THE ASHEVILLE CIT THE WEATHER. ! Slightly Colder. I In- sworn limit irrag 1mi km ion . r l in- ( hunt a , 1 . 1 Mi. M..iiil. .,( Xurvl, a I 4635 J V0L.3OOI,NO.129. ASHEVILLE, N. G., TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 9, 1907. PRICE FIVE CENTS. The Only Associated Press Newspaper in Western North Carolina IZEN BITTER DENUNCIATION OF Ambassador Tower dues of Honor. EVELYN THAW'S MOTHER i MARKS DELMAS' ADDRESS! Eloquent San Franciscan De nounces Mrs Nesblt In Unmeasured Terms. ni.h.htly coldkk. Hy Associated Prow. ) WASHINGTON, April 8 Forecast for Tuesday unit Wed- WILL NOT PLEAD THE UNWRITTEN LAW nosdax : North Curollnu Fair nnd slightly colder Tuesday; Wednesday fresh west winds. Says Client Has Ample Pro taction In Written Statutes of State of N. Y. (By Associated Press) NEW yoltK, April . The trial of Harry K Thaw, charged with the murder of Stanford White, Is hearing the end. Attorney Dolphin M. Delmun the Calltornia ndvoeute, this after noon began his closing address to the Jury and after he had spoken lor more than two hours and a half, an adjournment was taken until tomor row morning. Mr. Delm.ia expects to conclude before the luncheon hour Is reached Idstrict Attorney Jerome will makffthe closing adddress and Thaw fate will lie in the hands of the jury by Wednesday morning. Justice Kitzgeruld today ordered the Jury locked up until end of trial The Judge's churge to the Jury will undoubtedly he delivered Immediately after the district attorney concludes. Declaring that he would not bane hid plea upon the unwritten law be rime his client fouml ample protec tion In the written statutes or the late of New York, Mr. Del mas made a atrlklng appeal to the sympathies of the Jury, and Thaw's insanity at the time the homicide was committed was not even hinted at. With flushed eheeks, but dry eyes Mrs. Evelyn Thaw heard her life his tory repented to the men who are o ludt her husband, and bowed her head as her mother was denounced In the bitterest terms and tones the Influent lawyer could command. "Even a beast protects it young" he declared with scornful emphasis, "but this unnatural mother deserted her daughter In this city of millions to be betrayed by a false friend, to be lured Into a gilded palace and there left the victim of n gray haired man, wounded, bleeding and devoured." Mr. Dolman went with great eli te i into the life Evelyn Nesblt bad led up to the meeting with Harry Thaw. In all of his remarks he referr al in ner mis child" for child ti" mid she was today. He told of Thatt'. areat love for her and his efforts to rescue her from "the clutches f Stan ford White, whose achievements in his profession, wore ., liy;i.rr :, ion of Ji iK crime." l-r:r - : , '" .11 " ' WILL DISCUSS PUERTO CORTEZ EDUCATIONAL WORK IN SOUTH ABANDONED BY IIONDURANS Association of State Superln-1 Defenders Left the Port Two tendents Meets at Pine hurst. N. C. WILL OUTLINE PLANS FOR FUTURE WORK bit s story was true and was told to Harry Thaw formed the subject of the argument for more than an hour. Mr Delmaa declared that the only evi dence the district iitorney had to bring against the girl w "the miscalled af fidavit" procured by Abraham Hum mel. (w'orew Hummel. Speak inn of Hummel, Mr. Pelmns again drew heavily upon his bitterest ' Invective and declared that It would i require more than the word of a per jured man to send Harry Thaw to an lgnominous death. Hummel was ac-j cused by Mr. Delmas of having com mitted deliberate perjury upon the stand in the present trial when he swore he was not acting as Evelyn Nesbllt's counsel, and that no ac tion was contemplated In her behalf He said the so-called affidavit Itself convicted the man of these falsehoods. Mr. Delmaa began bis appeal to the jury by quoting from an utterance of: District Attorney Jerome during the vi'U vnuu a ..., . ...... . trial He said ......... . mu ii hiki- i ivit, .wmTHnri iimimNNHuor i "We have no right, if the real' " "T'r ,","", ' "niMT tenderetl l.lm by (be facts were known, to be here Irvine ... .... i.uikiu ..I..., mi i n rr .f ik t- Meeting Was Informal and Adjournment Was Taken Until Wednesday. Days Before Nlcaraguan Troops Appeared. DECIDED THAT THE WAR WAS ALL OVER Civil Authorities Assumed Charge of City Government and Closed Saloons. ROOSEVELT IS HEIR TO A CAT AND A FORTUNE President Is the Sole Benefi ciary Un ler the Will of Lulu B. Glover. WILL ACCEPT ESTATE BEQUEATHED TO HIM ornumw TIM hl.llu lllll.l.l...if la. 1...... .....I ..ill...... .i ... ' . . ... uLuritntulx- i ..iiM-iai iiir iii iurk himi oilier rule alisomieix W1v lrcs( I llernianii Kider, editor of The Slants Zi itnii)r, presided, and Hh tons. I list Included spc.i-lics by AniluiHSudor Tower. M. Si. , Noitli. dlrei lor of the (ViiMiiH, CoiiKressiiiaii Kicluinl ItunlioliK. aud MdvlNe V.. Kt4n.-. an official charged with a great pub-,. , , ' l"iii,u mmrt-ss aim ... n,e .-ours,- ol ii ,i...... i. j ih. .. .... . "!' ll lurgely with ! relailons Im-Iwivii the t nlliil stales anil f.ernianv. The other sM'iikers al-o r.fiiieil to tin- , rilmi ImihcCii tin; I'nlted StuKv. nnd the ;rinn r.iiiplre. this man, nnd would be prohibited by the statutes.' 'Had you hoard these words'' con tinued the attorney, "from some Ir responsible babbler instead of from lie duty; had they been spoken in a place where Idle men resort to indulge In Idle talk. Instead of in u tribunal wherein Justice presides In solemnity; had the occasion on which they were uttered been some trivial discussion on some insignificant topic instead of' debate, the issue of which Is life or death, and had you after so heating1 ing them, heard the same lips make an appeal to prove that the law de l rnanded the forfeit of t lie man about I honi they were spoken, I hose words . might not have filled you with amaze ment. (By AM-lntcil Press. I "It is to prevent such a conclusion S-Kvv y,,tK. April x. l-'ire ..ulv this case" went on Mr. Delmas todav destroyed Hie combined ear burn that 1 have undertaken the perform- n,i ,,mver plant of Mir New York city ance of the onerous task before me. In ' rnilroml i-onipany. covering the rent this tusk it will be my duty to give i-r pun of i be Mo. k hounded by Lenox you all the help in my power in de- avenue, H7ih siii.i and Seventh ave- New York Railway Company's Plant is Destroyed by Fire Quotes Scripture -r. nr-iiTus before beginning his -tuck upon Evelyn Thaw's mother poured out h torrent of invective on Ul .. .. . .... . e.,.,ni w nite. whom he said rl-- wrved the fate he suffered at Thaw'.- nands Mr Delmas declared that lion '"arc! the cry of the fated child upon .-van-ord White had fixed his M ami hn.i determined should be (. He uot.., tl.,,m s,.ri,,,.(. thaI He who afflict a fatherless child perish" and declared that I'rov "' "ad sent Thaw to u rung. ine att.irnev a his ,f,.-s ,, "me into ,,.r the ,, avenge flip declared i ,at Thaw illy protect ir that ne lite v ben was on "wnward Hath. .,l,l h. r lh:.t n.. uer what the w "e wm t niii tie. light of her hllll all aiid-1 II.. ttlr hn. " be his wifM. r,.Hlh ,., sharp ,he t1.. " a nmih..,- h: d I'lace UM.. m.r ,hluj,ht. r -Mr l).!,Hs accused Mrs. """nit Iim., "aurhter helped to Nesbit of upon th" wages of her , , 11 " sougnt to picture ' the Jury what he termed the sinis- ur Mrroumiit, . n h.,1 k. V " lnp B,rl mrrlln. ,.i . 11 t,L 'lacked the mother -imaa rrw.. t Mr uaa-c. iofiiit-si poim or nis that .1 y "b(,n ,old the J"rV h , Kir' s m",hrr wa "n Jerom r,irni"l Iltriot Attorney tn ' ' ;-h ,!,H arrows with which to tion '1:l!"fbter on cross examin.i-iIh-i. . """"'nation which tie , l'ye n 'he an- the J r!.r'n""a' hi"biry but which left eiwnVi ,"'"rv """""ken in all It-. ''' '' That Evelyn Nes- ding the fiuestion before vou. ' Picture Kvelyn's Lire. Mr. iJelmas then gave a resume or Evelyn Ncsbit's life from lier birth In 1SS4- to the time she nu t Stanford White. 'out inuing be said "llravc end courageous, we find this child at 15 or lii years of age. rushing in the day time from studio to studio, earning $ 1 H to $1X a week and at nigbt appearing upon ttie boards and earning an etpial salary. "At this time we lind ,i man whose hair was tinged with grey, who bad an excellent wife and an accomplished son, lixlng bis eyes upon the fated child, and determining to make her his. To win her he bad none of tin graces or principles of the li'innrab.' suitor. He introi)iiced himself to her family in the guise of an friend. He won his way into the con fidence of the mother und established himself In a paternal and protecting attitude in the family and when his footing w as sure he persuaded t he mother to absent herself libi the city, assuring her that the child would be safe in his hands and telling hoi how fortunate it vns that there wa- sueh a protector to watch over li r In one of those dens fitted up vvitli all the beauty and tasu nue. The loss w ill a half dollars. .More than Ihice burned and the pi each a million and h und l ed cars v ere HIM. except lor the electrical depiiititieiu, was destroyed, line lircniali. I'ltptain .1 I: van. was killed under a Tallin" w a 1 1 and half a do.i-n tifeinetl and olhei s v ere more or Jess scrieiislv llijlll'ed. Captain II and the en ing in an ,ii v hen an e p on the 4 1 1 1 i v all. si 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 tile hie I,,, l; ol I hen, mi 1 ' it h pi. i. -to work lo .! III. rums i lil cl lisle .1 I oil! pile-' 111 illiMlel . , II- I 'hul l I I., i the oilier ;, n's engiie . was ,s . rew -f t wo ol her w ere w ork - . OUlsille the 1 1 Li 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 K loll 111 1 lie pallll I ootll f. I'lpped ollt Ihl West ills of lit l k lo n on -i blirr.VIIIK linl.i do.eli ruins A bundled men I shocs i .one Sel llleir I i.iriradi-K otll of tln l!,in was horn still up v ,. u hdi taken It liv III- -l.le and nd 'ast sa . ra me of - of i he lie died line b olie ' 11 l i e , re o)), (Hy AssiM-lated Prts.) IM.NEIIl'ltST. N c. April II Tin Association of Stale Huperlntendeiils ot Instruction of the I'nlted Htatee, met here tonight to organlie and t outline pluns for the future educa tional work and for the betterment " 'no putille school svhtem In the south. The meeting wi.m of an In tormul ehiiiHcter, and adjourned un til Wednesday when reports will b received from the various state super intendents and from ihc cumpalifn committee of the Southern Educa tional Hoard The state superintendents present were: S A Myndcrs. of Tennesee oharinlin: J. .1 Koln. of Aikansiia; W. II. Marritt, of (leoiglu; Jarrv Hunnet of Alabama; o H Martin, of South Carolina; J Y Joiner, of North Carolina, and W. I) Winfrey, of KetltlK'kv Professor ,1 V .lovtier of Italelgh. X. C, was elected presldenl of the Slate Huperlnlendeilts As tocliil Ion. lo succeed S A Mynders. of Nashville, ihe retiring president W. II. Merrill. f A 1 1 la ii In , ila. was chnsen secretary. A large number of proinlmeni iidu- alors ariived tonight for the tfinth amitial iHtucatloual conferenci for the south, which will meet hre tomorrow lot a four da.vs session. The delegate will be wel. .lined lo ihe stale h (iov ernor tl It lilenii (Iy Anlniisl Pri'u.) NEW tUtLEAXS. A,, mi i. l llerto I oriel sill tendered uHiiiiiiK ami that al.oul I'h a I Itboiil l.liill) llondii. AFFIRMS DECISION OF LOWER COURT si 1 1 ;r i a prii k i M mi n.IMi-U .l JiifM, .M. K-un.t ttf tin h ir-m- i-'ttui mi flu- I ii i r r Hiiilt- in- hiv .ifliiiiK-'l (Ih- il i I'luti l thf I nil. -ii StiiIM rilciiM ri.iirt f'.i 1 1 1 Wi'Mi-rii hiHltlci of T' liiic.-' ,-, hi Mi-' i ny of '111 I I t ' U inp In t "ill I. .11 1-roiiKht fliini ii , Ti nii . Km Ii.ihK' in Mm- .1 t. f h MANY CALLERS PAY Tfi'ElR RESPECTS TO THE PRESIDENT SECRETARY TAFT HOLDS CONFERENCE WITH INSURGENTS (Hy Assoiialeil Press.) WASHINGTON. April x -Hoyern elect Hoke Smith of lii'.irgl.l. W))' eliroUle lo X,H Yolk trolll allele II: v -oi lateil Pr. HA V i In will sa White friends preside Mr : which till- sion f.. Eu P.p. ill. d w i 1 1 1 -I" ' ' II IK I" man of genius possessed into one h these dens this child was lured and found herself alone with this mar.. old enough to be her man who was her protector Must I tell villi how she W.1M led on, step hy step, now sm- v.. is pin. with wine and drugs, and finally ne- came his victim'' That storv you hi.e heard from that child's faltering lips Better that he should never have hv.-d than have lived to have heard the mm, cries of anguish of tin- victim who lav tiefore him. He had committed tb -greatest crime that ever .l.tii.-.l the imam, of Co. I He bad lur-.l to de struction and had crushed the child' Uooscvi It" !! The ll.llol d Tap a i. l;. peace I a . la. S. ...ill, I .. lie , e lollol. tllg P Spoil-. "Tile I,' V! 'P sill a ma n who re pre-.- the of Hie The PP--I.P II I . Of f rieiid- The.-e Words tor S. oil, of We- t had had a long t r.- v ii h th. , h Sellatot S- ol s lo, Iii h. Ills th. p. opie ,1.1 I . a "i , : irgin ill; eh. i. f . e . Ini He,- a a.s ii r a n I lot The p, i II i I pa was ihi.i Ol Jill hoi. ling thai slo. Plopel I .1 I.-.I I I W III. I, II . .oild HI,. III II -..Hon The Tin ker of oik Mill oolt I. lu ll i r i ) . 1 1 Hon II l!l).J ' ill I I 1 l i el-SY III I Hi' . "lit t. iiaiion are ran soldiers abiin.loiii.,1 th,. port i ,, days ago before Hie Nicaragua!! Iroopa appeared, wus the int. intuition brought bore tonight by Ihe steamer Anselm from Puerto Corie That llonduriius did not desert their post through cowardice according lo these dlspalehes, bul decided Unit the war was over. They returned to the banning plantations where most of I hem bad been emplojed an laborers before the war began. i linen states marine dosed all sa loon m ( el ha after the abandonment r the port by ihe Hull. Imam. The follow log proclamation was Is sued by Commander full.,.,, ,.i n... Maiitta and Vlrgll c. UeynoldM, I'nlt- d Stall's Vice-consul To the People of Celba: "The generals of the Hundura n arinv hHVIng left Celba, Hi civil authori ties will assume charge of the oily government All Honor saloons will lie Immediately closed nnd. will remain so. Hulitirs from llm United Mlutes ship Marietta will patrol ih streets mid H iat the civil authorities to preserve or der, nnd protect all foreign and pri vate propern The sailors an laud,.,! ... iioiiouias pe,t,,rN are warned thai ihere inusi l- no dls order or viohition of tin law ,,t Hon dura and all n,Ked to i.iiialn III their boon for the proem In Fortune Goes to Charity and Cat Is Being Cared For by His .Ordors. (Hy Asaoelutnl Press.) NEW YnltK. Aprl I H President llooseveii is the sole heneflebiry under the will ..I Lulu it drover, of No. U'liiaton avenue, which waa tiled In the office of (he Surromits to. dsy No petition was Mind with the. will and Hie value or private beuucsla ra theremre unknown. The main pari of the will, which Is very brief, reads a follows: "I give to Theodore. Roosevelt at inv death everything that Is mine, household furniture, personal property Jewelry, diamonds, estate, nil money In bank lo my credit and my cat. Know Drop Low, and everything that la mlni I owe to Theodore Itoosnvelt debt greater than I can ever repay In tlila world, and In I his way I wish to show I am not ungrateful. He ha Veen xnf angel, who "proud his wings of shelter o'er my peace through Ills an.! was my only true rrleinl In trouble. I Kindly give my llm,. all to him nnd on ly wish It were millions Instead ofK small an illinium. hope lie will r cept H in the spirit I give t and with llod's blessing." 11 hiiH been announced thai Prattle drill Itoosevelt will accept th entitto bi'iniralheiUlo him ami turn It ovaf lo some New york t harlty. Thta rat 1 being enrsd for now under the dlriMi tinii Issued by (In- president. use of , al aguan lot , ,-. 'cilia they w III nol int.. I fee law '-abiding people ami II,, ,, no a In i ni w ha ley e .Mr:itir IMUllSis I III W I I I. Pitt; a 1 1 in k " llll tile ll.'l'.l be ROOSEVELT WILL NOT . GRANT INTERVIEW. .n hiii.i: eel led tier W. I' l-iillii Muriella. iii haf . . ii,. i , f pnl M. alam 1 111. I. hi DECISION HANDED DOWN IN FAMOUS ISLES OF PINES CASE orl . , gas I i Hi. il W.I 1. 1 I I. II,,' I'.l. e -O lid III. I. Oil! I, . 1 1 I I I oil, I he f ' II "II I In I PI I. .. I ae iia ,, I. 1 1 lo, eulil.oal I -.lid a -In re, e,e, , I ti:h A.. ic on ma lid. I fnlil.oal sit '. , iw i mot, a, ml. - Pllel-lo Mil. I. il ill gnu il- ii te .VI. I III e l . -Is It had I. in. no I. r I.. ' P. . .il. .1 M.n l. I l.i i I , i WASH I MIT I-!- ..f I'm. t . I v, a - o ff i . el.lPd L..I.IV Of Hie fill!., p-lldeled ill Ii V a I'd .1 I'e . P ban. -.I-'. '! Yolk Mo no ii n . . I I, i ,1 ll;e 'III . 'Ol, 1 E. H. HARRIMAN WAS UNABLE TO APPEAR. (Il Miclaied Pre, i l. Y.iiiK A:-,, i - i: n hi. I'lihh Ilk el, I I.I .1 polltl, n 1. 1 ii lai.. i, I III ' I. ' Ii ml pp. ,a.v I.. r. I.I, I Ir dal. 1--imp! . Ihe o" tinned :i present ..I tb. I I P TP (CON'TIXIEI) OS PACK I'OI K) ABSCONDING EXPRESS CLERK IS FINALLY LANDED IN JAIL 0rv ''Peeuil ... AUsi', - ' ' wn.) -,. .... . al :tip Ye about II." sa id s. n. i ; . that th. p men v. ho J.i.oh l: prespl. nt t - w l.o ) id hi , h.-n 1 1,.- '.H ,ad h.-.-n .Ii. ii in ri I i h 1 1 i v ,s i ic h .1 1 inu t i he pr.-sid- n a ic I 1 fair. ;.,r S. oil Tlo CREW TAKEN OFF WRECKED VESSEL FATAL SHOOTING BETWEEN FARMERS r, s M ' i . i : -' I : - a .1 . -" A-socblle I I.I .1 ' Pre I (Hy AsMHlaleil Presa.) W AHIIIMIi'ilN, April M The pra si.l. ui ha de, lined to Irrant un ln leiview with Mrs Ida VonClimsM.n, who Iia complained lo ihn slum d paiiinciii Hint Culled Mtales iiilnlsler lo Sweden, I'haii.H II Uraves. refnn . .1 1. 1 pi.-, -in p, r to King Hscar. .Ml V ..III iollssell ,11 I veil til Vah. iiigiou Saiiirday nishi from New York Todav sin mill a note to the W'lllta House -eoklllg llll II pplllllt lliellt Wifll the presi.l.-ni iii opler lo make a Ver bal .lateini ni or the case. Sih rotary. I, ... I. tel. lied her to the stale depart men' a- Hi. braliih or Ihe govern in. hi win, h would properly lake up II, " mallei CANNOT BE TRIED ON DIFFERENT CHARGE. I Hy oolBlcl Press.) u iMllMin i.. April x That a '"Klilve lloill IllHI.e III the (Inlteii Sl'iles w ho had I II exlrilillled mini I 1 'a ol .- i halge ,,,l, not be Im- Iplisoiled on aiiolh. r i hiirge, was de . i. led lo-la-. I, ii, ,- siipr.-mo i iirl of Hi. I'litl. .1 Stale, ill I ,e .,. of ClUII'- ' P Plow In .f, ap, raiser of mer- -ham II ' ,,i .. I York. who thro., V al ago .'.a III. II. Ie, for fl-illllls IH- . "'..led iii i.iniiv, llm, wllb Ihe llii -i"l la I ! .1, ol J.i, Itese - Iks. I lo "loinon d Ihe coin t was dellv- p u b. Jon. i I'eikhiim and aiTlrmed ih. .1.,,.,.,,, ,. Judge Moiigh, silting h. 1 1.. - i, , oil i oi, , i for II,, hi ' 11 1 till 11 !l 'C i "1 . ' 1 ork. w ho olilored I ' " i" p. . .. ,.u a win of halleua CHAMPION STILL RETAIN TITLE. DEPUTY SHERIFF SHOT AND KILLED. .1 Press ) (lt -.laleil I'r. 1:1 1: I M ; 1 1 v i i . i ' I'H' .-Ii. nit ,l"hi, I; - i. . i Ir W ., s 1 h '. a 'I , N" n, i n.i 1 1 pr. id. iii .mil .-' I pi-- --.M'inli-il Pr-- '.' V . Apt 'I - d up Merel'.P! Mar. b I ,f hi I for virt- m ' r, 1 1 1-' Il J .e.'s s:,,d 1r H de. I., let k of presim nt to. alls win li.- nigbl "t Ihe eie. T a. II in 1 w .olid n"t H . op; a n-.' n.-i IlOWn amount Is-. i- ... . ...A llu .s 1 tw IH.. r.rusl.l. ... v ... w Ke is SJ, 1.1 lo tK- less I 11 J n -. " "' ' ' " "- u ..A,.is , m. .w-vetitfcn vears f ate. iais.- nee,. .1,1 .... 'urday and Buffalo. N. Y.. 0nd has made a full c.nfes.,n of hi. l e that hi- p. i - a. . Salu'hurv t SK t0daT ,anled In jail j guilt and will throw binis.-if on Ihe.ried through Time. xno a '' aw ait trial for the mercy of the court. Sin. - hit- di- Tel. gram and . I ier . . .n' nine i "t It w"' was maie n' genera! appearance early in Novemtier be h ii reieiyed l,y the pr.-sid. nt la iring 'r,,v Ageni v i! '" of the Thiol De- ' b,-n on a tramp steamer U' ("v turroL." brouKht ray to America and later spent s,-i u n'ng him over to the sher- in New York. iff. flrav. who wa a trust. k . .. - '-mo i. iv. v tne Express Company, was leni i' "ith an BL n,hM agn absconded 13.000 while th amount ""ting to eanr j rul r i:v, '.arrie v, a h;..l'' to s-'jth.thc story from th.- Whii. -- r . I w.-ess gar.l to ihe anfagomsia d.-nt . poll' ic Hon'' in r.--t.. C. pr.-,-i I h r o pit.i iriHl -ik'h n. d. pled by a ml It.c lir-. fiver i I were the ' id v one .re Lrinc tb.- s.ari 111 ..'l i. . I- . of I II- 'I iiit;inpy nili'T plant Itodori. k r- I d.'plll v . i a man biiigpiriv. , "i.-l ' ', 'w I lit- ... aped. WORK PROGRESSING RAPIDLY ON THE OVERLOOK PARK LINE dlv nji . ;. P,.n !l- ..iii i r-. and ,ij. d POWDER EXPLODES KILLING THREE MEN. , ti . - laosl Press )' i.w - " I.' : i" v i.t 1 1 Tbi. . . . ; . r,' ,. ' I .-' I .it H 0VP ,. lo.lav I,. -,l. - .i n "' ; t'"' "f pow der a' 'b- ! M llnrton F'owder ooipari. A -p.. I- :- -n ;.p. . -d lo have ,r.,pp, j n ii,, piv.-l'T John King. ;of I.... .-Mi al;- 'I ': l".t-. 111. I !o niis ed . 'I . I I'.oi. , t - i e I p. Ill Iii- A I Inal' .. hi. I. goo I -alll W .1 - high rid- b ir,.l I bcd-1 1 I Itn-re when .-.:.v after th. t ies an 1 h vv-.rk ha. . r- nal thf fr. nittm r. placed b lb. i .f -b . J I" Mr p AiPi ir stales that th a l ar ii" wav to Aahevllle. Th .'biiiLi ni; "f "be mountain line la i .- .I..,,, im tor.- track I laid from thf 'd! i I, il. to i be S-piar.