THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN THE WEATHEB FAIK. NOMIN ATE YOI7R CANDIDATE TOIAY AU Wf T11K MOHItIS I1A1H. VOL. XXIV. NO. 278. ASIIEVILLK, N. C, FKIDAY MOI,M(J, JULY 17, 1!H)S. FlilCE FIVE CENTS. WILLIE RANDOLPH HEARST AND THOMAS E. WATSON OUT WITH TIRADE ON BRYAN D,Mppomted y,uow -""- nalist ualis the JNeoruKKau Chainelon Candidate. REFUSES TO STEP FROM HIS PERCH Watson, the Populist, Says Bryan Has Ignored South. He's Gone the Limit. (By Associated Praia) NEW YORK, July 1U A cable gram iiaa beit received from William Randolph Hearst, In reply lo a mes sage transmitted tn Mr. Hearst from Samuel Gompers, muting that in view of the democrats' stand for labor It would be 'an act of greatest patriot ism for the Independence party to en dorse the democratic platfoim" and urging him not to run a third ticket, as It would elect Mr. Tuft. Mr. Hearst's cablegram follows: Paris. July 13. "Tell Mr- Gompers that 1 am not authorized tq speak for the member ship of the Independence League, but according to my personal standards a purer patriotism consists in laboring to establish a new party which will b consistently devoted to the interest of the citizenship and particularly to the advantage and advancement of the producing classes. 1 do not think the path of patriotism lies In supporting a discredited and decadent old party, which has neither conscientious con viction nor honest intent, or in en dorsing ehameton candidates who change the color of their political opinion with every varying hue of opportunism. I do not think the best benefit of laboring men lies In sup porting that old party becnuse of a sop of false promise, when the per- foimance of that party while in power did more to injure labor than all the Injunctions every issued before orj since. I have lost faith in the empty profession of an unregenerate mocracy. I have lost confidence In the ability in the sincerity and even in the ' Infrmrdty of Us leaders. I do not con-1 liter It patriotism to pretend to sup port that, which as a cltlwn I distrust, and detest and I earnestly hope the Independence Party will give me an opportunity to vote for candidates that are both able and honest, and for n declaration of principles that Is both sound and sincere. "W. It. HRAHST." WHV WATSON IS SOHK NA8HVMXE. Tenn.. July 1 r, Hon Thomas E. Watson. I'eopli" ty candidate, for president, said -The Cur-1 here today: "Mr. Bryan made a mistake in dealing with the political situation in the south and I will lake advantage i limit i of this fact. He has one to the In assuming on the political help of the south. The southern states are ex pected to give him iro; electoral almost two-thirds of the net v; majority he expects to win with he does not even concede to the south the second place on the ticket." STORIES OF ROUGH DEALS INVESTIGATED (By Associated Press.) I NEW YORK. July If.. -After lie had heard the testimony of three of j the Chines sailors of the Itritlsh j steamship Strathyre today. Coroner; Harhurger said, referring to the sto-j rles as to the brutal treatment of the! crew since thev shinned from Shane-1 hal fourteen months ago: ; "I cannot conceive how a man could he rull.v of such unheard ..f outrages as arc rhnrraut In this ease " The coroner snld he would give his decision In the case tomorrow. The; complaint was made hv Mrs Mary cjuaclccnho aid Louis 1'osn. r. assocl ate counsel. The loroner said he would decide whether or not he would order the arrest of the ship's captain. I' M (lunn. on a charge of homicide. , The three Chinese sailors ex ruined today were detained at Kills Island at the- request of Mrs. to enable her to show that !! sailors; who committed suicide by Jumping: overboard as the Strathyre was lav-l lng this port n fen davs ago. sought to leave the ship hut were driven back : by the ship's captain The members of thu rrea. urho eiieiiueil from the ship were sent hack to the Lusltanla yesterday. MOWER LOSES HER MIND AS SHE SEES HER DAUGHTER CRUSHED (By Aorlated Pre) fa OfcEEXWlCH r-rnn,. July 1 f One i ,timap was klirfr. two were perhaps ( noTljilAv woiinltvl and n ar!v a dt.zen , persons were nerlouslv hurt when the "White. Mountain Express of the New York. New Hawn & Hartford rail road wmi wrecked 100 feet west of the citation here today. Spreading rail 'caused the ten-car train to leave the tracks while It was croasinff a hrtle over Steamboat road, and five of the pawtenger earn. Including four Pull mT.R, were hurled Into a ditch, where thty collapsed itke paper boxes. That Was than 15 of the 180 passengers were BRUTAL ASSAULT BV BURLY NEGRO Dusky Ruffian With Indi an Blond is Now Fleeing From Wrath to (Vane. (By Aiiociated Press.) ROANoKE, Va. July 10 Will Kinney, a negro, with Indian blood In his veins, who on Monday beat lit tle Mary Jamleson, daughter of John J:imleson, a Franklin county farmer, almost to death In an effort to make her submit to a crfmlnul assault, was captured tonight, 17 miles from the scene of the crime and taken to Kocky Mount Jail- The child was missed from her home and when her father went to search for her he found signs of a struggle In the road. lie followed traek.-i and discovered tin negro carry ing the girl Into some woods. The negro threw the girl on the ground and escaped. The child was uncon scious and her face and head terribly mutilated. NEW YORKER MEETS ni? A Til HI TUIC CT i TC ULjlIn li I IIIj J I A I " w 1 ' " Out Boating With Companions When Capsized. Three Boat (By Associated Preea.) CHARLOTTE, N. C... July IS. Darius Batman, a professor in Col umbia University, New York. City, was drowned this afternoon, while boating in a pond near Oxford, Gran- Vllle. 'county.. With three companlbna r, . . . i . c ruittanui ,.u,riiiii nam u I iw WJ n frolic, when In "some manner "the boat capsized, presumably ly rock- lng. Thre j illK- in"''" nwniii aaiiurr imu iii'kuii , preparations to save Kritman. who ! could not swim Hefore sinking the1,,,,., i,-,., ii,.i,.llni ,i itiv i .second time an oar was extended him. w hich he grasped with such vio lence as to jerk it from his res. Mirer s hands. The body was recovered almost immediately, lint efforts to resuscitate him were without avail. l'rofessor lliitrnnn was Utlrty three years old and Is survived by an aged father lie was a graduate of the I'n Ivcrslty of North Carolina, nnd Col umbia University, and held the chair of pedagogy in Wake 1'orest college for two years. A few weeks ngo hi secured the degree of l'h 1) at Col umn'a in a post graduate eoursi and was t tecteii to a profesHorshlp. NINE KILLED IN AN EXPLOSION Efforts tn Unload Car of Powder Results Disatroiis ly For Several People. (By Associated Pren.) Cl.KRI.l'M. Wash.. July 16. An ex plosion in th powder magazi. i cum ln'' Northwestern com l""'V this evening killed nine persons and seriously Injured a number of, others The dead: ( !Ei lt(l K M UAH. of the Northwest ern Improvement company store. c.ll.l' i i:ti M ioNNl'"l,l -S. ch-rk ANDY (lltll.I.. clerk .MICS t'KltltV M OFF ATT. wife ' briekmaker. Infant child r Mrs Moffatt. Jul" KOSSI. miner. JOK I'lXiUFAI'ni. miner. Two miners. Shortly before r, o'clock .fanager Meade an.l the two clerks from the i store w. ut to the powder house fo as- i stint in unloading a carload f fiowder l.tVefliiMil onl"" lm' arcioein Happened Is not I know n. klUod or injured uppms little hrrt of niirarnlou. an t he train a Kin 50 m I1 an hour. Th m-uit trajdr Inohlcnt of the wreck w;im the dt-ath of MIhr MarRan t Armstrong nf Wayne, Pa., who was Heated In-side her mother In one of the Pullman coaches when the train left the tracks. Mins Armstrong sprang from ht-r wat and leaped out of a win dow Just as the ear toppled over, and nhe was ground to death an tvr mth er looked on. Mra. ArniHtronfc falntd from the shock, and when she recov ered consciousness In the faoHpital ah was out of her mind. UNITED STATES HAD A LOOK-IN ON TWO EVENTS Sheridan and Ross Upheld the Honor of the Stars and Stripes in Tendon. ENGLAND, HOWEVER WILL WIN TROPHY Great Britau's Score Stands 20 Points, Her Nearest Ri val, America, With 8. (By Associated Press.) LONDON, July it! This was Amer ica's day In the Olympic, spuria at the St ndlnm. both big events wmcn reached the finals, throwing the dis cus, free slyle. and putting the shot, being carried off by Martin J. Shell dun of the Irish-American Athletic club ami Kalph Hose of the Olympic club. San Francisco, respectively. The United Kingdom captured the third final, the 400 metres swimming event, In which 11. Taylor added to the acore uf his country by beating Reaurepalre, the Australian crack, and Scheft of Austria. The II mi I also was reached in tine 1,000 metres cycle race. but this proved nuch a fiasco through the at tempts of four of the participants. Schilltts of France and Jones, Kings bury and Johnson of England, to force each other to make the paoe. the J"'18 declared the event off, not beln ""I"""1' wlthl" he 'time nmit. . ,i.f!iaa I Italy took he other gold medaltu- day In the team gymnastic work, re ceiving the greatest number of points against a great array of competitors. No official announcement is obtain able as to how' the British Olympic association is going to decide the Olympic championship, but the system adopted by the London sporting pa pers In arriving at the reapeetlv po sitions of the various countries has I been generally accepted. This aye ,tem awards one point for each win. Ig noring eecundw and thirds, and in- eludes all sports carried out under the ausplcee of the association, whether I? wlthln ,hp f t- '1' t fallowing Into method of counting - poitita, the countries would be placed In this order: Ureal Britain LcadH. United Kingdom, SO; United Htntes. ft' Sweden. .1: Norway. 2. and Can- each. Th" United Kingdom's 20 points, ac cori! ni; to this computation, are made up ' follows: Men's doubles and singl . and ladies' .--Ingles In both !ho lawn tennis anil covered court tennis comi el illons; pole competition: sin gles nnd d'liil.les at racquets; Individu al rifle competition ; miniature rifle compo.itloii at disappearing targels; individual mlniture rifle conipetitlon lit mov-lng targets; team and Individual miniature rille competition ut disap pearing targels; rifle compctill.n nt clay birds, and the following wins In the Stadium: S.r.Od metres walk, 3. all" kilometieH cycle race, lilio yaids cy cle race and 400 metres swim America's INilnts. The i tilted States scojTs made up of the following v rnTlt Ifle team com petition; revolAer team competition; Individual double ihot at rimtiing deer: Jay (builds victory in court ten nis conipeili l..n ; throwing the ham mer; 1.. .(( metres flat race; throwlnie the discus, ami puttiuc, the weight. The Sweden points were scored by wins in tin- team uud iudiv.lduul com petition at runiilm; deer ami throwing the lavelin: Noruav. the tearn and In- Idlvl.lllal rille shooting at 300 metres, Canada, the Indlivdual competition ni clay birds: I-ranee, the .001. kllo- f! metres tande,,, cycle race; Belgium. - '""' individual revolver com pet l.lon, an.l ii. iiv. ieam gvmuasiic compeii tlon. As the summer section of the games will continue until October in and will Include yachting, the Olympic re gatta and figure slutting, and as there li to la' a winter section to include Kugby and association football, hock ey, lacrosse an.l boxing. It will be the ;end of the vear before the trophy for the championship in all sports can be jawarded. If this method of counting liolnts Is followed by the Hrltlsli Olym pic association. Knglatid will win Ihejtii trophy, for there ;ire few- countries j t), taking part in the spurts outside of stadium ,, .H miserably wet and cold ail ,lay h( ran f ;,,ln' heavily from ear- ly morning until lh- Inst cvrnt had oeen dcidiMj. Tin- cutn pet ill irn and ftk'ialH who had to In- fn th' Held I vver- ilrlppliiK with water all day Ionic and the w hole sei ne was a bout as i'herlHX an toiiM In- irrmffirtftl Th-1 stand and course wire d'erted and late in th-afternoon the running track I resembled a canal. Fortunately there were no running rare on the progrartn. All the gymnastic displays. which were the feature of previous day, had to be put off, and ev-n the band did not make it- appearance to help disel the gloom The American athletes valked away ! from all their opporifnts In the disci; throwing competition, free style. Mar- 1 tin J. Sheridan. Iri-h-AtTierlcHn Ath- ! letlo club, retained the championship without great effort. Mis fhrov. that gave him nrnt place in the itnal. 134 feet 2 Inched, was more than two feet behind his own recirrd. M H. flrlffjn. hicago Athletic aociation, was a god second, with 13.1 feet ( 14 Inches, and M. K. Iforr, Irish-Anierk-un Ath letlc association, waa third, with 129 feet ft inches. E.W.CHAFIN TO CARRY FLAG OF PROHIBITION National Convention of the; Tlntv Days' ( Vuivent inn Ad Dry Party Nominates Him j jnurns tn Meet Next Year For President. 1 at 1 lot Springs. HE CONFIDENTLY lOFFKT.Rs ELECTED EXPECTS Bit 1 VOTE' I l N EXT Y EAU It Was Generally Anticipat etl That Mr. Clialin Would Be the Nominee. (By Associated Prm.) Co I. I'M BUS, Ohio. July If, Im or president KukTona W Challn. ..f Chicago; Kor vice-president- -Aaron S Watklns, f Ada. Ohio. Thls ticket wu nominated todav bv the prohibitionist, national ennven- tion and both nominations were made unanimous. The full endorsement of the convention waa no. however, glv- en lo Mr. Ctiaftn until after three lial- lots had tieea taken on the first twin ballots, Mr. Chafln did not show ai gn at amount nf Strength, receiving I but 195 out of 1,03 vote on the firm i and :176 out oC I.0K7 on the second : ballot. Ills nomination was asHiireil.I however when the roll tail ticgari for' the third ballot. Hfs own state, which j t.n.1 ........1 l.ulu II. ...I.. I 11 111.. uu.i u n.j a-i wi ...mno ii. 'jTii-rii, of l'eoria, and the New York delegu tlon, lollowed by those of Indiana, and Wisconsin came over to Mr Chafin and on the third ballot he rl--ceived a total of 3i! votes. The strongest competitor of Mr. Chafin was Itev. William H. l'lilinore of 8t Iiimls who revelved 274 voles on the first ballot, and a compurtlvelN small vote after It was evident that the nomination of Mr. Chafin could not be prevented. It was then decided to make Mr. Pajmore the vlce-presl-dentlul nominee and he was nomlnat ed by acclamation He declined to ac , ' , . fc . ! cept the office, however, and persist ed In his refaaoi despite the strong urging of hl friends. The convention became involved in u deep parlla mentry tangle. The rules wore several tlmea suspended and the auspensiona Immediately revokfd. i Ur AoHaaaalaoa l-lnnally It waa decided that l'ro fessor Aaron He W'ntklns of Ada, O.. should be named by acclamation There wan no opposition to him in the moment and Chairman Charles Scanlon was on the verge of ileclarlti Professor Watkins the nominee when deb-gates In various parts of (he hall' broke In with a flood of motions. -amendments and suspensions of thej roles All i.i.IiiiIm lloiilli r--' sol. cil In the restoration of the rules' and !n u ballot for the vlce-presldcncy three men were named, Professor Watklns. T It. D. maree. of Kentneky nnd Charles K II..II01, of Indiana Tic ballot resulteil in the nomination n(t I'rofeyHor Wiilkii.i bv mi ovei-w lii'lni lng majority andhe 'waa Immcdlau lv ! I hereii fter, u poi motion of the K tucky ilelegateH made the unanlinoiis choice of "tllenm . rilloll. president and v Ice pn s.1 litial .lotnlnees :ire calldldates for governor In their i.-speitlve stales on the prohibition II. k. 1 Kugene W. Clialin, who leads the prohibition party this year. Is uti at torne lie Is a n.itlve of Waukesha county, Wlscoicln and for s.m . rui years practleeil low there. He was at one time candidal.- for governor of Wisconsin on the prohibition ticket and was Ibis vein- i.laceil In II o. , Mill lng for th'- snio position In lllln..1,',,mm' av.iM.lg lo.a, a,-, .. by the prohibition! ts of Dial si The Platform. The forenoon M-sslnl. of the volition WHm devot.'.l to the disc and adoption oi a platform, wb is don l.-ll Is firohnhlv ttie short- st on, record, taining not mot. than .'(Ml Is a.-i follows "The prohibition parte of tli I'll iled Elates assembi'd In rnin.-iiti-.i. Columbus, ( ibi.i. J'.lv 1 r. I ii, 1 !iax pri'sslng gratitude i., Almlctit ( for tiie ietniies f our i.rin. Ipb - the past. ..r e. .. lagellienl al .l ent arid f n II I ni'e of .-a I I v .-. ad !! in lb. future. triumphant Mine tnuken th- foil vt principle :md pi' tlleilt into law Uh " I Th'' MM bin i the several' H - ng (h i laralboi ! Iges .nail . placed III e.w.'l loll ll' Clllfle-S lo 1 an anieiiiliii' i.i tu fed-f .1 1 con ' utlon .i..bil.llli,K i ma n 11 fact ui . -ale, linpor t .1 1 j xportatbin or 1 1 nsporat u u -tf ;il cobolle Hrpiors fir '.cverug- pnrpo. "2 The imiiM i te prohibition .1 the lio;utr traffii- 'or heverag- mi po.eH in the Uistt t of f'lilumhl.i 11 the territories 111. ' all plan ov which the nation- governni fit hi (urlrwlt lion. tb- i ienl of to Ifit' r Mt I re Mine tax ' alcohol ! i'l ii-.r and (he prohibit!' of the int traffic tiiereln ' S ,t. ."J The elect!" senators by dltec "4 Kfpiitabl'e and inheiitanee ta T,. The .Htal-ii savlngH b.iriki an depiuti In ttankv "ft. The reg-tila tlons doing an It businesn "7. The creati tariff communion "8 The strict of United vote of tit Stale I k'niduated in. "S. -hmerit of I the giiarniifv f ton of rill cori".i.i terslafe I'lilnlii. r. . n of a permanent nforeement of ! i w Instead of offlclnl tolerance and pi e Ileal license of th.- social evil, which prevails In manv .f mir cities, with Its unspeakahle traffic In girls "9 l'riiform marriage and divorce laws. "10 An equitahl" and constliulli.n il (CoMiatatMi m pace t) GROCERS PUT UP SHUTTERS ANDSAY ADIEU Alt Riant. .n, "Prince nf En tertainers," is Presented with Token of Esteem. Afier a three days session which Its officers declare has been one of liu- , ,,,st pleading and prolltHblc n hp, ' t,,i ,. seven nth annual conven- lion of the Southern Wholesale liro- ''r Association came lo a close nf j'"' ll""', Cork Hotel ye.lerday af- I lernoon I A llllllllM.r llf lho mi,M,,1H .,, nBVe been here went on afternoon trains "UI 'he majority are so highly pleased lth their pleasant stay here thai they remained over niKht anil In the late after noon drove through llillmore es tnte mill around the city. The last act of the association was by a rising vote to accept the report of the committee cohiposcd of Messrs It l Crane. J I) Knucette and H. H I'hllllps which thanked all those who hi,., km nmeli iw.til rllinlu.l I.. il, D.... "VI.J ,1,,. I,.,,. i. ...... It might he said In this connection that repeated expression from Ashevllln people have probably convinced the associa tion members that they were Indeed welcome guests. The feature, of Ihe day were thej, discussion and adoption of Important committee reports, the adoption of a now constitution and by-laws subject to legal approval, the election of orilc ers nnd the selection of the next place of meeting lluslness was so heavy that the election of officers was con- mrr. , ' ' "l" TV carriages were rflng for the drive ,4. ...... I I .. ,...ul. ..I ,L... 1.... ...l.ll.. Offlitr-. For president Mr. J. A. VanHoose f Birmingham, the Incumbent, and Mr. H. F. Howen of Jackaonvlile, Flu., were placed In nomination, nnd much interest waa excited am each member advanced to the platform and depoa- I tied hfs ballot. The resnlt ss announ ced showed 6S votes for Mr. vnn- Hooso and 42 for Mr. rtowen. t.inn delegates beng absent. The election was made unanimous and Mr. Howen made a short ei h testllylng to ihe mil nded confidence ,,r the iihsocIu II, .n In II....I.I....I l.r a n I I ... .am' nl.llOe and leadership ' Hot Springs Won. Hot Hprlngs. Ark . Charlotte. N C . H'chlBoni Va . mid Chaltiinooga. i Tenn., were placed In nomination for tlie 19)0 convention meeting place and fervent appeals for each were mnd by Its spokesmen Charlotte retired Kllh the slalemeiit that It would ask the lll convention nnd Itlchmoiiil 'tt"dri.wn nnd Ihe vote was then tnk letween Hie remaining contest ants won . It I) (in a standing vote Hot Hpring' argely because of the efforts of ( 'l it lie I oininltlcc ltcKiH". The morning session of the Southern 'lliilesalc (ll'oeel's" co.lferellee Was largely dewded to I olisiderill loll ol , omiiilllee leporis. nveiv iiiscussiom reatiiriiitf some or tnem rue commii lee on eer.-uis favored a uniform itack age. an assurance of I r. per cent prof - J II to the wholesaler ii ml that no retail l'r prone,, on liu- paesage rep .It was ad. .pled The report he printed on the package 'I he r a was lldopieii I III repoi i oi ine ' "in- mltlee ..a baking i.owders reafllrmed the four i.-ir.llnal principles and fa vored tile frequent sending out of itinllliik Ibds showing Ihe names onlv of tn a n ii fa. I urers not selling lo reloll , ers Th. lomiulttee on cheese report j ed that ma nilfael urers tnalie future ! dellv i-rv sa I- s on the b:c In of payment I on delivery, allegliix that under the prevent arrangement the wholesalers I ! furnish the capital f .r cheese making J i 'The soap reported Bpplov IllK tile i.e.. Ions ..f the presi , ' ilen t ' addn-.H nt eni.o-Ht d bv t b- in! I mo 1 v boa rd a rid r-' om me tided that the Irn-oinlnK ion take tb I b tie matter utnb r l-t in nt, e ur I lng tf pttsHlble a K-t of liu- tllrect cu- t.onefM 'if KalrbanltM arnl ('olfist 'Met e r rn trie what a r r;i 11 Kern en t oilld ' lii.livldnallv .1. lllist til. ! llialt' 11 11 fair anil reasonable no si" " 'I'he advisory board's re.oin 01. i.dal i 01 was Hint after n.tober I. t'liih. mtilllrig lils idioiild show ..nlv till- names of III a II II f a c 1 1 1 re I'M end' .1 si rig the four eardilcil prlrtcl.lcM The lollimlttee on Ihe rlieen Hook l.llree- toivi i.-alllimeil lite Norfolk resolu II. .ns 1 Id hales Much dls nssi.,11 i nsued on tb'- re.( .rl of the cotumlltee on rebates from I manufacturers II .rov Id.-d that the! ( Omtlii iil on Page Jive.) Fhm fBv Anoclated Prtit ) WAHIIIMU'h.V, July Ml Forecast for North Carolina: Knlr and warmer Iridiiv: Haturdny fair: winds shifting to fresh south. DID MISS DREW FALL VICTIM TO AUTOMOBILE? Relieved That Mvstel'V of Teal Pond lias at Last Reen Solved. NO MOT IV E KOK 1 1 Eli DEATH DISCOVERED Another Case Which Will Prol.aMv On Down in An nals of Unknown. . (By Allocated Pran.t I Tltoy. N V, Julv HI -That llaael lU'ew came to her death Its il result or all automobile aci Instead of UdiM the victim of a foul and delHier uri murder la one pf the theories put forward tonight us a ioslble Hidutlon of the Teal I'oiul mysleiy. After live dnvs or careful Invenligntlon In which many theories have been advnnccd, a motive for the murder Is lacking. Nothing has been learned that would warrant the authorities If. making an arrest In connection with the crime This lieing the case, the accident theo- ry Is advanced The macadam roaa between Troy nnd Averlll I'ark l pop ular with automoblllsta. A reck trim chauffeur speeding along at night may have struck th girl with his earK cam lug her death, Knther than face the consequences, and knowing the coun try well. It would have beet, a com paratively easy mutter to have taken Rr, , th fllr ,,ln,.,y roa, toward Talsirton and lo have thrown her body Into the mill pond. To give color to a suicide theory, the hat and gloves were left on the hunk. Itcc Ived roMtnl Curd. Through a postal card received at the Drew home from New Carlisle, O., on the day of Himd's funeral, ad dressed tn the dead girl and signed "Currle Weaver," it waa learned today that llaiel and Carrie Weaver were good friends, and that they went to New York together to epend Memo rial day. Mlaa Weaver la employed In the household of A. M. Oreen, profeaaor In IheBjutOasautler Pulx technic Institute. ........ Prof, and Mrs. flreen came hwe from Hpringnein, o., ana tney Knew 'ii ri le Weaver, who was employed at New Carlisle. I,at Hoplcmber they jengaged her nnd she came east. The llrettllH lice Oil ftllW.hornn HVLfllll Incur the home nf Prof. Cry, where Hazel was employed, and Mrs. flreen jam! Mrs. Cary are friends. Mrs. (Ireen told Mrs. Otiry that Mlaa Wea- ver was iiiificinalnted In Troy, and they arranged to introduce her to IfpV t, I. The girls bi'came vvami friends and frequently spent Ihelr Hflerniwins and evenings together It waa nl Ha- r.el's siiggeallon that Ihe trip to Mew York was planned. Mrs. (ireen ar ranged for n room for them through Ihe Voting W'omeirs Christian aswocl nilori In New York, nnd Ihe girls left Troy on the New York bat Ihe night ber.ire Memorial day While In New York tiny went to the fh.iilre and amused themselves by riding about the i lty on eevted Hud surface cars. f)r tlu.y ,,t n male coniianlons during Ihe trip. Carrie Weaver later left for a visit to her f,f( M1r mployer's home In Ohio. Miss Weaver. Is expected to eturfi about August I KM'uk Highly of I lor. Ilolh Prof and Mrs (iieeii sfienk highly of Miss Weaver and id llae as ( II Thev say the girls were not known to Inn. bud young men call ers, but "pent much of their lime In e.n h other's company The sheriff loilav sent broadcast the notli es offeilni; ll.oao rewind for tin arre-t and i.iiivJeilon of th. murderer. and se Tubort. elal Wile poHled n road. ng Ihe RAILROAD PRES. IN CONFERENCE TO ADJUST RAILWAY f?ATS (Dv A.iocattd Prnil Vi'lIK July Hi A confer ' nit, ..a. I ,. -l,le,,ts , e,e.l the tie. tiling tin. I ,-t 1 1. mi. .011 to.lav tit ihe offices of t lu: i N w I'liri- of tliro ugh Sesslolie 'f'rinilt f ,lne :, '. . subj. cl of tit. rale- Much .Ii Vei..j,ed as In II Schedule of .. -l.-ii I CmC 'II llel. on the s.'d r.i isi tie or g.'llce of oldnlou de. Iiollcy ,,f Talslmi Hie al I he prencut llllle i.lllK to tile .bllllte that lias pllived ..I. the j, alt pr.,M. si-, lltl leased It was argued, the s of tiade an.l tile already been ,! of shippers to theieastern lines than to the wete,rfl. ll till' .e );l ... w-hlfh lleCLMSltieH Of tlllt'llll'lllS nuunuummmttm Henil In I 'hit I'ackages Ihi Not Itoll. GRAND $3,000 PRIZE CONTEST i Tlie Ashevllle Cltl-n. J fiOOD FOIt ONK VOTK. Q J randldatn " Addresa 4., J Tl'la nmrain, U cllppiil ncail)-. hrxmglit or sent tn tiie office Q iN-fiwe eifilratlnn of date printed la-kiw, will fount aa ONB VfrTK for I lie alsive named Person.. NOT tMI IfTKII JVijY 31. lltm. U.S. FLEET IS RECEIVED WITH LOUD ACCLAIM Ri;j StiiiiLr of Your Cnelo Sam's War Dos Arrives . at Honolulu. Gl'NS ROAR AND THE PEOPLE CHEER S perry nnd His Oflicers are Greeted With Cnr.lial Wel come frnm Hn waiians. (By Anoolatad 'ran.) IIONoi.ui.u, July 1Th Atluntio battleship fleet arrived at noon today, lty universal consent the day waa made a complete hollduy, all bnslneas being suspended and thousands at people from dllTereiit Islanda of the territory assembled on filamond Head and oth i-r helghta nnd points of vantage southwest of this city to view the ap proneli of the arnittda. At 7;30 o'clock in the morning word fame from, Ihe leper settlement on the Island of Mo. Iukr.1 that the fleet had been sighted, there, steaming tn line of equadron formation at the epeetl of ten knota. and the Connecticut appeared off the u n trance of the channel here at noon. The flagship was followed by other veaaoht In regular order, and JO mln utes Inter all but the third division, composed of the txtulelana, Virginia, Ohio and Mlaeuurt, were In alght, Af ter passing Molokal the third division proceeded to Lahlna, on the Island of Maul, ror coal. At 12:60 p. ro. the Connecticut entered the harbor and waa aaluted from the naval elation, and at 1:211 p. m. aha, followed by the other ships, rounded , the llghthouae buoy ami came id anchor Inside the harbor, whlla the pent-up enthuslaam of the Islanders found vant In whlat- llng sirens and burstln of.dayllajht fireworks. ' ' , , , f Ai asKin as the Connecticut Awd come to anchor she waa boarded by the reception foramlttee, who formally welcomed Hear Admiral fJperry end hie fTlcera And meh to partake of lift-' wallan howpltalUy, . tatter1 in th eaf' ternoon near Admlrat Uperry made n offlclnl visit to Oovemor rnr, who returned the vial t, purine the entire) . , run to Honolulu the et experienced, , Pleasant weather and smooth eeae, , .The trip waa uneventful. The health i of the crews has been very good and there haw been no deaths or eerloua accidents since leaving Ban Franclaco. The Nehruakaw which waa left behind ' when the fleet galled from the Gulden Oate on account of scarlet fever c among her crew, overtook the fleet at 0:30 a. m. yesterday. The third division, which went to Ijihla for coal, will come tn Honolulu July 1 and rejoin the other member of the Heel. To night the city, dressed In bunt I in;. Is Illuminated with thousands of electric lights nnd the street are tilled with ii holiday-making crowd. out In (he harbor the men-of-war are outlined in liicHndisx'ent bulbs, their musts huge electric crosaea against an eiiiltorlal sky. Jf'.AM)t'HY DID IT ' ' ' (By Associated Preii.) ATLANTA, ia . July If. I P. C. a roof repairer, was shot and Instant ly killed bile loduy by O. VS. Holland, ii railroad fireman of West Point, (la. In the rear of n moving picture theatre on Whitehall street. Cox wns to have been tnarlred next Monday, and It ia said (hut the killing grew out of hie jeai.o'M-. oi .ioiiii vv. iitiiianu. a I br.. Hier of O C ltillind nnd with whom he nnd iiiuirreiieil u few hours . uili r I C u t la nil surrendered ralli were urgent nnd while ... "" '" "' "ornles are being practiced I" working enpensea Ihe reduction t w aiies on a large scale has not been r. sorted in mi ihe other hand, the effect of raining the rates before any marked Improvement In general liclKht traffic has set In may Iw ti set back lite How of 1 1 ii si ii i 'SB that I expected with the fall. This consider utlon appeals more strongly to the i n n rely on t fie usual if fruit and gruln. ehlp ttmmniwiiiniiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinta I

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