m ?m. THE HMLLE citizen Seclion tine 1 1 t M in i -i . . . it - VOL. XXH NO. 122. ASmSVILLI, K. Cj., J3UNDAY MORNING, MARCH 31, 1907. PRICE FIVE CENTS. The Only Associated Press Nevspaper in Western North Carolina MILLIONAIRE BREWER DONS HIS OVERALLS Agust Busch. St. Louis Brew er Takes Place of One of His Striking Malsters. $100,000 FORKANG YU WEI'S HEAD ULTIMATUM SENT TO THE STRIKERS Brewers Will Declare Open Shop Unless Strikers Re turn to Work. (By Associated Pes.) ST. LOUIS, Mo., March 30 As n result of contercnoe of officials rep enting rll St. Louis breweries to consider the s-rlke situation the fol lowing telegram was sent this evening gi, ultimatum w the headquarters cf the United Brewery Workers Union in Cincinnati, and a similar communi cation was wnt to the conference of strikers: "I'unless yc.nr members resume wcrk Monday morning in all local brev.Mle In St. Louis, East St. Louis and (Iranite City, pending negotia tions, we will be compelled to declare an open simp so far as the striking brewery workers unions are con cerned. This step will be forced upon ul not by choice, but by prevailing unfair conditions." This whs signed by Philip Stock, as "secretary of the St. Louis Brewers AMoclation." The following resolution was adopt ed at the brewers conference: "Wo desire to go on record that any difference between the old terms and new demands will be arbitrated, pro vided the men resume work on or be fore Monday morning next." Tnroiiv6fr'E(rt employes of the St. Louis Breweries on strike to enforce demands for Increased wages, the brewing of beer has come to a stand still In Kt. Louis. George K. Busch, cousin of August Busch, and nephew of Adolphus Busch, appeared at the Annheuser Busch brewery today faiiltlisly attired and ready to con tinue his regular work as "entertainer." I II Introduce you to a shovel and a coal pit" sulci August Busch "We've Rot to keep those boilers hot," and I'COrge K. Busch Immediately fell to work with the shovel. August Busch, who Is vice-president of the concern, tated he will himself act as u mai mer. He donned overalls and wen to work. a ea eaea " Jiia ... Qi - QUESTIONS OF DISTRICT ATTY.: t SHOW Kits (Br Aeaoclatcrt Pres WASHINGTON. March J 11 - Co recast for Sunday nd Mon- day: Xjorth Carolina, Showers ) Sunday niortoing. followed h fair: much oler. fresh north winds; Monday fair KAN YU WEI. ller Imperial Mnjosty of China Is so very desirous of a Hrst class funeral for Kang Yu Wei, formerly c-IilT cabinet adviser to the Emperor and political bosN of Pckliux, that die will pujr $100,000 for hiN lllustrkiu head If de livered to her. The reward being a very large one, there Is a chance tliat her gruesome designs may yet bear fruit, for liang Is in Ihe I nited Slates and wan recently seen In New York. GOVERNOR SETS DATE FOR HEARING REPORT OF INVESTIGATION Charges Aaalnst Supt of the; State Hospital to Have " Another Airing. MANY CHARGES ARE MADE STEAMER LOST :! AND CREW HAS i :! A CLOSE CALL Examination Is Allowed Only SETTLEMENT OF After a Vehement Protest From Jerome. THEIRjDIFFfRENCES ... IS KOW PROBABLE C.l( -1 'J PART OF SESSION HELD BEHIND CLOSED DOORS j Employes of Western Roads and Officials Arrange TL . . . i In liiUttfil ' ' maw npoaia in juuuum F0T A Spirits After the Or deal Is Over. iivioetlng. RESULT OF! CONFERENCE (By Associated Press.) NEW YORK, March 30. The plans of the Thaw lunacy commis sion to cciinplete Its work today and ;o submit 1 report to Justice Fitzgerald in Monday morning as to the preant mental condition of the slayer of Stanford White, were upset late thl-.-afternoon hy an appeal from District Attorney .lo.romo to be allowed to pr - diic mole witnesses before the com mission reaches a Uecl..lon. After an all day session the com- mlst-lon adjourned until next Tuesda.' morning, at which time It will heai experts rfrcred by the district attor ney. Chairman MeC'lure served notice, hew over, that the witnesses will be compellc-i to contlne themselves to facts and opinions which deal wiili tl.e i.naent condition of Thaw -irui will nit be allowed to go Into the pat or : ;ture. Many 1 haw was under direct ex amination by the commissioners for more than three hours today, and then for 45 minutes he was under the tire of District Jerome on cross-examination. This croBH-examfnallon was allowed by the commission only after a vehement protest from tbe proMOUtlng attorney that he bad not been allowed aufftclent tut Hud In tjj inquiry." "- r Aaooutd Fees.) CHlCAOCk March 30.--Kmplnjes of the western railroads imd the gener al manager arc noter M a scttl-r.int tonight (hap at a) time since nego tuitions wra broken off several davr ao- s a result I' conferences today between Interstate (ommeri-e Com- nilsslc-n r Knspp and Labor I'ommis si nor Noll), and vrtu n and rallroaJ ofli?lnls, the ukployr have announc d their AlIltimneHs to meet the man ugc-rs In an effort t bring about 1 P'ticeahl l.ddHieai of the trouble A joint conference, It was said tn- nlghl. would be held tomorrow be tween tho otinaHMg Interests. In the presence of the; SOV?mment officials. Th? belief Was expressed by men 011 lsith side t' I hi- controversy that a '..iv cut of the ciifflculty would be funnel. '! TRINITY DEFEATS ' M " . If RALEIGH A. AND M. 4 (Special t The tUtlacn.) ! DURHAM. March W. Jn ah er- rorlesa gajue'TierrTOclay Trinity had an easy victory over Raleigh A. and Enjoying his first opportunity of (luestlonlng the defendant. Mr. Je-IM. by a score of 5 to 0. The gum romo attempted to go into Thaw's i ttas featured h' the heavy bitting of past life, but objections to this line thp home team and Webb's superl of examination by Thaws counsel . pitching, striking out 8 of the '.'8 men wi re sustained by the commission. ho faced hlni mid allowing only two hits Klowers did good willed held the distric t attorney to tbe!aj,1Re hase LIEUT. BARRETT WINS IN BOTH THE EVENTS Secial to The Cillzeu.) RALKIOM. March 30 (ioveinor Glenn has set April 1.1 us the- date for hearing exceptions to the report of the state board of international mi provements to the government on lis investigation of the charges made imulnxi Sunt. 1. McK. (ioodwln of tho uiiin hiiHi.il :i I for the insane ill Mor- Kanton. The charges included mis management, the application of funds to purposes other than those specified partiality, use of resources of the in- Bttution in maintains the family the superintendent and 1 others. The repori of Reckwith for the hoard direct Issue before Ihe lunacy board work with the Ktlch for Trinity get whether Thaw m capable today of 1111-1 ting 3 hits in ninth Inning I'lii veii lerstanding the character of the pro-Trinity's crack first baseman made ccedings against him and or rationale .beautiful catch "f a high liner, put advising his counsel. ,tlng out batter and runner at lirst Thaw's direct and cross-exumlna- "Mil" hmlth plaved glll-i-dge ball at tlons today were held behind closed Hhort and handled the ball with good 01 variety of c 'hairinun I interna (By Associated Press) ' PIXEHl-ilST N. c. March 30. The cores of the annual championship ''iil'ert States ueolver Association fhoot were announced today, Lieutcn-I tional improvement aciiuittcd Supen nt Barret;, or New York, being 1 1.-' Intendent Goodwin of any intentiona ''Itintr of both thL pistol and revolver I wrong doing but recommended a I number of changes thai should m I n .icle in the administration of the af fairs of the institution. It has been thought since the filing of this re ! port that there was an end nl the matter but now comes this application for the filing of exceptions to the llnn Inas of the board, these to be heard April 15. "is, his nearest opponent in both caws hpini.- Captain E. ). Greuner. ' New haven. In the revolver even: Lieutenant 'rrnf and I nptain Greuner Uf-il.Tint Barrel "'Main tin iinrr'; r. tied at score 361 -'13 in the shoot "lie rc-vf he tit hurrctt with tain Oreurer. '.- ' v c nt tr Jel t '!: I.leutcn for Cap- TAFT'S BROTHER MAKES STATEMENT NAVAL MEDICS GET THEIR SHEEPSKINS (By Associated Press.) I WASHINGTON. March 30. The 'Bjr Associated Ircsi!.) I school life of 28 young men, represent- tDih NATI' 11:111 h 3H- In reply ilng almost every section of the union, 8ta,emen'. made public by Sen--i was completed today lien diplomas rForaker a few clays ago, Charles 1 were conferee! upon them at the glad On 1' prr"'it"r and editor of the uating exerrises of the Culled Slates ton " Timp,-Star. gave out the'naval medical school in this . ity. to. er aH"' ''lay ln b, half of his broth- I presentation being by Assistant Secre '4rr"ary "f War Taft: tary of ,ne Navy N" berry ?nt"r Fnrriker's gtatement Indi-' The principal address was delivered dew- hP ' runninB for the presi- by Dr. J. C. Del'osta of Philadelphia. ' f ,r the senatorshlp. The , Addresses were also delivered by Sur lum 'f "f SetT,',ary Taft are urging geon General Ftixcy and Medical 1)1 Presidency. As the sena-1 rector Wise of the navy, u ho is pres. " '"eluded the two offices in this truV7 c"n,PRt' Secretary Taffs " ecep, ,hp proportion and will a dl tlnct contest. Taft for the Icitik V ' '' "'""'"orship, or Foraker or senatorship.' ident of the naval medical faculty Among the graduates are Myron f Baker and Martin Donejson. Tennes see: John B Kauffmnn. Virginia: Jas M. Minetree. Georgia, and Condiu K. Winn. Alabama. WWr. QRIER TESTIFIES BEFORE THE INVESTIGATING COMMITTEE I By sw-utted preHp.) pJASt,IN'-T"N. March ao.-The nvin ir,vns,lljon todav wltn h'J"lM Hary Gner. of the 25th. trlZ ," ,he SIant1 before the sen- Unrei m""ary affairs, imen U iT ' wlln ,ne opinions held! turn rllle shells an. I bandoliers in 1 lie j streets of iirou nsvill- "n the nmrning jof August 14. He did not approve of the course taken by the inspectors d- . r.artmc nt of the army in tring to Icertain the guilt or innocence however, and after an by Oeneral Karlinet f the ub ims that the without the .kl.'. ' b. f o nicer as to the guilt men would lie disc haru- Ts. Thl "f ,l" toTm'T negro j honor unless they produced the gu" 1.. " lieutenant said that he n c n ihe- attitude of the men c aused bi .i, ncd of tn' negroes' him to 'he finding of Springfield ; guilty. doubt whether thes were doors and the coijimiHalon took ex traordinary precautions to have the hearing kept secret. When Thaw's ordeal was ended the doors were throw open and it was announced that the executive session were at an end. An soon as the session became public District Attorney Jerome call ed Dr. Allen AIcLane Hamilton. As the alienist took the stand, Thaw's attor neys owing to the fact thut Dr. Ham ilton, had previously been engaged by the defense, claimed that his profes sional communications with Thaw, were under the bar of secrecy. In this the commission concurred. District Attorney Jerome claimed that he was being hampered by the commission barring out privileged tes timony and declared that the com mission had refused to "Illuminate Its intelligence" from documentary evi dence which he had presented and de clined to hear expert testimony. Mr, Jerome declared that if he were al lowed the proper latitude he wool. prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Thaw Is insane today and Incapable of advising his counsel in a rational manner. After the district attorney had spoken at sonic length, hairman Me ('lure told him that il he could pro duce any experts who could give a competent opinion as to 1 naw s pres ent stale of mind, the commission would hear them Tuesday morning. "That is all I desire" said the dls- trict attorney. When the public session began Dis trict Attorney Jerome seemeel some- a nd results. Drake al second, Staple ul short and Jordan at center made some pretty Jays for the cadets. Batterlea Trinity: Webb Wrenn; Harris and Counclll. Score: It Trinity A. & M. " II 11 BRITISH STEAMER GOES ASHORE IN F00 (By Associated Pre.) WIL.MINGTc.V. N. ('., March 3d. The British steamer Axmlnster. Cap tain Clark, Savannah, (in , to Man chester, via N'.rfedk for coal, ulili a cargo of cotton, phosphate- ami rosin early this morning during a he avy fo went ashore ri Frying Pun Shoals and Is reported tonight In no imme diate danger unless the iclnel rise-s Wilmington tugs have ge.ne 10 her assistance anel the revenue- e-ntt'T Hemlnole, stall" ned at this poll. Is pre paring te !esy at 6 ei'cHeeck temior row. BURNS TO DEATH IN PICTURE MACHINE I (By LOCKPOBT. 'bert Phillips j Of a meeyinn j 'Arcana theatr. I tonight. Phill I'- was ' the machine ' In the pani. spertatrers I'll .clateel Preso) ,M- 1 out. No elm s'. Y. March .'" I years e,le. operator . rure mae-hin. in the vas burn el I" e.-uth III the box let n it burst into Ibirre ich c-nsneel among the ps Was ferge,lte-n 111 .1 crisp, was found 11 -hen the fire e. as p.. h.- crowd W.1" III lured I - i ...1. 1.. n.l ti'iu ivtn.lun V wnai ..r........ 00.. v Ixeelv. burned thereafter involved In wordy clashes; with me-nio'-rs 'i tne commiwiem. nrirent manner of arguing that he had a right t adelnce additional ten I mon V Iw-fore- ihe ce.mmlssion render ed Its ver.lie t. as generally regarded BROUGHT TO LIGHT as a concession thst Thaw had made a favorable impression during his long, iifjcsoV xaminatinn. 'nallnnlil eb-l I LOTTERY SCHEME During the elistriet attorneys cross- examination it was saio 1 naw com ported himself meist creditably" and nswereel Mr Jerome s sharp pointen riuestlons with calmness and neiiDer atlon. Thaw appeared in Jubilant spirits win n the public was alleewed to j enter the court n.e.m v here the com-. mission was sitting. T. a reporter who, leaned oyer and cemeratulated him j ein the Miowmg lie iimii iiimo--. 1 Ii.e replie.l Thank von verv much, but ,iKb' thai w t" ne Kept a f- scheme in th leen plmeel . era I court S eil-ed ai e sa prominent ci: alleged thnt prizes has i., i sels In ihe -,w ' , i.-a., March SO Si r nments In a l..':' ? M iasissipil states ba , ihe hands of the feel- - i. of the perseill. Ili- 1 to be among the mo.i z. ns of the state II i regular draw ma : . n place em beiar.l e-i.-rs ccf the gull Sealing Steamer Becomes Disabled and Men Take to the Ice Floes. MEMBERS OF CREW ARE ALL SAVED Vessels Founders Shortly After Sailors Leave It Search er Is Still Out. (lljr Associated Press.) 8T. JciHN'H, N. F, March 30 The sealing slemner Greenland, which lis ame disabled on the senllng grounds early this week, has sunk. All mem bers of her crew were resc ued by the steamers Newfoundland and Erik. The news of the foundering of the steamer Greenland was brought here today by the steamer Algerian, which ame In from the sealing grounds with a broken rudder. The Greenland was Abandoned on Tuesday. The gale which accompanied the severe blizzard of last Saturday and two following days repeatedly lrovo the steamer with terrlllc force against the surrounding Ice noes. On Monday an attempt was made to give the vessel steerage way In a sheet of pen water, but the sails were blown away and she again becama hcipnws. flie gale dashed the brokctti propeller and shaft against the hull and. forced ipen the stem through which the water made Us way to the hold. The men kept tho pumps working steadily but could not free the hold. The decks hud been crushed by the heavy pack ice and the crew saw that the steamer eiuld not be kept afloat long. On Tuesday It was decided to aban. don the Greenland and embark on the Ice floes. The boats whlcll""" had - aped damage were provisioned and the crew was about to leave the vc- cl when the sealing steamer New Foundland whs sighted. Tin- New Koundlnnd Isire elown upon ihe- sink ing sti-anoT and took olT the ine-n. ihe reenlanel foundering shortly atlcr- rtarels. The New Keutnellauil whs soeen jo.ne.el by the Kreck. anel later th 'elenture came along. Pari of the Ireenhind's crew was t r a nsfcrre-d I these vessels. On v celiieselay night the sea ling steamer Oram! Luke arrived here and reported that Ihe steering gear of the Greenland had become dlNableet as a result of heavy weather ami contact with the Ice, and after lying helpless feu- some lime she Intel ellsappeiirec) from sight The Greenland hail 173 men on board. The Ne w found land government chartered ihe steamer ortia tei Hc.are-h Pel Ihe Orcculanci, which was believed lo be- in great lauger Yesterday the. l'ortla slarleel lit with a week's supply of ceial and provisions. N'ei worel has ye-t b,-en r.- elveel from her SINCLAIR'S UTOPIAN DREAM SHATTERED - . fU j i :'Ne :. - ' - t - ' (nice Mctiowaii Cooke, novelist anil In I el mcillls'r of the tsilnoy folllldccl by I plein hlia lnlr near lOdge-wesiel. N, Is quoted as wiyhig that the dream if tlx- aulltor of "The Jungle" does not wem practical. Since the ilesirtielloil by lire of Helicon Hall, where (lie col onists lived, a great deal of goelp has filtered out Into the isimmoii world from thai center of philosophy anil highbrow eel thinkers. Mrs. Ccsik Is re isirusl to have said that tlie various theories i of sca-lallslk' life held by the thinker were an csinlllcling (hat had ihk the Hall been destroyed as II was there Is every reason lo believe thai the colony would wain have dissolved. WITNESSES DENY AIL KNOWLEDGE OF ALLEGED BRIBERY Testl niony Shows That Reuf Was on Company's Pay roll as an Attorney. WOULD DISCUSS THE RAILROAD SITUATION President May Not Address Illinois Manufacturers on That Subject. CONFERENCES ARE OF DAILY 'OCCURRENCE Subject Presents Many Prob lems Calling For Care ful Consideration. (Hy Aiwoclaled Press) ) APPOINTS RECEIVER FOR INSURANCE CO. (Ity sMM-lati-d Pri-ss. ) i;i 1AN0K l:. Vn Times spi-el.il flou ays- The- i-lreuli eollll I Hon A. c e;,,r.loi, re- Ulty Lite- Ahso. laliou. on be-ifan bulne-e-M her. Us blisille-ss ' Ylende.l , fle-ld It , as Sllppo-ee d . nd proHIie-IOU'S ' oil. el 11 r. 190',. UlM II It '..e A lelle.r V. .1-. plllillshe-i i,.in an. I el I , tr- I King that 'I"- ioii. I y v nt and Hi.!, no fun. atn lo- . - Hi.. I )i id Male h ,'ID -A .Slaiinton. a I. IS a.l',illle ej .e-lve-l ol II, e The ansoe la- In iSii. urn! .v.-r a l-irge I tie a e; I ' ' IV I TlK until Sei-'ein lldeil I by U lll- .olli-y h'.lelery. OTHER INDICTMENTS 30. board eeem-MIllK. (Hy AsscM'iated Press.) SAN I'ltAM IHi'ii. MAIIt'lt. Three luembeis ol Ihe exeellllvi of the Pacltte' Stales Telephone iiiiiiv. K S I'lllsliurv, Homer S anil Tlniolhv P. Hopkins, today Icestl lied before the grarul lurv Unit Is In vestlgntlng inn uiclpiil corruption Hint they had no know ledge whatever "f the iilleged bribing or Supervisors lo vole HgalnM the award of a compet itive, franchise- lo ihe- Home. Telepheine mpnn.' . and ac from tin- Juia roe Was I eellllllMleil III' the tlansae lion. lent I is Gla-s. 'olllils did buve llleKe, affair Anotliei uie-nil,e ...ald, I'i'iiv S a ne de-nla I of le no ili-i whtl. on the K S IMIIsburv luil AIiIiiIiiiiii l!u mole Irian two e-a e.llie.v o) til.- I pa li , al a I e " u la I lonlli I ' 1 1 1 -1 . 1 , 1 I. that tills w.in I : pal.l to lllllle Hiding lo re' purls in, that II bribery v klie-w nolhlng of cell ir 'll I--I'li sl in. II. t.-el on nine I, IIOU led!),' of III'- Ill of bilgan II.-S-. . Stllle, I il.i-e . oil II a. ill. -alal v -al.l II lb i- e xee III i V e' made, ihe . ie-l ,il da'. 'I, in. I II I. said, be, ri Tor pee i-oll a l.tl,--. e ,,m- ol I I.I.Hi II I- lepoir all III. III. III. , llH. I ee., lot- o nr.. I, III. eoi fill .1.111 - be e,,m,l U lie ,1 11 an, I I..- slit J.I all I be ol,- -w n I harle-H . nil v nu rr, l i "1 T l" uirb' u:i h.- banel- ! ..-n. I.e. c i ugu-ia .iinn Th" f - iv ' r horit t.. I i hi) of bond- 1 1 if', t ii rel" r.-pre ,e.,t nt ing I lo:- n - v .no - . . mi ll lal .I l , WASHINGTON, March 30. Unless something happens which In his opinion makes It deslrublo anil nec essary to do so. the probability now I that President Hoosevelt will not ' to Springfield to address) the Illinois manufacturers on the railroad ques tion in response lo (he Invitation e tended to him early this week. Car tain it Is that should he finally de cide to g there he will not be able to make the trip for two or three weeks. Approximately near the, latter late on April 56, he la to deliver an addresH at the opening; of the James-, wii exposition at which he will have an opportunity to say what he desirea 10 on. the railroad subject. In conversations with his callers re- ference has been made by the presi - lent to that occasion as an appn4 pilsie one In which he could apelc f the matter, which Is uppermost In his mind at this time and the Impres sion now 1 general that he may avail himself of the opportunity. i Th president has told those whotm hn has talked to on the subject that he would like very much to o to Springfield, By some of his visitors ha has been -urged in attend the confer ence and by other nor fo go, and J) bus not fully mads up hla mind on th. subjec t He alsei Is seeking; knowledge troin every point of view on the rail road situation with a View to de finite conclusion on that Important mailer, before outlining it In a pub lic speech conferences pf almost dally oce,Ur nine Hie being held by the president) with members of hla cabinet, and members, if ihe Interstate commerce coiiimlssleiii iinil with railroad officials. The tpicHtliin of slate right also I" thought to be an important feature of? the discussions which have been held by the president and his udvlsors I lit he treatment of the railroad subject. Tt Involves iihiiiv perplexing problem lo which careful consideration the presl ilent feels must be given before a elee-lslon Is arrived al. TEDDY SAYS HE NEVER FELT BETTER (Ity Associated Press.) WASHINGTON. March 110. Presi de ni lioosev.ii. utter returning from hair an hour s visit to a dentist today. declare. I Hull he never fell better in his lifi- Herat)"!- ef the large amounr ol work alien. Una Ihe short session of e oiiKiess anil ihe- iiKitfilleen em the rall roii. I i H..-.T j .ii . ihe- preside-nt has been under a cereal siriiln fur th- past few Mee ks il.- ha- been urged lo take a r.i. inn line- not contemplate leaving ili- i H In i In- near f uture Tin- , resuleni received I HO member of tlie w.i ii iii k t ,n annual conference, of Hi.- iie"t,, Methodist episcopal I -hlir. ii '."In v DEAD DOG MAY LIE IN CEMETERY FURTHER OUTRAGES OF "NIGHT RIDERS" I e . .1.1. If do- lie III II. d. e I ' ' (Itv -M'laleil Press.) i I) SVII.I.I ,-b.i. t I. DEAD PURJURER HAD A BIG HEART LOST CROSSES WILL BE RESTORED th eret Tha seiv ep a torn. v expressed t hem- j j,,, entirely satisfied with t)w I r,u by final stages ..f thir ctieni s severe, ex-; Confecl. i animation. Altogeiner ne was on in.have be land alioiit six hours, counting Thursda.Cs M-sjion tn- commission. Mr Jerome's eros-examination. the 10 (COMIM I II ON PAGE THREE) )r;I.i ANS. La . March' , r, of heinor V ill le SUI' th. I nttecl Daughter ..f Ho t. : , theise vete-rans w li-i n unfortunate to lees their originals 'In is announcement a made Leiv m ihe form of a general order try (ieneral Stephen IX Uee. gen eral rommanding Ihe Cnite.l Confed erate Velars n- (lt -scMiaied Pris-) NKW V' il:K. .M.i i- h Th .-t l.l)fl.an h.-.rt . .. r foiuel ,,,i.re-d l.edav e' .'ii aulop-l ,lly o! Ilainlili.il!.- ' S I e f f r died la-t nis-ti' in Ho- Tomb- The- oig.m ...iKlied f.ur pound- an. IV... ..III.. ' It tr.l III. I I -.-. Igbl of - , ,, r r l.eiio: ., t.oui ( w e; t- t. .- laig-l- di---.11 the I. who .r ls.,n h n in four: j.er Jul : ,.,ns - II I. deatl loll lo pe-rtrophv eel1 . ft lung vv a- u,. rhe- he-.ert ,-(,.1. e whl' The hull nrti of th. j Surgens d ..ii ha I jte- '. ' I'll. a ml e;.,tn el,., ..iie-t-e I tie va .led .It Jl Mlje I t, a i ollibilta - in.i. . ardla.- hy e nephritis The .,.1 eniire ly shrive-b .1 up'-ma nearly all rbe th- tuna -l.'.uld havo had it Is- plae-ed In the mUSe- 'etley.- of I'hvsie ians and f.ii.-im,. .ni'ir a II it 1 C- d,, I. II. lilt miaul ,,. . t Kv, Man ,i,l Miller lo ii, d.-. I In I he- . a-e of He nrV i. 111. 1. 1. II. In whi. h i . ..iirl w ill n.l in . ihe removal of ;i .- Hill . eenetery. bc r . a-e i . I- -ue-b a n In -a ee e and el tslikes t l;"l heme, hurled near of i lo- ne v ' VI i I l.ini. .1 Hilly Kens. l.iK l e rl.-r in tier I ,t ii. 1 'he- plaliilifT sciuul'C ly 'einoveel GEN. GUTIERREZ IS FAVORITE CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENCY WAS Ml I ! lime r. .l . ni : ne I. Hoi,, I. nilta pr .!. i . prov i I lh- M I le aid ol g 8 A lit. pale h .ninineb-' rienn g ilil.-a Hi. IT r. l-i. Z-la t P rl.a eel U' e;.,,.r ,,r, ii-. i '.. I ,n I sl;,. that It t in. mod r rt.-.i ?.. f ii .- General GiiHerrsl I. . .ululate ror the heat -. i .. -iimeiit In Honduras reoon. .1 in Port Llmeiri ae i -m i.uder Wlnterhalter i ha i Pr- indent Ponllla I II. siirrouniled. The d!s not state exactly vherej R. .ii 1 1 la Is. but It I believe .r tlie Am- that he ht somewhat near Amahala now at I'eirf ,i,n the: southeast coast oi Honduraa. . Ol loll .-idem: It.. ,l . side nt eel e -la lei :she ..lil-l- with c .r Vi.-ars- M I- l-.. .r' rn -die-pale h ornplet.-. 'patch lie. from i president