mm THE ASHETILLE CITIZEN U You,, Wmit Whs - Y J Want li. Trj a Clllar-o Want Ad.' k ' ASHEVILLE, N. C, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 4, 1907. TOLXXn,N0.151 PRICE FIVE CENTS. The Only Associated Press Newspaper in Western North Carolina )r.. Ian apology W I : : Brevities I ' AN ANTONIO. Ten Wall, of th W""" iiw. were loat. n way " '""- '...uivrcllAM. ALA, A iegro -vf .. and .n...iny wound, railway TT-T..J in turn " l,n,'t "nl1 Kll,eU '" tf tun ..ut, r..i.llNOi -New treaty be .w- i M....1 States and Santo "-. ........... i. nomlnloan lUSl.uS" ' Coofrrn. nc,S k- VA --Judge Prentla .. . i.niiiorary Injunction " . ...liiu rs " from handling Hoa-lransf-rriiUlc passenger ticket.. omvlVdllAM. ALA Witnesses ... .i.. a-fense In ChlBlw.lm trial tea ilf thai defendant wa Insune on the Mb)Kt Ol l"IO.l I-lit-iM H0N Kt)NO-ir-al loss of life its) property caused by explosion of magazine Part of historical rHy wall Is thrown down C1TT OK MKXH'O. (luatemala aMkifUea to .Mexican government for ... insfnttalion that the Mexican le aaa harboring the would-be Maaalna of Pres. Cabrera. BALTIMORE, MD. Kid Sullivan nf Washington knocks oul "Young CortsMt" of Denver In the eleventh round of what was scheduled to be a It round match. NEW YOftK The New York Cot ton Exchange makes public a state ment concerning charges made by Theodore H. Price In hla suit ugalnst inat tiwmui.oii. NORFOLK. VA. English tars re prat (heir victory In the International boat races. Americans redeem them vta In the third event. 8A.V FRANCISCO. N'cnrly all the operators of the Pacific States Tele graph and Telephone company strike for Increased wage. DETROIT, MICH. Owing to a strike of ice handlers in thl city fof hither wages. Detroit is an iceless cltr, no Ice being delivered. WASHINGTON. Isthmus canal unetouiea 4 about- to call for pro wall for largest lumber contraat ttul bu been placed In years. WASHINGTON Charles A. Keen, president of the Independent Watch Dealers' Association, has a conference with Assistant Attorney General Pur 4y concerning Investigation of melh- of the so-culled Watch Trust. GREAT DAMAGE DONE IN CANTON BY EXPLOSION Powder Magazine Explodes Scores of Persons Are Killed or Injured. PARTS OF HISTORIC CITY WALLS RAZED No One Injured in the For elgn Residence Surburb. Shock Is Felt. IIO.N'fi KO.N'il, May 3. Orear de struction of life and property was caused at Canton yesterday evening by the explosion of a powder maga zine. Twenty-one bodies already have been recovered from the ruins. Hun dreds of persons were Injured. Flf teen buildings were razed and i large number were seriously injured The massive city wall was thrown down In portions. The historical nine-storied pagoda escaped with slight Injury. The officials and staffs of the tins Jdtals are doing thlr best to succor the sufferers. In the Hhamlcn suburb, where the foreigners live, A terrific shock cau ed by the explosion was felt, but the residents were unharmed. The City of Canton Is about six miles in circumference and Is en closed by walls about twenty feet thick and from twenty-five to forty feet high. There are sixteen gates in to the city, besides the water gates. The famous nlnc-storied pagoda, dat ing from the middle uges, Is situated in the western part of what is known as the Old City. The foreigners re side in the Shamten suburb, founded in J8B n n tlrtlflclaii'telani!. CAN NOT TAKE PART IN JOINT DRILLS. (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON. May 3. Governor Glenn, of North Carolina, has notified assistant Secretary of War Oliver thai he has been compelled to dlthdraw his acceptance of the war depart ment's invitation to have the North ALLAHABAD. India Seri Wa Anti-European riots occur at Rawalpindi pi. :.. Mob dispersed by' Carolina militia participate In Joint pollc. Town is now patrolled by the drills with the coast artillerymen nt lentil Hussi. rs NEW YORK Strike of long shore, mtn assumes serious propotlons. Five thoiuand men are now out. Ken red that a general tic-"np of shipping may result. FALL RIVKI1, MASS. Represen tatives of the Fall River Cotton Man ufacturer and of the Textile Coun cil hold a and agri-a on a new acale or wages. Terms are "t mad public. BEVENTH ANNUAL REUNION IS OVER. (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, Muv 3. W i 1 li war time aturles, patriotic -.,ngs and Ph-makine. 'be thirty seventh an i.l reunion or the society ..r the Army of the pommac was brought I flow tonight with a hummel. The TM"an had us their guests members f ,h ''clelles of Ihe aril. li s of the "00. Tnhff, '' Tf invited reunion un.l i'v- unveiling of tatut 1., ;.. ra I li.-orge I? MeCkdlan. IfJGRO ASSAULTED BY NICARAGUANS. Kort Caswell next July, owing to the fact that It has been decided that the state troops shall go Into camp ut Jamestown exposition. TOWN ENDANGERED BY FOREST FIRES. (By Associated Press.) RELLINGMAM, Wash., May 3 The town of Maple Kails, in the noth westcrn nnrt of Watcome county. Is surrounded by forest fires and Is burn ing. Telephone and telegraph wires went down Just after a frantic call f help was made. I'ire fighting appara tus left here today for the seen.-. Maple Kails has a population ot son. MADE TO MEXICO BY GUATEMALA Apologizes For Insinuations About the Mexican Lega tion at Guatemala City. JOSE LIMA CASE IS STILL PENDING MAY BE RICHEST WOMAN ON EARTHS Guatemala May Refuse Re- qnest For HlsExiradlilon. Sorlous Results. (By AswM'Inlatl Pre.) CITY OK MEXICO, May 3 Giiat.'- mula has apologised to the Mexican government for Insinuating that the Mexican Legation at Guatemala City was harboring the men who are sus pected of attempting to assassinate President Cabrera of Guatamala last Monday morning. Minister of Foreign. Affnlrs Marls- cal, received this Intelligence late to day In a cablegram from Minister li am bo a, now at Gualemali: City. The Incident is now closed to the Mexican government. The case of Jose Lima, charged with conpllclty In the assusslnntlon of former president of Guatemala, Manuel Barrlllas, while the latter was undor the protect I f the Mexican Mag, is still pending. U.UTKMALA WILL REFl'SK. CITY OF MEXICO, May 3. To morrow EI Diarlo will say: We have been officially advised that Guatemala will refuse Mexico's request for the extradition of General Jose Lima, charged with complicity In the assassination of General Manuel L Harrlllas, while the latter wo un- lef " the protection of h Mexican government. . ,., Upon the receipt of thla advice Mexico will recall her representative end the United States will do likewise." HAS. J. STEEDMAN COMMITS SUICIDE KILLED SELF AS HE THOUGHT WIFE DEAD and 1 'ainberlan.l, h'i'- lo participate (By Associated Press.) NEW YORK. May 3. Thinking that he hail killed his wife at whom he had tired a shot Inflicting a slight wound. John Wagner rush.-d from his home In RiilKCwoo.l, L. I . early to day and sent a bullet Into hi head He died instuntly. Mr. Wagner will recover. The shooting followed a inarn-l. FIJI" IT KILI.I I). d.-o ,Ry -"""flated Press.) i ur'fliTl1 CORTEZ. April 28 via ! A.a.. Uy 3. General Davis, j 'u. m. brutally assaulted i.nrtez, April J7. by Nicara- night and fruit and other v. gelation wiaiers, and may lie. mmander Fullam. of the United , '""boat Marietta, ordered the i ' nf Nicameunn officers and sol k. ,..r . " ,he mun dies they will (By AswM'Inled Iress.) OMAHA, Neb... May 3. Snow fell at 'nere and out In the state ui.rine ibvi are given up now as killed LIGHT SXOW FALLS. (By Associated Pre. ) Fullam has as- KANSAS CITY. Mo , May 3 There DaYix iu n,,t on ..fl, r.- . ira .. ti0V.t foil unn..- hr.ra in nam in Oeneral. 1 Northwest Missouri tdav. Wsied chare WfAT DAM IN MEXICO GIVES WAY AND A SCORE OF LIVES ARE LOST SAX ss"citI Prws. 1 ' . 1 psat Mnv Piai f, 3 Whh,.... -niiiiuihut. Mex.. save: the blame tastrophe and will severely punish punish those upon whom thev place instants warning the According to the version of the sf- .' np ' hivuscar dam fair which reached here. th men t ' "r,e ...(lay engulfing nearly Were working on a foundation cloje id L Wa,er- or 20 f whom Uhe dam, w hich had already been con- J the enormous weight of to the foot of the main ramparts of 1 ---'ine of the Injured will 'rtructed. The main wall was weak Tfc, j:., and gave way under the water pres- r wh f onlv tn laKt nt !". bu. ... K'n have recently cUlmeri Ti a? - k.,intr ...,t in fnr Irri gation and stock watering purposes and was great enterprise. The loss will be heavy. All the victims were r .A: k'kat rk ""hborhood of Chl 4 "torou.K . utnor' making lnvigaton into the c-' Mexicans of (By Associated I'rt'ss.) PAULS, May 3. Charles J. Kteed- man of New York and Philadelphia, son of the late Rear Admiral Charles Steedman committed suicide by hooting last night at the Hotel de Orient here. Mr. Ht.edmnn and his wife, who as a daughter of a former governor Rhode Island, reached Paris April 30, from Italy, accompanied by a child. They had been touring in an automobile with Senator Aldrlc h. of Rhode Island and Mrs. Aldrlch .Since his urrlval here Mr Steednu.n had be come despondent. He was left tem porarily iilor.e in his room last night nn.l when the apartment was re-enter d he was found sitting bolt upright In a chair, with a revolver at his feet, lie had shot himself In the moi.lh 'T 1 f. r a 1 RHINELAND TO MAKE A DEAL WITH UNCLE SAM Commercial Agreement Be tween America and Germa ny Affects Dlngley Duties. CHAMPAGNES AND SPARKLERS ON LIST Americans "Mop Up" $93, 973 Worth of German Champagne In One Year. r-"s. 'T ! L.IV COOPKR. Should tberf lx no ihisiIiihiious heir born to the widow of Jumps Ilcnrj Smllli, of New xxtrk, ll is cry WmII1c thai Ills sister, Mary Omiimv, w lfn of Hlr (il!Orge Alcxand.T CooM-r, of FiikIhikI, mar Is'eiimc the richest woman In tlie world. There Is a well sustained rcMrt that Mr. Kinlth left it ill in which lipwdetiscd the hulk ofhis great fortune to his slslcr. Hi nee slin alrcoily h 50.oim,iMO she would I hen imismcsh mom wealth than the heiress of Kmpp, Hetty (Irerii or of any of the Yamlcrhilcs or oilier wellhy women. If "blh-tit tiullh' left such a will llicro will he a bitter contest broitglil by the other !wlr ami Hip birth of a child to Hie, widow would greatly complicate the slliinilrui. Kir (imrini Alexander - Conner marrliMl Mis KmHh la MT aJMl batlt ri romlng to this tswutry to look alloy Ut?lr inifTCSl s in ine t-siaio lei -ary ihv wouicr. SERIOUS OUTBREAK AGAINST EUROPEANS OCCUR IN PUNIJAB Hlndo Mob Burns and Pilla ges Until Dispersed By Armed Police. NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE MAKES A DENIAL OF CHARGES Superintendent King Issues a Statement Concerning Price's Charges. "BLACK HAND" TRIAL IS ALMOST ENDED. (By AsMM-laled Press.) WILKKSBARItK Pa.. May 3. Ar guments t" tin- Jury look up today's xeSHioti U the Luzerne county court In the trial of ll..- "Hliu k Hand" .uses, which began nearly two weeks ago, June-. M Morrn th'-n t..-K..n hl plea in'- .lie .l.'f.'n and was fol lowed by P. A .. lioyle. also for tin defense. I.i.-lri't Attorney Salshurg mad.- the . losim; address f.,r tl..- pros- ecu I Ion Ju.lRe charge ing. HUSSARS PATROLL 1 OWN 11. .lM i will deliver his jur tu.norrow morn- STRIKING PRESSMEN RETURN TO WORK. (Bv sm lan d lrsi. ) ST Lol'JH. Mo. May 3 Th. striking w.-h pressmen deride.! arl today to return to work. The n . publ':' and Glolw-Democrat came out with their city editions on lime The emploes aRreeri to settle the matter under the terms of the arbitral ional agreement DOES NOT INTEND TO REPEAT STATEMENT. (By A mm I a ted Press ) WASHINGTON. May 3 The state ment was authoratlvely mde torlav that the pre?llent at present had no mention of reiterating his declara tion made on election night, Novem ber 190S. that under no circumstances would he be h candidate for, or accept another nomination Reports of this character have lwcn current lately and have been brought ti the presi dent's attention, but from what h has told those close to him. he reels' that there Is no necessity rors"eh a reiteration on his part. (By A. ALLAH A l!AI Serious ntiti I' occurred at It Hindu mob l.-e pillaged the the postoffi. ' . all the rn.riMt plant or a ' ihe window many Eiipo . tu.:ll' oM..!. disj.erse.l I h.- ' patrolled ! . Hussars. The oul I t trll.uie.l to of well .,, been in.'ikinv. Punjab . li. 1 l-ihle for 1, bore. Uawaipii,' the Pimlal. . is.or. arol l tlon of al- ili is.-.n I.-, u. n t inlod Pre..) I Sritiwh Inil.ii, i rope.. II I I" I, J . . i . d two Linn . j o n lii... 1 1 . rne.l i in it, .e home .. i Ihe I Armed i he ll. I INJUNCTION IS SOUGHT ; ' t . Mill .1 I he :. 'I.. I "I (By Assis'lnted Pr"ss.) NKW Vi.ltK, 3. The New V'.ik ..ill. mi ilirough Its ...p . inleiHl. nt , W V K' I i.K. tonight ma-1. itllilii a stiiielnelll . oliec I n i UK Ml. lia.Ke- I,, ,,... I,, Tll..,.,re II I'tt'i'. in l.i. OH litoiiKhf agaifiHt ti..-1 (By Assoclutisl Press.) WASHINGTON, Mpy 3 "The pro ject of commercial agreement" be. tween America and Germany, which la to govern the trade relations of Ihe two countries for on ludtlnltn period, Is composed of four distinct portion. In th first place there la the "agree meni" Itself which extends to Ger many the reductions of duty author ised on nil of the articles mentioned In the third section of the Dlngley act. This In fuel amounts simply to the addition of champagnes and sparkling wines to th list of articles upon which Germany already hau re duced rates, In 1900 the total Im ports Into America of Germany cham pagne were 8,286 dor.en quarts valued at 193. 97S. Th reduction of duty on this cham pagne at 12 per bottle would conse quently amount to a little over 11,- 000 which I the monetary value of th concession to Germany, aupposlng th trade do si not fraatly Increase a to lie expected. I It Is a matter or Interest that the Importation of French champagne last year amounted to 311,000 quarta, valued at 6,61S,000. The fundamental agreement pro- vldeai for . the' spfcedy .application of th new rate to their extension to the whole ot the custom territories of the parties and to. the cotivessjon of. a. list of American article upon whh'lr mini mum rate will apply upon Importation Into Germany. second Part. The second part of the agreement Is a detailed statement of the articles above referred to. At present all Am erican products nre admitted Into tier many at- minimum- tariff rates. Hereufter under thla new agreement only articles specified may be so ad milled. It Is stated that in fact Ihe list com-1 prises 98 li per cent of Ihe American Imports Into Germany and appeMr ers. generally speaking to comprise grains, fruit, timber, meats, (except bacon) petroleum, and Its products leather goods, Including shoes, cer tain clashes ..r India rubber goods. paper and puper slock, stones, glass ware, railroad iron, (not mentioning r.;lls) steam and gas engines; pho nographs, vehicles, small arms, locks, watches, and parts thereof and musk boxes und organs WATCHES COST MORE AT HOME THAN ABROAD Charges Made By Charles A. Keen Agalnsttho So-Call-ed Watch Trust HAS INTERVIEW WITH ASST. ATTY. GENERAL Watch Bought Abroad Presen ted to The President But . Gift Is Not Accepted. WAHlllNOTON. May S. A. Keens, of New York, president of th Independent Watch Dealers' Associa tion, had a confercn.-e with Assistant Attorney Cleneral Purdy of the da partmet.t of Justice, concerning an Investigation which the department la making Into the methods of the ao- called Watch Trust. , ' Mr. Keeno presented to Mr. Purdy, he said, considerable evidence con- . oernlng the operation of th alleged : WMtvil null, ? t I, I IV IIV . UVIIUVU KV enter Into particulars respecting the conference, It la known he asserted that, American mad watches could be purchased in varloua Kuropaan ountrles for much less than they could be bought In thla country and . that the alleged ; watch truat mid watohea to foreign dealer at a much lower, price than they : quoted, to r American dealers. He exhibited American watches which he had pur- chased abroad for lee thaji he eould . buy them In thl country., j Mr. Keen aleo called at the White ID. use today and offered to Ofreal-i dent Roosevelt a watch wllh en ; American movement and . an Ameri can case which he had , purchased la : Kngland from a dealer who mad paid the alleged watch trust IT. S for It. , The Avatptv' he xal.l. woald Pot gn , Amnrluaa-.dealet 110.60. The watch was engraved a having been present--, ed to President Roosevelt, a dem onstration nf the method of the American Welch Trust." The prel dent declined to accept the gift. Later In the day Mr., Keene sent the watch to the president with a letter urging him to accept It and . sayings . You will find engraved on thl wulch In as few words as possible Indisputable evidence of the watch trust methods, which show nurlou discrimination against American deal- FATALLY WOUNDED BUT KILLS NEGRO. TRAVELING MAN HAS A NARROW ESCAPE i ii VI 'I'll. at .) ,l. 1 lt'iua'! ni t-n.l.... git, . ..r hi". I lu re alo I,. H ' I ! lit i Inn I'. l -till tin in. i . n, -i . . 1 1 . -. m in. i li...l ml Dial i i . I,i u-iti- I ng oil..-, il I'M,. -ho ... ii ii , i, I Hie ll.' - I,- III. i i,,r,lil,i; to ,i liK' ,1 , i . ). I - I. I. . lull. I Ion to I he claHBillca -on' ill ii i tig lt .radon on Hi' lii-en improp- o in m it tec ll il alleKe.l bv ll r- l:i -ill. lit loll (T- r in i !ilM-lfl I In late uie ri I (SMi lal li Tim t'lllwn.) HAI.lMHI'l: V. Muv 3 Mr. i 'buries salesman of iinjfeT.or.i. lost u hand S Ailams a well known traveling i.n.l yitrrowlv ..-atie.l a Midden .leutb . IKl.-r tl.e wheel- of pasieflger Ir.llll h guides "' tl.e slallon at midnight , , ,, r, M I..-I lllglil He wi l.Wl.illl.K Ihe III i,mI ol a lat. Main and took a sent ,-giuii-l trie t'le of a niiii.ii.iK .no.. (,,. I be track when- be urn mm -loiisly l. droppeil '.rr to sl-ep I lie apptoiu hliiK Ifj.n a.s.iKified (By AsMH'laUsI Piwos.) Ill HM INOIIAM, Al., May l.At Woodstock today Frank Itlchardson, a negro, shot and mortally wounded J. 10 Hulllvan. agent of the Alabama .lieat Houthern railway and In turn was shot and Instuntly killed by Hul llvan. Hiilllvati was brought hert to ,i hospital and died four hour later. III. hni dson was preparing to ship some household goods lo Columbus, : Miss., nnd a rate had been quoted to him He i lull. .ed Hint the rale waa i excessive und that bo had previously bad a lower rate. The lie was passed land the negro showed fight when Sul livan stepped Into his office to get his gun Ax be returned Ihe negro i shot hint it. the nbdoftjen, whereupon Sullivan began Hhooilng. killing the : at the second shot. LYNCHING OF NEGRO JUST FOUND OUT. ill ol pi, I. I,-., .....o. 'l b. ut 1...1.-.-.i ,,i th. oti.l lot" ' J ( . , W III. I a I i.e I toll I to , III t, 1 1 In 1 1 I III.. wheel ,.e -, , red one 1 1 ;t nd r, r. , I other lop. red hi- bo. I' lie V. , em I ie lioHpili.l for t.earnetit Ni:;ito Hf;ri. THIRTY FIVE ARE UNDER INDICTMENT. (By MriHIM. erai grand ting slnee ri'tiort toi,;i which -' ed. Five ol held, the p, rested All exe dieted have of them h.i and have tence until h lal-sl Pre May S which loi 1st. nr"b he lot.-.. uie a h-a o , already ie name- at' not hi...r, of the n arretted '.(.red i.ieii d fn...r,.i-i' b , . fit. 1 1 i . w -. lb ; ii,. th. d I ,1 r. or i r l I, .. : ,d in g to I .Ires t I bat r has , .,. re . F,- e-p:..-. i :vm: i f aitnn II rejf . i BPAHTAMUMIO, H. ' . Mav 3 - - J'hn Kli- -It nn. rif-KT'i, wnt hfinK'l 1 h rr km.. f-'t th- murdt-r -.f Alf i I '.rtifif b. Hi fa i h': -In lnw hr, MM. HHIiKVKPoHT. Ui., Muv 1 !n f'tiinn! lull 1 1 1 jnt rtfu-rt'i hir of h n jiHit ult n Min t hp r iKHt-ycar-olt! (tiitiKlitr-r "f :t w Hl-kiinu n iluntrr of Hoy.r I 'l ni. unit the ntu.iutfwiwnt lyiii liiiiK ii a 1 7-y'jr-olil iH'KT'i, HlUs K;il.'V. jit'usi-! uf (lip fii' A i dime t thx fcm, t ho m-irr' U ;i IjiKi m to the m tnt of tli crimft hv ii p.ittv if itbout 12 fit ixfriM, ron-fi-HMt'd. and whh huriirml to nrnrbv limb TIh' nt hi mr on und HVrrll N'-vrn- flu y 4 jik". Hiit thf fuct fiM kept notTft i until I o.1;j v . WITNESSES FOR DEFENSE SAY CHISH0LM IS OF UNSOUND MIND ARRESTED AFTER 30 1 YEARS OF FREEDOM I! I f! M i :.! .- il. 1. 1: Mi,'. 3 1 third b.-i.iK in,li,le, for K 'Hlr .son ...tin. 1 Mi: l IT. flt 'a'laKil Pn-- ) WAHIir-' Tf'N I M Kr recast r N'orih Ruin Sat '. except I'droi-tia In n- ! Wll , , in 'ed ill Hi, ,1 -ill- b. . ' i. I'l-I b f 'hlsholm. National ; 1 1 A m. of Hie liaymg I t.ank. eli A b. trial Ma v 3 The A lexander ller of ihe First rged with ern- m- ! treme we-i irtion. fwl day: fair warmer.- speculate ion , esfuv In cotton. I.eutein,nt Uovernor Henrv B. drae lesiltled lo iK-ing a stockholder In the First National bank, and said he no to, lav- ir. " oii,,. "... inert a very perreptinie change in tna . o.itiiy, ...ere ,.. ha ' exling llO'i.O'.O or the hank's fund-, iler.ti.lant wrtne time prior to hi ar ;r ihiitn i said n which he i charged with having lost rest He thought ("hlsholm wa over K.f-K I. .oil-, w ith a j in eniton sfieeulatiori, oner with Lr ; worked and has too much responI U, ! from hi- injuries jt'harle Whel.-n. on the stand 'bilitv for a young man. I l)r. Whelen dim t.lx-d his first meet-i In reply the question a fx BIO W F:MsiiltsF;i. ling with ('hlsholm In Jail. "when th whether r not' Chlsholm. In the defendant In chii to talk of cotton i opinion of the witness waa Insane, (11, u,s laied Press.) ' speculation He had com bided that , witness objected, but on the court; T I.I-A II SstK. ll.. May 3 Thelthe defendant a delusion)! and allowing the question, wltni Stat S nate to,la pa-si d a resolution en ,,.r. ine W J p.r-. ah f or the rtemo i ratii i.on.H.ation for president. gave ft as his opinion that ('hlsholm jed that he considered Chiaholra 08 was Insane, "provided he was sincere unsound ralnd'ln the maUiC,f cot In his pr..fesions of an ability to ton speculation.

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