,cy; THE WEATHER, ralr Joday. VOI. XXII, NO. 259. WILLIAM R. HEARST SAYS THERE IS NO ARISTOCRACY IN THE UNITED STATES Mayorality Candidate Make Mayoralty candidate makes Jamestown. LABOR UNIONS ARE VALUABLE TO ALL. Man Who . Digs, Says Mr. Hearst, Is Worthy of , I His Wages. ir . If (By Associated Press.) NORFOLK, Va., Sept. 2. William Randolph Hearst or New York and Samuel Qompera, president of the American Federation of Labor, were the principal speakers at today's great Labor day celebration at tho James town exposition. The weather -waa clear and thousands ef people from all parts of tidewater Virginia at tended. . ' ' ; Following an addresa of welcome by President Tucker of the exposition, Mr. Hearst waa Introduced and given n ovation. Mr. Hearst said: -My friends: Labor Day should , rank with the Fourth of .July as a characteristic American holiday. The j Fourtft of July commemorates the ' means by which we gained our Inde- pendence as a nation, and Labor Day! commemorates the means by which we have made our nation the most powerful, . the most progressive, the moat prosperous of any in the world. Home nations have grown great by conquering their weaker neighbors. Others have grown rich by despoil ing .dependent colonies, but this nation ha grown to be the greatest and rich est! of all through the peaceful de velopment of lta own resources; by the honest labor of its citizens. In 4hU country -labor Is universal and Is universally honored and ap ,etUsU la. thl ,.entry there- is no v.-ok.io-iag, " but every man worthy of tho name is a working man. 'm mis country mere iv pv umnn u&i men that work with their hands, while another class Work with their brains. In Amerloa all men work with their brains ana wncn we say inat can laborers are the most efficient on earth, we do not mean that th-dr hand ' are different from those of other men, but that their minds are clearer, quicker and more effective than those of other menr in this country the mechanics work, the farmers work, the clerks work, the business men work and even the millionaires work. We ave no aris tocracy save that of Intellect and in dustry, and the proudest title of our most successful millionaire is "Cap tain of Industry." In a country where all men are working men 'there should be greater community of interest, better mutual understanding and sympathy. It is in behalf of this better understanding that I speak today. I have no pa tience with the prejudices which exist between alleged classes when the classes themselves do not really exist. There is no reason for hostility be tween employer and employe, be tween capitalist and wage-earner. Capital Is but the accumulation of wealth whloh employer and employu create together. Wages are but the division of pro fits. Both employer and employe are entitled to their share of the profits," and as long as the division is just and equable there is no occasion for conflict. If the division Is not Just. It can always be made so by arbitration, and there is still no occasion for con flict. , Let us all regard one another as fellow working men and treat one another with consideration and tol erance. Let us all labor harmonious ly to create wealth In order that there may be the greatest possible amount to be Justly divided. A condition of class hatred such as has developed in Colorado is a curse to this country. I hope that such a condition has been averted In San Francisco from which city I have Just come but much has been said in the East to misrepresent the union working men of San Francisco. To set them right, to do them Justice. It Is only necessary (Continued on Page Seven.) DR.STROUSE CLOSES CHATAUQUA ' ill HENDERSONVILLE AND GETS CUP HKNDERSOW'ILLE. Sept. 2 j given to the people of HendersonvIHe The chateuqua conducted by Dr. C. B. Chautauqua program unsurpassed St rouse closed in thl city tonight. (n excellence and variety and highly The closing was featured by the pres- j pleasing and -satisfactory to the pr estation of a sliver loving cup to Dr. ipc and visitors of the town, and Btroase. ti.e presentation being made which they have well patronised, and by Colonel Pickens. The Chautauqua whereas: We the people and visitor has been a most successful, one and wo have attended the 1107 session various speakers Including "Bob"jof the Chautauqua have the utmo-t Taylor. John Temple Graves, Spurg- confidence In the high Christian char eon and Broughton have spoken m acter and Integrttx of Dr. 8t rouse ami high terms) of Dr. 8t rouse. - desire to express the aarae, therefore, " The following Tesoluttons were read i we do most cordially extend to Dr. from the platform and adopted wllh j 81 rouse our thanks and appreciation great enthusiasm and applause: , for the great entertainment we have . -n, h resolved br the people of enjoyed ami we eagerly look forward Henderaonville. - ra Chautauqua meet- , to the coming session of the ehsutau Ing assembled: That whereas. Dr. qua to be held by him In' Hendersow Clareaca B. Bt rouse pursuant to his ; ville, where he may always expect a contract and announcement has J hearty welcome." THE' MANSFIELD'S BODY VIEWED BY MANY Remains of Famous Actor Lay in State in the Death Chamber at His Home. (By Associated Press.) NEW LONDON, Ct.. rJept. 1. All day Sunday the body of Richard Mans field lay in a coffin in the room In which the actor died. Tomorrow the funeral scrvicea will be held at 12 o'clock. Rev. Alfred Poole Grant, rector of St. James Episcopal church, will conduct the service. By requost there will be no addresa. The choir of St. James church will sing the hymn. -Lead Kindly Light," following brief period during whlcn the rea. turea of the dead actor will be viewed by the assemblage, a funeral proces- alon will be formed for the burial Dlace In Gardiner cemetery, which Is acrosa the street from the Mansfield home. The honorary pall bearers will be Commander1 John Parker, U. 8. N., Webster Jew Itt, Robert Appleton, B. B. Stevens, Paul Wlllstach, Colonel A. C. Tyler, Roland P. Keasby and Dr. William P. Appleton. BLACK HUNDREDS INDULGE IN RIOTING Mob Indulged in Excuses Killed, Many Injured, In ' vaded Cemetery. (By Associated Press.) OlDESSA, Sept. t. The Black Hun dreds began rioting here this afrer- nooni alleging that the Jews were re- explosion of tn0 "i"""1 ,e " bomb In the courtyard of the Central police station here Saturday, resulting In the deaths of an artillery officer and f()nr potmen. The rioters ran through the streets Inhabited by Jews, firing promiscuously right and left. Thee men were killed and from fifty to sixty were wounded. The mob Indulged In other brutal excesses and beat down many victims with flexible rubber sticks. The Jew ish cemetery, where thousands ot Jews were praying at the gravesides of their dead, was the scene of a fierce onslaught by members of the Black) Hundreds, who shot down many of the mourners with revolvers. A panic broke out In the cemetery and many persons were injured In the wild rush to escape the vengeance of the organised mob. 1 During this attack, which lasted for several hours, the police were Im passive spectators and made no ar rests. KNOXVILLE OFFICER KILLS PRISONER But This One Did Not Fire Until He Had Been Badly Cut Several Times. KNOXVILLE, TENN.. September 2 At Jelllco, Ky., tonight Chief of Po lice, James Ayers shot and killed Sampson Bolton, whom he wa. trying to arrest. Not until he had been cut three or four times did the officer fire. Bolton served fourteen yes- on the police force of Jelllco. K., being succeeded one year ago by Ayi era. MBW (imU wmjm 3 eSgs-H", CANTON TURNS OU.T IN FORCE FOR LABOR DAY Mill City Was Crowded With Sightseers Yes terday. GRAND PARADE WAS THE FEATURE Athletic Sports, Baseball. Wrestling and Other Things Provided. (Special to The Cltlxen.) CANTON, N. C, September 2 -To- day haa been a great one In the his tory of Cantun. There has been the greatest crowd here' today that has ever assembled to witness the celebra tion of Labor Day. The country swain with his sweetheart, women with cry ing babies, fakers with all kinds or games, wrestling matches, baseball games, parade, and the hot Weather have all contributed their part to the enjoyment of the day. The grand parade was the first thing of the celebration, by the em ployes of the Champion Fibre Com pany, and there were about 400 men In line, in full uniform. The line of parade and the uniforms were as follows: At the head Were officers, Lyerly and Jamison, and Battalion Adjutant A. W. Freeman, of the North Carolina Ouard. all of whom were mounted. Then in one carriage was General Manager Harris, and the engineering corps, consisting of Thomas Judge, D. J. Kerr, J. S. Adams. Joe Clark, L. N) Fowler and James F. Powers. Th next carriage contained Superintend dent Carl Jentz, of the Sulphite MllC and his family. The First Regiment Band of Ashevllle, followed, render ing splendid music. The next in line were the brick masons. In white uniforms through out, followed by the carpenters and other Joiners, dressed In bluo trousers with white striped Jackets. They car ried a large banner with their union number printed on It. The electric ian followed the carpenters and were dressed In kahkl uniforms, with soft white hats and white tics. These were followed by the Iron workers, who were attired In blue overalls. Af ter them came a float of the Black Clawsoft Company, who are supplying the paper rolls for the Fibre Com pany. Chairman Hyde, mounted on a horse, followed next, and then came the pipe fitters. The painters, who were In white uniforms, brought up the rear. The parade" proceeded to the base ball grounds. on the Champion Fibre Company's proMerty, where they lined up for review. Next on the program came the filed event and the winners are as fol lows: . IM-yard dash. Will Cnman. Tug-of-War, painters vs. pipe fit ters, painters won. . Three-legged race, C. V. Cannon and Jack Overend. Broad Jump. U M. Clawson, first; Hllderbrand, second. High Jump, Joe Mann. 4 feet six inches. ' Potato race. Will Coman. Shot put. Jack Overend. Wheelbarrow race. Cannon and Overend. ; Relay race. Braid, Oman. Crlpps, first; Cannon, Smith, Overend. sec ond. Fat man's race, L. Drake, first; J. A. Case, second. Wrestling Match. The wrestling match between Chas, A. Mooney. the local wrestler In the employment of the Fibre Company. and Lonis Wlnnlck, the champion of t Tennessee, was won by Wlnnlck. Bel ASHEVILLE, N. C, TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 3, 1907. CAPTURED. ! LABOR DAY IN IN 'FRISCO IS MARKED BY RIOT Employes pf United Rail roads Shoot Two Men .' ' i , f- in Parade. TWENTY POLICEMEN TO MAKE ARRESTS Officers of , The 'Law Had One Busy Time With The Crowd. SAN FRANCISCO, Betember 2 The labor union parade today resulted In the shooting of two men by em ployees of the united railroads. The cut men were attacked by the par- adcrs and In self-defense, opened tiro, 1 he trouble started at the Ferry, where It Is stated a Sutter street car broke through the line of the parade. A mob of labor union men followed the car and at the junction ot Sut ter street tho members attacked the car. The motorman, seeing that his life was In danger, opened fire and wounded one of his assailants In the leg. A block further UP an Inspector was attacked by the mob. He drew a pistol and wounded a union man. The men who did thef sbtMitlng were arrested. The labor union men who were In the parade evidently thought that they had the right of way over the streets of San Francisco for when the cars of the United Railroads attempt ed to break through the procession there was trouble. What had been an orderly parade turned Into a riot. When the police Jumped In to quell the riot, a number of thorn as soon as they made arrest were set upon by the labor union paradnra and mob bed, (me policeman said afterwards; "It took twenty policemen, to make a single arrest." BIO PARADE IN , CHARLESTON, S. C. (Bv Associated Press.) CHARLESTON. H. C, Hopt. il La-I lior day was observed In Charleston by a general sui-penslon of business, a parade by the colored unions and a picnic by the white unions under the auspices of iho trades and labor faction. The parade -We creditable and was viewed hy a large crowd on the streets. The ilcnlo at the Bcheut xenplutz waa well attended. Mayor Rhett made an mldress. In which he told the union" of some complaints heard and urK'l them to keep the organization what they were claimed to be and make them allies and not enemies of capital and Industry succeeded in throwing Mooney In the ft nit round after St minutes, and the second round in 17 . 2-2 minutes. - . . , fllOOHeV, W II', IK A It'll, IVIIfFW. i . . . . . - . . . : provea a narn maitn ir winnics, ano if he had been In practice he would hu.. tipihaiilv mi ;i il P th tnntrh much closer. Mooney made soma rlever i escapes from getting his shoulders held on the mat and was much ap .plauded by the large crowd. fla ''"'! Uaroc. . The baseball same today between the Champion Fibre Company learn, known as the Canton team and the Bryson City team, wa won by Can ton. The visitors put up a good game but did not come up to the locals In hitting. ' Score: . -. II. H. E. Canton : ......6 .1.4 Bryson City ..II Canton Price and, Mor-t Batteries: gan; Bryson nun ano owl uounie play from Braid to Rogers for Can - ton. The gam Was good throughout ASHEVILLE OUT IN FORCE FOR "THE HOLIDAY Labor Day In This City Fea- tured With Large Crowds. RACES AND GAMES ' ' " " AT RIVERSIDE Street Car Company Hand les Thousands Without A Single Mishap. There was a great outpouring of union labor at Riverside park yester day In celebration of Labor day. By 2 o'clock the park waa crowded by a pleasant and well-dressed thronj, bent on enjoyment. All tha amuse ments provided were liberally aptron l.ed. the floor of the skating rink during he day and evening being covered to It scapaclty by ; those proficient In that sport. The old re liable merry-go-round proved an at traction as usual for tha little ones, whllt the thud of falling plus and rolling balls In the bowling alleys never ceased during the greater part of day and evenlsg. The sports cre ated much Interest and tha differ ent events were well contested and excited keen competition. A very large crowd witnessed the baseball match. Willie Was There. Willie Ooff was a central feature as "barker." "Two shots for five; If you hit a baby you get a cigar." As a convincing proof that the brand of cigars was beyond question, Willie kept himself morally supplied from the stock on band. There Is much credit due the Ashe vllle street railway for car service maintained c.ellent rom the park during the d The com- imny maintained Its wi earned rep otMllon for efficient ni skillful handling of number of passengers ayment and Immense ho yesterday patronized the tara. Not a single ac 1 Idcnt has been reported, notwlth- HtHmllng the exceedingly heavy travel, j The day wat an Ideal one as far j, (1K wHther was concerned, Bright j ,ln, i,nnhlny all day and pleasantly ; the evening. The rain held nfl until midnight, shower occurred. when a heavy The crowd assembled at Riverside park was probably one of the most orderly and well behaved that has ever assembled at that lesort; but one arrest occurred during the day, a man lielng picked up for disorderly con rioct just outside the park. ADD NAKH VIL.LK eimninary of Kveiil. The field day exerrlaea were under the charge of the Central Labor union, which appointed competent . . . . . Mn.a ludees to decide the contests. The - . , , . . , races began at 10 o'clock and contin ued untH 12. when a recess was taken ror ,um:n- The .results of the event yesterday were as follows: Foot race, open to all, 198 yard dash Leonard Oraves, first; Charles Jarvts second. I'rlxes, picture hy J. 11. Uw and rug by Donald. McCorkle at Donald Foot race, open to union men bear ing clear card only," l0-yard, dash Hamuel Waldorp. first; M. A.; Creaa man, second, and Frank Israel, third. Mscs. Ilrst, watch chain, by Thomp-aon-Brannon company; second, pair !shoes. 1. M. Burner; third, band aaw. Brown. Northup Co. . . " Foot race. le-ynr oasn, ror ooys ,.nd.r it First. Hyman .: Goldberg; - , (Continued om Page Three.) tne ex tA andNf HI III, V CITIZEN JUDGE H.A.GUDGERJRESH FROM PANAMA, TELLS OF CONDITIONS EXISTING DISASTROUS FIRE; i- FACTORY BURNS Originated in Mysterious Explosion. Heavy Finan cial Loss Results. . (By Associated rVeat.S NEW YORK, Sept. L Fire orlg Inatlng In a mysterious explosion to day destroyed the Interior of the five Wory factory ot Herman Jacob . A Hons on East One Hundred and Hoc ond "street. Tho firm manufacture legglns and gaiters, and a member of the firm stated tonight that there were stocks of goods In the building worth at least 1 100,000. In addition to this, all the machinery In the build Ing was destroyed. The explosion a mystery, as no chemicals were kept in tha building. Th Jacobs .firm hid recently had much trouble witn striKors, nocesitat Ing the employment of a number o private guards and ths detail of sev eral policemen, who were kept near tha building. 1 nil 1 1 , ' NO PUBLIC OFFICE FOR JUDGE PARKER Says Never Again. , Once Was Enough for Him, for he is comparatively happy (y Aeolete .) ' PORTLAND, Ma., Sept. i.ln an HUsrUnr given -out . tunlght Judge Parker of New York declared he haa no desire ' ever again to hold public office and that In this respect his views have not changed since his de feat for . the presidency v In : 1904. Judge Parker said: ! V : f .;' 'I saw In a Hoston newspaper of this morning that Governor Camp bell of Ohio said he had verified in New York tha fact that I urn po sensed of tha conviction that I shall again bo nominated for the presl. dency. . Nevertheless, I do not belleva that ha ever said so, In any event. he did not verify any such fact, nor eould h, for It 1st not true. I do not desire ever again to hold publlo office. 1 stated my position on that subject the day after the lection In 1(04, and I have not changed my mind. I ahail, however, be Interested In any questions affect ing the public welfare and I pro pose to express my views whenever It seems to me desirable. And It may as well be understood that I shall not be deterred In the slight est degree from doing so by misrep resentations." DOCK LABORERS OUT ON STRIKE Resort to Violence Rioters Take Possession of Steam erTake to Woods. (By Aseoclatsd .) ANTWEKP, Kept. I. The lockout of the dock laborers today caused the porters and othor to strike In sym pathy end resort to violence. The rioter boke Into the grain store houses, ' broke up the tools, carried off the wagons and showered stones on the English strike-breakers on the steamers, forcing them to quit work, routed other strike-breakers, threw a steam crane overboard end wrecked !i-t of machinery. ' he rioters boarded the ' nrltlxh Ht-Hmr Agenora, aestroyea nr fretttbliug ImplemenU and eerloiwly Injured one of her engineers. They Stat look nonuesMlon ot the British etvaif.er Bydney. The violence of tha df.k laborers ami their sympathizers so to rilled the men at work 00 board number of vessels that they fled to toe shore. ' PASSENGER TARIII C&O.; SEVEN CHARLESTON. W. Va. Bept. t A Chesapeake and Ohio local passen ger train No. . was derailed a mil below Kanawhe Falls tonight and as a result smen ere dead and seventeen Injured. .... . ' A coah, ih combination express and. mail car and the baggage car you caw y iu:nt" that VACANT ItOOM IP YOU UbH , A tTTIZKN WANT AD. PRICE FIVE CENTS. Says Reports oEo-d Climate And Lawlessness Ex- '. J X. : :'a'ggerated."..;-iiCr , .... , . 1 1 1 . i. sxmBam .. BELIEVE3 IN THE . MOSQUITO THEORY Morality Is on A High Piano . and Gambling is .Scarce. .. If the physical condition of Judge II. A. (ludger of the supreme clurt of the Isthmus of Panama, canal gone. Is any criterion, th oft-quoted asser tion that tha climate, en tha Isthmus la very debilitating, must be entirely erroneous. With his physical condi tion as strong eorroboratlva evidence, the Judge asserts that tha tslhtnue la blessed with a Una salubrious climate, which vartfa very little, no extreroa htat, no extreme cold, th average temperature being about' IS all the yea round. Thor has) hot boeej' case of yellow fever reported to th health authorities on the canal ion this year. In this connection Judge Oudger announced himself as a con vert to th mosquito fever breeding theory, 'having noted from his own personal observation that yellow fever Is no longer prevalent In section of th canal gone" where' the mosquito ha been practically exterminated. . 1 , " , No PlMlurhanoe. iWHon questioned in regard to 'of. nclal bickerings and labor troubles on tha tone, th Judge smilingly rt" markad that those reslillng In th United, State were ..apriarenlly 1 In a bolter pnsltlln to obtain, lulormatlon on those points (tht IhoMo on the siiot atin as a not uihimiiiiI thing Iho fu.it. knowledxe. of frouliln' l'i ll'tnuiei from tho "Now ''Tm it i 1 ).. loi-H tbm Which rsrtily (levelops lull any , thing when Investigation, end ' frs. (jiisntli- produce much 1 amusement. He Mated that x-Bnator Blackburn, now head of the.olvll adulnlstratlln. la popular on the cenal gone end do ' Ing especially fin ' work. Th law are rigidly enforced and Judg Oud ger regard th morality of th son a eoual to many communities In th slate of North Carolina. No Pe of ill repute exist, and ambling I practically unknown, the law being very stringent, making gambling penitentiary offenc. When th mix ed population now employe on const construction Is onstlered, th percent ag of rime I very small Indeed. v ' Judicial Administration. The. Judicial administration , con 1st of three supreme court Judge. Th Isthmus I divided Into thre clr culls, to each of which a Judge I as signed. Judg Oudger having th cen ter clrc-ilt, Judg Collin th Atlantlo and Judg Uurand th Pacific cir cuit. When case I appealed front n Individual Judg It I decided by the other two Judge. Th first men - to be convicted under tbl system was , sentenced by Judg Oudger to b hanged September IS, .case was ap pealed and Judge. Oudger sustained. - writ of error ha now been suea out for appeal to th euprem court of th United Htate. Thl writ wa granted. Th prisoner aeked to b tried fy Jury of twelve men, thl being refused him as Jury trial ar not authorised on th canal son. Th fact and Uw blng decided by th trial Judge lon, " $ Colonel Oothela, th present neaa f construction .work on th canal, I regarded by Judg Oudger a a most efficient and energetic man and very popular with hi subordinates. Th work Is being rspldly pushed n1 good headway' la being mad. Th , sanitary condition w excellent and constantly being Improved. : Th dig glng Is being don by Jamaica ne groes and Bpanlsrds.. Thee th what Is known as th "8llvr roll." whll the "Oold roll" I composed entirely of whites, who perform th kllli labor nd clerical work About . ono men In all are : employed. To . rapltal of th canal' go lSi Ancon. - oulsld of Panama.. lr- th headquarter ar located. ' V. M. C. 'A. BofldlntaV Fine lrg Y. M. C. A., building hav been built by th government at Ciilabra, Empire. Oorgoruf and Crls tobel end turned to th aJSsocla tkin at those cjtlc. . These building ar strictly up-to-dt. iAd wets equipped with" gymhauhml "hbrarte. " dormitorlee, baxha, aadHorlum and (Continued oa Pace Three.) WRECKED ON KILLED, MANY HURT overturned, rolling toward tha Kana wha river. --. Among the dead ere Allen Loving, a Hlnton law student at Veet Vir ginia University, serving as express agent during the summer; C 8 Campbell, a tdoprnph operator.. , Spreading rails Is supposed to hav caused tne or. i.U-nt.

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