PAGE TWO TTTE ARTTEVTTXTC (TTTTZEN. Jl Heart l"artjr l VUtor. 't goclal event are following each Itther thick and fart In Axhevllle iiiat row, and th rouu people Mitnclully . gire enjoying life to tlia rollout extent. JAmoug lb parties fur visitor prom ising much plireaiire will be that of JMIa Mary Agne WHfortl at the home if her alater, Mr, llalrd, on Cumbcr- ' land avenue thla morning Jn honor tot her houae party gueata, a merry crowd' ot voun girl moatly from (ha Wlu Gram tate. Tha cam to l played will t pro kreealve hoart aomethlng novel Mot played with tarda, but letter. Among Mia Wllford' gueat will lia Mlw Celeata Cutbuertaon, Mlaa Jiura McKlnney, ll Jull do Tre Mile. MIm Corlnne Barf, Ml Mary B.ovrltiK Wright. Mia Catherine Ma- kon, Mhta Pred Brown, Mia Lillian fl'IcU'iicr. Id la Catherine Jlaniioraon, (Mlaa June liana jNichola, Mia Beaale INlchola. Mia 1 -utile Campbell, Ml Marl Bryan, Mlaa Kroma auditor, IMIaa IlBge Oatea, Mlaa Alleen Cald nvll. MIhm loieanor Lamberton, Mlaa Mmlnla Orlltlth Miller, Mlaa Cameron UrummiHii Mtna May Bernard, Mlaa Blavnoa, Mlaa Watklna, Mlaa Croaawell, !Miaa Hi-jwla Lee. Mlaa Horlaon, Mlaa Uw.rt'h. the JKIaar Penland. Mrs, Ora liam Webb, Mra, Pruttk Weaver and Hire. Urliuea. BUM Umlfc-er'e Fl Hundred Party. Mlaa Emma Oudger waa hoeteaa eaterday afternoon at a moat enjoy utile live hundred Prty, given for IMla 8ara OoeaeU of Williamsburg, S. !.. and Mlaa Alloen Caldwell or Mem' phi. Oilier gueat were Mlaa Alice Bievenlah. Mlaa Marguerite Wad- iworth, Ml Calherlu Maaon, the mi. Stlkeleather. Mlaa Pantile (wheeler. Mine Virginia Griffith Miller, Mlaa Hiunuut Holt 0 ..-:Kldge, 11 Iw. BaUle Kolllua, Mlaa Noll Morrl- Mlaa Ifcirothv Weaver, Mlaa Heorgla Dennl. tha Mlaaea Chapman, am. Melen Lemley, the Mlaaea Nlch- tola. Mlaa Mona Uevcnlah, Mlaa Lula Thnmoeon. Mini Lambertaon, Mlaa rhrimlna Bchueeaier. Miaa AIM Btruinmond, MIm Florence Barnard, IMlaa Lea Calloway, the MIm Pen land, Mlaa Freda Brown, Mlaa Eu ronla Julmeton, Mlaa Wllford, t Mlaa Ifltea, Mlaa Cuahman, Mine Cocke. Mlaa IPatherlne Cartroclt, Mlaa Uebocea UiHyllaa, Mlaa Shepherd. Mlaa lluynea, Rita Wataloa and Mlaa CroaawelU ('; tlialliMi nUlt l"arty for VJaltura. Mlaa AHee Drummond, who la pre-Ident- ot the recently organUod H'hatlng Dlah club, entertained la veiling In honor of Mlaa Virginia kiriltlth Mlller'a guet8 and the ment- .arof Die elulv Among too"" P"' ,,t wore Mlaa Vlrglnlu Orlffllh Miller, nm Helen Cofalu. Mlaa KelMHa Kiiahman, Mlaa Jawila Croawell, Mlaa aiaynea, Misa Hue Watklna, Mr. Uaa ,.m Ulaokwelder, Mr. George Prltch pird, Mr. Kendal Northup, Mr. enk Hally, M. Perry Cobb, Mr. Vomio kludgor, Mr. Halph Carrier. Mr, Btalph Millard, Mr. Jumea U Bcrn Imrdt of' Salisbury..:: - ;.:' '' ' "': "al '''''''' Intilallona Out f Uatu-rj Wrk Aa- iiual Cltntnaitt " The date of the annual mld-aum-tner Herman at Battery Park baa been jixcd for Auguat 89, Invlutlona were laaued yeaterday by the nmnageinont for the event, whle hie conalderud to the crowning function In tha eocltil life of the hotel each aummer ii-a-niin. Thle la the tweniy-aetond an nual event, and hundrcde of lnvita itloiia have been aont out In Aahevllle nnd all over the eolith. tanclig will e In the timing room In order to comfortably accommodate the largo uttendance. Suppcs will be aerved in the ball room. - ftflaa llenderaon Glvea tmioliwn for -s, Mb Minora tiutwt. Amnn tlia charming -ttentlona be Ing showered upon tho guerta of Mlaa rMiiinr on Mnntfora avenue waa iiwhen irlvnn on -..Monday by Mlas Catherine Hemleraon at her home on Hrove atreet Mlaa Menderaon'a guenta ytumtwred eight, and were Miaa ouc IWatklna, Mine Jeaale Croaweu, num Blavnea. Mine Virginia Griffith Miller, rvn neheoca Cuahman and Slim iKmlly Campbell. dl J Mra, 8beH Giving Haueo larly. Mra Axor Bchell, 184 Wooflfln Mreet, la giving a bouso party for len Uaya. .Her gueate Include Mra. It. A. iwilkle and Mra. Rose O'Dny of St Ioula, Mo, Mra. J. L. Itmckmann, Mra. 8. C Ilanner and Mra. V. J.. Cranford, all of Greenaboro, N. 0. Wra Sohcll baa bmued Invltatli na Ifor a reception to lie given Friday afternoon at her home on Woodtln a tree t In honor of her gueela. Jt (Damping party Gore to "Potato Top," A camiilng party composed of Mrs. linthony O'ltellly and her family and yueat wtll lvave today for a live Ways' outlnrf; on, f'Potato Top" moun tain. In the party will be Mra. O'Kellly, Mina Koatrlce Ollmore of New (irleuna, Mlaa Fredrlra tl'Hellly, Ir. Hall, Mr. Ale Convvrue of Co 1 ii ii i rum. v., and Mr. l.enrtttux Ultellly. Danoe laiat MglM. The reguUir weekly diunw at the Uuttery Park Inat night waif the moat aucceaaful of the present bixuioii, the door being well tilled with devutvea of the terplm-horeun art PIESONAL. p Mlaa Anne Hall of "WaalUngton la a gueat at Huttcry Park. Mr. Lou la M. Roume left yeaterday for a bualnoaa trip north. Mlaa tllanche Holt of Oak hi vlaltlug Mlaa Sadie Hoillns. Tildge Miaa Lucy Vance haa gone to Oro ver, N. C to attend a house party. Mr. 8. H. Hnmrlck and Mlaa Algla Uardwick are guests at Toxaway inn Mlaa Mary Roberaon of Chapel Illll la spending a month at Mon treal. ,; t a Mf. W. J. Heywood o( Charleston la spending sometime at Battury Park. .. Mrs. W. K. MeYrlck ami two chll. dren have gone to Montreal for a week. j; Mlaa Helen Craig has returned from a two month visit to relative lu Wla- oonaln, .-r Miss llattle Hurnwell of Charles ton, 0. C. la expected to visit friends this week. Mr. Jesse Heale who spent yeater day In the city has returned to Hen- dersotivllle. Miss Hostile Ingram of Sumter, H. C, Is visiting Mra. Hrohtin at Ot Vic toria avenue, Mrs. K. U. Uooseman and the Misses Honnoninrt have returned to Uroenvllle, B. C. - , .... , at , am - I esjkw rOVUKCRmiNAIE. iVPER- FVL In the selection of your personal rtTectn, whether apparel or Jewelry, you will appreciate the Ui.tba Excliiivccm of THE HOWARD) (WATCH Let us present the newest models for your Inspection New Tilings in Summer Jewelry taaWsaaaaaaWIWMWI IIWlBaBHI TIipj are constantly arriviiiDirstim-live, l)caiitiful DroofhcK, I ract'l etp, Not k la w'8, Pins, Kings and an unlimited' collection of other trinkets. I TOE TflOMPSON-BRANNON CO., WATCHMAKERS GEM MERCHANTS SILVERSMITHS Mm Iflet-cerized Checks Brown. Blu Green. tc. for Z5c Ifard ,. Jkinners Satin, jrfll Colors, for $K50 yard v.- Skinners satin is known all over the country as the best and most supe rior lining satin made We have just received a shipment of Skinners satina in in all colors. Skinners Mack taffeta, none better, 3G inch, for $2.0 yard. ' ,JV Silk and Jatcen Petticoats priced Right Miss Cruise Manicuring and Ilalrdrcaslng Parkin. tl Haywood fit., over Candy Kitchen. New line of hair goods In the latest styles. Try my freckle cream and face bleach. Residence Phone 421. Office Phone II. Mr. flchoff of Cincinnati, who has been visiting his family on Montford, returned to hi home yesterday. ,, Mr. and Mr. Needham, who have had Hose Tree Cottage on Huttcry Park Hill loft yesterday for New ork Mr. Charles Itonnoa 1 entertain Ing Mis Minnie Logan (it, Alleghany Pa., at her home on Cumberland avo. Hair Dressing Par lors Full Line Hair Goods. 90 Jim u-ry Pk Plo. Mod. Illilg. FACIAL ANI IUCMP TRKAT. MKNT, WiECTItlCAL MAN KAOK; NIIAMPCMIINO AM) MANItnilUJIU. LATKST HAIR DItYIA'U. - ti- :'l PIIONW StVfl. i'- i Al IIPNTER. wmmmmmKmnamw PfRFECTED LIQUOR CURE COMPANY Mr. R. t. Qalbrolth of Spartan burg, 8, C, 1 visiting the family o Mr. Edward Vandiver, weaverville, N. C. .. Mr. Robort Ilrohun ha roturnc from Haluda. where ahe has been vis Itlng Mr, If. C. Ingram of Bumlcr, 8. C. " ' Miss P. Brohun ha returned from Columbia and Charlotte, after a tw months' Bitty, to lur home in Vic toria. Miss Ellen Barker will leave thla wock to visit the family of her uncle. Major Barker, at his summer . home lit Plat Rock. Mrs, R. C. Fortune and Mlsa Per klnaon who have been traveling In the north for several month have ro turned to Aahevllle, , Ir. and Mra. Chnrles H. Jordan, who have been spending a short time i, Moure lend, tne gUCHia oi m Harvey, have returned. Mr. A. Klmberly who has been vis iting his parenta Mr. nnd Mrs. E. K. Klmlierlv on Morrlnton avenue ims returned to Columbus Ohio. Mrs. Rogers Orant and Miss Cath ortn Orant who have been away for u month visiting tho exposition and relatives In Maryland have returned. Miss Daisy Itranoh, who spent the past winter In New York Is here for a ahort stay, the guest or Her nrotner Mr. Frank U. Iarby at Mattery Park Hotel Mr. and Mrs. C T. Patterson of New Orleans will arrive tomorrow to Join Mr. Patterson's parents. Col. and Mra. Patton. who are stopping at ;.s Cumberland avenue. . TO CURE ANY DISEASE. trke JTauae Maat fee ftiainrtd, lam Way with Daadrag. KU1 tbe germ that cause dandruff. tailing hair and baldneaa, yon will hara kio SBOr dandruff, and your hair must grow luxuriantly. Newbro'a erplclda kiot only contain, the dandruff germ Ueatroyer, but It la also a. moat delight Iful hair dresalng for regular toilet urn. Ho ' other balr preparation Is on thla SKlentiflo basis ot deatoylng the dandruff genna. It atop all Irritation, keep th calit sweet, pur and wholesome. Re tnember Uiat aomethlng claimed to be "just a good," will, not do lb work of genuine Herplclde. Bold by leading aruKgurta Send 10c. la atampa for aam pla to The Herplclde Co tfetroit. Mica, nmt end II . Tlioma I. Ilrohun, who has spent moat of the summer engineering In South Carolina, will apiind a few weeka with his mother In Victoria before returning, to the University of Virginia, Mr. George 8. Powell, president of he North Carolina Jamestown re position Commission left yesterday for the Exposition to be lu readiness for North Carolina day. Mlaa Mary Anderson, dean of the Preabyterlan college. Red Springs. N. C la a visitor In the city, a gnet m Forest Hill. Mra. Neal Anderson. Mlaa Ruth Anderson and Miss Mur- garet Anderson are also gutl at Forest Hill. Mr O. Fortune and Mlsa Net tie Perklnson, who have been visit ing for the past two months, have re turned home. While away they vis ited Washington. Saratoga, west ti"; V!iU 4tiT J point and Schenectady. N. Y, There ia a vei y good reason for your rending what follow. Yon will understand why before you have reached the last word. John B, Ounter, Medical JMrector for the',. Perfected Lkiuor Cure Com pany, has made alcoholism his spe cial study for years. In order that all that 1 benellclul In other sanitarium treatments might bo considered in tho formulation of his now perfected cure It wan deemed necessary by him to get In close touch with patients from such Institutions. For eleven months Hist previous to Juno 1, 1907, ho was house physician at tho most poptrnrr llipior cure snnlt.-irlum In .North Cr ollnu, located at Rcldsvlllc. The phy Biological effects of this and tho oth er populnr treatments he hns asslil- ously watched. Much that Is good was found In nil the best kpoun nih oils, but, in some Instimces the, use of diingerou druss or hypodermic In jections made ninny diminution ne cessary. Independently of any established systems ho has Inaugurated In his cure three distinct departures from older methods ami. combining these with the best feat urea from other treatments, ho h.ns perfected a llipior cure In full hurmouy with I he udvun cea of modern therapeutics, which, speaking very cnmrrvmlM-lv, will do more towards eradication intemper ance from the land th;in all other home or sanitarium treatments now In existence. Again, the rtistcmnry cost of treat ment at other recognized sanitariums one linn it roil dollars, with tioard ml room an addil tonal expense. This s too much. You know It so do wr. we omt n oetter treatment, a surer ore at the hospital In (ireenshoro nan any obtainable elsewhere, Ir respective of price, and the cost of ur hospital trtatment (Including onrd ami room! Is just sixty dol- ars, payable in advance (as Is custo mary elsewhere) The time necessary for the patient o remain away from his homo will not exceed one week. Where the patient Is genuinely anx iis to stop drinking, the Company ill send the full treatment (Just as Riven at the hospital) for twenty illars, l.iit it is necessary that there some reasonably Intelligent per son at the patient's house to admin ister the remedies. The entire course of treatment ex tol over a period of thirty day. he desire for Intoxicants departs for the second or third day, nftir hfch time the patient Is usually phy ieally and mentally able to resume Is cuMoinary ocntlon. Under the millions previously specified, the real no it can he ns successfully given home, with the same positive - rnnee of permanent cure, as at the ospltal -, - Applications for admittance to the ospltal should be made at the gen eral oftlcea of the company, Ind floor New McAdoo building, (next to Post office), Greensboro, N. C. i The Model ONE PRICE LADIES OUTFITTERS n Mew No. SO attain Mala Street 8. A. FREED LANDER, Proprietor. Phone Ja08. Our Big Bargain Sale this month should not ho missed. Unusual values await you. If you want to spend these Summer days pleas antly join the Y. M. C. A. f,' . ; and mako use of the 1 load ing Jioom and Tennis Court. Keep eool by taking a plunge in - the, swimming pool. Membei'Hhip 8 and JO dollars. Boys under 1G $3 - : pci ) cat. MS im fit". i ; 7.1 Bilk Underskii-ts in black from 5.(K) up. Black and Colored heatherbloom petti coats for 2.50. Black sateen petticoats for $1.00, $1.50, $1.75 on up. Cfooa durable Jowls : Jhat lOill (dash Towels made of cotton or linen will he found here. Large size lmck towels with red bor ders, a good value for 15c, at 10c each, $1.20 dozen. Large buck towels in linen from 25e to 75c each. Turkish bath towels, bleached or un bleached, from 10c to 50c each. PRIVATE SANITARIUM For tlie Exclusive Treatment of Diseases of Women Mrs. Rusa F, Monnish, M. D. Graduate of German and American College and Hospitals; f years expe rience. First class accommodation. Long distance telephone. 81V react. tree. Atlanta, (in. VISITORS Mall your friends a SOUVENIR ot yourself and Aahevllle, by send ing our Special Printed "ASH KVIM.K SO WEN 1 It" PirOTOCiltAI'llIC POST CARDS, "Ping Pong" photos 30 for 2.V. OPEN SATURDAYS TILL :S0 P. M. , ELECTRIC PROCESS. The IIIGGASON STUDIO No. 8 N. Pack Square. Citizens Bank Building. TITOST0 RE: D t M0 DE RNLWA'VS"11 I ' ASHEV1LL& N.C Handsome Shirtwaists for Early Fall Wear We have just opened up some beautiful styles in Silk Waists in Blue, Black and Brown, Plain and the Hair Line Plaidsfrom $3.75 to $7.50. To those who wish to make an early selection, will find this an opportunity to get the newest out in waists at very reasonable prices.- Fall Dress Gocds Here in Abundance We wish to remind Mothers,, that now is the time to prepare their daugh ters' out tit for the next school term. You will lind a splendid assortment of Fall and Winter Dress (Joods here to choose from. For Clean, Stylish nnd Up- to-Date Turnouts try Wiley B. Brown and Son, W. College St. Flume 5(). Mr. and Alra. R. u Oroom have gone t th Vlrgrnl coast. - COAL WHEN YOU WANT IT Not a day or a week later but riirht at the time you arc in need of it. Only tho better grade of coal furnished our customers. Carolina Coal & Ice Company Phone 130 ; REGARDLESS OF PROFIT ceil Lois of Moris conducting this A. S. Denoon No. 7 Haywood Street $2.28 Are movintr ritrht out. Ourobiect in snlc is not jtrotit. hut to close out as ouicklv as possible all summer shoes. We must prepare for fall" Shoes which are now i tuning in. Note the reduction, all good slioes. Will stop a pair of men's I Quality and eomfort in wo Oxioi tls that were $:5.(H) and I man's Oxfords. Priced $3.00 :?.50. , and$3.5a , Same reduction in Children's Ties. $L9$ NICHOLS SHOE CO, The B&rg&lrx Store this Week ' ON THE SQUARE All the latest and mot artlatlc 1 potterna for etamping ahliiwalsu. ccn- lerpiecea, coiiara. etc. large line of band pained and embrolderd noveltiea Genuine Mexican hand drawn work. All grade of Linen, Porglan Lawa and Nainsook. . DRESSHUKLG alao altering and fixing. Chargea fleaeonaBle, Knciture at Rhatnpoo Paiiora, IS Church street, nr Futon aven ue and P. O. MRS. a. M. mVCRS. gaaBBBSnaBTananaBBaaaatBaaaBBS& LUMBER FOR SALE. WIIOLKSi.LB AXD KUTAIIj. Tellow Pine Lumber, rough and dreesed. Yellow Pine and Cypreaa Bhingles. Call and get our prices. Office 201 Caldwell Bull din. STEVENS-KIEKLAND CO., 1 (Incorporaled.) . C AOAMS. Prea. W. U KIRK LAST), Y-PreL JAS. IL 6TEVEXS, S--y. and Treaa. .X)