-v- V. . ahe W ' Jw - . 2AGETW0.' JKixTSTtiMT' T JW7F JH.mt.LA. AJUIM . VI . MM., m M m M ' M I M M - ( i ill, ( ! ,,'...1 'iwaijpi 1 " 1 ) V . t -u 1 ' 1 . fclhl,'MlHtHfl th "1D1I of til Ijuiji-" t"ill lflf TPllo ') liUlArh old horn In WMblmtoB, T in irnl offlcti1 who b boat ef hU n; h' plp h h cn rHr Mil htm, ihirtW Mitbhif thnt tpll kr MjAf !iiiiit Kill ltrr. ( hM lln Add fP Blhl Ui mil il 'i.ihI nil ni retplt li lmbl)' l1 'wlifll ltiW MIUlWIOliMi lM ir ilon-l lntrl of M ' MnMbtt-' ta y nf to ftMMiim Admlwtt EtM, ,litiwTp. fli 0lo ri nation ,!' H ,n ftn aff4i on Tf iw ilxllliia lo!h"thl lin(ll' MBttoi rr tr wim paMd 'nit of th .riM at ,A iiiRiiinini-aMXltts- Mid': rvnnt to liiMom jat tlit itdt 'miming. t , -.H' l in Uom' lommoaitit tl 1h klnilly ! Milt 'f v Adlrl- Briiw' Mtuf rkinM tf 4Kwnlitrblt portloo f th ' iiuiilic: tht Iw- fr eon' ! .eotet ; iUH 111 nH, gmUllr: pictqrM- "Fbjhki !)r HoliX H w foffi ,hiwlo. wak liiin-iiiin o ot ji ma- M this l ft lfcollrrnnowii4Dplaa.) T jvba tt.eam t crliBttr jt littrarnry rmiilrliif4lek'Mllo Adoitml Kvqntroark o rMy ftvn 't ward V. but I iprivtt' life t 'U ttnll,- jixnhMiiiL.1, Wlld-nMnnartd d Mftld, Ji rr iiniictg ot'lcdiltloiMlt .too, I tbli yf Jkj.tlln muui. IM bow ni)14 b b kt )n niivarrln blKk for with tbl or tt.Hit ilifliT.MH l'rililuU 'td iny nothing ft itiimln the boo nipmiliin of ,U bt nlm-f iind tnOllffytntf tb Jnpiim i otpr iplf Hllaty M quickly poao. Iturod br -WP' lnt(l bW ulnl ; oloV ilxxblooM bow aador in baow of tb .tiulMd Hut CplMU I4ti Jh pub if , t- k't m y r ..i1'"' 1 fv- ' "I ' -ll. t ( t 1 - y 1' '.Lf.rfSL , " .",1 r"".1 1 .. ' ' -ti ' J . .. ' . r i .-r. ,4c- Jpf nrMlvetrtlMi th Nation si Dram d it AMorhttloa recently held In af laor,' wa a aotakl gatberli'L In mnre tie ee rpt. Itwes attenJ.' In)" rtpiMMMtlve) mt -- most of th atat ' ad targ eft te of the local drainage a. rl(lia. ttid thaegrtrSltdral retlrges. Tb -frpe tlie Aasodatloo Is to fnrtbi The- frees aUehe-o swanp reclaw tioUAad t lUeialat the Uovernmeni i arlhvn In th matter. In a small w.t urnlnagt ikai been,' pricttsed In mant i MHtlM dbHiig fb past century. I'it tk litter feature' the werk I sucti tb 1 c uly be-earrovl to a ceef. ; xwkeiasle i bf the- aatnwiit gevernmr. XUth 'ta ve reeeuprea- end legl'L' t'"tr. Uny lntentate qneatlona err , . , elveiL that ceu'd not be sattofactou outlet tAny other way. The people at targe end even those of lee- aeetsne aeoet divert ry Inteeeatev -htrt -not half awake) M th greet iwneae iwamp rtrattiag end ' t-ertao mtitt te. be derived freea A)tbiuh th acarctry of lead la elrw ' lf fctilog t he felt. few. have eny a Irfeloh of wbat tt wrll be Ih the next ( ati r anlert wer provide I thl for . vitrVMloei o ohr agrlr1trl tree.- Ti-- l pre etleetty a more rokttr lami at: pi for eerttaaewt end tbe gneter -- -tie, of. the cutttvabl. terrHery la e " e'iuirT la. lovUKtt,. It I true that i Jti- lamttto . BerrlM. hw. hr Irrlt j. eerstarly creating new tract of t:..-n Un i. tnn lf the-IrrliaMe tnd In alrtit wtil 4 ye far' tewards' aapfi.rtng tk. p ! i ttT -denied ef e popeattloti or .'. eotil. Whrrh th lfted eMrt will ronteke arty year henr if tbe t e ot m ef laarveee Is arali.tainvd. ' hU fact fat a nemlwr of srrloas prohl.- e-. the n.uet Important ef rtr dvoV fi tkvir aolittrm epn tb dndlav at h" fee our rwtur anftMoaex U hat trrtg lew is eir far tb Wt. la the ! drainage pmahw le da). ( tb aUt, -. It ' W i ll JO i e hi ' it it kit Mm burd obt (rdln tb weoiM ef hi fimlljf not t few proii( bar ( lined the IropriMloa tbkt Mmlrl tim ta Jolly eld bachelor, wddd to U eu, d citlni mtl for falnl eeletr. Mow m nitter ef dot, there U I'Mn. Brine, charmingly f radon wooua ef dlatlDfulabed bearing, two dauibter who Inherit tblr mother' beaoty ted ebena of mtnnr, eoe who foUowlnf.la hie father' feotatep la the Ty, end laat but by no enu leaet la thl IntertetlDd hoeeehold, two Jlrely UttM people who er the paraameet hob. ity ef aa ladalfent crandfather.: htraj Braa eonMe ef an old toathera fimliy and eharecterlttle eouerratUat tmpeltedi mother ad dinchtere to keep eat ef the white lldbt of pebllelty tht hu lonf beet ibent the Admiral nntU. (aiU now that the Admiral I at the very eilmai ef notable career, pardonably eurlovi habile rm feaa tfaei;ont4 '.', "tat '" Any peraon wh ehati with Admiral Evan la hi -owe home will quickly die cotM the offloere Beet km fo the SUce aid ehall wonder whan yoa are told bow Intimately thla. equate reebrtoh naulen e bound np with the lite tory ef th ' 'j C,mj l i i jT t '. '-"e- dayi- . ' 1 v'"ei'" :.. . v.. isV 1 - .i9haeU v ,. I I estimated that IS.000.000 acre of oar arid territory can b reclaimed during the next twenty-Are year and It la eel eniebly poealble to ve abont th aam Unt of ewempe In tbe same ttme. pro vtded that the werk at undertake by th Doverameat aad poshed with the vigor tbat baa chractrtard tb tortner ope ra tio BaeUaatloa by drainage may be pur- id with mnrh greater prodt tbae that I . Irrigation. Tbe arereg rot of eifect- I g tb latter la about (30 per acre. 1 i ailat expert aatlmato tbat dralaage win t. 4 reel mora tat 13 a acre oa aa ' e aeaga. Iartberasere. the swamp area , rev fee aeM aert ta the ovtrkfcnrawi . pupalea Utnct and twang""! '' ; ' 'e. ex ., "Si wIk fii imaMikV na aaniiii j LC-w- LL . ! Mil I 'jf -c tA J nrdlc. Mtldl it poptifarV here. Here hi romance began here p wa1 married la 1871, aUndlnf be tween! thl rtwo wlndowi la the paetoua drawl bi mora, and tble "ha been home to hlna eeeir elnee hi aartlaet day In tb Niry. (An4, by the wy, it wa a reiw pretty yoloence of which Robley 0. Bran wil tbn (tatra la the day following bll graduaOom from the Naval Acdeay ehead of time In ortlnr that be might par ittrlpatea the CIvU War, Yoanr eyine waa appointed to Anoapo la fronxfCiah bnt.fee waa natlre ef Vlt altrie aM' boean ot geographic lynnatby or heme) other raeaoa be toobr t ehnav nilng wflth boy from the fclatrlct ot "ColnnrtimH1 led oeaiad Taylor wto In -time rone, t 'th rank ef Rear Admlrak Quite natnrnlly thla young met tnrlttd hit frieahle Mm honii with Mot fwf Ttalt and, o young Evan we Iniredvced to the tyawe which I now hi home. Here he'ms.tharry pretty atater ef bla ebum. Later th daahlne Virginian bitcama.duk peretely 111 dt the home of hi (knot and ,wke noyeed Moki to i health by this aeIN aame-ttaugbter ot the bouae. Of cenrae .the InafrttaW happaaed and there wa aerai wadding with du ccompnlmnt of already existing llnee at eommoaleation, wblrh will oot only facilitate th work but also reader th development of tbe reclaimed leoda more eey and rapid. Tb oil of tbe swamp I exceptionally rich and the farms evolved from, them will be as fertile aa an la tb East. There are la the raited Btatea aMlaly et of tb Rocky Mountains upward of au.ooo.ooo acre of iwamp and ever lowed lead, anttbie at redamattoa and wa.tr a 111 aitlsnataly b taraad to e coaat. Thl will add to ear grleltarJ acreage ea aaragate ra laMt equal lo the caaabtaMd area ot Ohke, ladlaaa asd llllaots. A loag time aat eiepee. l,rreT. befere ear a vaat work eaa be tMupiiiaq ad w shall derive a aaf- 1 t '.r-i IViiM i HIW'w V.V,ii vwyiwWwssf'yf ir f'.vlH-Juw: Hi THE SUNDAY CITIZEN. I AH .V- "i nn -. xtiffji i r rt" ii r.V :f.y : ..: M: 1 H8- l- -V T , Jill 1.V ' ' j v k- '' vi' . i" ,. . f " y. ; '.H'lii.iilv.l w IH ' 4 Ma pomp and gold braid. In dltcoaalog tbe b!tory ef the honae 1 aaked Admiral Beana If ha would continue to make It hi heme after hi rotlremant from actlv eerrlo neat Auguat.' "Ye In deed.'f be replied. "I hope to apead the greater part of each year here la the old hoiia but I plan to aprnd each winter In Porto Riee, don't yen knew I hat tb cold wrather. Vly aon la-law. Mr. hewaU, ha large plhntatloa down there, bean tltat plae right on the eeeahere and when he planned the hoaae he wa good nengh to proeld a (ultn ef room for Mr. Eraaa and myaelf."' .-' , Then tb 4mlrr with due etrmoy IntrodurrdV "Ooorg,1' explaining aalde that. '!Qorg" In afffrt- rad more pro yiietary right. la th Mtabliahmant than any ethar member of the bouaebold. Oeerge Iefr itbongh no pereoa er think: f mentioning hi Imt.uume) la the faith tut colored butkir, one ot the old-thne Sogtbern, aorvaut that you read about but nerrf expect to ace, nowadajra. An ex aUr, he. wa in tbe eerrlce of the Taylor family from boyhood ,aod he literally de oeaded te the bvuna family with tbe eld muHon.k ';.Ueorgc,' boirevea, baa much Actently tmpreasive M.vi of the banelta iNrcurabie by dialnnge fro a ralralatloa of th poaalblltlea wlihlu sight of the present generation By the reelamatlnu of 18.600. 0t avree of the cwsmrts. tbe land vainee at th eeaetry will be Increased by H.S30.0UO, OW and tbe rmp value by f3T&O0a.atin nnnnelly. a the valiu- f th prodnete of thee sections. It tbe area la qoestlea la divided into forty acre farms. It will pre via) hoaae for exjSOuo faatUlea aad aup paet .ouu,ui)o aval opoa lad which as at prearat ot a went whatever, each ot th ramUtee la eovatfoa weald apewd tl.OOU at sraat ea iielMiace aad seine saeat. involving aa I in est an rat etf ti.tt, UUO,out) hi what n wst head tfdaty. The CA tmV a'Wfjdr vkdVtl more thnn a local reputation for the vete ran aerrttnr ha looked after Admiral Bran' want afloat aa well aa aanore, and baa traveled to every pert, of the globe. Qeorge'a moat famoue exploit bowerer, waa on a memorable ocealoa when be mad a "bit" with tb Bmperor ef Oer maay. Admiral Braua- had wtertalaed the Teuton ruler it luicheeh on kla flag ahlp and tbe War Lord bed complimented In tbe moat extravagant term eome Smltblleld ham that waa la very truth .cooked to tbe king' tnete. the vixltor even aaked an opportunity to exprce hie appreciation to the colored man f Trhoae merit he had heard from hh hnalsv A cordlngly "Oeorge" wee lammoned 'on deck nd Admiral Evan lulil, "tlrorge, the Emperor wlabea to compliment yop on that haiu." The Kaiaer estended hi baud but the freedniaBi teprraentatlve of -J repuoucan America, woe oDvionsiy la bllaaful Ignorance of the court etiquette of the bonded knee. Stepping brlakly for; ward, broad emtio overepreedlnf hie fire, George graaped the extended band' and (baking It ivigoroutly. rcuierkad, "Emperor, 1 am find to meet yon." average farmer'. ... ,t it,.. Vn,l abent t00 a yrnr , , i I,' .(,- ,,u.i other nenioual t,,., t. -I tu.s Ma would tnenn i ,m,t ot tbe geoeml trade ,,r i J.i;i.iJ.- utdk Thua It l . ;:,. i,,: u-r u.atiou la aot am of aerth.u I interest hu: of the atatewt tntportan -.- i-. neopiv at large. The Senate t ouxu.tiev I'ubllo Laada ot the Firty ninth Concres rppartad fevwrably oo a general x drainage bill which It ! eooddrntly etperted will be enacted la tke loag Ores of the Sixtieth Cangrea. Tbe work ween aatburtsed will probably br eMniaitted tbe Ke rlamatlaa eVrvlee aader edltesa aeaie abet similar to thoaw wake levera Ike preparaUaa aad eetiteveeu! uf the Irrlgal- I RA i in Aihulral Brana when he baa M family i-lrrle complete, aa ha beep be raw taring tbe brief rraplte ere the big fleet etiirbt for tbe raclflc, Inrta hlraaelf in the tnldet of a. very lively bouaenold Mtwh of tbe animation la furnished by tbe two grnnachlldren. Waaler Robley Evnna . Bewull, age tbrc and one half year end Mir Dorothy Neville Be wU, rge two end one-half year th fhlldrrn of Admiral Evan' younsost daughter. ThM tot arc tbe tnoat remarkable children you would Hod In dny'a Jour ney, Living In a bouae wbere there 1 a constant atream of vlaltora thej are not In the least tby .with at ra users and yrt oddly enough tlie unmiiul amount of uttentlon 4eatowcd upon them boa not spoiled them In the least A unique evi dence that familiarity breed, at least, unconcern I found in. tb fact that tb glittering uniforms and shining aword which ire object of much wonder and ad miration to moot rhHdreo ire passed .all bat unnotlred by the? youngsters. - , I very much desired' to eecure a pie tare of young "Bob" Bran. the fami ly all call him relatlnf a tory to "Bob" Evan, Br. It wa suggested that th only wy to do It wa. to let the little chap actually relate the anecdote and th Admiral encouraged blm to do thla. Now, young "Bob" wear sailor suit with manifest pride and he atni aallor songs ltb gnato but When It eome to atory telllug hla prim favorite 1 a graphic ac count of the happening of one momenta day when he us the (Ire department re spond to an alarm. When ba warmed up to tbe recital moreover It waa aeen that tbe1 whole" proceeding wa decidedly too rrftllKTlc, for portrayal. ' til little right arm threshed tbe air it a rat that noth ing short of a moving picture machine could have done Justice to. ' There I (mall menagerie of household pet at tb Evans borne. Conspicuous, among the number are two parrots of the moat gorgeous plumuge. Romping about the walled garden In tbe rear of the house I tbe third "Boh" Evan en thy domestic roster, a blooded dog presented by Archie and Qnentln Roosevelt, the two youngest, son ot tbe President.' Jn. ed tracts. The leclaiaatloa of tbe Sverg lades I Florida has loug been a promoter' lnia and some Important drainage ha beea done by private enterprise nailer grant froia tb tjlate a aoUtrie ceae ba iag that af tbettleaten Coaspany, whaae Satat Clond plaatatloe, with Its. yield of tkou) puaada ot 4ry a agar ta tbe acre f w an eatire awath'a raa. ladMtee tbe pea atMllttea at axtaaaive opera tloaa. There are .TOUtOno aeree ot recaatmabae taad here, free froaa staaap aaq tree aad ready farib plow aa aoaa a dry- Th anil aad ellmsre are adnulreUly adapted ta the grawlug af caae sugar ead u-axth of i be area arraiable woahi prnlue the t.MO,tM taae of eugar thit wa Impavc ' -'4 Sunday,! Deeemfei 81907. 1 I-; I ' 0 , f. f , A. " ' 4 tt-V- ' 3 c ' 4, .'"K-mI door be ha a Jealona rival," a dankW ''black and white Japanese tpealet brvagb from th Orient by Mr. Mirth. dat daughter of Admiral Evaoev Thla.peae pered canine, rejoicing In a B4m;tha I well nigh unpronounceable BTjhll MM . hi mistress, la of a very placf dlape altlon and I content to-ooM JuTLda. on the great leather eou"h;tbt.lv'V ture of tb Bvana dining reeta-,;?':. ' . Mrs. Marah, who w Obarlott ,Tlo Brans, named for .her ,mo$heipla4 . : grandmothefc 1 th wlf 'fit Oomnsaadee Charles Cnrlteh Marah, P . H.. who has but recently been placed at the h4 of, the newly organised torpedV ndtib mitrln division of th aivyv BegbMloa) the, latter part of 1901 Mr. Marah (paat three year la Japan during th tJo he husband was Naval Attach, ef the O. B, Embeaay at Toklo md (h bM hMeght home from the Flowery kloc dent ire collection ot beautiful art object Whtefe show rare illserlminatlon la th MlootlM. Combined with the InaamMaDW ta toe which Admiral Bran hi pleked op In hi criilee about th glob d the unique relic which be secured daring h Rpenlh-Amerlcau war tbey mak tb in terior of, th Erana hom ;a iTlrttaat treasure house. 7r However, probably th mot prhwd f all th trophic which dmirI Bvm ha acquired la a long period of Mrvle 1 a letter which hangs, handeomtly frJhsl ! at the door of hi library. .It 1 frora the enlisted men of th , nivy' and ; !t fdotMh penled aword which ; waa 4 preeanted . to tb Admiral a few year ago throtnjh popular aubecription by thl'.aca "bhtd tb gun." . Admiral Bvaney h-- alway been tbe Idol of the bloejkoket--pr-emlnently the greatest tribute that Ma come to any naval officer end there I a world of significance In the concindloej sentence of this letter "Xou are men than a hero to tbe nation, yoa are a here to yoor mtn." : ' 1 ' . A ("ranch paper assert that American girls hare purchased title Its-eon of 040,000,000. Tb only coneollng, tfceught I that they have not brought i their, dearly purchased husband to ythl Ibjle' r the pood to Inflict them npen na.fi annually, and which I - worth 1160,000.000. Th 8tat of Florid by al ready engaged In a project for the re lamatioo of th Everglades. Caoasi at bctng cut between Lk (UirhntiM Th key to the sitnatlon eqd tb river the Atlantic coaat, well as .the ClM aabatchae, which empties lnttb' aVnlf f Uexice.. The aystem will ln-lnde w parallel eaoal. running north and) with lstenls leading through' three. Tho celebrated Dismal BwinjpVof' T gmin-wlll trc doubted ly be one-ef the I cctlons to come tinder treatment Thl Is a neirry lever md elrvate; treren ef land with aurh to perfect irslnsr tbat It Is alwnj-s under water ta a alight deptk. Near Its euntre I Lake Drum mood, a okf cular body of wtter nearly threw atllsa In diameter aod hardly mora thin dee feet In deplh. Tb lake N surroaaded by viooua aa m places cypres trees into the water. Some m.irglaal partes or the swamp hsve been ret-la 1034 aad rurnetb such excellent farming kand a to ladltata plendld rvaulla frosa thay ough drainage. ' .,' . Another of our great wa, . . tA Kinhakee Wnrabea covering a bo at hOO, ti0 acre, distributee aver v.ea aouatlaa of Indiana. Thl swamp lie la a largo van and It axlateac Is largely due M . tbe alight fall ef th ground and tbe to tuoua course ot the river which traverse It- la Its Journey through Indiana, th stream covers a direct distune v of ti mtlea. but ltd. 1000 bend entail a aoa'ra af sea alia end tkroogk tb aattr dh taace there hi a drop of but 17 fset, . Th situation af thsa lands a aeat ' ' tea cents ef popolstloo ssakes their reelaas atlea especially daalrable aad, forraaata ly. It prosnleie ta ba eCacted wtthse great dimemty. , . . . Kvarrso t familiar with the apleadid achievecaeau at ta Date ta that i"rn tioa. They are aow eateriae; apaa tha a peadaets task at draining tbe Beyder kVaa, by which they wilt add US0,0u) aera a Uelr arable Uads. . . t