THE ASHEf ILLE CITIZEN YOU CAN RENT THAT VACANT ROOM IF YOU UB a crnzKir wakt ad, ; f - THE WEATHER. .- Tair Today. - VOL. XXII, NO. 280. ASHEVILLE, N. C, FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 11, 1907. m-m PRICE FIVE CENTS. I MITCHELL NOT CANDIDATE FOR MRS.CHADWICK DIES IN OHIO STATE PRISON MAIDEN TRIP OF STEAMSHIP MADE SAFELY NOW ENDS THE PORCH STUNT AND THE PARLOR WORK BEGINS. CROWDS AT THE WAYNESVILLE FAIR INCREASE RE-ELECTION 5 ..' i: (I Ail Neurasthenia Causes Death . . of the Former Queen r of Finance. LIFE HISTORY ,'"' LIKE A ROMANCE Extent of Her Deals in High Finance Will Never Be Found Out. W ' (Py Aelatd Prsss.) COLUMBUS, O.. Oct. 10. Mr. Can al Chad wick, whom tmulni financial transaction culminated In Mi wreck ing of an Oberlln. Ohio bank, died In the woimdi'' ward at th Ohio peni tentiary tonight at 10:11. . 'Mra. Chawlck had been In a coma tot condition for aome hour p rev leu to bar death and th end cam peacefully. 1'No friend or relative waited at her bedside, only th prison physician and hospital attendants be ing pre ent. Her son, Emll Hoover, had been summened from Cleveland, but he wa hot expectedjo arrlv be fore tomorrow. . Mfe History. ' Mr.,Cal I jCJiadwick, whos maiden nam wa Elisabeth Blglev, was a natlv of Wdftdsttock, Canada. She first-cam Into "public notice li Toledo, Ohio, about. 90 ) years ago, where she told fortune, under th name ' of Madam Devler., While In this city she forced th nam of Rloh rd Brown.- Youngrtown, Ohio,, and for this crime was sent to th peniten tiary at Columbus for nine year. Bh Served but a portion of tht sentence and Jhen located in Cleveland where she married a man named Hoover. Chadwlck, of Cleveland, a man of goot family and excellent (tending In hi tier second husband wa Dr. Leroy 8 profession. " In th latter part Of 1802, or early in II Of. Mrs. Chadwlck, I th pres ence of ,h husband, gav" to Ira Rey nolds, th cashier ot th "Wad Par Bask ot Cleveland, a bo, containing' notew. signed with the;name of An drew Carnegie. The forged notes r alleged to have amounted to T, ' BOO.000. Reynolds gave a receipt for th pOper, which described the notes and th signatures upon them. . Chadwlck left with Reynolds as an explanation of the notes, the state ment that ahe was a natural daughter of 'Andrew Carnegie. Extent of Transactions. With the receipt of Reynolds In her possession. Mrs. Chadwlck went ;o different banks and many capitalists, mak'hg loans and paying, not only high interest to the banks but heavy bonuses to bank officials who loaned her the money. The extent of these transactions will never be fuHy known, but they ran up Into the million:). They Involved men of high standing In th financial world and caused heavy losses to many banks. In November, 1004. she was sued by m man namgd Newton, of Brookllne, Mass., from who she had-borrowed a Isrge amount. Other creditors came down upon her and soon she was ar rested by the federal authorities on the charge of conspiring with Charles Beck with, president, and A. B. Spear, cashier, Of a national bank at Oberlln, Ohio, which had been .substantially looted. Mrs. Chadwlck had ootatneo. from ht Institution such large sum. that It was compelled to close Its doors, causing heavy losses to the de positors, and ruining many of them. Her Sentence. ' Mrs. Chadwlck. Beckwith and Spear were Indicted for a variety of offenses against the national banking laws. Beckwith died before coming to trial. Spear pleaded guilty, was sentenced to seven yesrs In the penitentiary and is now serving-time at Commons, unio Mrs. Chadwlck was brought to March 4, tSOo. arfd sfter a hearing which lasted two weeks, was found guilty of conspiracy to defraud a na tional bank, and was sentenced to ten years In the penitentiary. Her wealth which, was not good at the I time of the trial, failed steadily after Its conclusion. u r-hariwirk left one son. Rmll Hoover, bom of her first marriage. u la now about 20 vears old. i . . . . . ... n. decline in Mrs. cnaowica s i health began almost from the time she entered the penitentiary In January. im She fretted Incessantly over her confinement until It be&me Im ..ihi. for her to sleep. At tlmei (Continued on Page Two.) SUPREME COURT DISPOSES OF COLLIE VS. COMMISSIONERS CASE racial ta The Citizen.) (.' M ' siiriRH Oct 10 The Supreme RALEIUM. " " r . court delivered oplnlona In fourteen. case and variously disposed of twelve made the hold that the In Memphis, and that this ofBr will others. The appesl ' x""1 (''it'ommlsHonen must observe the notify the European agency of all cot tntarast decided being Collie vs. Com- equaslon between property and poll ton ready for sale. mlssJoiten of the State over right to i tax levies and that none of this tax Mr. McAllister guaranteed that all lew aoeckU public tax for maintaining ! can be allotted to district or towns: cotton offered would be bought. Hp school four month In the year ss nj where the schools are already by re. explained, however, that the cottoa -neceaarv expense - nnder the const!, son special tax or otherwise enjoying offered by the union must conform tutkm The opinion Just rendered ! four month' school, nor are they t4wltt the grade .old. and that the hrTawlit. Just Geo. H. Brown. be taken Into account In estimating baJl.g and compre-ing most he In sr f.r Th court wd rever-e former rol-! the amount of gener.1 county tax cordaac wtttt the terms adopted! by taip. in tA noted cases ef BartaW additional necaaaiT "i purpose th coafereace. This was agreed to. Trip of City of Savannah Down The Coast Was Uneventful. NEWSPAPER WAS EDITED ON BOARD Correspondents Get Togeth er And Publish The "Ship News". (By Associated Press.) SAVANNAH, OA., Oct., 10 The Steamship City of Savannah, on her maiden trip, from New York to 8a vannah. will reach this port before daylight tomorrow morning, accord ing to a statement made by Captain Fisher, and which was sent by wire less to this city tonight She will dock at the wharf of the Ocean Steamship company, and after break fast aboard, the newspaper men end officials, who are guests of the com tint', will be driven la automobiles to one of th hotels, where a wet come will be extended on behalf of the city and the several commercial organisations. An automobile ride to points of IB terest in the vicinity of Savannah over the county's smooth roads, will follow this formal welcome. A stop for dinner will be made at Thunder bolt, after which the Savannah Yacht Club will be visited. Upon returning to the city the visitor will rest until evening, when a smoker will .be glr. en. Story of Trip. The Associated. Press correspond ent aboard the City of Savannah sent by wireless a story of the trip of the vessel down the coast. He reported all well aboard and th utmost en joyment of the voyage, which had been made under a clear sky and With no sea running. The" message was sent at I o'clock tonight, when th steamer was twenty mil south of Charleston and averaging more than twelv knots an hour. She la expected to.rench Tybe Light. -Myth mouth of the Savannah , river, ' at about' o'clock 'Friday morning-. A feature of the trip down was th publication of the "Ship News" under the editorial management . of Samuel A. Wood, of New York, who employed all of the -fourteen news paper representatives aboard tupon his staff. Some rare hits were made In the sheet, according to the dis patch, and the entire company of passengers were gathered in the sa loon to hear the publication read. Shouts of laughter accompanied Its reading. Vlfce-Presldent, and General Man ager W. H. Pleasants, and Passenger Traffic Manager J. C. Horton are In charge of the party. The newspaper men and officials will make a stay of four days In Savannah as guests of the city and several entertain ments have been arranged. UNITE TO FIGHT ORGANIZED LABOR fBv Associated Press. I ATLANTA. Oct., 10 At the closing ! session of the American Boiler Man-' ufacturers Association this afternoon. one of the Important questions was that of dealing with organized labor, tlve than the big outpouring of Wa It was derided to unite In fighting the unjust demands of these employees. , Captain Thomas M. Rees, of Pitts-, burg. Colonel E. D. Moyer. of New : York: H. J. Hartley. Cramp Ship Building company, Philadelphia ; J. D. ; Farasey, Cleveland; M A. Ryan. Du- trUliluth and John J. Flnnegan, Atlanta,. j took part In the dlscuSBlon. The association also declared against what is designated as unjust inter- ference of government inspectors and mechanical engineers who are of de- partments In an advisory capacity IHSPKXSATIOX GRANTED. , (By Associated Press.) ROME. Oct. 10. The Pft-pe has graniea a oispeniin iwrnuiuui ; . . I I . . .. ..- .,..!.. ...... , marnsge i r- .... ...,.. who Is a Catholic, to Prince Oeorge of i ATLANTA. OA,, Oct. 1 Immed Greece. who Is a member of the Or- late and practical results of the In thodox Oreek Church, on the condl- lernstional cxmference of cotton grow tlon. which Is to be set forth In a ' frn and spinners, which closed ye signed document, that any children terday devepiped loda.v In a confe?- I resulting from the union shall be brought up as Catholics. -vs. Commissioners !n 3 North Caro . n m . . I ! Una report", ana uosru ai mumiwh r Ri.rf.- in lit ,... , th, rullna Aud now the Nothing d Jack Frost is (Jee, but But the parlor stunt is just as good, You 111 agree if you're a judge, When she beats upon the ivories, , And she makes you candy fudge. DETROIT mMli SUFFERS -DEFEAT (y Assoelatsd Press.) HtCAGO, Oct. 10. The Detroit American League team suffered iu, nit or memrotui, Kver nn nnecKarn , . , , , , . . aroused the spectators to a high pitch second successive defeat at the hands , .. . , of excitement. , of the Chicago Nationals today, scor- The team left for Detroit this even ing only one run. Chicago tallied I Ing accompanied by a small army of five times, four of the runs being the j enthusiasts. Oames will be played In result of solid hitting. Selver starte-1 the Michigan city tomorrow and. Mat to pitch for Detroit but the locals took urday. The Sunday contest being kindly to his curves and batted him , scheduled for Chicago, out of the box in four Innings. Kll- The receipts today were tlO.tlii.liO, Han then took up the work and whs ; found for three hits and another run ii the fifth. Detroit rled vainly to break through the Chicago's defense. Heulbach pitch ed strongly In the opening Innings and when he showed signs of weakening In the fifth and sixth Innings his tearo mate came to his rescue with fant double plays. For some unexplalnable reason. His game failed to attract the usual largo crowd to the grounds. The official attendance figures made the total 18.- 1 1 4. and the many empty spaces In the extended bleachers made the gather-jHlever, Ing appear even smaller than t his. A' that, the crowd was more demontni- CONFERENCE HAS SHOWN RESULTS jrran(!:ementBg JJrJe y0r 6"'"B Growers to Deal Directly With European Consumers (By Assoclstcd Press.) enCe held by th executive board of the Farmers' Educational and Co operative fnlon. and H W. Mi-Allls-ter. of Manchester, Eng., one of the Chief experts on splnna-ble grades of cotton, with the European delegation to the late conference. The object of the conference was to perfect and as speedily as possible to agree upon term whereby the growers of the un ion could deal direct with th Euro pean consumers. - It was stated by the union's officers . 1 . I J .. . U . .. I V. .1 m.t -...... to locate an aaent In England: that central agency had been established porch stunt 8 over,' iug any min'e. back among us, don t it make you sore I r fsirtCE you mitT A A L. AT HAHDS OF GREAT nesday. ' Reulbach's brilliant pitching l;ln the -early inning and th crashing divided as follows: To the Viitlonal Baseball Commis sion. tl,2l 25-; to the players, lit, 727.50; to each Club, 92,4 31 85. Score: IMtSMll. j Jon'-s. if j JSehacfer. 2b Crawford, cf AH P MH PO A . t . 4 . 4 , 4 . 4 . 3 . 3 . 4 . 1 . i .22 Cobb. if .. Hossmsn, 1l coughlln. 3 1 Schmidt, i- . . o'Leary. ss p ". 'K1IIian, p Total 7 24 11 DERRICK FALLS; THREE ARE KILLED (By Assoelats Press.) CLEVELAND, fK-t.. 10 Three men were killed and several others serious ly hurt, two of whom are thought to be fatalh injured, by the falling of a derrick today., where a new bridge Is being rr-ctcd for the New York and Chicairo and Ht. Itil company, over tin- Cuyahoga river The iiiinMr of t!io less furious ly ttijiiril. alfo are lacking at tht time. While lifting an eleven ton glrd.-r It liecani- uitbalanced and knork." the (lrric I; over upon tlie men be low. IFAIR WASHixtrrox. p. c tx. jo- Korerast for-Friday nd Matardav North Carolinn; . Fair Friday and Satnrday; light to fresh wind. ., "' CHICAGO IllllE Chicago. AB P BH PO A K 8lagle, cf 4 0 0 1 t HlHH-karl. If .. .. 4 U I 4 I Chance, lb 4 11111 Htelnfeldt, Sh .... 3 1 2 0 I t IKIIng. J t ffvers, Jb 4 t S fehulte, rf . . , . . . 4 11 9 t t Tinker, ss 4 10 1 T Heulbach, p . . t 1 1 t . Totals 33 t 10 17 1 Hcore: i R. Chicago OlOllOOOx i Detroit .000 901 tOO-! flummeries: Two baa hit, 8tltt feldt, Kvers (2). ttheckart, Chance Hits off Hlever, 7 In four Innings: off Kllllan, 3 In four Ifinlngs. Bacreflce hit, Kllng. Tiuble play, Tinker (un. assisted), HtelnfelUt to Kver to ('hence. Left on bases, Chicago, t; 0 Detroit. T. Bases on balls, Off Keul sllmch. 2; off Kllllan, 1 First base on 1 errors, Chicago, 1. Struck out, lay 0. Iteulljach. 7: filever, 1; Kllllan, 1. ITlme. 1:34. I'mplres, O'Day and J Kheridan. CENTENARIANS CO OUT OF EXISTENCE Savannah Dick Bill Causes Tr.1.t. J. Tf,,l Volunteer Guards Battal - , f, , ion To .Leave JNat. uuara. (y Assoelste Prss.) SAVANNAH. .OA.. Oct. 10.- Tbe Sh wimiati Vitluriteer (itiards Imttalion of hi-Hv, artillery, which I more than a hundred yarn old. ha unanlnroit-1 1 voted to leave the National Guard because of the psssage of the 131-i( 1,111 at the laxt Congress, which rr- iulreit ntaie militia to correspond tn organisation with the regular army, j Th' battalion will continue as an inuepemlent organisation. WA.aHINiTON. (ht. 10. Th dls handment ot tne Mvinnab Hesrvy Ar tillery has s-rved to direct ofllclei attention to the fact that so far dur ing the present year no less th sevrn companies of the Georgia mllltta have gone out of ei 1st a nee. They are c-r.mpanies A.. B.. D. and H., Foorfh Infantry: Company H.. Hecond In fantry, and Company I., Third Infan try. All of these dlsbandment rot luwed the ofnctsl Inspection by fit ters of the regular army detailed for that porpoee. and th report at the adjutant general show that not - e single Georgia, company, or troop. hn Mr)', wss found to conform t t h Cnlted State army organization, and i. fmt th in a mstnrltv of th states I i there wa lack of conformity. Makes This Announcement , in The Mine Workers' Journal. ACTION CAUSED BY STATE OF HEALTH News Received With Regret By Men in the Anthra cite Regions. , (y AtsMlat' Prts.) - INDIANAPOLIS, 1ND., Oct JO lohn Mitchell, president of th mine worker, announce In , th orrnt Issue of th United Workers' Journal that h will not be a candidal for r-e lection as president. H ayi Jn hi announcement that h does pot regard, himself a welt enough to at- nl property to the pfflc. 1 1 . CAfHEl KKflKKT. WILKKSBARRK. PA.. Ocf. . it. Th new from Indianapolis, that lohn Mitchell, president of th United Min Worker of America, had an nounced that h will not a eandldati for re-elect Ion bscaus of th slst of hi health, calised .regret among the in Ion mine worker and their symp hlser throughout In anthraclt coal reglort. t ? r'.-y-.r: . President Mitchell la " exceedingly popular with th working men of th hard coal field, and many expression of .disappointment war made when h news spread through th regions, fhe ' nln worker hav oftn heard rumor that he Intended to glv up I he presidency of th organlxatlon, and today's report wa at first not believed. If President Mitchell eannot b In duced to reconsider hi decision to npt again . b a ' candidal Tor . the presidency, It Is expected that th mln workers of th anthraclt region will nominal Thomas D. Nlcliolls, ef Boranton, paw prcatdiint : of pisirlct No, 1, aa their candidal for th office. Mrv Nit-holla lost November was fleet d to Congress, and will tsk tils Mftt In December, Mf,vjfichnll has v. eral times, been roentlonml as a can dldat In th event of Mr. Mitchell' retirement, SUICIDE VERDICT OF CORONER'S JURY Mystery Surrounds Death of Young Organist Found Drowned in Chicago River. (y Aisoolsts PrsM.( . CHICAUO, Oct. lO.Th lH.dy of Mia Jetinl L. Mtevens, of 21 Lang- ley avenue, formerly organist In th Wesleyan Methodist episcopal church, was found floating In the Chicago river today near the Halsted street bridge. The head, fac and shoulders w sir cut ad bruised and there are other Indications that the woman had been killed and thrown Into the.rlvr. It Is known, however, that Mis Ptevens had leen for several months mentally unbalanced because of her brooding otter th murder of Mr. Bes sie Holllster, for which Hlchard tvl was hanged last year, Miss Btevens was' warm friend of Mrs. Holllster, and had I wen greatly depressed ever since the death of the latter. The last seen of Miss Htevens alive was last night, when she approached o. D. Hogboun in a nervous and ex- Idled manner and asked the way-to i i,,h ''r'fl nn Halsted street, llog- I while they were talking, a men over- hM th, ronr.rMt1, . 'offered to show Miss Htevens th ws ,nn ,h(.v wsmed rr together, tw i watch of Mis 8tvns and ftther Jew elry was on her person whn the body was taken from the river. The autopsy showed thitt deslh was j caused by drowning, snd Coroner's j physician Klnehart declared that Miss Htevens had committed suicide. j ' I ssssammsmmmmxamssmmwssx EMPIRE STATE DAY CELEBRATED AT THE JAMESTOWN EXP0SITI0U (By AsseelaU Press.) : j the New fork Visitor, and th tw NORFOLK, VA Oct. 10.- Empire 'governors, arm-in-arm. proceeded to Bute Isy was celebrated today at UtoUhe stag.. Btat Senator Punn. at . . i.i -- wtNw York, president f th New York Jamestown Exposition. addree rJttmtmiown foVnmB. ,rdded. A.U Governor Hughe, of New York, and ;dreWMI of wioom by President Tuck. President Bchurtnan. of Cornell t'nl-,r verslty. betng the features of the ob- ser-nee. The weather conditions were Ideal. - - j The dsy's events began when Gov-. em or Hughes and the forty New York,; fate official left the New York r balldfrg , under' escort of th visiting ! New York trovp for th Auditorium nher the formal xerclses occurred , There Governor gwanson. of Virginia, 'president Tnrker d others, received Attendance On Yesterday Larger Than That of The j V Opening Day.' k;j 1 THREE FAST EA0E3 ,1 X ABE FULLED OFF, Program For Today is Best Of Entire Fair; Horse N Show Day. (peelal t Th Cltltan.) -' ' WATNEaVlLLB,' N. C, Oct , "10- Th second day of th Haywood coun ty fair wa an va greater iuccc In th way of attndanc at Uast, than th opening dy, It blng stlmatrd that fully evsn thousand ptople wer present. Marked Improvement wa noted In lh Floral Hall, many nwr exhibits having been added and tha ladles In clurg and th axhlbltor dessrv grat credit for th good show Ing mad. '-.! ' - - - ,. ' . Th grant crowd that thronged thn ground, pushing and Jostling, but all seemingly Intent on having a good time, crowded, arodnd th exhibition ring applauding tha winner whll st th numberless .attraction on coul. hardly get near" nough to ae what, wa going on, ...v.. Today wa hor how day from ten o'clock on In th morning until th fair closed, ring after ring wa shown',' all of them-having number of entries and when th ribbon wer tied (he decision of tha Judge In every Instance met' with - th , crowd ap proval '' ' . "I "" - t ; , - .- Bahion Asccimlon. "; At three o'clock Professor Aero mad hi blkn ascanslon and land ed safely about a .mil from th ground. Thrse race wer pulled off, W. C. Coll of this city getting th first money In all three events. The Clllxon's -voting contest contln ues to' attract much Interest. slmuBt every on on-th ground seeming to be trying to take a chanc at one of the numerous prise offered. ; (Tli (Million invites every on to rail at their' booth and secure aampl coplem of th paper and especially desire alt persona not subscriber to subscribe at one and all thos who ar sub scribers and In arrears to call and pay up their subscription), . ,- The ll4.' I Th first race, a trotting rac for a purs of 7S,' wa won by w, u. Coils' entry. In : straight heats, hi best time being J:J, The econd, a : free-for-all pace, wa also won by hi ,, entry In atralght heats, both heat be Ing mad in tha nam Urn, 1:10, Tha third rac for runners,! a half mile. ' wa also won by Mr. Coll' entry In' two heats, tlm 611-1 and IB0 1-1. Tha following 4s th official program for tomorrow and added to that will ba several vnt scratched today: . Friday, October 11. 11 A. M. Tournament. Col. James W. Howie. Manager. .; -. v.-p -1 p, M. f'.-;'-. '''"i- --,si ... Exhibition of. Mules, Jacks, and Jen ' i netts. , ' - : l.t Mules under on year.' - ' i. Mnle ?vr one year, under tw. I Mule over - two year, undue IhreeT' ;;,v'if .-,.' ,fe '"il.v: :" ?; t t .j ;r 4. Mules any age. . - ' ' ' t; Pair mule, broken. " - . Jack under on year, ; ; 1. Jack ovr on year, under two, l., Jack any age, . Jennetts any g. ' I '. - - .' J p. M. ' I ' Bal)on ascension. I It P. at. Baseball. Waynvlll v. Fine Creek ..' I P. M. Race. ' : ;. ' . -, p, m: ' Baby Show, Main Building. - FIVE HUNDRED ONLY ARE NOW AT WORK fgy Assoeistsd Press.) ' NEW ' ORLKANB, Oct. 10 Les than 60 men wer at work today lo th places of the tan thousand cotton -handler and loader who ar on strlk In sympathy with tha cotton - screw men's anion;. About twenty Imported strikebreaker quit work today. May or Behrman I, trying to Jtav over 100 of these strlkebresker who nult after arriving her taken from Near Orleans by th - railroad ' which brought them In. and Governor Swanson wer fi.i. lowed by th speech of Governcr 'Hughe. - - : V A public reception by G-ernor Hughe and a buffet luncheon, con Juried these exerrisea,' ' The official exposition dinner at tri gwlsa vlllsg. followed, snd then car- . th military feature rn t ,. i I ,i , . grounds A iri! r mirred at the .V- to 11 o

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