THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN oe V0LXXn.NO.120. ASHEVILLE, N. 0., FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 29, 1907. PRICE FIVE CENTS. The Only Associated Press Newspaper in Western North Carolina THAW IS SUBJECTED TO A STEADY FIRE OF QUESTIONS BY LUNACY COMMISSION Examination. Contrary to Ex pectatlons. Is Conducted Behind Closed Doors. SITTING IS ADJOURNED UNTIL TOMORROW I'AltTLY CIAH'DY. (By Associated Prow.) WA8HINGTON, March 28 Forecast for Friday and Sal- urday: North Carolina; Partly cloudy Friday and Saturday; light to fresh to Mouth winds. Thaw's Attorneys Emergej From the Hearing Feeling j Hopeful and Happy. j BELIEVE GIRL WASASSAULTED AND MURDERED of Murdered Bristol Girl Come to Light. (By Associated PrcsH.) i NKW YUKK. March 28. Harry K. Thaw, for two hours today, mibmitted I himself to a running (ire of questions ' . l. ,. Kma man ii r . In . I n t e l( hv -TllR-1 tlce Fltigerald as a commission in Further Developments in Case lunacy to determine his present state of mind. The examlnatloruswas con- j ducted behind closed doors and when. ! a few minutes before ! o'clock this af-! ternoon. an adjournment was taken j until 10 o'clock Saturday morning, no. one connected with the hearing before I the commissioners would discuss thej( HALE ARRESTED details of the Inquiry. Thaw went willingly and confidently. r"H APP.PH WITH fPIMP k.fnr (ho 4iwlo.0s nnH when the twni VIIii.uui " ' 1 " viil IL. hours secret session was concluded his attorneys appeared with smiling faces. and declared they were more than sat-1 m.i,, r. i mill ivn . isfied with the course of the proceed- ' " w Inn. District Attorney Jerome hur-; rlnl away from the criminal courts building, declining absolutely to say; one word annul tne commissions work. Waived Jerome Aside. The most important feature of the day's proceedings was the decision of I the commission to limit the scone of inquiry to me exact language OI me statute to -determine solelv the uues- ton an to whether or not Harrv K Thaw Is able today to understand the nature of the court nrncecdinB-a against him and is able to advise his counse in a rational manner District Attorney Jerome announced to the members of the commission thnt uil it the egal exnertH h. hml omt.lni'At 1" the Case had advised him that Thuu IS Suffering from H nuUD nf ro-- atlftla. a ntseiiite Of the mlnrl In mhih the rOCOVeriPB Dr. liniitc.,1 le. t.,rt rxr three ner cent He ofrereH aAA,, tetllnijnV to Rimrinrt IViIu ulotamcnt hut the commission e.ilee,t it ...uia.. and Nilill thill th. roireou.. ,,r tl.n In quirv was a vurv aimnle one ii the Crime is Shown and Post-Mortem Examination Held. (By Associated Pre.) BfylBTOL. Tenn.. March 28. De velopmenta today lead to the belief that Lille Davis, who was shot In East Hill Cemetery last night, dying an hour later, was assaulted and mur dered. Johnson City officers claim that the girl was to have been a witness against a younger brother of Ack Hale, who was with the giH at the time she was shot, in a triay for man slaughter to be called atthat place next week It is reported that the-foaii killed was a brother of the dead Davis girl Policemen who arrested Hale and have had him in the sweat box hold t the theory of foul play. Witnesses ex amined testllied at the inquest today I to incriminating actions and tonight to do nm iviti. n, ,..i.i...,.i. . ..f.the authorities to noin a second post menia diseases hm .. uh ihn i mortem on the girl. I ne inquest an- rr a rnsenl .tola ,.e .... . 1 1... lonrnnrl nn,l the rinvsicians mane llie -.-.. 01 iiimoi an juukciu. .,- - - laymen I examination at the conclusion of On Jerome's Position. j which they reported evidence of crlm In laying down Ibis decision the ! inal assault '.' I'.iiiiuiueu uie uisinci ai lomev W'ilh the varv,. n,. .. maintained In nimlnir Thu,. (rid for his Hfo m t on the No powder burns were foun girl's clothing. Hale Is In Jail on the Virginia ebb and owlnir to the Intense feeling lhat ThW WHV Ullff..rln fH .! ..... , ..I- l. 1 t 1 ...I,......! ,. ,. """"'o 1HMM puictllOlU WniCIl IlttM llfO'lilJtfU II' nuriijfi v. n On IIP II ivtrl V... ....... 1 . . . ..... .. ..... rn.. ...n--. wen ne snoi hi Hinenimano 10 iransier 11 m 10 11 e 1 1 - Stanford While hut hn u.l.i..,, ih., mi . ...1. ...... " " n'uici Kim Chan;. 1 IIU SOOl Wlivir tin" ir.uiiMp, ParanniHi-H often 1, ia.. ... , . .. .... .... ,1.. -- ...... int.- ni iuiruKL' rpwi w hiv rppi nh ill 01 tne 1- wnat they are doing and that ThawKnia.Tnnes.w stale line and as tin Knew 1 he nature and quality of his actarreHt had been made hv Virginia of in Killing White and knew that thei,k.erB an the legal formalities had lo eLr,"S "r"" Th,,s- whllp "''"'' 'be gone over bv the Tennessee autho, 'XDiris may determine today thati,te" .. ... llM unnnR Irorn llran(ai inc fjiif.mli.n ...V.I..V. .1.. , . mission . 1 , V ' rom iflnc wedding gown in which th a,8 soieH- v ,n' 1J" " ' . II wan to have ,0 lii- biirieri ill thr Kir! married early In (online itself s lo the nr,,,..!.. , , ' April to a well Knoun coal mine own- ini . proieedlngs iigainsl him and 1 1" ahili. to advise his lawyers. '"' . Thi eoinmlssion got iier av with, " tXZ'S'Z. defend! !CONaRESSIONAL ?".m. ";ri', lA,,,,rn,-J " pro-! PARTY HAS VERY ru'n'e't::; narrow escape T r"'1 "'I'-t"" pr.-M-nt during I- J1' "fniinatioi, 11. finally mat- i (By Amoctoted Prr-ss.) he would have no objection to the j NEW ORLEANS. March J A xamiiiai,on going 1,,1-uard provided ; thrilling, hut harmless, accident ... e wa permitted to reserve his cross-! curred today to the congressional par "lamination. The commission forth-1 ty of rivers and harbors .omniittee ' '"'"d the matter of the presence men. who are inspecting Louisiana wa "h,. ' ' v'"'r''- by excluding them from ; terw ays. While they were aboard the r'"in along with everv one else steamer Sewanee on the Anhafalay.-i ex.-r.nt tl,. .l,.f , . .". .' .... ....... . .. , 1 th ill- river, which is out ot the steamer Oxbow milid- 1 ausing it to careen so far that capsizing u:i- ini- cros -examination bv the i rolnent. The Sewanee righted wifely. barrels of ' 111' R ..-.I . j. ;r ' moi as!iuiii OIS- ei !-niii '"I atb.rnev , ,l ,,,h II. o n.. d Thaw s letters tile JVTIM EO ON PAGE THREE) ' her but with th eloss of Hire stores, which slitl owrboar.l "CHICK9' STAHL, WELL KNOWN BALL PLAYER, ENDS HIS UFE tiKi.i. ha a UKT Hll,i-v Cha 1 Aiarcn 2X. eir. ir . S .?'hl- " n In baseball - ' nick Stahl. committed '"day in hl r v. ...... let) Knrir,.. V. . " WIP urti noiei. oy swallowing "thi .8" N'J (au,ie i8 known. Ler''P1J" n"f ,ne Boston Amer--' v hvLf" 'earn, and for- ffing Z-u h" bandond the lte4 mll brM,kr't niroal and b. hn"L he left for hta ow ano lt "ich h shared with Collins. .'or p " "JPfoaed he was dreaslng P ,rt,c Collins entered the room a few minutes afterward aiel S'ahl told him he had Just taken carboht acid. In a few minutes he was in ter rible agony To members of lhe team whom Collins summoned. Stahl said "Boys. 1 couldn't help it. it drove me to it " Members of the team sa tlu-v do not know what he meant, but t bey knew be was worried about something A bottle of carbolic acid had been tak en away from him a few days ago a' Louisville. Ky. Htahl'a wife at Boston, ami hie rel atives at Fort Wjvfle.. iPAwrenotl-' fled. He will be buried at Fort Wayne. Ind. YxT-:: ,.-'-)-'. n Af'v--rt--' ' '' ISWi t , . .. -.. Ill a off? r?m Women's Club Has Men's Smoking Room. An a gentle hint to the men that the women might like similar courtesies extended to them, a smoking room bus la-'il irolild for the male hcx In the Women's t'luli or Sprlngllcld. Mmmh, and both iMtclielorsi and married men are eni-oiii-Hgcil to make line 0f n. r fieorge ('. Mei'lean. the pn-siilent of the ortninlxalkin Wlih-h in been tlie first In the eonntry to Introduce Ibis novelty, la a leader of fashionable wH'lety and the club Is up-to-date In every way. poc. lug every adjunct that men's have and adding the Innovation re ferred to. CONFLAGRATION VISITS SOUTH BOSTON CAUSING MILLION DOLLAR LOSS TIME NOT YET COME FOR INTERVENTION IN CENTRAL AMERICA For Socond Time Virginia Town Is Nearly Destroy ed by the Flames. Doclslon Arrived at In Con ference Between Root and Ambassado; Creel. INFORMATION IS LACKING Ai Kf ara TWENTY-SIX ARE KILLED IN SOUTHERN PACIFIC WRECK The baggageman of lhe train, whose name has not been ascertained, also was killed." Engineer Clarence Wormlngton, and Fireman Victor Kregg wen- caught In the wreckage here late this evening when weatjund terribly burned. Out of about hound train for San Francisco, ran Pullmen passengers only two sua into .n nn .wlteh Knur, i 'alned serioua Injury. The Pullman (Hy Associated Press.) t'OLTON, Cal., March 28. A dis astrous wreck on the Southern Pacific I iccurred one and a half miles east of were derailed. Twenty-six persons are coaches and the diner, which were known lo-have been killed and the "" ,nH rPBr lnP "m no ,nvr list will probably toial much higher. lne lru, K- lhe Injured number about MO. "he Morence Koberts Theatrical The wrecked couches were hurled 1 company, occupied one coach, which In every direction and four were was thrown from the track and mashed Into splinters Most of the 'rushed. Twenty luo members of tin- dead were Italians from New York company wen- injured. Miss liobiiis nd New Orleans going to San Fran- escaped unhuri The escape from ieco. They occupied the smoker ami death of the m-i upnnts of this car was lay couch. Kighteen corpses wi re remarkable. I lo- scenery an. I proper- brought to I'olton this evening and li,'H carried b tin company iwie de- elght additional bodies could be seen ' stroyed. underneath one of the demolished There Here i bri ars. This car could not be raised un- accident occurred, til a derrick was brought from Los open couutn Th. Angles, sixty miles away Hut two 'were first to I.. Americans are known to have been tastrophe linn. hi killed, (ieorge L Sharp, of Muncle, scene and phs 83,941,510 IS POPULATION OF THIS COUNTRY United States Gained Eight Million People In About Six Years. (Hy Amuclated I'rena.) WAHIIINtlTO.V, March 2 The ment has not yet arrived when America and Mexlca ran Intervene to stop the spread of war In Central Am erica. This wan the decision arrived at aa the result of a conference be tween Becretary Root and Ambassa dor Creel at the state department to. day. The secretary. also had the ben efit of the advices received by the dip. lomatlc representatives of the Central American state from Ihelr own gov nmment. The absence of definite Information from the seat of trouble Is embarrass ing to the officials who are desirous of bringing about peace. The state department received a dispatch today from United States Minister Merry at San Jose, Costa Itlea, announcing that It la reported there that Amapala, Honduras, la be ing bombarded. Amapala la the chief Honduran port on tha Paelfio kid and President Bonllla. of Honduras la r ported to have Med to that port which was formerly one of hla strongholds. Some time ago it was reported that Nicaragua, had aent ft gunboat to storm Amapala. BUSINESS SECTION OF CITY IS DEVASTATED Fire Departments From Other Cities Are Called In. ' No One Injured. COLONIES HAVE NEARLY TEN MILLION SOULS tracks w her which is ii i. people of i Notllieil of lhe in -.Is burricil lo th ms and nurses it I in lhe Hot Mew York Has Over Four Mil lions and Chicago Passes Two Million Mark. , ind., was instantly killed brought from San Ifernanliiio CONTENTION OF THE GREAT NORTHERN IS UPHELD BY COURTS COUNSEL CONFIRMS PURCHASE OF TRACT l! -NM-ia(cd Press.) ASI I I i;TO. . Mai. Il 2 There an- now ii. ii 1 1 Igbi million more pi ,iple in ' '.. Iitlll. I 'lilled States than III. it- were six M ars ago. The above estiinale Is baaed upon ligi implied bv Un Hal repoll Issu (lly Associated I'rcss.) ST i'AI'L, Minn. March :-Tlr tale supreme court today tipbeld (tie real Northern Hailwas company in contention that H bad the light I. sue the JiiO.iHifi.iinti ot'sio.-k author ized bv tb" l.uanl of directors some inonlhs ago. and vvh'. b was enjoined AttorTieV YoUHg. who laimed Hiai lhe cmpair should first nie before th. st;,ie railroad and Vvfarehouse corumissioli and submit lo in examination l.i -lew the necessitv nd pnrpo.. ..! lb.- issue Tins c.,n- 1 1 1 ion of tin- -tale upheld bv lldge llallam in the Ramsey couiitv listritl lourl. .vie ordered ah Ihjonc- m to IS.-UC Til'- supte.,,. rt to. laV l-VeSell iat tb-. i-i-.n lb. opinon of in.- ourt Wa-- i,nalii!ll -.o- (Sai-lal ii l!ALl;i(ill, M of slate ltulav . llie s:ate ho. -purchase "I I i in lo tin- lu ll. il Hospital t-.t (lie purpose -.1 (cm"' in conn. . of the i ap.1. n t iori" It Is und. r was .',". an. i " b a I r 1 1 . .' 1 1 1 .. go lo Moigii probablv t i, land for th. t ions and (..,. -both institui ... "Colonies I 1 t ra. I just I. The Ill.-n I Il 1'X - Tb. ' - rnied t be ,i, t , 'onnnissiou it teres of land .' trait ..I th. ' be insane h I ding a ' c.i. .ii ii with Mo in. I the st-ile II, that th. l ! . ..I lb. ' lie t omtt.i next Tue .tdditional pital th. I Will be Later on. establish, . i iisuh buleilll I loda. Ac- - e-.t i tnales llie poplllll iii. lit a I I nil. .1 SI ales In ill :. I a. I hi- being an In 'o.ii ..l 7 ' i;.'i:i I .,i .! tie I lilt l.d lb. AI..-I-. ii I'". ll Hlllle. , I I . - . I 1 . 1 I ..til ini-ii lo I '('!., .1 p-, I' ll c I -llll illg I II II'-- . I f I. I ii,o r. CORBIN BANKING CO MAKES ASSIGNMENT (Ity AMMMdatifl Press.) NF.W YoltK. March r The I'nr bin hanking Couipunv- totlay assigned for the benelli of creditors, to lieorge '. Aiislln The Iwo members of the company are (.corse S. Kdgell and Austin Corhln Mr Kdgell is president and Mr Corbln vice presldenl of the Miinhiil tiin lleai b Hotel iiinl I, anil . oinpiihy Mr Aiislln said Hint u rough estlmiile placed lhe Ihtbllltles al I I Villi. (MM) ami IINSi ls III 1.1,011(1,111111 The HSSlgllllienl was doe to the maturing of ohllHii tloiiK Ha I.I he: "TIiiich are hard anil money Is high The coinpiiiiv owns Kid in res or land at Manhattan ll.-nt h and Fur Itock uwiiy, width Is worib I.I. ()(!. (dm. but II could be sold today under existing ...,n. lit hois lor I I.uOU.hOtf. Vuu mniii.t get any ont- to itoy real estate at pri-M-enl There Is oilier valuable real es liil. In (be boiiIIi ami west, but loan" III. I eolllracts prevented II It -.ill being Ii posed of ' INVESTIGATION OF MOSQUITOES BEGINS N i; W ' UI,KA N'S. M.i i h 1.' ' I'll- i i'i mil i I'm if ih. kirn! v hi 1 1 h it n s I I,. ". uMi-iinii'M- iinfwl t in .' - ,11 I 'I in ii il It I n'l.i ' in K'i 'i '1 1 1 t ' i r m m 1 1 1 1 km f( ni 1 1 " h ir.up mil t ll'-vv it -hi t xli i fiilh 1 1 tittf ' li in - un Ii nji ' ' 'I ( t if ii-.t n. tii.ii I Mi" . id nil 1 1 1 1 1 1 h'li tt Hi' , ;t In J.' 'Ill -J I ' l J I I A ' triMi- gi i;mim: itxisi i VI ' I i II V, ' hm lii' il I'rr ' nf till. ' -"H I J .til' JIM' ' I NORTH CAROLINA DEFEATS CORNELL (Itv 'tciliH-il i'n I I i H AI'KL H ILL. V ' ' . Mar. h : , . tht i i.. il p. I. lo r ga-., the the rnnersiM -f ,v-.rtb Carolina1 dav hv giving f.v men tt.' .r bases, I bits -ill-. v., fig BLOW OF FENCE RAIL PROVES TO BE FATAL Act. ft on , It. -Ill il, I upon Hi.' ... . lit I bv In- 'lit.. -. e.l I d th ..lav , Ii- .. n'Lhg ! i t .t t, , vv Sc-re Sumniar;. nrtid aroliiia eg i: ll E ( Hv ll'iTHAV dispute o-.t-r night near OVel the he. Smith, tih. death toda know n fa r.-t I n Ste, , iHted I'rc-s March uridary I ' i Koacb vv h a rail I. ,d causing I l lll'-l! i Smith ha- KOt ItOhl HI OMM M lilt .Hlaled l"r-s-.. KIM Match '-, ,.. t '.'1,i . t ' ;.-n. I a I Km ,; ! . .in in. i nd tie- J., p., a. I f ' I,, j., in. .!.. .-. n Km- i i-.i, (lly AsMHlated l'reiat, ) DANVUXK, Va March II. '. the sm-ond time durlntr tha past it month the town of Houth Hoston. lu cated thirty mllea north of Danville,' waa vlsted by fire this afternoon. At :J0 tonlaht the fire WSJ reported to be under control, but only after en tailing a lose that la estimated be tween I H 00,009 and $1,000,000. Almost tha entire tobacco section : or tha town and a considerable por- ' Hon of tha business section was devas tated by tha flames. Tha heaviest los era from the lire will probably be tha It. J. Iteynolda Tobacco oompany hi whose plant It nrlflnated. rire broke out at 1:10 o'clock thla afternoon In the steam tobacco faotory of th Itey nolda company and was eauaed by, some mishap to one of tha dry ma- . chines. In a short time the bulldlnav a four-story brick structure' waa In Dames. Tha loss from the building and machinery la estimated at UM0O and (10,000. The fire then extended to tha storage warehouse of tha jXey4 nolda dnmpahy, a three-story 'build Ins;, In which waa stored hundreds o0 . hofsheade of tobacco valued at about lien.oo. or mora. Tha bulidlna" waa worth IS, 000. From the lleynold fac tory the rtrn spread to the store house of the H. A. Thorns Lumber company, then to the factory of tieorge A. I,e.a A Co., of Danville and the storage warehouse of T. II. Johnson, a tobacconist, who was a h.avv loser The bulidlna Occupied By (leorge A. I ah k Co., Was valued at 1 10,000 and lhe stock of tobacco at between ir,,000 and 110,000. Tho Johnson factory was valued at fully 150,000. The following other building ami most or tneir contents were o stroyed : oilier IIiiIIiIIiiks Destroyed. Hlebblns, Hpriigglns ft Lawson, wholesale grocers: Kasly flrocery company Kasly n loliacco warenouse; Virginia Holding company; l. II. Pat terson's saloon; Turner's saloon; Orlf- Oil's harness factory; Hunk of Hotitli Host. in In which building tho tele phone exchango was located, and burned, Johnson At Lloyds drygood esiabllMbmeiit ; I'ci rv (Irocerv riini- tuiiiy; l-'lag's warehouse; Mlur warn I louse; J W. KllhiH, groceries; J. 1,. N'eul. ilrk good,-; .1. 1. 1'nlferson's saloon. Collins livery slables, (lulld . Mo -cv T'obacco priuei ). fit addition lo lhe alsne, a largn number of small bouses. Including collages III Ho- negro secllofi In the VI, Mill', of Hie tobacco district WITH bill Itctl No oi ustalni-d any Injuries In lh Un. ami no raili. .ail property was dc-.Iro-i.l Tie- Norfolk Western depot wa-. in tlatig'-r and al! 'f the freight was r. moved from lhe depot to lis, , ,,i Tbl -tep later proved ulineccs ji ft Th,- I,,, lighting facilities "I HouHi Ho-toii pioved very lnnde,iiMe In . 010I..1I I n.K Willi the MaltK-s HbortlV tet ll,e In. bloke dill the Danville hie d. paii ne ill v at. telegraphed lo b in t., nines- iili-l shortly alter fi k . ti loi S-oilli Itoslon, arrivinK I here about an hour l.'i'er At this llirin the llaiiK bid gained great headway ,,, d bill !-'! ! he all I VII I "f the J i 1 1 '. 1 1 1 " cmpait M 1 . -aid 'hat I Ik n"r tov.n vv-,-i!.l b.... biirried. H-ulh H" I. n lias .1 v.. bit. I. el ."inpal.. and t ti . v . c. b.v.. n lv -- ... us kept ' "l.l I-' l 1.1 Main -' 1 ' -Vt.iiJ . j c.v-. j I hard woll. ;. to Ho s.'ilh llep Hnrbaiii Offers Mil tonight tb, Durham, ill Itienl VV I 'clcet :t I iciiMiM 111 on ri.i: 'ill 1 tl . 1 per ! OLD VETERAN DIES OF HEART FAILURE i FLORIDA MERCHANT j IS FATALLY SHOT (Hi --M-ialed I'ress.) I.IVI-; OAK ' . March 2 - II -'tsrling. a te r.'-nt rner. bant, are 1-. ..Int. (By Ass-lniel lre. I CltLt HtADO Sl'ltl.VtlS. ' oi.. Mar Hamlin K L.e a v.t.-ran ol the and 'iv;i v .. I- and a nephew of General H'.b-r- 1. estertiay "f t.-ari years Althouifll l-.-eiv r-iai.-ti 10 in tottirn gen. rl and Virginian b j With. Mr ! f.tuitht uliii the I nlon errny In the awe -eiiues ..u. t-- weBt to l.-HOJMile a vie efer of the fam..iis Robert mln died here aged 17 K bee postma-tei .1 ev ening are! .1.. Hi- ' shot iffe .0 as-aiian'- ' tha' the-, w hit met- Alphlri. wa .ho probable thai b. literally tilled on the trail Oe probabllll 11- ' captured A ' with ' h I (H -.m1u-J 'rem.) KALKIGH S ('. March Z. fayette Unlver-.iv 0; Agricultural Mechanical fo.lege 4. La and ,,i,., A lt h null niat, creatu . cv er eristl Irhao I'ofiiilnlloll I , , , , i i .... i , .- i it.i ifK-n'al I'm' -...'. ; ,., , ... a-t.-d bv S'l'l- , . , ,,-, vv hi- n . ,. i, -mi- . ar ' h'- "'!- ,l -..j,;,- -ti l 'Ik reiiiai ri I ng . r . - '.: '.7 I. IS.'., an , ' . . :.i ;.-.!. or iv 7 ,. , , j t ' t 1 1 ba li sipu , r.ot. .v .1'b- The 'I 'Hies ., ent.ii,t.d fs.pulation of Sfl. r more Ir. 1" had a OAJtl emt 1 filiation of l.T7l.l7! an. In h of ? "'' "3 or 11 t per cent that reported st the twelfth WILL ATTEMPT TO BRING ABOUT A SETTLEMENT OF DIFFERENCES va ashi.m; 1 111.111 Mhrtai (III . -.slated l"rc.) n March V- -Chair- Krii., "J 'be In'cr- l.,. ...tnii,.!-' . ,.toriii--ion and 'liarles I' ,v .il ' otitinl t-nier of laltor. will ba-.e b.-ie tomorrow noon for 'hit ago. her. they will hold a . nnferefi' - with r pre,- n la 1 1 ves of the eoiidu'lors and traiiiineti and officials of western railroads fcnlerlng Chicago in regard to the dispute over the 'iues ilon of Wages, whhh threaten" to re--suit In a disastrous strike unless s set-: "factory adjustment Is e&ected I.' li the Visit tte sllfipl and oti, Ih. r.,,i. dial,-, 1, and Hie rnltoad- "It tn.rcf. tier the law 'to put with th. 1 not 11 Knipp sai-l tonig'il Hilt hims.-lf and Mr Neill will ti tin direction of mediation t ' 1 n 1 lot 1 11. eff oris at iltaiion came fr ne b. . "lues our du'y Ull aitl Chairman Knap p. ourselves in comm umeailun parties and endeayor to brlna . aboot a seUlemenU If we ran .in mai effort, then It is our duty to epdeavor to Induce the parties Up enter iht aa arbitration." . -

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