PAGE FOUR THE SUNDAY CITIZEN. Sunday, December 22, 1907. (QDILTtlOFlG fULK '1.'v' ; w,'1 " " Santa's Annual ,Visit t. Dow tbs rblmney fe tome frowning) . Tbneigh lb aursery goaa peeping; Boon th 1ocl!lugs, great ssd MaalL, . Tbesi prueeed to Ml 'em ill,, - i- ' . U tin boy' to ball aad ekatea, Sometime book and brand ow (lataaj Pnnns mid Art and toya gaior, f 1U iv spill uptw tba low. Is Ui ira' go trinketo-rara, Wsndrous dolls with natural hlrt rii-tur bo"V, und ribbon, hrlgbl. Till lby .nil ,th Mocking tight. ' - V I -: . 1 , c, .. ... Vhaft with on Isst took SbeoL iauu tnlthlly stents out, ' . Jump Into hi ilrlgh that's seas, And vows so wore 'till tb seat year. ,. i ANKIlt JAUKH, fl'. Air 47 -iJUk MkJ 6S A Calm Witness. ' A fewor was cross examining wltns with lw tt retting bltd aiuiblled lit kit teitlmonr. The following questions And tiMwtn or 'trad: "Did yon go th pltlatlS faint abort time '" .. , "Ye. lr." "poopi tvra pal wbes they flut, don't they' "hn, lf, net kiwi "What, da yes maaa t Mil m that a proa aa (alat and act (urn palal Xild jr u rf banr of inch !" . "Ta, alt." "tud ra arar aa sorb mm?" . , ! did, air." .. . . - ... Aiiont a yr ago, tit." . v 'Who wa iir' " "l'-aa a nrgr. air." .The laayar (sensed (ba Wlta, Lottie's Strange Christmas Eve Experience. ay tikvn wai.kkr. Ittto Andratra -at an only rbtld, hut aba ataa not wbat thai fait oilabt Imiilr la rnnit raaaa. h. nu at a aimllrd eblld. I ha - a aat tampartd, fu arena, arwHInnal lltll. niU. 13 r ' Ufa, potanMlnf aa aunnjr a dlapmlllan aa una pould -tab to flad In an llllla lrl. Ilrr boina araa a ironifortalila onp, wkar bapptaaaa ra)nd. lUr papa and manima ar bar cbauia, aa irrll aa lialng Ui pparahl aonradra to ra. b oilwr, Tlrna tun will aa thai tba Andrawa' boraa waa an Ural owa. . Imrlnf Ui p parotorjr dr that nab rad la tba CbrUtutaatld U(Uo, bar aiaiama and papa vara var buar laaklni plana far tba ponr, arranflnf tbat tba katfla af eiaar Uttla aara luWjUt la mada (lad with far Chrlatmaa ainil -JUUa inaa wko. hue fur tba fruaroaltjr of tba Audrawl faiullf, would doubtlaaa apaud aa Muaaantful dr. Uctla bad batpad arttb tba tuflua of all tba tnra and prattjr warm garaielil. tbat bad baaa aaat la baakata. and bona to Ilia bowaa of Banr poor famllloa- And bau, wa th mat dnr nracodlnt Cbrlaiaiaa Kta, ltlla dU- corarrd auothar poor ralully. abara two Hula cbliarra lkt. t llttla ooaa wnoa nolldajr aoaaua bald ao proialaa far tban, bar rait boua to br luotbar, aaytng: MauJiiia, t'a too lata no- to at Inta tba abopa to uiaka aian purcbaMa, but wa Juat aiuat Hi up a all boa for two Uttla rfclldraa lint J cauta arraaa todar trbUa golna Uuwn to our draaaniakar'a. yiitr war inuiilu la front of a (bop window loukliui an longlni7 at a faw cbaap toa dlaplayad Ibara.. I atoppad and talkad to tbaiu a uilnnta, aiklng Ibrin thrlr aamaa and wbat ttaojr aspoctad Mmita tt'laua wouhl brlug to tbata an Ctir!tit',n. Tin lltll lilt, uot aulta ao old ...i i. Mill: 'Ob, wo'ro an poor tbat Haala I'lana navar anma to our boua. ila rau't dud It, I u. for tli.ta'a an flraplara IHf auoauk fur blni tb corn down tbrougb. Yoa aa. wa aara juat a Htlta atora, aad It' alwar ao (tiukj tbat If ba tried mining down tba atora pla ua'd atran glo, w nrr gat arijrtbliig frm Saata I'lana.' i Tban I got tba 111 tu ouaa to tak ma Hi their bupie, wblib I )ut two room at th lap of ona of tboai diaad fill taaanlantbouaM down by Ilia rlvar. I d'tlo't ge up, tor I kuaw yoa would not want ma to do ao nnlaia yoa warn along with ma, but I "t tb numhar add atraal, a , wall aa learning ilia g'r on-wklrh I liar liva.1. TUrlr name la tmall Baaimy and t.ana , Hmll and thrlr aid grnad aootber krap bona for them, and they eld t bay didn't know wbat their father worka at. bat that ba alept moatly dur ing tb d and gnaa out at aiht." "lea. danrle, you did perfectly right In aot going up In on of thorn tenement bouaea.' aald Mra. Andrew, "tor toa nerer raa tell what (ort of psreone might ba tbera, Aad yon did right In taking pit on th two llttl one., aad In being ao thoughtful aa to gat rharr name aad addroaa. We'll Ox up a box and bare John deliver It there on the night of Ckrletroee Fve. But. let ma aaa, baren't wa old toy and plA.rthlnga enough about to bou.e to ttll a good elaad turn Von know tba cloaet In your playroom la fllled to orcrflow llifi nltli no 1'iHxnr u.i, mo m Itirm to Home llitlr kal'l'T to cwii Ihiii wM.ii : UOUll lll'l III'. w,. Aim III i In r gli .11 lir .1.1 lu i.n of " h'l.l flf. k u nice eoniu ruke, unit, riMnllr. un.l u t 'llj-. Tlirn. If roil llilnl" lb "t coulJ niAk. u.e of a... n of thr you h.rr oulgrov. n. make up box of tbrm for lor. " "Oil, Ibat'e Jut the lliltig to do." .Tlixl Ixiltle. "Lai 'a gn to my playro uu t oni and nulla h nlia el-llou of tny fur llioee rhlulrrii I'm glnd, iiianiuia. tbat yon alway. honglit a oertaln niiinlirr of boye' loye fur me, for now I'll here a air aaauriuienl lo give lo little ftatnniy. When you were buying the for my uurarry yuur tlioiiifbt u tu bare tbeia there for my Utile boy frieude to play with when tinning me. But now tbry ar gulng to Uu a brtler arrvloe than that Of (iilertalnlng well to do little boy a, who bate toy and to apare In tbelr owa home..'' And ao tba grratrr part uf tba ereulng waa etieet by Lotlla and bar nothar U auiklug a eeiactloa of pretty aud naefnl toya and garrnrata to All two good-elaod bone to be aeut ao tbe following day to anwuiy and lua Mmull. tup floor of a rickety old toneaent-buu on tbe banka of a dark, aril looking rlr flllad with war bouaea, bsathwue and tenement- , tio,i.M ..f hnrl rrpntnttc: I Aftfr ilo lon-e bail b" . dnly i.iok, I lil nir-l lnljj'lod t !-- m.r H'fl Iti l.ltli-'M lo.lnM.ui, whera .t Vi. U.e hou( j iuuii, iioo.ll -i Ihrni i 'i utorruw to rnrry to llulr il.-otltu. I loo 'iT-n Lotlle'e Iiiiiiiiun l;irlr lior i.iod ui.' I nod niint to Lor own iih.iii. It In'Iuu l.'il'"'" liril time. How lottir l.oirlo i:u1 1 1 ' i . i Kl.e ilM not know. no' it r.oir duiliv me ui.-hl iim uu wk.'io '! fioin her iI ...jI it b a noUe In thu room ne of oiuff..,ir inovin; ubouk. Itelug attll biiir tinli-oji, n -I routing from dreemltiLil. wl.tif Le li..l i.t-rn railing on Haute ('leu. and aaeieMn bliu lu aa ortlDg toye fur poor tilMrru, littl opened brr ryoa to laholil it llgura which --In lH-r alirpy ronUlllou eUo uilatook for old Ht. Mi'hulaa. Thi n, ill Hug up lu bed, and einlllnk In a frli udly way -for tbe room mil llfliti'd by a atreet lamp nnr the roriiar, wlilrh alioue In through tba window. - Lottie enli In a cordial tone: "Ab, Huuta 1'laua. I'm ao glad to meet you In pareon. And now tbat we're gut the pireent fjueetluji fof 9 rblldrrn all eel tied I ahnll take It upon myeelf to aie that our mnu, jubu, dfllr era every box Uofore luttiorrow ulght at 12 iiVlin k " Tho ulrange llgura ruui. quite vloa to Lotllii und iH'ut orer the bad. "Mow, lookee here, kid! Not a word euten ( .von, or I'll atop your mouth eo'a It won't ! open for awhile," And the terrible miin lu-ld a rrrofrrr up flat Lottie might aee I It. "I'm here to help uieerlf lo what I onu flud, an' Ttn not In the humor to be fooled with. I'ndi-mKndT" Lottli- nriMnl lor lieuil, but did not j dere to 0111 her iiioulli for fenr of the I trrlMr wi-aMin. "I belong to that elaae of po . le wliut'e gut lo Jive by their wlta or ellgbt-of hand," tbe man oon ttnued. "Aud it a up to uie to inuke you rich fork over yer routrlbutloii. to me. I're got Llda of nie own what'a got to eat. It a t.'hrlatuuia time fer you-you, tb rich, but where' th ChrUtmaa fer my little ooeaT go yon Jnet keep a tongna In yer cheek an' I'll help ineeeLf." liOttl Mt bolt uprlkht uo. fur aha waa fully awake, and rrallard that a burglar waa In her room. But eke hud no Idea of creaming for help; ehe knew that would b the wrong thing ! 1 do. Ho aha aat vary quirt, w.t.liii;. tlm man a he opened the Urn with :i.I i lowta, looking for valuublea. Aa he elooprd to examine the i-oiiteute of 1'- I Hi,, uakon t'heat In the room he ntrui-k hla foot agutut on of the b-uxi-a that waa pui knl aud labi'led to h aent to the poor family down by tbe river the fulluurlng dey. With a li Tbe atora alnmllnai in front of ahnp -rrlndnvr, looulnc ao lonarlnslr at a feiv cheap toya muttered cure for th foot be (truck acainat the box eecined to be crippled -lha tnun turned to look at the object of offenee. Quickly hi. eye caught the plainly written ntlilr-- on tbe aide of tbe box. It waa: "tummy and l-cna ftmall. top floor the l) k Tenement bouae, lllren atrvol." The man'a ejea grew wide aud hla bande ilutrhrd conmlilvely. Put ting th revolver In bla pocket, he bent (till clseor to the liox. reeding over aud orer tbe addivaa wrlii. u thereon. Then, turning hla dogged on Lottie, he wblapered hoararl) : "Wluit'a thla mean. kldT" Aud he pointed toward the ad da 011 th box "If a box of Chrlatmaa thing far a dear llttl boy aud girl who live at th piar named on th box," (aid Lottie, aur prtaed to flud tbat (be ronld talk with out lr. In fact, while tbe ataa waa looking at the bux eo Intently all fenr bad gona from Lottie' oitud, an 1 (he felt that ah could talk to the bnrulu aa aha would to anyone leea daugeruu:'. "What do ou know of them klda?" aakad tb man, hi band cloalng orer in nox tenderly. "Them kid. are mine M1AE do you know that, little grand ladyl Yep, Xaunuy an' l.ruu Bum 1 1 are mlii. th children of a common law breaker." UK voire trembled aa he (Pk and he turned hla eye. away from Lottla'e, Theu he continued: "I hain't alway bin a bad aurt. little grand lady, f hain't. I aot me foot eruahed lu a factory. Then I lout ma Job. After that 1 couldn't git work, wlrb thla thing lu th way." Aud ho pulitted to the crip pled foot. "Theu time got awful with me m old mother an' ui llttl rlainuiy an' Laua with uot Mug to eat an' uu mooer lu me pocket. 1 got deaperate. I did. Bay. I to uieeelf: 'l.t'. go an' tak It frum the rich. They don't care If we aterve. So let' take our ahare of what' boarded up In their Due homee.' An' ao I go an' doea It. 1 creep Into bona an' taken what valuable I cnn flnd. It buy bread und Are for me old mother an' me little Btuuiuy au' Lena. But I balu't a real bad aurt, little greet lady, an' when I eoc ttiat box all packed an' ready to be acnt to me own llttl kid 1 HUy. o uieeelf: 'Here'a aome rich ( baa a heart. An' I don't Intend to tuke another thing from thia boua. All 1 want la thin box what'a to carry Chrlatimia luto Snmmy'a and Lena'a llttl henna.' " The man hngged the box na though It weie The body of a beloved child. Hla vole broke In aoba, aud he bent hi face on bla brenat. Lottl crept from ber bed and went aoftly to the burglnr'a aide. "Poor man," b aald, "I'm not afraid of yon, since I know yon are the father of Snmmy and Lena Smell. You arc aat doing eight now, but I'm aure you'll be a good man again if If aomeoue helpa you to do ao. I'leaae take (he box-nnd also that one over by the eofn, tor they nr both for Haintny and l.enn and go home at once. Tomorrow la tho dey on which Sammy and Lena muet have their preeenu Chrletrona Eve - end you ehall be Santa Clnus yourself. And tomorrow yon muat come here ai;Mn, for 1 (hall tell my mamma about you and (he'U aa tha you get aome boneat work to flo,1 A frightened look came Into tba a -"a face. "Oh, uo, no, kid, float tU w mother about me. h'd cnll In tb' cop an' have me pinched. And that WOoid awful on-hauimy gad Lna a a' fa ol mother." "Oh, you do not know my mothar, poor mini." nald f.otlle. "She'll b too (lt to help you back Into th right waf again. My mother la a good wolM. you may depend on tbat. Bat yon doa't (top to corxldrr how much woraa It ,1a for Sammy and Laua and you ,aM mother when you ara doing a g9H tvulgbt than If yon were really .takaaj by th polk. There'e alway t dga ger and the aln. you know, air." Th burglar looked Into Lottie' cleat blue eyes, his own eye taking- a g milder expression. "Yoa area taat (JltANT) Uttle lady, a Uttla lady With HBAKT," he aald. "If all folk arm Uka you there'd be no auch man nm 11 go home an' carry along tba box o to have a Chrktmas fer any Uttla liana. An' tomorrow I'll coma back to talk wttb yrr mother. Bbt'a a good womar a I ran trust herto do aomathlng hp Jxglp me. Only a good woman eul( 1 uch a llttl girl aa yon ara." "Tea, you coma back tomorrow' 4 yon shall be aaslated id flnding aBaajt work," said IMtlt la a determlnad woto. "And now I'll let yon out of tba oooa by th front door ao If a pollcamag aat our beat ee yon with th baoMS tMH not be suspicious. I give thau to. pag," . And the following day tb man. fesg Ixittle had ao miraculously turned fro th path-of wlckednass Into the Bwt-t right returned to flnd Lottie' Bjotlier fall of deep Interest la hi case. And baaVW the week wai ended the father of 8aaVa and Lena Small had found honest mploa ment as Janitor in the bom of th. An drews, with romfortable living rooma fo hi old mother and Uttle ona. And' a he goee about bis work earnestly, h fa peats to himself every llttl while: "And a llttl child aba 11 lead theta." A Christmas Memory. fWlth apolage to Allc Cary ) Of all tba beantlful plrtnre Ob Childhood's uieuiory' wall ! on of an avnrgreen t'hrlstnn tree That indeth broad and tail; lb wbo vary fopmo brancbr A Mne-tyed dolly awing. While Iowa down to friendly bough A Teddy bearlet cling; And ther ult close to Teddy .Mng a aoldUr bold, of tin; A drum. With (Ursa suspended, . To aiaka a wavlike din; A Of with wonOrou mud Quit hldd'n away laalite: A M a) strong and splendid Thst at nat fonr boys may ride; A plrtur book f ralrlee. An angina. that will fun; A toy puna wltk raal key, A tool cheat and a gun; And front tba gay, green branch, I Mtooard a ribbon bright. Swing airing of soft whit popcorn Tbat gllateo la tba light. And everywhere hang randy for children, greet and small. So, of all th 1'hlldhuod'a ineinur!. This asw-wtg th best of all. MAUD WALK ttll. fife fcr How a Tragedy Was Averted in Santa's Realm. A STOItY FOR T1IK WEE TOTS. BT HC1.KNA DAVIS. There wa great sadness In Santa C'taus' rralm. It bad been by - oi l ud falthXul reindeer tbui iinl loo I m , tar . bad deleraalued to try ainkn.g hu Ckrlatmaa journeys In an alnhlp. He -Santa had confided thla hit of shocking new to an of tba Inner circle, a inem bar af hi cabinet a cabinet vompoeed tt th most jrrlebrated toriuakwra In the Nairn. And, strange to a.iy. thl uwlirt g tb Inner elrda bag approved of Santa's pis.. And then the atory bad leakeil out.. Juat as all atorlee tbat are la tended lie kept secret do leak oat. first It - ehUpered ameng tba factory woiaer; than It reached tbe atable. where th reindeer 20 atroax overheard th a'able haed dlseaaalng It. And the woe, oh ! the wo 0 those poor aid and faithful nandoer! Tor th Brat tiaa In the life of Santa Claaa he waa to toraake tkew foraak thaa and ao bla travellm tp g aw-fangiad tbtag that waa named "Alrahlp." Tba ehtost rta4r f the P acton aa apoxesmaa aner in a rat aarn. Ma aew bad ba digested by Ikes. "Weil, my cemrail 1." he aald, abaklag bla bogs aatlere, -If e-r eld aad btovl starter, Saata Claaa, baa decided that ar aaa ae tosujer be of aa t kins, wa mast make th beat of aa aad a verdict. to ana raaaot Sod It within sy baart to aoadema our aaaatar. la all thlags k trtsa to ba lost It may b that has datlaa ra growing: tbat hi territory t asteed bag; that th Uttl aa th aarik ar mslttplylng a rapidly that aw loaigwr ean w carry bias o bis rounds aa fnrarlr. Bat let we be aaewred that the (la (ii res for Sta daaa to take ha departure he'll uot go without a word of affection lo us, a word of llsuks for our uaat belpfulueee lo htm lu hla noble anJ happy work." Tke other 19 rtdndcer nodded their hda approvlnitly, saying that aluce tt waa Santa rtaus' wlab to "lay them on the ahelf" they would retire from active Ufa without a murmur, nhhlng all sue reaa to Mm - their IioIomhI master In thl uew mode of travel. But though they did not coudemn Sam a for hla having taken up wltk eo etrauge a thing aa aa "Alrahlp." their heart were heavy, la deed. No mere real ext-i euvut of travel for them. No mora would they rattle the belle on their baraees aa they fairly Sew throng tho air la beUleoc to their anaav ter'e reins. Ah, It was a aad, a pitiful outlook for tba old and mated raladeer of Santa Claua' stable. They bad been at companions for ao ma ay. many, aaaay eaaatlaa years that to k pat aald new ft r a tweattetb-mntary (aa chine ye. MACHINE. tblnc wltboat a baart! waa a meat heartrending thing. Tba following moraine, aft tb alr ahlp ae a had reached tba ratadoor, tb Soar leading law their e rotable atabla waa spaaed aad 1a wslked Santa Claaa. Bla eye re full of toaderaeaa yea, errca tears at lov gtlahaaed la thent aa h petted sack hlord raladeer on tha far aad apok la r reset ag tooes to hiss. "Ak. dear, deer td aareaata." h aald. kta rote ahakaa wltk asMttoa. "The Mm ksa eon Wkea I cklak ft wise to kar mr tor aad iwrarlf eeio.ied to earth by a g.gereat saaa thaa that at daya, U aheet, e and frlenda, I lino docliled to let you nil rust thronch thl busy reason snd tak sa alrahlti In which to do my trav eling. Th chlliliun - tiii-w their heartu Nt'e now no numcroiin Utnt It bohouves me tu piake nil poa.iil'1" ;4.icod lu visiting thorn. You know lo. iv we've bad to (train ewt-y ncrv .in the pnit to make tb tatlJid(. itd nnw j'ou ur nil a wee bit oiilro--R well as myself nnl yon eaunot lu'vrena your prrd. On the other hand, joii would iliiiibilera (lull It very dltrlitilt lu trniel an Tavi it m you useil to lu the old dj Ho for 11 venture nier trlnl, yon 1,'iow- I linvc finlored au alrahlp bulit on i!io l,:iri pl.tiu -one tbnt will trawl 11 btinilii',1 uillee a mlii nta." "We nasd to do tbnt." sul.i-.i the old t reindeer saillj ' In fft. on,- I'hrUt mss tltns w bi-okc tii'll ii-rord nml wut a hundred and ten inili-s 11 inlnnle. Do you think, dearest beloved maater, tbat your alrahlp can do betier than tnslV "Ah. you dear old I'imilii t'nstfoot," aald Santa, caressing the old reindeer who had spoken and railing lilm by his pet name. "Those wore yruod days, I grant you. But von could not do that now. old frlrud. So joii shall rest this Christ I uiaa aud 1 shall try the ntniblp. If It ' fella to be suireasful. I sliull return to I niy ohl and trusteit reindeer aud uerer again dert them." Theu Sauta Clniis bid each reindeer au f affectloneto fnrewcll. wivlujf tbnt tbr air- j abip would lie conu-lru-d mnl del! i crc.l to hliu on tbe foll.IMIlg cunllir lil:d that he would fe k the toys and tic off as Boon si, be could do so. ttlvinn hlirself plenty of time to lunfce the Jour ney to earth in the cront of any unlooked-for delay through ac-i'Mi-ut. The follow In cveiilm: the reluder WHlchcd Willi many inlsgiviuM the prep (rations tfoini; 011 lu the atnble yard for Sn'. lu'w rnnurii on rl li inlt. A great umi .t tied then a monster with hi.: ' 1 .':s nml gueba-s, a mon ater thu: l:..:rt a heart nor a soul for the work- In hand. And tbe reindeer who had always lelt such pleasure In their work lionk t'odr anllers anilly, nylntr: "V lint doe.n hi alrehlp know about! If Santa crb out to It. 'Hurry up. my nlidilp. I ebAll be Uto nt the homed of my little friends If we dou't net s ni.ivo ou uu," do you think th lifeless thing will understand and respond as we always 1II1IT bio, no: Its wlngi will not 11 .1 the faster, nor will It cry linik. 'Aye. ve. ood maater; we'll fly faster tbuu the wind, for tbe little ones shall uot be UlMippidllted ' " About H o'clock, bv tb world's time, old Santa Onus, nlili his thousanda of toya done up in buita and boxes, got Into the airship und stmu-d earthward at a pretty good speed. Hut aooti he cam Into wntrary winds that carried hlin far from bl.4 desired destination, ftir they took hts alrahlp rlglil 10 th North Pole. Aud what did Ssnla want to go tlirre for? Thew wasn't a liutnau heiuir with in thousands of .Mt;," of tbe spot, let alone the thouaU: ( a 1 hild with a Oirlatmas etockb : l..uigln: belde the fireplace Heutu tited nlnly to guide the airship rightly, but, i, the reindeer had aald. the thing neither heart nor soul It was only a MACHINE. And ao tbe time sped by nrl Santa found him self In a terrible (Hlemnift. He used ev ery moans to make bis nirnhip fly either earthward or toward hi own realm ilbovi' the cIouiIn. but tl iUI'W bad got caii(ht lu tl n-Kiilnr wind ilnle wbtih swept like n hiiiiU'iiiie about tbe North Pole, Kotuit In one direction alt the time - round niitl romtd, like a spluiiiiii,' top. Just a Simla Onus vvee about 10 re sign himself t. the terrible fate which seemed Inevitable, i:,i-re was n sound of sletchbelia conltti; thruuffh tho air. Ae Santa came round toward Mie soiilh in ills revolution nbour Ihe Pole lie looked luudwarda, ami there there there he ftnw his own 21 reindeer eouiln nt a speed be bod never before wlt!Hs.ii.d. To them was hitched his dear old uleUh. the one he had used so mni.y, immv. many years to carry the thullMauils of loya to earth In. Hut how was he. Santa lo stop this machine, this terrible airship In Its whirl? rie was In the strong current of the wind and could not et out of It. But whllit he wuk trying to solve this uow (erlous pi-oblem .!d Piucgln-Ksetfoot reared In tbe air. caught th dg of the alrahlp basket ou his untter and etopped the ahlp. It waa but thr work of a few mlnntra to transfer the toys from the airship to tha ajetgh. aud Sniitn worked ns he had never worked before. When tbe last box had been coiistfued safely to a place In the trusty old slrlxli Kama loosened the airship basket from old Pnxgtu Knetfoot' antlers and away It went In Ita wild whirl around the North Pole, where Th thlasgr had got waajkt la m Ngahu ! Ireto whtoh aw rmp Uka kwislsaas Isnk rwto. Christmas Rebus. rsnsessesseeeesesJeajSrssJ doubtlaaa It still swiugs round (nd round, (lid will continue to do so nntll some great eiplorer goes titers and stopa It. Aa soon aa Santa waa ouce mora safe from the terrible airship and bad bis precloua toy. snugly packed sway for tbe journey he ran to Puggln-Feet foot, em bracing lovingly, aajlug: "Now, my dear trusted Puggln Foalfoot, how did you know I wu lu dletress? And how In the air did yen get here so quickly T' "We've heeu following you. great and good master," aald tbe old reindeer. "We all felt that aome accident ruayb fatal to yoo, at leaat fatal to the toya, and therefore the children might liefall yoa lo that hideous thing you call a modern alrahlp. So e i.eeieii tha ruble hand to bitch ue to toe trusty sleigh, aad ae followed you wMMu an hour sfler your departure. An, we'ie made alioot as good time ss dbl votir alrahlp, sir." For a few rr.mttte .nanta was too macb overcoin to speck- Tbe fnbmel; each reindeer In tarn aad thanking htaa for bis loyalty 'o so disloyal a maater. ha aald: "Xvsr again shall I forsake tha aid end tried friend for th aew. New, my boys, off we go to earth, as ba haea anr custom for, k: tbc anaay kus dreds of years. Aad not s mlaata shall we lose, for you ar la bttr eoadlttoa today thaa I bare ever aeca yoo. So Mag ss I lire t trigs ver Chrtatsaaa Time lust o long hH yea be ay treaty rarriera aad faithful friends. Aad new away toward tbe south, passing th wind s bird passe tha flowing stnasa." And the reindeer, k sowing that hat for their tlnvely sppeacsaca at the Karth Pt a terrtble tragedy area Id havw hap pened, ssrwk their sailer aad swept arer tha frwaea carvh Hk aa arrow to Ita Sight Aad Be aaa msmsat waa Saata Maaa aa CVnatmaa Eva. . Christmas Fun. MIS IDEA. Willie Say, Net, let' buy pop s) toad for t'hrtatniaa. Nettle Why do yoa waat to bay Uto S book? Willie 'Cauee I heard ass far ska wanted blm to turn over a aaer Wat PUZZLED BT DISCRIMINATION. Little Sambo Mammy, kla Sawty ( see In de dahk, same ss a eat? Ills Ulnar-1 danno, chlta. What mskes you s'piclon dat h could? Llttl Sambo H Mbbar am ksa aw mistake an' gibe m aoo of dsta asekfjl horses an' steam Injlnes Uka what O whit chillua git. GENEROUS FATHBB. Dobbins Given any tkoaght la ywar boy's Cbrlstms gift yet? Bobbins Why, yee l'r thonght sp a aplendld Idea, bat It would ba teat gap Inch to here no some Chrlatmaa ttxa. Oobbtss Ob: A sksd. oh? BobblBs Ms. I thought I aeigat on mw mnu. Nevwr, se ir play arttk Irs, Never tell pa baa. Never pall tha p assy's tail. Never touch ai l pica. The When Santy come dining Wltk his ha- In He will tears s lot of For Iks beat af hoys. Conundrums. When a soldier Ilk haaff Whew to qaanara. Whea la a dark Bk a dlsaetJsdsd Whew atrtklag. Why k a widow Uka a aai aha la to ba taaad to Wkea to a ballon Bk aa atoanl Whaa aaat tt sagkk.

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