X i , l!i(Klav,V rliary 1, lfKlS TUB AST1EVILLE CITIZEN: FAGK&fcvr.n; FINANCIAL. FINANCIAL. TRAPS FOR THE TRUSTING 1 4 I Hi LTV? OLD YEAR GO WITHOUT REGRET (By Associated Press;) ' ' ;EYv YOBK. Dec;' 81. The stock s- ittk.?coinmnnllv a the expiration meear vmi wiuvrai regret, mil wttn Ina sMnmpt l cheerful expectation for V coming Vr. Tli c heerfiil sentiment 'Weil jBiijnp or ueina; forced to . iogree cl was not maintained tkrouKhoot the Moim Vhe principal Incentive io the ;eavancQ in yneee cam irom ),' where there mi Ouite a wkle- i .feeling of eiuyniniitement over the n tor quick improvement In ie i im situation after the turn of the , 1X1 we wan a pronounced recession j! private discount rale In Lomlon Iriulent . aSHUinpUoft that I lie Bonk lino!i'6fneliil rate would come Thursday, ' ' . - -AH anoney marker was affected rV operations incident to the tast ptiiei.yaer but not to anything: -X( extent that had been drendett. of 4 ht aching tat in the day was llanal profit taking baited in the ' taf -several days past. There wan Hrehenslon of commercial embur M'H a prorript relaxation Is now f for wiVh',wtir'Wd4 facilities for Mt mercantile credit. A process of lion In general business la rcanrd essential following the violent up 11 n the banking world. Last ' feare about Ihe lowest. Bond, . Vtiales-par value including: Cop f.'; Tobaeto, !; A., C. U. ; IO., ,070; L. and N., 600; Penna. , Reading, 119.100; Union Pacini', Southern Railway, SUA; pfd., 700; , prollha Chemical, 400; pfd.. 100; "loo : stocks; ( fay Associates) Praia.) Kxprtss y mated otner . ... ...163 .. 40Ti ... 30 .. U .. 24 .. 70 ...170 .. 13 .. 1 .. .. J74 .. 3414 ... MN. .. 70ii .. 2 kin Car and foundry ... kd ... ... .:. bn Cotton Oil ... ... Ud fan Express ... vuj Hide, ami Leather ... saf ice Unseed Oil ... Ltfaimtotiv ... MmeltLns; and Tlefng ... k Mugar Refining- f Tobacco, pfd. certlf... ..100 .. 72W Wllllllg CO. . . ... 6 . . Sli , .. m ... 811 ,..78 ... 3S ...153 ...1S ..30 ... 8'4 ,.136 Mi ..J(I4 .. 3 .. 11 .. r.r.H .. i ... 234 .. 61 .. 42 .. 6H .. 10 . . nS ..14T v.. f Coast Line , . ip and Ohio ... ... . IS HaVrt ' Transit S Paiilic .... J . Jnt New Jersey ... . lake and'Ohlo . J,reat Western t jand Nortliweatern :llMI, and St, Paxil ... jsierniinal and Trans "t Blld Kt. Umls ... . Fuel and Iron ... ... and -Hout hern ...... , ft" V"i ... ... t ... . . . . "1 lias ... Ufucts find son. ' f. IjlKii jlKiiWHima and Went ...416 ami lite .tirnnile 60 2 I6& .. ..'. .. 34. 4 , 110 123 Js! Securities ... t4 Pfd ". ' if pfd ... ... Kleotrlc JOntrar... ... . lonal, paper . lonal Pump .... . .. ... ... 62- 12" 65 tnti iMty Smitharn ... n and Nashville 111.! entrai lis and 8t, Iniia P. 11 nd Pault. Sie. M. . . 80 I 117 45U .'' UHd Texas'!!. 24 .. 24 64 .1! f Moxlito pfd 6 42 1 04 . mi : 64 . 76 . 42 . 25 .109 . 7 . 6. . 1 7 .14ft . 65 . 7 ,7 .14 . M . . 16 . 28 . 2 141, 2H . 73 - a and Western Htern iyeiea !;'. I'lllllk Louis 008811 dintri ate, . . 1 filMl 1 1 nevsj lhallipc A ih .106 t CI l Jlwav . atopobina'V. thol(AMiw,"" I Tp 1- ' - ..no .. 70 . . . 36 ... .. 76 .i tt . 1 .. . . 111 im . .200 4:' .. 7'i .. 14-S . ?.3 ,.!IS !. ' . . as 14 . . I llUi ntii ftteel . amUna Chemical . , KO Lxpresa . . use Klectrle . . . "nlon ind lke Krle Central ... .. atlier 4 leld ihern . ... Met... 1 t. M4 I : I I CHICAGO CATTLE. By Associated Pratt,) Money. fHv lated Peets.) 31. Alotiey on call .ivvt -YORK, cent; rullnw rale. l. Sinn. . -,.' , at 16: .lime loans k loeioe act .e; 60 d;iiys anu e sier aim 8. six mon..... .:.rtin-g exchange. - t- nrin lueivan- . " . to. 10; sterling 1-exchange iVi " actual business lV banker fa? 464.16 to 20 for demar. n, a t To "5 for 60 day bills. .? ,r silver. I hills. .utiieie1al to ?i 4.77 t dollars, mr silver. J v.; Mext- b,. 4 i. ' . .I d.l JZ 1 PRY GOODa S ' . ...... Preilt 7 ' 3?.?itT Tie.Tlie h-y g.-xls J ftF.W i'ahoWe-J asfttfht im- rnarket ""kand. . Mn , un o'.et'." er . d Yanj. ( . ana . "til ttvm J xiim 11 "'1 3. hm w. L, 1111 ia "Von 1 .."t"-- , " '" i i ems per nniiml nils yen r raised fwi. 5 76 to Tw hi Ms L 1, t'-: total value .7..an..0oo irhove the Inkers' I an! fee.L- 40 4 ', previous high water mark , estal.lih..d 'Jeeseeinl. 1-T (!MI " ln k .o ft,. !,. '" '-er, when the average price Ch"l.v .StnV f-' , . i B,',ut lw" lier-prmnd lower. irf 7 i a'.wi.l' .i.ed is Conflicting lnflei,oes-'ui.lted to -pro- Vrs, 4.55 to 4.kj; light ixed. I r ,,,. VHM, in ,hr lt.. ,vi ,rui B..,4 rJL-0' 4-50 ,0 ,,,"k ,rf j wblch lias been without precedent f,,r B ,L. . 1. . .i.,.,.'111 volume of huslness done, hut which feepTAV? ,"J.f0,m -in in i- I lws a" h"n hev-oinnbed with dls- fen 3 7S a n f ' 1 . !tt"",a' 10 '! appointments ami reduce the averafe of fZluuM, .m. to ""' I i mPrht otherwise be regarded as n - -r- r . AlA Asaodj D BONDS. , y Aaaoelataal eVaaa.) !lr. 8, refinullni; i, reKiKtered . . . do., eniiptm ,. ... , T. a. 3s. registered . . . ... ... " di.i. coupon ... V. 8. new 4a, resisterad do. courton . . . ..Id I Vt ...H ...Iflli4 .101 '..11 ...IIS Arwrl.-on Tohaivn 4s HI do. 4a ... , ... 44 AichiMin awnenal 4a K!k i4 8Hi Allnnlfc "-,, hi ,ne 4s . rialtlmnre and Ohio 4a . Hiooklyu H." T. Vv." 4a' '. ' . '. Central of r:er,ririA r.u . ; . VI , r, . 42 . 38 . !W , 634 . 4i . 62, .74, . 03 . 4"4 . 6K . Ml wH . SO . 7 . I :h 67V. h. . inc... ;'... .:..: no. 2iHi Im do. aid Inc Chisapeake and Ohio 4'Aa Chiwgo nnd Alton 3H ChlcoRO, II. and ijulncy new 4s .. Chicago. It I, and Pacini; B.--K 4h. do. cul. T,n C. ...C. tj. and Hi. Uniis gen. 4a.. Colorndo Industrial :m Ser. A Colorado Midland 4s Civlomdo and :4outliern 4a Cut 6s . . .. 1-enver ami Rio i;mnde 4s Distillers' Securities (a Krle prior lien 4s Kite genrml 4s Hocking VuUcy 4M-s Japan 4a, certincntca do. L'nd Heiles Louisville ami Nash. Untried 4a . . Manhattan eonsol gold 4s Mexican Central 4a do. 1st lae Minn, anil St. Louis 4s ... . ,. .. Missouri, Kansas and Texas 4s do. 2nds National R. R. of Mexico eonsol 4s. New York Central gen. 3s New Jeraey Central general 6a ... . Northern Pacific 4a do. 3a ... . Norfolk and Western consol 4a .... Oregon Hhort Line rfdg 4a fenn. cv. 3fs Heading General 4s . St. L. and Iron Moun. consul 6s . . St. L. and San. Francisco tg. 4s . St. Louis 8'weatern con. 4a Kealmard Air Line 4a . i . U H . 62 . 94 . MH . 77 KVi .11 .100 . H . S3 . 86 iy . Mfi .104 . 76H 6H4 southern Paclttc 4s 82 Southern Pacific 1st. 4s certificates. . 0 Houthern Kailwav r,s Texas and Pacific lata Toledo, St. L. and Western 4a Union Pacific 4s do. c. 4s ...... V. S. Steel 2nd 6s Wabash lts Deb. n Western Mil. 4s Wheeling and Ijike Krle 4s ... Wisconsin Central 4s .laiian 4s Atchison cv. 4s ... ;.. ... ... do. Ss .... ' lnterurban-Met. 4Hs ... ... 99 ..107H . . 67 . .10114 . . 60 . . i . .106 V, . . 44 " . '. S I .. 78 '4 . . MH, . . 05 ..68 CHICAGO GRAIN fBv Associated Prass.) CHICAtiO. le 31. Wheat priies on the liwal exchsnge advanced atiout ? cents from the low jiolnt today heiauae of a brisk demand from shorts. At Hie close Mav showed a net gain of 1 cent. Coin was up 1 to IVs. Outs were higher. I'rnvlalona unclianged to cents lower. , Open, High. Low. Close. WHEAT Iiec, 1 103 m 55 4 67 63H 52 47 40 00 ir.r n 6ft 59 53 62 47 40 SI u, v .,106V4 ! !. 50 .. 68 -A .. 64 .. 62 KW'i 0t, 59 July . . 7 (JOHN Dec. .. Msy.:'.. Julv .. .. OATS May, old May, new July, old 4 i"i 4Vi July, new 4(1 U, MESS PORK. Per bh. Jun,.. ..12.37V. 12MM 12.37V4 lS.Vi liar.. .. ..13.06 13.12V4 13.05 13.10 LARD, per 100 lba. Jan; 7.60 7.05 7.60 7.65 May,, .. 7.80 7.85 7.80 7.85 SHORT RIBS, per 100 fbs. Jn. s. :t.2U .a g J.flO -J M- NEW YORK CATTLE. (By Associated Press.) NEW YORK. Dec. .3!. Beeves receipts. 1.561; prlcCH sternly; western steers, or dlnarv, 4.35; calves receipts, 115; veals, 8.00 to 9.75; western calves,. -,1.75 to 5.00. Sheep and In nibs receipts, l : aheep, 3.00 to 4.60; lambs, 7.26 to 7.90: culls, 5.m. - Hogs receipts, 4,211; nominally steady. DUN'S ANNUAL REVIEW . CBy Associated Pren.) - NKW YORK,, nee. 3I.-The withdrawal of 1125,000,000 frdm a few large ruat companies,, precipitating; n season of hoarding and sending currency to a premium at "at time when it 'was most needed, throughout the country. Is cred ited Mi R. ;. Dun and Company's annual review of trade pnbllshed tomorrow, with having been one of the great factors In turning the year 190 from ita prom ise of new records In prosperity to ft closing period , of financial disturbance that caueed may plans for future ex tensions of business to be 'either aban doned or postponed. The restoration of normal conditions, the review declares, depends upon easier money and a re vival of conf'.dehoe, both of which seem nearer today at anv time since October when the stringency began. While fail ures were frequent during the last quar ter 'of the year, the review points out that if the comparison is carried back to previous-period 1 of distress, there Is rmien, co u for contratulatinn. In the. In-1 sol'in ; le u.ns. The review, aaya in peu:'.' 1 'VJ .f.n ,f h In v caaes the size of crops In 1607 Tell below some preced ing years, high prices made the return to the farmer much larger than ever be- nre. 10 some extent short crops In 'other countries accounted for the high .rr.. notably In the case of - wheat, foi 1 v I i -Ji foreigners were willing to pn : more tliun a dollar per bushel during I lie closing? months. "Adding the value 'of cotton, meats, i dalrv in-oducts. poultry, eggs Snd all oth er Hems niised by llie agrlculmilst. the year s total . attains tlie phenomenul val ue of I7.41W.OOO. Cut ton lias ruled nt s high tHisltinri 1 1 1 1 1 .1,(1111 mi toe yesT. while the latent statistics of the crop Indicate a vicld f 12.ooo.ooo hairs nr in per cent less! ll.an the high record estnhllslied in Dif previous vear. The old crop year, ended "n August 31, wlili the largest total ever harvested, and Willi exports exceeding all other years, except liirt".. as to timn- nty. wniie the liltfli sveiitKC exuort urice moat successful Iwelve months. Although tunes nroKe n loaer flguras than had 'en reached lMfore in about a dele. leather kept fairly steady throughout most of 1. year. The compal-Hthe steadiness of leather values has been due almost entirely to the curtailment of pro duction. The year has been characterised as a period of retrenchment in the shoe trade, and prices .have undergone a readjust ment from the top rates that prevailed late In 19IMI. 'i, "Clianaes In' the Iron and ateei Industrv during 190T were more striking than elsewhere, particularly In respect to the volume of. production. During the earlv nurt of the vear there was a gradual increase In output, the weekly active ea tweity of Mast furnaces constant I v estab lishing new records until the high point WHS reached on ..I11K I, with a toial of 588.170 tons of pig Iron per week. From this point a moderate decrease oc curred .until Inward the end of tlin year it was estimated that not more than nlsiut-39 per cent of the entire iron ami sloe! capacity was InoDeratlon. As to prices moderate reductions necured durl ln the closing months hut no general change was made in list prices of stand ard shapes of ateei," Icotton had a ,f.5.;c.QXJIET DAY 1 ' (By AaaoTtd Prtt.k NPrW'TORK. lec i.The cotton nvrket waa ery unlet today but ruled ateadv to llrni and closed very steady at an advance of M to J7 points, rtules ea tiinated 150,0110. Market eened steady at a decline of one plnl t aa advance of I points, which was Just about the tine wun tne nmiwiug 01 toe rdwinn market wliere prices failed to reind to vestenlay's kMl gains r near Ht tlons. Ixil shnwmt m full response on ktter posilkuis. Uuiing the early session liera ttiera was a von.utieranie ueiimnn mmi WH atreet and New tkieans on won iirico soon u.ld un to a net an In of lu I pointav but during the niKl.lte ol the uriv Hie nwraei was at n pncura KtnndNtlll and tlwiw were idlffht reees sions us a twault-- of reallaiiui. Towar llw i.Luw. the inarkat became JUthc laim si.ilvn atiice nmm and reached lh hiKlicsi point uf the ilay on covering by' early sellers and moderai.1 smiport frtini kul bulla. The close was within a point of the top. Then Was little news from outside Hourcc but aoine private wires mere reHlviHl clulmiilfi ixinlliiueit nrni ness In the Interior, and southern "tKit markets aa ufilcjully reported were tin clinnayd to 3-ta tiiglinr. The lixl nuir ket llw Iba cbvaed on Wednesday. re opening for business un Thursday nwrn big. while IJvorpooi and New Orleans win remain c 10 sea on uotu veanesMt17 And 'IMiuesdnv. Keoeipts at . tlw porw today, 7,SU OKainm 4,3i' last weea nna u,si uisi ywif. Folr the week 140.000 against 3f., 341 last week, and 314.492 last Year. Today'a 'receipts at New Orleans, 4.743 agnlnat 10,s4 s"l year ana at Houston 17T973 against 20,331 laat year. , Knot cloned miteli mlddllna linlands. 11. Ml; jniddUng guif. ' 12.05; sales. ,400 bale, Futures steady. upen. itign, wjw. wiosc. fJecsmher. Januai-y February , Match . . Aprit .. . May;.. .. June .. . July ' . . . August , . October . . ..Si, SO 11. CO 11.30 ..0.& 19.74 i0.B 10.73 10.69 loss 10.83 .10.77 105 10.77 10.94 . 10.98 10 96 10.97 .10.86 10.96 10.84 10.98 10.9; .10.83 .10.70 . 10.05 10.90 10.81 10.9.' 10.73 10.72 I0.o NEW ORLEANS COTTON (By Associated .Praia.) NKW ttia.KANSTtW. 31.Cottnn spots were 1 eady at an advance of on all grades. Middling IIS; sales. 2.37.'. bales on tins spot ami l.ffjfl to. arrive. Futures o)cned steady, t Io 4 points luMow the cloee yesterday aa a result of disappointing cables. The local ex change will I closed tomorrow and Thursday, but the disposition to avoid a trying over the hollilavs was nor. as marked as it usually Is. On the other hand..- there was considerable buying by room traders Immediately after the open ing and this brought about an immed iate advance' lu prices. Ijocal sentiment appeared to lie laraely bullish In the 11 1 1 -sii of any great umoutit of selling and the trend of the market was upward throughout the day. until "at the close, which was unlet and steady, the 'active list ranged from 8 to points above the close yeaterday. rinsing bids: January, 11.16; Febru ary, J1.14; March, 11.16; April. 1 41,18; May, 11.20: June, 11.20; July, 11,22. LIVERPOOL COTTON. (By Associates' preas.) LIVERPOOL, Dec. 31. Cloain!rTiton spot quiet; prices live ' points higher: American, middling, fair. 4. so; good mid dling,: 6.44; middling, 6.18; low middling. 5.84; good ordinary. 5.42; ordinary, f.wt. Sales. 6,000. pf which 300 were for spec, ulatlnn and export and Included 5.900 American. Receipts. . 30,000, Including 23.100 American. Futures -opened and closed steady; American middling, g.-o. e, January. 6778; January-February, 6.78: February-March, 6,7914; .March-April; 5.81; Aprtl-My, 6.82; May-June, 6.82 Si; .Ilinc-July, 6.82; Jiily-Augit, 6.80; Aug-tist-Heptemlier, 8.7 1; Octolr-Novnmber, 6.50. . . -. NAVAL STORES. (By Associated Press.) WILMINGTON, d. 31, Spirits tur pentine Steady, 39U; receipts, 10 casks. Itosln. steady, 2.60: receipls, 102; tnr, nothing doing; receipt, 42. Crude turpentine, llrm, 2.00, 08.0 and 3.00; receipts, 0. . . ASHEVILLE PRODUCE. Tho retail price of Produce as corrected' dally by Hiram- LJndsey., Apples, 30 to 76o peck. - . tieeta, 60 bunch. Rreakfast Bacon, 10 to Ho lb. Rananaa, luo do. Beana, 10 to 16c o.uart Brussels sprouts, 260. basket. Celery, 6 to J60 buncb of I atalka Cheese, (5 lb. CMckens. 20 to 45o sach. Chestnute, lto qt. . Chestnuts (Italian) Uo pound. Chestnuts, 13 ni Cabbaie, S and lOo head. Cauliflower, 26a each. . Country Butter, 26 and lto lb. Corn Meat, 26o peck. Cranberries, 15c. qt., I qts. for 26c. Citron, 25c. Coffee, 16 to 40c lb. Cucumbers, I60. each. Carrots, 6a, bunch. Eggs, 33a dos. Flour. 76 to 90c sack. FIga. lttte. to 25a lb. ., - Grapes. 16 to 80c basket. tUniaf 19 and 19e lb. Honey, 2o lb. Hay, $1.25 per 100 Iba. Lettuce. 5 and 10c head. Leek, 60 bunch. Lemons. 25c dos. I.ma beans, ,15c qt Mint; 6i bunch. Mixed Nuts. 20c ifi? Molasses (N. O.). c gsl. .Molasses (N. C., 50c gal. Oiarges. 30, 36, 40 and iOc. dna. Onions. 30c Popcorn. 10c don. . tlirslev. 5n lttinch. Parsnlpa, 8e bunch. Peaihea. dried. 2c Pinenpplca 25 and 30c earn. Potatoes. 25c peck. Pheasants. 75c e h. lYunes, ' 2'A to 15c. I'linipklns. 0 to 20c each, 'Ponunis. 2.i to 60c sack. Qunll. 12 to 15c each. Rabbit a, loc eaeh. ltadlshes, 5c. buncb. -Squirrels. 10c each. Squash. 10c each. Spinach, 20c peck. Spanish Onions, 6c each. Salsify, 6 to 7c bunch. Turnlpa, 6o bunch, 10c peck. Turnip Greene. -IOc peck. Discipline. A FrroelMnan as" lorn hlug lu a large aclioiil. whore- bo hstl s reputa lion for tuukins some queer uilstnkes One ilay be wo diking a class which vru mlber tllsorilcrl.r. Wlwt with the heat toil trontlesotne lm.rs h "a very KtiniiptKU. Having puutnliptl spy eral boys ouil aut one Io the Imttotn of the forui. ho at last sliouled out In a passion. "7je wlto'e chiss go to it hot torn!-' Imrton Scraps. Wasted Time. 'Vot arsj' wasting your time palntlus pictures." "But 1 Aj my plcluresi" protested the artist. ( "And that convluovs uie that you can soil anything. Such being toe case, tyhy out take- up life Inmirauce or steel tirltlire or sonii-tljltig with Mg roorw-T la Itr-IxiuisvUle Courler-Jotirual. Greater Skill Employed in Fishing for Investment er$" .-Thin Ever Was Used by n Angler in ' Entrapping the Wily Trout , OY HON. WILLiAM Comptroller of bid you eer, observe ihe fine craft with which th xperlenred ungler picks the fly lor- hl irout hook? The nice, discrimination with which lie chooses between severul daintily feathered batts which, to the ordinary tngler, would tpier to offer to ' the ihy and ftcl tfotit about canal ponsl bllltlea pf tetfiptatlonT And Ihe mor ttrold and backward the imut htpiien to be at that particular place and sea son the greater the care with whlrh the follower pf Walton will weigh the merits of one fly against those of an other, placing theory arid hearsay evidence on nan aide and his owl per sona! experience) on the other, i. Aft the cunning and discrimination which the expert angler throws into the choice tit the feathero which are to disguise the hoofc anJ tempt the trout,- the clever Investment acneraer puts Into the picking of phrases with which to feather his appeals to the credulity of the small lnvastora of the counuy. Anglltui for trout anil fishing tor In vestment "aucket" "have many points of similarity and the most obvious of these Is the art & which the bait Is chosen rind arranged. In lh one case tho material employed are toa-th-ers of varlud colors; tit tho other the skill of the workman in demonstrated by the cunninK with which he handlea worda--ahd phrases wblch experience oves to be sure la their appeal, to the curiosity, the ' Interest and the cerdulily of men -: and ; women ' who bave saved a few dollars and wish to make them produitlve., ,: In all the 'phraBWiloEy of tricky finance 'there is no word o or worked as "guarantee." And . tbla mean that' experience hm proved It to be highly ctTftf-tlva ln the hooking of "sucKera," Dcpetift . Upon It that nd' word or phrase aviiioves hiarked popularity'' in the It,rature of tb "small investment' appeal which has tiot demonstrated Its rare effectives ness as an axency ot-dvooutloo: If the small lnvesttil-a of this coun try could reach anything like a fair kuowledge of Just ho much and how lttle there ta lb each of these appeal. Inc "catch words," In each phrase, the plausibility of which hat bees sclen tiflcally tested, tbey would be well cm tbe way toward bclns able to protect themselves against the cleverest and most convincing of these appeal. Perhaps the wetter can do the public more service in ' analysing a feif of tbese "star phrases", than by any amouut of denuhclatlon of the wild cat scheme and schemers which da serve as harsh a characterization as any man can frame. But, to return tn the word 'guarantee," which ha attained first rank in tbe terminology of the Investment trickster, there i scarcely a circular, folder or adver tisement or any other' piece of litera ture put out by tHe pot auufeae. of small saving which doe not dlsTsls tbe word "guarantee ' in big type and with reiterated emphasis. If the insti tution chapces to he of a financial character 1 1 self ratlief than a mining, oil or industrial concern, tho word "guarantee," ox Its twin, "security," will be found Incorporated lulo the name of the company, (let a list of 100 wildcat Investment schemes vblch are dead beyond hope of resur rection and H Is a ;ifa jircillctlou that oie-liair the names vfjl con tain (tie words "guarantee" of ' security." These two words a e as riliniiioii to th eye In the grni"y.rd of fake In vestment schemes as are llmse of Smith, Jones or Hro a, In any country cemetery : they sdora practically every other tombstone In tho last rest Ing place of defunct financial frauds. Tbe question of the value of cither of these words In t lie title of a cor poration or concern Is dliposed of by the statement that there Is no legal restriction In tbe choice uf name of companies; the organisers are. as free to name their flimsy ,cratum "The Rock of Gibraltar (Juaranty Security Company" as the parent is to saddle a weak undersized male child with the name of Samson. And, at , a rule, (here ta aa much license or propriety In giving the name of the mighty en" my or the Philistines to a tttftited boy aa there Is fur applying "the name "guaranty" or "security" to a com pany tThfCb goes out after the savings of the ''stnaH Investor." WhyT Be cause the companies which are really warranted in mnklng either of these word a part of their corporate nam do not have to go into tbe highway anil hedge and beat the busbc for Try a Citizen . 1 until e ' l:- m 1 if i 11 1 I L n I V- , it 111 rs. ni 11 W pui a- 1 1, -1- ii - 1 1 liON. WILLIAM . RIOQEUrV" Suck- BARftET R IDG ELY, th Currency. their btislueit; It corn fo them by fore of their financial strength. They have no need to drum it up., Itowever. scores of , oil, mining and investment companies which do not use either of these clever catch Words ! in their corporate titles cannot be charged with undervaluing the"pulh ing power" of stub phrases tn theit literature this kind of baA Is em ployed with ttie greateat skill and, plausibility On of the most p'onmum ways In Which this Idea IStlrenKed Is this: "We Ruarnnti'o yiA under all condi tion and atalHiniet to Rtt you. with OutrCoSr "to yourself, the highest nilir ket price fur your holdings." Tbl sounds very assuriug; .t carries with (4 a proteM-tlve and almost paternal at mosphere, and seldom fail to Inspire tn the trusting Investor the feeling that there Is a strong hand ready to take the investment oft hla shoulders the moment It threatens to become ' urden.' Thls particular nhrase daily fortunate andJlcAlr-try way of 111 tratlon, for the reason that It couple with the word "guarantee" another term which ia a warm favorite with tho word, artist of the get-rich-qulck studies. 1 refer to the phrase "high est market value." Wherever either of these clever sig nal to credulity I displayed tho. pos sible ..Investor should invariably r tnemhef these point.' First. A guarantee It never stronger than tbe guarantor. Second. A security only hit a "mar ket value" lu the fair and true aentse or the term wher a large demand for )t meets a large supply; there, and there only, exists an active market; and a genuine "market value." . i Let tbese two propositions (which; any reputable banker or broker will tell yon are axiomatic be eonsldereilj separately! There la no vlrtim la lii: Word "guarantee." If this simple fart could hav been firmly fixed In thj minds of the small Investor tit thid country they would have been saved j the loss of millions of dollar since, our present period of wondssftnt pros perity began. In these day of highly ! perfected business organisation th process of finding out 1b ' real r Bpohalbillty of any financial or bus! tiriii cohcern has been reduced to aa! exact science 4nd made available U ail. I It reasonable to suppose, un-( dfer the condition that any com-; pony or corporation which cinnot tund on tta own feet cn get any r ponslbl toncera to guarantee Iti bond of other so-called ucurllletli Never! Such ' aupposltlon I absurd on the face of It and W rhstaht); whararii bat i been dor, la not, so fat, as I know, to b found lu actual prao tlce. Dig down under th "guarantee' of th company wblch ask you to la vest your laving and what do yon tlndT That It you do Invest you and ybur fellow victim ir taity youf Own guarantors; that th ftnaticlaJ strength of th concern I realty tho money which you and your associate! pbur Into It i that It only financial lift Mood come from th pur bt ibt small investor and that when tht stream of vitality from this our be gin to dry tip th service of tht financial undertaker ar In near and Inevitable damknd. Reduced to It last analysis, the black type declaration d! a "guarantee" In th literature of tbt "Ket-rlch-qulek" concern (imply meant that It ha something to sell yon. Gen erally It it alto an Invitation to you t pay In advance for th flower IP adorn your own financial funeral. J A to the other pet phrase: "Hlg j est market value" or .market valuti of any kind for that matter a very' few word will suggest tbe situation: Excepting where a very large d; maud meet a very largo pply n ! free, open and comparatively un ' inunlpulated market, where sate ar reuularly made of record and those j record" command Ihe respect and rnn 1 fidetict! of the legitimate financial pub lic, there Is no "market value' suv ftirit which la arbitrarily made by tfft Iniikcr. Ho Is the market; he make I lie price by llt simple ropesa ol thiiinbs up ' or ' iliutiihs down:" Tlid mim ho is. on the "sucker" llsl of h wildcat concern recelvoer ah an nouncviiii'iit t tint all Indication's point to the riiticltmitiii that next week tht slock uf ihe Honor bright company .111 .ml nl not less than five poinlH In advance "t Hie orcMil Jrlco." Nexl week ho notice i hot tlin prVdlC- lion Of an advance ha, proven true. II i be It nnaophlstlcaieil enough be r j oeivwa the annomicoiiu'iit with sulonio credulity and crcdlis the author of tht; promotion literature Hh great acu-l nin and shrewd prophetic powers. 11 i flexes-up. the proflis he would liavtj niaile on the advancn and condemn' blmewlf for not heediint tho advice ol j the "cotifldentlar' sdvic to "buy quick." What he does not consider is th fact that be Is dealing with a fictitious market where the seller simply make up bis mind how much he will ad i ante the stock In question and than, when the time comes, mtrks it tip and makes tbe announcement of the 'sharp advance.'' This trick Is turned aot only for the purpose of getting larger pric per share, but mainly to tickle the cdpidity of hesitating In vestoaa and making sales which other a lso coo id not have been made. . tCoprlhl. by Joseph fl. gowles. Want ad S cVny T K. DEPOSITOHV. TOE AMERICAN , Tho only Hunk lu AshovIM irtAW eai .... al.. .1 ........ 1 1 " mlr ' i.t-iu. mi iiiiit- tn'i'imun, iXO. II. CAHTKIt, l,n5to . J. HAKItIM, Vh-e-Pr. J. P. SAWYER, Pres., .. J. E. EAHKlN,.Cashit. BATTERY PARK BANK ASHEVILLE, N. C. CAPITAL $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS 100,000.00 Transacts a General ' Banking Business. : , Spci i.il ;iltontioii iris'on to Collections. Four per cent iiileicst paid on timo deposits. THE DATil T1.l,n4M..Hl T-k r 111.11 JopOMl LlUCUti Ul Ul. ViUTUii ill Sanitarium is Open to tne Public. Trained attendants are present at all tlmas. prepared to intelligently admin- star Turkish, Russian. Cabinet, Eleo- Light and Medicated Hatha, Haiti , AKoliul Rub, General and 8pe- nosang. Ladles will Dnd tit e accommodations and attendants unusoally pleasing, i and may bin Uo specln) appolnttnsnts byhone. Sunday Treatments only by! sppolntmenu g' PHONH 2l-R R. H. BURKS, DKNT18T. Office, Maxwclton Build inr, Hooins 1 and 2. 4 Over StmmerVStoro. Itourss fin. m. to 5 p. m. , - W. A.-WARD. io North fack Square, ...Phone 448. Electrical Contractor, rittnrea, UH,illfw, EtK Last rrtr-O.I f- il-rinirw Ke7 'liiiiliilillliiiil'i'ii'"""" W" - r k 4h - 1 ,r Id Asheville Electric Co. Phone 69; . .J..1 M Our 1908 Same liCHt JlK'Hl bent for tlie in the state least. T The Woodlawn Cafe "TIh- plmc ttliere Um erllli nl ones nm utlsfv llw-lr HtH't l.n M. VWSOX. MnniiKer, , , - " 4 bo a in Main mrrrt. v START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT. Eat Star Meat It. means kc-oI health for you in 11K)8 and we wish you happiness and prosperity. , '"i I IM STAR MAREETjL Phone 66 uSST-f Beckham-Emanuei Seporlinp Commercial Rtenogfapher, Copying entlons. ltooneiaot Caldwell Building.' Phon 171.' ' .'- f ; k NATIONAL' DAMJ IseiMwIla 1,008,000. ' loieynment fan per v (elon. Four i.uwix M.ri;ii. vii-o-i'iH-a.-.' It. M. KIT7.lATltHIVt"Hliler. r ' A NEW VOLUME OF ' TIME. -1908.: It has 5(15 poffes. all blank. You are accorded the privilege of writing on them. WW yon write a story of "Success" or "c'nllure?" , , ',-. . 8AVK That I tlan . mnglc word qint bprfn the door of "suit-eaa.'1 Begirt a, bank I'outu today! lion't welt! lie- Rilwlrt I Itsy, Vny 0,"A . Slurray, V. I .Itilill A, fantpbell," taslile. leslifna;etl Itcposiitsry of Vnlicd ,t - -tx, i 1 f Btatoa Court runita. AS a wy of heating your room In the evening at a "very Utile t . cost, tou'v only (o get a gat radiator and th thing la don. ' Toil ran have heat whenever . ..'V you want, wherever you want ? oa at on a you want Ton eta hav It la any room, aa I Jutt as ehaap for heating aa It I oonvenlsnt. ' 1907 for nSc. and jthe jnost of tlu and reporting of courts, spocchea and -if . 11 itmsaaiiiiiMi'Lji v.mmmn-u,,- OS- . .it ba .2!,aea . 1 ' C i

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