' PAGE TWO lr""? TOE ASHEVILLR CITIZEN Painty ffeckwear A pretty showing of ndw Nejkwear May be Been here. , i "V" "if"." ' 1 ' ' 4,u ' ' - . . ll .... '" ftfualo m 'jMktAt at THnltf Cliartii. ' Th mtiato at Trinity church I be ing univofDulty commented upon for It excellent. '. Th cholrmuatnr, "Mr. 01111, 1 vriliig aplendld tssuIm from Vila careful' training and direction. Th followlag program u carried knit on tftiAtiti: , .j ,s Morning. (Prelude Organ aid' rtorlav - Processional; hyhiu 401 4. Ward g.ltaay hyma ., .-.- . .Hardy Blymn H Kllby IKyrla 1 ..... . .Htarneji Klloria Tlbl ................ .Btarnea fllymn Ol ... ., ...... . ..... .Wley Anthem, presentation "' . . .vm . .. . . t , .Gilbert fianctu '..... Garrett Slyma ! ................ .Hodge fllorla In iceUU, ' flleceeslooel, Jiymn ISA , ....JHesslter '". Kvrnlng. ' Prelude Organ and violin. (Processional, hymn 40S ...... .Ward (filorta ,. -.v.. .. . ..,.. t. . .Alton : Magnificat .... .Allan Nunc llmittl '. . .Ollbert w 'Antham. . Hymn t ................... .Fllby .ifIertory solo. Presentation .Gilbert Stociwaloml., Jiymn 429 ...... .lyks j MnrVhcrord. Tha fnarrtaf ' f Mlaa Kathleen Rnphia Morrla of Haclno, Wli., to Mr, Harvey Ael ford of Washington, I). V.. Ufa quietly aolemnlaed at Trinity thureh, AehevlH, ei rtaturday, Au Kiuit tint, -at hltfh noon, th Hov. Wll , Jlam tleort McCready, U. I)., ofTlul tln. Tha brida, Who haa many frlenda In tha south, la tha youngest daugh . tar of Mr. Oeorgo W. Morrla, a well known lumber manufacturer of thla state, .lio haa fur many years been cluwly tiinnrcti-d with tha designing dud manufacturing of traction on glnes, having ' deHlgned and built tho tnont auiKwmful iinlno of thla country whlle'assnclaled with one of the largest manufacturer of such inu rlilnery, . The groom h tha son of Mr. AntO J-'ord. millionaire coal operator of (West Virginia, and haa for a hum lier of year Teeri associated with hl gather and Neither In flhl And tha lumber buslno, being eeond In slao )nf tha coal producer of 'that state md having 'In ojieratlun aomethlng lover SO mines, . Mr. and Mr. ITrird will return to Blacln In tha full, wher they will, make their future borne, he having tfolned Mr. Morrla In the manufactur ing bUHtocrtj,'' ' 1 J4 M ' i VMrmt-IVVaiilt. I Mr. and Mr. CHiVault of ts Weat 3Iyvood kfrent have anoanced the (t1riig T thtrr auftbter, Annia IKatherthe, to Mr. J. OMar llurrctt, of khla eity.' Th eoremot wll! be per formed thla vcn!ng atJ eight o'clock at th horn of th Jrltle by Ilcv. Mr. Conk, tmatnr ttftha West Knd IMethodlirt chwrt'h, ' ' Both th bride and rcum are well Itnowa her, having Hvd her for cm thne. Mr. Ufirrott. up until a lew week ago, wa coitnentad with Th Citlsen, from which poaltion he resigned to go Into th real'eatnte tiualnem, and .la now connected with the Arm of McKlaalpk and Company, real tat deaicra., (ipenA The tmy at Mountain Mal j tttim Inn, Mr. BlXttf bf Mobile. Mr. fend Mrs. Prank T. barker of Mobile. Mr. Jttohard M-Mlott Of Mobil, Mr. Geo. B. Bowen of Jckon. Mtaa., Mr. Fred lAdama of indlwnapolla, Mr. Jainea Pawyer, Mine fnulM Uratich, Mm. J. H. Brhrlh, B irnenta of Murgo Ter race, uprnt Monday at Mountain iMeadowa tnn. i jt jt I lrtvatt (m-imnh Open. The fctlaeea Blevena will reopen their Hhool Meptmbrr lllth at II Bearden avenue, wher they will be at home to then patron nr to others dealrlng further Information. - ,"' H ' : j : Of lt-rt m to Women. All mocllnle ilnnlHt on a perfectly Hitting eoreet for their cuHtomcra. La dle In AKhevllle will be lntereated In the fact that Mlaa Itonenthal, rxport Iroraetlere, will be at the Peerletm Dry klood company thla week to show the knerlta ot t)i celebrated American l4idy and Lyra coraeta. All cuatom. era and vUllor In tha city are cor dially invited by th inanugera to ae Mine Itoaontlml and get her valuable uggeatlona. . J Voting Women' ilMMknary tkwMf to Meet. Th Young Women' Mlsalonary o ulety of Central Muthodlat church will me,t thla afternoon at 4:40 In the cluirch. All member are urged to be prnt. Jt Jt it1 j j PERSONAL. Mr. Oeorga T. WlnNton haa re turned to Halelgh, N. C. Mr. and Mra. Claud Brown ot Hehderaonvllle, wer among th many vialtor in AMhevllle yeaterday. Mr. Brown la vlee-prealdent of the new National Bank recent If organised In Henderaonvllle, and haa many frlenda In th city. At th Mora Know year ago, he won th Vanderbllt Cup with hla beau t If ill atrlng of'iorae. Mr, Wlfred ' Kohn, a prominent young real estate man of Montgomery, Ala,, arrived yeaterday after a atay of eeveTal week at Ikn Toxaway, it I a guent at th Battery Park. Mr. Harrl R. Wllkox of Charlotte, N. 0 will leave thl morning for hla Mr, Wlllcox la at nte manager of th Mutual 1.1 fe Insurance Company, and with hla family, ha been epondlng tha summer in Anhevlll. . Mr: Carlo Kicker of Indlnnapolla, who haa been th guext of K, 11. Hell and family for the pant week, left yeetrrdity for Whlttler, where he Joins Albert F. Hull for a trip through tho tnountalna. Ml Constnnc Bentty returned yeaterday afternoon from a few week' vllt to her brother down on th Virginia coast. Mlaa Ciitherlna Iteynoliln, who haa many friend here, la the gueat of Mrs. Charles Moor and Mln' Lulu Moor on Merrlmnn avenue. 1 Mr. Krneat Thompson will leava touay ior me univrrarty ot t'ennayi vanla, where he will spend the win- tee. , ; Mr, John Farrer goe to Chapel Milt today to enter th university, Mr. Theodore Thomnaon leavfli thla week ot enter Horner' achool at Oxford, N. C, Mr. and Mr, t). W. Tluribert. itnd Mlm Hurlhort are In th city, ruhnIm (if Mra, W. i. Klncttld on Vanee atrent. ACr. M. E. tlllllnid la In W&ynea vlllq to attend the fumiral of her sla ter. Mra. Hubecoa Love, who died ye terrluy. "Mrs. 3. 1. JItiwirtt ha returned frKm Virginia Reach. Mlaa Nora M. Llndeay haa returned from Charlntteavllln, Va. MIhs Minnie I Hagood haa re furnod to Kpartanburg, 8. C. Mra. M. C. McDuffle and MIms Miller have retiulied to Stpartnnburg. Mra. Mjaaon Lenox of Atlanta ar rived yeatxmlny to upend September. M1h CTlen Converse, who has been vlaltlng in Loulaylll. returned on Saturday to KeniTworth Inn. Mr. M. W. Butler of Knvnnnah la at Battery Park for a week or more. Mm. ft. I., (iroome In the guest of her parents. Mr. and Mm J. p. Howatt, on Hpnice etreet. Rev, rr. Mitchell of Greenville, 8. C, haa returned to his home, after a visit with dipt, and Mrs. Thomas Cation on Charlotte street, Mr. Worklmni of Virginia Im tn town to vlult hla brother, who la staying at Kalrvlew cottaga on Bun- ELECTRIC LAMPS. , That for beauty of design and artistic workmanship surpass anything it has ever been our pleasure to offer. , They rival the colors of the rainbow in blending of colors and . words are lacking to describe the rich and pleas ing effects. Call and see them. THOMPSON-BRANNON CO. Our demonstration a Qreat Success VM The two week lace front cornet demonstration has proven to be a great mif-" cess. We sold many more than we expected we would, aiyl wish to'tliank the , wotnen of AKheville for the interoKt they have taken in this new corset. w We will carry this corset in our repilar stock from now on. Ask those Ayhq have one if they are worth the price. bowels and Counterpanes An excellent stock of towels is to be found at this store. I luck towels from 5c. to 25c. Turkish bath towels 10c. to SOc- Linen buck towels, extra size' 25c. to 85c. Counterpanes from 85c. to $5.00. Meets and Jable inens The largest stock of sheets and pil low eases we have ever had at one time Sheets from 50c. to $1.25. Pillow eases from l.V. to 35c. Table damask from 50c to $2.00 yd. An assortment of damask that is matchless both in price and quality. , 55S Dramatic Art Phone 844 Asheville School of Music and SO Patlon Avenue. Itwoma 14, It, 20. H. F, CONNKl.Ii, President. , PlIU'HTOHH. Mr. Btitwlt Jordan, Mr. M. V. Connell, Mr. Peter Petira, Mrs, IC M. Marker, Mlaa Minnie Westell, Mia Nancy Weaver, Mr. I'. Flaxlng. Ion llarker. cotrHfiK op iNSTmjcnow. . . Voice. Vkdhi. PlaiH. Organ, Cello, Mandolin. Guitar. Itarniony and , Unitoaltlun, Cultivation of the Bpercn ami urainatk? Art. aut drlv. Mra. Lacy H. Whitlow of Green wood, 8. C, will return home today Mr. Whitlow has been th gueet of her parent, Mr, and Mra. O. O Mrtler, om BfUinett street. Mr, and Mra. John Rolling of Lon don, Ky., are here for a short stay, gueat at Huttery Park. Mlaa Kathleen Williams, who has been visiting at the how of Mlaa Hld- ney Roberta, haa returned to ureen- wood. 8, C Mlsa William made many frlenda during her visit here who will be aorry tut hear of her departure. Mr. t. M. Culp. Vice preaideat Of tho Southern rinllway company, w her yesterday, leaving for Atlanta in th afternoon, Judge Hi A. Qtidger of th uprme court of th Canal Zona is here ti visit hla family. Kugene Cocks, who wn graduated at the ningham aohool, Mehane, this spring, leave Mohrtay for Chapel Hill to enter the university. Mr. Cocke is tho brother of Dr. Jere Cocko. Lester Goodwin has returned from Knoxvlllo and takes charge as fore man at The Cltlacn office today. NKW YKAKH HKRVICE8, The Jiwlsh Congregation Beth-ha- Tephlla will hold services Bunday evening at A : 80 p. m., and Monday mofrtlng at 10 a. m., at their Temple on Spruce street, visitors are cor dially Invited to attend. EXCELS IN NIGHT AS WEIL AS VIEW VISITORS Mali your friend a SOtTVENltt ot youraolf and Asheville, by end ing our Special Printed "AHIIICVILI.K BOVIVENIlt" pnoToanArmo post cards, "Ping Pong" Photo 0 for SSo. OPBN SATUnDATS 'TUX : P. M. ELECTRIC? PROCESS. The 11IGGAS0N STUDIO No. 8 N. Packl Square. Citizens, ?F&Bi!diri& , The ibdel ONH rilICK L DIES' OUTFITTERS New So. 10 floatb Mtln Btrm 8. A. FnEEllANI)ttn, rroprlotur. Phone aim. 2L lTri?3T0 R 0 F M 0 DER NLVVAYS1 m r i jr- 6 iWSwns" II f'T- I I . tJ I 1 I TB".. X ' A For a Bang-up take five cents to the grocery r and ask for a package of GINGER SNAPS Youll hit the mark erery time. !ef.b-t,Mr310MAL BISCUIT COMPANY While panoramic beauty ot view and not altitude le on of the chlefest attractions of Overlook Park. It wll Interest many to learn that the park on the heights around Asheville ex cels the noted Lookout Mountain, at Chattanooga, with which it has been compared as much In the latter re spect as In the former. True the view from lookout Mountain Is a ttne one, a wide stretching area of river and plain and that It rises hlRh above the city at Its foot but Its utmost top is on a level only with that of the Siniare of Asheville. Overlook Park Is (160 feet above the top of Lookout Mountain and Its view commaud not only atretchps of river and valley but vn and mighty mountains far and near, the Croggy on the cast and Pl- gah mountain and , the ranges of the Halsuma and Smoklee in the west and the main chain of the Blue Itldge to the south. in the clear atmosphere of the last few weeks the beacon lights whlcn shine from tho buildings of Overlook and make the eemblunce to a huge building on the heights can be seen for miles and people feom th border line of the county report that thev can see the bright electric from their homes. The music from the pavilion i la sometimes wafted cityward but ! most rwople prefer to catch It at nearer range where they can see the pictures and the lights of the city from the tower of the restaurant on the portico. Our Big Bargain Sale this month should not be missed, pnusual values akait you. THE PARIS MILLINERY 7 SOTTH MAIN STREET. Is the place where high class millin ery Is aold at reasonable prices. V invite your Inspection and a compari son of price. Fresh Ojsfcrs Today WILLIS FISH MARKET. Phone 23. NEW RAILWAY RATE OPERATES IN ALA. WILL NOT INTERFERE WITH TELEGRAPHERS fay Associate praa.) OYSTKR BAY N. Y. rVpt 1 It was authoritatively stated today thnt President Kooeevelt will not Interfere (By Associated Prase.) MONTGOMERY, Aln Sept. - The Mobile & Ohio, the Seaboard Air Line, the Southern, the 'Frisco sys tem, the Chattuiioo-ca Southern, Ala bama Great Southerns and the At lanta, Birmingham Atlantic put the two and a half rent jiasewnger rate and the commodity freight rates Into effect in Alabama today "I 51IOT.TONAVE ASHEVILLB N.C All In Knowing How Your perfect figure and the correct style of your Gown depends not only upon wearing just the right model of just the 'right corset, but also upon hav ing the Corset fitted just right. It's "All in knowing how" an Expert Oor setiere knows how. MISS ROSENTHAL Expert Corsetiere, will he with us from " MONDAY, SEPTEMBER SECOND Thru Saturday, September Seventh Showing the Celebrated AMERICAN LADY and LYRA CORSETS Miss Rosenthal's Talks and Suggestions are invaluable. You are very cordially invited. PEERLESS DRY GOODS COMPANY. CORSETA 3a flair Dressing Par lors Full Line Hair Goods. ao Battery Mr I'lc. Med. Bldg. FACIAL A NO SCAIjP TREAT MENT, EIjECTRIOAIi MAS RAGK: RITAMPOOINO AN1 IWA.MCritlNO. LATEST liAllt IrtSVING. ir" rnoNE 6a. SKWNKIt AND HtlNTEK. nraRatwHii MISS CRUISE Manicuring and iiair drcewini; Parkin Electrical Facial ami Scalp Treatment Snui .poolnat and Chiropody. Larpe line of hair goods ond toilet articles Freckle Cream and Face Bleach guar- hnteed to remove freckles and tan 21 Haywood at. Over Candy Kltclien, iteshlcnce I'hono 425 Office I'hone IS 9 As Big rs a Cart Wheel. That's fae size of dollar to aome people. Well, we can put yon m jpo a'tlon to make a dollar roll farther when It comes to carriage and wagon rcgalrlng, than most men in our line- the wheels of the Vehlcl wilt riffl smoothly, too, when we get thiJugh with them. -Tou know w guarantee our work. HICHERSON LLVDStt I- (Successors to Burnett Lasater) , 5-67 South Main St. Phono Jtl li- PHONE YOUR MEAT ORDERS TO US. ASHEVILLE BUSINESS COLLEGE. Fall Term Begins Monday, September 2, 1907. Special rates on Tuition and Books to ail who enter on that day. Call second floor Paragon, opposite post office.. H. S. SHOCK LEY, Principal SKKK1NO Word haa been received here that th officials of the Alexandria Elec tric railway at Alexandria, Va.. are aettle-' endeavoring to locate th relative of native men! of the trtMranhera. strike ' John W. Turner, said to be a Secretary Ieb aaid th numerous! of North Carolina, whs was killed by appeal to the president to take such action which have been reported ra the newspapers hare not been re ceived at Oyactr Ray and that at no time atnc the beglatng of th strike haa th president seen any aecewlty or reason why he should Intervene. ratlin from a movable tower at Spring Park a couple of .weeks ago. Turner Was as years of age. five feet srven Inches tall: rebrbed m pounds: tight eomph-xlo ad smooth face. Before going to Alexandria be resided In Jackson, Tena. . i mi in m.JMj' . Private School The sixth year of Miss Ford's. School will begin September 14, at her home, 76 Flint street. For partic ulars address the Principal. meat line. and handle everything you We will appreciate ; your . We sell the best grade of could wish for In the butcher's i.ivors ami you will appreciate "Star Quality." Hunt the ctty over i and you will not find a dissatisfied "Star" customer, th beet alway pleases that's why. " S uTBE STAR MARKET -fe Phone 66 2Z ' "THE WHYFORE OP IT." ; "! ' It s a pleasure to know that people deal with ua because they have conlidem-c in what we tell them and because they get what. mey wdnt in the .way of good meat and poultry without paying Vessive prices, ue sell good meat but we sell It reasonable. Ton: can verify this statement by making a purchase any day. We offer : a large variety. :; -f s -., '' . KIIBLER. & WHITEHEAD Wepbone Its. CItjr Market. DELICIOUS DINNERS a.nd LUNCHEONS Served to order at the ; .', Overlook Park Dining PavilUort , " Open-air "dining room. Private farm products. Spe-, rial attention given to parties. - ' lonel2ia J. A. BRAXDE Proprietor.