THE ASHEWLLB CITIZEN THE WEATHER FAIR. CITIZKN WANT ADS HRINU RESULTS. VOL. XXIV. NO. 192. ASlIEYILhE, X. C, SATURDAY MOWNlMi, .JUNK VX 1WS. PRICE FIVE CENTS. NOBLES FOLDED THEIR TENTS, BUT STOLE NOT AWAY IN DIM SILENCE FOR S)NEET CHARITY'S SAKE. TODAY'S GUBERNATORIAL PRIMARIES WILL CLOSE THE CRAIG-KITCHIN FIGHT pilgrimage of Oasis and Omar Ended in a Blaze and (Jlare of Splendor. A THOUSAND SAT DOWN TO BANQUET The Parade of the Shrincrs and Novices Was a "Scream." Fine Con cerjt for Ladies. Past but nut forgotten, nor yet to he forgotten for many yean- to come. Is the Joint session In Ashevllle of uasi.s and Omar Temples of the Mys tic Shrine, which came to an end In the Kin i. lest houri of this morning on the ullltop In a resplendent man ner i f splendor following a banquet notable for lavish chetr and the personii' I of thosu who gathered there. Greatest ever in Shrine history was the inee ,ng of the two temples, Oasis representing Norlh Carolina and Omar the state of South Carolina, the former the motliet, the latter the fair daughtci .an assembly which drafted bright n Inds, v hole-souo J men and fair ladies from tlie mountains to the tea. and radiated id comet-like bril liancy a spirit of bright life and brotherly low, Impressively demon strated for all its panoply of merry Jeat en the people of Ashevllle when Hrave and serious-minded men un bent fro;n the dignity of every da'y lit and showed that at hear! they were ljs onee more, brilliantly success ful as the session in every detail, and in Its bountiru1 entirety it left naught to bo desired, the bright dawn "f the morning cbinlng from over the high mountain smi'lng an adieu to those ho efe bidden bnn wiyage. and who rcluctantl; depart from the oasis v hose guardians have eclipsed themselves as Shriner hosts. of what happened In the secret nnitliiKS at the Auditorium last af ternoon from 4 o'clock until 10 an .iiib-i.lcr may not tell, because he does not know, but hints dropped from M-teians suggest that a cornucopia ot pli nty was "done" to thos' v ho, with the optimism of the unlearned In the art1' anil crafts of the sages, troopi d in hind those closely guarded deor.s. to I. mi ii a few assorted m stories. I'or.ieouple of das said n" io's had Indei i been the "Big Noise" and lir'.-.i in the smile of popular uc eliiitn. tint all good things conic to an ''"d and mi they were chastened by those superior ill the lore handed down from the Araahs. Oh, Those Novices! Mut concern chielly attached yes' to ejiose nov-ic s, and Ih'-.v reigm-,1 supreme In the estimation of the gleeful crowds who watched Ihelr untie , when they came rorth in pa rade from the Mattery park yester 'iav morning. Hundreds there were "f He in. It seemed, a motley gurln d c ii' r.iiion. guiirdeil by a cohort of N'obl. . ,,n, f,,,,Wp, ,y Nobles of tlie Ibd fez They had a band lmw "'" -' has never bern paralleled in Mil Imrg. even by Sousa. because th. '"" ' was different yes. it was I'l-e. , Dial the music they made was d'lt' 1 1 nl." and they themselves were bib-,. ,,i ir,,m a H;U(. (larlUowu It, in l;es a) ' !l' Ulage "cut up" were dis- ' 1 v the cut tips or these whoj 1,1,1 'unis at the sn, ret command or l" initiators, and really i b credit uh . ,i. . cV(,n ,,, t In- ingenious I '" "lio conceived tlie garbs and; t!" ' "ds line man was a comic i ;ni 'd bat. another a woman of! 1 ullage, and still another was I rs a small boy of generations! el always If will be a wonder j a me ( hose bats I In y w ore, I'a In none such have hern worn I " years and 're jn evidence v. - re they, evv-n 1 Hr ectotrc j Cheerful; originating I I Uieir own. but in Die main hat they were told lour 1 the base of ihe Vance mon oid delivered addresses on Ihe onilnuod on Page Throe.) STANDARD OIL IS AGAIN IN FOR A HEAVY PENALTY FOR REBATING 'By Associated Press.) '"M'HKSTKK, N. Y.. June U' a- i harped in the Indictment. '," it"- verdict brousht in by tlie ' court In the Standard Oil case "'' b-nlicht The Jurv had been out ""on recess. " uni, l j Kenenek. of Buffalo, who n('"'"""(l the defense, moved for a Ju an'l it was arranged to have ., Maiel hear argument on the -n on July 7. 8pccUl Assistant ey th ' ',n,'ra, Walltirp Demp f'outinif uttorney, ajravp THAW MUST STAY IN JAIL LONGER Application for Transfer to 'Another Asylum is Denied. Meets His Wife. (By Associated Press.) NEW Yol;K. June 1 J Harry K Thaw will remain In the I'ougb keepsie jail pending an application of his counsel to Justice Howling of the supreme court fur a change of the or der committing him to the slate hos pital for the Insane at Mattewan. This decision was rendered by Justice Morschatiser. of l'oiigh kei psie, after hearing arguim nts of counsel in this city today on a motion to' transfer Thaw to any state as him other than an asylum for tlie insane convicts. Justice Morsebauser expressed the opinion that It might lie better for Thaw to be incarcerated in some other asylum than the one at Mattewan, as it was ciilcnt that u strained re lations existed between the head of the Mattewan institution and Thaw. Col. I'runklin Hart lett and James J. (Iraham, of Newbung-h, appeared fur Thaw. Col, Hartlett contended that Thaw could legally be transferred to any other state hospital for the In sane and in the argument for the transfer counsel asserted that Thaw would personally would lie in tlie Tombs or Pough keepsie Jail than in Mattewan- District Attorney Jerome said that he personally had no ob jection to the transfer of Thaw to some oilier hospital If be were con vinced that it was for Thaw's good and that there was no danger of Ills escape. Justice Morschauser stated that he could not go back of Justice Dowllng's order sending Thaw to Mat tewan, but in view of the statements that Thaw might not recover there because of the reeling he has, toward the head of the institution, fc would stay the execution of the order recom mitting him until such time as Thaw's counsel could ask Justice Dowllng for a change, of, the original urdr. II AltHV SANK SAYS WICK POCKIIKEKPSIE. N Y . June 12. Till' lirst meeting helwci ll Harry K. Thaw and his wife. Evelyn since bis attempt to secure his release from Mattewan asylum, took place today In Thaw's quarters in tlie Duchess coun ty jail. Tin- visit was evidently prear ranged, for Thaw was waiting to gret his wife win n her name was annouiic eil. The meeting between them was pri ate. Mrs. Thaw said she was d issast isiied witli tin turn matters have taian and said it was not her fault that she was not called as a witio-.s in tlie habeas e irpus case ror In r husband Mattewan, she said. Is tlie last place on iirib t whb b Thaw should he s.-nt Mrs. Thaw deelan-d that lor husband is sail. "I have known him see, n years" .die iaid, "and ought to know" EXPLOSION HAS SERIOUS RESULT (By Associated Press) K .SAS (1TV. Mo. June 12 -Two iab..rers lo-t their im-i. two others were s. i ionsly injured, and pi..p.rt loss i liluat'il ,'lt bet we- II $-'.. '1. 01111 and Jil.'.ii.Ono, was ran'il In two ex plosions billowed by lire in ihe pal: ing bouse ,r Nelson. .Mo ri . - i'iiiii pan; at I : i v ersii I e. in K a leas ,- 'It v, Kans, today. The hve - illusions ruined the cold storage building and Ihe lire that follow. ,1 ib-.'lrov d the suck lease and i -inl' ills All explosion o sewer gas resulted w to u a w-.ik.r in one .. tin- eold storage departineiits tiglilid a mat. h 'ibis was followed b anotle r and llllieb more -'-liotis: e.o-o by Ho- Ignition or a uuaniit ;in-f-( f a Mi- nionia The Morris plant is located in ar the eha n in I of tin- K a w mi-r, and being ,,, th, , .-ntie of the flood, d district is in a -u ill eiirr. lit of water from six to eight let dee;. Tills i on. til :on made the la -k or tiL-hlii.g the lis. most dif li.iilt and it r.uuire.l li. hours to place Hi. II. inns und. r coiiii-.l There w. l-e liltv oi.-n ill 111.- plant w h'-n the explosions occurred, hut all except four csiap. d Two of ties.- w.-re in stantlv killed and two others badly mangl.-d. notice that he would move for JudR lii. lit and .sent, ic e on the adjourned dale The oil company w,n plac d ..n trial June I. for an alleged violation of the Interstate commerce law In ac cepting' a con.ession from the filed tariff on shipments of oil from olean. N V . to ftustland. and lb Hows Falls Vt. There were forte counts In the indic tment. ea h representing: action on a car of oil The maximum fine on each count is K'e.nOi). or a total for the whole of the shipment of $S0O,-000. ANTI-RACING LAW NEARLY CAUSED RIOT Officers in Plain Clothes Make Arrests at (! rave send Pommel Kach Other. TURK ASSOC1 1 ATI ON TO MAKE TEST CASK Rillg .Management Forbids J-ttvhiK of Odds lint Uet ting,(ioes on as I'snal. , (By Asso-luted Press-) N: W Vllltlx, June 1. lletwecll li'i.ooi and UO.OOti persons Journeyed down to I i ra ves.-iid race track today to see the horses run. and. if pos.-lblc, to make a wager on their favorites. 1 Inailn d of gaily d women ! were in the crowds Six raffs s irt run. and six favorites won belting, too, on r i ry r l' - Pit' - the fart that the in w Axmw -Harl ! anti-KfiinlilltiK la w wa.s in fun e, iui'1 i that It was aiinourieed at the Iraek that no betting would l.e indulged In. Police in uniform and in plain clothes cii'iulaled in larue numbers anions the crowds in the h.-ltin pavilion. Several men arre.-t. d under the new atil I -belt in? law', and ca- h was held in J., oil bail lor a bearilii; lo 'morrow. tirlando Jon. s, one of the b-sdinc members l the Metropolitan Turr A sho i iat Ion t he l.iK bookiual, irs' club- was th- mosi prominent of tin' book inn I. . rs arristcd It was ru rnored that Jones mtimi'd to make a tBt caw ol the new law. Somethbm akin i" a i iot o.-euri-d when the first art.:-!, that of Ki.-h.ird '( a I u.c i t-, jiot as the hor.-.s wire Koims to tin j.o.stjo'ii for the hr.-t ra. e i. tetie r'air. in plain clothes;, urabb. d VV. I. Ion. alt. i! itiR tiial h. had . eti him ae .). a he! A seore ,,r .so ot anKi'. men surround ed the pair, arid tlie .let.-, fives were Jontled severely Another plain clothed man, who va-i tinknowii to I'arr. rushed Into Hi. thb-k or the rray and . atiKlit b-.ld ..f VV. Idoii's arm. desirlni; to aid his brother Carr. not realizing bis intent. craek d file other p. li. .-irian mi-r tie- lo ad with liis bill-, f. Mini; him t'arr was tiitn. h.'d s.-v ral tunes but meantime relnforeenieiitH had ruMtu-d to thr scene and present I;, ' ';irr and his pris oner :irrie.l fit the .1. tel.lion o. n n.-nr til- Kale I ll4Mknmkcr in Otuiliilai-Y. i. t i e r..ii, by a wilfl sermnble of the i row ds to net near tlie ehi. I' n tors in the seen.-, but no further trotibb- resulted Allen Plnk'-rton. bead of the deteedv, r..i re at the tra'-k. rushed hlilu-r and thith er. shouMlur, ".. back, boys; i;o back; help the sport aloriK- by bavlnir no dis-tiirban-e. Me orderlv. iioys. and ev erythinK will eonie rlKht." V'h. n the raclmf erittiusiasts l..-i:;in arriving at the track an air or expeetaney was noted everywhere, rjatber.-d in small knots on the lawns could be seen men tatkiiiK over the situation, and specu lating: as to the probable effect the new laws would have upon racing In the betting ring the bookmakers hesi tated to begin business, but doubt as to what would be permitted was early dispelled by John Cavanaugh. the master of the ring, who warned the layers that no infringement of the law would be sanctioned. "If you want to bet Individually." said Cavan augh to the bookmakers, "you do so at your own risk. There will be no Riv ing and no taking of displayed odds, and no attempt to do these things will b permitted " s They Still Hot Montr. When the starters for the first raee wepr run up On th hlnrktvard. scores -iTifiriri inr.iiarim-ir.i-h" i -irnri n -'i.mnwminn (ConUnitcd om pare X) KING RETURNS TO FACE THE INDICTMENTS lormer North Carolinian Who Made Wig Success in Toils of the Law. IS CI I ARC KI WITH FLEECING PATRONS Ran Financial Bureau, a Newspaper and Was a Promoter on tlie Side. (By Associated Press.) IIOHTON. Mass., June 12. Car deiilo !'. Kinc. tin- financial agent, who for s time maintained ex tensive iilf ic. s In Hostrin and New York, and - i.o left this city last i-'ebruar., ai'i-eared at police liead--piurters here toda- and sort endi-red himself to ;i!-wi-r to an indictment charging him .villi larceny f Ji,..fx The indict in. nts. a hi. li is In n I Ml w a-- I'd urn. U again d bl'n U.vo nmritli iM IlilKr, ( t.-r In went a . a v . and hh nee .. p.-ssons who claiiiM d to (Kr him t' t e sent lllollev to Klin: stork lor them, and had not be. 11 delivered alter his .1 i-ap ea i a tne appoint. .1 p. lake ear. 'u s . and alt.r an ex- op. books it was round w dollars In eaMi and i einained K i nc. is a li Carolina l-'orin. id d In newspaper w or. . ea r I be ha . h li ae ln oter a ltd ll II a in la I that Ih.' -I-- , A few H , a rccflvor w.i i'f Kiiik's l'i a rn ina t i n that ny a ! ha n U fli-H . i nalivf of N .I he V an f lit: ti Imi t f-ir tii.i t tiM as a ,. Made Hlg Splurge. li) CHI.. I. o. elip.Ving .; V'a--iing.-ii I'oom.S e. opened ot. , I entire tt-.or in a lii.-t I. nil. Luc i i-lily I iirnc to d Tie , ii lis., i'l lled ill e V .1 k an ad ' el I i-a iik a ill - and Iiiik i l.aic.i w he I. ' in ,Ja una i paper, the I don. ,1 I lc i ravini: II,. i than $'M. i... affa It- b. . mad.- t,i , . trie tees i,e ai . d Soon all. eei.-r u , r' e va nil i had li-il. du nlin Ih- ,. s ami l i ap. areiitl s.i. I li'lT. be ...tart, d I.-. I lallv loll Tribune 1,1,1 at..,, It ' J after ten inont h ' had rs .l him til . r Mail-. tin v..,, I, o i nl. in ,1, . I thai 1, it. s nur to .e.rt Inn. later I tin. . . .h. , ! .1 1 va !.(.. .. i i im - a i e "itil.-.l. and t It. r- , i . -li dl.s. lose. I thai Kim; fK reg in,; ;. I .. il I I ft till ". I 1 1 I 1 1 i I 1 1 1 e a ' I I ' 1 1 1 1 o v . te sold .1' .iM. ll a. la llns of tt i. . I . ! it a a e, (om ,l I. ,.K . i . , H (Ml ha Vjl.e; b. ,-t, . ads. t. sa I i -1 Kllu: da... I. oi. I fiirnlshe.l I. IIK.Wt N i-; VS Y ' . animation - in the re..., ally ti-.i W. It Ibai so far Kair.. of.i;:;u bai; S SMAI.I, .M K. Jinn- I J Tb. . I .'S ballot box. .s loda . ol t he di- puled miii ol 1 'Ml.'., show .-.I gain., f-.r .1 .. ,1... Il aisi l a : s vit' in th. r . -. ..'ii.i box- s. Th. re :im sttll 1.31 H ball'.i i-.x. s 1., and at ih. j - nt rat b. ' xa ij i ii."'l r proir. s- i! Is wild the the end of dt will b know n month. l. WAHHINCTOX. June 12 Forecast for North Carolina: Generally fair." Saturday; Sunday showers: light to litnii coat to eoutheaat wind. 1 ALL CONTESTS DECIDED; NOW COME BOOMS Result (lives Taft vm Dele gates and Seems to Settle the Noiniinat ion. ADVANCE (I CARD IS ON HAND AERKADV All CuiulidatoH Have Thviv ManaM's oil the Ground Nuisin Their Dooms. (By Associated Press) lib ACo. June 12. Late today the republican national commltlee mpb ted the hearing of all contests submitted. The committee has been In session v ti das and has decid ed contests inv.ollnK -19 seals on the t. in pot a t roll i all The conlests hme ro'lilted as lollows: I or Tall Alabama. 22; Arkansas. -'; I lord. la S, tieorgla. 18: Kentucky, v. Louisiana. Is. Mississippi, 1 li ; MIs souii. i.: ,o,tii i 'a ml Ina. 18. Ohio. 7; i i k I a h ' 1 1 1 . a . Mi; I li n s I va u ia , I; South Carolina. H. T' li ness. e, IK; Texas, 3D; Vlrclnla IS; vMabka, 2; Arizona, 2 d'otal, .: l or I '..raker -Virginia, 2; Ohio. I Tot.. I. :i As Tall had :t S T Instructed d.-le-..t.s b.-tore tlie national committee l.etaii tin- bearing r eontewts, be will n v ba-.e n bilal ol ti'CI deli-gales ill liueted tor him on the temporary -..ll eall. u ali-.oi i .l uie int.. eonsld iiailon an that tiave endor.s.d or ielare. lor ttim In any other man nor I h. . "on . i .1. I defeat unstained le. th. Tall d' I' Cites , the e.iiil.-sl v.... iii Ih. lift I Virginia dlslll.t, Aboil in. I. n. lianvllle. wliere a l-'or- .kel .P h K-ltioli .va:' seated by a v.te of 111 to I1;. I.. an- e a man wa alio.-. e. I . a.t as .. . I ot II V of the , Hi in. nl ioii w ho had lsaiie.1 a cull 1 or a . on . . ill Ion In h Im own county 'lor w bite no n "ill-, " Kaee shui Iii Virginia. Th. fa., .jii'sllon was the uti-lei l ine ati... in all of tin- Virginia ...t. I. t -.. I i l.ilio en- ' ire. i.-r of N ol - l .!k. .-h' mad. Ih- ofieiilng arKuoieiir I.- tto Ttft J .o -..IvIlKi- till! Hie li .t lit lie. II -it th. In f ... " It. Vlt i in,., ..i, tlie Tat I 'I' I' gallon I'l full-, p i 1 1 1 . i r 1 1 o i , a 1 1 1., ihe nuoiliei or n'-i',ro a. i in the -I ,ie Me a .aerted that Oil.' '. let:io' A.e e- ,.. l (-. ole Oli.lel . I.OI1. of Vir- eir.i., and Miat of l,. se ,,rit bet,..e.n .; and 4 I, i : e ,r"..-rl pia ll- !o I Ma i I- ' Hi i a n ol Ohio an- ,i. ..,i,... I i Iii I I., I ullh.lraw the '...litest against Talt .1- legates at lare in Virginia, and Ih. Tart .1. legates In Hie HI s. See. Old tlllld. lOlirttl. "Ixtll and etgblll dis-l nils vv.Te seated ll, I oi ii0.i na 'liiio and Ten ne.aee i, I d. b-galion-; W. f sealed The otloll of III" eollimlttee if, dividing th.- I. ..oi a. ma .J.l. eat j., n a,pareiitlv m oh- no dlrter. im e In the Taft str . ,eM, liiasmo. I. as bolb Tactions o 'Ian Til- TonlleSSee d- . tsiori was mad in the eighth dis til, i in r.M,ons. to On- urgent ap peals of i 'orn rn it i ee rna n Hrovvnlow. V h . asked that II be done ror the pur j, os. of healing lo. al d Iff'-p ri f es The delegation from the sixth Ohio di-tri. t was also divided Hughe' Mini Conu. outside of tlie conclusion of the . outests before fbc national commit tee, tin- most important development of the ilnv was the Issuance by the allies" of a statement In which they declared tb'-lr Intention of sticking to the linlsli, and In which they aeserted ,h " " r' naln ,hRt there ."will (rontlnnftd on pogei two.) MANY INJURED IN PLATFORM GRASII Occurred at the Piiveilin of (Jen. R. K. Lee's Moim incut Yesterdav. (By Associated Press) MoNTOo.MMiV. Ala. June : fote than a dozen pci-ftoua were hint, none of them, at Capitol llelghls, a stihiub of Mont- Komerv. late today when Ihe plat loitii used to accoinmodHle partlei pants In the unveiling of a statue to lien Koliert K l.e' collapsed. The most seriously Injureir are: l; I, May, Mrs. William Knox. Mrs YV. Max bin. Miss Arllne Harry. Miss Fariy. Mrs Jeff Kalkner. II. C Hrown. Mrs Harvey K. Jones, Mr and Mrs (illllie and Mrs. ltoliert Collins. Mr May Is private eecrelary to Judge Thomas (1. Jones t the I'nlted Slates court, who was the speaker of tlie occasion. Mrs. Junca Is the wlte if the adjutant-general of the Ala bama division, I'nlted C.uif. lletato Veteran. Many Confederate veterans return ing from the reunion at HlrmltiKham slopped here to attend the unveiling ext'ia-lnes, and the temvu-ary plAt forin wan taxed to the utmnat. I'lirnier Oovertior William 0. dates, who presided, and JudKe Jouea, the speaker, prevented a panic by urglhK those present not to be ulaiiued The incident occurred toward the clow of the evciclses. The statue of ljpa la of liroit.e and surmounts a column 2" leet high. A feature of the exercises was tin) designation of thirteen prominent women to represent the original Con federate Ktates. Among the Injured were Mrs. Collins, representing .'lor Ida; Mm- lHlmer, for Tennessee, and Mm. Jones (or Virginia. UTAH GRATEFUL TO EX-PRESIDENT Democrats Scud Felicitous heller to Clevvliliid nlJ Kndoi'sc JJrvffi. (By Associated Press) SALT I.AKK CITY. Club. June 12. - In tb. r.rvot Hint attended Die In- Itrtlellon d' lx lb-legates to the lieu ver coli v -nl Ion for W . J. Itryun, the ib ntocljits of I tab, III state conven tion today, did not forget I In- most recent llemol liltle president ,,r the I ' ri I lei States The eiialiman was llistl uete.l to mall tills teller lo flril ver t'levelnlld "The il' iiin. i.iIh of i'lab in conven tion as-, inble.l remember gralefutlyj v., or lilendsbip .,r Clab while uesl d.nt With Just jiartv pride, we poinl to your aer I. for lly- parly and for tile eoltlitrv With apprehension We IllIVs b -aril' 'I of V .till Te. cut llllle-s, and. with one aieord, w, piav that Mnif life iiiay he protolu;e. '..r many '.:.!; that III" eoiiulrv Ilia V be bbs .-.l witli Ihe wial-. ill of your colill- Hl l " Ml I . -.eland igued III" bill W III. ll mad. 11,1, a dale 'It,.- J . i 1 1 1'iriii adopted I a gen. I.ll , . attli mat Ion ..r d. in-.' a a t a- pi lu l Ide a ltd cm lu.b . lib In .Inicllon , to the national ib l. gales to vole a.'t a in il for the nominal Ion of William I It it. and to .,i.,. I. to, lie .mil Mile on .,1 I,.-1 . a I . o It a 111. A, I, el.. .. I i I ' I - . I ; .1 I . ' . Ul - oi l : I . e ma ii Mltri to sn i. no, (By Anc lalprt Pr"S I Nl I It I'f'l.K. a . Juii. 1 App. 'I d to Iat. t.,i,l,;lil lo a . .0111,; ..miiiii whom he did not kiio;.. f..i ptoi.ili.a. rioln Hair. Main. on a veil I.h-.v.i yoiinc lilt. man of South ..i( .11. .(dill IJ-. - ;,,, old I '..lib d. I ale ..Ide I elllpt I. ! b"l I. bill- I ol a .l.olir .in into Hal mot. I. nasi I. Mine loo. Mi stand-. li'.se -a-. the gill I iii ml.. Ills hou-.e Ii. ciiHg bun I., plol.'t pel H- old'' I' d llarmoii a .mi . and ' le I.ll. nipt' 'I to fol - til". -' .. V Ililo Ills holll. IIS. i 111. gun l;.r . W.c Ink. II t i I to I'oi IsiiioiiH, Jail for ate keepuif.; SIX MEMBERS OF CAMPING PARTY ACCUSED OF KILLING COMPANION (By AssncUteo PrebS) lill.CMI'.CS. l;i. June 12 There Aas a sensational de eb,,riieiit today In the matt, r of the death of Tucker A liavldsort th.- . oiing man who per ished In tin ''hattahoochep river sev eral miles north of Columbus yester dav, when K I, I Mtv.ldsoii, brother of the dead man. swore out warrants against Hen l.loyd. John Hoggs. Bud Phillips, l-ec phllllH. Jndd Lloyd and Moproe l.lp-.d. charging them wKh murder. Standing of Candidates at Convention Will be Prac tically Known Tonight. ( i:.VI() AND KITC1UN TO MKKTIN DKBATE Vcsteidiiv's Primarifs lie siilted Increasing the head of Mr. Kitehin. The last day. or nearly eo, of th North Carolina (tubernevtorlal pri ma iie tlnda Mr. Kitehin leading Mr. t'ralK by 38 vote, Chowan and Br lie counties held their primaries yt b'ljLiy with the followlntt reaulte; ' (Vnnvan Kitehin J, iTalir I, Horn I; Hortlo KWchln B.4J. Cmll .T, Home o. The official vt' of Martin county, as reported yeaterday, la Kitehin , Cralu S, Horse 1. '. There are still eleven countlea to vote, and all of theaa, with the) k ceptlon of Mecklenburr. will do M today. Manager J. P, Kerr utated to Tlie t'ltlxen laat nlfht that Crl( would lead Kitehin tonight. Mr. Ken- maid: " "Thwre la vwry Indltmthin that today' prlniurlee will fall Mr. Cralw. There have been 761 delegates elected to the BtaVte conven tion, or tlteso stt have been ln Mtnicteii for Mr. C'ralK. Il for Mr, Kltchln. 114 for Mr. Horn and 17 are unlnstructed. The unlnatru6ti counties are Alleghany I, Camden I, Hertford 5, Lincoln 7, Rowan 17. There are yet 11 countlea, with 1 1 votes, to hold prlmarlea and conven tions. These countlea are Madlaon 7. Ofl-ston 14, Mecklenburg SS, A neon I, Vance 7, Franklin 14, Naeh 10, Car taret 7, Tyrell I, Dare t, Currituck 4. ; Mr. cralg will receive a aubatan tial vuito lead over Mr. Kltchln HI these countlea, and Mr. Home will get a good vote ' in several countlea of them. The vote on the flrat ballot at Charlotte nr. b, Ctata' between Messrs. Cralg and Kltchln. Mr. Oral win receive a good lead from the un Instructed vote. I have no dolibt ot Mr, Craig's nomination." Joint Debate. ,' Interest In the gubernatorial oam palgn recelwd a doclded Impetua yea tenlay, wlien It wee announced that Mr. Cralg had declined to confirm the refusal of chairman Waddlngton of Mei klcnhurg county to arrange a Joint debate between Mr. Cralg and MrJ Kltchln at thu Auditorium, Charlotte, Monday night Mr. Cralg la reported! o have said that he would "meet1 Kltchln or die," and the news when ir.iiiated caused much dbicuiwlon. Iloth men are regarded a two of the state's best orator, both etateamon of ability. The debate Monday night Will doubtless go down In the political his tory . jf North Carolina a a mem orahl event. It was originally Intended that Mr. Cralg would speak on the public sipiare Iii I'liorlottu and Mr. Kltchln at the Auditorium Hut Mr. Kltchln, aching (or a chance for a spectacular display al Charlotte, authorised hla manager to challenge Mr Cralg to a ..lnt discussion Chairman Waddlng ton i.r.miptly declined, lajt whn Mr. i rale heat. I of II he Immediately tele phoned to i liarloite from the center of Me. l. P nbiiig county that the chal lenge i... accepted Several of Mr. Cialg'-. flleinls III Ashevllle Will go to i 'harp, tie lo hear the Joint dlactia- l-.ii HONDURAS WILL LET US HAVE BAILEY (By Associated Press.) NI.W 1 1 It 1 ,1-; A Net, June 12 -An In t. i. explanation r how K (. Cllil. J. pie dil. -lit of the l-Juport Hhlp pllli; .oliipaiiv of New Jersey, will be ti ..hied fioui Honduras, which hag te. . t i adiiion treaty, was Kiven here I'i'I.i.i I' Culled Km a company offic ii I- 'I'll, v have received report from it" ii M .. ml uro ii ofltcea that ftallpywlll l i d il.l. I..- sent out of Honduras by boat as being an "undesirable Immi i i.u, t " W'b.-ii thiee rnllea off land, or bub all on the high sea. Bailey' boat e. Ill be met bv a Culled State eiiui.oai, Ahl.i will lake him In cua t.dav Honduias has consented, as a our t. sv. to exlradlt" Halley, who la charg ed wlib secreting and withholding ...oils a lid m. i.-hsndlMe from the re . .'.. r from the Kxport Shipping com pany 'Ihe l d.-fendunta commeed the camping parly of which Davidson as a number. John Hogg. Pud I'hililps and I.eo Phillips eajr, that tiny were In a boat with Uavldaon, and the isiat overturned In the raplda and he was drowned. The three de fendant are In Jail, and the -others are out under bond. ' Bhota were heard fMim the direction of the river about the time the young man met hie death. ""T " 'f " -'

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