t THE ASHEILLE CITIZEN ... .4.4 v ... t J ii Mil nr 01 U K ? III M lis Tl CITI.FV J w w r ah. k n .4 , .4 .1 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 Jl .4 ,4 J Jl J J$ Ja THE WEATHER. Fair Toaay. j V0LXXn.NO.123. ASHEVILLE, N. 0.,' TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 2, 1907. PRICE FIVE CENTS. The Only Associated Press Newspaper in Western North Carolina ROOSEVELT DECLINES TO MAKE SPECIAL ADDRESS ON RAILROAD QUESTION Has Nothing New to Offer and 'G E 0 R G I A MILITIA His Views on Subject Are a Matter of Record. MANY REQUESTS MADE FOR A STATEMENT Denies Any Intention of Tak ing Action That Would Affect R.R. Securities. (Ily Associated Pre.) WASHINGTON', April I. President Roosevelt has decided not to accept the Invitation of the Illinois Manufac turers Association to deliver a speech It Bpringileld, III., on the railroad slt uatlon. He addressed a letter to C. C. Smith, president of the association, Hating that it would be impossible for WILL JOIN REGULAR ARTILLERY IN DRILLS Governor-Elect Hoke Smith Accepts Invitation of War Department. PUTS ALL TROOPS IN CAMP (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, April 1. Hok Smith, governor-elect of Georgia, In view of the fact ihat he Is to assume office in June, has accepted In be half of the state the Invitation of the war department to have the militia join in the state drills with the reg ular sea coast artillery. The acceptance is conditioned upon' . . .the, nrmnirpmftnl rimnnwil lo il,iv.m.. him to accept the invitation extemieu " " Z .i'7't k'n "", list week, because he did not feel that he had anything to say at this time in s special address on this subject. The prevalent has received a great number of requests for a statement to be made by him. or a speech by him on the railroad situation. He has giv en these requests the utmost weight and the most careful consideration. After looking Into the matter the pres ident informed his advisers that he had come to the conclusion that there.) was nothing new which he had to (ay at this nuijneiuu4uj,jJie.Jilroad. sitwa-J lion; mm Tt v aid not aeem it euner Wise or Drooer to sav anything with view to any mtnedtate situation in wall street nnd that as he should onlv give expression to the definite and set tled ntilicv to hi' carried out whollv without regard to the exigencies of the moment and as his views on the policy in question were already a matter ol record It rial not seem nec essary at n s lime to nni' thm No (linage or I'ollcy. The different men. friendly and un friendly uho have visile, I III iti ir tvril. ten to him. ho hsis answiTpd v.Thutiv Of III wntmii I i:t i s vtorrUt uml tii'lv spoKe tor them- ve.s nml needed no Midanattim whutcver and Ihnt ho h')Uid mil ill Ilk tut urn jwmrao .l.x-i-ilo Ollt. hailf -4 hri'tiflth fruii, Iho .,iiiei nr. had inirin.i1 m t h.. .n-wi -.- nfv iiinuiiiy The statt.-iiit nt was inafl t'ruin an authuriiiitiivi' nr,-,. ih.i moftt Cltrsorv pvuntinitinn rxf n-k.ii ' president h.is rim-MtflK- wni.i in "pt'Ci'h iind nU'SS;if will shntv lh. nl. " fa 1 h"'tin nirnt h.i.s r iw .liirh i.iwi i..t..ntL.., takillR aftV acl.tm whlnh n...iUI in VOW I lit ut'il,i1il. . f :i J ""'"Hi,! -i ,-in i .i i ii iiiiu r urltts. Thr prcHidt-nt holds that ev "V 'Xt't UtlV' lll'tl.m l-.,l..r ......t- hie hi' i uy 1 1 1 iifiiiii i- "lent of int.-1 1. . , ..- k.. . u.. i '. mi- unt'i :i.iit -''"lll.ui III. ,i I II rillkll i.rl It-- oa li Knc kwH opii-s of Spcoch. In his It-ltfT tO Mr Kmtth ill.. nrMl , ,n(, S ,m.r. np made in ft1.i..i.ri. , ten- . .! ,n. a r e mil (in of miirnan Pint, .,i . . .. , i ii utis r tv on o- mi'wiio... ... . .. -" i" t'PiiiriPHS ;ti no n. ns;n. .. .. i t .niii NlM'iUliI who nn nn. fsK. Tin- iirRident "it. r r., Soott, who HUKKKtH that the 8a van nan volunteer guardH compofwd of four companies of heavy artillery, an rrquoHted in the letter of the secr- tiiry of war. should be designated to act as batteries. The Fourth regi ment of infantry, composed of i companies, he says, should he desig nated as the supports, as this regi ment has not been in camp since 1903, while all the others have had Instruc tion last year. The other companies, except the cavalry. General Scott Is advised, are making preparation to go into camp atftmestown, ; Va., - during the Jair, which 1$ .but IwacUeatfy iu oit the state troop lii camp this year ah con- templated in the hational militia net. ' - r si .i. . . ill yf' . J WOMAN SAILS BENEATH THE SEA I'll, tit ttoinrn known i,i lntf till ilcriitki ii a tuMie Ih ni aili ilie M-a arc Mrt. Joint I hiii-Muii, iMtc of llir fnriiiei M-iitiloi- it-,, in Nchi-ulif. ami lr. .1. ( lirMnpli, r Ink,-, iii, , i Ii, r of Miimmi Lake the lineuiiir of tlic l.nkd .nlonni In,' l,rn ,lo Im,i. I ,,i mo Immii' tlli'e Inn women lu-h' nimiIihI U III llH' "Lake" while II ,plor,il iIhi IhHIHIII III IIIIU Mllllli SIUIIll "ft tlK' lhin nl t'tiiiiiccOcul 'I ln iIIihhI Ik- ncalli Hie 'h aiul ilioi onalih cnjiypl I'lIT) UMIUH'lll III Hull WClnl IMT cnii'. Mm. Tliiir-ion lm lil that Im fell IX n the leaNt Hlarin while otlllng ts'iicaili llir linn-. Inn that rallier -iraiiKc clillitmit,ii hh,m'.hiI her. the reiilt of Im-nthhiK cimipi-eoctl ajc. LEGAL BATTLE HAS BEGUN ITS EIGHTH YEAR IllsllOP (.It Wlll ltltV DIFK MltS. JOHN M. TIU'IISTOV SOUTHERN MAKES AN , EARTHQUAKE CAUSES IMPORTANT CHANGE ! GREAT LOSS OF LIFE IN FREIGHT SERVICE! IN TURKISH ARMENIA III) M-ln!iil lreu. ( Itli'llMKNI), Va , April 1 Hilltop John IV tlriinlierrv. of llir Method!,! KplK'opal t'tmrch South, died mnMonty ut bin home In Alilnnd today, while sitting in n chnlr. He 'Wiih iii enrs ld. and iind been ,isM, Hliwe I s g i . Trial of Gaynor and Green Ac cused of Defrauding Gov ernment Called. MRS. THAW TO APPEAR BEFORE COMMISSION CARLOAD OF BOOKS USED IN ARGUMENT Counsel For Defense Occupies Petition Justice Fitzgerald For Day's Session: Many Claims Are Advanced. Seven General Freight Agents Reports From .Missionaries at Will Be Located in DIf- i BITLIS State that Town ferent Cities. . Is Badly Damaged. CHANGE IN POSTAL RATES AGREED ON FORMERLY HAD ONLY ONE! NO OTHER NEWS RECEIVED line (By AsMM-'aJed IYew.) COXSTAXTIXOPJ,',; April 'TtVK (By AsMH'ialcd Press) WASHJNGTON." April 1. In with the policy oj jhi tfoitfhorn Rutl- dent Vlnlav t,. hrln i,of H,,Pr P 'tompanled by loss of hfo has occurred, Intions and harmon with Its palroitM. ' t Hltlls. Turklshl. Arnirnla, appeiitH to and in order to place tint horizon rep- be conllinteil. but the number or resepiatives ol rile l-otiipuny in con- ,(.n)h venieni proximity to the sinppcr the MOVEMENTS TOWARD A SOLUTION OF RACE PROBLEM AREEfiUN Said to Have Support of Some of the Prominent Men In the Country. ARE BACKED BY CAPITAL ha Is unknown lite Southern will appoint sever, gen-' 1!"'l f ' l" Kvi.t.gell. at MliilHleiV (By AnNOi'lntnd Ptpm.) ATUANTA, Oa., April I. Twa rel movrments Vwhlng to th polutlon of the rsce psoblfnl ln 1t Kouth. Mpil. dally In Georgia, have been launched ami have gained t'tc support of miiiiio f the nioMt liioitiliooit rnen in liie country, Hrcoi'dliiK ii, a sfitleiuelit made at a conferenre of the Atlanlii Afeo lai Ion (lly sHialcil rniw) NEW IJLHICANH. April 1 . Knter lug Ms eighth year of legal battle, the esse of Uen'umin D. Greene and John I'. Gnynor, conv'U'ted of defrauding ml freight agents with headquarter - missltinurlvs hi I at different cities ,,n lis lin.s. Ipstiud town us hadh . I having only one general freight agent at Atlanta. Haiti gciieral ftT-iglit gent will haw aiithorit'. over Ih'' 1,-rritory in his jnrisilli i i,,n. Vlce-Iresideiit .1 M ':il) has i neil circulars, makins Ih,- r,Nv- (By AsNtM'lalrd Press) WASHINGTON. April I At the conference between Postmaster Gen eral ' Lemleux of Canada, and Host master General Mayer of the t'nlted States, iti this city today, an agree ment was reached to amend Hie je, still convention existing between the two ing appoint meutp: countries in so fur as it afreets the) George K. Urowder. n., Kcnernl transmission of newspapers and perl-! freight ugeni of Ihe ststetn. will be oil Ira Is, known as second class mat- infido assistant freight Hailie noin ter. between Ihe two countries, ran-!,, gen with he;oliiai't,o's ai Atlanta. urlu u,',H.nlu lli,. I,.ne,l it-,, , .r. . , .u, I ,tf T.t.,. 11 , , ,,,,,, . ,,, ,,,1 .,,-,1, . i,,.,,,,,,,,,, this country that second class matter at New York, will lie made assistant Itritlsh vice-,. maii.ea in tine country ami ainiresseM 1 1 eighl Irailic maiiiigei, with he.nl t. the other, might be subjected to a ! .planers at Washington rate of 1 cent for each 4 ounces, or! J. l Drake, general freight nuenl 01 tin- disaster ioe I Ijilubiu LONDON, Apr,: of liltlls. which 1 slope, with !i"M slone having liat es people 1 1 1 i , t amount il.tiil:,! is described as j populated tow o. lot! at present h Ihaf Ooe ol the nioelllellls Is being lllge.'l lit John K While, pastor of the I'llst rtiipllst clilin Ii. who reported lo the conference ihat it is gaining great headway "fill' of the tti-la I lllesl llleli 111 111 South.'' said Hi While, "have illl all 1 1 1 ' have l,a, k ol tliis movement Wo ' otltelilplale tile o ganl..,! Ion ol ull the moral fortes in the Kolifll III -J HI" Wl'i'lll K't'-'t boil) .lie! the a 1 1 j ",i n t meiit of a tf ei,Nitiiis."ii, t "I "I I h" most rotli' 11,1,., t folltiu "V"u iv,, i and iui, about :i ... . , Puken i i, .. . M!n ami out h,,lii. fvnr ,.,,, , Bie an, I ""nded Smith as ni tin '!, n I :i,i'; speeches hae said siv If I had 'ly expressed my ' tiefully thought mi more firmly than that thes.' beliefs are : policy I recom 'C.' "va;es at the open t : last regular ses- must be carried out. t ItaleiRh the presi I not believe in gov- - i'p "f anything which ' ! left in private ' 'rti ul.ir I should most mkin . . . . '"o'iuiriii -e . rt:'.r',,i,M inal tirn,r.. . ,. Ut ,,r .... In his frnmWi! a V e i. hatliK ana ... "inu,,nsi. ' tltle,iinn TCl.v ht v, to the , ") h" 'aimtss Public '"t h '"dtt u, tither n ahtis, eMttiur. y urinire th-r- a, re nr., , ,!.: r i ' up. th. Hut I believe with hn is out of the -"vernment not to ex v tinl regulatory irotid.--. for it is vital s of the puhlic that riageri in a spirit of -ti.e toward all the M -ra nee has show n 'i'ie lo leave the rail '' Such a system, or "f system, is fertile ' kind and puts a - rupulous and ruth ulroaii management; "e big shippers and n.igers who are al ''s" unfair advantage "mpetltors and they iJZ m'"-ho would like to "ree other hi- -u. " "i(,rrm una fraction thereof, on each bulk pack ago. prepaid in stamps aftixed. CARPENTERS AND PAINTERS STRIKE (By Associated Press.) HorSTON. Tex.. April 1 Contrary to previous announcement that there would be no trouble In the buildlni; trades unions. . 3a0 painters and car penters went on strike this morning and contractors tonight declared for the open shop. I The men demand a 33 1-.1 per cent., advance in wages. Contractors will1 concede 20 per rent on the advance 1 demanded, but insist on an open shop basis. I Richmond, in charge of lines in Vir ginia and eastern anil eeiitral North ' 'a Molina. K, H. Shaw, general freight agent, ' 'harlestoii. S. C, in eliarge of lines !n South Carolina ami western North i "arolina. at A ugnsta. Ha, Kaljdall Chiton. general freight agent, 'Atlanta. Ga . hi i haofco ,,f Unp in Georgia and Florida II. L. .Miller, general freight agent. Knoxville. T,-nn . in eh.iig, ,,( lines in east Tennessee. ii. it. Vegrani. general freight agent, Memphis, Tenn . in charge of ihe Nashville division. Aci'oriftng I" New York ti'"iit urer of the Constnntinople 1 their pttopb' in have beim rele snow in tile deep. AHSi'-l.j, ((nested iiM ri'iHirting imaged, ii" ii'-w reached Hn. ity 1. -The stl nation lillllt on a I " l( eonstrtii led ol it hen ro'.i: s , a us- ;--r tlial l .is been .Ion, IlireSiple, ,. M,' '. tea I lie, I ttiell of Ihe South ,, , II, till avlng Out lour this prohiem and deal Willi Ho situa pnpulalloti 'I'll. -1 lam .ill,, ling tie I , la 1 loltnli 1 p ol the Stlltionetl I bete I .11 es." alisenl on l.-.iv. ' The 'dbei movement i being I osier- I liv l-'ol mil le.vellloi ,..rtlten The 1 plan , oiilemplatt-s th, :,l, , iion of a VV I ,. , r,. , . ist.ite ' o lit III issloll ,opose, ol S',, rican nti.s'vion at , A merica lit- and nlsttious at KlHIsJ homee.-s. Ih. t h..i ' . t... t " s" I" 1 dollars In Havannah harlsir Improve. incuts, was called for argument to day In, tha t'nltM States ri remit eourt of Appeals upon a writ of ermr from tlu Kedernl court at Kavnnntih. A. A. ljiwrenca,. of counsel for Greens and Gaynor, occupied the en tire session and hHd not conclude) nrgutnent when court adjourned for the day" A demurrer to the first Indictment for conspiracy was argusd. It wua ftolnted nut that when this Indictment rame up before Judge Brown of New Vnrk, hn condemned tha first, eight out of ten counts, wall later whan It he satna Indictment cam up be for judge ripeer, of Havannah, th iHtlor condemned ' th twe' eounta which Judge Hrown had auaUlnad, while suatainlnr ,tho eight i oount whk-h Judge. , Brown had, condemned. Next th famous extradlllon nf Green nnd Gaynor waa attacked, . Jl waa argued tbV beo)wt xtr.ltd from 1n ndg rttr harMclpt.tlbri fn fran Jf an ngenl or trustee In SiiVHiintih. how ever, W laiarettce said, they were tried iipo.n a clutrge of conspiracy, an,t tills amoiinied lo Irving (hem for a a tlllTeri'iit offense that they were ex tradited for. As lor iheir Imllcl metd for em be.zleineni , II wan claimed Hint the proof In the Siivaimyli eourl showed that Ihe alleged payment 'if monev tot their iiKe orcurreil In evv York Tile llelelise eon t ei,,,,l Iherefoie that la it Subpoena Is Served When She Made Her Dally Visit to Husband In Tombs. JURORS STRIKE FOR HIGHER PAY $5 a Day Instead of Usual Allowance.' (Hy AsaiM'lated Press) ' ,- . NRW Yo-KK. April 1. Whn Mra. Kveiyn ,Thw niMita hef dally vlait to her .husband In tha Tomba today sh waa roetr by a proceaa aecyar, whn the governm.nt of oval half a million Lbanded hr a subpoena dlractinK har lo aPiK-ar liefore tha lunacy com mil- - slow tomorrow, Mra.. Thaw appar ently had not ftnlkMpatetl thla movn and h appeared very muelt d la in rbed when the nnttira of the paper ' waa made known to her. They do nol expert ma In teitlfy sgnnsr my husbantl?" aha asked. . , She waa told that her prefMinca waa-- ' desired probably merely a matter of routine, but thla did not acem to raasaitra her. t Olstrlct Attorney Jerome deellnert , to make known hta purpose In calling Mrs, Harry Thaw befors tha oom- mlssioii. It was staled loday thuf , tha reaaon ftir bating Mrs. Thaw served with u subpoima waa that ft might lin necaasary to call her befor tha commission In lunacy and that tha district attorney decided that In thr event It would Iva better to hava heV on hand. ' ' . - , ' , .- Adjourn Till Tlinrwlayl ':J .. ' : 'H is prohabWHiift Th Tliinvtimrtcr''" rnmrnlimlnh 'wilt 'rvjrfiCl ' ;! TtWtatof 'Ju moriilng. The case waa adjourned ! ' Inst week until this morning and wheu the jury was called before tha oourf toihiv Justico Kliagorubl udJournoA again Hn, trial until Thursday niora ing ni in :in. The luiinry commission will meet tomorrow and It la expected thai thev would be ready to report Thnrsilav In ruse tha commission liinlM Unit Thaw Is today In sunn wUhln Ho ineiinlng of tin, )w, Ihe trial will I,, Mioppe.i iMlt if thev find that he "' lh "' "" 'Ulberai, eapnble of going on tlm trial will I .MOV i ors nil. I .1, Il ls, , resinned 111 .11 I .1 He 'llltv II SO IIV'I 111 gent ' . I ol I lie ' I.I If, V, lloMI to ll.lVe te rial.' Ill IV H lo ii '.v ii v with t he pre- Ill' legal llialltlel llf li.irg'-i! ,-. i' h , rlmllial ill a ll'l p 1 1 1 1 1 ' h 1 1 1 e 1 1 1 . , tie- I- a il -ml m. tii l. i ,,t ni. ,1, If ;,W a. til la I as t. lioll I. 1j. Graves, general freight agent, Memphis, Tenn , tn barge of the Memphis division It. L. Simpson. general freight PRESIDENT THANKS I linen in Al.ilumin ( K -1 r rhi- Mi-rr.- REP. E. M. POLLARD h,' It IS eipeete.l that It this ar- (By Ass.K-late.1 Press.) jrangement the a.ljt.st meet of turn,- OMAHA. Neb.. April 1. Congress.-: matters aid ,1,.- t , a I l.o, .., In,.,. , man E. M. Pollard of the first Nebras- """ "h'-ili' t bv correspondence or ka district has received a letter from ' rn "nf. re,,, ,., will l e laeili- Presldent Koosevelt thaking him for "tted. his support of the shiji subsidy bill. congratulating him and other western rpTntriPT congressmen for taking ;i hr.-a.l and JXjJT. QIAIIi IXvulVrji. patriotic view of the situation and, li'T.ir'PT VTl IN MTflH deprecating the defeafof the bill as1 a serious set back to the commen ial , interests of the country . ...... or.i tan i . -vi it . - v j o 1 1 i v v ttii about a normal spr(!i ,,,., n..n vote cast today, the Cepuhli- an state lii kef has. as was ,vpi't,.i, a majority of about 7r,.0iiu a I'ltng to the returns available at Hi. lin o , lo, k. The hfth . .ingress,., nai .li-tricl. 1 engers on tie where the liepul.lieiins voie.l on a whi.-h arrive! candidate lo star,, I at the spe.lal eler- ml Ann ii. ill, m to ei.., t a sn. . ess,, r in congress to' ran aoktlers (By Assoclatitl Press.) ! William Aid. n Smith. D I Di.-kemn. p,.,.,, giu,., NEW ORLEANS. April I. Inability ,.hairman -t h- H-puhh, an .',,, ,,.,, ,.,.. on the part of a Jury to eithef read or ,., ,,,.,. ,) stale svndt.ir Uusell v .totalis . write the English lungunge. has re-' th .andilaie- chairman ,,k,,,,,,, suited in a decided turn in the ease of, fHekma has app.iren'lv a m,)orit. of made Mar. h Congressman-elect George K Faroi. . n.,n,i,., i ' fnr.fniiDU , nas oeen confined In Jail for seven. .O I II INS. (By s-ii'i...il Prcs. ) CIUCAI.I I. "il 1 - Kt alii Ootch deb- Tnrmei Burns Ionic at catch-a , K cat. h-oan mg In ir. straight fob took him '" miniii'-s a,"' ends t- ir. 1 ! I he Ii t l t ' I IT mm '.'. I and .'In k-. r the s,i ,t,, ! AND M. DEFEATED BY WAKE FOREST (Sieeial lo Tbe ( lll n ) v 1 . 1 . 1 1 ; 1 1 . i,i it t i,l M it I-',,,, s ' -l ' '1, ,v . all,. I .C HI' I II. ' . V ! . V , I ' lb. eml.e..leiiielit eharge The last point In l In- , lav's argu ment was ihe 1 1 se of al least a eariond "!' t.ook,, ol htolv.Ts, llllt.l C , 1 , 1 1 III 11 1 MS. . Ic . whleli the government lnlrodueo.l into iVHliuah. the .lele use ilaillicd. Without ellhel OH I", tllelog tile p,' sons who mail, Ihe entries or piovln,.' (hell dellt It or lime, eslhilil v NARROW ESCAPE OF GERMAN ROYALTY (lit v-MM-ln.l rivHu.) hcim.ix Ar-tii i i.ivv n 1'i Hi. l" I i" I In I'. I ! i i-i in .'ll-l t Ii-- ii'nh ii, Tr Jji hiid ,i iiiitr-i.. t-t ific (i. in iu;j i 1 I ' ii ' t' .'l.i w lnl- I r i . tttf Inn ni 'f I I --K Ml ' llUlll il V Ir-H I'.tl. I 't 1 il-l lin h-.f m- i. ...I-. ?i (Kin .i fi I -ni'-irnfilij'.- ,-ti'l t,..u. .1 K.,r s.,,(ni. I ki ni' c ft, i iiiiiiii-t i.iii m;i'lf ., 'ni1 Mli in. ii- IiImii - i )iiK-'i by tn T I m Dm. 1 1 ! v K.n hi'd - nl i m in ,ir lie- Hmiii. I. 'Iilt. ru: 1 m V . i I 1 j ( I 1 1 I (he i ' ' 1 ' 1 1 j t : i 1 1 ' 1 ' I M . ' 'I 1 -1 1 ' ' i 1 1 1 1 r I DTrU ADf. MAXTflPTPT f. IS MUCH IMPROVED ' ( By As, luted I're-s ) It is ilmi M fnl If the defense will call any other witnesses. The members of the Thaw Jury hava drawn up H petition lo Justice (Flt getiil.l asking him to allow them $5 a bc for Jurv service insieini f the cua i.inuirv allowance of 'l a day. Their action is has, ,1 .ni a u Inst anee In which 'In- t.ntii iiiade a similar Incraitse. In tile JiiiVm allowiince alti-r the cbjwi hsft tteeii , t, ml, ,1 to an liniisiial length LITTLE CHANGE IN THE SITUATION (111 lined Prea.) lib A'io April I - The situation '. 'I Illl.ivel-V h.rueen the WoSt- . ro rallioatls and Ihe trainmen Hint Iitrl.'i" l.,.v was nol muterllilly air. i.'.l ii. m .. -i.r. In Another a.ir- . .t "ill. u ii. . s wire ii. 1,1 hy Corn-ms-ioii, o Ku.ipp ..ml l,h..i- c,, n,ints a lo I -.vital of (lie InlKir oh. r ,s a.l.f, i hint t. ll'l- i ol I nil th. 'I l f. ua P , , sa Id toda y : tiling r 1 in t I ran say now ' ha.e fr h.. mill I pro. Th. am t hlng to iv i h, , i, ,lefitilf,vlv am . . rtain flint e i,,i further re 'll'l.i't'.ti is Ool ' .,!... .1. I do PORT LIVINt STONE : : ; REPORTED CAPTURED r . ' i -, BY THE MCARAGUANS 'trinity team has : AN EASY VICTORY! i 1 1 : K "I .'Ol Ol I.' Il Ma I,-', total , tl.n. ti.i It '.I I-.. JURY COULD NOT READ ; NOR WRITE ENGLISH (By ssim NKW nl: I I . npture r ..,t by Nlear.ign i ienipr to r .ntl Press.) Ann! I - Th igSlotl II oi. ho e . repnrle.l h pa r lia r rv 'I' 1 1 lo- arly todav ft on ;ts. Four Hoi. Ti porte.l to M i .- gin ana ' lie 0e I ta-red alHiuf '"i atlai king f"i. ' oe -h pt nr. v a s ' . ori the foil" . lug I ets.iil ID" r illseuee,-f ij port sS , II ' ll I . I lie t il,, II , COL. CALVIN COWLES 1 DIES AT STATE3VILLE ' 1 0. folic ALASKA'S GOVERNOR ASKS FOR TROOPS t By Ashim iaieil Pres.) I . .t. Th.. it. ahl . ..led I . ..s. rv ' 111,'K J'l ,,. rs a t . -r.l. r l,..s t irol, I . :0 '1 .s' . I t' in: " I TIIKIt. yy ar.d,; "erntnont "" similar acta of ust ice under penalty. ""tT tM ... "ntereat of the ,h railroad ,n i. Mil ahinrlL"" lntereatf .tMilteved Aldrlrh i snippy f,,nWr. fartIj. of the sixAi district of Louisiana., h months, charged with the murder ol ;QUiJll lb KJ-ib 1 UiXtalf nr. U. H. Aldrlrh. In Baton Rouge last TTTPmiflH PfiTTMANTA nlet curt a ii.- vf w v vvvva murrer to the indictment was sus- ' Uined on the grounds that one mem-l ",v --iaiei , r.-. i ber of the Jury, an Italian, could not1 BrcHAKF..-T. April 1 An .fm ial read nor write the English language. rer-rt based Int.lligen. e re. eive. The state annealed the case to the' from ail parts ,,f ,h, .".intr and is- supreme court, wnich this) aftern.Mn i -ued todav indicates ,hat .(.nrt has Ireen restored generally tnn.i.gn i;"lt-i maniai. . In co ml us m the renorre ssy then has l.evn much pillage ant Ini-erxltar- TRAINMEN KILLED IN TEXAS WRECK affirmed the decision of the lower. Favrot Is alleged to have shot and killed Ir. ..AMrlch for aaperslone be to have cast on Jits . t i . (Br WAKH1 ' North ' ; t llai and w , tf rsnng north wind' mt.-d I'ri n. ) -V April I - Fair Tu-- r1n) Hilb lr, -'ruture; hwk a the l''i9t. v ! y re I r-,s I l.rak-roer. , aa.l ' rental rf h them !V .-.k lilted I'le-s 1 A .1 r I '-. . 'I'll 1 -rtlg ... i Ii'iel-'in h. . ght 'tain I -S..-J, K in- - n-i TeXris . . ... , . ' ' I r- lO- lav llH ' IIAHI.' 'T'TI., I I I a ; . I ' e.. , ,p ! i I'nlte'l Mt.,1. tr , , , .To m .--r.il. -If. was otn ,f!,.i l.v ,, V," d Pli ssl Apr,: 1 II. ' la'.gl, MAHER KNOCKED OUT ! IN SECOND ROUND i .i r men' I IP sur- ! i, r ,v ' of h.- , v (B -siatiil - I ' I . I S ' . .s '. r i.npi ton 'I Halt ol 1. I - IV ,nt T-.r honor-. Man I n .eeotvl i.ittMir: i ni it- HTiiiKi-:. .1 !..(.. M-r. ' I ) ' U' rt hurn"' (By lul.-d Presrs.) 1AJ.LAS Tiv . irtti I Granlle and two'i'inters ill ail Ihi iafg- r . ittes of, Texas ...-. ' in the debris j jitrueg fooay Th-y demand n in . i stance eoubl j er.'e of troio U-i to 3 ", cents ja-r day. Hiaii J00 head f 'The ntaet. r stone iim'.n, It Is beltev ed, slit attempt to have open shop" COLLEGE PRESIDENT IS SERIOUSLY ILL tB -iHi.il Pris. ) s TAI NToN, Va April I Rer. H. V. Hlii, k well, president of tha Kan-. .lolph-M i. on Cilfeass, waa vtakea III to-,' ., day and is ai a aonplMl ha m vary ate,, rlous loiniiihin from woivvla Uoublaa fl

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