquet was tendered in the Engineering hall ! old stu dents who attended th .,::l rsity dur ing the administration of General Lee. Numerous toasts were drunk and re sponses made. Frank ljouisiana was toastn.ast (By AfcsocloHil Press.) ltOAXOKK. Va., Jan. 19. Arthur Stanley, the young white man who Thursday night shot John Foster at the home of Mrs. Lizzie Sink, in Franklin county, and made his escape, was captured last night in his home near Ferris, by Sheriff Dickenson and a deputy. The killing was the result of n iiiar rel brought about by jealousy and It Is said Foster attacked Stanley with a shotgun. INSURANCE COMPANY HAND BLOWN OFF BY AN EXPLOSION (By Associated Press.) ATLANTA. Ha., Jan. in Judge Pendleton, in the superior court to day, granted a petition for the ap pointment of a receiver for the Geor gia Mutual Fire Insurance company, and named Samuel p. Evans as tem- Wisdom of jairary receiver, iixing January 2i a the date for hearing arguments The petition was tiled by H. C. Powell. who alleges the company is insolvent. SPENCER, N. C. Jan. 1 9. Ernest, a young son of J. H. Harris of Spencer had his hand blown almost entirely off here this afternoon by the explosion of a dynamite cartridge. He laid the cartridge on the floor and drove upon it with a rock In his hand. The aci dent occurred In the home and several other playmates narrowly escaped be ing killed. KMX AND COLDfcK. WASHINGTON, Jan. 1 9. Forecast for Sunday and Monday: North Carolina Rain Sunday; Monday, colder and fair, brisk to high southwest winds, shirting to northwest.. GREAT DAMAGE CAUSED BY FIRE AT BEAUFORT Most Disastrous Fire In the City's History Occurred Yesterday Afternoon. LOSS ESTIMATED AT MORE THAN $500,000 Water Supply Failed and For Awhile the Entire City Seemed Doomed. ARRANGEMENT EFFECTED FOR t A SEPARATION ' 5 i- Duke and Duchess of Marl borough Will Separate With, out Divorce proceedings. ROYALTY IS SAID TO HAVE INTERVENED Were Desirous of Averting Publicity Involving Ancient Ducal house. (By Associated Press.) BEAUFORT, H. C Jan. 19. The most disastrous lire in the history of Beaufort occurred this afternoon The loss Is estimated at between $500,000 and $700,000, about ono third covered by insurance. The lire originated In the barn and stables of F. YV. Scheper, on Bay stret, and its spread was rapid, as a high wind was blowing. The wator supply failed and efforts to fight tho flames were fruitless. They only quit when they bud nothing more to feed upon in the direction In which they were being blown. Among the losers was the city, tho town hall, the market being consumed. The large grocery store of .Scheper was de stroyed as was the bank. The bank's funds and papers were saved Mr. Hcheuer Is said to have been more fully protected by Insurance than any other of the losers. The fire leaped across Bay street, consuming the hardwure and paint store of N. Christesen, and Bona., and half the block behind It. Another jump across a street was made, and the law office of Thomas Talbird and a row of stores he owned, were de stroyed. A number of houses between (By Associated Press.) LONDON, Jan. situation in Kingston Well UNDER CONTROL Streets Are Rapidly Being Cleared of Debris. Corpses of Victims Recovered. PERFECT ORDER IS BEING PRESERVED All the Higher Officials Are Working Unwearlly to Re lieve Those In Distress. i h. The confer ences which have recently been going on between relatives, lawyer, and others concerning the differences be tween the Duke and Duchess of Marl borough have resulted In an arrange ment by which their affairs will not be brought before the courts, and a separation will be effected, ho as to avoid publicity. This was largely brought about through the Interven tion of royalty, whleh Is friendly to both sides and desirous of averting public proceedings involving the an. clent ducal house. While the present stutus of the af fair cannot be set forth officially or authoritatively owing to natural do- j uiu rinn nail tm . .. 1, .,,- I ... . . ... O sire to avoid dlacuaaion, yet the M-rr "-" "V . --- inn nnu t-uiiHinuuiHi y wmo ucvinvu KINGSTON, Jamaica, Jan. 18 (Fri day). The work of clearing the streets of Kingston of debris and re covering the corpses of the victims of the earthquake and conflagration Is proceeding rapidly. The southwest em portion of Kingston looks exactly as did Ht. Pierre after the eruption of Mount Pelee. The American battleships Indiana and Missouri arrived here Thursday, Admiral Davis at once visited Gover nor Hwettenham, and offered assist a nee In Ihe shape of armed guards to protect the banks and public buildings and to send ashore rescue parties to aid In recovering the dead. The lat ter offer was accepted with thanks, and a party of marines were landed Thursday afternoon, and are still working like Trojans performing a service that will forever be remem bered In this island, The former offer SIXTEEN DEAD TEN INJURED IN COLLISION Collide: Wreckage Takes Fire. Victims Burn. VANDERBILT IS ! CHARGED WITH EVADING TAXES Passenger and Freight Trains New York Dispatches Say HO FAILED TO SEE RED LIGHT IN THE FOG Passenger Ran By the Block. All Her Crew, Killed With One Exception. Swore There That Ho Lived In Ashevllle. BUT HE DOES NOT PAY TAX ON INCOME HERE lowing, gathered from well informed sources, is believed to embody' 'the most essential features of the arrange ment: Through the Intervention of the Marquis of Lansdowne,who Is the Duko of Marlborough's uncle, the Duchess has been lnduoed to take a position favorable p an adjustment According tha pfeimt, arrangement thrournout th. devastate eity, sufficient to preserve order and pro tect all buildings that needed protec tion. On tho whole the conduct of the populace has been admirable, Thar huvo been only a few attempts at looting and these have been confined to rum shops and provision stores. The guards hava not had occasion to Ore a single shot. . Perfect order reigns An admirable example has been set the duke and dui-riesa vill live apart. the duke retaining Blenheim Palace l(ne uwcr classes by tho governor and city market and the Methodist church . entirely andCom imiing to enjoy thejija(y Hwettenham, and the higher of- were destroyed. Flying embers tgni-i $100,000 a year settled upon him "y ! ticlnl and their wives, who are work ted a number of residences an eighth1 the duchess's family with tho custody , nK unwearlly to relieve the distressed of a mile distant, including that of of their two sons for six months each Hn, nurse the ounded. American nav- (By Associate! Press.) FOWLER, Ind. Jan. ID, At least sixteen persons were crushed or burned to death early today In a col llsion between a freight train and the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago Bt. Louis "Queen City Flyer" which left Chicago last night. Ten persona were seriously Injured, and several mora slightly hurt. The passenger train was rUnnlng fifty miles an hour and consisted or a combination coach, three sleepers and a Big Four private car, occupied by Mrs. C.'E. Hchaff, wife of the vice president of the railroad, The train was destroyed by fire, except the pri vate car, and one sleeper. Seven of of the dead hava been identified. El even of the victims were burned to death In the combination coach and only two of these hava been Identifi ed. . . . With but one exoeptlon, every member of the passenger train crew perished. Identified dead: W. , HARRIS, Indianapolis. PETER, J. HIDDENUER, Indian apolis, conductor. I. 11. MAOKK, baggaga tnastsr. In dianapolis. , 3. A. HH ANNAN. WIlllamsDort. 4IENRT K. OLOOTt. fireman. Cln- oinnatu Ashevllle Authorities Write td Mayor McClellan For Information. W. E. Banders, and the stately col onial home of the Talbirds. On the the waler front the handsome resi dences of J. N. Wallace and W. J. Thomas were consumed. The store of N. Crol'ut and Mrs. J. Levin were mrned. For a time it looked as if the whole j her sons with le i to any part of th town would be destroyed. The ! continent dnritiK itieir holidays, wttn year, the control of their education H doctors are also doing magnificent until they become of age, and the : work in assisting the local doctors, choice of their professions. On th"' The original estimates of the killed other hand the duchess will enjoy were too moderate. Over 1100 victims the use of the Marlborough family J mVe been burled up to today and jewels and will li ne precedence as a .snires of half burned bodies have duke's wife wild the right to lake heen taken from the ruins of collapsed buildings and cremated ul Ihe cross ings of thoroughfare, with the view of 'hristensen.", t'roftit und Talbird out Interfering wil their studies af- avoiding tho outbreak of an epP nrrled no insurance whatever. ; ter the age of II ileinii'. RAILROAD CONTRACTOR ARRESTED IN VIRGINIA ON PEONAGE CHARGE (By Associate! Press.) one Seneca, an Italian banker of ROANOKE. Va. Jan. 19. Giovani J'hiladelphia It is alleged that Kauli Saruli, a railroad contractor, filling a held a dozen lalor rs again! their contract with the Tidewater Railroad will and placed an armed guard over company, near Roanoke, was arrest- them with instructions to shoot them ed. yesterday on a charge of peonage if they attempted to get away. The by United States Deputy Marshal men escape.! at night ana went to Aliff. in BedTord county and brought Philadelphia. where they recited here, where he was bailed bv Cnited their exeriences to Seneca. The lat- States Commissioner White. In the ter. it is said, places labor with con sum of $1,000 for his appearance at: tractors over the country, a hearing January 15. ftaruli declares there is nothing lp. The charge was preferred by File- the charge. j WKNRT A. PnXCVi; California. ' The Injured; E. W. Tripp, Indianapolis, engineer. John Cobble, Indianapolis, engi neer. Minor Orirrin, Mhelbyvllle, Ind, fire man. F. W. Link, Hastings, Mich. L. F. Lang, Chicago. M. A. Creelon, New York City. K. C. Harnes, Cincinnati. R A. Douglass, Frecport, Ills. John Myer, New York. The pasenger irnln In n heavy fog, ran by a telugruphlc block signal which called for a stop. The red light was no obeyed. It probably was ob scured by fog The locomotive was telescoped with Ihe combination coach, making a mass of wreckage under willed Ihe passengers In the car were wedged. There wer msny Instance of heroism among the pas sengers who were uninjured Mrs. Hchiiff gave her cur to (he In jured, live of whom she later took In Hie car to Kankakee. OFFICIAL NT ATF.MF.XT. CIIH'AHO, Jan Hi. -The following Ih the offhlul statement restirdlitK llo wreck at Fowler. Ind . issued from the officer or tin- Hlg Four Railroad In this city. "Train No. 3X, knouu as the Queen I'ltv Special, willed lefl Chicago at III 'Ml last iiIkIiI. lolllded with No. tir,. : fan! iim'I i liii nd ise irelght train, rtMt feel caxt of II al sHllrb at Fouler. Ind. No .!K rau l.v a stop signal af. i ,osds 1 K'i ler. This w an a lelenraphle I'lnOV I nlKlial. anil the red Huhl U'ts hiiniitis jhliglilly, bill tile eiiKlnei i failed In ree ill and Htop. piotialtly on aeioitnt of 'Hi,- j er le a t y lojc ! "Il is re,oile. that there ,v . r , t h r- . ( I. en t.eopl' in the oin hit), i ' eiHi .al. alio!' wiioni von l.llle.l, nlth 1h. ex j , ception of l wo, w ho are h.i.l Injn 'All t lie im ii .a n t ri f I h l ea r ilri- rlllnl filled oulrlKhl or so ei(ou-v llliOTeft ia-. to la- iinahhi lo ..,ir-, aiol their III'' Hi hull.' . 1 I fi I h f a 'The .1.-...J I , SU A N'.Sf i.V. I 'hi f,Uo. dead on 'i.il llain, '11 roll!- lo i'.alikal'.'" I'liMit'iTnl! lliliii,".S';i;i:. oi tie si nKer train j : a ; i a ; i ; MAs'iiri; M';i:i:. of pa l MK'-l 1 1 a 1 1 1 "FIRK.VIAN AI'iiT'l'. "f ,,.,). seii get l ra in FI.F.VF.N 'i'iTI'A IS iiC TIIKi'lent I'n.Mlll.N ATlh.S' CM:. nair.. mi- i , Know n ' ft OS'I IM l:l ON' I,. rl P' Oeorge W. Vanderbllt pay per sonal taxes neither In Now York nog In Ilunnomhe c.unty, , . And If ha' pays them anywhere lit tha world no one her can be fount! to suggest where. . From New York eomethe posit I v statement from high authorities that two years ago Mr. Vanderbllt "swora off" tha personal taxes , assessed) against him there and was so relieved! from paying them on his affirmation that he was nut a resident of New York but of North Carolina in fac "Of Ashevllle' came tha Information to The Cltlsen from New York, y Hut neither two years ago, nor rat last June when cltlsena of this atata r rouulred by law to "List" thai ft personal taxes, that Is atata to tha the assessors tha amount of personal' property they hava on t hat date, did) tha owner of tha princely Illltmora House make any return In this eouni ly of Buncombe and In tha yean that have passed there Is nothing to show, pn the tax books her that) Mr. Van flerbllt ha paid a cent on the stocks," Ixmds, mortgages ' and otrufr sources Which are supposed to make up hls fortune of some fifteen millions of dollars. He paid only on1 some fifty' pdd thousand of property; of a, ptr-' jmnal nature such as hotrses, furni ture, library U). at Uiltmor House, -And because they hav heard that Mr. Vanderbllt paid no issrsonsl taxes In New York anil knew he paid nona . here save the Article last named' tho ant horiies of Ruiwomie county are Investigating and with a vary keen appreciation of ' the situation have written to Mayor McClellan of New York for an afuthorltlve state ment. ' Tim law of North Carolina says that a citizen must list his poll tag and other personal property and whoever does not do so shall "Be guilty of a misdemeanor" and In cldertlly a miin who Is found guilty of a misdemeanor may he sent to tit chain gang. These stnlemenls of conditions, based on Information seemingly cor rcct, urn of emphatic Importance to New York and North Carolina. Mr. Vunderbllt Is In Washington where he arid Mrs. Vanderbllt have a house for l.'.ie social season and so he cannot bo reached and no one here Is authorize'', In speak for him or to uiiike cx-olanMlion. Mr V u mlei 'bin Is ii member of the gi'eni V niiilerhllt family and In con sei in in-,, is H ilgure of national Im portance, one of tho most prominent elilneii nf ihe huid, aside from his wor.d wide reputation as owner of tho I'hateiiu and its surrounding es tjfe of 151). ftou acres of great maun ti in und woodlands near Ashevllle. "'boiistio'ls make yearly pilgrimages hero solelv in drive on tho superb f the estate and perchance Its ov. ner a they pa, the ts.ll wlille Willis of the finest private res Idem e In America, and owner sup- . I posed to lie v.orth some fifteen mil lions of dollars or even il greater .siioi -iin e hundred of hniisands are ii'-'iuiii'l e.nl'. for the miii lite nance j of lie- u'"i" rt In addition to tho rev I enu ii uhh h eoine from the rental of hole s in ihe mod' I village of Hilt 11, o e ii nd l I o I III Vet ii appe.ns I hat two years ago Mr Valid, thin affirmed that he WHS in. I liable for I axes ,n the City of Tievr York, a .d' v. hh li lie hud previously claimed hi re-iiteiice. and was there tore nli.-e. fr-.in the assessment oni l-i.'.i.;.l pi' p-rlv l.e.-anse he said h was a und. i a of North I'.irollna. But neither ttiai voir nor Ihe past year did he list s.i. ti taxes here. Did ho list iiiein a n , v. here ? If not a resi- t N. v York or of North I aro- ;k sl) REAR ADMIRAL EVANS REPORTS DESTRUCTION OF KINGSTON Item. TROUBLE AT THE LEGISLATION DISTIIK'T .SCHOOL. Tlio bi b(v of the school makfs a face at the. teacher. TJie defiant attttutiie of the fen ate toward th I'resldenl threatens tube maintained for some time. News tVAHIII N'( iTN. Jan in The navy hale escaped. American consul ab depurtiiieiit tins morning recelveil the sent. 'lee-i 'onnl representing. Blue following dlspati h from l'.ear-Ad- Jai Ki t gnurdlng consulate poses iniral Kvari. dated !'. H. H Maine, sions, and guarding archives. Indiana i ;a a nt. i un mo i iiha. Jan uary 1. j landed r,0. Reported mutiny at penl Whii'id" arrKe.l from Kingsinn tenliari containing 600 prisoners, today with advice from Daws nun- (loveriimcnt considers whole situation iirriing praetiial dovtrnetioii of Ihe well in hand. lour hundred and forty ii !ii-inevs s.-eiiun destroyeil. l'ire dead accounted for. Htlll many bodies followed Hrth'4iiake. lioverrimcnt in ruins. Many Americans sailed for residences in suburbs destroyed. , New York, via steamer Prina Kite! Hteumimp wharves intai t. Ship- Friedrich. on the 17th. Am sending ping unharmed. Cuban consul klll-lfnll extract of Davis report over Cu ed Other foreign residents seemed to' ban telegraph. , . . : . . . ; ' j