'At r THE . ASHEWLLE CITIZEN THE . WEATHEE. Fair Today, IKAI THH V rinr,Kx w.iMT AC1 rOL.XXII,N0.3C9 Reading n. y. bankers ,S"aV THAT ALL LEGITIMATE DEMANDS ARE BEING PAID Declare Thty are TaWn a'l ; Practical ir-sasiire to Aid 4wW aid South. $12,000,000 LANDED ' fpM,LUSiTANIA Total Enflageinjnt, of Cold Almost Toucning tbe Flf ty Million flqllar Mark. "'" t Ay (By.AtMclataj Pru.n .NEW YpriK, Nov. M. -The seeding Nw Twk bank were exerting them Hlvel acgvely tiMlH)' to meet tho do manda .or'hch" country corespond ent and dcpsjiltnrs for currency. They declare that ate suggestion made from lwernTftvestern wmrcM that they nre not -meeting legitimate de-' ntdndrt for currency from the west ; re entirely unrounded, and that they are,, on the wntrary. taking every practicable, measure to aid the west ern apd, eoutfcern banks. .: One of tbeae large banks, with several thou sand oornR)(inilenl, hat depleted lis reserve by about ao.uavter of a mil lion dollars during the hint few weeks' to supply currency where. It Is most needed, and has made large shlp menta to bank In San Antonio, Oiil voHton, Memphis, Mobile, Atlanta uni other eoulhvrni point. f i Joilgmcnl CmiI. The kbest pooe-thle Judgment Is ubpiI In meeting thege country demands for currency. " It In not usual, except In spocin( canes, to whip, till that la link en. but a bortlon of what 1st auked, rang ing around on-half, is usually ship ped, iia, proportion varying according! ' to the leash strength of the bank culL Jng fofthe additional currency or the eupplj'fdsmanded .ior -legitimate .pur-1 ' poee..i Special' ,tavr , hown W the air'lnlprtor.i1Bnlti1w'"" .'" 18 ,nO . ''.jrfef rir JPiWft because It J repl "lise-tliat "tlWiare not In a possible count poa pi'e...... . of clearing, fiuwe -.-n m admitted ti'mv the c.lton movement Is seriously checked by the lack .i email bill and silver to pay the small! arowern Bnd ly the Inability ! Iliej""" .....".... siiiitheT-n tiankH ti handle the im-!'n nienae volume of business Hrrlimil- V - .1 Till iff: 1 1 II ' iming w.un.i-... ...... Hhtamanta nre In better shape. iim 10 (he gold, aecured li the bank vt lit nn nol la' anil St Paul ami if r- u rattemanta for iying .-i.b in Nc v,.i, .n irrnlM bills. The New York bank reel IhiiiiuI to rtalna certain jiroporllini r-i u..e in Bimnl aKainst imssible en-' lintfnnetf.- because th- luinii m Hn. - stance the function which is I uli'll.-l In London by th.- Hank Knuland nntito Parla by the Hank of Kruno- as 'the 'tiutlniatc rconnv In cinct-I genoy. ; Imporls Iik -rca-ina;. Th. nld which is b. inn render. Ml tl t . thc: situation is in. lici t. . I b that th tdtal env, ;.'i. -in I....L nv ri-eacile.l SI:'!.' l Ml. S of I tOMt. ti.ti.; K .Id , thelarmfunt'engagcd the sun. "i -!-31 1,080 'hft already arrived, in. hiding M2 3?l,iB0:vhich was laid down irom .. l-.i.w .rnini! "I hi-' "l'' ...... t-A Ii.ii "I le:.ll win in . t'" DOOiOOO In loans .u.d ill assist the New York bank elYKrtS tO ttfMt the pivsslll rency throughout the o.untt The fact fhat pracit' .'II' in ..MatinW isa miea r.-d tl"l n th- 'i III - YorR bank( within a- i t il.-ii.-n bn. ibei ,11., ta.-il niands 11 I , ,h ICMI tiin ii'M' ,...11:.. n . nd. ..4 , the last ban! eons)doAA'u1i U nt 1 New Yolk banks an to meet Hie '''" them. It Is " what pf"l""l'"n '" ' went west and wliati into hoards in N i,. of th.- no--" been a sitbi. t "' : between fc. relar- ' ' Ing ban' '" '"'"' ' n bloA "1 ran"'1 bonds. ut it is -""' '" the off.' "I could ",:", '" '"' ' ilM I !. -..! ,11-1 1 II. 1 1 ' ,,.lll, I hi Ihe fhld ... li I . If of the pres-i conslderabij .1 "'jIHIMI.OOO I I HI .. 1 (By Asioctate.J Prfss.) Tin. U""' N'"- mruri night damaai .! rvatnr and ' to the ektent - , JUDGE PRITCHRRO PRESIDING - OVER CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEALS (tpecial to The Cdum 1 RIOHJI'JXI'. ' N" Italteti plates Cir. u.t ''"-' lr r th" foriM ctrciitt vened fhla morning ' " " .tMirhi.r.1 prctdiiiK -' ' .1 irtct JtMlge lira l-v and 1'nm-H -n tlnir. Two cases ''r" r"-1 submitted to-lay .... N. t The rnited .Mate- n Ame4eeeplinti(T in . rr v Dan iel J. Kim.r et -I., defendants . n .. ..in illt (nn i rr. tn err-. - ."--. , , CharluUn X '.."ii,.-!, rUaa. Coble.- Inited Hal" N- ,nr P",",ml NUMBER 10 WAS DITCHED AND TURNED OVER Wreck Occured Near Union S. C. Yesterday Morning. . Pullmans Keep the Track. PASSENGERS HAD MIRACULOUS ESCAPE. No one Was Injured: Broken Rail Was Cause of the Wreck. - tPell to The Citizen.) ; s liNION, 8. Nov. . Anolh.-r wriH-k line befjn added tr the 8iiith ern'H Hit when InM night nhniit 1 5 : SS pawenger train No. It, which wan run iiiiig about one hour and Hfty minute lotc. . witu derailed and overtiirne'l ntHiiii Mvo mile eouth of ITnioil. The train wax running about "IS miles an hour when the engine atrucK a broken place in the rnll. The locnj motive pawtcd over It but the tender wne thrown crowwlae. the track,) ami nil day conchoa Jumped fnm the rallet and were partially overturned In a ct. the only cuuehea rsrtiulnlng on.tliil track being toe two Full man. "hough the mo me mlruculoiiH uy track wa torn up for 71 yard, hot j one ofthe 2 paaaengeni wa mjureii i In the slights. Indeed It la aald that n traveling uiaa who tmk the Pull man jt 8iartanburg-f alept ' eoundiy rmgh- tr,n,MWiwheTr wnklt';.h! nxirninK thought that they mimt be! n(;irjnK ,...., wnen , fH(.t .the itrMln was just tsotith of I'nion- t'oiiiinlfoiirr on Hoard. ; ; ! Tin- Irain was In charge of Kngl- ' ' " ' llie 1'Ulinian etMiuiniiM. !"'"IK lO"se .in i..,.iiii neie it.. .11 ...... ! 1 II I......I.. I... ....... ..iii.iiir.i. ...-. ju... .1. iv,.....- .... ......x t immediate len to look into the eause l The break as found the rail had been joined I "f th ewt ee ; 1.1 be h. re 'anil t lie hnle ,an.l the h..le for l.ult 'h...e,l In the v.rmm plan having been the ronstant ptiHring over it had i-nitwd it break, niaUhiK an .-n inn .f ab..ui :i inehes. As sunn a't.r tin- acclileiit as pos- i.,i.t lb returned division head-! id the trouble was sent ui ( 'nion and uoiihed the j,1Uortcs at 'obimbio -,,, ., wrecking l:-iiln ..),,,,,, s ,,-elm.k this limi-nlTiK. It If 'Duke of Portland. In brief, this re will take at leaM . murkable case centers about the old I. at the wreck anl question whetlVr Thomas Charles si i mat .1 th.il l- o l-;hl h..i: I 1 .huh will rr.ve about 1 1 : 0 ihe scene ot tbe . .cell rrelllM th.-re transtet lasseiiRers t. hi. I) v. ill t lii n ti turn to i 'o- in. I this all. tie n the track ele d nd trailic h.-i limed. PRES. ROOSEVELT TO T TVTV PTPPT JXEjVJ.1!jW XZIXj XLiXiIUX i By Associated Pres.. ASI 1 1 XI :To., No. n 11 was an nuceil at the White House today .11 I'le-i.leill It M-VClt tt ill IVV"H tl t!ie A 1 1 oil :c bait bit. -et . in ll-inii'ton ;..a.s .ccml''r !. the dnv of Ihe v .dint hi the Ho i ..r the H.icilie X.. i'-illher del. ids of the review .ire "1'to m:i lib- al this time, .'lid il is st. He, I that the have not vet been ,),., j.h .! it, on The I'resid.-ni prob- l.l, Hill leave W'asllillKloll f'" llallip 1 1, n I : . i.-i -b - .'II tile . veliimr .0 I eelll - !.. . r TWO LIVES LOST IN CHARLESTON FIRE i By Asioci.ited Pre.s.i m:i.i:ston. v a . ,X..v K - ttf ... cll.i. d l.v the ..l Ciilnei P.roth b nr.- t-.da. en- r.l j nit (inn. w ith irisur i'iit .1 .1 Koley i-i ii i I'll t and John , !. 1 1, , v i-r.. burn.e.1 ! lir- oi.-n were in- I "" do,,. ,,, ,, ..i I 'barlott.'. N C . .nd.-itiK in ermr n,. I mt. d States, plaintiff j.,nr... I!..l.in''.n. James i no J VV Kobins..n. de ,fr ... In error lo th , ;,. .Vheville. X. ' I i, c.ble. assistant i. x V Ci.-Oi-;, nd .i"- ' li-tn- ' Ani 1 I ,,rnv f Wales Hie. plaintiff in error, no l llil-.l St lies N C. t.-r Hi rouns-l al isar.nc the defendant tn emir j . Coble asitint I nit.-d mate m.y f.,r the western iirni ..i of, JttatMTlHe. X. ", - ... . edmitted Ui practice in inn m fVS Ni'Z RUN 0HTH1 BfXHK j AmmmL mm rs, i I k 1 V -,- r "T N&LrS?. . J E CtiyiNQ UUIH . j HUNDREDS ARE- TURNED -AWAY ATDRUCETRIAL letanjt In Ih fi flaoBeniiit inieresi in iiio udso uctjvc)icu By Mysterlons Theft of A Dairy. DUAL PERSONAUIY CLIM OF DEFENSE if yJ t.... ' '' St Underground Passage ..Mock Funerals and Other Ro niances Figure in Case IjONDO.V, Nov ! Hnnilreaa of people vainly fought for admission ... tl.n Marvl..li..na (Willed (nilft tllllllV when the hearing of the fumous Dni. e mystery case was resumed. Herbert Dmce. son of the late ThonwiH t'hurb Drucc-, Is charged with perjury by hi nephew. George llollamb.v Druei The charge Is incidental to (lie Drun .claim to the estates of the Duke f Hon land, and dates back to inn.'! j Al every step the ease has be -n vigorously contested by the present Dmce. at one time the owner of Ihe famous Haki-r street bazaar, who we said to have died forty-three yeiiM aK'. w-os or was nol the same person as the eccentric tlfth Duke of I'ort land. who died in 1S73. ! Theft, of Dairy. Interest ill the proceedings tod.iv :Wiis heightened by the alleged tb.ii "inn Previous session oi mr inai j , iMW Uohinson. the daughter of a southern tobacco planter, who w;o employed as an amanuensis In the Iti.krr street hu7.anr, and who siivs she fri-quent l- went to W'elbeck Atbe. tin I'.o tiand seat, vvhere she saw I hi' lni T. I'. Ilruce. father of the late Henri'. Druic. who In turn was father ; Ucorge llolhiinb.v Drnce. Ihe claim. in. lo Ihe estates, as III.- Duke of Portland vvho-e Identity Willi T C liriic- sle cbllmed to be able lo establish llo belt Caldwell. oY liiebuiotid. Stalen Island. New Yolk, testified Ilia, be knew th.- lat. Imke of I'orllan I. IbiiIi as the Duke and as T C llruc al W'elbeck Abbey, and at the Hak I street l.a-iar. Mr Cahlvo-ll added that he treated Ihe duke at both places for a disease of th'- nose There w. s a bn.. ot excitement when Ml. Calo-l well swore that when In connect .on with the duke be arranged the death mo. k funeral of I ru e, so that lit-, dual persona Ut v could liliallv in buried. The w itness fur ther 'esliljed I hat he saw the duke on the morning he funeral al the Haker sire.-! haza.i A day or two later hi- isk-d tin- link, of Hoitland ir Hi" so-called ' lnuc." had left a will The duke ibaiiK.-.l Caldwell for reminding h'm lui li an lnis.rtant point and said lo- mil.'i have one made CrosK-i-xaniinefl b Mr Avorv. Cald well admilled he had been i"o rlle.l as "ihe great American efti.l.'ivit mak er." but he added lhat it wa not just Hied. Strange Feature. (me of the strangest features id the case is that alKiut the middle of June. !. workmen who were fear ing ilow'n llarcoiirl hoiis', on Cavend ish square. ly.ndon. previously "n- of thr residences of the Duke of Port land discovered an underground pas sage leading from Ihe house, to the Hakr street structure. In which the famous laiiur hud previously U-en and which wa conducted by Thomas Chartea Druce. The claimant declare that the duke white living Jain double life. - awed tn tindergrouad pass at referred to for the purvefe ef ketting ASHEVILLE, N. 0.. SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 9, 1907. SPEAKING OF BANKS. to.,, iww. - fr.-Hu Karcotirt uTnie to tTie pace of buelnem ttf 'Iruce.' A lr. Murgnret Humlllon haa te iMIed that aha, jknew the 'fifth duke txith aa Mr. trace and ex the Duke of Portland, tul that atie waa aware oi the fact that ho Inti! married KllaalM-ll t'rlckmrr, the grand-mother f I he I prent clalimuii, -.' ' , The original action In tlie.caaii'uiot brought to eject toTd .flowuril le Waldi'ii, from the Imlon properiv wlilclt hla fm her; Inherited from the Fifth Duke. of iWtlnnd on the i)- luiiure hi tn nrwi line. rno ,,, n(, 1)uk8 ot j.,.,iaiida IcBlalen tit cMimuted ut not lea tliun t1,SD0,u a yrue,' ' s RATE HEARING IS " AGAIN POSTPONED Standing Master sets Nov, '26 In Compliance With Request Made by Gen.Counsel Thorn. (Special to The CltlMn.) KALKIOH. N. ('., Nov. a. By mu tual agreement of counsel art order wits made this afternoon by Htandlng Muster W. A. Montgomery In the case of the Southern Itullway company vs. the corporation commission, testing the ennst ituthhia I ity of the North (ar ollna two and one-fourth cent pas senger rate, postponing the further taking of testimony lor Ihe stale from Monday. November II, lo November Mf, In Haleigh It was on Thursday lhat Ihe order was sent to counsel on both sides hy the standing master for the resump tion of the hearing next Monday, but there came today from General Coun sel Thorn .if the Hoiitherti a letter lo the effect Hint it would greatly In convenience counsel for the Hotithern to appear n-xt Monday and asking for i th mutter to be runner postponen lo November Thlw was nol objec tionable t.. counsel for Ihe state, so thai the ari cment was easily reached ft.r the hearing to be poMtpoued Counsel lor the state say they had been duriiiK ihe day going forward with th.-lr preliminary arrangement for the bearing to be resumed next Monday. In that they were compiling the evidence and listing Ihe witnesses It was proposeil to Introduce. There is still no intimation as lo the pos- Mllilc turn the hearing from the slate's j lllj)f t(w, HO-,nt f ,he cer- vlew point will take when tin easei,.,, , , now ,hI . ,.,,rtlcaies docs i...r.. i.a nnu ,,.. ' tcr CHILD FINDS DEAD BODY OF MOTHER SlHH-liiiii: ' Ih-cd of Tcxa- Man. Who "Wci-kiil IVngcnm-c on Ills Only lxc." I By A.ioclaud Press.) Jil lI'siTl )X. Tex. Nov. f, The elKht-vear-obl daughter of M.itthcu W. And.-rson. n railroad clerk. f-arl tmlav found Ihe dead body of her mother in ttie kitchen of their home in Houston H'-ights, her head almost completely severed from the lualy. the woman havinK met death al Un hands of her husband. An unsigned note from th.- hit band declares lhat returning home at an earfi. i hour than usual to.lav.. h found aiiot h r man in hi home, and this b.-ini: ttie'seeonri such occtlt -rence. '! felt obliged to wreck . n-tti-Hiio- ..n my only love." Andersiii has disapiM-areif IFAIR WA8HI.'TTfN. Nov. . Foretast for Haturday and guaday: j Xorth Carolina Pair rtaturday and ; Stindsy: stiahtly reolrr Hiioday. light i West wind. : al I CASH DEMANDS LIGHTER WITH CERTIFICATES Business People Hero Tako Readily to New Form , Of Money PRESENT ISSUE OPERATING FULLY Actual Cash . Payments Can - Now be Reduced. Limit Is Now at $ 10.00. The associated banka of Ashevllle having tested tho clearing houee cer tificate plan In Ashevllle for the past two day a, find that the certificate are rapidly giving the relief to general business wntcn the community so much needs at thla time, when the resource of the outside world are practically cut off from us, Th banks say that the fact that the merchants, railroads, street cars and trades people generally accept the new mon ey readily, really makes the demand for actual cash grow less and less urgent for actual business need. The Until on cash payment at the local banks has therefore been reduced to $10 per day, but certificates will be given out along with It to make up any amount wanted for business pur- pimt. other cities, and many of them inuch larger than Ashevllle, started out with a limit of only $10 per day. The propriety of similar action here was considered, and Ihe banks thought thai until they should be able to sup plement lll.-lr rash, they should not place the limit below actual business needs, but lhat the limit might be reduced from time lo time, if th actual business necessity would per mit, and In proportion to the relief that should be afforded by the cei t ideates The llmli was reduced to .... . are adiniroiiiy tuiniiing tneir mission it Is thought permissible lo cut cash I payments dow n id a tiiinimum. In or der Ihni the cash rosotireea of ihe 'community may have an opportunity i to recuperate ! . prominent hanker said Inst night .' II must be borne lii mind lhat banks i nowadays go n long way in the mak ing or unmaking of a community, and that In this day and time Ihe true and faithful banker must consider al ways the g.-iiernl welfare of the com I inanity, rather ihan his own persona' like or considerations of self-Inter-'est Th.- Ashevllle , hanks nre show iiik at Ibis lime that true- Idea of pro tection the community and Its husl ii' s Interests " FEDERAL COURT HAD NO JURISDICTION (By Asaociated Press.) X'KW OHf.KANH. l,A . .Vv .lo ision unfavorable Ihe carrying ..f state cases Into federal rnnrts by lars orimratlons. waa banded down i.,dav to I'nlied Klntee tlrrnlt Judge .-(Miinders. lie decided against thi nmls-rbiiid Telephone company, which had applied for an Injunction against the stale railroad commission, to retrain the commission from flging certain rates on cable tolls acroaa th' Missis.! ppi river. Judge Kaundera de cided that the federal courts had nc jurisdiction over this rate. lK (XKAKIXJH. (By Associated Preae.) XKW YttllK. Nov. i. The ban' clearings for the week ended Novem ber 7 show an aggregate S2.1M. ., a again SS.tSl.4ll.aa la week, and $t..H.e th corre ondng weeh laat year. NEGRO CHURCH WILL BE BUILT ON HILL STREET; HEART OF CfT Permit Finally Granted by ! Salisbury Visited by or J Board of Aldermen Almost Unanimously. REPAIRS ON CITY PRISON UNDE RWAY Ordinance Against Minors Smoking ClgarcttcsP ass es Frlrst Reading. After length) discussion and port ponments frim time tn tlma in an af fort to reach a compromise, the fam nus Hilt street negro church permit was passed last night by the board uf aldermen Willi soeri-ely a ripple, only one Vote, that of Alderman H'ocKO, being caat ngulnat It. When unfinish ed business wim reached, t).) lnsK, who wna representing tho church peo pie, got up and naked the boaftl that action be taken on the permit, lie had hardly begun hie argument, when Alderman Itundnlph. who al the luat meeting secured a postponmcnt. In terrupted aroffiaked that the ordor adopted at the lat meeting be read rrm' the-mlnutiHi. When thla wn read Mr, Randolph turned tn Col. LAsK and asked him If the white resident of that eectlon who were protesting against the grunting of the permit had bought the property. t'nU I.usk re. j piled i'ltiphatifHlly that they had not. Mr. naniloipn tnen nioveu mm tne IMrmlt granted. The vote was takn six voting fur iiiid one against, Al derman Kranela Ixtlng absent. - After the meeting' was called to order liVj Mayor Campbell, the minutes f the last meeting were real nml approved. Numerous f ontpUUnte from (vnrloua elthwn regnrdlng ihelr aewar aaaeaa menta for the Pearaon" Irlve aewer. The. request ot V. V. Hayner for free license to peddle, waa referred to the pecitl tag comrnltle. . t ; (f'v' :i. I'rUon lU'iHtlrav' VjjJ ,'!!'; ' Thsi flrf rominHtee In Ua report re commended, that Hupetiiitemlent itam aur .be. given . a wrench to the hr h'dra0taand b allowed the use Of the elty water -frm the. hydrants at the deimt in case of fire. Tiita -re commendation wa d iptcd. v .. The market house cmnmltlee report ed, the progress made In ; the repair on the city prlroh. in making the report Mr. nicnn, the cha'l.nnn, ata-t ed that the temporary rem Irs on the cells waa well under way. but that tho committee waa not ready to make a complete report, Alderman Wood in- i terpoae stating that he and Mr, Kan-. dolph had visited tho city prison in the afternoon and said that In hi opinion the repair being made ware not complete enough to afford relief from a sanitary standpoint, Mr. Olerin replied that tho committee had aotne suggestions to offer as aoon aa the architect could get hla plana In shape that would at comparatively small oast to the city, put the prison In a thor oughly eanltary condition, and that these suggestions would be preeented to the hoard at Ihe next meeting. He said further that they had taken up the matter of securing the regular prison cots but found that Jt would be Impossible lo install them Iri the old cells. Ittsinckt llcfumii. The rt)ort of the sanitary com mittee recommending that the request of the board of health for .repairs on the pest-house be refused, Wu adopted. Chief of Police Cotllna In making his report recommended that the lilcyejes recently secured for th rone on trial he bought, AU'lfmun ilenn suggested that In udditlnh, j.eedomeiors be bought for the nounted ofilcers a they would be of -treat assistance In enforcing the speed" ordinance. Thla euggeatlon waa re 'erred to tha police committee and ihe recommendation wa adopted; Communications from UeHarbe, Moaie and Chiles, and from Jno, V. 'err, asking for n peen-ln on the ire Insurance on the clty'a building ere read. The pet (doners stated that they felt that tho city's business should be devlded. especially In cases where here waa no (UiTerencea In ratea and 'nlimated thav on former occasions 'hey had been discriminated agubnst. On motion of Alderman Wood thu communication were referred to th flnance committee Ordinance. The ordinance relieving the .police. en from the regulations governing (Contlnned on Pagi There.) vaiFir.u Denote ''--VII 'I hlILL PROHIBITION NEXT M0H (eeclal to The CiUMti.l RALEKIH. JJ. C. Nov. S The Ral. Igh.boayd of aldermen tonight re elved the report of the apeotal com. aHtee to pass on the petitions for an lection oa prohibition or dispensary, ind decided by a ananlmona vote to rder an election to be held Decern. Z after Chrlatma Thejawnt will force mut of the eport of the N.mmlttee waa that wry wing ef tbe temp" " f '7.,CDOUl1" ooahfled elgn.ieate. to line up for re'" ' re to the petition to erdr the etee.'thejc win also be the siii ; ' " h '''railon tn rn, ,r j,HmB rrmrnL br ,' ' .T 't,tnn- ermuah .m, ibmt MVwn, c.-n ' ' inder tbe regtstratmn for the rio.nit,M a r1,r . ' PRICE FIVE CErj $ 50,000 BLA; SWEEPS OV The Worst Fires ls.it History Yesterday. HISTORIC MANSION HOUSE DESTOFTi Spencer's Flrmen aro C On: Hard Fight Put up Save : the City. , i OALtHBURT. Nov. . Flr started In the aecond' atory of th al house, una of the oldc6i Inga In Ballabury,. destroyed " worth of property la the hear city early thla mlirnltig. " Th , wna discovered by policemen i , a. - m.. who gave the alarm time to aave the Uvea of the; of the building who were all Mr. and Mr, D. W. Holder at Marian tlrlrttn had a narrow from cremation before they e cape front' the 'burning buildti The Kallsbury flrf ilopttrtua apnndcd and saved much valttat perty in the business! sect hi Ppencer Are department woi cnl and assisted the Hallslrtiry flt-. aubdulng the flames alter hours' desM"ate fighting. The vMaiitfion Jloum. was Ii if SO, and Wua out of the lunj n Hal 1st. n rv with much , hlm.o . ttnrest, . ladug tltji1 home. -VVtmhlngtdii when he visited Hnl The lire wna one of the worsi p history of Htillsbury, and Ihe roll la' an est I male of the kisses an aitratme: Munition Jlotuie, ow tn !!. f. Oregory and W,' II. Ho i - jh)w fjja.ouo, Itauirance, tl.nou; l Miller, atock ofj merch.un.il I wi, j, 900. Insurance, Sl.f.OI); C",W, barber shop, loss ll.ono, no In m l.ulher Huff tiu it, beef , miiik. i, . I , IS, fiOO, huairijiM-e, Sr.oO; M. t,. J ' beef imirltet loss. t;i,r,(i(i, iif t t ' VW H; Duff. '.iiHurcbun-j la.&OO. insuiniiee, l,f.()0; A Jwelry (loo'ipitny, at'M'k SS.Oiif, i i rtco ttnkitown: D. W, Pnldeil h - t hold furnlDtretotal losytj TadWln v . ley V'nir Assm lullon, records and dee llxlurea, frital loaa. ' . Thera vvtrf fnany other minor ! not yet eatlr'.iated," The burned I waa. In tha a-enter of ihe business i "'- th in of the city and for a time ih. entire towfn waa threatened wim disastrous f conflagration. WANT ALA. RATE; BASIS ADOP (By Associated Press.) MACON. OA., Nov. t.Kortv leading firms of thla city too , tl Honed Governor Smith to d..t t Alabama rate baala, which Is bb c than the Georgia Tale aa tht bu for an adjuattnent of the dlfreren. 'tlt the rallroade In thla atate. 1 great majority of the petttlonen v ed for J over nor Hmlth and th.y they are. In ayrrtpathy with him, "l wa deem It of the utmost imperUu al thla time to allay unfavorable en clam of coriKirntkona In at far may be dooe without - injury t i public good." : - SMALL FIRE IN STEAMER'S P V elatel Pres..) I SKW VOHK. Nov. . T. Dominion line atenmship J came Into port with a mall her hold. Nteam Waa promptl) ' Into the forward bold aa ioon fire was disco vered and the onlckly extlngtikdied. , only a' ' of cotton, in whjeb. the fire prlr waa duninsTerf l ' t 4' Newa f tho fire waa kept ft': " 'Jti passengers for) fear of a tais--te. , HTKAMKK HIVK.s. j " (By AMoelattd Pre.t.) MDNTOOMKJtV. Ala., Wlv. Th ; big river avamer; X, .P. Williams, w hich plica bet w sen Pnaiib. I'l i , and points up tha. tHsak . " rivet, sunk at her r maortnaa if l'.-n aacila wharf early te.y, fkf3f do with her large bWvi. c4v st"" and produce. N'oae, ar(""ieil. nni ? imrc fv Iff ILL. ,j.M iI I SJi bond election.. The board en a ' that It bad tre right to call " tioa aader the regiatratiea - ( -last election, for ctty--icUla ordered. ' .. -". ' It ia generally conaldered tl hlbltiiMi will have walkover, of the tact that the prohibit , I e

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