;1 r PAGE TWO Tin: akiikvilu: citizkn. SOCIETY 1 n ii i : m i rjvf r ilie prettiest iinc (1f n Jl .TM-'fVfjr in i ii ii i i u ii I I I i if i r i i .1 "Vi -v. i r i . in j II i m in ii " . in i ii . , ; j J - . f i t i ? i HI 4 j Hp : . t i .mii1 1 rMxT f.rllirilllt OI.-.IM-il I Kmuy In A-ii. . - i f r it 1 1 v iil.srviil liy hi i . a p " i 1 1n' !: i i w t I ii n. I i'i .i. ii if '. II.- -.I ' I, i -. .- a I -I.. . I i 1 I V. ll Ol . ir--.' li- ' t ' I ' i ' u Ii ' I'M V. Ni-f "V l.l.l- f.i.r ' ir.iv in 'I" xtrini- iihI I h" ' I." I I 1 Jrtuil tat ill -11I..11 - i"i ih' I- ' ' 1'llfiV ilflVl. MI li.'W 'III' I 111!" II IWH'i-nl Jl-iilt'. - III l.htu.il .--' t Mnnrl Viil.lliit In nlilntl.'ii N. xl ..!.. Tlift mnrriinf. o h linm-l" Wil lliimK, (IiiiikIiI'I "f a 1 1 . 1 Mi- ' ' ' JllniT Wllllnlim ..I UiimI,IiikI !. .Mr llllnm Wallm-. M- In will ...-cur In VHhliiKi.n ..ii Tlin-.lay A.mI Ho- fourth. Till" hi'I n.- of Mm en. .in- ml w-iMiiiks i ....li..l 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1: 1-JiiHti-r wftk. .4 .4 j:nMlcr fitto!. lit llllliiior- lions-. Among tho hoiti.- k'i.-hi. ol Mr tin.) Mm. 0ore Vnnili'rlilll will In. S.-nii 1ir nnil Mrs. "him n. -v In-p.-w ni-l Mr. JfTVllliT .f Hi.. II. IkIhmi I,k.i 1km. Mr. l..-T-111-r 1 1 1 unll fur Ku rrtpi fin April tin- l.'Mh mid will n. rplurn l' WhhIiIukIi'M ni-xl hcux.ih, . V. V. V. Mi't-lliig TimIiiv. Zcbulnti 'niiri ennui I c ' will Vile! It ri'Kitl.ir iii'-.-IIiik ililx nii.rii triK n! 11 i"i-l'.rl. A full Mi-n.lnii.'i. ! "rifril--f-ir- - iVif nI-ii-wwi- ..Af .. -.mtMir-Ui.!M.u.v ri(l i')irllim .if nlTI. " IK, .li'l.-Kiil.'x I', (hp Tlli'hi)i.in.l iriiiiliin ulilrh will held May .10-3 1 nml .luin- I-:. Mm. McHthjit llnn-nnlim llnrni'in The nraci'ii CIhkh nf the VUrM TillitlKl Churrli wiik ciil.-rlMln.-il lnil 'ftl1fiir I'v Mr-. 1. IV M.'l'rn' i-r hi hi r hiimp on M'.n'1 - - .-n r- i rle!! Kill fill 'Ml.'.l'.u i.f n.M-in plnnurm f)iyi'il liy thi min tirri of (hr cIar. M i- II. 1 1 1 Ii, Ii' M s 1 1 1 1 . i ii. 'I i - ' i , i .ii'. i.. h.i Ii" V I--, I- I. .,' hill.' . I - . ,i I A il l v " H li,M- "f I I' I' Il.-I I -1 I ill I'M !ll-" h.l - h.'.-ll F K-III II II K i. aiM ill I H " I'"lii i.- Ill I 'mi lium! I . li-- M.ni.i Hr.iun .1,.. ,1 il.. nii'l.ll. "I I. in. I. fl. . I I. I --Ii v .iil f..r IJliK- ii DIAMOSNDS W'c .in- slmwiii"; an crliisic liiif f th in" li-lir lliaiiniiiil .Jewelry ever shown in tlii Yniir iiisjiecl inn solicited. -t ar- eit V. The Thompson-Brannon Co. JEWELERS & SILVERSMITHS North Carolina Gems A SPECIALTL Stferwear ftose are guaranteed to (dear Six Months These Hose may ! had for mpii and women. They are sold by fu. jmx. sj j airs bejiitf in ea i lto. They are guaranteed a.irai'ist wear, tear, and holes. .;;,(. box has a coiijion book eiiclused. The j trices are: 1 Mox Hose ((J paiisi, lor women, at $2.00. 1 Hox Hose ((i pairs), for men, at $1.50. j7 Beautijul ine of fancy and Plain Jiose We have the fancy Hose in most all colors including dots, checks, embroidered and lace effects. Prices range from 25c, 50c to $1.00 pr. Plain lisle, cotton and silk Hose for women, children and men. Prices for plain colored Hose range from 10c, 15c and 25c pr. upwards, Ml. l-'llili.-v w ill l.-iiv.. "Ii Tlilirfilny i.l n. l u..U I'M I" i li'.iii.' Ill In. II. in-!, ii- .11.- ! ei- rl 11 X Ii I v , t . ..I 4 4 ,4 4 ..4 ..4 , ,4 .4 L4 .4 ,4 ,.4 ,4 ..4 ,4 ,4 J Jt J J ,4 , ,4 ,4 .4 Jl .4 Mlw M'i lln- I I'l'.'iK. f Trvnii N Willi!! Mu. i-: i. .i.iii.-s hi Mill Sembrich-Damrosch Festival l-'r.'.l i'i.im- will l.'iiv.- iiIi.miI I hi" nn. I ill.. ..I A.i II f..i ii v l"il w nil ri I. ii. I- in N.-w V'.ilv llu- lOiiHl.-r Ii.iIIiIiih Iriiin I im .iii..ri i nlli'Ki'. I.i'ii"lr. $, PERSONAL. I J J. O. Wllncin kavoii Unlny for Chi- n. h. lnJy. Kill Ihuv.-h fur eini'lniiiiil Ralph Ilullnml of llurnHvllln In In Iho city. MIm Roia Cliapiiiiin hu rotiirncd to pkyland. W. II. Iayno rpturng on' Bunilay to l.hlrairo. Rrl nfw'll if Jli'nili'ru.invllli' l In (lit) rjiy. I.. Ii. I.i'WIn hin ri'l rnrd In 1 1 1 home In ( ililn. Mm. J. Pultun I. II .Hlci ilny nlt.n nnon for Ohio. Mm. Mi''i)IoiikIi koi'h I. In Chli'flK'i toiliiy. Il.T hulnn Mm. A. H. M'.tir.M. li:ii i-.-tin ni'.l to hr lioini" In eiili'K.i. Tfon. t'hiirlcK A. Wi'lib ri-tiuntd from Itnlt'lsh yi-miTiluy. TT. I. Kmnnuol of l'l'tii-rslinrK lfl !n town IkIiIiik hl nmthiT nml nlntrr on Slnrne iivTiiit'. Mr. l-'mninn'l wa rrnreil In Afhi'Vllli" nrnl In now with Trunk 11. will In In Vloilnl" to M.i-inl tin- Kintir liolliliiy wlih hln liilln r, Hi 11. will. .1. II. Wiiilo, who hit li.-i'ii In Hip i lly ..r Kiiin.. wi'iiiK. rii iirni'il y.'f i.'iilil In eiili'HK'i. Th MIhhi'm ehiiiniiiiii of Hkylmnl. who hnvi- lii-rii In low n Tor m-vcrnl iliiyn. ii'inrml yi'ii.T.hiy. Jhk. W. lliiriiH nf Ilic ( liiirnpl.in Flhri- comimny 1 1 1 lnvc tmluy on n ImikIiii'h Hlrlp to ChliiiK.i. J. ft ltliiuirilioii. who lins h.i'ii 11 vlMllnr lo AhIu.MIi for llni-o woi'ki lift yoHti'iiliiy for the north. i - Minn Kim ritli'roy of Virginia will l lhi KiiHtnr kih'bI of Mr. l'nink Ih-wili on Monlforil nvrnini. MIm Donul.l ('iiiiiiioii nml Ml" Minihii eiiinrron riiiirniil Ihli VMiii to thiir hoini' III WnhiiKton. Mr. nd Mr. W. 1'crKiiBon wh," luivn boen t tho Mimor for a week li lt yentordity for Wunhlnnton. ThoniiiH Kii'iill Ii In Itiiliish t" -i. ml Knell T Willi IliH i.Kti'-H wln II inii'iiiliiiK Hclini.l nl HI. Mnry. ili'iiiii.- I', tirv.t.'ii, who hn-. hi-.'ii In Ilic illy lor n mould will n iniii ! Ills home In liiu-liuiHil lomoriow. Mrs llul'.l.' I'olhv who lui'i l..'en vinhlim her hroiher, Mi I'nrker In i ' . t ii m Ii u m Inn retunuil to Hnttcry 1'iii-k. .1 A Tennnnt n nil I'uniih h:ne r.-- Inllieil ti-oni iinklnn.l. l-in . nml . 1 1 - iiKi'ln nl tlnir home eoinir l.iheio iin.l CheMliiiil iiieetH. Mr It. I'. Morton of lak..t;i. ho Inn he. ii liitiim hli son. Ai. hie. ;ii the A-hevllle mho.. I. will l.-.IM- to.lm lor lil- Iionie In WnihltiKton. it.eoin- In the Name of Sense, that good common sense of which all of us have a share, how' can you continue to buy ordinary soda crackers, stale and dusty as they must be, when for 5 you can get Uneeda Biscuit fresh from the oven, protected from dirt by a package the very beauty of which makes you hungry. ' NOTK i: IS IIKIfKHV jJ'J:N that the seat sahrfrtr the Scmbrielt-Hammscfi MtiKic Festi val will ojten at l'fafllin's drug store on April 1, at 10 o'clock a. in., for the benefit ofsubseribers to Season Tickets solely, and will eontinue until the night of April 5. All subscriptions made be fore April 1 will be recognized at this sale. After April 5 season lickets will again lie on sale J'or the benefit of those who have failed to subscribe in advance, and will continue until April 1f. ' After April 15 no season tickets will be sold, only single tickets and at single ticket prices. If you want to get choice seats, see that your name is on the siujscriptitm list before it closes on March Qi'tRltSr t ' - IMM 'HS: Season tickets $4.00, $3.00, $2.50, $2.00. h Single tickets, Seinbrich, $3.00, $2.50, $2.00, $1.50. Single tickets, Damrosc li, $2.00, $1.50, $1.00, 75 cents. A ' A i 1 V. 1 ' 'A A H '! i '! ' A Only a word or two to say We show a rare stock of prime values in Men's and Boys Fine Suits Hats Send Furnishing Goods Other items we mention below on which there will be a big demand today. In these the assortments of Novelties are ample. Ladies' Waists and Skirts. Long Kid Gloves and Silk Gloves, New Neckwear e.nd belts. Thin Hose. Ready-to-Wear Hetts, etc. Try to shop early in the day if not inconveniet; the rush will come in the afternoon and early evening. Ii. Redwood & Co. piiiiiM hy sun. Tin- hilh r will tv- Ininlmm'y Mnsic IIouho riMN-lv.-il urr hi.'iin until iilt.r llu- Kitslri- hlid;i , "I Iht rnrlmnl -f ll.iliart M. CmMi- iillos i'Sli t t;t V Thi- -arln;i u - Mrs AI;iii. wli-t h;i lie. n :i Kiies! M-4-ijiy si-.-.-J l.n (hi cjir L.iuJ .-hn.-,ii Ala ii;-t T i -I in inu I In- '' I in nl ami inmlc up f nun lln- t h vUnli-r. will li;ti- ritt 'I'lunstl.iy i'tr ,ii llu- fart-try. hrr lu'iin- In n.llii nn "'Ik. ; c; vM'Miliiiu -:.titr u.f'k wiih ln-r .ii-ln. Mrs S. I. IVIlnnn. rnioutr li-.inr lr-n ll1 HpHiiK Mrs M.'l.onuhlm athl MKm Uim.-o lt I ,ti mrli Hn. who l-i-.-n .K I t.tt -h-ry P.nk thirinw Ihr t';i-t srvrtnl niuntliH, will l.-?ur n M-uhImv l'tr iln if hum- in Kruitklyn Mln t'urrir Whitln. K. who Inis hrrn IH inlitnf ihr winirr in .-w York, will rritlin tM'M wri'k. ;ii .'onipiinli'il bv In r iNicf, .MVJ Prrtzti-I.l. win i will i -it !n t i rt-nl s fur . ra I w m Ks !ro sill ll.l i: H K( IITS: 1 l.Vitar'tiin; jnl t . Mi Sn ihr. niifi' ( Thr Sn(l.'r Piiin-t Sh.. 1 li t-i itih'THHIn; .i p -. iv I it t hr 1 , 1 I ila n '1 ti m jis i 1 1' tin- pa nrr. heRiin THINKS ROOSEVELT A GOOD DEMOCRAT ' (liy AmmocIhI.iI 1hs.) W.SIIIN1ToX. Marih L'H -"II.--S :ill riirlii. hi''s alumi as K''l n li.-ni'.-.r.il us ihcrc Is." Thin rt'fi'renri- was Mlllili' ill' t hi" H rsl.li-llt by Jllllll'S ':il--"M i '. . - l'i i I'll . III.' i iMiirnuin nf tin- Tain inam II. ill I li'lii'.i i at If rnllKli'ssiiiiial "Hiutiiii.'i', as In' .aiiio from th' W lih.. II' .III! I. ..I. iv aCUT n lil l. l i all Good Evidences If you will watch the crowd and see how the) flock to the city market and demand our meats only. It is good evidence of who sells the best. LUTZ MEAT CO. Phone 20. NOTICE. AM p.-rs'..ns ari' hnri-liy forhl.lili-n I" i-lil.-r ii..in nr use thi' Kt'tnl' 'f tin-Ai-li. 'villi' liai.i.l Transit Co., bctwopti i:..lf ('lull anil Ovcild.ik I'nrk iluriiiB i 1 1 1 st i un inn. Tin' lilasting with dyna mite is iluntfrrnus. J. I.. OeKOAN. Sitpt. Ci.n. Public Stenographer at Swannanoa Hotel Night and Day Work ..ii in r:...is,-v. Mr f ; .-t-it iit wns a irt' i.iiia OLD WARSHIP TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION ,.-l, a lit. i -: .l . m-ln ai; '. .nn .mil'. 1 1 ' i I i,i-.. W ; (liy AsiKinu-il Press.) MINtlTOX. Mlirrll NOTICE. Hereafter, M. Relter, the Tailor, will be found at 28 H South MalD Si ivm, wltn a full line of Imported glMHll A.ihTllle' Best Tahor. I. ate of Now York. V. laulm' Tr.-- w-rr.ff 'ili ln t, a 111 n''l with thai Ii.' in t.n I '" X- V..rk l"i aii'.lliri ii. l,,,, B ,.v,., laul. wh-. will arvii.- mt w-.K. i j t 1 1 1 .. - t- -lil.s '-lt- I - -1 - I l'"l- --ir III! lit " A.I- . n. nv - i ' i " .iii.l .1. In. r ll" r Is ii. --,,1,1 , j . u ! . i warsh!. .Mai i.'ti. on- of th- la-t ..f t.' M.UUUUUVeUlUli. , ..I.l ii .ti ships ..I Hi,, navy, hiiii- mi-i m t Khiiicliaiilt. iiliarniarlst of 20 att.r th- . I..s- ..I ih- -Ivil w a i . an! v.v.rs ' p-ri-nce as pi-soriptlon druK- iii. timo li.t -n tla- gt.-i. will till i'f-s, rlptions at any hour an. i ;h- vi'ssi-ls .. th- ot ih- niKht. Iay deli-ri-s ma.lo t.. l-.-i- I...-H onh-r-.l l" t al! . r l s ,.i th- cily. rtnme 4 T.0. 9 .iii ii.in nii'l sM;i i.,.ti M.intiui.j avt'tiut-. Millinery! Millinery! Millinery! Hats of distinctive stylish shapes exclusive in design, moderately priced. We invite your inspection of our offering. The Paris Millinery 7 South Main St. ' s-, I f. Ill naval i I -' S-IMm 111 1 Y UriLlClUUb 3C Hot Cross Buns FRIDAY and SATURDAY at WOMAN'S EXCHANGE ' "-' "J' '" I Nil I i Refreshes! Invigorates! Sustains! Mental concentration, physical exertion and tadily activity are made possible by drinking Coca-Cola. Over-wrought nerves are calmed without undue stimu lation. It aids digestion and is genu inely good to the taste. Til Sold Everywhere EjC Cuar-udccd Uadtt the Pure Food and Drun Act. Juna 30, 1906. Serial No. 2324 APPETIZING MEAT We have tho kind that tempts the ap-jK-tite. Let us send you some. The Globe Market T. J. Snmm-r Co. intone tost. I The Store ot Modern Ways." ) PEERLESS ( 51 PATTON A r . P II ONE: t ? , i ( Where Gocds are Sold as Ad-Tilfscd Ladies' Suits ' 50 .ir mnro in ladi-s' Sample Suits, no two aliko, all 1-ndinfc stylo?, fabrl-f and colors; workmanship guaranteed; from tll'.l-O to 1.10.00. Curtains in Swiss nrt ami la, from 39- to .7 oo. Tal.l- i i.'ths ami napkins to mat.-li. from 1 SO to $ j . o 200 of th- lat-st in sprtnc ntylee in laill-s' hats, sir t an. I ilress tiata, niso straws, from ;' to $.. 00. Anoth-r new lot of Long G'-vi-s just 'r-i-inJ. from c t.. Jj.r.o. "THE MODEL" OXK I'liH'K Illl'' OlTrilTRK Xoi N. 10 South Main Strrrt K. A. n;i:i:iKMi:u, Iro,ri,t,. t "f o.mmIs hey New Parasols for 1: A c arc now opening up a vcr; '-. i : ' J'arastils in the very newest -f 1 s. 'it; wei-e delayed on the road. Iui1 l:c-y a' .' ' for Kast it. Prices from .f 1.0 i' '' Parasols at '2'h- tt ."()c. Nezv Lace and Net Waists dust arrived in white, Arabian and Ma are beauties. RIBBONS l'U'ire assortment nf nl.-iin and faiicv just in. We can show von some handsome ctTe- the very latest s les of Kiblmiis. PLMI P N i I-1' IfMJP.OXS. PON(iKK DIJEiSDKX RI PdNS anl many otlu rs. It will pav you to .shop at tli' ,rl j less. limine Journal Pattcms for .May are hci': , (1 i;ill'5 8 I r