i.,wk .sk-..-.,." - 1 1 s i Wednesday, Tan 8,' 1903-. .' .: . J THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. T AGE TWO ji 1 ' b" ui t 5! .of ft ! If. it : I t: , ) it I . "I I ' , W j : I t. A -a u t - eJt ? l fIf.r; ;wldi , uf r vru r- tt k.--, i (The warWnge of Ml- ttniiv .lov PfXer, Of SIurfreebr.i, ,Tenn . mid Mr. Jtobert J Wagner, nt, Aheviiie, In Nslvtll on Deeembi- win N coma nif plauiil stirpiirt to t li'-ir 1 m-. ri.niUi in tlillt.. lit- lifer Lis the attractive daughter 'of. Mr mid ' fl Mm. ' C ' M. ' 1'lfw, "f Miirf.-M-HlM.rt.. lend was very popular during, in r f , t ' Kaullwortlr In lst umA ibt. , Him Plfer. d Mr Wugierr were to have; been nirrtil in Juie. utter I f' . the graduation ine ori-re -...-.-. I W from Tenneme t.llt-i'- Mr. ''" o j .Junil MUw Plfer'jrvrr the itun-4"" "r f itcMI" Iwtbelle Hlmrp. the dnfl i' ' the colli tor of luteal"! rfn,n- of V - Tenneiwoe. trhrt enterfv.non ,i tnni NnirtivIHe, anlt;hll lf ." " ,tl"' ' ' fonwlth, the teitoewe (Mi.U'K' -' dlctorlftti enti cliow honor vIA-mih. " i iii)t-itHfanninr thf-y nir.,t' V ! accoMlnitM m Krrr1.r 2. at A'"" -4 Klrrts Kalyerton , churt-li, by t ' .u Itcv.. Iwimroaii, In tin- irfi-r.-f a' their rtHl. fh- tAipltitl Club i !. NmmvlliXltW a 'fefefitlhti. !rli e th s Munpiejne'eerTintmy in nonnr oi mi. " aniTm. Wifnf, aff.-f which they deuaftert- tat Mttrffeewliiito to ttpend lo tha remataiter of th hulldnyn and n the bettwaln t lltelt hom-ym'Min. a tft the itueaWf of tlw Uft' paretite. The : :fi romeritl retttnre of tha marrtn I i . that the hrlda now rotarKett to her ! " Aim Matef, and wilt ! jn of the -,0 eweot tiff ifHMlsatee In Junn, Mr. ' "Wafner will claim her on claaa 1K ?l0t and IH bfi Jtw t AnhevtU, thoir ' futMfa horn. M. tt'itwr 1 th eon ! Capt 1 J. . A. .WAnM, Aehetllta'fi 'U oldext reeldont,' at a- partner of the iai real aetata flfm of Inula iwd Waafrtft l Mr. Wtwr a firrmerly a rioftr ' Ai on the etifl af iW Gitlacit am! 1 ' p. well knoxtn- a..d pepokif jroun iin '' ot Aaliarlll ', ; at . r ifi.i - 1 - i H The reonpHoBi given to . Mr I I " W. rrawfar and ' Ml Blanche ' Howell whr haa.. recently returned 3 ' from BrailU at tltr reeldenco of Mr. . 'ot r. t. iWnwi1! b the Ann Aetan . htBlortar floclefy Wiul rtt attended. ft he rrtemlMf of tha ForeHftt Ml - v ttioniry antj the ---VMom ; MMonufy ffj'-'Ocletlea t!lla. ,I .all flfty ' - i u St 'inde paid their reBhectn Mm to .ji a.wf ora . ana mm Howeii. mm. Wever" draWIHg' fooim frettllj. 1 .1 t.ltHk '.,.i.,litH.uM .' A fant.t,4 hM uwl-vl " t-t w wtui vm. iiiiitpio.; ntin.f s , . j coursa tv-a KerveiU jilra. V, M. Burhi ' t and Mlea Km Weave aanc sharmlnei ' ; '" ly" during the' affernoon. , ' . ' The Uebtit In New York o( MSfn. i h( Tetratseina at the Metropolitan Oprrn I - i4 Houee la aroualnn much Intoroftt due r to the highly , colored hyutcrli al ac ' I -3 counla af th diva by thu proaa agentn ;p0 wh hall- Mme Tetratclnl a a Ku .' -0, ropeatt nU.r of grent mnantlnde, with . the bird; lik nlo of Pattl, and the ' i; veWet tone of JMelbn. The ledy In : I i iilctured aa timid, pleaeufably expe- - tanl, of HBfferlnic the agony of ner- voua antlelpatlou of hpr reception by , ' f"' the great arid dlwernlmt Amerk-tn ; public; Tho fact that thi eome gifted I il womah eeng fof eeverel monthe nt i the' Ttvttll tlpei'K Honnp. winning th it Bdulutlon and plittidlta. of entire Wan S jii Franolwo two yehr ngo. In hern :ig? ctrcfulty overlooked by the sefttoiis 1(J publicity protnoters, who know thetr 1 ,m public and Its predilection fur nrtits t t 'arJ brnlidert "made hi Purls' . Tettalalnl f . I gifted with n niut'Vt'loiis voice I jtj w'l'ch has been exploited In Callfof- i nla. Mexico and South America. Mine. ' t t Melba wus trained hy Hlgiior Clieccl in r Melbourne, Austmlni and luiw laurel "'f r the.antlpedes it, concert foi Hi-veral it II. kT r You can carry it sliout snd care for it jut si easily sj a lamp? Brass oJ font holds 4 quatla burning 9 hour. Handsomely fio-' bhed kl japan and nickel. Every heater warrahted. tcMBB(' JSsyb Lamp ?d r 1 1 to the long winter rvnings. Slcidy, DriSant light to trad, sew or knit by. MiJr of brats, nkkel plated, latest improved central draft burner. Every lamp warranted. If your dealer can net supply Perfection Oil Heater or Ravo Lamp WTite tfuT nearest agency for dex riplic circular. . STANDARD OR COMPANY (lesrsisated V Ki.iiiK i-i Mint" Aliivcli t -hoi.f iim tno wan llr- lir In nil I It (I !K( TI M 1,11111 tl 11'' MllK .11 III' c-onrMKc of IU if. In . i. i. -thui Tin- VCIII-I lllih- 'llri.il rtll i llllKtll ll.iM in. Mil; i'l lli.liri-il 'Oil- if tin- ni'ito t-'h-ri-ilis voln-w In till" lilll-I-i,M,,n ... tin- wnrhl. ill.-.l iiractl , .ill.- iilihn.ivMi. mi. I l-i Mini Murcllf'-t ,v, ni ilif"- i ri-Oii ..I In- ;ti-lili-n-ni.-rii Mm.- Ti IrMzini if ;i gn-nl nlllft, 1 - 1 k nllfi.il tllll.ltf Hint xln- -ih i-oin ,! t-i tn;iki. mi iiniif-'-'t.tJiri il.-l.nif Mixiro. Soulh Airifrl'M mid Perm Iw-r.ir.- iIh- Ann i lr. ui Mt lroiioiiH ti rv bt '''if i' iilllfSll' vTniihl rcft-lw In-r. nil i iiinli. rlainl iivenue. , M. .ml, iv. .Liu .'7. Ii.-ih I,.-. n tli-linll.- Mikh M In (lodger Iiok returned to iv i. . (li-il mini uk the date' of thif'"nvero dli,e In pnrtanliurg. uedillnK of Mish (IIuiHh iiiidi-rMlt I Mr SVadr Hill In vlnltln(t frlendH In ami (' Mint t-unin S.t-i lm I Plane f-ii-iHyhu. (hi- i-nri-iiintiv. uhii li IM In- vi rv flni-! : Hin l.i-n (..iiiiil.-i-i!. Tin- mm-! Vlr " c Hniltty. of Hwannanoa, rlHRf "'II lit- i-flflir.-it.-d n tin- re'nl-, "I"'"1 "I'Tdiiy In the city. dull, I Mr an. I .Mr- i irnciiiiK vim-i il.Tl.iH. Wtit '.Till Kt, New York, i y. i Hi-trriiJ r-fln 1 1 f nf i-.iiint Hant-hetiJI Mitlil l.tiliiy from ( "lii-rloirK 'I'lit-v lire the ('mint nlnl "..tint. HZ'-n In livl. Count Hti-plH'ii M.. i lu-ii.v I. and I'minl I'iiiiI Kstfi-liny Tin- ineiiilierK if Ihc AliMlrn-HMmiKMi Ian Knibnwv will i oiiii' from VX Mtliinntoii Tor tin- ovenl Tin- - in U"le Wi-fo Kl Vi n 11 lint-, parly nil of thflr vir own. Itnl ntKlit j Mm ileoi'ge Miirinei Iiik. of ('.iliim- nt rtie (liHrnl lipeiu Hme. From Ida. I (In- giicvt of ii'IiiIImii In th.1 pen nut. Kalli-iv .. pr.ienln m-lmx wi,'ltv a delightful irmndtlon imd the lillle gtillevy will bllwtfully ii)iijlnniled hero and heroine throtiKh their hair breadth ew-npee mid rnrrled eway a Mr 11 illlderHleevr. of .lohnHon supply of romanrv HnrriileBt 1o rheerjtMty. Tenii., In In the oily for h few them on thvlr tvlntrly route fof.ilii n. eometlni.- to come. j : I Mr. '. N. Puck, of (Ireenvllle, In The VVMitneiwIny Wvciiiiik liiincliiHi ("Iirii line Iwoicd InvltiitloiiH for 11 Viiewiuwrnilc iliince to be (tlvn at the thlifn Hull, on Hmith Main Htreei. ttalM evenlnc. ,a ;JI0, nrlwli. jr yi j ji jt Jl Jt J Jt ,' PERSONAL. 'ji j ji ji j 'J ' J Mr. James Wowdnrd, who hen ben tndltig the hrdldayn with hi par- nV n Pin etreet haa returned to Whhlnton-Liee ITnlvernlty. Jklre. lave PurlHh, w-ho haa been vUII.Iiik relation In Aehevllle return jkI (to Concord on Tuesday. v JUlr. and Mm. Bate of Cleveland are Aricwt the Battery Park hotel, Mr. and Mre. C. l. Huyler of New Vorl retnrnetl to their home todny after' a vlnlt to lir. and Mrs. Alexan der i?orter. jtfhi Lillian Fleteher hue returned to Co avenue College after upending the holiday a In Aehevllla, " MM. .Bingham ha returned to ninghntti Height after a vlelt trt frlehda In Siiaftanburg1 of roveriti weeks. Mr. J. TV Murphy Jeft ycMterflay for a bflef biiHltiena trip to Cherokee emit)'. Mil- Kllwi belli Price Jonre and hrr brothi- Mre. Klmbo Jonee of ltaleige have iwrlvud and will epend several inoiillie at 3 ASIoit Place. Mr. and Mrs J. ft. Messenger of Carlo, 11 , are. spending several weeks In the city and are the guests, of Miss MiMlle Harris. : j House whs the occasion for ti ntimher Miss 11. Woodall of Ileiiilersonvllle I of addresses, nidstly by melnbers on spent yesterday In Ashevllle on her i the Democratic side. Those that ut way lo New Yl k. ! trncted especial attention were by Ite- : prcseutiitlve Hheppard. of Texas, and Mr. Iflggliis l'-rt yesterday for Xew j Itepresentntlve Wlllett. of .New York. I ork. The former not only made a plea ,, ... ., : , . i for tin. restoration of the legend "In Mrs. 11 M ell who has been n Rue-it ,,.,.1 . , , , ' ' 1 Ood we trust, on American coins, hut at the llaW.-i mk Hotel for some iIIh(.m(h.,, p ,.nlU n( th A .,.,,. lime left y'ter.lny Mr .Im ksmiv'lle. i.atiionhlp Heel and referred to a p.m. -V.1., Il-mlu 1 ,,...... 1.... ........ several months with her sister. Mr.-. l)e Young "' Moniford avenue, lei! Monday for her home In lliiutsvllle. Alu. Ilel'iiie K'tlnK to lliiutsvllle Ml.-n Dennis will visit friends In N'ewport and Knillv. Teiui. ,, Tarn theWick t high ai you can uSsre'f57 dangei a low at you picas rhere'i no tmell. That' became the imolteleat device prevent! tmoka or smell thai aietnt a steady flow of glowing heat fof every ounce j or fuel burned in a RFECH0N Oil Heater (Eatlsteg with Saoktlru Dtrlet) Mrs. Irving Hurt and Mix Virginia Hurt of Chicago are at the Battery Park hotel. ' Mr H TOpier hits returned from '.hi i'xiiikIi (I vl.it to frknds in Rlcn ' iii'MmI, Va Mr I ' H. Cincinnati. Miller loft yesterday for Miss A 1 1 1 1 i Ardcn Jcrvey Is th is-iK'.-'t ol n lathes In Ardt.'it fur several fld S. Mr. Connor Allen, Mr. J f. Hras in' r mid Mr. TlioinuH Harvey Jr . o; Kin-Ion, N c, IfUVe arrived imd will Ik students hi Illngham Bclmol. Mr J. 'v for f foil. ..f (Hd Fort Is In the i-wml days. ; I Mr. ami Mrn CrorK' Vaughn of 1 1 'niiilh-r linvc Imrn Hpi-mling ni-vr.il (i.i i w ith Mr. mid Mr Kugn llydcr Mr ilny Ioi-kI. of llflMtnl, mvri for w-w-ral d. Ih In Mr C M Klnit. of HrlHtnl, Tciin , I In AmIii-vIIIo on InmlncMia. Mr (I W. Hindi, of ColiimlilH, Is III lht . -1 1 y on IniMliirMM. ft. f . Mr C Poll.-, of Wnwi.-Kvllli., xM-iii)nx K'M-nil tliii-H In Anhevlllc. Mr mill Mr Itlunloti. of Marlon. Min gtii-HlH m the HWHiinnnou hotel. n Anhet llle for a Hhort ntav. . .Mr. ni. heinptnn. of Monlreul, In spending h row ilayn In the city ! Mr. V. H. Wilson, of (Ireenvllle. Ih In the city on bttalneew. Mr (J. Hiidler, of Charlotte. U at the Hwannunoo hotel. The Board nf Mima gem of the I.lndley Brhnnt will meet thin morn ing at (fH-thlrty o'cloek a-lth Afrs. Mil Hard on Bouth Main, street. CURRENGY 1B1LL INTROCUGED (CtMitluad fXntrt pafo 1) Congreea haa tho constitutional right to paea a bill prohibiting the t im portation of ll'iuors from atutea. coan tlcH or munlelpalltlea where audi liq uor are legally sold Into statex, coun tlea or hiunlclpalltlefe where local op tion or prohibition prevails. Upon objection by Benntor Nelson, the resolution Wat) allowed to go over utftlt trie hekt meeting rr the Senate. neftatdf BeVerli1(fD Introduced his bill rreaimg a permanent turift com miiwlon. The bill ras fcfei'red to tho committee on llnuncf. ' The ffchftte passed a MM providing for the holding of tho United Htates uistrict courts at Hiillsbury. N. c. At 1:48 the Hen nlr. adjourned until next Thurstlny to permit more work by committees. HcnmIoii of House. The iiMiiti I resolution rcferrhiB the president's annual meawige to the sev jorul committees, furnished in me Silllt contllct with Japan. V Mi. Wlllett placed all the Idiuiie fur (lie recent flnum In I panic on Presideni ttoosevi'lt whom ho tleuoimced In se vere terms. He chariretl the president with not lieliiK 11 sensible man and with huv I11K tiniieil on Hie gus unil not thp IlKbt tind with going up mid down the country condemning and strlklnv I with the hlu stick the heads t.f meal I lli.liistfl.il Institutions I "We have had too much tit I k from ( lilin." he said lint whs wauled, he sniil, was a man to perform his duties with dig. iiltv ami witli power and with the Inlliti iice of nil sane men behind lilin. "It has been said our president is sincere." he continued, "lie limy he ,sn but we want kooiI sense in the prt-nl dent along with his slncet-elty ." Kepulilicaii policies were attacked I hy Mr llardw leli. of ileorgin, who , predicted (hat the only safety f,.r the I pmt lay hi the nomlnallon ,f See relaiv Tall for the presidency. Tariff rtiitrsloM, He Inrjulrod If the present Kcptihll ,cnn I'ongress Intended to follow the Roosevelt doctrine to revise the tiirlff latter election or follow the Cannon I doctrine and revise It diiring u panic, j The Democrats, he ssid. think It I niight to he revised, tie W mild as I soon, however, cull u convention of ' thieves as to call a convention nf people who agree m high protection 1 tor protections sake to revise the tariff . laws. Representative Klemp. who yester 1 day was sworn In as the successor nf Ills father from Ihe Ninth Virginia District, was today appointed to the House committees on accounts and private land claims. The national banking litws were tl 1m- cussed by M.r. Norrls. of NebriVskn. who iirgcil as a protection lo deposi tors the taxing of bank deposits with 1 the view of securing a fund for that purpose The resolution was pending I when the House adjourned until to I morrow. Marriage ut an early age Is frequent i in Mexico Recently a boy of sixteen land a Klrl ef fourteen were murrled in jtlie eaprlal." li th last two months thi-re were Ibirty-lhree persons from twelve to twenty years married In that city. THE FOCXDEB Or IXBIOESTIOIt. The founder of lndlce4loa m Soah: beioa tot to loera the pin iikork. From the V comet lard; from lard, lodlceatlon. The au en Tfn rot lard -cooked fox) nt rmt toniacli, you tend a preaalnc luvltetlon foi drppp1 to Come tnd take poloii. Vou don-t aecd to uh lard, t)iouii. nnlt you want to; there b a eookln fat that make food any atomacta aa eealiy dlrent. It if COTTOLENEi no bo f-l pure mrota Wo oil. nutrttlou, wboteeMne; ma ltd flaky plo criuu crl.p douflinuU, Ug-hr. rich rolls and caki in fact, all the tMtujii yon like, bat raiinot cat pcrbave, beeaTue they do not C'OTTOl.KNE haa been well n "ij. pcrfnot ahortenlBf." FARMERS' UNION MEETS IN MEMPHIS Fil'tccn Cent Cotton-4K tbc Sltigau of the Three lluu (I red Delegates Prose ut. (By Aaaoclattd rtii.) MKMPIUH, Tonn.. Jan. 7 The an nual convention of the F.iriiii rs' Kd ueatlomtl co-( iperatlve rni.ni met hern today. About 800 delegates, re-rest-titlng every southern -lute and MlHNourl. Kansas and VVgHlilnKton. are In attendance. (1 K. liarrott. of Union city, (la., j pri Mlilcnl of the union, In -run- calling tun i onvf'imon to orcier. s.iin: 'm of Hie most Import-nil things up hope lo in c-fitnplloh io Ki t llf teen cents for cotton, and " are go ing to get It If vie have to hold it from the market for years." Ilesldes planning for the reduction of the t-otton acreage th mention Is considering steps to ni-ike practi cable the holding of cottmi by thoso who are not In shape liiiamlally to wait months for their money. Numerous suggestions have been made along this Ijne. Oin which has been discussed at some h-ngtli ha? warehouse cei-tillcutcs for stored cot ton as I he basis 6f a bond Issue. 'I hes. ImhuIh will be sill to those inemliers of thf union who have lha ready money to spare. A fair rat of interest would be llxed, the bonds to mature In 12 months. White the members -of this union would be first unfetf to take these bonds, they would" alK be offered to such banks as might desire them. In all esse the Interest would make them a desirable' investment. Th effect would be to band all the sections more closely" together, by the forming practically a big com pany with all members vitally Interest ed In the price of cotton. Another proposition being disoussed Is tho forming of a regular stock com pany and to issue stock with seed cot ton as the basis, -i r. ii I The store, the factory or the dwell ing wired for ejootrfetty rents' first, rent easiest or( sella when for sale to best advantage, . " 7t Why lx,.t Lost my Job iwawiiia wiiy TliousaiHls Mko Me tauiiot hutbjry tuclr Etiiplo) ers, "I believe my fute Is not unllko thut of thousands of other workers wh ditlly loso their places for reusons tliey do not know, and probably would not believe. When tlielf last pay en velope comes alonif, it is usually "your services no longer required," If the truth W-ere known, tho rvtufdn for their unceremohlous removal would prob ably be that their usefulness was de stroyed because of some mentnl wor ry, bodily ailment or genera! Indisposi tion. These things, us wa'all know, tire the most fruitful causes of failure In nil walks of life. The battle of Wat erloo was lost because of a headache In this quick age our minds must he clear, rapid, active, mid free from outside Inllucnoe or worry, or else we go down to failure with thei throng or "lloaters'- who go from one place of rmploytiV-nt to another, giving no sat isfaction to others or to themselves, constantly growing nhied and less use ful, with no will power, and 110 hope Kvety man requires from every other man the best that la In him Hul no man can use or Ret the best that le In himself until he i- m-st free from II fretful Indispositions and worries That was my trouble. 1 was fi ll of trouhles. That's why I lost my Job My stomach. In tin- ih-st place, was ..I ways out of order. 11 nil I was won-yina about It and my mind grew cloudy and slow. I made mistake, sntl nn u grouchy That was tin- nd. a hi-rc are thousands like me. golni; about with "quick Inn h" facts, dys peptic manners, and r.-pislve atmos pheres. No employ, -r wants such men's services. Take my advice healthy stom ach Is half the battle, i n- it keeps your mind clear, and ymu- fa. e rosy. I have a healthy stomach 11. . aritl hold a gorrtt position, and mv employer Is sltisfled. I storied to take Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, which I ms told were gtiod for the worst cases or iudigefctinn and dyspepsia. The first two tablets made a wonderful difference in my condi tion. One Ingredient l Stunrt'a Dyspepsia Tablets digests 3.000 train of rood. Th. d. 1. .. . , 1 1 A a ....'. ....... t. ... Pkll. The Tablets do all the work, no matter how heavy tour meal. Stuart's Dyspepsia TtiMotsi cure brash," erurtlons. burning Sensations, bloat. Irritations, loss ,.f appetite, nau sea, heartburn, lack of energy. loss of memory, and dyspepsia and indi gestion In their very worst forms. No other little tablets In the world can do so much. Yo.i should Vi.tr them around with y..:i wherever you Kro Bnd take them reirularlv aflr m,,als. Thpn vo ., rpaH.p' .vn.t ,. Is to he freed from stomntfli torment, and have a clear ijiind. a quick mem ory, a happv disposition, comfort and rest (let Stuart's Dvsprpsln Tablets at any dfug store for .'.do packugv. St ml s your name and address to day and we will nt once send you by mall a sample package, free. Address 1". A Stuart Co., ISO Stuart Hldg . Marshall. Mich. '.'..'CK" -. -' 'i.r-.!:yHV.-l..et?lV ffandsome iphite Take a look at our White (roods to- tlav. You will tind here manv new . ' '' things in White Swisses, Checked Dimities aud White Madras. Dotted and cheeked Swiss, Vk- yd uj). Madras Waistings, 25e yd Hp. Cheeked Dimities from 10c yd u. BARGAINS IN BOYS' CLOTHING $1.25 to $5.00. 0. E. Stoner Clothing ..Ma.. Company ; 4 ! 8. Main St, Plione 638 .50 A WEEK for nice newly f u r n i sh e d rot ntis. The Franklin South Pack square. A BIG SUCCESS. Last .night's performance by ama tour talent, at the Sapphire,. scored a decided hit. Picture new and Inter. estlng. a good clean show for ladles, children and gentlemen. Mountain Cily Steam Laundry Phone 426 ThcAsheville School of Music & Dramatic Art BTTJDlOSt PATTOM ATA Ptwoe Kl. If that watch or Clock needs repairing, notify J. E. Carpenter, watchmaker, 32 Patton avenue. All work guaranteed, (loods called for and delivered. SKINNER AND HUNTER Hair drissln Parlors. L'O Hattny Purk IMai e. Phone i,.".ii. A Woman's tin I r well dressed Is everything to her looks, fall at Skin ner and Hunters and have the French Wave, we have every thing up-to-date In hulr goods and prices that will please everyone. Lowest Cash Prices n Ilia-liber, doors, sash, glass, inie, cement, mouldings, etc. Call on or write t us. J.M.Weslall&Co, On Ridicule. Of this we may be sure, that rldl- ! cule fastens on the vulnerable points of a cause, and finds out tlie weak side j of an argument. If those who fesol'l j to it sometimes rely loo much on Its ' success, those who are chiefly annoyed j by It almost always ate po with rea son, and cannot be too much on their auarrt strainst- rt,pi-rln. It wtillnm ! Hazlltt Do Not rhiniah Lying. After children He to yon persuade them lu tell you the truth. Help them 1 to tell It to you. then praise and somc t.mes reward them for being so truth ful. Show them that you trust them. Many a little child would have grown up to be truthful had his mother not been so severe that he thought he had to lie in order to escape severe pun ishment. European Population. Of all the peoples of Kuiope the J-Yench have the fewest children and the Irish the nioat. The average French family numbers person:) and the average Irish family n KliKland Ihe average is 4.8. Tho Span ish and Russian closely approach the. Irish. In contrast io ihe. French in Europe, ihe French in Canada are the most prolific race In Christendom. $1 (foods Opposite P. O. Phone 101 The New Firm of Lorick & Co will make a specialty of Merchants' Hauling, Moving of Heavy Freight and Storage uptown office 20 Havwood St. Phone 88. )ejK)t Phone 350. New patterns for stamp ing shirtwaists, centers, etc. Columbia wools. A S. DENOON 7 Haywood Street Furs Furs Cleaned , aud Repaired. FURS, like any other wear ing garments, needc1eatnrig.' Neglecting your furs means to buy a new set every win ter. Let ane have vour work. NAT PEARLMAN, FURRIER 12f) Haywood. -Phone 911. A work guaranteeed." 1 WATCHES and CLOCKS Made, to keep accurate time at small cost. Repairing; Itepulat Ing and Cleaning of time pieces done promptly anV satlsfaetor Ily here. . W. H. SHOFFNER IT Pattoa Avenue. : I , imHi nr. n r a '.J-...W laia.u a I XfoTr H Td) ASHEVIIX& N.& ; ; OUR SALE OF ;"Vi DRESS GOODS Will continue throughout the week rather tlian tarry llicni out, we hate dvt-kleit lo oiler some very hw iitIcvm on llicni. 6J Inch Brontlckiths (black and colors) ut M' Inch Fancies, was 80c, now 45 Inch Fhncles $1 00, now 40 Inch Fancies, was 59c. now our entire line of Mack Ooods 3d Inch Plaids, were 60c, now During this sale, our silks will also Special prices on Blankets Cape Gloves . s tor (tfomca Tan Cape ttlovca at ffiS, t 1.50 iu1 $1.73 imtr. - few Jailor-Made (itaists Today avc place on display a dainty line of tailor-made waists in linen and madras. These waists are very stylish. They were made hy the finest waist manufacturers in-this country. Priced from $3.50 to $5. Before you re-arrange your office equipment lor the new year, wa wish to have you see our line or Devices, Book "-Cases, Lose-Leaf Books, Etc. QUITE ORIENTAL in origin and design aro some of the beautiful -Persian and i Smyrna Rugs which we are now1 showing elegant specimens ot- East era handicraft f f of all: are liaM-wdVeHl" Th6S0 aafsUW: prettiest Rugs you ever sum . I arKt will make dainty, ortut ments for odd corncre I your hoane. . - f Sawyer's Carpet Doust Phone Sil. Voi 1 AM iO CliurcB Sb ias3CRUian Kanulcurlnf and HaJhMrcaalidjt, i4. Uaywoed St., e-rcr Candy Kitchen,- Just rscelved a large Una of half"' -goods Puffs, Pompadours mmt- -; 8wltcbe. -'.'' Every 7c:3 u unerraun mm iDcniia Know fttsont toe wonaeriiu MARVEL WhJHinoSpPty fltVIT-ai S1 fUDTT Ji lt wwmwt ! Airmartliiuwtatforft. . If h esnimt cuppir iM I M a H V K I., .'il B 1 Atlir hut M'l.il sl.ltil) TUT llli.atrmt.-tl IkiiiIc '1M. It alltoS fl I n.n.a.il.rt Ana iiavnlioiift in- in.'kTu . i,.,.i d llivi l. i sa 1 t tmtut Mtrot. SHW lKK. m n nr n miwavw uublliiai 11-. atgV I Syartl yard 30c yard ut a big reduction in price. , jjg' bti reduced. to loseoutT ' Boom a.S.'ri.JS.'Nl,V ;eY-l HsfUll . . 1' i v -i,.f. r UK