Tuesday. February 4, 1903. ' . rV(l. T i.y yiAitll'Mll " - - -. ,- .; .. -. - 'J ' 1 I i . j t I : o a v It i A II y n ii . 11 t 'H 1 1 Ji i : ct f ft, ' )'l It I 1 n i m . I "f 4 4 j n ii! A If 1 it at "l "I ,. i ,(. if IM il ' ii le ' t ill r ' i'S ''W,...ii.,w.,.ihj,. . -1 from Philadelphia. 1 1 1 17 I Hi H!! 1 1 j 1 ' I h ' the Pub,lc '""j'lHnVzrr ....... , , ll ' .' '! i'-;-The Hector's flulM of Trlnlly church ' Will mret thin afternoon at o'clock at the rli1pnc" dI Ihe prfM-nt. Mm Arthur Hsnkin. All ihe yuunn l ditta Of the church tire Invilnl In he ; trent. A tnoiit dpllghiful rtiinrv v; glvrn tt Victoria Inn lni pvnlnic. Itrrrenn ; menta wrc wrvnd and the miiBic up . (illad by colored muolrlan Thcr ; er quit a number of Invllatlnnn In- tuxl. - Among thow ire-nt were MIm Annla Ardcn Jarwy. Ml Mar rt Prnnlman. M)a Franct liiingti, ' Mlna. Quelle llnnllnifn, Ml ChrlHtlnn , -ilrhaumler, MIm Katharine rartnu-ll. Mlaa Hull, Mima Ctardner. MIm MhzIc WhMler, Mlaa Franrea fondnly, MIm lura Holmva, Mlaa Anne Martin, Mr ' Howard Oaknlrafa. Mr. Connnll I."- , aratrom, Mr Hugh Llndimy, Mr. Tufl Raid, Mr. Hlaalnn, Mr. Nalhanlcl Vroffman, Mr. William Armtrun : Mr, Claranaa "Wtllla. Mr. Woodlln i -fuuaar, Mr, , DuBoiae Hef-w, Mr ! Vrladoff Kama nd Mr. Donald Mor- ' acoratarn ; f ha Navy and Mra. Motoalf ar flvlnir a rception on Saturday In Washington to which the fount; tadlaa of Falrmount Samlnary ' iva btan 'Invited. Mlaa Katharine laon and Mlaa nrh Jonaa of Aahe Ule wilt attend tha ecoptlon, . f..;....r.. . Jan Kuballk, the famoua vJolinlat, '. tat bean booked by the Auditorium ilrec tore, and will appear on March ; -in in Aahevllla In concert ' i "- Jt - ? Rlreralda park war an axceed-j-i arly midwinter and featlval appear xiice yeaterday. The lake waa froien ,vrr J and a ; grant many akatera readad their way through the froien waterway and around the dlmunltlve filnd. Unfortunately the tun weak mod the Ice noar the boathouae. with Ilia reault that an elderly gentleman nd hla wife were precipitated Into (bout four feet . of very cold water tnd mirrored the discomfort of riding noma in their wet raiment on the Jura. One or two of the young men Viet with a ilmllr,mlhap. Among lie Aumbera of young people who kated were Mlaa , Virginia, Griffith llller. Mlaa lucy Pnniman, , Mlaa ('annl Wheeler, Mlaa Eleanor Cald. Vll. Mlaa Fefttlu, Mr. Lawrence nea, Mr, Jamaa Drummond and 'uito a number at., atudenta from lilngham achool. Jl 01 f Th following program will he (ven thla evening by the 8t. Cecelia ,-ielety In the auditorium of the T. M. e t HAIR TUXH CHARACTER. folor of Hair Sold to Iiiillcato a rvr t aon'a Tr-mpcrnmcnt. fc Many people believe that blonde, or aght hair denote affection and dark lialr onatanry A person without r.alr la not devoid of character; far trom It The dlapoaltlon of the aver age bald-headed man la to ahow auch : pillcltud for the welfare of other. tiat he neglects hlmoelf. A germ lausea baldneas. Prof. Babouraud of s-nrla, rrance, inosculated a rabbit tvlth Dandruff germs, cauning It to be om totally bald In five weeks' time. to rid the acalp of these dangerous orms It la necessary to apply New oro'a Herplclde. S "Destroy the cause you remove the Pffeef A gold by leading druggists Send 10c f bi stamps for sample to Tho Herplclde ,o Detroit. Mich. Two sixes, 50c and 1.00. t it w u . lu I r 1st ilo ' w w ; w. ' al 'M c ' to - si , ,u e a n It . at kr ah ' ti " re trt TH t w tit : I of -he, Inl to u; ln de With I'AIlT l !i.,ru-. ' Hi i Ihi k. fur Th ,i,k " . II. Kniurt St I'li'ilhi H,i-ity. i'Ii. in,.. ''I'hi- Mi-rrv HcKK.irs" K I' U'.,.,(l St I VriJin S,, ict . I s 1 1 . , I 'i ! l In .ili'l I'ln no K 'iri'K Mi-ki Mum nllirtl ii ml I' lurln. ' I. p.. 1 1 u. I'll, Tliii'f Klli"i " I iii.ni ,Mt, i i-clliu HnrinU ', n,.iim, "TivlliKliI" I' Mil HI i i ' in i Sa'li'ty. Inli i iriit!"'! I'.MtT II i; p.H . 'MR. km" ' t 1 1""" .... .ii. i luriiiitnii Si i i i ill.! Mm K-ty. 7, i linrim, ' II''. ' 'in il.i" .ft. ilc Kovin St i'Ii Hi" S'.i ii tv . 'loiin soli' (u i Hnmum I' Meeker (til Muziirkli . II Wiwilu w Ki 1 Mr Mnn'iithKl. . Wallz hnriiN. The Hiniitlfiil Mini' flantihe" . . . SI rjiiins-Sjilrker St I'clllii SiM'lity. Jl .4 Th1 Anrui AmIum Mlsnlnnnry Hmli"t will m(Kt Ihi" Mrtcrti'iiin .il '! 30 nl f'liritral Mcthmllut ihurcli. AN mcm Iiith nfc urgi'il In bf pi'cient. Jt M Mlns Orace Hcirtt nl Ihe Inlnml PHI na mlfwlnn anil fn-r 2fl ynfii'H In active servjee, will speak In the women of Anhevlllp Ihls nfliTiionn ul the KIthI HaptlBt church nl 4 ii'clnck. All wo men of the city. cHpeclallv thoan In- ti-rested In nilHalnns, are Invited to attend. Jt Jt An admirably appointed and large ly attended reception was (hut ten dered lUMt evening nl the hume of Or and Mr. I). 11 I'uken, ' IU South Main atreet, liv the laille, of the con gregation of the Flrt PresUy tvrlun church In honpr of Dr. W, 8. Plumer Bryan who wis pastor of tho Prea Liyterlun church for live yura pre ceding 1HH2 And now pastor nf the cihurch of ths Covenent. Chicago who has been here for n few duy stay. Those present Included member of other churches who are admirer of the eloquent preacher and the con stant changes In the membership of Ashevllle churches was Illustrated by the fact that about one half of the guest knew Dr. Uryon during hi pastorate here but all felt a If they had known lilm at the close of the felicitous address which he wa call ed on to make. a J Jl j jl Jt j Jt Jl Jt PERSONAL. Judge J. C. PrlU-hard and Mrs. Prltchard went yesterday afternoon to itichmond where the Judge will be occupied In the court of appeals for about three weeks. Mrs. Prttchard will apend sum day In Richmond and will then go to Washington to Visit her mother. Mr, ftatini. Mr. A. Maurloa Low. Washington representative of the Boiton Ulnne and London and Pari Journal with hla son K. H. Ixiw. I visiting D. P. It. Hunt on llillslite street. Hon, John 8. Henderson, Mr. Burton Craig and Mr. Thomas J. Jerome of Salisbury are In Ashmllle en busi ness. Mra. V. M. Messier loft yesterday for Bound Mrook, N. J. where she was called hy the death of her mother. Major Plshback, has returned to Washington having epoiu the past fortnight as the gueat ot Dr. Westray Battle. Capt. Settle, TV P. A. left yesterday for Ohlcsgo after n visit to his brother Mr. Thomas Settle and Mrs. Settle. Mr. H W. Plummer and Mra. J C. Caldwell walked to Goniches Peak on Sunday and took evrel pictures of the snow capped mountain and un usual sight In Ashevllle. Mr. Dun Merrick relumes today ; Soda Crackers that crackle as good Soda Crackers should Uneeda Biscuit meals for meals between Cn Just tight. Neper sold in bulk. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY CKSgSsSSSBagg XT' "aGy Dr E. C. Ilrd returned from New York and left on Sunday for Hot Spring Mr V. M Urown, of Jlhloa K V Im In ihi- i-ily. Mr A H .Sawyer, of llitighanitnn. N V . in tlie city for a short atav. lm.t Heeseley of Little Rock Aik left -,t'rila' after having spent aev eial v.i (kit with friends on Merrlmon in en tie Th'irni'i! I" MrDiiughrrty. of .Mon de. ImI ''. h" lias been aprndliig a fi On , with frlend In the city left eiterilay fur Jacksonville liolhU where he will upend tile rc imilnder ,f the winter Mr. I' H ludna of Kalamazoo. Mich., Im .irilM'l In the (ity and will he tin- of rrlends here for a few iliiv'M. Mr. D T Woods, of Vot kville. H ( '. I a gllCKt al Ihe Iterkeley. Mr. Phil K Arrlngton. of I,oul vllle. Ky.. left yesterday after hav ii, K spent Hundaj In Ashevllle. Mr f! W M.iilin of Waynesvllle Kpent the week end In the city, re tuinln t" Waynesvllle yesterday Mr Ilohert .) Ilnrrls. of Canton. N ('. Is fipenilliiK ii few days In the city. Mr. Huntley Hklnner, of Kutawa, Ky., Is In the i lly for a few days. Mr N K. Orny of ( hlco. Ill who has leen In Ihe city for a few days leaves this afternoon, Mr. John M Wllhelm leaves to day after having spent Holiday with friends In the city Mr II. W. Krlerson. ir Nashville, Tenn,, wns In the city yesterday. Mr W. R. Mayo, of (leorgln. left yesterday afternoon after having spent Ihe week end In the city. Mr. J K. Katilpe of Charlotte spent Hunduy In the city, returning yesterday. Mrs. D. A DuPree of Mobile Ala., who ha been visiting her mother. Mr. Sarah A. Llndsey, 40S So. Main street returned to her hume tiunday. REPUBLICAN CLAIMS REPUTED BY COCKRAN (Continued from page one.) rango, but It ha no refined distinc tion a to kind." Kvery little while, he said, he heard or read of omo democrat saying that the rate bill, the anti-trust law and the enforcement of them were of democratic origin; that republicans had stolen democratic thunder; ' that President Hooeevelt, "to uso a clasai leul expression of Mr. Bryan 'had been wearing Bryan's clothes. Ordi narily, he said he had not thought It wise to notice these things, but the statements had been made so loud and so long that aome of the younger generation might believe them and the democratic party may come to olalm them by right of pos- seaalon under the statue of limita tions." Mr. Townaend denied that the rate law and the principles It represent ed were of democratic origin or con ception, and he Inquired If the pre sident had departed from republi can policies when he advocated It. Hp then dlscusard anti-trust legislation and compared the . action under It. under the administrations of Cleve land and Roosevelt A compared with Clewland'a administration he said, there had been under Hoosevelt's ad ministration four times as many bills In equity filed nine times as many Indictments found and seven times ua many convictions had with nine Indictment cases still pending. Anti trust he said, woe not of democratic origin and It enforcement was not to democratic credit. Cnrkrait Rpllett Representative Bourke Cockran, of New York, democrat, denied the ac curacy of Mr. Townsend's statement and said that since the heglnlng of the republic there had not been a tingle policy prominently incorporat ed Into law that was not or demo cratic origin. Wild democratic applause greeted Mr Cockran when he remarked that the policy of Jefferson, adopted to avoid war with Trance had been ap plied by the republicans to "the t on meals ADVICE - " Voit won't tell your family doctor the vliole stoiTSbWrt'jrniir rtrirntc illiifsn you aw tf ihi "lext. You not'il not lif itfrniffshstell Mr, ttnk tiitm, at Lynn, Miwh., the thiiigta'ou noulcl not cxiilaintQUietl'" t'f. otir let lef w ill Vk'iI'IiI illilie HI l it test f'Oll tldcnrf. From lwr vaMt oitcs'jk'hhI ciicc wiili fi' k women iluriii tho jmst thirty yturg (the may have trained the very knowlfetlKc tinit will htdpyonrcase. Suoh letter-as thefol lowinc, from grfltt'ful women, m tuhlish U-yond a doubt the ixnvcrof LYDIA EaPlNKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND to toiKiiiiT all ftiinali; ditwawH. Mrs. Norman It. Barm It, of Allen town, I'll., writus: , " Kver siin-e I was sixteen years of atfe I hud Miffefed from an organic de rsiiffeiiient ami female veiknetw; in conwqueuce I liuil dreadful headache and wa extrenaiy nerrouh- .ly fuiysi cian haid 1 must go through an opera tion to fret well- A friend tulu me about I.viia K. Hnjkhain Vegetable Coiupound, and I took It and wrot yo for advice, following your directions carefully, and thank to you I am to day a well woman, and 1 am telling all my friend of njiy experience." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. Fur thirty years Lydia K. Pink hiun'B Vegetable Cominjiind, iimdo from rwitu and herbs, lias bt'en the standard remedy for female ills, and has t8it ively cured thousands of women who have beeii t loubled with displacement, inflammation, ulcera tion, flliioid tumors, irregularities, periiKlie pains, backaohe, that lar-ing-down fetdiiifr, flatujeni y, indirt--tion,di2zinesorrirvftwpi'()sti,:itioii. Mlllnrd Llwry Co.. Ijic. I'hone 180, wry C duest of the Philippines, rind the pur chase of men." tie 'acompurvd the Philippine ftcqulHlrloAfcltli the Louls Innlu purchase "one slorlous pos session of our countt" and said the republicans were mi sick iff the Phil ippine bargain they Wouid he wlillni! to blame Providence lor It. tie asked If the Monroe dtH-trine1 was of repub lican orlifln. It was not and yet he added, it frequently hat) been invok ed by them. ' , Mr. Cockran rpoke iVf the civil war and said that while It was true the repulillculls led the Union forces, democratic pntrlots manned the army. The mp.asas.-e which the president sent here Krlday raltm a question which r jch to the vitjt (existence of Krowtli of civil Rovernemrtt" lie said, ".ftcr we pass that portion con taining: complalnta we coma to the part where we all applauded and that was the pariiRrnph that related to churcra that buuiness distress was brought on by the Kovernment and that tho knlt'e Hhonld be used free ly In cutting: out rottenness." "If there be any forces outside of our penltentiarlea who would pre vent th" enforcement of auch action there they themselves assert that rot tenness Is the foundation Of our pros perity." Scores Financiers" Mr. Pockran denounced bank pres idents and corporation ejfflclsls who hod bei n guilty of Illegal acts. In speaking of the recent financial crisis he said it had been caused by suc cessive revelations of depravity in high places in the financial world The whole tlilnB. lie declared sren- out of a iniarrel of the plunderers of insurances in the illstributlon of protlts. So deeply had the public con science been -appalled he said, that the spectacle of unpunished crime tl:it never mice did ll seem to dawn upmi nnyone "that instead of cer tain corporation heads belns suffer ed to do sotpe liiuist , leaning In the corporations they had pllbufed they ought to he sent t'i di some cell ilnuilim In the innlii-ntlary." "These tt.-iitleiiien" he aald "when their Htealim; had exhausted the supply ami there was nothing left to steal did nut even surrender control ,'f tlie corporntioni they wronged." They do n,t flee Ir on Justice fear ing lis swird. hot lliey go into n court of justice ninl obtain Its pro tection ItegiirdliiK r, ,-eiii hunk failures In New York. Mr. Cockran said that not one or them failed through error of Judgment, hut throuRh crime. He liargeil that the officers who were heimj pursm-il I,, fore grand Juries and i riniiniil courta .ictuallly 'had set themselves to work to raise funds to n op, n the oiii,-,-nis nnd Indtsce de positors to s:meii,.ii il.-hiy In the pay ment of their in-'li. It liii,l Im. n a-l.c.l" contltttied Mr. I'lickran "whv d.-n I the president prosecute these ten I I'llion ?" Put he suld he notie.d ii was always pro pounded hy Hi who. if they thought there was nnv danger of prosecution would not engage in public ilisciis-ion on the hustings or In the newspapers Toit would be uuictly seek! UK steamship tickets to foreign lands " He did not believe the president vet hud exhausted all his powers hut he s.tid. "I do say this mess-,!.,, shows he appreciates his duty " Mi-ssiiee Inspired. The niessace wiis, Mr Cockran de clared an inspired proclamation to the American people He discussed the. Judiciary and said lie had noticed in his own slate federal and state Judges leaving the bench to accept professional employment .corpora tion. Jt was no wonder .therefore I he said that, the public conscience should be alarmed. He spoke of the president" love of "'Justice ' and said It bad been charged thai the pres ident wa indiscreet. ; 'K'an It Me taken as a reproach against any pub lic servant J" he asked. "That his love of Justice is no strong that it does not comport with the interests of the people?" He declared that Justice wa the foundation of prosperity. The value of the president's mess-ge said he. is that both parties "woull swear hy the board for It " Mr. Cockran referred furtln-r to President House veil, as a "crusader ' the only one the republicans had h'il the president was di(iialilied Never before In the history of the country had a president in offiee been tin ob ject of usch hitler uttai ks while still in office. A for Mr l:ryan. Mr. I'oikrin Willi: "We have a. democratic cru sader u to whom there is some doubt as to whether he h nut too strenu ous. I thought so myself I" the past, but under the. conditions he becomes the fore-ordalned champion of law and order." "The. .president message," said Mr I Hepburn, of loiva. was received In Home sections of "the cmintrv with violent condemnation hy the organs -of the men the president has seen to deonimee as malfnctors. The pres- j Ident said Mr Hepburn to unsettle j conditions except to call intention to ( Ihe misdeeds of malfnctors. The stock j gambling haa done more than any , other class to bring on this disaster: I I to bring Into disrepute the value of i our securities. "In everything the presidewt ha-' i donee" continued Mr. Hepburn, "the, American people stand behind him In this mesenge the people stand be- j hind him nnd they demand the legl-, inlion he stands for shall be given i In order that these recommendations may be ,nmie effective through thej courts. Home sav there will be nut d - i Ing done hv this congress I do not believe It Mr. Hepburn said Making a Heparins. Mr. Hepburn said the demoeral ic party la making a departure In ad vocating tho coiii.ie of Ihe president and has oppoued national legislation In many case on the ground thai there was no constitutional power for It. Jefferson himself had de clared that the government of the United States had no power to pur chase Louisiana. He declared thai If the democrats were In power the country would have unlimited quan titlfes of greenbacks and wuuld be in a state of complete bankruptcy. It was the party, he said, that had op posed placing the money of the United Suites on a gold basis and on a paT Ity with all other nations. "Some men." said Mr. Hepburn, complain that the president bad not put a larger number of these male factor In tU penitentiary. One dif ficulty Is to convict one. man or crime If he reinforces his defense with un abundant exchequer. You must re member how many restrictions we have thrown around the criminal." He favmred interpreting the criminal statutes: llberalty and In a way to avoid evasion and to secure justice Then, he added, there would not be so many Infractions of the luu. He denounced stock gamblers for monop olizing the money of the country in their operations. He suld the demo crats knew that the president's mes sage; meets the expectations of the people, and on that account they are trylntt to appropriate all of Ita pro visions. The house ndjoini.'d at 4:30 o'clock. A Nice Warm Rug or Carpet will add much to the comfort of home these fresh wintry days. 'We have the rug you want at the price you want. Come in and see them. Sawyer's Carpel House Phnm 228. No. It ami 10 Cbnrrh St Mountain Cily Steam Laundry Phone 426 SKINNER & HUNTER BKACTY PAltlxmS Everything new and up to-date. 20 liattcr; Park Place. Phone M. i ASHEVILLE. ! CLIMATE AFFORDS ; MANY PLEASANT DAYS j for riding atid. driving i throughout the winter! months. j Why stay indoors! ! Phone us your livery or-! ders. " ! The New York Livery i a.Av'a ';-. ... t - ,. . SieatorforJec&nd flooft Second &ay of Jhe fiosiery Sale Hosiery at .-- ia 1 pi'ires Bon Marche. All this week we will sell warm win- liosierv at the followint,' prires: (): I osc fur 8c pr. !" Ht.se for 11c pr. Hose for 19c pr. ''" H' 'or 29 c pi. ."0e Hose for 39c pr. The ahm e prircs include riMiert hose for children, winter hose tor women in the fleeced and heavy cot ton. These special prices for cash only. 3 leached Domestic at ou prices Fruit of the Loom, Lonsdale Sheeting, Andro-scoo-in ;md Hill Domestic, all M indies wide, sell inoffi'om l'-'V- to 1 l- yd. for fc y( Lonsdale Camhric ( hest iiality ) at 12Jc yd. '- Jtunning New tfeckmar We have unpacked .several shipments of dainty new neckwear. A moiiic 1 hem are pretty ruchings, new styles ill hows and wash slocks all at correct prices. CHEMO J Insect and Germ Destroyer g H It kills instantly moths, roaches, fleas, ants, bed p j bugs, etc., and absolutely detrovs the larvae or egg R life. B Chemo is sold under a positive guarantee to do all p that is claimed for it when used as directed. Let us 4 tt tell you how to get rid of insect pests. U (SeawelPs Pharmacy rf (and Prescriptions) Cor. Haywood and W. College St., Ashevllle. N.C. U THE ASHEVILLE PHARMACY Formerly Ward's. Duy I'lioiic 13(10. Miht Phono 200. Opposite Postoffloe. Prescriptions carefully compounded. Quick, efficient service guaranteed. Deliveries to all parts of tile city. Sole Agents for Bilttuore Ice Cream. DAVID II. HOSEXSTKIV, Proprietor. II. Ii. SEDBEHKT, Manager. The Southern School of Telegraphy and the Emanuel School of Stenography and Typewriting are making some special offers of easy terms of payment. Call to day and talk with Miss Kmauuel about taking a course. Class rooms !, 10, 11, 1!!, 14, and 15 Dhrumor Bldg. (over Field's Jewel i v Store). The Milk Ordinance Cuusod No I(Im in Our Prices. 11 Quarts Pure, Rich Milk $1.0Q. Delivered anywhere in the city about 9c Quart. ASHEVILLE PURE MILK CO. Phone 554. Buy Your Candies at "The Palace of Sweets "Where the Confections Taste I. ike More " Fresh miido candles in great variety uic. to he luul here at unusual price. John R. Shutts, Prop. 4Tt College Street. SlRffTONAVEmBETTERPHONtdaiS ASHEVILLE' N.C Our Carnival of While Sale vj end W. diiclay. Nnpcrh values i ail kill(is of White (ioods. w!);!nil' V;'' Ll,'''s V,''''V """ h 'lueed.- Buv vour lute (.oimIs iv ;md save stun,, monev. " it' soiiii'thiutf new at The is I-Vliiuai v 3. at fi n. in. if V