COLLVER SPECIAL GOES THROUGH TRESTLE: SCORE ' OF PASSENGERS INJURED ONE VIEW OF THE QUESTION THREE JURORS ACCEPTED : Ttt SERVE ON THE TRIAL PANEL FOR HARRY THAW SEVERE STORM OS THE N. 4, COAST Most Terrific . Storm In Many Yeajrs Is Reported Engineer ; and Fii'emanjJQpl P uaugnt ynaer uao or ACROSS COUNTRY Engine Fatally Hurt. INJURIES PROVE FATAL TO THREE .Wrecked Train Was Annual Excursion Run from -- Cleveland to Florida. ATLANTA. OA.. Jan. 7. Running at ,' speed of thirty miles an hour th -gecbnd' section of an excursion ' t4iv on U)e Southern railway from Cleveland, .pbJo.,', known as the Coll . ver special and bound for Florida ' points, piunged through a trestle over . Copper Mine Creek, about 60 miles west of Atlanta today and aa a re sult S persons oi-e dead, and two fat ally Injured and, elshty passenger .were .so .seriously Injured as to rs aulre medical attention. It was near ly mid-night, athen the .Southern railway's relief trWa reached Atlanta ', bearing the body oP Engineer James Edwards and about fifty of the injur- " Hoover, of Columbus, Ohio, who Is in dying -condition and Florenoa a I Btudebaker, f Cleveland, internally injured and probably, fatally - hurt Road .Foreman of Engines Schnapps and the negro' fireman, Mose Baldwin both fatally injured, were also on (the rolie train, . lifted from the car window and con veyed to local hospitals- while some of those hurt were able to take cabs to local hotels.. " :.. Wires IWa Down. . - ' -o'clock this1 afternoon, Ave vestlbuled Piillmans being precipitated 25 feet to tho. bod of the creek, which was nearly dry. one of the Pullmans be big torn asunder. . Two hundred pas sengers' went down with, the? coaches. Copper Mine trstle is twtwean Hir am and Dallas, Oa., in thinly, set i0 tle section. A.-'hi',.. Road, i ortinsaa .or. -Engines BCUnspp d Fireman Mose Baldwin died ortly after reaching the city. .Ktv" tf- the seven cars want a the mud, and as a result boore or mora passengers,, most them residents of Ohio, were ln- fred. None will die. The only ser iously hurt are Engineer Edwards, who was caught beneath the cab of hia engine when it' overturned after clearing the trestle, and Road Fore man of engines Snapp, and the ne gro fireman. Edwards and his fire man probably will die. Bnapp will re cover. The Injuries to the passengers con sist chiefly of broken limbs and bruises. The Injured. The injured In the Atlanta hospital are: Mr. R. W. Orlswold, Ashtabula, O., Internally Injured and badly bruised on head. Mrs. R. W. Grlswold, Ashtabula, O. bruised on back and limbs. Mr. and Mrs. Orelghton of Ashta bula, O.i slightly bruised. Mrs. Elisabeth Smith ef Cleveland. O., back hurt and probably seriousry internally injured. Mr. anrfMrs. R- E. Smith of Cleve land," O., Slightly bruised. ."Mr, '" Elizabeth y. Rowbotham. tueveland. O.. slightly bruised. Mr. K. Peel, Cleveland, O., slightly braised. ' ' -"i 'j-H, Rogers and son, Cleveland, O., badly cut and bruised. Mr: and Mrs. R. C. Kane, Cleve land. O.," slightly hurt. F,' Strauss, Cleveland. Mrs. Delia Thompson Mantua, O. Frank Gregory ond wife. E. E. Henry and wife, Ashtabula, o. H. M. Hodell, Cleveland. O. Mrs. George B. Rogers. Columbus, O. Mrs. Nellie Baldinger. Columbus. O Mrs. P. N, Smllh, Columbus, O. O. G. Vos, Columbus, O. Mrs. Ella E. TUIemann. Cleveland, O. Mrs. E. V. Webster, Wellington, O. . O. M. Almon, Rome Oa. Jacob Roth, Eric, Pa. Mrs. J. Roth, Erie. Pa. Mrs. D. t. KUslo. Eric. Pa, E- N. Ackerman. Columbus, O. Sire. Theodore Alter, Columbus. t- (Continued on fage rive.) COUTI NUANCE IS ORDERED IN MimiC COAST LINE HEARING (Speclsl to The Citizen.) RALEIGH. V C . Jan. 7 A con tinuance from January th to 21st was ordered today by Standing Master Montgomery. In tho case of the At fs ntfc Coast Line Railroad company V. iiJVrtrh Carolina mrnoration I HniwmlMloA nd Attorney General testing the constitutionality of the JH i o6.npesjnger rate sot of thJnst -legHlatWsii The-taking of testimony . 4w fnr the ' railroad company ,waa to hegln . Thursdag at Wilmington. Judire Montgmen' Wends Its Way from Gulf pf Mexico to New England Coast; Much Damage, (By Associated Press.) NEW YORK, Jan. 7. A heavy rain storm, which came into existence some wharee in the Gulf of Mexico and then beaded ulagonally across the United States on a bee line for New England, wended its way across the north At lantic states today, bringing torrents of rain and a gala of wind that knock ed down tolegraph and telephone poles and generally upset all lines of com munication. Another storm Is moving eastward across the great lakes to Join the visitor from Mexico. Over an Inch of rain fell in New York. Ships scurried to sheltering harbors along the coast while steam ships reported - heavy weather . off shore. No Wrecks were reported up to a late hour tonight, though . the patrols are keeping a sharp watch. ' NEGROES ACCUSED OF HEINOUS CRIME (By Associated stress.) LAWRENCE VILLE, Oa.. Jan., 7. Two negroes, .John HuHdson ; and Henry Campbell, ' are in Jail ' here charged with having murdered Hud son's wife and then setting 'the house on Ore lit an attempt to hide their crime. When neighbors arrived 'they found the remains of Mrs. Hudson and her three Months old child in the flames,, u . ' , ;"- . -. 1 ;: 'After the bodies wore removed' it wo found that the woman had been stabbed to death, while the child was left to perish In the flames. FORMAL-CHARGE ..; ! OF JWRDIR MADE , f!r -v,r w HI" 1 1 i . Counsel's Efforts to Hare Alleged Wfe Murder Re-, leased Are Fruitless. (By Associated Press.) NEWARK. N. J... Jan. 7. An un successful attempt to have Theodore 8. Whltmore released, from the cui tody of the Harrison police, by whom he Is held in connection with the mur der,of his wife, was made by his coun sel. The attorney protested against Whltmore being longer held by the Harrison authorities when no formal chargo has been made against him. In denying the request Judge Brane gan said a formal charge of mlurder against Whltmore had been drawn up The Harrison authorities were noti fied today that Harry Hendrickson a friend of Mrs, Whltmore, who Is being held by tWo Brooklyn police a witness, has refused to come to New Jersey to testify at the lnqueet to morrow. No burial permit for the body will be granted until after the Inquest Whltmore was brought Into court later In the day and arraigned be fore Justice Branegan on a charge of murder. His hearing was . set for Thursday afternoon, the prisoner meantime, being committed without bail. After Whltmore had been led back to his cell he gave out a statement in which he delcared that he sent the letter signed "Lena" received by Mrs. Bessie Schltler with the trunk and Fred Elliott helped him prepare the trunk. He reiterated that the last time he saw his wife was on Christ mas afternoon and he supposed she had gone to Schenectady. He admit ted that he had hatt a quarrel with his wnTe the day before but they had made up again. "Whltmore said he told Elliott, after his wife had gone that he was through with her for ever. TO KEDICE EXPENSES. (By Associated Press.) MANCHESTER. N. H. Jan. 7 The Amoskeag Corporation, empolylng 17,000 hands in its 1 cotton mills here, announced today that for the balance of the month the entire plant will be shut down Fridays and Sat urdays of each week, the continuance is by agreement of contending counsel. There Is no statement as to the reason of the con tinuance when the probablllty of this continuance was first mentioned some da5'S ago, certain counsel for th state declared that there was a strong prob- ability that the Coast Lin would come into the agreement with - the Southern aad other roads for the 2 cent' rate so it could be rntiOed Itit all by the special legislature. . Since then the Coast Line officials! have - stated , authoritatively ' tnatl"i'-i innraniiw tout . jiieei there was no Intention of so ding. Ibyges at f $0,000 each. 1 V l t w ttm f , :-t. t y r . i hh . Mil "Ml FIRST MAN -Why are those men standing there with SECOND MAN They are trying to catch cold, o the Copper Magnate harged Wthr False (By Assseiatsd Press.) imm york. Jan. 7. Indicted by the federal grand Jury f for the over certification, of fifteen checks, representing in the aggregate, ovorUsrmath of tha goltftpsa of .tha Helnso MflO.OOO and drawn by the firm of pool In United " Copper and whloh dtto Heinse and Company on rhe bfoght about ths suspension of Gross Mercantile National Bank, F. Augua- and Kleeberlf, ook brokera. and sub. tus Heinse, the copper magnate and jseqeuntly resulted In the reslgnaUon former president of the Mercantile iOt B. Augustus Heinss from the presi National Bank, surrendered himself denoy and the retirement the dlr- to United Utates Commissionr Shletos today, and later was released on 150, 000 bad.1 Heinz will, be formally ar rgignsd to. plead to ths Indictment be fore Judge Chatfteld, in. the .United States circuit oourt tomorrow, ; - df ard Xautecboch, counsel o Heinse stated -tonight that his client did not wilfully' over certify ths Checks, as ha had drawn a check to the credit of Otto Heinse and Company to the amount o? I BOO. 000 which the book-keeper of the bank possibly failed to enter on the books until a day after the certification of ths checks In question. , The indictment of Heinse by the I All ATTACHMENTS WILL BE LIFTED Beaboard Receivers An nounce that Arrangements Have All Been Made. (By Associated Prese.) BALTIMORE, Jan. 7. Followtng a k conference tonight between the re ceivers of the Seaboard Air Line and their counsel, 8. Davies Warfleld, co receiver with R. Lancaster Williams, announced that arrangements have been made under which all attach ments that have been laid against the property of the Beaboard In various places will be lifted within the next twenty-four hours. Besides the re ceivers and attorneys there were pres ent at the conference. W. A. Garrett, ehlef executive officer under the re ceivers, and a number of the heads or the department of the road. DENIAL OF "RUMOR. (By Assoclstsd Press.) BIRMINGHAM, ALA., Jan . Denial was made here today of a re port published In New York that the largest Iron producing company n the South had entered Into an agree ment to maintain the prices of pig Iron at $14 a ton. President J. C. Mobcn, oC the tiloae-Blief field Com pany, said the report of a combine formed recently In New Tork was er roneous asd that number 2 Iron Is even now offered at $13. ' , FAIRBANKS DINNER (By Assoolated Press.) WASHINGTON, Jan. 7. The vice president and Mra, Fairbanks gave a dfnncr tonight in honor of the presi dent end Mrs. Roosevelt. TO fOMPUETE TRIALS. (B Associated Pr.) ROCKLAND. Me., Jan. 7 The armored cruiser North Carolina stat ed away today to complete her official trials, by a four hours endurance ruu. On tile run she must maintain 119 revolutions per minute of her screws, which wilt give her the average of 22 knots an hour, required by tbe contract of her construction. CONTRACT AWARDED. IB (BY Associates) Presa.1 HAeUI.MiTU.l, Jan. 7. Tha Isthmian.:, canal; .commission . today awarded tOu'tHa-. Newport News 8hp Building an- Iry Dock 'Company Certification of Checks i federal grand fy which has bees. investigating the Mercantile and ouier banks Jdentirtad with Of Helnse and Charles W; Morse interests, U the af. efciors jpf fc . Meremntn ' National Bank after an examination of tht In titutioft had ban made by tha clear, ing houssv oommlttee. Melttss declared at the tlma that he had ben betrayed by his friends fn ths United Copper. , , Hoinsw told th wspapr ,r men that hrdirivCraTj wak"' any statement and hurried away with his counsel. . 'A-, " Tha indictment contains thirty counts, Spocilo Charge. The indictment' Speclflcally charges that Heinse, whit president' of the Mercantile National. Bank, over-cer tified fifteen checks. That Is, that he CURRENCY BILL INTRODUCED BY SEN. ALDR1CH Bill, Mnch Discussed by Fin ance Committee Is Bead to Senate. U. 8. COURT FOR SALISBURY, N. C. Senate Passes a Bill Provid ing for HoHlding U. 8. Court There (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, Jan. 7 Senator Aid rich today Introduced his cur rency bill which? has been a subject for dlscuselon atriong members of the committee nr. finance for some days. He had the l lll read to tho Senate and announi-i 4 that the committee would be glad to consider In connec tion with It all bills that Senators might desire t Introduce. He as sured Senator Culberson that hU re solutions woiiil receive attention. Senator els , of Georgia, announc d that he proposed to have a vot in inau: .u ui mo eenumem ox , that body on his resolution fxvorir.g a federal law o uphold states In their j efforts to ma lie effective prohibition within their t irders. Ho wanted the Senate to p.i-s a resolution direct ing tho committee on Judiciary to re port at thf r;irliest convenient day a bill providing that all Intoxicating liquors transported Into any state or territory or remaining therein for w shall upon arrival within the borders of such state or "before or ertcr de livery to tin- consignee be subj-ct to the operation of all state laws in acted In the 1 xercise of police powers to the same extent as though such liquors had bren produced within tho state or territory and shall not he exempt by reason of being introduced In original package or otherwise. Constitutional Right. His resolution also Instructed the committee to report whether or not - Continued ow pag two.) their coats off t doctor will prescribe whisky. guaranteed by ths bank ' signature that tha sums indlcattg ht tha checks Wert bald by . ths. Initltutlon to tbe credit of. ths .drawer. ..To vef-eertlfy bank paper i iinder the federal stat ute an offense punishably by Impris onment of not less thill flvs ysant and not mora .than 'ten years. On ounl Is devoted to each ef tha ehecks In volved. It Is ' alleged that Haiti! knew that Otto Hslnst and Company did not havs to iu credit tha sum named in ths various ; checks. - The sixteenth covnt In tni indictment charge that Hslnst intentionally sp pllrd tht iunds of tha bantu and without the knowladg at ta dlrao. tors, to the payments f ths fifteea checks drawn by Otto HelnM and Company, and knowing that tha eom pany did not have on dspoalt with ths bank a sum equal to tha amount nam ed In ths oertlned checks. For such an offense, tha federal statutes provide a penalty of not less than flvt ysars im prisonment, or a fine of not mora than ,000 or both. MONUMENT TO BENNINGTON DEAD Thousands at the Unveiling Ceremonies at National Cemetery on Point Loma. (By Assoclstsd Press.) BAN DIEOO. CALL, Jan. U.In ths presence of thousands, nlcludlng the officers and sailors of tha Paci fic squadron and citizens of Ban Diego and other cities, the memorial monu ment to the Bennington dead was un veiled this afternoon at tha National Cemetery on top of Point Loma. The plain shaft stands within the plot where are buried most Of those who lost their life in the explosion on the gun-boat Bennington, July $1, 106. and is composed of T4 slabs of Ban Diego county granlt roughly dressed and towering (0 feet above the concrete base, capped by a pyra mid of polished granite. The principal spech was made by Adlmrsl Goodrich, commandant at the navy yard, who was ootnmander of tha Pacific squadron at the time of time of the accident OH the Ben nlngton The unveiling consisted In the drop ping of the national ensign which had been draped over thjsr-ftwo tablets on the face of the monument. On one was inscribed, "to the Ben nington dead." end on the other, erected by the officers and men of the Pacific squadron to the memory of tho who lout their lives In the per formance of duty." An the flags dropped the soldiers presented arms and three ruffles and flourishes of the drums started the mlnute on board th Charleston ttnd chicaico. which were fired regu- lnrly throughout tho remainder of the services- washinoton, Jan, . t.Kor ct for North Caroliaa: - ' ; 1 . Fair and' 'vtarmer Wednesday; Thursday fair, fresh but diminishing winds. II 44 I I . 7. II f ill 1 From Morehead City. RAUCIOH. N. C. Jan. T rial from Morehead City K C to ta Nsws and Observer tonight saysi Tba most severe storm slnoe sigh tn seventy nine has prevailed hsre today slnoe nine 'dock this morn ing-. -1 ;Q log at Tho wind has bean blowing rata not lest than seventy Ave miles par hour. Considerable damage has been dose here especially to boats and launches, yachts sto. There have been aa buildings , re ported blown down,, but ovary ono was ' interested 5 la tha . floating property hara. ' Tho Norfolk and Southern ftairoad bridga mile long, between Morehead City and Beau fort, stood tho storm wall with tho os caption of two or thro stretches out of lino by tho owift oumnt;.: -:. At Beaufort it 1 rumored that ovary,: dook and warehouse on tha water front baa been taken away ty tho storm. Several boats ara report ad at a total loss. No reports havs been received yet from ths life sav ing 1 station but coaster claim this storm baa dene tintotd damage oa tho North Carolina ooasL Tho wind bow has , moderated soma. It to blowing from west southwest, :- - ' ? ;. ' QHrN AND GAYNOR V ! COiailTTED TO PEIT. j ' "-' ': t Assesisud Press.) t ; MACON, Oa., Jan. The mad dato of tha circuit court of appeals ln tha case of Green and Gsynor .wsi mad tha order of tha United Stafes court In Maoon by Jwlsra Bpeer tnday, M4 OB order 'Was n rmmHlnf tha, tw prisoners, to tlie Atlanta pen-.; ltnntlary. Thelf sentences of fmir yers- will begin from tho hour they are delivered to tbo warden. The long timo tbsy havs spent In prison already will, not be considered . unless- some future disposition . to mad. , ' Neither prisoner was in court. -Marshal Oeorgs W. Whlto will Uk the two men to Atlanta at ono. . APPROPRIATION FOR HHEEMITAGE - (ny Asseelsted Press.) . WASHINGTON, Jan., 7. Repre sentative John Wesley Gaines, of Ten- neeswa, Mtroducd a bill today appro- rodlngi began. . Josiah Tbw it aaa ......ttv i .fc.!bn tho only roiaUv prssent pnating M.000 annually for tbrooj... a aoon oa ,Thw had taken hia years, ana 1 1,000 annually thereafter, to be paid to tha Ladles Hermitage, Association of Tennessee for th pur. pose of acrlng for ths Hermitage, the horn and tomb of Andrsw Jackson neat Nashvllls. Mr. Sims of Tennessee, tntrooue- ed a bill establishing local rural parcel post for transportation 'of packages of merchandise weighing not more than eleven pounds, not to include consignment of liquors, "habit forming drugs" or srploilvee. Mr. Stephens of Texas, introduced a . bill authorising th president te appoint aommlstoner to ssttls, in conjunction with a commissioner ; b appointed by the state of Texas, the boundary lines between Oklaho ma, New Mexico and Texas. MISTOOK COUSIN FOR A BURGLAR (By Associated Press.) JACKSONVILLE. Fla., Jan 7 Peart Moody, 20 years of sge, was shot and Instantly killed at 10:10 o'clock tonight by his cousin, August Poppell, at their home In this city, noise In the back of the house and noise In th ebeck of the house and securing revolvers went to investigate. Moody was on the back porch, re volver in hand, when Poppell saw hint and mistaking him for tb supposed burglar, fired a bullet Into his back. Moody died Instantly. MOUNT ROYAL REACHES PORT AFTER HARROWING EXPERIENCE (By Assoclstsd Press.) QtTEENSTOWN, Irs., Jan. 7. Th long overdue steamer Mount Royal steamed slowly Into Queenstown day. Rhe had not been heard from In the many days, having been last re ported off the Lizard December 10. The Mount Royal belongs to the Canadian Pacific Railroad's Atlant'c service. She left Antwarp December 7 for St. John. N. B. She had on board three hundred Hungarian emigrants,1 and a crew of about 100 men. She was first dfflnltely sfghted off Old Head of Kinsele. It mile west of this port sarly today. 8h signal! that she was coming In her. 8h de clined tb help of a tug that was seat out to assist her and cam la alone, Trouble with liar ' boiler was th reason the Mount Royal had to pal Four Others Are in the Jiirjr ) Box Subject to Pcrcinp- 4 toiy'ChaUenge ' f . . t ,v r " put ixntbvari rigid ; , I examination Thaw's Counsel : Subject Talesmen to Merciless Probing,:, , VJ'.. 4 t ; (ly AsssslaUd Praaa.) ' v WW TORK. Jan, -Three Jurors sworn 1o serve n tha trial panel for Harry Ksndall Thaw, represented to nlght tha not results of tha to days and fo sessions at tbo trial before Justieo Dowtlnf . la criminal broitoh of tho oupromo oourt la ad dltloB to tho tri wb art oath-bound wall and truly to try tha ease, there waro In tho lury bos t tho olosa t tho Bight alttlng. tour tentatlva juror who are subject still to peremptorv challenge by either olds. Ths tank of filling the fire vacant chairs will reeumed tomorrow morning when the last installment ef 100 talesman auim monad on tha original omnibus panel of 100 names, will report for examine- UOnV ' . t r . - . la all nlntty-flvo proposed Jurors waro called and questions today, as against 61 on yestsrdaw . j .' ; . Hopes Blighted. At th does of the afternoon sloa tha Jury bog was fiilsd and hop ii raa high that at least a majority of thosa tentatively chosen, would prove acceptable to both aides, With ths be ginning of the evening session, how ever,' all siich' hopes were dissipated When the suddenly t descended storm of peremptory challenges cleared there were but three survivors snj It was agreed that they should t sworn as the nucleus of the tr' i i nonal. Thav ere Charlss IS. (In ,ftllmj ln)D broker, who Is to t t r-sn, Arthur N. Naell.lng. ?'-- i tuterer, gnd CtorRS JV. C ; ?. gooos -dealer. Counsel stmour tttat th Jury box would sgsln hs i , before any mors peremptory cnM tenes war Oxerclssd. Forty talesmen war Oxamlned at t . svenlng ' session,' which las Lad until ; 81S00XD ' DAT. ''', NEW. YORK, 'Jan. 7 .The Thaw trial was reeumed at 10;tl a. ' m. today with nln tsnUUv juror In th bog. ' r-..--- - .. Thaw was not 0114 to th bar un til th roll of th now pansl was call. ; ad and th abssntseo noted and fined , ZS0. Eighty members of th second' panel were present. ' Mr. Evelyn 1 Thaw wa not In tho oourt room when place tbo work of filling th Jury box W taksn up with District Attorney Jerome again conducting tb ara (nations for th people. ' Yong Mr. Thaw cams In wfctt th first talesman was being exam ined. Bh was ruddy of ohesk and . appeared In .th best of health, a snary vemrwvt w ww nunvww ', Is thinner and mor pallid than last yaar. His hair, wiry .and badly cut, give him an unkempt; appearance. ' The first sis men eJI4 tot oorrlool were all disqualified. ' Jostle Dowtlng frequently took ' hand In th questioning of Uleemen. his Interrogation usually . bringing th examination to an abrupt oo elusion. . ."--.v.r'-Probing Essmlnatlona, . Mr. Littleton is thorough In hi examinations, probing Into th Inner, most thoughts and bellsfs of th tales men. On question asked most f th talesmen was what newspaper "pur ported" aooount ef th previous trial they had read. H spent nearly half, an hour on Robert K. Roberts, sec retary to a railway signal concern and a native of England, who Anally was accepted as proepectivs Juror Now. 10. Roberts declared h had aa tm preaelon as to th rullt or Innoeene of tha defendant but It la not a elded one and h was sur h could . lay it aside. During th first two hour ef th morning session It talesmen had been (Cou tinned oa pag 7.) back. Shortly after leaving th Brltlati' coast she encountered a eerie violent gales. Bh battled with th heavy weather for a fortnight. Ball Christmss eve, whea serious troabta' with her boiler developed. Th' steamer waa then la longttud It west and latitude 41 aorta. A moder ate supply of steam wa finally ob tained but th weather wa nek that the captain reluctantly decided K wa uwi to max 1 or in irisa eoaat. Consequently tha taair wa headed about and steamed alowty to to port., Passenger aad crew ara all Th Mount RoyaTs offtoera dcrfa ad th weather after leaving tl Usar4 a tb worst aprtacd oa th Atlantlo for nanny years. . .

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