TUiTAbiU , v hj;M OmZLN. Sui. lay, JaiinaryO.), V.M7. jTshavillesBest Pryoods Jlore" !lfli., ' ., J, lll.i V. I . i I III ! 111 " '""lr T.mMll! ! 1 SOCIETY i tyy nil,; tSS Mr. fXirtr'n Tra for Mm. IWWworth). . Mr MJIMtwa Johnstone, each ev ened h .haitilsome home on Kreni liroad uvem yesterday nficm with a tea given In honor "f her Hl ter-dn-law Mk (J. N. Dllwonh, Jr of fj'exa . who has iim nily coine Ashi-vAie. The entire first flour of I lie Cork raatdt-niM was thrown for H ccnl" mill presented h bcaiitif appearand wild lis lsvlwh ileenratl of palms. Hoiiihi-r:. smilux nml fn grant rut flowers. Mrs. Cockn r mived her guents In the front pari. Anl wiro b k; driilng grown of so ilnk rci. Kin- wm assisted by ! mother, Mr lillwurth whose c turn una of Muck Milk ami rare ol lace. Mra. O. N. IXtwarth, th honort worn h charming 1'iork of blue silk hand embroidered rind line trim wed. Mr. I'hll Cocke gown wa fnsh loned of' white natln and IhlfTon .Gnlvnr friend and relative of th hostess who save valuable aid I maklni the filiation Mich B MlKnal success wore Mm. J. A. Durrough, t.BIlvln Vim Ilin'k. and Mr. Roliert Johnston who greeted eal ler III the had and Mm. Frank Chap man. Mis Lillian Itnynold. Miss How fhnpman mid Mr Herbert Reynold In tlio library. A pleasing an novel ft-Ht nrc of the decoration wo thn tropical arrangement of vine, graven . and vfirtou southwm frail JestooHit over an aloov devated to tithe serving; of a dsllclou pune made from the Dure . juice of fmali fruits Kiiri rilananaeil t two attractive young- ladla In ruirilnit ostune. Mix Georgia Danni and (Ml. liaUMj tin. t Th dining, rwm which wan green .fmd' whiio. wum K'ldnd over by Mr. "W. W, Hrnad, 8Kltd by Mlw Ilea -i Hjr"i6' Mi.ia JtMta. Barnard (tMlaaaa lielun Mint Thepeaa, Chapman. i The table, .wuh lt axnulalt laoa iTover an4 arranxumsnt of (rasa can. AmM . ant : bamm.-: vmm. Virlda'a. . mail. Satin and tulle atraamera deacandlna ijrom tia chunduDer, arova a pleaalns; Joantral faature In at room charming- tn .vr particular, .. -a t . A gar anaaicttl program- hr Connoll'a "nruheatr anllveiMd. tha pleaauraa of 7 ha afternoon; tha houaa belnc crowd r4 with ealleaa durlna the reoelvlait lioura, which wr front 9 to o'olock That LuM'Javkmm tea Ktven by tha Iaugbtr of tha Oonfedarany biat ev- wiiia at tha Y. M. C A. waa.a pro Aiounoed auuoeaa. - Tha aiKlltorlum waa jcioeoretod in rod' atidi whlt banting with the Confederate flag placad tn ev ry avallubla wa'H apat'e, Tha-' ptrr- 'iralta of L and Javkaoa oocvplad the Jilacoa of honor, tlinae, too,- draped In jthe flag, doftr to tho heart of avory - Jtrua Bouthtirnor. . ' Tha central table woa rticoratad In h Confederal aoiora , of rad and whlta and laden, with good old-fah-intxei 1160 dlabna. Tha ooatumao of jlha - daughter wora ptotureaqne and rapraaemea inuntuuy too aiyu on- talntng at that ported., aa tnmt of Jtiain were helaloomn resurrtiuted from Htilrutl traaourloa of fiwiry.- CJfneral Itay Introduced tha npi'ak- era of tho avonlng,. who were ("olomil Klngtiam and Judge Henry B, Ktuvetia. Colonel lllngham made a most Inter patlng tnlk. on Oenoral Lee, giving lritoniiI , remlnlaooncait, Judgci rlt vena waa enthunlantlo In hl adiulra tlon at Jackson, both a a man and a aoldler. An old-ftMhloned bahi) of fltldlara ptayed quaint, out-oNiluto tunes, ,whloh wora moat enjoyable. A large number of.' Aihavllla vt'tvrana wore 'preaerit and perhapa 300 towtiHpto j'lo. , ; . v v Mia Chapman' Art Tr. An out of town affair which created a great deal of Intercut waa tiie art tea given by Mine Boae Chapman at lier country, place, Hoimcroft, Krlday afternoon. MI Chapman has reivmt- opened nn art and craft atitdlo and work ahop. Mnndmndo Hn,i hand carved furniture of artistic and orig inal design wa exhibited to a throng tf Tlsitor drawn from the Arden, (kylam) and fletrhcr nelghUirhooda M waft a fror Aahevllle. A hundred cr mora of Mlaa Chapman's frlnd galled during the afternoon to inspect AHOTtitn'VtOHDtK OF " 8CI ENCE t the r.nultii of her In teat nrltxHc enter-( prim- and ) enjoy her , htH4lallly ' vthirh wim d lupi n ..d In a d. -liKhtrully I Inlornwil iniiniiiT The luli.K mum i or llolmrroli Iiiih In n l onvi rti il ililoj a Hiuillo for the p rem nf, uii'l the i lunrH, window nou'H. Hi(i-e. i reeim. dri Hlfi( tuld. H, rhln.'i ruplioanlM, i look iioo-H. il' , ainiiiU'd Ihere fori r-. elvnl elil li n-liiHI If ail mtrmlon, oiw pli i e. .'Klilciet of kii perb workiiiniiKlil., deiK rvliiK enpi rlal llli-lllloli, the ood of tile Kl uralm d unlive nak, elubomti'ly iiirved by u skillful urllHt and lili.-d ullh alluring orriMjiiirtiiient and hehre, with duorx orniiinenliMl vitth leaded paneH. MInm Chnpinan iiKiintod In re eelvliig by MrM Krn iik 'liapiniin, Mm John Carroll, MIfw lle.lo UeynoldM. MImh Nell Curmleliael uiid the MIhhi-h 'ii ii . in li ll . M ,1 ilewwt Vulr UntcrtalH. MdMler JeHMe (IrnviB Vale enter tained Hevernl of bin little frleiidx Fri day afternoon, at hl reHldenee on Mint Htreet, the iieeiiHlon being hlx alxlh birlhdny. Ire. frullH nnd enn- diea were rvl In thn dining room Then the amaH hunt eteuned hlnmelf and at the call of h whlntl Ihu kih-hI followed to the piny room, where they found Jeme III continue uh Hunta Chi iim. From a tren he dlHpeMmid winnll gift to each, which waa a HurprlHe. J J Knrprlne Marriage. A marriage which came a great itarprlae- to the friend of the young aouple waa Unit of Mr Horace Huck ner and MkM Ella l1"lle Maawell on WedBMday evenlflg, at tha realilene of Kt. J. A. Cook on Patton avenue Mr,1 Wuckner hold a poult Ion with Hackney and Moale, Mo the young doupla will maka Aahevllle their home, We Do Watch and Clock Repairing Prices Right. ' Workmanship Guaranteed TheThompson-Brarinon Co. M4KUFACTVRING JEWELERS SIIVESSMITHS : 52 Patton Avenne Mr Farlnholt dealroa to glvfl iorla of talk on Venetliut hlntory and art aa outlined halow, and re 6uet all Intereated In thn auhjoct la meet her at her homa 204 Mont ford avenue on Wednesday afternoon January 23, at S:80 o'clock; The Milkier of Venice. Tha Cruxader, Run. Marco. Th Pelan of the Dogea, Tha Merchant of Venice. The painter of Venice. Borne Hlifn Canal. The Grand Canal. Aphorisms. All flour ara good oceaatonally, Roma floura are mod moat nf t'ha tlran Climax I godd all th Um. Ahvlll Mining company mak it. All '- mm eu n, . v NOTICi TO TMB PUBLIC ftoutltorn Railway Comnony Vert many m dot tan changes tn aohoojula of paangr train will be mad,. f fectlve Jan eth, ittt7i Oetalla of whicn will be f urnlmlied later by publication in loiaora oto. J. if. WOOD. Diltrlot paaaenger Agent, a e I' J. II. Tuckrir went to forest Hill on bUHliicM Friday. Frank Chapman la In Hryoon City in kigal buHlnea. Mtm Willi Hny'lw vlltlng Mr. A. H. IHtlly In Knoavlllo. Mr. Dynum Humner I vlaltlng Mr. John Carroll nt Arden. K. 11. AlklHHon ha returned from a liUMlnewi trip to Andrew. r. nnd Mrs. Tlttrkhurdt ure occu pying :iu Moniford avenue. Mr. nnd lay for Nt. Mr. Corbel t left Auguatlne, Fin. on Krl- hyUirlun ('huri'H, munUng and avop trig. Mr. nd Mr. Charle S. Jordan re- lurncd yeHterday from New York. s Kx -Chief of I'ollce J. A. I,yerly. now of I 'union, wn In the city yeHterday. Mr. Oeorge If. Hmather and (laugh ter ara back for tho winter at 114 Moniford. J. V. nrown, who ha been to Lynchburg on a buHlncn trip, returned yeHterday. Ml Alva Ropke of Louisville, Ky., will lng In tha Methodist Protestant services this morning. Mr, and Mr. Molntyre and daugh ter, of Michigan, are guests of Mrs, M. U, Glass, 110 Cumberland avenue. Rev, C. P. Moore of North Aahevllle Method 1st church I In New Jersey visiting hi father, who I 111. Mr. Johnson and the Mlsae John son of Marlon, Jnd., are recent guosts of Mr. Pennlman at Forest Hill. Mi- Annie Arden Jnrrey and Tom lervcy hnva returned from a few days vial I with relative In Skyland. Mrs. Krwln Hluiler, who ha been visiting bar parent, Mr. and Mr. Dlekson, In Norfolk, Va., will return this wek. Mr, Moymour Hursey and on, &ta)y Hvraey, arrived recently to be tha guest of tha Ml use Hawthorne on Patton avenue. . Mr. Wortham, nea Mis Irene Mc- Ixud of thin city. I expected to arrive tomorrow to vlBlt her mother, Mr. C. M. McLoud, on North Main atreet. Mia Margaret Morriwether, one of the aeason's dnbulnnts, In visiting In Kentucky. MIhm Meriwether Is the re- Iplent of mimeroiiH social attentions during her visit. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pnlly and Mr. nnd Mrs. Jame Luther of Terra Haute, who have been the gimsts of Mrs, Charles Welborn of Woolsey, left yesterday for Jacksonville. .achuol a,t .46 a, m. Pitslor's adult Jilble clus. A Cordial Invitation I ex tended to aljj 8trangcra and visitors made welcOin,. i1 Church on Blltmor iioud. ";' v ' : Ouklaml Height PreNbytcruin Cliiireh No. 64 North French Mroad avenue. Services Hurittny mornlng'at XI o'clock nml at 8 p. m,l tho Wednesday even ing testimonial ' meeting at 8. The reading room I open dally except Hun duy from 8 a, tn. to 1 p. m., and from 4 to 6 p. m; All are cordially welcome. HIKK KISUKIUJAHTKY. There will be a meeting of the Aahe vllle Free Kindergarten Association at the residence of Mrs. C. 11. Craig on Montford avenue, Monday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock, MRS. BLAIR ARRESTfcDlO ON MURDER CHARGE (fly Aarfoclntcd Pre.) AUGUSTA, Qa. Jan. 19. A special from Columbia, gays: Mrs. C. Mf Btaj was committed to jail here this evening on a warrant charging her with the murder of her husband, based on the verdict of tho coroner's jury, returned at 3 o'clock this afternoon, J , Captain Blair , waa fatally wounded t his home Thursday, during a quar- . . . . i . v. I..- e . . v i ,. , . , ri wim iim wiib. .wnicir ne naia on the way to tho hospital where he died, was about another railroad con ductor. . Mrs. Blnlr denies that there was another man concerned or mention ed, and says that ' her husband was accidentally shot while- she and Cap tain lllalr wore fighting for posses sion of a revolver, with which ho had threatened to kill her. WITH CITY CHURCHES. All Souls' Cliun-li, Itlltniorc. ltiiv. R. H. Swopo, D. I)., rector. Holy communion, a. m.; morning Hcrvtee and sermon by the rector, 11 i clock: Sunday school, 3.15 p. in.; evensong 4.30 p. ni., followed by an irgnn recital. All seuts free. Visitors ire cordially welcome. Pimples Stopped In Five Days Every Possible Skin Eruption Cured In MnrtcloiiKly (Juk'k Time by tlio New iilelum Trealnioiit l)r. and Mrs. Clum. H. Jordan have return from a visit to Now York. John Lndd of Ohio arrived yester day for a month stuy In tho city. Miss Flvonlit Howell of Wavnen- Vllht 1 visiting friends In the city. fir. J. A. Campbell hns recovered froyn a recent attack of pneumonia. Mfc Bessie Reynolds Is spending e week end with relatives in town. h TTovrd that Daadraff Canwd by a Gcna. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Chapman have returned from a short trip to Virginia. $ Sein.-e. h.on!g wonder these days ir tnedlcine us woli as In mechanics. Since Adam lived, the human race has been tPoutok-d with daniif uff. for which no hali separation hsv liei.fofors proved a sue , Ceaafui tur- u.!.! Nrwbro'a liarplclde waa put on the- nii.rkii. it U a cleuiltic preji a ration that kin the germ that nrnko Baodruff ,n . .i, by dllng Into the "' fH i th i A of tn Hair, whan fc saps Uio vital. ; causing Itching acalp, InlUng hair, ami nnnHy baldness. With out dandriiir i ,,r muat grow luxuriantly. at I the only tl :troyer of dandruff. ia oy leaains; druggist. Bend 10c h nuTipi ror simple to The Herpl ffwo sixes 50 cent and 1100 if. fPAFfL'tiB ORU STORE, Ion Monday. Captain and Mrs. Jnrnes Johnson left during the past week for Florida. Mr. and Mrs. J a men expo ti d to return l'n Ihis afternoon. Coleman are m New York Mrs. Gorman nnd little daughter are expected to return to Margo Ter race this week. The Misses Chnpinan cmo in ves- lerd.i trom Skyland to attend the n;ocke-IlhVorth reception. First Baptist Cliun li. Bible school at 9.30 a. in., superin tendent, J. H. Tucker; 11 a. m. nnd 7.45 p. m divine worship, conducted hy tho pastor, Hev. William Luns- ford; B. Y. P. U., aenlor and Junior, at 8.30 p. m. Baptism at the conclusion of evening worship. Methodist IVotestnnt Clitirch. In K. of P. hull, Paragon building. Sunday school nt 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 and 7.45 p. m. Song service at 7.15 p. m. Miss Ilva Itupke of Louis ville. Ky., will sing I'Calvary" In the morning service. A cordial welcome to all. West Foil Baptist Church. Baxter street. Preaching at 1 1 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Sunday school nt ! 30 a. m., J. B. Citlce, superintend ent. ' I FECIAL, AAENT. !ev. K. A. Klmore. p. p, will leave his home In Chattanooga. Tenn.. Pr Elmore will prach jiodey in the Oakland llelKhts Pres- llluininatcd Text Work. Heraldic Blazoning, Crests, Coats of Arms, or Armorial Ensigns done at The Woman's Exchange N't-.:- -4. ! v. a- - A .--.. Your Orders solicited see window display. Trinity Cliiirt-li ( KplMtial.) Corner of Church and Aston streets. Iti-v Walter C. Whitaker, rector. Sec ond Sunday after the Kpiphany. Ho ly communion, 8 a. m.; morning prayer, with sermon by the rector, 1 1 a. in.; children's missionary service, with address. 4.30 p. m. All seats free. Visitors cordially welcomed. I'liianiial Lutheran Mission. Over IS-L'0 Church street. Kev. E. T. Coyner. pastor. Sunday school S :I0 iu m. Preaching 11 n. in.. Subject. "The Grace of God the Fountain of all Holiness." Central Me-lhixtisl Church. Pr. Gilbert T. Kowe. pastor. Preaching at 11 n. m and 7.30 p. m. Subject. In the morning. "The Salt of i the Karth." Subject, in the evening. I "Lessons from a Great Life." Kvery jhody rordlally invited First Church of Christ, ."scientist. Special services in Oakland Height j Presbyterian church. Hev. liobt-rt 1 Gomon. 1. p. pastor, 11 a m. and 7.30 p. m i:,.v K. A. Klmore. p I) , pastor of the S.-,'ond church of I'h.ittaiiooKn. Tenn . will I preach nt bvth services. Sablwth Send for Free Sample Patage Today Bolls have been cured In 3 days, and som of tlio worst case of akin dis eases have been cured In a wet'k by the wonderful action of Suturt's Cal clum Wafers. These wafers contain as their main Ingredient, the most thor ough, quick and effective blood cleanser known. calcluSn sulphide. Most treatments fof tlhe blood and for Bkln eruptions are miserably slow in their resluts. and besides, many of them are poisonous. Stuart's Calcium Wafers contain no poison or drug of any kind; they mo absolutely harm less, and yet do work which cannot fall to surprise ..u They are the most powerful blood purilier and skin clearer ever discovered, ami never derange tin1 system No matter what you suffer from, pimples, blockheads, acne, red rash. spots, blotches, r.ish. tetter or any other skin eruption, you can get rid of them long before other treatments can even begin to show results Don't go around with a humillntlng disgusting mass of pimples and black heads on your fa. e. A face covered over with these disgusting thing makes people turn away from you. and breeds failure iu your life work. Stop it. Head what an Iowa man said when he woke up one morning and found he had a new face: Hy George. J nevet aw anything like It. There I've been for three years trying to 'get rid of pimples and macKneuiis. and rue I .used every thing mxier the sun. I used your Calcium Wafers for Just seven days This morning c r ry .blessed pimple Is gone and I cun t find a. blackhead I could write you a volume of thanks 1 am so grateful to you." 7 lou can depend upon this treat ment being a never-falling cure Just send us your name and address In full, today, and w will aend you a trial package of Stuart' Clclum Wafers, free to hit After you have tried the sample and been convinc ed that ull we say is true, you go to your nearest durggist and get a 50c box and be cured of your facial trou ble. They are In tablet form." and no trouble whatever to take. You tco about your work ;is usual, and there you are cured and happy. Send up your name and address to day and we will nt one send you by mall a sample package free. Address F. A. Stuart Co si Btuart Bldg.. Marshall. Mish. . 1 :-.S-t-tv::f;v:; Our great Mid-Z&intet - JhleHpfe Musliti Underwear Begins ' Tuesday, January ZZd At tho present time wnwi-all-cotton gof-lsrtre upM-aiid ""coiitiiiue ::td ad vance, we think this will be a very welcome Underwear sale, and will please many Asheville women. Our previous sales of this character are well known to all Ashe ville Women. This sale wliieh begins Tuesday next to continue the whole -week, will bo the largest, the best and the most able .Sale of Undermuslins -ver held by this store. The following cut does injustice to the undergarments, whoso values can be appreciated best when seen. ' , ' Tie Um iwi M iy at (na NKatfltMf a." tl item Tdta.' L1!!"1 TO MHWwntM. mnm mm ft, mm m turn. Mail Order Patrons should attend this sale in person. It will pay them to do so. No "mail or ders" filled under .$2.00. liemember this sale will continue Five Days, am ple tune in which to make your selec tions. Our Mail Order patrons should write for samples of the new Spring arrivals. At ffhese Sxtremely ou prices . It will be impossible for us to charge. sell on approval or exchange any of inese undergarments. In " Lot 3 ' ' you will have to purchase 75c worth of underwear before receiv ing a Gown or a Long Skirt as you-will xiuie on circular. s - "Tiie Model" ONE PRICE LADIES' OUTFITTER, 32 South Main St. is having its Anniversarv Sale, with the greatest Bar gains ever known in every-! thing ready-to-wear, from ! infants up to grown up! people. j S. A. FRIEDLANDER, f pnorniETon. 1VHSS CRUISE MAMCURIXfi AM) ILURDRESS I.G PAKLOltS Toilet articles and hair good. Chiropody, Shampooing, Facial Massage, Treatment of the Scalp. Residence Phone 425. Office Phone 16. Meriwether Building, Haywood Over Club Cafe. St., CRANBERRIES 10c per Quart. These have a few soft ones among them, but if used at once are all right. 10c Quart. J. J. Yales & Co. 23 Haywood Phone 221 Public Stenographer at Swannanoa Hotel Night and Day Work JAPANESE CAFE AND LADIES' TEA ROOM. No. 5 West Pack Square. "fir nlas A Fancy Dress Car nival will be held at the Asheville Skating Parlor next Thursday evening, January 24. Prizes will be given. i i EVERY ILVT THAT THE PARIS MILLINERY o. it South Main Street, WHX BE SOLD AT CUT PRICES to make, room for stiring-kKx-k. W ill sWI for one erk only Veils Jti yanfo long, io brown, laa anat rr at 9c each. . ' I Our Meati3 - Are Juicy Tender and Sweet, The Globe Market T. 1. Suniarr Co. Vtvme 1031. r r