Tli 1 1 isday, July jf 9 r PAGE TWO TTTB 'ARTIEVTTitJ ITlZRN. r-t rin- colorett match. Iialn- I Mr-lmnald llnkxr. T eider Jay i hmh noon at 'in- Imw fif lh lirldcH uwelil, Mr mnl Mr- II. 1. Il.iki r. .1L' IIhvw I . xvhh solcmuixid (In1 innri'i.i: "I Mr J-JuKene ! McDonald I Ml- JMrtr lw Emma Haker Th-i front itirlnr where ih" r. Timny lok '! wa h field iliil.iltn unci tern. Ah Mr. Charlcn lirowii of Null, bury lavi-d Mendelsohn wedding jrwrv It. Ihe (aide and groom onierc.l Ilia parlor, laklu Iri4.r places lif llflltli H hnKe wcditlnir 111 'r daiMi rtiH ii.l.'il from tin- handellcr. tui'l lirre 1 li- were mil liy Hi'V. William LunHlord, wl n li I;iI.m1 Ihiiiiik Un- .vrcmnny Mn Hmwu plfl i-oftiy lit Klowwr Hour. The bride wurr n handsome rfH tiiwl of chiiiiil(Hm allk. With ' KlIBpnm to Illy arranged In the hair wax while Jirlcle row. and "hn curried n bnw luiuutiut of whltlt nrltle row and iim jmriiKiio tluil with broad whllo milln lhbon. Immediately after ! wcddlnjr Ihe Buct paMtl Into I h illnltiR pim ' whrrt a buffet luncheon wiut n-yed liy Mr. Hkr. Mm. William Oiclco, Han. J. W. Bmlln. MIm Nwmun nn.1 MIm Iamer Pancy. Minn lmso H la prealded at tha punch bowl. Tha dining room w lirelllly dern- rntnd in whit pll and rn, hint IfKh anxipltur frapffully over th ' furtalna, while banked on tho mantel Itn4 ld-board wer Intarmlngled wont pa and foriK. 'The brkle'a traveling own wim or torown rajpf utile, nd he worn a brown Kranch patturn hat to mutch, Jrtmmed In amall brown poiiplcn. The RHxnta were: Vr. H. J. Durham. Mm . M, Brown, Mr. and Mm. invito Hurnrtt. Urn. Kober Erwln. Sir, and Mrs. William J- Oarlon, MIk Uohnnle B. CrulKe, Watr Jack Ou d(,n, Jr.. Ml Margaret Hay Mnrrett. tit riorlda, Mr. R. I Hmtnr, Mm. ltiddMh. Mlw Bmilali Plnnr, Minn Nina DwVworth of fharlott", Ml B.intan Blntyf Jacaaonvlllok Flu , tMlaa Irtrn ' Newman of Nanhvllle, rTenti., Mr. and MM. a C. Johnwm. , H ttomir, Mr Fay Baiimmirrlpn. " MIM Jtarrlrt JohfiKon, Mlaa Ann utid lfiia !lulo, Mra, A. Born, Mr. H3' P. Mooro. WIM Adrtlo M. Council, Wr. and Mm. C. It. tlowcll. MIkp IDomnr and Bella lancy. Mr. J. W. , Wmllh. of Nahvllln, Tenn., nydo tDuokworth of CharU)tt, and Mra. tJtcpbcn Jonea, Mr. and Mr. McWnma urn on inn ururmion. train. ,Th.lf noneymonn ' Mrlll b aiMtit In '' vWtln" 'the Junn'- knu, KxnnaUlun. I'hlUldvlllllltt. Htb- watiaah. New Vara, and rlurnlnK t rMr U.IJnnal.l'K native plaeo, llaw- Wnavlllo, Ga.. thy will remain IUi Mr. MrtH'natd'a pareal until the n of Oototwr. wlwn they will go to IHIiltadnlphln. thlr fatwre home. ' Mr. MciXniald to traveling al ttmm tor tha Rub Bold HoltUin Com May of fhllndelpbla. Tii hrldn la a voting- woman or (rotable charajrtvrlMlva and ahe wan Jimughl In Aahrvllle They were reclplenta of nwny handaome prvaenta. ji Ji Xc Crtm Unpper of th Junior Fl worth tiewgur. 'The Junior Epworth l,eagu of tho Jlaywood Hlreet M. K. Church gave upper laat evetilng In the Huhday KOhool rootnui of the rhurch. Tha League dooa exceptionally good Work, having a tnemberxhlp or wv-nty-nlue, all under tin' or ft t -kaen. Tha candy and fruit booth wax trv lily doooraled In red. whlto ami blue rrepe paper, with tail vaea of r.'rim tMlaa Mvelyn McCoy had charge or I hi booth. Mr Khudy, with her wnllrcawa. vho wore dainty white frock, wrveii a rerreahinenla. The wallnneee yere: Mlswea Velva McCain. LJiinie McCall. Maurle Ualnn, ltowalla ros ier, Daley Wild. l,llllun Olonn. Nlnn renland, Ka'lo JoVea. Lui'tMc McCoy., IKathrlne DeVault, Mnrgnrt t KolBom, IMyrtle James. Lrfiura. Kenton, Kllu teth King. Kthel Iloberta. DcKlta MvCuy hikI Ktbul LuiiKl'ord. J J lUvllal. ' Mr. Huriuitt Jordan ami Mr. i'ary If ' . "... ' J- '-- . J J.i. ".' I.I .Mil i..,ii;r.-ii.,.v , .in, I III" u-. a I ,-. I l.i I ,il Ih. 'III. on mi l - vx ill Ih kiw I c ' ii Mi in lnK ol I h.m.,1 h i l I- un, l, I,' lllll l mill II hi i M-nillhK' J' I - hi i - ;u:.iin iv li ii li ,r i v i ft,,Ht i,-r l ; i , ,i,i,lli- l,.i,. --I la A nr. II-, in bl h,ii,ii mill Ti n h, ill, ,11 ! ,, k M r iimuhI im l, mu"li . .mil tin w Lil II Im ii-H ,iti. lil u ,,rk ,ir I ,i , , 1 1 1 , i 1 1 Mir h n 1 1 r ' , I .illlit lrn,lii .' loll ,-n III,,', t',Mjl li.iti- ifi'iiiuli to linvi- li.aiil htm Mi J'h.ll,., iiI.mi. I, .ill., I ullh iil.ii-iir, will la- .il tin- , In . . and Willi mu tl a; (III,, a l. in- lli-al l , ml i l nit ,1 . lr. fianklnn I n l r ii I ii-.. j Mim c Whit llaxkln-, i.r 'Hi Hlri'il , j 1 1 il,itin-d Mun.tay a 1 1 rrroii'ii fnon, f'Hir to liv. it', Im k. In Imli'ir ,,r Mrs HiiI,Ii Hli M'llH Covcrn vvcrii laid lor elKlil. AfilHt-j tug In receiving va MlKH Mi.,, I,, nf W a.vni'Hvllliv I hi- ilc urn I Imiim wi-i-i-Hwcet pi-art, ilulhli-H and ualiirllijinH. ekKint Meeting of l-jiHli-rn Mtir. At Ibe neint'innntblv nn-fllnK ol Ibc Kaalern Star, held In the Mawtnlr Mall lto,l evi-nlng a! eight o'ctoi-U. fnrly-twii mr-mln-rw were pri-Ki-nt At tbe concltiHlon n-frewlimentH wi-n-Mcrvcil, arid an Itifunnat aoctat antlcl palefl In. J Trlnlly Picnic PiMnni"l. TJie Trinity Hunduy KcIumiI picnic hka been piielponed until AugiiHl, on account of the ulwence of the prleMl In charge of tbe purlnh, Itev Mr. Mi--Crrinly. whir 1 lit Maryland, nettling hlH former purocblitl affairs. JI JM Mimical IliM'llnl. A mimical recllal wjll bo jtlvcn by Org.tnlNt '(". KleiUigton Marker at All Hmi I b Church, lllltmnri), at 4:3(1 Ihln aftcrnonu. Mr. M. I''. Cuiinell will be the vIolliiM. PERSONAL. Mra. W, C, Frank i entertaining her uounlti, Mln Ijona II Won of stton vll l. Mr. George 1'oWell Iiiik gone to Norfolk and JunicHtovvn mi a Ininlnexa trip.' t Mra. John Haundora came up from Hot Hprlnga laat evening for a elmrt atay. Judge Merrlmon apent Weilneatluy In NvayniiNVlllii on bualneHa. Mr Jiinii-K Perry of HiiltBbury Ik vlHllIng IiIh family on Pultun avi-uue Wllllnin Canailay Iuih relurned from Kit extended dip Went. Mr. and Mra. Chailen Htnckdell or Atlanta are at the Haltety Park. Mm Karrla Imim none to Waynes vllle for a nhort vImH You I Should Not Overlook Our Large Assortment of Pretty Rings We have a nice variety .' rins on hand always lint we will lie ileased to make VtMl a v'wvj; of sie- ami ill lattow. .MlUJlji .. .. . ... eial ile.sij,'n ir setting at at.- time. Wo are prepareil tu do the work. THE TIIOMPSON-BRANNON CO. WATCHMAKERS GtM MERCHANTS SILVERSMITHS The ORIENTAL BAZAAR. Sondley Building. " - Near the Post Office. y Haywood Street. t Invites y(nr in.speetion of a large uud varitid line of li.sel'ul and ornaineiital oriental goods. - GORRA BROS., Proprietors. AN INTERPRETATIVE RECITAL in Mr. Burnett Jordan M Mr. Caryl Florio I. Hiawatha's Wooing ( l,onglVIIw-('oe) I I. King Un! ert of Sicily ( l,ollglVlnW 'ole) III. The Lady of Shall- lt (Teiinv smi I lnridcUs ) TIIK MANOU Thursday Evening, July 18, s.:',o u'l lock. Tickets on sale at The Wo man's I'Acliange and Uay sor's 1 )nig Store. vol lilt VOI ItSKI.F Ihut w- tin- fitlty pr, i.tfi d .i . I, -i t Inn- -,r h i ! i t l;r i i.ri. ( 'I h, -l,., k I . l;n :;i rh-,1. ini liiililn,' llnis-i-l-', A 'i li ls. liirjiin. tc, and Ilni-sl i-.t,-s .-itiil i-h,,lci---t 'Tin- jiall, rns an- i-xi-v hi- In di-.-ign. t'oine In and Mr. Kdmund Phetpa lealiH In In the i ltv. of N'cw Or- Mr and Mra i'lmrl,- Maloue liav remoyed lo IIIkIiImihI Mi.-i-I Mr Hurl Mi-atiM f r.iluinhia at rlcd in tliu city Ttn-sna.v. MNm Klhel King of Orcein lib. Tenn,, Ix the gtiel of Wis, 1-: Sim,. on i mk utreei Mr and Mm William. I Cocke, Mi-. I HIIInm orlli and parly r, -turned Mun day from Nma Hcoil.i. Mra. Sumniera ol tiavldson. H HsKihk lo r nioihi-r. Mm M , i. tl Ashland iivt'tm,-. N r UeV. Ml-Neely IIiiIIon,. ,( ore si-tiled in their new b,,n rplacopul rectoij. i Moi-guntu lainlli ,-. Ih. I. N (' Miss i-; tllt'U til tlll- day. clly Tnirnniniid win r, from Columbl.i tc MIhh Itesile Cunnlnghnin of Itlrmlug, bam. Ala, ba retnitiei) to the ,tn and Is KtopphiK on College street Mi Tbe strongest sometimes cat the least, but they eat wisely. Not what you eat, but what you digest, gives you strength. Uneeda Biscuit is the most nourishing and di gestible food made from flour. Eat wisely eat for strength Uneeda Btspult Countess MELBA .WORLD FAMOUS . CLAIRVOYANT PALMIST MENTAL SCIENTIST Her remarkable and anomlngly hu pernntural influence of mlnrt anil mat ter cnubleH her to ruinl tho human life with unerring accuracy from Infancy to old age. Hor Information and advice la cloar ; conclee and to the point, giving namea location, date and facts. i IlEAMNUS 11.00 OJTFICW ANT) ItKCKPTlON TIOOM8 lAICATKU IW VAVK SQUARE OVBH CITIZKNH' IIANK, HOURS: A. M to I) P. AND 8 JWDAV, M. DAILY Till-: PHOOI OP TIIK FVKI, Is In I ho burning. It's the uallty In our coal that tn:ike possible the cimsumptlon or more than ninety per cent of the combust ible part, leaving it tight clean u."h. All aiaea. I'oniestlo nut, especially suit able for cooking ranges. Asheville Fuel & Ice Company PHONE 40 l:uu"- un! - .i ml .i- v 111 I ll NTS. it) ir itic linglv nit r.irt- fiir yourself. Sawyer's Carpel House' Phono 22ft. Nos 18 anil 20 Church St. At Shampoo Parlors Massage, Complexion Im proved, l-'alling Hair anil Hand ruff stopped, llalr Colored, Keel made comfortable. Hy MUS. M. KIVKICS, Ifi Cbureb SI. near Pallon Ave. Hours 111 to 7. Later by ap pointment. Phone 132. 'tshrtille s Best Dry goods Jtore $ig Jale of Cadet ffose Sec onds friday and Saturday for J9c a Pair Cadet I lose are undoubtedly (he best L'-V domestic made hose on the market lndav. They oie perfect satisfaction, and every pair is ijiiaraiitccd or money, refunded. The manufactories of these hose are exceedingly particular in se lcciinr nothinc; hut perfect hose in ev cry respect to put upon the market, but naturally in the process of making them there are ijiiite a few that do not, come out so perfect, a little dropped stitch or other slight defect, that really does not impair the wear or looks of the hose, and then the best of these are taken out and called seconds. We were able to secure a large stock of them at 1'.") per cent discount, and now offer the same to you for l!)e a pair. pretty A'mene Skirts for 08c &ach Mir A. S. DENOON Imported Novelties in Art Needlework, Linens, and Nainsook, Columbia Wools. Artistic Designings and Stamping. Lessons in Kmi broidery. No, 7 Haywood St. Asheville. N.C. An Asheville Product. Purity, whiteness, liveli ness, strength these are some of the characteristics of Climax Flour. It com bines the strength of spring wheat with the sweetness of winter w heat flour. Ask for the American Lady and Lyra Corsets THC5T0RE 0F,to0DF.RN,WAY5 73 51 BUTTON AVE PIIONE-55,6 ASHEVILLE N.C. The Best Fitting Corsets on the Market 'nnniiiKhitui hns . beauttful voire iiriti u III sinu' ji Kii In Mils nir at I lie 'etl lr;il McthiollMt i hun li - Mr LefltT K- Poll lelunie.l i-sti-r. i I : t 1 'riioill psoin tile. ;a. .ithl re -et'itl tbis pelil II) the efty. Miss Annie Tnrn.Ml ;tml Miss i Hivln I'rll. hell of WrinntiKlon ure nKin Mrs S K Kepler's t-u- (lie summer. The Midi's l.nth n TIhtiiimI. ia , !(. (lie Kiirl of M i " (ilLb.ui Merri- lll-'ll in Went Abbeville. Ieiiu uml Mrs Cipern, with their hililrett. will pe rul ;i tu.'iith tu Ashe ville ami are nl home lo friends on Nt.i t h Mam street Mi Mini Mrs Thotu.'ts ("loo.le t.f 1 T . I Spruit in e epel. it tile hitler pMl t, the week to Mt their diuiKhier, Mi - J. unes .lari.'tt. Jamli rhlliN -f ('olntiihla will e mi.M of Ml-- l-li;enl:i Johll- a slmi t i ime n nd w Ml then Dr. VV. E. Manville of a-animton, 1) ',, has opened oltlr,-.- .il !l-ll ParuKnn Hull, linn for K,-n, ial practice of inedlilne. Phono I i;k. DR. R. 0. BUCKNER Will ill-mi,- liiniself to the practice of diseases f tin, KVi:. i:lt, tsB and TllltOAT Kxcluslvelv Koonm 7 and 8 Medical Hullillnir Ale -vill N O. Pretty Plaid D imities... i) la rgc o ini know it o ooii a.ssor' we are showing a splendid 1 These goods have been tjuitc seal incut ;;o late in the season. The I'rii-es I hunt ies, and We're both in small and lucky to get such are 'JOc and 25c yd, and are excellent values. 5' Ih moisturw and dust proof packages. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY H p.-. y I vll I iol n to r l a l ii 1 1 LeV.lM Ueel.S mri i mum t llotnio eM Inn for Ml-- 11- hekah Ha lls of rovlncton. K , has armed at Ardeii l'iirk Kodne if I er spending ; month t here ;i s the .f Mws f'atloriio- r;ir(nnt1 Stie me tit Ahe ill- for the rest of he Mimmer Mt 11. sle iN on of t.elee-ter t ! t t 1 t in i in; a h -n-e pa rl this w iek s ' nil t .in.) l;l iii. he VtIliani- Ci.Imii Whilt ini.toii, ,!i.---!- and M turn e M nyh-r went i A hevi'le to J. .in the .idl I'liirles .1 Harris will enier !'rtd.t ietutiK with a dinner the Ii.itler ai'K HH, I. pheu i.t.iry to Mr and Mr Kieh i ,(r-iin M r, I 'r;i rsiui has re- ! . . eivi il the appointment f : t drn'i v l.nii a hk .et and many otht r--kihk forw ard to the halt tin. at the ILMtel v I'a r k ( Hotel hundred inxttatioiiK hae I n ' and Ahe ille ha-; learned to IfeK.u.l the e.nrnin(f lull ii t the Itattery l'ark a- the s asoii's npmlni; fr West ern Carolina, Th mom at the Womnn'n Kx ehnre has been the Hifno of novoml foMivc oreaiotjs this wwk, Tuenday I ;,Mss Cruise I Mnnll iii h,: iiiii1' ilali ili es-liiK H I KiM Hi ! tim-:atmi:xt. Hi i' i i. MAsaAt;i:. oj 111 I !! COLO HI NO. JI CIMKOPOPV. H IT-:, :r ARTICLES. H i, e I'hone 4:'3. II i i Phone IS. 1 1 - ; niKlit Mi.,.. 1-aizaliel h . . i Japane!-,. ' were j"" .. ; l Mr- M.i , 1 Me. Mi 1 1,, i, I C,k,T at Inn, :i. 1 lteki r - Hi ,. n. , l-'raiik II ' Ml- I ''.I" n.i r,l. n ; ISc-V. - Mr- s afti-rnoot. injoval.! Saw , r ft- -r, -a lad ,! r. -was th,- l, I . oi,,,! Hi..-, Oil , op - i (re-.ent - aril. A1!,, The.. .t-.t,- . i Philip c... f I trow n. ch i C. K Pati.l enee Si.i I. -, w ay of CI, . fre.l earii.t. 1 prim W'ad-i, Settle Pump- i I I .indie YnrhoroiiKli am h w ere hostess at a i A limit thirty KtieMs and yere chaperoned i oirvey and .M r. II. A eek Mis. Howard ii-.l ten of her friend. i. . who en.l'.e,l Mrs. 'It were Mrs. Vanee Charles Jordan. Mrs. Mrs. Whiteford Smitlt, i i,, Mrs Alfred Rir - Van Meade. Kthel rl.-tte l'ilsen. - heli, was hostess this i , nt husiastir and most party Mrs Jamie c,e hr'nhtest s.ore and a rut i:lass howl for Mrs. Thomas Jones in,- in rutting for the ! i, h waa a very lieautt--ue,-r. Amon tlnst, M. sdamr J " Prlteh II. ill, ralriek Hranrh. alson, Thomas Jones. Krwln Sluder. Vance i Jordan. Duff Merrirk. i harlca M. Piatt. Clax- of Atlanta, J W Cnn lottr. Arthur Field, Al-j-imlfi Sawyer. I Cam- A. J. Lyman. Tlinnui r of Dallas, Ttx . McL- Johnston The IIIGGASON STUDIO Will he open hereafter every Saturday nights till ten o'clock. " Sittings made a New Elec- ! trie Process. Satisfaction guaranteed. 8 North Pack Square. Citizens' Bank Building. No. 8 N. Pack Square. Citizens Bank Building. The Model OXE ntlCE LADIES' OCTFITTKKS New No. 20 Soalh Main Street 8. A FKEEINIEK, Iroprtbr. Phone 1S0S. SPECIAL SALE OF Late 3heet Music Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday At 9c. Copy Dunham's Music House ON THE SQUARE. 9 The Luxury o! ftie Bath more and Missea Eugenia and Jamie i hllda, " month should not he missed Unusual values await von. A C"!d morning p!uni?e. followed w.i ,-l ml, ,.f,., .. "" iii. iivi-s uie uinen nee oilv toned for a day of Joy,,,,, "in. tireaillnu tu,. 1, ..-,st We have the mussones "iUi 1'owders. Witch Hazel, n alcohol or witch ha- hetwoen a healthy, comfortable. Work an,!, one denresscd and exertion. in lnxurius profusion: Soaps, Spongea Alcohol. Let the hot days remind you. For Clean, Stylish and L to-Date Turnouts try 1 Wiley B. Brown and Son, -it TV CbTIcye SC rbonc 50. Seawells Pharmacy, (Sucwsors to IYafllln'a.) Corner Hay Wood and College Streets, (and Prescriptions) TOme 132. t

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