rsiST THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN I'ssns VOL. XXII, NO. 152. ASHEVILLE, N. C., SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 5, 1907. PRICE FIVE CENTS. The Only Associated Press Newspaper in Western North Carolina SUMNER FOUND GUILTY OF MANSLAUGHTER AND IS SENTENCED BY JUDGE Second Trial of Powers Slay er Results In a Spee dy Verdict. COURT ROOM CROWDED TO HEAR ARGUMENT Hon. Locke Craig's Address to the Jury Was Feature of Proceedings Yesterday Yesterday evening nt 6 o'clock the Jury bruuiiht In a venllcl of mnn laughter against Francis Sumner, who killed Charles Powers nt the Ar den station Inn December. Judge Cooke Immediately sentenced him to three years labor on (lie county roads, credit to Iw given him for Iim Im lirisuiimenl rur the past four months, m that his sentence Is really hut two years and eight months Judge Cooke yesterday reduced the seven year pen itentiary sentence imposed upon Zeke Austin to lour years on the county roads. Mr. Craig's fiiieeoh. The biggest crowd of the Sumner trial was present yesterday morning to hear the two hours' address .f Locke Craig, who concluded the rase for the prosecution. Mr. Craig tore to pieces the. story of Sumner which was the foundation of the defense, ridiculed the statement that Powers could have u knife up hlB sleeve, .lore no truce of it had been found lnce and none of the witnesses of the killing saw the weapon. Mr. Craig, ho Is one of the most powerful readers in North Carolina, was at Vt best and held the earnest atten tion of the entire court room aa well s the twelve men whom he address ed i..a.. tm , ... ., .uufir I no.. J. JOUeH III ClOSing fo ri!i defense made a strong effort to pro.e thut the knife could have tsen ina-d hy Powers without same being perceived by bystanders. The Clinrsto. Judge Cooke followed Mr. Crulg In a comprehensive charge. He read his notei on the evidence, and then told the jury that if .y believed Sum ner's t,,ry t.y should acquit him. If they did not. they might Hurt him SOilty of either manslaughter or mur der In the second degree. Judge Cooke "id that after the verdict had been rendered that he thought manslaugh ter the proper verdict and practically charged the jury to that effect. Were Tor Murder, it is stated on good authority that first the jury stood nine Tor mur der in the second degree with three "posing this verdict. At about 3:30 "Iter deliberating ., nour .,,, ., 'he Jury came In to inquire Hie dif ference in punishment for murder hi the second degree and manslaughter. 1 Hiey sere told thai the sentence "ir tiiut'ri thinv 'laughi. TELEGRAPHIC Brevities CHATTANOOIl A, Tenn., May 4 Brigadier Octiernl Sunnu, retired dies at Fort Oglethorpe. BREMEN, Muy 4. Fire It the Free Zone warehouse causes dam age estimated at I .ado, Will. NOnFOl.K. Va . May 4 British Tars defeat Illinois crew, thereby win ning the Huttenberg cup. WASHINGTON, May 4 Secretary Taft and purty leave today for u short trip to the Exposition. CITY OF MEXICO Guatemala has refused Mexico's request for the extradition of Jose Umu and Col, Boreu. Future developments uncer tain. WASHINGTON. Mny 4. Mrs Roosevelt nnd a number of ladles ac companying her have narrow es enpe on hoard the yacht Sylph. Yacht collides with tug boat on the Potomac. WASHINGTON. May 4. Another attempt is made on the life of Pres ident Cebrera of Guatemala. Hidden mine was discovered. BIRMINGHAM, May 4 DAM aging evidence against defendant Is presented. Arguments will begin Monday. WILMINGTON, N. C, May 4. The North Carolina Peace Society perfects .It organization. Officer are elected BUTTE. Mont., May 4 Second section of the Burlington Flyer ! wrecked. One passenger killed and twenty-live Injured. WEST BRANCH, Mich.. May 4 Four small children ere cremated in burning house while parents are uway from house. WASHINGTON, May 4 American Therapatic Society begins its eighth annuul meeting. Address of Pres. Rev-burn Is feature of the meeting. Mrs. Frank Leslie's mane Shattered. So- Death has robbed Mrs. I Yank as lie of her tilled Nance, who was (lie .Marquis of Cainpiillcgrf, a Spanish iiihle of high degree. The marriage was tn have taken place In New York early In May anil the hrlilx's trous seau had already arrled from Paris when the Marquis died. .Mrs. Iv. lle apieara broken hearted, she U very wealthy anil one of the most re markable business, women In Aincr li'a. l'Mn the death of tier second husband. Frank Iseslle, Imt Mr si hav ing been 11. Kquler and her third Willy" Wilde, a brother of Oscar Wilde, from whom she got divorce, she took Nai-Miiul charge of his great puhllslihi.' business and built it up to a standard of high cxcHU'nce, from which she derived n great forliini'. Her maiden name was .Miriam I lor- I'licc lollluc and she was a native of New Orleans. Ulie Is under sixty years of age. I Will. 4 (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, D '. May 4 Forecast: North Carolina. Fair s Sunday and Mondiiv;lighl north- cusl to east winds. 'e'fes hi POLICEMEN IN CHICAGO UNDER INDICTMENT Action Is Result of an Inves tigation by the Civil Ser vice Commission. BODY OF MISSING MARVIN BOY IS FOUND IN A MARSH NEAR HIS FATHER'S HOME WERE TOO ACTIVE IN THE RECENT ELECTION Mil. I 'RANK IISI IK. ROMOTERS OF NEW 'ERNEST HUFF CUT BANK WOULD MAKE WELL KNOWN SAWYER THIS A RESERVE CITY' COMMITS SUICIDE The promoters of the American (By Associated Press.) National Bank, the new Institution: NEW YORK, May 4 Ernest W. which Is to he opened In Ashevlllo I HufTcut, former dean of Cornell l'n- wlth a capital of $300,000, will try to : h-ersit v law school, one of the lead have Asheville made a reserve city ., am horllles on constitutional law If this were done. It is stated, about two or three millions of dollars would j "' i-niieo .mates, ami personal onstantly kept In Ashevllle which i counsel of Governor Hughes, ended otherwise would never come Into thei,,),, nfo today by shooting. Tho tipper deck of the Hudson river steamer C. W. Morse, wu chosen by Mr. Huff cut us the scene of the commission of Ity. It Is one of the requirements that a reserve city shall have a popu lation ,of twenty-five thousand or more. LONDON. May 4. Jay Gould de- fenti Eustace H. Miles in a hard fought game for the British amateur court tennis championship. of DOVER. Del.. May 4 Body missing Marvin hoy is found in a marsh. Mystery of his dlsapnrance as deep as ever. DUBLIN, May 4 The Irish Inter national exposition is opened at Herbert Park. I.....S bridge. Earl l Aberdeen mnkes opening speech. There are at present but elgrft re-i,i tragic act. Borne time, early serve cities In the United mates, bos- more, savannah. New Orleans, St. Louis and Cincinnati. The law governing national hanks provides that they shall keep 15 per ent. of the amount of their deposits either on hand or in another na tional bank In one of the reserve bullet Itles. In order to ascertain whether Ashc- llle has a population of twenty-live thousand or more, a petition will, It ts staled, be presented to the honril of aldermen asking thut a special cen sus be tuketi. The promoters of the new bank arc John H Carter of Mariana. Florida, slated for the presidency: C M. Dick erson. former cashier of the Commer cial Bank of Waynesville, who will probably be cashier, and J Q. Barker t lie Andrews factory owner. this mornjng jhlto steamer waa con ing down the river from Albany to this city, nnd while the steamer was swept by the heavy rainstorm which prevailed for h-ons, the lawyer seated himself in a de h chair and sent a into his brain. His body wa found hours lal'i by a decli-hand when the steamer had almost reached her duck. His Identity was not known at that lime and it u i- not until Governor Hughes, w ho li.mced to lie In the ri(v, bud visit'.! Hie undertaker's WILKES BAR RE. PA, May 4 Jury in "Blnck Hand case repotted a verdict last night after court ad journed Will be returned Monday. might be from two 'us and for mail er folll III, Oilier I,. I..n en-ie Tl. i ' ." V Jur '"en retired, ami whurilv! 'tr ( ., ,-..ek rend, red a verdict of WASHINGTON. May 4 lnfortm iiuiukiiiKhier. 1 tlon reaches interstate commerce com- The Scnicucc. j mission of the cancellation of a tn.fflc In i'n ,.mi. 'he sentence t ;. jK,t-! agreement between the S. P and the ""'f lo , w., ., sun. rise io nunv !San Pedro. Vim Angeles and Salt I.flke "1e t'.e.k,. ,h eviib-nce 1 It It- C. Coininission much gratified n ti. ,;. , ,he' "'""nit i,,. i, ,M.5i !.,..,, 1)K hm.i CHICAGO, May 4 'ami jury re !" ,r"l'"'l. Powers b.-io- :,i all! turns 'Indictments against former 'u"" the ,i.,i,r t,i: ,.n ' .l,l..f-,.r-t.,.ll. ,. C,.IM,. :in,l lile notice- NORTH CAROLINA PEACE SO. ORGANIZED room, where H., tifieation v;is ii'- ernor was ile, p! death of his f i i said that he w i accounr for lii " body lav, thai Idon- I' Ilossible The goV- nffected by the d and coun-eiier an.i utterly ai a loss Io Cities hit,, '"nk tl,.,; llvtre 'KKIes.,- T' 1 .1 .-1 ,1 10 m'.-r !n lii ''ai after ' mad,. '' found ""Pe. a !.i:. fact : ' e did not 'men In connection with iilhwd r r should helruptlon in police depart men! .hiring S-n.-e he had i recent election, re i ban four : 1' hail. It. believed that NORFOLK. May 4. Hoard of Dl- ,;i" 'inn- vloiul.l be given j rectors of the Jamestow n Exposition s,,nienee cnmiBinv authorizes the Issuance of mi ne, ended one of the I Hnn."0 in lmnds to liquirhiTe nil iti- "ut murder trials ever debtednesa and complete in detail the onbe ,oUnty. The lir-t construction f I lie Exposition gres-ing for four days, 1 ttiN'rini because Sumner I NEW YORK. Mac 4. Ernest J"1, k"ei m , , etns Willi 'ft'dlt i,,r i ""n n the Th ei',t ,a,xTiTTi77rp ' rf!atod to Charles j Huff out . former iloan ( I'orrn'l i'nt r, in the ppvenih tli- versit v, r'crsun.'il nmnspl f :v 1 n-ith(-r was aware of Hughes anl a la-linn ;iiiih frit- 'n rMns4tftvitional law, romm it ;! un Id ri.nn.nnnrt on boHTll lUllsOfl ri '-r t'-il (JlfT t' K TUItKL) nhooiinp. B'WMM DEFEATS CATAWBA IN FASTEST GAME OF THE SEASON . Th. He, Roer 'igti.ti,, 'h e:.r P t'oys covered them- going down in one. two. three order, (-t.-rdav afternoon uf to tn ,a!,t nal.f 'f !ne thirteenth rk Io defeating the w n,,n l,lnKnam snccee.ien in .no.., in the n Inning run. The features of l,i tJni " ,"lr,e"1 the game were the work of the t.roi V U core of - " 1 a batteries, the honors ling aliout T'r . successful lia- efjually decided between the pitcher-. th. ' '"' ame was the ! Sesom and Fullenweider, and Js- tarh .k . a hard won fight In i cock's fast fieldina at second for -tn.. 'n Hnd much con- I I . : w it .. V. . . . Lou- i DiiisiiHiii, nii irn.-ui ij.o 'tsHj, "arl io nnlsh It M in the fifth being & sensations W,d.d " '" neither team had of play. Summary: liner I bit . nantatr V..I, . - .. - fn," 'h!' nf,h Inning when a Binghani h tn' crossed the j Catawba. hr - , " I Bctterleji Bingham, R. . .2 H E 5 4 .... 1 & 4 oi r i M an 1 f'n It was a pitchers bat- j Harbour 'ataw ba. Fullenweider and ttux of h 1'iiciiem oat- jnarnonr. I atawtia, r ulienwe toe innings the batten j Schenck. Umpire Patterson. (By Associated Press.) WILMINC.TON, N c. May 4 I'n iter the auspices of t lie Intel -national Association of Conciliation, the North Carolina Peace Society, the first of tho stale organizntionsffprop'.si d to be es tablished throughout the union, per fected its organization here today by electing llavne D.ivis of New York, president; .1 F Blair. Ouilford Col- It ge, and William I' 1 mington. ii e-ir' Idents Wright. Wilmington. s MANY ARE INJURED IN PANIC AT THEATRE (By KANSAS Asoi laled lress.) 'I I V. May 1 I' Former Chief of Police Col lins Has Several Serious Charges to Answer. SECOND ATTEMPT IS MADE ON THE LIFE OF PRESIDENT CEBRARA (By Associated Press.) cilh'AHO. May. 4 - A grand Jury loduv returned four Joint Indictments against (.inner Chief of Police John M Collins, nnd live other police and cliy officers In connection with iil b ged corruption In the Chicago po lice department The action of the yrund Jury Is the result of an Investl- gitlon made by the civil service com mission, grow ing out of charges to the effect thut the city police force had been used during tho. recent mayor alty campaign In Hie Interest of Mayor Edward F. Dunne, who was defeated for re-election Those under Indictment are: John M. Collins, former chief of police, Wll- llum L o'Connell, former commis sioner of public works, and chairman of the democratic city cornmittoe; Edmund H. Roche, city piirchnslnir tgent, and member of the democratic Ity committee. Frank I). Comerford. formerly police attorney. Detectives James Meflrath. Detective Patrick McNulfy. In lis report the grand Jury stated 'While the evidence presented has caused us to hold the former chief of police and hie associate In the rnw lawful transactions chiefly responsible for the transgressions, we consider the Inspectors, captains and lieutenants gullly of reprehensible conduct and leservlng of severe censure for their actions In being parties to the solicit ing and iiccepilug of Mine Placed Near His Resl denco Is Discovered-Near American Legation. NUMEROUS ARRESTS MADE (By AssiN'lated Press.) WASHINGTON, May 4 Another ullempt to assasslnulo President C brura was made yesterday, In this case n mine wa placed In close prox imity to I he residence of the president The mine was discovered, however, and the attempt at assassination thus being rendered futile. The news or the second attempt on President Cabrera's llfo wus received In a cablegram. Oualemulu, Minister Tolego, Wash ington: Yesterday a great mine was discovered placed In front of the barracks of the guard of honor, 100 feet from the American Legation and 1H0 feet from the presidential man sion, This scandalous attempt at as sassination has created (Treat Indig nation among all classes of society. vfllnrwd) BAltRIOH. Hlgnor Barrio la minister of foreign affairs or OuuUmsla. The guard of honor la the special guard of Presi dent Cebrara. Mexican Ambassador Creel had a conference with stale department of ficials today, respecting (he disturbed ontrlbullons. I condition of affairs In (luatemala. Place Had Been Searched Be fore: Believed Body Was Recently Placed There. MURDER THEORY IS ACCEPTED BY MANY Father Convinced of Foul Play But Detectives Think Differently. IMiVER, Del.. Moy 4. The body of Hide Horace Marvin, who disappear ed from the farm of his father at ' Kltts Hammock, near here, March 4, was found this evening In a marsh, In a fair state of preservation. The spot where the body was found la about half a mlln east of the farm house toward the Delaware river. Kltts Hummock la between 1 and mllea from here and . la without. ummiinlcailon with any other place. From Information brought by horsemen It la learned that tho lothes found on the child's body were ' the same aa those he wore on the day he disappeared. The body was lying face-down. Dr. Marvin at the mo ment the body was found,, was hot ready to say whether the body of of his child was placed where It was found, nor would he believe that the. hlld wandered Into the marsh and lost Its life. The marsh was frosait. over the day the body disappeared, t, There Is a theory. that the child, under stress from those of lower rank on the police force." This indictment against Former hler Collins charges mutilations of '(Tidal records of the police depart ment and city of Chicago and violation if the criminal code. The bonds of he higher "dicers were placed nt l.'i.OOO on each Indict men! This makes the bond of Former Chief uf The Mexican account Is that Indiscri minate arrests are being made of men wonum and children, and not only na tive. Guatemalans but others are be ing placed In prison, protests already lime been made bv ih diplomatic. representatives of other nations In j liiatemahi, and another attempt w ill 'olbe Collins $1.".,000 The bonds ofjlie made Io secure Join) action by I'Ciionell, Roche and Comerford, Mexico and the Culled Slates lo prs- Ja.nOu each, ami that of the two do- vent a continuance of this policy of thes $:I)M0 each 1 Indiscriminate uirests. I DAMAGING EVIDENCE ! WANT CORN PRODUCTS AGAINST CHISHOLM' COMPANY RE-ORGANIZED Mirer; Mi mington, I) Seven I' 'tn ian tnoi ury ilier is. WU- Thomas If i iecreto -t rca- I Hibson. it- ' presidents were named as follou"- (lov 1! I! 'Ilenn, ExOnvernor Charl. s II Aw oris, James MpruM. Senator l.'e overman. Serial Simmons and- President F P of the ( nnersit .r F M VcnaUe .1 .Vorlh Carolina FOUR CHILDREN BURN TO DEATH. (Bv A isislisl Pre-..) WEST liKANH. -Mi' h . M.n- i Four small eiuldt'-n v.-r- burned to death last night in 'he home "f Mar tin Campbell, light miles from here Mr. and Mi-. Carnphell had gone to .1 danre ,t mile away from their horn", leaving their six little ones locked In the house They left a big firs in the stove anil in some manner tL;.-. ig nited Hi- houe, which 'was destroy ed. The children sere awakened by the flames and the two oldest, aged S and 10 years respectively, managed to escape. The four smaller ones perished FAMILY BURNED IN MIDNIGHT FIRE. (By Asxsdsieil lYrwt. ) GR.AND RAPIDS. Mich.. May 4 In a midnight fire that destroyed the home of Mrs Frarnk Telford at Hop kins station, a few miles south of here. Thomas Corning, aged 27 years, was burned to death and Mrs Tel ford and her daughter Sadie, aged IS. suffered fatal burns. The family was asleep when the fire was discovered. night ilesirov, ing of the i; company, I $200.0011 dam At the Oii! V III.' I se. Ii :i cr.' ot tir" t by the orpi. u mong the 1 . rigor of i he effort to 1 1 1." vere ru-diiio-', i onv and i Ii were soon 10 on t be nan " . women fran, i In the nun! ' . oruen l a it;'1 ,e.oim sum.. he live st tandt p.. Ilroailwa.i . in theatre I; awav fr e he people I ' caused -. it pectutor-: The ' r" made ;i ! i - .e people ..I.-, the exit In I' itlarics .'!lio " I bv tl Tig irvvay-i and ln- binld lltil a'.MIIH i .cob lie dr. o-bllK . lie nt in. in- ori "i to get .,ol , n' i ins and briti . in POSTAL COMMISSION READY FOR WORK. ( By - isied Pre i WASH I N' , May 4 - Tie t dal postal isslon b.i- ii- ' f -Igned riinii the pus: I partrrtent i.o" and v ill ,inri.. al'dV elite' 'I the hll'ln. -- W hi. h it '.. . ale,), I),,, to..- " portnnt feat" r which is an in t (gallon Into accounting inert I- of the cnlu tal wtv. i Aie. rig othi-r refoto 'ib'h Hie i .ii rn --i" r. ivio attemi'1 bring about will i- tn estahli-h ' 'ormity of re.or'- from the o, postofflces, the I," I of which b.i- n the cause ot liar 1 annoyance i loss of time l,v tr. department als. The ri.niii ai Is rornpo-ed ' Senators Carter and ciav. I 'IVerstreet. C.i.ldlor and Moon FAI.I.IXf. W.I, Kll.l.s TWO Br lsted Pre. ) CI'MHKlil.'' h. Md.. May' 4 --A brick wall l. torn down on the site of the n Maryland theater fell today, killing .- muel. Lewis, aged 27, and Reginald c.wherd. aged IT: who were at work there. Several others were slightly Injured. (By A sai .rill ted Press.) It I P. M I N'tlll A M, AI,A . May 4 - What is eonmili reil I lie most .billing- I nii lewtnuotiN against llo defendunt ! I1 li the i 1 1 1 1 1 . . I r 1 1 lilal, was that pre- nte,i tbli iiln-i i).. .ii y'arioo- oflicluls , .1 Hie bank. Iroio v. hob Obl.-dlolio 1. b. ige.J wob eoil.exhi.g "He bull It..! thousand dolt. .r-i. .ll as 1 nan', olbti-i vOi" wire . Iwl' a-wo- " lat.-.l with lino, i i ile 'I t Ion be bud ,e-.r sli'iun s.gie. "t o.eiiial deiai ge io n' A lal' f.i.u.t.ei "T i''.ln''i"'l igi.e.l in pi oiioi i n mi; Ii I i.i sane The i 1 1 1 t .'.o "I e cell complete, I i.rol erg eg in M (By AsKoclalcd Press.) CIIICAlio, Mm 4 The c,.-go ill iHtale, '1'rusl ami Loan lorn HIV t'l.lllV tiled , bill ill tin. Clr. Illl 'int. asking a re -orga n l.a t i..u of (he , I.I. ie will in. lav EARL OF ABERDEEN OPENS EXPOSITION. (in ill 111. IV i lat.-.l ,i nd i; ;gc in. ' "i n I'roilu. i ..lie, l oo o( II M be ll, "I Hie Tin- i. mil m a: the Corn lt ..ilo. t - l'r , duels Iteliuing i "tii i;lucose llefiniHK I be oil . er- ot etu,K or . ..If In. It ItetllllpK I " I I v no ... in flic ii,, in.- o ! Ill Itcntilor: cinpnov It Is .el roll Ii In I Io loll I I . ot ol I be I". I- '! the . ii.. I- . " nip, in ' bi-l.l S I-: T Hot , 1. 1 and A In n I be I b Ii int.. ri as the St., nda r. II I-- loi I tier iii.i'i 'm,i . rr i. . i - ot i,.- i -o t. pi-. under tbi il Hi..! a the plants en join 1010(0 II . i on I I , a I lute., for in I ti io -Uote ;.:.. li"l,e,l I ' - i o inpa n -- . the I. "Id is, and tl" inpany and Hi"-e i ' Hi i ... Ii U"i f r II . ing to tl.e i "i n i'l'i . ot...i n v , ah' I'ln- I : lu. "i- il M ier n n Pro halt r "" lutes, 'iiiio'-nry ".e I III- -I., .1 ,11, 1 1" . Ie f .everal ' on pa tl 0:l peo liieelors "Uipari'-. . -.roloiri'. was -murdered and .the body placed in the ' mursii ana the long grass where the body was found was eearr.b ed several weeks ago anil buroed over. It Is said that the body lay under a pile of grass and the clothing showed no evidence of having been touched hy tire, Neighbor Find Body. ollln Pleasanton, a neighbor, who was gunning for ducks on the marsh, discovered the body, He had the rnuiHlns borne Ho the house and cov eted with a sheet. Pleasanton has llgured In the case since Horace was lost. He it was who reported that be hud seen the two strange men wan tiering Hboui Hie country two day before the disappearance. When ollle Pleasanton rama upon Hie child's body he found the cloth ing liitiicl. Ills tiny woolen reefer was buttoned up securely about his body and not an article of clothing which he had on when he disappear ed over bis face and his mittens were on his hands. Dr. Marvin said that he searched over Ihe sniiie marsh nearly every day since the disappearance of his son and Willi detectives burned the grass of Ihe place four weeks ago, but saw no signs of thfi body. The theory that the child was re ..nily placed where he was found iun Mipportcd by Dr. Marvin as' we'll"' as by dclci lives who stood oil the spot mil burned Ihe lull suge grass from Ii. Further Hum this the grass had been u.iiiiplcd over time and again by m-ighliois dining Ihe past week mi. I no sign of the child was seen. Iili'i. I lied by Fa I her. Or Marvin went on a run to the pin. , described bv PleitBurilnn and geniiy picked up ihe little form, pull ing bis up from ihe face to maksj oai' that il was his boy. As soon aa be was satisfied thai It was his i,ri the do. ior wrapped the remains in a --dice Or. Marvin said: I .Id not examine Horn, e closely, awaiting uuiil ihe coront, . arrives, bui I .no Mire be i", iis murdered. His .. .thing showed no signs of having bon burned as would have been th) ' ,!.- bad the body lain ihere when , 0-t ibe marsh grass on (ire." AM., rue., lo'iieral Hustings and his dejoiiv will -.- lo ibe eicamlnutlon ..r ibe ami II foul play is shown "ill r arle-l-. II j.ossibie. Detec tive, w ho have been on the case ar in, lined to Ibe belief that the boV hiiiiiI. r.-.f iiiio ibe marsh on the dav ,.l Iiik disappi arum e and being over .iiini' ,'irh ...Id fell exhausted where tl. I.- o lourid ANNUAL MEETING OF THERAPEUTIC SO. FIRST LADY OF THE LAND HAS NARROW ESCAPE FROM ACCIDENT - M r I By s -IsM-d I "re ) WASHIN'iTi'N. Ma'. Tin Mm nan 'I h ra pent h Soo-rv began li i.Kl.'b mhiia! tiie.-llig lo re today ,.,'!! "i.'inii' ll "l'im mil II To. - la . The feature of Ibe meet ing ! ..In was '!. a. I. Ire-- b the n . i. t -- -:.l. -nt. I.r, K-'b-it p.ev- ourri. "t V-i -hil.g'on. b. .-ibje. I Iw mg Fit') V ir- ir. 'he ft ..n.e of Me. In me " Addresses v.r also made bv ler. Harvey ' M'liej. ibief of the bu- ,.f rli.nil.iit Or r . H l.errlsn. of Portland. Me Or P.e nold Webb'm' nag (.ore oi ine .-,,,, ,., ,,,e Wilcox, of New York. Kenxie of Toropl (By Aswh-IbImI Press) WACIIIN'iiToV. Mie 4 Boosevelt f. rut ni.riib. r of ladies HI-- coriiiiant Ing lo-r ai.oard the vn.-hi Svlph. narrowlv I -i, aped a serious ;ic- i idem a-- the is. ai i. a. bid W.'ishing li. n vesterdat on !'- leinrn from n trip down lb" I'.itooi.o riot Tbroih si me mlsunrlersti. nding 'be tsiat weni past her d'M k and crash'-d into m tug boat. The shock w as so set ere that Dr B K. Me-1 iek with a trash narrowly mis-nj Cimada Ir. Fran-,Mrs. Roosevelt and those- with hei. g i, m Pr.riintr. r of Ijks Angeles. Cal . I Among them were Mrs Clifford Hich am! IW William Porter of St. LrOSJls. srlin oi .e l"n "tin Jim. ihuuiij tin- wife of the assistant secretary of state Mrs Coosevelt was entertaining a pnrtv of fro-nds aboard the yacht. For a rime following the accident there was eoustderable excitement aboard, ibe vacht but the ladles were aasurredi there was no danger and the vessel was luicked to her dock where the psnv ilin.-)nliHrked without further adventure. Both yacht and tug boat were more oi less damaged. The Impression Ie the engineer misunderstood an 'order to reverse his engine, as one to go (ore nurd, resulting in the eollMosV

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