i i PAGE TVft TTTTC ASTTEVTLLE CTTTZEN. , Friday, Auciisf SOUy 1007. WE ARE SHOWING SOME WERY li ESVLIIMHnSLni Maklnr up- for the hot time of a lata sod the gay life at Imautiful fToxaeay Inn by tha lake la lu full awlnf nd hundred! of cursta hnd . Ho It an aalraatlon which even It ha Hot kiMiwa until tnla. aummur wliun from all parta of tha Mouth liu coma rush of attractive people, slnaly nd In aro u pa, ao readily congenial that brtatit foatlvltlos mark each hour nd maka auch ft festival spirit that he proapeota ara, thnre will be no .batomr.nl' for another month cer tainly not U tha auperb weathrr con ffnaee an weather aharpa predlut. Tha 'Kmart Bet", rrpresentatlvee of Boulh ra Soclaty'a beat, la there In force nd la making a fast paca-duy and nlarht tha hotel M a center of bright life boating riding, bridge, tennla. loathing, fishing and danolng following ao rapidly that there la hardly a spare minute. Tha "Smart Set" haa not roina there i't raat bat hi enjoying to ha ftity th opportunity of the place, the charm of the aurroundlngs. Em- ra)d award aweepa 'upward beneath leafy boughs, from the allvcr sanded jhorea of tha clour Inks to the tow ring hotel on the peninsula which aa aen by night by gay launch partlea look Uka a brightly lighted ocean liner and forest clad" mountain rlae abruptly skyward. Thero I little room for alcep for the Inadera of the et, nightly dancea in tha ball room overlooking the moonlit waters con ilnuKi lata and thoy are up early In the' morning for' horseback or bont rldaa, per-hapa a fishing trip at dawn then breakfast In the dainty dining room, bowling, brlln, tennla and forenoon dahoes, at night there cornea over tits water to boating' parties the muslo- from the ball room and he distant laughter of aome gay party whli'h la making with their night's Hiring of mountain trout to the "Old Homestead" where "Uncle Jim", and "Aunt1 Nanry" will be waked up to rook the fish with chicken for a lata upper of more properly an early breakfast very early often aa any mid ante bcllum ' darkles such as knrtw how to cook. - Of courar not' air at the lake aro "Hmart Set people and they find their I (iwi pleasure In plenty, but none oh-f Jocta to tha toner of tha bright gaiety rwhleh peraaeatha place - kaafeaskk'' - ' 'J ' 1 , Mrav PrlM-haru ItrMge, i Mrs, J. CV- prltehard wa hastes yesterday afternoon at bridge, l'lay (was continued from i to , when re tfreshnvtnta were served. A largenum gier of gunata were entertained among (whom wera Mra. Ell Muatln, Mra. J. CR. Dlckerson, Mr. Locke Craig, Mra. rharles Mi Piatt.- Mra. Thomas .B, Hoi- llna, Mra. Sara- Buhl,: Mrs. James fawyer. Mra, Carl V, Reynolds, Mrs. Krwln Bluder, Mrs, Hogera Grant, Mrs. Dlarvey Otckeraon it Norfolk, Va., Mra tPhlllp CockM Mra. Arthur M. Field, Mra Anthony O'Reilly, New Orleans, Mra. IeorgH; Lambert, Mrs. Framls J. Cletnengar, Mra. Joha Moorman, Jtaton Rougei Mrs, George Tetinam, Mrs. Jamea, Moorman, Mrs. Frana? Weavef, Mlsa Caroline Hcynolda, Mlas Wltta Bmlthof Durham, Mlsa Alice Devenlshi Ml' Anna I'enland, Miaa Alice Harrla of Hylva, Mis Lillian Reynolds,- Mlsa June Hesa Nichols of Indian Territory,, Mta Murphy, Mlsa Gee Wahter and Mlsa Douth of Louis iana. Party foy Visitors. Mrs, K. J. Randolph and Mrs. A. II. UNHAPPINESS DISPELLED. laFa Centra Vaaalmeaa A boat It Many women weep and wait and ref use to be comforted because their once mag nificent tressee have become thin and faded. Many men' Incline to profanity because the ftisa bite through the thin thatch on their crania ma It will be good aewa to tha miserable ef both acxee. ti learft that Newbro't Htrplelde haa been placed upon the market. This Is the new calp germicide and antiseptic tlmt nets by destroying the germ or microbe that la the underlying causa of nil hair d etruetlon. llerplelda la a new prnpara lion, made after a new formula on ar entirely new prfnclpln- Anyone who haa tried It Will testify ss to Ita worth. Try It yourself and be convinced, gold hy leading drhgtttata Bend Inc. In stamps for sample to Tha Herplcldo Co., De troit, Mich. Two ateea cents and II 00. k kEAWEIJ'8 1MIAHMACT, 5k. ttPKCIAl, AiKAT!i, Carrlor entcrtaljicd with a supper par ty at Overlisok I'ark In honor of two vlsllora to Uo city who are guests of Mlsa Ureta, Mouthwlck In West Ashe, vllle. The lionorera were Mra. Carl Ion and Mrs. Andrews of Detroit. The guests Included, Dr. and Mrs V. T. Mcrlwothcr, 1'r and Mrs Krmi- IM ClemoiiKT, Rev. and Mra. V Minakuchl, Mr. and Mrs. Nat Atkin son. Mr. K. J. Randolph, Mr. A. II Carrier, Mrs. Andrwa, Miss Ixinlsoii, Mlsa Carlton, tllaa Houtliwlck, Miss Holt of New Urn, Miss Hcttle Kites, Mlsa RelM'cca Knyllss of Covlnglon, Ky., Mlsa Hart Is. Rollins, Mr. Wlllaru Northup, Mr. T. II. Winston, Mr. Ralph Carrlor, Mr. Kendall Northup, and Mr. Harry W, 1'lummer. Card I'sa-ly at K-iillworlli Inn, A delightful euchre party afforded entertainment for the guasta at Kcn llworth Inn on Wednesday evening. There were) nix prlxca given, the llrst was won bo Mrs. L. K. Wells of HL Louis, Mra. A. K. Meade, of Washing ton secured the second. Mrs. Joseph Messengala of Atlanta, and Mra. L. K. Wells won tha lone hand prises. Tha consolation prises went to Miss Hue Pretlow of Virginia and Miss Ida Y. llownrs of Kentucky. Tha first prise for gentlemen was won by Mr, McConnelk of Savannah, Mr. E. A. Mead of Washington sec ond. Mra , E. H. Moore entertained with snapper at tha conclusion of the game. JS j Mra. Masanigaln to EnUrialrt. - Mra. Joseph Masaengale of Atlanta w9to Is a guest at Kenllworth Inn has iatiued Invitations for a bridge party toaluy In honor of Mrs. Thompson of IHs Moines. The party will be held at Konllwortli Inn play to begin at three thirty o'clock. UlrtlHlny I 'arty, Miss Mnbol Ardath Garvey cele- hrtUed her tenth birthday at her home on Cumberinnd avenue, yesterday af ternoon. Kverythlng was In tens.) Tha guests were limited to thla num bor ten candles of course ornamented the caka which afforded great amuse ment for the young people In blow Ing them out. Games was played and refreshments PRETTY FRENCH JEWELRY Something New-in tlie Way ol Neck Ornaments They are very artistic creations and are becoming quite the "go" In Ihe fashionable resorts and larger titles of the country, We will be pleased to have yott esamlne theaa : ultra-fsxhlonable necklac e for you will get a better Idea of their excluatvaneHH. It la difficult to describe In detail the many varied designs Inc luded In this offering so we refrain from doing so, but wa trust that all will accept our Invitation to call und aee them. The) prkra are cry mini. ci'a. Our apeclal discounts continue all this week on Hrnoches and llundy Plna. . i, TIIE TQOfilPSON-BRANNON CO., DEL1CIOIS DINNERS tvndLUNCHEONS 4 Served to order at tho; V ;i Overlook PhtU Dining PnvllHorv & Open-air dining room. Private fann(products. Spe cial attention given to panics. Phone 1215. J. A. BUANPL. Proprietor. Asheville School of Music and Dramatic Art SO Patton Avenue. Itooma I I. I, 30. 1'liono 811. M. '. CONNKI.L, I'rwdilcnt. ; lUHKCTtJKK. ' Mr. Burnett Jortlan, Mr. M. F. C4.nn.-ll, Mr. Peter Pctora, Mrs. F M. Ilarkrr. Mlaa Minnie Wcatall, Mlsa Nbiht Weaver, Mr. F. Fluxing ton Ilarkcr. ' COtmnF. OF INSTRtKTIOX. . ;rok. Vkdln,' rmmv Organ, Cello, Mandolin, flultar. Harmony and tbniMwltlon, Culilvutlon f the 8m-cIi and lirainatjo Art, served on the lawn. Driving I'arty tii Ardon. i A . party of young people chap' crotried by Mrs. Kultcr of Blake street drtrva out to Arden on ' Wednesday evening and' had dinner at the hotel returning by mtainllght. In the party wore Kins Flora Noll, Mlsa Mildred Fuller, Wise Ruth Farmer Mlsa Hm. tnaa Jones, Miss Ruth Brown, Mr. Robert - Wilson, Mr. Jhn' Coulson, H'X. W. O. Drunimond, Jr., and Mr. F.tank Oudgar.- i . Itarara riiiwi Knlortalniiieiit. An Important buhinesa and social mealing of the llarara class of the Fir t Urtptlat church was hold at the residence of Miss Mary Ward on FHnt stre it last evening, . J Miss Ilculuh Marsey who has been the gUinst of Mlsa Knlherlne Hrown on lluyvood street hna returned to her home In Kaoxvlllo. jt jl jl j j M jt j j J Jt J PERSONAL. f ! ff K" V If K If l" K today for Mra. J. her Imine M. Lee leaves In Uavnnnnh. Mlsa Ford will reopen her scheol for young ludlea In Heptember. Mrs. W tl. 8Mnlleld of Amerlcus Oeoi'tdn Is visiting Mrs. Rogers lit Zelnmlht Castla. Miss Ford and Jimt returned from ginln lleach. her mother have a vacation at Vlr- Mlss Mnry Lacy of Amerlcus (la who has been spending u month or more with friends has returned to her home. Mrs. Upton und daughter of New orlonns who nave been spending a few weeks as guests st 107 Merrlmon avenue will leuvo on Hnturduy for home. Mrs. 8. L. Gilmer who has been vis itlng rululivas hora und in Waynes- Aa,..'rmf I 1835 I 0 Silver Plate j yfJ ( jkbas t Wictioa. I I ' I-vJr Thil tm4 cooamej I' A " r i ,h tn"rit M dunbilitT with the dahtkat f ytor of tlesifia. k 1 Let sSew yaa our tfnek of tab I wst. Abo oor fvll lioe of -g n j, ' J . eriinj" siiw IL:LAW, 35 Pallon Avenue! ( "T "' 'y"ejajaeejajaaaj vllle hna returned to Greensboro. Mr. William Millner has gone to the Jamestown Kxpoaltlon for a stay of two weeks. Dr.' and Mrs. R. F. Campbell who have been at Hannera Klks Tor the j pant month will return to day and ! Dr. Campbell will occupy nis puipn in the First Presbyterian church on Sunday, Mrs. Rlatnn of nifoblle lias arrlvefl to spend some time at Margo Ter race. Miss Lnaslo Randall has returned from a visit to Wuynesvillo. Kh l accompanied by Miss Fannie Bean of that pla.cn who Is Her guest. Mrs. Thomas Mmlth of Chestnut street Is rntertlnlng her sister Miss Nell Mottoinely of Louisville. Miss Catherine C'artmell and Miss Rebecca Uayllss who have been vis iting Mr. Arthur ltnnkln epect to leave next week for a visit to Sails bury. Mr. J. J. Brltt returned last night from a business trip to Atlanta. Dr. and Mrs. fharles L. Minor ond family will return to Asheville tho latter part of next week, after an extended visit to Canada. Miss Lilly Reese Doyle of Wades boro and Miss Mary Love of Hylva aro visiting Mrs. II. K. Thompson at S16 Ashland avenue. Mrs. Charles K. Heed and children who have been visiting here will re lurn to ttielr home today. -:- Mr. Auburn Harris of Raleigh, is a guest at Mattery I'ark hotel. Mrs. F. K. I.lnd'cr and Miss Mnry Carter of I'nlon y t. are guests of Mrs. K. L. Henry on Morgnn avenue. Mrs. Klmer Wcstnll and danghtnr Dorothy left yesterday to visit rela tives In Wilmington. Mr George L. Hackney has return ed from Colordo Springs. Mr. and Mrs. It. II. Agce of Sctma Alabama arc spending some tlmo in the city. Mrs William Itaker who came up from Hot Springs for the Mikado and was the guest of Mrs. J. K. Rum hough has returned home. Misses Annie May and Sue Relic Car coran. will go to Arden today, to spend a few days with their aunt Mrs. Pinner. Fresh Ojsfers Today WILLIS FISH MARKET. Phone 23. COLD WEATHLIl IS COMING ON AI'ACE Aro yoir prepared for the winter? Better havo your coal cellar filled now while you can t get It when 'H want it. Good ! Clean Caal',l better than the other kind. Try a ton or the best as furnished' by the Asheville Fuel & Ice Company PHONE 40 You will find here manv Bulciidid values in cotton and wool remnants. This is the clearing up timo mid we have eome across a quantity of short lengths that it will pay you to investigate. The prices are far below their real value. Jpecials for the flalanca of the l&eek Today and tomorrow we will have on Bale the following: Parasols that sold for $1.50 to $5.00 Special at 75c to $2.50 Summer goods that sold for 25c to 5()c yard. Special at 15c yd. 3fi in.'h linen lawn worth up to 40c yd Special at 27c yd. 45 inch Pinene lawn worth up to40oyd Special at 15c yd. Neckwear worth to 25c each. Special at 10c. Only Jm pays Mora n of the Corset Demonstration :. r Many women have atended out front laced corset demonstration during the last ten days. We have sold a greater number than we hoped to. Asheville women like nice goods, and that is the reason why we have done so well with these corsets. Now there are only two more days that the expert fitter will be with us so eall in today or tomorrow sure. Oossard Corsets sell for $5.00 and up wards. The L' Irrcsistable Lace front Corsets sell for $10.50 to $40.00. Son ftlarche Son Iflarche Son ftlarche PRIVATE SANITARIUM For the Exclusive Treatment of Diseases of Women lira, llosa V. Monnlsu, M. D. Graduate of German and America! Co I legos and HoHpltals; 2 years expo rlencn. First class accommodation l,oi. distance tnlephono. SIH IVarhtrro. AUaula, la. SHAMPOOING SCAI.P THEATMENTS. Massagr, also corns and bun ions, my specialties. MILS. S. M. KIVKKS, 15 Clttm li ptrtH-t. Drtwrcn I'attou i Avcnn ami Ccntrnl M, 3. Chorrli. Prctly Nobby Belts. Tourist Ruching 51IMJ0NAVE! ASHEVILL15 RCa All Kinds of Veilings New Belt ings and Ribbons of all ; Kinds Me arc just as busy as we can i be Marking and Selling New Fall Goods ' We want the ladies to pay particular attention to our show windows as we will endeavor to make them as attractive as possible by showing the most Modern Merchandise ever brought to Asheville. We Invite Your Inspection One and All A Good Combination A Red Cross Mattress and A Victor Spring. Put one on the other and you will have pleasant dreams. Burton & Holt phone asd. Patto Arena. The Model ONE PRICK I.DIKS orTFITTKIlS Now No. 10 Hoalli If tin Street S. A. B'KEKDl.ANDKK, Proprietor. FtKue taos. Our Big Bargain Sale this month should not be missed. Unusual values await you. Hair Dressing Par lors Full Line Hair Goods. 20 nailery Pit Pic Mel. Bid. FACIAL AXI SCAIJ' TRKAT WENT. KI.XTKICAI MAS SAGR: SIIAMPXINO ANI MAJflCTIUXO. IiATEST HAIR , DRYI.NCL . pHoys S. SKmin Axn rrTFR. n v M Rock, a? o Jl Even among famous imported articles, lied Rock Ginger Jlle ia recognized aa having established the highest standard ever at tained in a pure, high-grade ginger ale. It is widely used by physicians, in sanitariums, and in homes where there is any form of indigestion. Try it and continue its use. :: :: :: :: :: :: Red Rock Sirup Has Been Withdrawn from all founts and bottling concerns. It is now manufactured and bottled ex clusively by THE RED ROCK COMPANY, and soldonlyin pint and quart bottles, or Sc a glass from original packages. Call for lied Rock and, identify the bottle crown or label before you drink. i Manuflicrured by TBI RED ROCK COMPANY, Atlanta Ca. IITi m till a. Slay den, Fakes & Co., Distributors, Asheville, N. C. MISS CRUISE MenU'tirlng anil lialr dnt.lii) Parkin IJcotrii'nl Facial and Sualn Treatment Sn.ti iiKlnx snj Chiropody. Ijirico lino of hair goods and toilet artlclos Krorkle Creum ;ind Foce Uleach Kuar antetd to remove frecklea and tan. 21 Haywood st, Orrr Canly Kitchen. ItecliU'iire I'hone oritee l'ltone 16 VISITORS Auditorium MONDAY. SEPT. An evening of rare enjoyment with Polk Miller In story and spngs of the old times down South. Seat saleJiow open at Seawell's Drug Stores Mall your friends a SOUVENIR of yourself and Asheville. by send ing; our Special Printed "ASIIi:viI.l,B MWV EN I It PHOlXKSnAPHIC POST CARDS, Tint lTrntc" Ptxttua 30 for 15c. OPEN SATUKDAT8 "TILl. :I0 P. M. ELECTRIC PROCESS. Hie HIGGASON STUDIO No. 8 R Pack Square. Citizens Bank Building. I ASHEVILLE BUSINESS ! COLLEGE. Fall Term Begins Monday, September 2, 1907. Special rates on Tuition and Books to all a ha enter on that day. Call second floor Paragon, opposite Lrost office- A T e BITAVt HI! ShirriU's vCafe 16 Patton Avenue. ,j Being overstocked, at present, wlti BeU'a Ulfh Claaa Chocolataa. for ahort while a wttl -M nj far- !l5 centa.. "Etm-j assond taaiaaaairl " Wa aerra the Mat of aoda watoe anaka at oar eleaant aoU foutat. wai I )ui thii 1 six woi Kll 1:1 I thr on Val thii I wai 1. i Bal S five Dal aen Tin 1 hai Bef Bal a a.

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