THE SUNDAY CITIZEN THE WEATHER SHOWERS ftyfl PAGES 42 TODAY VOL. XXIV. NO. 19.1. ASHEVILLE, N. C, SUNDAY MOHNINd, .1 1'N K 14, UHW. PRICE FIVE CENTS. CRAIG CARRIES MADISON COUNTY SOLID AND GETS BEST OF GASTON'S VOTES State's Primaries Practi cal Closed With Only fei-klenlnirff to Vote. SMALL BALANCE IN EA VOlt OF K ITCH IN It is Estimated That Two Lending Candidates Will Run Close Together. Tin- returns from four counties of the u-n which voted yesterday, and an estimated return from Franklin. In creased Mr. Kltchln's lead over the 11. ,11 l...cke CralK ly U votes, bring ing his total majority up to 30. The couniiis yi't to hear from are Car larcl. Currituck, Dare and Tyrfll. with .Mecklenburg to vote Tin aday. It w,ih impossible to hear from all f the counties yesterday, scattering returtiH only being given. The coun tii f reporting fully last night uro: AN HON Craig, 2.70; Kltchln, 2.b0; Home. 2. SO. GASTON Craig, GEO; KlU-liln. 4; Hume. 3.50. VANCM Craig. .50; Kltchln. 3.50; Home. 3. MAD1SOX Craig. T: Kitchln, 0; Home, 0. NASH Craig, 1; Kitchln. 7.50; ' H.irne. 1.50. j l'UA.N'KKlN (estimated) CraLg. .50; ' Kitchln, 7.50; Home, 6. . The grand totals, exclusive of the four counties unreported, now read: Craig, 310.20; Kitchln, 340; Home,1 130 K Dare, Currituck, Cartaret, Tjrill and Mecklenburg. Mill to be heard from, have a total vote of u'J, and Mr. Craig's friends believe that he will at leant break evien with Kltehin In ;these. A It looks now, Mr Kltehin will go down to Charlotte' with n had of 28 or 30. , Mndlson Solid. ' The shining feature of yesterday's primaries wns the solid vote of Mad ison for Mr. Craig, her delegates . c liu; (intruded to vote for him "fir-d. list mid all the time." Thus it will l .irn that the entire section of We-tern North Carolina, with the i vi l.tinn of a small fraction of a i t- In Haywood, goes to Charlotte lined up solidly for Craig. It is a n iKiillieenl record, one that any man !'li"iil,l lie proud of. Thirtv-two delegates will go to ''Inrlotte untn.strneted. but Mr, ('"'ralgj 1- expected to get more than half of j th.-v The total vote of the state in the convention l 857. and 4l'H is ii'inireil for nomination. ;i:)iu;k sii.ku iivi. (By Associated Press. ' 'II H'AI il . June IS. i"irti- Slier. ;.' . : i : old. a writer on Imsing, iliert i-an-hl of heart disease. He was' sin. U. n on the street June 4. but, is apparently recovering. The fatal i Mtaek tonight was unexpected. Slier i a lightweight boxer in his young er d:n He then became a referee 'ii'l i.ljn, Heated the Corbett and I-itz-ci inn. .111 tight, and also the chnnipin 'li'p lights between Jeffries and Sliar 1 and Cans and Nelson. He had ' n on the staff of a Chicago tHews l''I'W lor several years. CAMP I.OSI.I. Tin- camp-meeting, which has been i'-'iiur "ii ,,t Hlltniore Bridge for the Nt two weks. will close tonight. Itev. T 1'ounders has been conducting ,h' ro. el illlJH Willi great success. A limit six (.inverts have been received into He ' himii. EARLY MORNING FIRE ALMOST DESTROYS THE L0WENBEIN ALLEY i'lr- l'alace Howling Alley on Patton " ''in., nearly opposite the post ..f- ' " 's practically destroyed by lire u 'o !i broke out shortly alter three k this morning. The fire started '" 'h. r.-nr of the building, and when bremer. arrived was eating its J'-'i iiiroiKh the iron shethlng over ''f the building. I'h. r.. wan some delay In getting the 1'nrlinent on the scene for the r.-a-s'"1 Hint the men could not find "e blaze Officer Lyda. hearing a ...n y.iitng tire as he ran up the "feet, turned In an alarm from the "'luai. The hose wagons and their 'h s... inK n) flrc ln th n,.iRhbor J1" ) started back w hen the light of !n.,lla7e wa" Been down the nvenue. " hen the firemen arrived they soon , ,w fine streams playing on the alibiing but they were little use at nrst against the hot blaxe made by ,n frame woodwork. "V hard work and with a depleted "fee they kept the blase from becom J dangerous to the adjoining prop tjy h',h la stored with' T. 8 Mor 1 ! Company's large stock of GUBERNATORIAL TABLE Following Is tho C.ubernatoriul tal)l to dine: ' Kltch- Vote Craig in Horne Counties A lexa inler . . Ashe Illllicilllllie . . lililke .. .. Clav (iruliani .. .. Iredell McDowell .. Mueoll Mlleliell I'olk .. ltitlidolih . . Stanlv Swain Washington . Watauga ... W.Ikes .. .. Yu ncey . . Johnston . . . . tleailfurt. .. 4.r,u r,.7 "(1.45 2 12.50 6 C X a K.61 :i 3 2.55 i; 1 .'.IK 3.37 .411 8 :i i; 7 : 3 s 7 17 13 i:: x 8 li 3.57 1 3 82 3 17 n.cii 3. lilt i . i'h'i .74 4 20 3 -iii If. ' ' 4 12 IU.7K 7 1 4.7 4.7 5.73 5.HII 1 45 1.110 1.27 4 CI 4 CI ,C1 1.31 I C4 I. UII Iluilfax .. .. Warren . . Harnett Montgomery . Munrii klchmunil .. Cleveland . . Cherokee .. . Uulherfon! Hit.vw.snl .. .. Jaeksoli . . Alallulllcc . . Durham .. .. Person . . Cliatliani ( uldwell . . . . 1,1'nnville. .. ih nge . . Cabarrus . . . Henderson . . Transylvania 1 in viilsou Wayne Nor! Iinuipton Kiigeeolnlie . (ireene ( .. . . N. Miinover Hyde Davie 1'iinillei) . . I Mil Mil .. .. render . . i.-e Cuiiiwliii . . . . ( Inslow I'lilon I 'umbel in nd . Iilndcn .. .. Iir.inswlek . . Kocklnglniin . Sot bind r ursvth Cobiinlius .. Caswell I ill I es Yakdln.. .. AlleKhimv FiiHiiuotuuk . . 1 niven . . Jones Per.iilminnns Robeson . . -flurry 1'iit Wake Wilson S.okes Anson . . CillStoIl . . Vnnee Madison . . Nash Franklin .. ,. 12 ,. II Ii 13 1 I :i ,5 .1 bi I 8 . II I ; . HI I I I 14 .1 ! I 10 .1 11 I 7 . ll .22 1 i.25 7.21 11 7.50 4 40 1.50 10.02 4.50 1.42 Mil (i. 511 I 2 .'till i.r,n 0 4 7 :vi 2. 4 3 2 2 1 .411 2.51) 1 ,08 4.50 .HO " .in) 3.50 5.20 8.44 li.KO S.50 A 13.55 141 .80 2.4 I 1.52 4.31 I. SO 2.01 2.48 4.05 3 64 4.42 li.lli 1.31 12.22 em; 3.55 1.50 1.117 r..ti5 3.33 2 1 6.19 I. 41 2.13 ,R8 .50 .CO 2.1.'. II. 84 2 .03 .78 1. m 141 .80 I - it 1" 1 1 73 2. C0 .54 4 .70 1.04 1.47 1,1.0 .50 .411 i.'eii .72 .42 .'in 38 .50 a 3 3.60 I .72 2.2.1 I I 2.:. i !.'."' I I m i i i.i i fi.24 I 2.04 I ' .'.iii i 1.1:2 I 2 31 2lo .50 .'Hi 3.50 I fill .113 II 4 4 16 2. lift 5.83 I 2 , ISO I 4 I.e..". 2.7(1 I II 5 U I .50 11.50 I 10, r.o I 13 I o', V n s 14 2 . 5 n 4 3.5 0 0 7.50 7 50 I 2.80 I 3.50 I 3 I I 1.50 I 10 1 14 I 1 50 linn. I Tola I lei I fold. r, Rowan. 17. l.ii.eoln. 7: Ksllnail. Camden 3. 1 I 3 10 I :i4U I 1 30 llllllisl I llel e.l. Illlinsl 1 11' led. Illdlistl II. led. I. imlnslriirled. row u:k 11.1. srr.AK. (By Associated Press) l.VNCIIIU'l'.lTr V A., June 13 -11.1.1-,,iable Charles N. Fowl, r, or New Jer sey . bail iliaii of the banking and eurrellev conilllill if Hie ll-ulse of i:, pros, nialues has accepted all in vitation t.. .lelivr an address at Hot Springs. Va . Inf.. re the Vile.ini.l State I'ank. Ass..( ialioti on Tlinrsdav. .lone 1 v t Ii. It is 1111.I. rsioo.l that he will discuss Hi.- currency I. gislatlui cnncled and proposed at the last ses sion of congress. CCKITS Till) $.MI.MMI. (By Associated Press.) ATIIKN'S. !A . June 13 --Tin- board of trustees of t Ii . Fiilversity of 1',,-iir-Hia. today accepted the iroposition of the ivabody Hoard. ..f a new $.',0,000 building, and pro. id. .1 for the 1,-ctlon of Ho requisite iiunil" r ..t t. when the new boil. ling i lini.slle.l , The will be f.irinerb a ppr. .pi ia ted l.v the I'olthody tiust.e" 11. -M llctoli. r. The buil.lhiK will he bv Jail nary -. and comideteil by S. ptelllle r 1. I lini) 'v.ihi. les and had it under control in : about tw. nl- minutes The property b longed to Captain W T Weaver and was occupied by Julius Ini.'lllii'ln. who has run the bo'.i ling nl.-y there f..r s..nie time. Mr said lasi night that the origin of the lire was a mvstery to him a there was no lire in the bund ling from which It could have caught, j He said he had two thosuand dollars' worth of property nnd stock In the j building and It will be almost a total 'loss He bad a small insurance, he said. Ther. was a carpenter shop located I in the basement. ti, f ., t ihnt a large numlver of the fir. men and some of the apparatus are awav attending the tournament ln Wilmington gave the fierce blaze a serious aspect for a while. Hy four o'clock the fire was out. but the firemen kept a close watch over It for some time, because of the inflam mable nature of the building. The front of the building was not much damaged but the rear was badly wrecked. TORPEDO LEFT OLD MONITOR BADLY HURT . t Florida is Again Made the Virtinn of thv. Navy's Experiments. STOOD THE TEST IN FKHJTINU TRIM Hole liored Six Feet into Her Hull Hut She's Scrap Iron. (By Associated Press.) J oUT MiiMtnK, VA.. Jiuu l.'i Plnr i-il Willi ;tn A rnii iii 11 W'h U lit-utl lrp In, r.ii ryin :i riiurg' nf KUiinit twi, uii !i ton- a Imk holt- In her itU the I iH.-il St iles niMiill'ir I'loii.l.t unw r M . in On' (It y -lock nt Ihr NorTulk n;iy : -tni, a victim of a ruival rx u rlnt -nt to -st th- ulncr atilU fnuu torM (lo ntt;i( U of water tiht huiKhf The water In tin vin-'elw hold KivcH her a Mh( of u- -eutei-n In ches to starboard. The tent look place off I'ine Iteach. nonr the JaineHiown I'lvimHiUon grounil. where the monitor an chore! in 1 feet of water, The naval officers, while admitting tin damage done to Ihe ens.d Ih very serioiiy. de clare that it i- not vital, and .ay that the test is sat isfartory They assert thut a ltatiles)ii equipped with hulk heudH similar to those tested today coiih) ontintie (ihtiiiK If injured to the Mrime rxtnd, iinleHs H' vcinl com partments on the same nid were si milarly punctured, and the weather ronditloric wen' had. A thorough In veHti:atit:ii will he neeeHnary In-for an exact -decision can le reachetl on the .success of the experiment. The test wan w ittiesMed hy a num ber of til fh ials he hid ink Secretat les Metcalf ami Taft. rostmnsttT (Jenej ul Myer and ordnance officers of the navy and army. How TorWMla Was Fired. The arraiiKetTieittH ,,r tn,. t,.st Wl.r,. carried mt in detail without an a p parent hitch. Ad mi ml Mason and oth er officials Ituiii W'ashinnton hoarded the Klortda before S o'clock and gave the fitia I orders for conducting the lest. Aboard the float, anchored 4(' feet away, from which the torpedo wa dispatched, tne crew were n-ad for tht'lr work- Olrectior.8 to lire wnv Kiven from the monitor about L'(J min ute. after 8 o'clock and live minut s lat' r Lieutenant liabcock. aboard the float touched the 1 .-r which sent the torpedo whl.ziiiK lx feet b low the water on its mission of destrm ti n A rar acom pa n led the t x plosion. The pe lacle w h ii-h followed w as Krand. The tfn-at masH of water that was thrown into the air cast shadow:, for some distance around, The col umn exceeded In height the hlKh ma at of the Florida Almost simuItanouHly there was a shower of pieces of steel fragments, of broken torpedo, accom panied In fine dust, which s altered for fiiily a third of a mile around There was a scamper for shelter by persons on half a doy,en vessels in the vicinity. A dummy (Ik ure of a man had been erected on a bridge of the Florida, nnd altho It wan fifty fet from the torpedo impact, the shock knocked K oer. TIhmi Crew umc Out. The doz-n or more officials and crew inside the superstructure of the vessel, waited for a few minutes he fore venturing out on the deck to as certain the damage. They found that on and alcove the deck the damage wan confined to bending aonw of tin frameworks which supported th booms holding the torpedo nets. thv cracking of several plates, the break ing of Iron guy rope and the break ing of three booms from their fasten ing, letting a net used for protetlng th after part of the hull drop Into the sea. Off for The Front "n'4C'T0 11 u j ' jj Qgjoay j WILLSONENDS POWERS CASE WITH PARDON Also Pardons IJowanl, rn dii tetl With I lini for Mur der of (Joebel. HKLIIOVKS YOUTSKY ONLY (iiniPY oni: hi Long Statement Sets Forth Keasons for Free ing the Two .Men. (By Associated Press. KltANKI "i:T. KV Jiiik- 1 :i Hy nnnoinit'inv I'm- luirilnn l-.ibn f I'nb'b Mini Iiiii.m lb.wor.1. i J tv rii' r V ill-uin .1.. ! Ih. Inst li.-i I r of one of Kelitucl. . - Hotel ruses. In wlllrh the ..... . I . ... .-ill xer!in.4 of tile I II it -ed Sllltr h.r f . .r III :l 1 1' . -X (.ri'HS.-ll Int.i.-i b ninniiiK i. -till. ins f..r In the r..-iiig .bi'H uf .bimiiiry eight yi-ars hk... . iilh- Hie contest of W'il llllln (l.i. In ! ' i.r tile Klilici iuill.iliiil unit ni'i-upleit In Will In m S Taylor. n" being heur.l ilni-lii-l wiim slinl, iH ing l.-ltcr from ic- v'.iiiiiiI The .-.but u;ih heli.-ved l. 'i lie come fMiiii a ball ' .v of1 tle Hri retary of ixl :i ; Caleb putter wa- if tlie Stale. .Milr-pilj.fh .ml his arr. -i l-dolwed- id I'oW er.M bet n juit on life en Hi.' eliiHR.' -.f I ) : rmirtb r. Ilinr I rials ' "ii ie( ion and nti-m e, Hie pelia 1 1 V i li tw " t l i.i 1 ' 1 1 1 1 ia I . w h i h ea me a I' bei u en l ied lj t he r.i'itt. ami had linalh 1 In the kii preine omM , t it hark 1o th. (;,(,. I dWaKle. i, .'Hid then- - I r a pardon tor pnvv ! ot .I.iiik -i I biwa i d who l I' ll SOIIie . ill'" on -it p! i. 1 1 . w -r r new ed and signaler' o pen i - .i ml all m i I i iir v i : he petit iris 1 bat p i r i! n r i 1 1 mi i n . w ho tor h:'M In i n etinhidering I is dec'tnion wan imwle In tin nhap of a for ' 1 1 ! the pa rib in a ltd opened w ,n Htate" .d'i- , t lleU seel t t fell on bin I'tilil title Dial tor i eomplit it i 1'ertUltIim il. death beih: i in the foi t.T the e.i . t'nit. d St,,i. Im i-il a ppt i wli ii-h tin n eoiirts. lie -upon the i !' ei'H as Wt 1 1 bad been ' eba rtfi-x ! .Many ti pie i, ;,1 appelMb-ct ed is on i; Meverat v, -the ease known tod ' ma I stat- i: hiK h ihuh : 'n i l lore. t.ttM rnor'n Heam. After ). appie;ition eompant-' half a rto: of whom Uillson it: hintoix erime, ; 1 1 1 ' 1 "The - n world ai. i' woman, i tm n and :r rnurdi r "I b.r. biit have vate or -either ..f t; out exo j.t prot- edinr In the pre ri'-' the I. i 1 iijit the i p.irtlon had In i n ;n -a p- t it ion f on, n. n r l: p pe. tI)M -j M IffMi l eflt urkia n., I f iii'T -t i t e in 1 i t i e i I'll t he i . ae, ih ijoi nm ( h. n . .id Ue, which makt all the i - ', er K""d tnaii and th tip- brotti-?M. Uirr- mN of tlie v l tun ot ih. ' Im ;i rd nor tnide refl . -t tl to i onsi.i.-r an- pi i -t r niM-st or a ppeji 1 j n i as-s. and have wi! h r- 'irnred that a1! ..f Ihe ' hi be In ;i d piddle! i e of rtpl'iHett;itl if of (Cfintimied on Piure Thme.y 5H0WER& WASIIINi'.ToX. June 13 Forecast for Korlh ' irolina: Hhowom Hun day, except filr on the const; Mon day showers, variable winds. MOTHER WHILE INSANE SLEW WHOLEFAMILY One Hoy Out of Family of Fight SurviveH, and He May Die. CIlhOKOFOKMFI) TI I FN SHOT THEM Was Ouee in Asyhwn and Jirooded Over Husband's Loss of Work. (By Assoclst.d Prsssl ('AIII,I,.C. Mich. June l.'l- Rev . nl.-. u- . :ir-nbl l-'l-rd. I 'ooper, tin- IhhI living in. 'in I. . i' of 11 family of i-IkIu li.-moiiH. II.H t.uilglit In Mwre Hos pital with lust a lighting rliunre 1 1 T. -. Willi.- the Imilb-H of the "III. r h..cii in. uib.-rs of Ihe family, nil slain by the wlf- nml mother, who after wards riimmltte.l suicide, lie 111 thi ol, irgue. the obji-cf of morbid Inlen-sl b f li. i iinii ii.Ih !' tuwDHpepole, nml far iii. is from ilu- surrouiiilliig rountry I'linprr mii's Hint nil he r.-in.-m-I.. is ul last nlKlll H dreadful ornu -i.-nc-H In the i ii. p. r home Is n vague i' of li.ariiig u r-vilT sboi Ml. I Ibal In- has In. rei-ollrctl.iii until be i-.iii. .1 in the li'inpitul. If N the supposition that tin- h!i.1 Ii. In aril was Ih.- om- which kill. il bis brother who lui beside him In bed. It is Sllpli'isril that bis mother ri t I sclil ll billl.t Into I'l. il s head. The 1 1 1 1 1 . - town Is filled tonight with i.t in ngcrs ,'iiiiii. ic.l by the tragclv iin.l nil. .1 lib morbid curiosity nerkers Tin- im. hi ta k.-rs who has rli.-ug.- -.1 Hi., bodies . s that 3. nun p. ., pi. haii- I ii.-. I to view them today The .lead ar. : I AM i;i. i '. h il'Klt. (1 ven is old At Its 1'inil'KI!. 4". yeais "Id II A It l(V. aged 11 INK",, ag.d I I HAMI'KK. aged 10 IK( iltOIANNA. aged C. KhnllKNCK. years A Horrible Knur. When Mrs '.... p.-r's niotber ,-md ..Iher neighbors eiilered the boiiie on i-hapln street this morning about :, ,, i,i. k lin i. w. r. no signs of 111.-, A.-r. s. alt.-r.-.l all about S'.iij. - r in l.eil- and others "ii Ih' Moor Mi- i-ooiier lay ncr-.s the P....I'. of a l.abv on th- bed. .illi an . II. pll-'l revolver b'Slde ll.T Mr l '. ... j i was once ( - fill. .1 in .in in-, in- asvliiin, iiimI for K.iuo- lini- h.,,1 I.e. n broodlllg .1 IT the fact that I'oopel was out of work A few iliivs ice sin is i. ported to have mild sin would -viiil It all" I lev.'lofinients In- lieai-d lhat the (iny.ed mother first . ho..i ol roi.-d the members of th tamilv before sl.,tiig !h.-m. Th.-r-w i.- no signs ot a struggle In any In-st.ilic- .Neither were there marks whlih Indl'.iles that Ihe wo traii sloo'l distance away from her victims in firing the shots A f'.ur oiirc. , holorof rm bottle was found in on. of the rooms II has also i'1-vel-ot.-.l thai th- woman had been in.n- ! mil. unsound ever since the birth of I her v.. iing. st ( hllil, Florence. I H I months ago She was sane lit Inter vals and during h-r lurid moments 'brooded over her nu-ntal condition Mrs (-..op.i apparently bad pre j meditated tin- wholesale killing Last ' night she mad.- a festive occasion 'she took all br children to the Ala mo theatre, whi r, a special vaudeville bdl was given Hli- bargained with the girl ticket seller to admit the en tire family f..r cents. The seller ald she would do so, hut that II I should not be considered as a preec : dent "You will never heed to again". I replb-d .Mrs. f'ooper, "liecauae none ' of us Will ever come here after to-jniiht" COHORTS ARE MARCHING TO CONVENTION Advance Guard of Kepulili cans From all Over the Count rv Has Arrived. IlKAlKUAIiTKliS HAVM NOW 1JKKN OI'KNKI) Keep Up (he Bluff .f Hop ing Altliough Everything Seems Settled. (By Assoclst.d Prss.) I IIK'AOO. June ;3 The tramp of eonv.-iitbm IioMh Ih now fairly under way, unj tonight ChleaKo In lKln nliiK to throb with the r. infusion nml exelteiiiniit of arilylnn thri)ti(, om with biinnei-K nml baniln anil nully unllormeil nmrcherH, others made up of Hliile ilvh.gntlonH with their con-Hpli-loiiM lender nml their cohortH or ntruiiK-liingi'd follower and nhouter. irthem with tho frlendH and admir ers of th vtirlou prenlilentlal candi date, and Htlll olhei-H and again oth er of the curious onlookers, drawn Irom every awtlon of the country. In cluding many of the reprmatntaflveii of forelKh if iviMnmentB, who havn comii to wiinMH thin natlumtl pec Ule. All day wpefial and regular trains have emptied UiouNtndN of atrntigers Into thlH political Mecca. The effect o. this Influx Is seen tonight In the urging street crowds. th growing n n I unit Ion of the choked and smoky hotel lobbies, the strains of music nnd the swell of oratory from some of the heihunrter of candidates, and the bounteous hospitality which these heitdnuurters are beginning to dis pense. And yet this foregathering of the Chicago convention of 1908 hiut al ready established a record for un usual calm and t-riimiulllty, for, meas ured iby the din and turmoil, the scene of delirious excitement and the spirit of dle-ln-the-last-dltch which has marked some historic gatherings "f the past, this Invading army of epecuitors Is a most votes 111 the electoral college to th staid and unemotional body. Hut It 'candidate who exercises control ovx-r Is none the less M army with newlfndernl patronage, t columns coming t the front hourly, if the resolution should be adopted and with Ihe pronpect of plenty of It would result In a reduction Of nurian ami nieworks iihend to mil- male (he lenders ami Mir Ihe blood uf the onlookers. il Itig (.nils On Hand. A drizzling ruin tonight nflrr a hot. muggy day, tended to restrain the out-I hursts of enthusiasm, but there Is a promise of good con v ent Ion w eather ahead The centers of Intercut tudiiv have been the arriving delegations, I with many uf the leaders of cotisplcii- (His national prominence, nnd the iitiiiin-( in ine vurious presmen- Hal rnndldiilcs. Among those to arrive i,lay were lion I'aineron, former I'lilted states senator irom r.iinsvlvanla. who has not allrmled a national convention ilm-e issn. when he stood with Itos- coe I .inkling and John l,olran hj. the I. -adds ..f the third term movement In th.- Interest of fliin-ral ilrnnt: Henry Tall, brother of the secretary; Senator l 'ha u n cey M l-lcw. who -iKhl veins ago electrllled the 1'hlln-l.-lphia -onventliin with bin speech cco nillng the tiomlnatlon of lloo.e veil for vice president; Keprewnlatlvn Sereno I'liviie .if .New Volk. rhalr- in.'in ..f the whvh and means commit-' f the bouse of representative: ' ,1 sji..'.. u.. i ..i v.. ' I States Senator Kong of -as. ,o is lepnie.t to have th. i,.-j T). ,,,., pr,,,,,,,,.,) ,y nepresenta liv. r vie -esl.lei,tla boom In cold 1 1 vx- Itnrk.- Is In all essentials the Hams storage. Janus S Sherman ami Tim-, ",n ' w '"" "' N' York, both i-.-repthe v, presidential p ossi h i 1 1 - ties: ex-f;overn..r Vate of 1 1 1 1 ru.l, w ill! a w lllliigiiess I., consider his re-'t (urn in tne ualorlal . hair, ami a ho I of others notable in the nolltl- al world The rank and (lb- i the slate de.gail.,ii ai.- lather late In irrivlng and organizing, Th.- Am. en- .im, ..r I'iitsl.iirg. s Knox org iin..iti..i, wltli handsome uniform- and ga v ...loied n m bn-ll i.. march, d through the sti. elK and gave I fol.ta d. of the Mi eti-s to come. a ml Male' llcii.l.piarlcrs. The Tall lini..llart. rs Is divided, three large hotels, but the storm i i i.l-r ol Tall ii. tlv llv Is nt th- A ii 1 1 1 .1 I ii rn .Vliri'V Here a net of room-, ha h. en made gorgeous with l.ariiier-v and bunting and electric lights. v. lui.- the genial face of th- (Continued on page four) TWO THOUSAND PEOPLE ARE IN NEED ALONG THE MISSISSIPPI (By Associated Pres.) N'ATi'llKZ Miss.. June 13. A number of plantation owners In this countv hav.- signed a petition ad- lrcwcd to ;..v. rnor Noel asking that he memorialize the federal govern ment to provide rations for six weeks for the lenanis and lalsirers on 13.1100 screw of lowland which have leen submerged for the last 80 days. If the waters receded how It would be too late to make a crop In this section. A dispatch from Vldalla, La., says: .1 ' ' "ALLIES" WANT TO CUT DOWN SOUTH S VOTE Resolution Will Be Offered t Reduce its Representa tion in Convention. i HAS u:0 PFLEflATES, NO PARTY STRENGTH The Plan is the Haimo as That Offered by Late Sen ator (Juy in KMX). ' (By Associated rilK'AOO, June IS Details ol the plan of the "allies" to male light on the Hour of the republican' national convention to reduce the) representation uf the southern atate were made public today by Repr ( ntotlve Jame F. liurke of PannafyV. va n in. manager fur Senator Mtfno. . The reaoliitlun agreed upon by lh "allies" and which will be offered pa the floor by Mr. Burke to Aa followit "Hesolved, That ih bnala of repre' sentntlnn In the republican national convfii tton hereafter tthftll be j fot. , lows: Bach sUtt (hall be entitled to four delegates-at-lArge and on ddls tlonnl delegate for each 10,000 VtvtM or majority fraction thereof caat l . the last preceding preeldentlal alee. Hon for republican electors, ai;d two dcleg.-ites from eaoh territory, the -District of Celumbla, Alaska. - !! " wall, l'orto Hlco and the Philippines, and that methodg necessary for the enforcement of this rule shall be ; prov.lded 4y the republican national ' committee chosen by the dlegaea to this convention." , The Introduction of this resolution Is the direct outcome of the dbtaatla ' faction felt hy the representative ot the "allies" with the manner In which the recent contests before the national : committee were decided. Th charge was mode freely by the "alllea that ' tepresen-tatlves from the northern tntes necessary for republics auci cess were Ignored for the purpose of. Ruining delegates from ,th southern i (dates which never prly th party any about Kit) delegates from southern states which Invariably go demo cratlc An Increase of nearly ISO would be made In the delegation from northern states, and thus woulif he destroyed the possibility of a fev northern states, aligned with the solid, delegations from southern states, con trolling republican conventions In th future. !trMihlb-an Vote Rmall. Mr n., ...Ol. "Tv, ....u., this clmtiKe has become apparent In ,h ni,i r r,.eni ,,.!,.. i. the present convention 2f,0 delegate . will be seated from states which In 20 years have not even pretended to .ngage In a contest for the election of a republican candidate for the presl dency. More than that, tho republl eiin vole In these stales Is rapidly dls niipesirlng. while their representation remains as largo as ever. South Par ..Una Is now entitled to a, national delegate for every J3B republican vol.- Us casts, while Pennsylvania. ra ci lv-s but one delegates for every U'.:ic.T republican votes. Illinois one for -very 11.718, Indiana one for ev ery I.M'Tii. Ohio one for every 1S..04S and I'olurado one for evorv 13.i4g votes." as that Introduced In In.. r..,,.uhl l.n !,, .mention at Philadelphia In 100 by 1 1 , ,. t,, KeiiatirT Ouav of I'ennsvl. v x ncllon was taken noon It that tm, the resolution being vv Iflnlra wii by guay before It readiest a Vote IN GOOD HEALTH IS AWAITING DEATH (By Assoclst.d Press) Passaic. N j.. June u,. Calmly asserting that she would die before s ..lock tomorrow morning. Mrs Anna Kls-llu. who has been awaiting for what she believes Is her appointed end. was resting quietly at the Gen eral Hospital tonight, where she Is under (onstnnt guard for fear she may take hi r life In order to carry Out lb. premonition of death which she .li . hired has come to her. The physl (lans stated tonight that the woman was ill good health. ''apt J K. Kong. U 8. A., stationed al the Jefferson barracks. New Or leans, ha returned from an Inspec tion of the flooded portions of the parishes of Catahoula and Concordia, li . nnd reports than two thousand liersons are In urgent need of Imme diate relief from the government. He. snld that It will be Impossible for the people In that district to make a crop rhls year, and 'they ere In a destitute condition. The water come from th Mississippi. Black- and Trinity- rivers.

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