,E CITIZEN THE WEATHEB FAIR. BRING RESULTS, CITIZEN WANT ADS VOl,XlV-m 188- ASIIEVILLE, N. C, TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE ), I!KW. PRICE FIVE CENTS. VETERANS ARE MUSPING IN TAFT FORCES ARE ALARMED "An' The Gobbl'uns'll Get You" CHOOSES TEAM FOR OLYMPIC EXPLOSION ON TENNESSEE IS INLESTIGATED Ron i d of Inquiry Sift ing thw Evidence in the Case Thoroughly. BIRMINGHAM BY SITUATION GAME EVENTS Crowds Arriving on Every Train and Spirit of Com raderie Prevails. Force an Adjournment to Head Off Suggestion of a Compromise. Pick of American Atbletes Will (Jo to London to Try For Honors. THE ASHBV ATLANTA WANTS THE NEXT REUNION May He a Contest Over Flec tion f Commander to Succeed (Jen. Lee. (Bv Associated Press.) HlliMINOHAM, Ala., June 8. Ev rr I ti Iiik is read, for the opening of th.- Jumna- reunion of the United (-.iili il'-nit- veti.-ana. which begins In BiimiiiKliain tomorrow. The crowds Lrgiin I" arrive earlier than expected, any every passenger train entering the t i t v today carried extra coaches. The visitor were welt taken care of, however, and up to this hour no ar- iiili tits ol' any kind have been rc- ikii teil. I'-actically all ,of the prom lint officers of Ihe association came hi today, and opened their head quarters. Thus far Atlanta ' Is the only mnithern ity with a delegation on hand working for the next re-unlon. There Is already much rivalry, and politics In the air as to the com muruler to succeed the late General Stephen K l-.ee. General. Cabell, of the Trims-Mississippi, has the advan tage of seniority in rank, but the vet eriins thi-niselvca will have the de cision of the question of the most iii.iil.ihle man to fill the place. lieneial element A. Kvans of Geor gia, commander of the department nl Tennessee, has some strong work ei" in the Held who are Interesting llieniseh i-r in his behalf. lintel John h. Gordon has already proved itself one of the most popular inures in trie city. ints is tnc name Kiven to the hotel which was equip ped at the slate fair grounds, and it I; lure that nil comers who wish it, will lie entertained free. SesMkm Ik-gins Today. The contention will he called to or der tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock In lienera! tiariiiton, commander of the Alabama division, and will be opened, wllh. prater by the chaplain general, . William Jones of Itk-h-tnoml. (leneral Harrison will deliver an address and Governor B. B. Com er nf Alabama, will welcome the et er.noi in behalf nf the state. Welcome a, hblt , ...i'm will le made by Mayor U.ml ,, I'lrniinham; ISiigadier (ien ei il .1 W. Uiiaii, of Camp Hardee. I 'iniiingliam: K-jI'uh N. Hhoilcs, of ' a mi' Vlorgan-1 ttus Sons of Vetor ai.s. I :ii niinKhain, and Mrs. Charles li. own. president Alabama Diuigh ters ,,t' th,. Confederacy. Ccncral W. 1 Cabell will assume, charge anil de ll w-r a response. In lib- afternoon will occur the ud-di.-s.-es ,,( Colonel H. i,. KiikscIi, of Moliile, n -union ( rator. and Judge A. " WriHiu of Jacksonville. Flu , com iii.in.l.r ,,r the Confederate Naval v-'h raic. There he l;ind concerts and "pen air reunions and hanCH:ink:iiK " 1 -ipiial Park later in the afler- " ami (jovernor and Mrs. Comer "HI civ a reception at night, '.hcre "ill also lie concerts at the Illppn ''' "ii" and llrev.'orks at the l-'alr m i ! I 1 1 1 1 s: The largest single delegation which has reached the city Is that from lb -mp liis, which came in on a spu-l.it "nil 1'uiinht. The veterans say they ' ,"le ially to urge George W. ''''I'-ii. e-Higi-eiisman' fr'm Tennessee, ,l,r I lie pjsltlon as commander-ln-: 1" sin I'ri'o tlencr.il :.ec. TTu-y ehiini ili.y will have the solid sup b" ' "i Tennessee, Kentucky. Mlsmu " Arkaiiv.,, and Oklahoma. CONSTABLE KILLED INSIDE CHIMNEY 'By Associated Press) " XX' KE. Va.. June S A report b- s h,-re tonight of the accidental "'in in Itiichnnan county. Vlr- i-1 ir i ... C,,, 1 i II V. Chambers, constable of ,; n den district. Chambers. In no; nceess to the home of Mrs. man, where he was refused i '"'lo t-, went down the ehlmna . ml'-'i-s found the bottom the chlm- mill I'hiii n, liirn I' seil, and while making Ihe re- " ip. his pistol was discharged, i bullet penetrating a vital part. i lEALOUS, SHOT HIS WIFE FIRST, TURNED PISTOL TO OWN HEAD (By Associated Press) ' lOLANI), June 8 Charles I.. "rl" 'I. prominent architect and head "f Sorb-tt Engineering company. k,ll"l his wf, Klizabeth. and then 1 '"'I Ids ,,wn life in a hotel In Wlll '"Kbbv. .i leyeland Suburb tonight. h- double tragedy Is said to have " I He result of li,.nlnim Mr nnd Mr, Corlelt were well known in Cleve Soi'letv MnA for Hi.-,. Vi.fim have land ffslit.a, a( ,he hot(1 M(. poriett was " ( I' V'-bwid most of tin. lime bowev- ' going back nnd forth two or three tun es a week The couple have had several serious GAINED SIXTEEN M.OliE DELEGATES Finds Committee is Not Wil ling to Ride Roughshod Over Contestants. CHICAGO, June 8 A few hand fuls of snnd were thrown into the cylinders of the Taft political ma chine today. I-'rom the Taft men's own membership came a proposition to divide the Louisiana delegation with the opposition. Keating both Taft and antl-Tnft delegations with liulf a vote each- The number of members of the national committee who fav ored the movement created some con steratlon In the Taft camp. Taft's friend's on the committee brought about an adjournment rather than permit a vote to be taken today. Hefore the Louisiana case which involves four delegales-nt-large and fourteen district delegates, is brought to a vote tomorrow, noses will lie sharply counted. Members of the com mlttee who have been ardent TafI supporters, but who have shown u disposition to yield to the gppcalF from the allied forces to compromise in the interest of harmony, w ill be sub jectod to pressure from Washington. Manager Frank II. Hitchcock, of the Taft campaign, tonight announc ed that there will be no compromise He Is determined to light for the seat ing of the delegation Instructed for .Secretary Taft, and declared that he would Insist that the committee -pass in all contests. To settle them In any ither way, he said, would be unfair to the delegations themselves. He xpressed the opinion that the com mittee should not shirk the responsi bility of sitting in judgment on every contest, and in this view he is sup ported by nearly every committeeman from the west and south and many from the north. Thus far contests have been settled from, the States of Alabama, Arkansas. Florida, Georgia and Kentucky and there has been no division of the com mittee In disposing of any of them. The reason for this has been the rule which denies n roll call on any ques tion unless It Is demanded by 2( mem bers, and the antl-Tnft people have tint that number on the committee. The suggestion for a division ol con testing delegations has Income more frequent from day to day. The plan or a division in Louisiana suirg'-steil nlay was favored by Senator l.odge f Massachusetts ami General I'owell Clayton, of Arkansas Hasty confei- nces were held by the Taft member f the committee during the .hearing .f the Louisiana cohlest. -mil Ihe do- ision was readied that il would be wise to adjourn until they ascertained exactly where they stood. Mr IIKcli oi k called up Secretary Taft In Wash nglon. Charles I'. Taft. brother ol lie secretary did some telephoning, and telegraphing on bis own account iv C Duncan of North Carolina, anil A. '' Lyon of Texas, and some others 41-eH energetic. To Appease Negro Vole. The plea for a compromise In Louis iana Is based on Ihe argument that the negro question Is involved, and that some recogiilz.'itlon that would appease the negro voter of the north, should be given the Forakcr d. li gation, in all the contests meniioned the issues are involved wllh the race question- .Manager Hitchcock tak-s the position, however, that all of tin Taft di legations are "mixed"; then being several negroes on the del, na tion from each southern state ...r. than Hid delegaites are involved in the Settlement of these contests from southern states yet to be settled. Tile Taft men declare that if they make concessions now they may expect fur ther demands. Sixteen more votes were gained for Tuft toil, iv by the .settlement ol con tests. Two of these came from Flor ida and eight from hTentnckv. Those were all tlo- contests heard by the committee. The settlement of the Kentucky cases engendered more ill feeling than has been engenedered since the committee began its work. S. iialor-elect W. o. Hradley "f Ken tucky began bis work as counsel lor the Fairbanks delegation The lifth district was taken up. This is the Louisville district, the home of (Onntltttled on Pngr lAinr.) quarrels lately, il is stated Tonight shortly afl.r C..rbU relume. 1 from Cleveland three shots were heard by the guests bin the hotel proprie tor l.nist in Ihe door he found .Mrs Corl'tl dead upon the floor. Nearby was the almost lifeless body of her husband. A revolver lay near his out.itretc'ied hand The man dlt-d a few minutes later There was a bul 1,-t wound In the dead woman's tem ple and another In her breast The husband had shot himself once In the forehead Mr. Corlett was 8 years old. His wife was i years younger She waJ a Buffalo woman. HITCHCOCK CASE MOVES RAPIDLY Jury Selected and Testimo ny of Prosecuting Witness is Begun. (By Associated Press.) NKW YORK. June 8 The state's case against Raymond Hitohcock, the actor now on trial charged with mis treating 15 yeur old Helen Von Hagen moved with expedition today. When court was adjourned until tomorrow by Recorder Ooff. a Jury had been selected, and the Van Hagen girl had taken the stand, and recited the story of her alleged wrongs, which led to the indictment of the comedian. The Jurv box was filled within three hour?, ns the opening of the day's proceed ings, and Assistant District Attorney Garvrn presented an outline of the p. , mutton's case In ten minutes. After n.'veriil witnesses had been ex nil lucd including Mrs. Von Hagen. mullior of Ilelin. who lestilied on ex amination Hint she bad signed an affidavit in which she stated that Ic r dair 'iter 'had never I n harmed by the defendant. Helen V.uiHagen took Ihe f mil lo tell the story of her meet ings - ith the actor, and of the alleged i o ur eli. -i s in Itecember lll'MI. in n house oil West 41. slleet Tile gill rehearsed in detail the story fdu- told when I'lio appeared against Hitchcock in his former trial on charges ba-a n on an alleged assault on Flora Wills ton The Vonliageti girl lold of their meetings with the actor and the visits with ICIsle Voecks a girl companion, to Hitchcock's house In Great Neck. L. I. The wilnes. staled that her vis its to Great Neck were without in eltleiit and It was ii"l until she and the W'hlston girl met tJle actor at the house on West 41st street that she was mistreated, according I" her tes timony today. She further tertlfied that lb'" actor made an attempt to assault hi r. and Elsie Voocl.s on a later visit to the same Ionise. KING AND CZAR TO MEET ON SEA lioyal Yachts arc Nvaring Each other, Each Escorted hy Squadron. (By Associated Press) KEVAI,. KI'SSIA. .fiinv K-Tin-KuHPian imp' niil yjn-hiw I'"Iiir St;ir Standard and T.-m n:. . m. nri d b a flPt of t.ir prdo lutat di-M r t-rs. un der the ciiiniiiaiid I'.rar-Admirn) VnnKsHi'ii. lit riv -d in !!. radstfud h on- carlv tMi;i. Th'- Czar and Ids party will i-nilfi i-lt mi Uh St and art cftrly tomorrow. Am wioii an the im prria 1 p;irty nan en.lark"-d the yaHitn will prori'.-d to Hoa to nn't tht- liritish ron varht Victoria and AIImmI, which h:iH Kinj; Kd ward. (Jueen Alt x;indi a, Prinr' VU-toria and a larK'- suit-, aboard. A Kritlh riiis'r Im n-ported toniKht ofT )gn Iland. n ar th'- ntranrc of th flullf of Finland, induatint; that tin royal yaht I:: nt-arint; port Th Vic toria and Albert, with the kln and iue"ii aboard, pr-d:i hi will profd-d at half spfi-d during th nlKht, a the time of arrival in rix-d at about Hi o'clock in the morning At 8 o'clock tonight, a Plight rain comtn.'nc! The Huf-siiin yachts rt'iitrtd a pica-, ant trip from f'ronwtadt Tht-ro In considerable speculation a to the real reason d of the abandoment of tht- wa trip by the Russian Kmjifrur, FT. rr:TF:iSni'llO. June s V.m- peror Nicholas and other member j of the iniiifrl.il family, ur-cwniiaiifi'd liy a large mite, eft IN-terhoff at 7:30 tonight fur Ureal. The royal train will travel over the special Imperliil trnok to (latclilna, 30 mllea from 8t. PeterBliurR, anil from thence over the Haltlc IJne to Jteeal. where they will arrive tomorrow iNi.rnliiK. RACE RIOT ON TROLLEY CAR WAS SERIOUS Five are Injured as Result of ItaiKlOneAVillProh ably Die. ItOW STARTED OVKU PAYMENT OF FAR l Amateur Motorman Start Car, Runs Over Would be PftRjseaftvR f By Assoclatnd Press) ST. IJfl'lS. .June k. l'ive pTRonf wrrc Injured .r hp renult of a riot on a Market ?n : car at 11 o'clock t-nlht. 'I he inot'irnian and one of his aHrtallantfi ;ir at the city hoa pitai. tho iormrr in a critical condi tion, wlifb 1 i. r Hrien. n Kp"da t tr, was run unT by th( Htrcet car af ter the riot. .11 hn may die. MIsm Hi-iiit 1-. mond Heihtw, i-onlroM( r fim i the city huHptial. The lUlld- "(1 it left West I. nil t- the t Ity .N.-.e ir. ami berni.u i-i t it in wit !i t i. i'li eg was cut off and V Tr.'iMk. or Rich fainted when the toded. wflM taken to the car bfKnn when Hi ItfhtH to run In- .il tnen txiard d t h i(raKd In an alter- i. tor Riffle cuncern- ii'P jki ment ! lievt rle llrow u 1 icf . A free hi man I'-icklwd. i l iren. After a time oiin'k ItifTle In the ;lit rfsulled Motor--topppd the ear anl wan to the aUiant Oi' tho condnr- !ot . I' H'kner foremost from After polio liuh'jT a mat, c.ir The con f . and tne i t w ,ih pitched head the car. itn n had iielled the -iinteored to run the 'in 1 r acceptPd the of-ii.i-'er turned fn tlie povver. At Tv Hiond waiting t ! .nte . mot' l.th Htreet o'llriep 'nrd the car. The tn:;n failed to ptop th-- car. v bi- li hnfh rale of sj e to HwIliK e, pi'inft 1 unIe- t hlM . j,,,. w-.n travellnR nt a o fi'Rrlen attempt It ard. fell and was i wheelH, cutting off ,na:'hlnn his left .in nt the volunteer , cj Conductor Riffle ( -d d. but wiih Hoiiii '. t hospital. TJeveriy -I n undi-r arrnt. t . rg-d with beinK ', - In a.Haulting i as a I -' i arrested. In the r xi I n 'itornfn n 'S wa ta kt i; in ' !cl"ae: i I town Ih- J-iseph J,mh I ru n' n (' n lucior Ri mi: ihm:oys iion-:!.. (By Asbocialed Press.) Ml'i'XT VI-: I . June Frrr lir-.kf l-'Ti, nt Br.tnzv ' ;n thr Ornmntiin n'-ar here. 1uM ie , , r rl rnt'lilly and irrv the entl.e a. t .".flO.OOII. Th rf in the hotel when v'l'-'l. nnd nlthotiffh i ii narrow eseapen, v. . l"lH of life Kit far wan aMked of the r ihi- rlty. of New f rp iril'lnlht I i'rcnti-nt-i' to h.iil(lin,. v.-ihi wrc 300 Kn till- ll-rn W;iK (I Ihi-rp were h there ha lf n i known. 1 1- I lire (I'-itarttm-n' Itor-hPllr. nii'l W te I'lainx Late f umler control and nlirht the (in- v a larere pat of Hi'- Imlldinff had heen raved. WASHINGTON North Carolina -Fair Tuesday and Wednesday: variable wind. I I June 8 Foreea't' FOUR YACHTS IN FROM OCEAN RACE Marchioness Gave Venona a Remarkably Hard Strug gle. Six Hours Behind. (By Associated Press) HAMILTON, UKKMl'IA Juno 8 Four of the yachts In the great mean race from Mnrlilt-head to lliuiilltoii. Iiuve rtuiln-d the llermuila lulnmln toniKht. Tho schooner DervlMh, owned hy Ciininioiiore Henry A. Morao of the C'oi'lnthion yucht club, won In I'lusti B., by nearly a whole dny, while tin little Venora, owned by Elmer J. Ill Iks, of IloHtun, and flying the color of the Uualern Yacht Club, waa the cluaa C, winner by alx hour 4 mlnutus unil 2i seconds, over the Mtu-vbionvaai th rn- try of John It. t'roxer, of l'hllHdeliihlu uiid repreai'iillntt the Yachtamcn' As sociation of Philadelphia- Tun vu- nona'H elupHed time was 119 hour 2H inlii uti-s and lb hccoiiiIh. vile having llnNhiii lliHt of ull tin- IioiiIh. The fourth yaclit to nppeur was ten iiillca from the IliiUh lit dark tolilgllt. She Ih iM-lli-veil to lie the lOsperauzu, ouin-ll hy J lllllxell Mi Kel- of I'ltts- burK. and huIIIiik in lb' nauie of the Atlantic Vnclit Club. The feature of tin litest waa the remarkably clone race between the Veiionu and Ihe Muichloiieiu, as was shown by the I"kh. The Venona won by rcaxon nt her iililllly to hold close the wind In a heavy Hea and tln- siroiiK breeze Tin- Marcliloneaa led Lf.lv until r.O mlli-H from the finish on Siind.iv. when a heavy euHterl) Kale blew In i- olT her coiirne. The i nulla II. 1.1 true III Ihe pruVHllitlK -.niilllioiiK u till won. Tie- Schooner liervinh vas well ill. ail ol both biiatx until Sunday but ii tlnil day. beliiK the westward. she milT.-reil inure from Ihe force nl the Kle anil wan forced to h"Hve'to. NEWPORT HAS A DISASTROUS FIRE Oy Associated Press) ,,KU'I Olfl. K I . June II The m .v I'ln'l II"-. I, on Lliff iivi nue, one nl Ihe l.i ii.Mi.-, ffiinir.e:- reports of tlllH iitv, was burned i-ai'y IIiIh mornliiK ami at - n'l-lm k '.he i.remen were de v,.. ik du ll ii-ii ih .'i aavlng neorhj iciililiii ,-'p.n' a fi.'in the tiurnlMK ntt:..-tiii( A ' i c irr..d lv the Mouth -A' . it v. 'ml i"vai.i ''e i aHti-rn beach iv ill. m -c-jrl ''lone to the hotel i.n Hie I It ar, Ihe :arKc eMtulim of .I.iiiitd ..i tvvri I -.ti' , and the cot I -,;, of Vllliain A Slori halner. ELLIS CARRIES PLATFORM DRAFT (By Associated Press.) WAHHINtlTMN. June ---ItrlnglnK with blm tbe ciinpleti d draft of the platform which it In proponed to pre wilt to the committee on i.nolutloliM of the national republican convention at Chicago, Wade Rlllx. attorney gen eral of iihlo. returned here today from Virginia lli-m h, and went dir ect to tlo- war department, where he wax In conference with Hccretary Taft for Home time. With Secretary Taft nnd Mr. Ellin were averne to making any statement regardiriK the platform, bul It never thelesH a definitely atx-ertHlned that aside from the c iilurgemeiit of the tar In plank of the platform, so a to declare for maximum schedule and for" h revision "f the tariff at an eKtra Reiwlon of congr-s Immediately fol lowing the luaiiiruratlon. the platform to lie presented at Chicago will be substantially the Ohio document. KKVKNTY-HIX CLUH ANlX'OLLKdK MKN More May He Added if the Fund Can Re Collected to Defray Expenses. (By Associated Press) NKW YoItK, J ti n ii . To represent Oiv Culled States In the Olympic games, which will be held In London next month, 76 men, the pick of the country's athletes, were tonight e- lectvd bs the American team by the American Olympic Team committee, at a meeting In the Astor House. The committee, with Ita unlimited range of selection, picked what la be lieved will lie a team of track and fie Id men that will bear the American colors worthily. Dearborn, McOrath, Hone. Hherldan and Cue. are aomo of those aelected to compete In the heavy-weight and dis cus events Hheppard, at middle dis tance, Hlllinun for the hurdles and ISwrcy. In the high and broad jump are some of the other selections, which are regarded as mta winners for the team. While the tnum aelected tonight will be the main reliance of America In tho various events to be contested, the committee has alao formulated a sup plemenlary Hat of athlete. Including the more promising of tho younger element, which may be drawn upon to complete the entry list In some of th eveiita. This list, however, I likely to be the guide of the committee In mak ing up the enrle for the various en tries, which will be announced In dt tall tomorrow. Resolution pasaed hy the executive committee after the selection of the Olympic team made It plain that the elected list as given are those Se lected a member of the team, with cxpenso defrayed by the committee. The fending of athlete from m sup plemental Hat, the committee) Mate, I dependent upon the uherrlptlan of further fundi for the specific purpose of sending one or more of tho men therein named. ANOTHER ROAD IN RECEIVER'S HANDS (By Associated Press) roij.lxi. )!il , Ji-ne On claim rgreKulIng in." 11,047, dun the Na omi i ar Whil company, of New ink. tin- Wheeling and Lake Krle i.llroa.l was Hi. own Into the hands of eeher Into t day by United States iidrlcl Judge. W. '.V. Taylor. The pet', ion alU'ten the total indnlited- i of the W li.-ellng to be upward il 5iR.0C0.0or I. A Worihlngton. of Cleveland. - e-pri i.idenl an I general manager the Wheeling, wiif appointed re-Ive-r lor the road, and Immedlate- eiialii'ed hi IKInK a bond for $100,- flfl. fin nUheil ny ii.e United Surety eipariN. of l.nltlmi.re. II Is wi1' I 1 1 1 1 1 the troubles of the beellns, unil iike Krle road have ni-lr f niiidal !",i In the building of tin I'l'tHliurg and Wflbasii terminal. i wrk w:i4 Plaited under I'reid 1 llunvey vh l.elleyed he could put the work liirouch for 1 1 11,000. 000 t 'vh'ch h.-i' already run up to over IO.oiio alio, v.i-.h Ihe work still un- iiildeti d iner ii etters which are ml to have rushed the matter of a cetver liip a note of a million ol! irs due August, and an eight million dollar mortgage which fulls in" wilhln a few months, with no ins a'al'abln to meet them. "IKY TO I .Nil KTKIKK. ATLANTA. ;.i - AcHlHtrmt Orand hlef llureHrf of 'he llrol herhood of -'icumniivi l.ng.n'crs and AsHlntant 1'iind chief i'li i of the Order nf Hallway Coiii'.ih i"f h. nfter a confer- i re toda wllh A-wiHiant Orand hie! Vnl. I'l pan Ii k, of the Kroth 'hood of i(a l.i- Trainmen, left for Nashville for . i .nfervnee wllh f'ree- i n' Tlion.ai. of Ihe Nashville. Chat- iiiooga aid SI. I.ouis railroad. Thef will meet I'.i'sid'-nt Themas In an endeavor to eeiili- th" strike of Wcat- m and llnalii trulnmen. ROOSEVELT SAYS NOMINATION OF TAFT SHOULD BE SETTLED (By Associated Press.) WAHIIINOTON. June H Anv doubt that may have cxlitcd as to whether the admlnlHtratlon arid Hecriary Taft approve of the methods pursued by Frank H Hitchcock, manager of the Taft Interests In Chicago. In dealing with the contesting delegations before the national committee, won set nt rest hy the dispatch of a telegram today by Becretiirv Taft to Mr. Hitchcock directing him lo make no change In the methods he Is pursuing. . President Hoosevelt does not con NIK1RO FIREMAN IS RURIED. WAS HERO Tried to Shut Off Steam From Pipes When Others Fled From -Room. (By Associated Pre) HAN I'KnHO. Cal June I The funeral of K. U. Maxfleld, a. negro, on of the two aecot.d-clasa fireman Who died of Injuries sustained In the i plusltlon ol board the crulaer Uat week. wn held t.Jay. The body wag biirlod nlongsiila hi five ahlpmateet who were Interred on Saturday In HarlHinlew cemetery, Th funeroj waa attended with military honor and many offtcar and men war preient. The body of J. P. A, CarroTI, tht seventh vlollm of tha aooldent, l ' held on order tiom Waehlngton. Maxfleld waa on of th mm hm tinned by the officer of tho Tennoa are aa recimmenCed for bravery. Ho was credited with having shut oft tho strain valve whUe hi injured com rade were seeking to eecetpe from the ntoam filled compartment. The special board of Inquiry ftp pointed to lnveUgU th eiploakin, ruaumed It lttlngt today. Th board will not cimpleto It work until to morrow night or Wednesday mom- : ing. The board, which la composed. . of Captain C. i. Fog, aommandlng the cruiser Bouih Dakota; Lietiten ant Command" C. N, O'Flynn of th Maryland, and Lieutenant J. C. Ro-. bey, chief engllie'.r of th South TH kola, 1 making thorough inveatlgo tlon of all phases of th aooldent. Many member of the rw who war In th. vicinity of Ar room No. I. when the boiler pipe burst, and ur vlvors, have been XeVmlned, Th board ha mad an ggmlntlon of ' -. th boiler room and th defectlv tube. At' ImporU.it wltn waa Utt :-. tenant Ashley KoMrbjon, thief engin eer of thn Trnnissoe, who wa In cfigrf of the engine snd fir' room , or th Tenheese At th tlm of th , accident. : ' - , When the board has completed It Inquiry Its repot" wit) t forworded ro the secretary of th nvy at Wash. Inglnn, and the finding will be mad . public after examination thereof. PRESIDENT APPOINTS . THE COBIMISSION (By Aeeoolated air) AKIilNt.Ti N, June I. In c c 'i diinci- with the suggestion mad by the (.ovenijis at their conference at the White II.uae In May, th pres. Ii ent today appointed a natkrhsl c insepvatlon c mm!rlon to consider and advtoe hi in on ouestlons relating; to the (.uncivil ion c' th natural re source ol the loun ry, and to co-op-erntc wild si nl ar nod lea which may be designated ' y ton several' stales. The chairman of the commissions ar as foil wi: Watcis, Thi.udore 8. Burton of Ohio; I'oresis, Senator Reed flmoot of irtah: Ijiiid". Henstor Knute Net-i-i of Minnesota; Minerals, neprs ei lullve lialell ol Pennsylvania; nxerutivo C-iiii inlllee, (llfford I'ln rinil. NKtt Oil PIRM)H. (IOCKTCN, "exus, June I Th ill eve.y of the oil field In this ci nly ' n the shore of Oalveston Bay ha. n-H.illeil In thi practical demor .iiizalloii of the crude ol1 market, th "lex.is compa.iy. whirh fixes prtcee In this acctti n hiving declared all qii ilatli.ns off A y. ,ii ago Ihe price paid for crude oil at the wella waa 76 to K9 c- nU a I'Uirei The latest quotations, ti n da i age, we e from 62 to (1 cen.'t. RACK tV.AIt IMMI.VENT. AUHTIN T-'xac. In response to meHBiige to o.ivemor Campbell from i .unity j-ulge 1-acey at Longviesr. r.uiKers have bn dlspatched to that l"lnl The dlop.ueh from Judge la '' mated that two negroes had al ready been killed nnd one white man injured and 1 1ml a race clash was Im minent. The troiioV, It appears, orig inated in a contir.verry over a year ling. ceal his satisfaction at the work be ing done In Chicago. The adminis tration view la disclosed In the fol lowing utternace which exactly re presents not only the views of th president but of Hecretsry Taft "Now Is the time to settle th mat ter Thoee who are falling at Chicago are the very ones who have been v making unceasing war Upon the ad ministration for a long time, and had the tables been turned would hav gone the limit nf their power to ell mlnate the Kosevelt Influence on the) party" '

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