THE ASHEWLLE CITIZEN THE WEATHEB. Bain Today. If You Waal What Yum Wul Wlien Yost Waul ll. Try a IIuk4 Want Ad- jl jl ji jl S J JJ JiJ JJ JsJ J VOL XXII. NO. 150. ASHEVILLE, N. C, FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 3, 1907. PRICE FIVE CENTS. The Only Associated Press Newspaper in Western North Carolina v. I ; Brevities iicl ities KEV ORLEANS. May i.-Two toadred boiler-makers strike fur an ( ltt-bir dy- JRONTON. Ohio, May 2 Dr. M Cny . prominent physician Is shot anil !ll by ferryboat captain. BALTIMORE, Md. May 2 130.000 Mrili of bonds, thought to have been stolen are mysteriously roiuiucu. WASHINGTON. May. 2 Officials .r much concerned over strained nutloiu between Mexico ana uuaie Freuucnt discussions are ftold. HEELING. W. Va, May 2. Na tlonal convention of the Daughters of the American. Revolution opens 10- ATLANTA. May 2. Savannah and fjuuthwrat railroad company Is grant ed a charter, capital siock io dc ;.,000. JUDGE GRANTS MRS.DEMASSEY A TEMPORARY CONVICTED OF INJUNCTION MANSLAUGHTER KEW YORK. May 2. Baroness Louisa de Massey, being tried for the Ming of Gustav Simon, Is convicted of manslaughter. CAMDEN, N. J , May 2. Negro cons t arrested on charge or attempt ed assault on young white woman. Is tent to Jail without bail. CHICAGO, May 2. Former offlc hti of the Hamilton National Bank plead guilty to embezzlement of 210, fM. Receive five years sentence. NORFOLK. Va., May 2. Foreign altera take all places In two out of the three races. American boys have tkelrCovtn way In the first race. ATLANTAJ Oa.. May 2. South MMirn Cotton "Buyers' Association Bieeta here today. Many prominent Setithern buyers are in attendance. The New York Stock txchange Jury Finds the -Baroness Is Restrained From Clas- Guilty With a Kccomen- slfylng Cotton. dallon For' Mercy.- APPLICATION MADE FEW SPECTATORS BY THEODORE PRICE HEAR THE VEKDIC A Modification of the injunc-1 Prisoner Is Ordered to ihe Hon Is Later Secured Tombs to Await Sentence From the Court. oh the Eighth of May. ALBANY, -NT. Y. May 2. The state Mute rejected Governor Hughes re commendation that Otto Kelsey be ratnovod auperlntondant of Insurance. AKUBI'RX. Oa., May !. Jury In Tori murder trial, after being oiit - aalJlraumltvutfa Jeturna 9. -verdict s fumy." Sentenced to be hanged May iS. . - - NEW YORK, May 2. Officers of lbs coastwise steamships win their tight for higher wages. Five hundred stevedores. and longshoremen go out en a strike. WASHINGTON. May 2. President Roosevelt is made an honorary mem lr of the 8oclety of The Army of tti Potomac at Its annual reunion. Offlcera are elected. WASHINGTON. May 2 Repre sentatives of Central Federated Union of New York have Interview with the President concerning the "Mayer and Haywood" letters. Declines to dis tort what took place. NEW YOItK. May S. ltev. J. K. Ookc, pastor of Hempstead Kpisco jl church, leaves suddenly. Miss rioi-flta Whaley. young girl with 1126.600 fortune. Is also missing. 8up lwwd l have gone with the minister. ..L71XK RoCK- Ark. M,v 2. rtitef rrierk Lucas nf the II . of Itcpresentatives testified thai he had " approached by an unknown man ad offered 120.000 lo allow anll-ra'e 'rack bill l Jr -lost - .iillXTON. M.y 2. steam : """ r"i Ihe I'iptomnr arc i-otl- nr" "V Marine Kngineers Iw-n.-nclal "Hon i nat unless sala I i-s are in vito seel (By Associated Press.) (Hy Associated Itcms.) NEW YORK. May 2 Upon appll- NEW YORK. May 2 "Harones cation of Theodore Price. Justice Anlsa Louise da Masstv, the pattern Bischoff today granted a temporary ,,,,. .,,, ,, , , ,.. Injunction restraining the clusslfica- I tlon committee of the New York Cot- lav slm. a hlrt waist iminufactur- ton Exchange from classifying cotton cr, was convicted of manslaughter In by what he alleges are Improper! the first degree, with a rccommendu standards. Under the order of Justice tlon lor mercy. The Jury, to which the Bischoff the exchange Is enjoined lease was given at 3 o'c lock this af front classifying cotton from samples I ternoon, returned a verdict a few mln drawn from the bales of long before lutes before midnight, and the prison the time of classification as to enableJor was remanded to the Tombs until them to become bleached and differ- May f, for sentence. ent from classified samples. Gustav Simon, a wealthy shirt waist The order also requires the classl-1 manufacturer, was shot in his office flcation committee of the exchange on November 19, and died a few to deliver to members of the exchange I Iioutb afterward. Mme De Massey, a set of the types of .standards used Known as "liaroness le Massey was by It In certifying and classifying cot-(employed by Simon as a shirt waist ton. designer and was arrested whije Mr. Prices declared in his com-1 lea vlng the building In which Simon's plaint that the classification commit-(office was located, a few minutes tee classified samples which are not after the shooting. She acknowledged so tagged as to Identify the bale from she had had a disagreement with 81- whlch It was taken; that the classlft- mon over a question of wages and hail cation Is mude by improper stand- left the manufacturer's oftlce a few ards and that the committee la In- minutes before, her arrest, but has fluenced, by. undue pressure to pro- consistently maintained throughout dues an over classification in favor her trial that she bad nothing to &) of tha seller. Ha asks that tha Injury- With .t ha .shooting. vi . tlon may be made permanent. . ' ' There wera bnt sr few spec tat ora In Late tonight Henry W. Taft, repra-lthe court room to witness the mid senting the New York Cotton Kx- night scene when the jury brought in change secured from Judge Bischoff. Its verdict. When the prisoner was a modification of the temporary In-(brought In she was very pale, but ap Junction Issued by the latter this af- peared calm and faced the Jury with ternoon. and which restrained the lout apparent emotion classification committee of the ex- "We find the defendant guilty of change from classification of cotton, manslaughter in the first degree, and under what were alleged to be im- recommend that the mercy of the proper standards. court be extended to her" was th It wns represented to Judge Bis-1 verdict read by foreman Chaffee. choff that the Injunction . rrrfght ser- Mme. De Massey received the ver lously Interfere with current contracts diet calmly. Judge Blanchard after to the (nhjry of members of the ox- the usual rormalltlrji ordered the change. prisoner to ihe Toftibs to await sen- Judne Bischoff accordingly modified I fence on May 8 the Injunction so that it would not CAFE COD CANAL TRACT AWARDED. V;0 1 OFFICIAL'S AT WASHINGTON ARE CONCERNED f W . .- Ik. Strained Relations Between Moxlco andGqatcmala Causes Discussion. UNITED STATES CAN TAKE NO ACTIVE PART Officials Must Content Them selves With Merely Watch Ing Developments. it .r two opnliirlos n canal arrow. tin. lower end of 'iu ivul 1... pnJftl, but never n spadeful of rarili lias Imoii dug.. The dream of our Mrefalliera to flit IT t liuiKlml tulles of u. voiaun 10 IIohIihi (.. 11... K4iuh and also to 1I0 away with llie.clni.ri-rs or navigation around the Vmua Is at last to be nwrikeri, and D0WI11 Clinloii l lanagan. a New York ran. Itallst, la tte man wild will do Hie work. Tim rnl .in 1 'cen Buuard'a and IWitoUblc bays. and U be 111 ntUva In Istiath. U. , . ,tnke effect pending a hearing In the matter next Monday. $20,000 TO ALLOW BILL TO BE LOST. uor rent l.v 1 ' on a strike. they AN-VapoMs, Md.. .Iy 1 -Much "Oiftnatinn In naval .ie.-..-. mv nlhletlc rcl ovpr conrellallon Iv fjeorge !hnlniV"r''i'v maiiugerg of bo( race- sc hr Jt,, ,i f,,r next 8at- WIIVCKHpARru, ,,, Msy 2A Black Hand" trial today. Sam w "n" "f defendants. " PrlnelMi witness for the defense "nmonuc-alih sintiv. bfRins rebuttal testl- 'U-MHIA. s . May 2 R . well known husi- fniir..) .1 L. - ft. . near nis Jiiac-e ki. miltl bH"t hole In the of Ills head. Murder wth rob as ih- motive ts suspected. hZ'S'IHaTTTi:. May mr ' "f A'"xan'1'r Chlsholm. for- "Rak b ,"",T of Flrst 'N!,""nal B, , B,r,ninaham. under Indirt- t.k.. " """"Element of $100. 00. Unit. 11 uiii ner sop was entally unbalanced. LITTLE ROCK. Ark. May 2.--flvier Clerk Lucas of the House of Repre sentatives teslilied before t lie com mission which has under investiga tion the alleged tampering with the Moore-Henrthlll bucket-shop bill, that he had been approached by an un known man find offered $20,000 to allow, the Amis anil-nice trac k gam bling bill to be "lost'' was asserted by n member of tht commission. The report of the commission on the Moorc-Heartill bill was submit ted to the Legislature and while ceii- McCLELLAN STATUE UNVEILED YESTERDAY (By Associated Prrm.) AKH1X(;TN, May 2,-Wllrt ap propriate chic and military torc- monica and in th reKncc of a dt tfnKUiHiiod udience, th' horojc etjucH Irlun Htatue in bronze of ljr( H. Mr irllun, rrertcfil under tho auM- plcrM of tho Army nf iho Potomar, wan un vei led here IntJay. PrcMident ll(o.sfve!t mftdo thf UlnclpHl Mpocrh, unw wilh (ienonil Frodnrlrk I). Orant 'n hiM rfht and flnvcrnnt Htokcs of .Vow Jfi'tw'.v on his lelt. rcvi'VH an ImpopjnK military parade uf regular and militiii. Mrs. Mr'l'ltitn. thf gonprji I'm wid ow. Major t JforK1' MK'Irliun of New York, Hon of tho fffMipra I. and 1 . 1 1 . If f lk Ilo.n for . . V"" .1 Joseph MeClellan of New Jerse aiiageci cnreieMsnes, ooe iim m lMl ....... ... ...1 alleged responsibility for the tam pering with the bill. HOTEL CAROLINA AT DURHAM DESTROYED BY FIRE LAST NIGHT noplifw, who pulh'd the Hiring; i Irasing tin fliigi-i in whl h tly Htatue w&h -n v'lopfd. of rupi'-d H;a t i on the pffKidrnt's Htnnd. The diplomatic i-nrps. tht army and navy arid rivil military wit; IdiRfly reprise n led. SEAMEN OF WRECKED VESSEL RESCUED. (By Associated lYess.) N HK( I.K. Vn , May 2. Captain Ia It'Mlia. fourteen seamen and RALEIGH. N. f May - Firelnegro lo- stowaway, survivors or me ilestroced Ihe Hotel arolina. I Portuguese nark irpent. wnicn a four-story structure, located in the which stranded off Nas Mead life- centre of the city of Otirham en- savins i..umi on ,1.. ..,i.u v.,ii.,jina t,.iiir,cr iu. ,.r 1 1 .-. fliio fntiv covered coast last Saturday nlht. arrived by Insurance. There were 50 or" 75 1 here of cotton necessary. new Rr Assorlated Press.) "KLEAXS, May :.A third otion will be necessary ,4lina of , emit ero, Z r ,n- laiesl disaster to the tb. '"" one ray of hope wt .r -'" "-ouisiana. on ac- ii nseasonable weather siied by heavy rains are . -11 us " la ail u.,, wnt.r. Hi is the wet weather measure drownrd out l. P .u. . "'' of Xjttoa will be neces- I m hnt w . . th,, "'Hs rumplauit Is W te L !d "T scarce and last night, having been picked .11..I. I !T. hnl.l ull nf Whom eS-lUp nil- Hiuhk k'IMIH .-mi I. caiied without injury Some escaped in their nigiit clothes nir oil nf their nossessions em r v o""' '"' ,T "' lovvn immediately alter tne last man k containing stepped from it ll was with great 1 IT ih u M y mat 11 was kih anoat so if them Kernald. ol New York. H mll" I north of c afe Hatteras. alter tiiey j had been afloat in a small and leaking I long .At 1 o'clock the hotel wa" lestroyed and the rlre'vvas under con trol. A closely built bloc many sicires and two banks is sepa rated from the hotel by a narrow al lev. but these were saved The im mense pirfrft of the Black wells Dur ham Tobacco company Is across the street from the" hotel Several fire men were hurt, but none seriously A mewwge, was received from IJuc-1 WASHINGTON'. May President ham just as flrement and apparatus rt,),wvclt was made an honorary wire about to leave this city on a member of the Society of the Army special train, saving thst the Pur- nt tn( jvtnmac. st the annual reun ham just an firemen and apparatus j()rl at the Balescoe theater in this Ihe fire. Icl'v HONORS HEAPED ON ROOSEVELT. The loss in estimated at $1J.00. ClirXOWKKY GlILTY. i;enTal J M funis. cf New York, was elected president of the society to succeed General Henry Dwight. The other officers were re-elected as follow Rexcirding Secretary General Hi- WILKESBARRK. Pa. May i Jospeh 'hnnowsky. who was on trial here charged with dynamiting lha ratio King Welch Congregational church at Assistant ftecrelary Lieutenant Kdwardsv-ille near here, two years ago Frsnk . Holliday. tu thra evening found guilty, He Cwrespondtng aWcreUry Ooloael wvill be eentenced Saturday. j- Fox. . 1 FORMER PRESIDENT OF WASHINGTON LIFE GETS A HEAVY FINE William Brewer. Sentenced toPay$500FIno For Mak ing False Entries. CHISHOLM'S MOTHER PLACED ON STAND TO TESTIFY FOR HER SON Says That Defendant Has lifJon In Asylum to Have Mind Troatcd. IMPRISONMENT ASKKD FOK J Ll 1 TLF EVIDENCE HEARD (liy Associated Press ) NKW V'OKK. Mnv 2. William A Brewer, form i iiresident of lie Washington l.iie Insurance (oinp.nn. was sentencefl loday lo pay a line of $500 for MiiiKiMK H false ami !''aiil;i lent rejiort l'i 'lie stale huh i inteinl nt of instil n.'-e. in i'eKnrl i. i lo financial coinli'ion cii" that i .,n.,:ni Two Indict un xgalnst lilm i h.irgiiiu lierjury vver dismissed Mr. lirewc ould the fin, Assistnni I t rict A t f 01 uv- Kh" 1 asked that ; j'liscin sent' ih Ih- iih- X that I In- .,rt i-11-.i- to er had pleaded guilt 1 serious a" I ha I 1 "f Htirnhnin. Ii i"i nier , or Ihe .Mm. i.i I I:, -erv ' oiopn i j." . i- t -in Sing Si iik !! : "i, hard ' said lellc haracter tr-im l,u-tne Krewer iiail ln'-n n 'I bellc-yc !h;il Hi- 'I iiiilll" said he. il icllre that oliLiiii-d J e compani'- In '' -blame.- hie ar l I. ie up ll nmid t . in, (lly Anmm lined Press.) Ill It.MIM.'IIA.M. Ala, May 2 Al I lie openltitr of l lo- se ond day cif Ihe i tin I or Alexander it i lii-holni. form- i. paving niier ,, the I'lrsl Natioinil Hank ol Hiiiiiiiiwliarn. under Indict- 11 M I It- for eilllie,.lemeill of $100,000 ii-oii (he lunik. nll'-Keil I,, have bevn I',1-! in ,! t hi f-', i illation posed, dedal which Mr ii was eitiall Which (il'nl'B general c-on-- Life Insurai. ing a senten- Justice IM ertificate associates - celved hv Ii i fendant Ih ,- u-rv vicion. the n-oi of his hltle ' I have s)se a flto Wallet I'l l, , Kim- I Ill- Ill" 'lltslii.lln i oii'i le, I ill w a - i 1 , n I 1 , 1 1 1 1 Ills i-lio I I aKe ' 'In- Ii v ll ii".s -.aid ii nd l old I In i-p'-i ii ;it i,, (,:. , ii - 1 1, y Ihe M U'i-I.Hi i in i i ...ling. Illy AsMM'UttccI lrMi.) WAtslllNtlTON. May 1. The si rained relations between Mexico and Guutemala arising from tha fall ure of tha latter to surrender under eittradltlon proceedings for trial In Mexico, General Lima, charged With complicity In tha assassination of Ex President Barrlllas, la a matter of serious concern to tha officials. They are slncertdy denlrous'of tha mainten ance of peace between ' the thro Americas pending the meeting and conclusion of tha second Hague con ference, olherwlsa tha presentation of certain subjects to tha conference by the United HI ales would losa much of It fores. With tMs In view tha slate depart, men! has gone to unusual lengths In Us efforts to terminate the war be. tween Nicaragua and Honduras and prevent Its spread to tho central American countries and also guard against trouble in the future by pro viding for a permanent peace com mission to meet In Nicaragua. The details of this last arrangement, par. ticularly as to time and place are ax pected to be disclosed In the .treaty of AmapaU. when the text of that recently 'negotiated convention reach Washington. Hsnie the officials view with apprehension the Increas ing friction between Mexico and Gua temala and there are frequent con ferences at the state department, the last being today between Herretary ftont. Assistant Secretary Ilucon and Ambassador Creel of Mexico; In the pursuit of M common purpose to avert u fresh outbreak of war. It I feared that Mexico's demand for Jose Lima will untlmalely be refused by Gua temala. Hut even In that "eent war might not follow. The Kjoxlcan iroops that have been mobilised on the Guatemalan frontier to the num lier of 10,000 would be retained there and illplo.iintlc- relations of the two countries would lie terminated, but there would be no declaration of wiir and no hostile acta on the pari of Mexico so long us there was no fresh provocation by Guatemala. Much a situation might be termin ated either by the breaking out of a revolution directed against the Ca- brara government or by the decision of the littler to yield ' Hie Mexican demand for Lima's, extradition. The OustcriiHlnns assert Hint a very active Inula exists in Mexico with Ihe ob ject of financing and starting n rev elutlon in (liiulemulu against Ihe ex isting government mid It Is pointed out lhal General Hairlllas was s lc lulls ,,f i '''""'os'ed because ho was head of I I Inn junta It . Is said ul I In- slate department done now by this i-Ve the frli ilon b.l Gtiatctfialn and the MINISTER, GIRL AND FORTUNE ARE GOING AWAY Pastor of Fashionable Epis copal Church Astounds Con gregatlon by Moving. MISS FLORET TA WHALEY IS ALSO MISSING Girl Ho? Eortune of S 1 25.000 t Defray Expenses of Long Trip to Europe. (lly AsKM-lalrd Pre.) NEW YORK. May 3. Members of Ihe fashionable Ht. George's Eplaco. pel church at Tlempstead. L, I., war astounded today when they learned that their pastor, the Rev. Jem Knode Cooke, had departed from Hempalead and that Miss ' Flnretta Whaley also had left her home and had written letters saying aha would not return. Itev. Mr. Coog la mar ried to Matilda, 'daughter of Itlenxl Clarke, of Hartford, Conn. Bishop Burgess, of th edlocese of Lone Island, says that Immediate action will be taken by the vestry of George f church to fill the va cancy caused by the departure of Mr. ' Cooke, . 'The vestry la overwhelmed by tho unexpected calamity,;' said Bishop Burgess, "and la at a loss to account ' fr.r It, It la Inclined to the' belief that Or. Cooke cannot be of aound mind. - He obtained a leave of ab sence a year ago and went to Kti rope to recuperate, but his condition . on his return has been poor. Tha ' church and Us property are In the beat of condition. .- ".v- '';. . ''Am-. VIA Ktory. -: , According to stories which were circulated freely In Hempstead, the)' Infatuation of, the minister for Miss Whaley has been apparent for some Urns and was the direct cause of Mrs. Cooke leaving for her father' home. It Is aald that tha young wo man's grandmother,- with whom aha made her home, became aware of tha Infatuation soma time ago, and ask ed the minister to cease his visits t her home, Miss Whaley left her home several ; days ago saying tha shtnnded to visit friends In this city. Later the grand mother received at letter, saying that when It was received "They would be out of the country." Dr. Cooke waa popular during his pastorate In Hempstead and also waa very successful In a financial way. Ha had raised nearly 1100,000 since hi appointment, In his parish, With this money he built a parish house, . made extensive Improvements In the church edifice, snd had begun Im provementN on His Hunday school building. He Is a man of pleasing presence and a good talker. Miss Whaley, ' the missing young woman, has a fortune said to amount to $125. iioo, which came to her at her fa ilier'n dcalh -ion, c hen i I by evidence of , at nothing cull In in confessed he , gowni, iiciii m ie tween Mexico otnl land llie . .., . . .-.. ... 1. 1 . ; offli ials iiiusl (-'UiteM themselves wllh name "f "H nxl,)UBy watching developments. hiivluK said, i - - that flic maiiu HONORS GO TO THE FOREIGN SAILORS ,i 1,1..!,, -ti-il II fii I I, in. I 'I he ami lie Ip.het ' ii IHl.ihl h.H -Ie dl.llKlile in, l: Mother lakes f t 1 i: PRESIDENT TO WRITE LETTER TO UNION. tio wash i. v; A I 'oak If rice Hrpv ii 'en! ral V York, had . today con, sentative sic Mover and I citizen " vv ' anthi)tg al" learned iha- letter- to ' ' next nieet.r- The c o'ii.M James H li the Interv e --Hiat-l lrcs ) ' 'X. May : W Ii '-" i m H Henri and M-.'i- jiresenlal i '-i- "' tiori rniot; . - ilk Mi I Ii tin- ,i -I- i ig his letter '" r.-.i - inan desc-nhitiK M'r l. yw'ood as "uiel'-'i-ir.i,'l' thev d- lined 'o i-.. " I heir intet 1 1. w n v .1 -i ie president w :ll r-f" L'nton to he re. id a' it- -e was ace. in ,;, n i' il I-'-olds, w ho arranK' '! f-'T with the preside!. 1 1 1.1 -Hi I r linn. Iiad hug- ' me Stand 11 . ol,' hi. led f .il.iv. j.;.i n ii filaiitiK .Mr" ; tool her ol Ihe 'ie--i.'ilid Hhe te-tllloil gn al -gi eat grand I. ill- ' 'liii-l .fustic ' ,1 to- t,ei 11 im- 1 ii sa tie -it- "I ho- life, also -!' had .1 (cuindion . - Ie, l.i ea me men -.tii'l had 11 mania ., ),... Slie Klfl-' ; ;- I'l'l'i ,-. hen lh-loi-od i -, 1 lo- had ,i o.l . heer f ul nature, ! 1 1 .1 , 1 In en rnnrief ' 1-.1 fall tie famih-j late. 1 ion ne hos- t'ld 1 1 ea led, but I 'I lo I'lloV. illlll lioilie MERCHANT FOUND DEAD AND EMPTY REVOLVER 1 POINTS TO FOUL PLAY HAIN llAV: AMI l.ol'IHY TtMICi;W Bi X-eaM-lau-xl lre. ) WASH I N'lTOV. Ma Koretaio f Korth Carolina. Rain Krida ; warmer In the in. fli Tl. '-'I' Th.- .1,1.11. Ih- !)ix A-igot,.e - . , ke.l ,. iral -o tha' (sor.'!. I.'i jii"1- 'ar -. Dl-Sel,gers tally 1 "I. I Mill A. S ' . Ma. . t i'ho mas Wescolt. h-. conduit- a hlls-liie-.s in Waverl'v. a -uhurli "f tills ll. wa. fiiulid dead near his place of business earl' 'Ills tnotllltlg with M bullet hole III the left side of his head A re"l'i .with 1-- emplv chaln li rs ws" loiimi tie'ai his isulv ftilic ide Is sllKK'-s" d h some, iuit the general Impression is thai he Mac murdered it h robber v as Ihe moll v. U'escott hud but one arm. the right. and Ihe culclde theorv Is dispelled ih- the, tint that from the locution of !ih'- weapon and Ihe nature of the wound It would iiave been 11 physical Impossibility f,,r Veciit lo 1imv- Hied the shot Wescotl had a good business and his home relations iVrr happy Jim banlnir. .1 v-'idVig white man. ha lieen airested on suspicion Another mere. haul was kllleil in the same neighlsirhood . sig weeks ago lia . 10 Chicago, washy a highwainan. who hlmaelf was 11 chard H i', on ihe Cen-j killed lrl.i. -even miles s.,uth Cif . ' , , fui-seiiK' rs were in-j IIW Kit I'ltKK.IIT It ITKX a 1,. c he,er In the ex.-! . kMl-.d nd two express, ATLANTA, fia.. Mav 7 Ky the re-,u-f inj-ired. neither fa- classification of the eorgla Houthern land Florida railroad today by the DIXIE FLYER IS WRECKED IN GEORGIA. sMM-laieil lr-s.J ' Ma1 - -A special to .1 i ri-ioi Cnffni, Ca.'savs I hi i a r.1-1 train from HI (liy AsMMialrsI 1'rnwt.) NoiiKdl.K, Va , May 2. Foreign j-allors had their Innings In (he j Janiesiown exposition race between warship crews in Hampton Itoada lo rd. iv In Inn of Ihe three contests the I Americ an lars failed of a place. Eng land Austria, Argenlltia, and Germany ull iHine In for honors In the aecond and third races, tbr first place being 'captured by the Jacklen of Knglancl I in I " 1 Ii events. Hut the American boy had ih" llrst race all to themselves, lit was a freii-ior-all affair and Ihe seventeen entries represented nearly everv c lass of nav ul lender that Is pro eled h oars Before the race was half over It could1 lie seen that tho ! prize lav between Ihe cutters of tho il' H H kcursarge and the Indiana. I When ihe victorious crew from the : Indiana passed between the lines of ships after he race they received am ovation 1 I The se.-ond and ihlrd races went to 'the fi.reUners. the Kngllshmen carry ing off Hi", honors without much trou ble, with the Merman sailors their closest cnntecitants. 1 SLEUTHS WORK ON ' LAND FRAUDS. The wr'-'l. .'witch The I' co motive ami two cars passed the swtli h. but ibe. rest of the train was derailed fr'ire started In the ' ',r'r' "',lt "ulckly eontrolled. tetior: Katirday clomly awrtheast f east winds. fresh , ued by an open Male railroad i oinirilselon. that road will be required to reduce Ita local freight rates about 10 per cent. The new rates are to take effect In Jo days. . y ' i . - .. (Ity ANaoriatrdT Press.) HKATTLE. Waah., May :. 8lg se cret service operatives are working In Western Washington, unearthing a series of land frauds that are de clared to be more astounding In their far-reaching character than the dis coveries made In Oregon eor Califor nia. A secret service operative In the ronlidenre of President Rooeevelt has Just been svnt to the coast to tnke rharge of the work and assem ble the evidence that has aeeama. lated for special offlcera of the ae- j partment of Justice.