THE 'ASHE11LLE CITIZEN THE WEATHEB SHOWERS NOMINATE YOl'lt CANDIDATE TOOAY Al WIN TUB Y'i MOItlUS CHAIIt, VOL. XXIV. NO. 282 ASHEV1LL1; N 0., TUESDAY MOIiN I NO, JUYL 20, 1908 PRICE FIVE CENTS. WHITAKER'S FATE STILL HANGING IN THE HANDS OF THE CHOSEN TWELVE At 10 O'clock Last Night No Verdct Had Been Return ed ; Jury Locked Up. MIS-TRIAL NOW , THOUGHT PROBABLE. Proceedings Were Featured By Arguments of Messrs Settle and Holton. At 10 o'clock last night the Whlta ker Jiry reported that It had nut reached en agreement, and 11 wan then locked up for the night It Is nn thought that a mistrial will refiult It was not so much the question of the guilt or Innocence of Rev. W (I Whltaker which concerned the mass ed crowd of spectators in I'Vdcral court yesterday as Interest in the con teat between Hon. Thomas Settle, at torney for the defendant, anil Olstilct Attorney A. K. Holton of the United States, the prosecutor. It was a rare treat the audience had because man, a day has passed since Jury addresses of such forceful eloquence have been heard here, speeches which Mounded all the notes of scathing dcniunicla tloln. Invective and pathetic pleading. Ttiey ran the whofe scale, those spcul. ere of different methods. Settle and Holton. and the feelings of spectators were swept from one extreme to the other, and If either needed to estab lish his reputation he should feel sat isfied. As has been said the two speakers have different methods. Mr- Holton's t-tvle is well known. As always well itrnnuroil s, tlreleM worker he swunir a hammer to, beat down the defense, I been written by Van Rensselaer to and with words of plain denunciation his mother. The detectives and Llcu polnttd the defendant as a .windier, I tenant Mannlon. before whom Van one who preyed on the. earnings f ,Rnsselar was brought In the police helplee. old women, and with Acute Ration, declare thai the young man analysis he reached the weak spots In ' declared 'that "d written the let defendant's armor. Unenviable in-ter, wnlch 1 without any conven deed Van the defendant when the dls-tlonal' beginning, or enoUn and , In trlct attorney was in the full tide of which the postscript is unsigned. The his argument. letter reads: Mr. Settle's was the sword play, th. Strange Letter, acute weapon of sarcasm and logic in' "I have Just seen Lawrence Leo, the hands of a master who feared not and I am given to understand that you to use It and he reached not only will pay thirty dollar per month for weak spots but places in the Govern- my board if I will go three hundred merit's attack which seemed Invulner- miles from New York, and that 1 must able. It was a masterly effort, the hec havr. your written consent to leave the he ever made in this city and perha; s place that you may select, the equal of any In his life. enihracin; jt ever occur to yo uthat I not only a thorough knowledge ol law naVe an absolute 'remainder Interest but a complete preparation on fai ls )n Alln, nin(.M' estate securMles. and and at Its elnae he rece ived w hat th(lt ,,y ,p,wng your head off that my would nave neen an .canon no, court continued In session, a : ii wiih rii. lens nil rrilll noi'i, IV men w 111 coil - ' gratulated him warmly. If a speech could save him Rev Whltaker might well have left the cause so shrewd, effected attack on onrt room adroit and pro ;e'ut ioi rarely seen Mr. Settle's Brilliant Argument Mr. Settle began his i losing argu ment for the defence at 1 o'clock and It was early seen that he to make the best effort going if his Ions practice before the Ashrvillc bar Mv almost If not entirely forgotten In clr Settle's addres? to the Jur wa; rr-,.p.4 once tread plete wltn logical ann puin ment and he displayed i. niarkalil- familiarity with International law Me arraigned the Bank of Engltml au thorities for conspiring to rot. th. law ful heirs of the Whltak'T ...late, and he sarcastically asked Dl,.lret Attor ney Holton why the proa lion had been asleep all these yearn and had waited until Whltaker wan aimri to present his claims to the FinKllih courts. But one of the strongest few tures of Mr. Settle's nrcuio nl a . his merciless scoring of I' o t - fT i In prctor Harshbergai lb drew a dt.i malic picture of llarshherger stealing Into Whltakrr's room ai tie hotel and rifling It. as Mr Settle . v,.r. m1 ii ' like a common tin if " "Imagine If you can." raid Mr ."-'- t ! . "a mm w orming himself into v.,or uilidenee pretending to be your lii-nd Inning vour absence he steals into your room like a common thief and bin-Ms open your dress suit case Imagine the ghoulish glee with which your pre tended friend dives Into V'liirprlvale (OsnUnued on page three.) TWO WOMEN AND DETECTIVE ARE ARRESTED IN GOULD DIVORCE NEW YORK. July 20. Chargi d with subornation of perury in an al leged attempt lo prepare false testi nrnny for use In the divorce case of Helen K. Oould gainst Frank J Oould. Mrs. Julia K Homing, ,, s.-am-inej's stres and Henry Mouslry. member, of a firm -of private detectives. Wi re, arrested tonight. Assistant District At -1 tornev Smith caused the arrests to be! mad upon hearing the allegation that met Mrs. Fleming un dthe private rb -Manslcy and Miss Fleming, tog. -tin r , t.-ctlve. Sheslgned a prepared afflda. with a woman whose name th'- au thorities refused to frirs and who .s aid to be HI had attempted to bribe Mabel McCauslan. a milliner's appren tice to give false testimony In the r ..... i .1 nuuA Mis Mrt'auslan. It Is alleged, had been told that she would receive from t7.0"0 to 1,00 for making an PROUD MOTHER HUMILIATED BY UNCOUTH SON The Old Van Rensselaer Name Dragged Into the Mire of Scandal. SON THREATENS TO KILL HIS MOTHER Is Thereupon Arrested and the Remarkable Letter is Made Public. (By Associated Preaa.) NKW YORK, July 20. John A. Van Rensselaer, son of Mrs. John King Van Rensselaer, and a member of one of New Y'ork's oldest families, was taken Into custody tonight on a charge of attempted extortion. The arrest was made on advices from Chief of Police Crowley of Newport, It. I., who received a complaint from Mr Van Rensselaer that her son had written a letter threatening her with bodily harm unless she provided him with funds. Van Rensselaer Is about 30 years of age. He Js connected with local brokerage house, and when he re- turned to his home tonight he wasj placed under arrest by detectives, who prodnccd the letter alleged to huve w(, wul( have un , sufficient (ll w,piort her'; I l win lake trial course if necessary. and uion mv hi-ail will n st the con scojiienecs. (Thaw Is still alive, maybe I will be.) "In any caje, my wife. Ood bless her. will benefit by your dcmlxe. even if I don't "I Iiric : een many di agreement-; and suffering In my life, anil I must say that most of It is due to ou. A pfUh peacock, whose name In these times amounts to nothing and who Is " am now In no humor to be trilled with, and I wl .h to go on record that I will lake action on fight unless something Is done at once Vim gave Harold Is.rnin and a trip to Eu rope, What hm'p I bod for being honent ? (Klgnedl ".J. A R KNPIHKLA KR " "P. S. 1 want you to ral-ie on that fancy name of voutm 15.000 for me If . ou an- such a great lady, make good. If not. keep out of my sight I can raise cash enough yet to go tr yon. wherever you are. and I haev a good name" Van lir n -se.-,cr was later taken to i'iico h'-adipiarters and the police of Newport, where Mrs Van l!enic;sclaoT is now residing, were ootid, , ,,f Hie arre-d The prisoner made inquiries reg. , riling bait, and .spoke viauuely of a man named, who would lie glad to furnish It Van Kens. lai-r will be carefully nfe-erved by the polii e Admits Writing It. Admitting to Lieutenant Mannlon L' (Continued on page 2.) Ildavlt that she had seen the defend ant In the Onuld case visit certain apartments in a hotel In this city one morning last March- MIhm Mcf'auslan became frightened, and got Into com munication with the distrii-t attor- office Mr Hm th arranged a meeting for today and Miss Md'aus lan was taken to the apartments of tin-named woman. There, according to Assistant District Attorney Hinyth she I vlt but did not swear to it Assistant District Attorney ftmvth exonerates Mrs. Oould's attorney of anv possi-1 bc knowledge of the matter He said j tonight: I 'The preparation of this sort of i dunce, was I think, was undoubtedly j left to the detectives. They alone, in af-jmy opinion, are responsible." PEERLESS ONE WAS GIVEN THE WRONG DOPE Wise Guvs of the East Gave William Jennings Burn Steer on Platform. BUT YOUR UNCLE BILL WAS ON DECK He Sat on Anxious Seat for A Spell But Now He's on Easy Street. FA1RVIEW. LINCOLN. Neb , Jul 20 Influential eastern democrats have told YV J Hryan that In their opinion the anti-injunction plank of the platform, adopted at Denver was hardly worth the paper It was writ ten on. the reason alleged by them being thai the David R. Hill bill, pass ed by the senate, which la specifically Indorsed by the democratic plank. simply carried out the common law provision, granting a Jury trial In con tempt cases" In the Jurisdiction of the presiding Judge." The plank was drafted on the as sumption that the Hill bill was pass ed only after It had been amended by Senator Allen, of Nebraska, to make trial by Jury mandatory at the re quest of the defendant. M,r. Bryan spent several anxious hours after he received this informa tion. While reasonably sure of his ground, the allegation that he and the majority of the committee on reso Lotions had been tricked caused him to worry and he admitted that he would have an Inquiry set on foot. The Assocluted Press corresMndent Oil evening relieved this suspense by suomuiing to Air- uryan auviccs irom Washington showing that the Hill bill us finally adopted by the senate In 1886 provided for summary punish ment by the court In direct contempt cases, but made it mandatory for the court to grant a trial by Jury In all coses where such contempt was com mitted outside of the Jurisdiction of the court and where such. Jury trial was demanded by the accused. ,, It WwrtR K. TUft was as Mr, Bryan remembered It und it cleared up what threatened to be an awkward situation for Un democratic candidate. hut part tlie prohibition qu. s tlon will play in the campaign, was talk, I over by Mr. Hryan and Wiley H. I' llllps. editor "f the ("aliforiilii Voice,, of Los Angeles, who is return ing fr ill) Columbus. Ohio, where he was u delegate to the national prohi bition convention. "We agreed" said Mr. 1'hilllps. "not to discuss for publication what was said ai our conference " Mr. Phillips, however, volunteered the statement that u numln r of pro hibitionists would vote for Mr Hrymi as against their own candidate lb thought Hie iirohiliitloii ticneineit- WOUid afficl the vote In the I lose slates ami was unwilling to concede to Taft mane of these votes The appeal or Mr Hryan to the farmers of the eountrv for campaign contributions Is bearing fruit Today a number of response:.- were receded, the :aim!i Inclosed varying in amount Two retired farmers of Omaha one grd J and the other 79 year:, pri -ferred to deliver tbelr contrllutt loii in person Thi-v hohbled up the path way to I'siiaIcu and each plaei-d in the han-P of Mr I'nun a If. bill An appiai b. Mr, Mr-an to the dem ocratlc new -paper of the eountrv to begin the , .11. i lion of funds for th" campaign, v.a-1 one of the Important happenings of the day M W SOLD l-XMt $2.M0. (By Associated Press) CHARLESTON. S. C. July ,20 -Pitcher Oeorge F Paige of the ''harleston team has been nold to Manager Mrdmw of the New York Vatlonal team for J.F,(l(l Talge will report as soon as Manager MeOiaw wants hlrn Paige was obtained from iii. Denver team at the beginning of Ills season Hi wan a nicnilier of the local pitching staff last season, HISHOP I'OTTKK RI LAPSI-D COOPFHHTOW N. N. V . July SO ftlshop Menrv C Potter, who has been III since June 17 at l-'ernlelgh, Mrs Potter's home her suffered a re lapse today and tonight his condi tion Is again grave. RINNKKH KTILL KINNIMi HOl'TH IIK.VI). Ind . July 20 Chi cago Y M c, A runners, with the message from Mayor MeClellan. of New York, for Mayor Husse, Chicago, left South Hen dat 10:30 o'clock to night for Michigan Cltv. exrx-rting toi't " wrong cover the distance before daylight to-i Justice they out morrow- 5H0WER& (By Associated Press.) WAHHI.VGION, July 20. Korecast i for North Carolina: Showers Tuesday ajid Wednesday; light to fresh aouth wind. taft assists in .opening of Court house 'fiv 1 Delivers Some Choice Plati tudes on Courts ami Justice, etc. DECLARES JUDGES ARE UNDERPAID Also Uphold the Right of the People to Criticise Admin instration of Law. HOT SPRINGS.' Vs . July 20 Judge William H. Taft today assisted In the opening ceremonies In the open ing of the court house at (lerniantown Va.. live ml lea from here. The sub Ject of his speech was "The admluia tratlon of Justice by Courts " He was greeted by a large assemblage of so journers at neighboring resorts n) Inlmbltanta of the section. He was given a warm reception He Juattfled proper criticism of the courts b the people bees use by such clillcisma "tMose who administer Jus tice shall feel that they are under the critical eye of men ad women enti tled to have Justice administered with out fear or favor." He could not come Into the atmosphere of the court, he said, without a feeling of deep re gret that he had over left the bench. He concluded his remarks by con gratulating Bath county upon the fact that In It the two great political par ties are nearly equally divided, which, he said, waa a guarantee against evils in the administration uf the govern ment. Judge "thtt waa frequently Inter rupted by applause. Mrs. Taft ac companied, hor . husband to the court, which waa reached after a UitVe over splendid mountain roads. Judge Taft was presented to the assemblage by Mrs. J. D, Hlveixsomb. member of the bourd of Sdpervbtura ef tha entity. In presenting him Mr. Hlvercomb spoke of his wide and verled experi ence in public life and In conclusion said : starving High Prlcels. "I take pleasure in introducing to you the next president of the l ulled States." I "I don t like to- Introduce, a Joint discussion Just at this time'' said Mr Taft In opening his remarks, and I venture to say that tlie last statement of the distinguished gentleman might not receive unanimous concurrence through the country. Rut we are not here this ne. n. nig to talk politics. 1 appreciate much the hospitality of Vir ginia and of Rath county In Inviting me, a Hlranger within ,our gales, to conic and lake part In this Interesting ceremony. "We are here today for a function, the deiticallon ol what In certainly a beautiful curl Icuse. 1 am lemlnd ed as I look ai Ibis court house of a letter which Mi Justice Jackson of the supreme curt, wrote to Senator Hoar, the chairman of the judiciary committee, with icference to the sals rlesof the judge Hald he. ' Mv Dear Senator: As I go about from It y to cltv and come these great beau tlful federal mint houses 1 Ihlnk the policy of the I nlted Slates govern ment may tie -l.-s. rlbed as erecting magnificent temples to lusll.e and starving the high prlesta ' People ixivorn Courts. "This scene t"'lay to one who looks at It In cimpati on with other conn tries, suggeid'- 'lie blessing of a flee government. Those who have had an experience will, other countries will realize thai In many of them a gov ernment means to the people an ' tlty dlffeunt Ir on themselves, i.ome thing in a sen; aiilagonlslli to Hu m In such r Hint 1 1 there is an ai- ' spoTislhllitv a l among the i pb- 1- of a SellSe of I e what Is done 1. tie as we ha e In I ' to government day Stub Ml. I. Si If of redpoll- ii.ilii - I p govern merit I il meeting of tins kind They com,- from I hi the people, are (In- I II courts of jlisl iei . It lie fact that Ho pco the adruinlHtratton of are called upon io are part of Hie in such desire to i lilstrateil in e . i the country ovi i belief that we government aiol Is increased Ir. pie take part In justice that flu the Jury: that H tiunal that ib-cMes the Issue of fail and the law, they are part of tin posse cornltatu- 'hat goes out Willi the sheriff to ' nforce the law an. I make It effoi;ti. to curry out tin- .1.- crees) of Justice As long us tin i pie feel that lies,. Kre their courts that this Is th.n ju1lee and that when -. hen It results In in it to be ashamed for It and they are responsible for II w fan count on a continuance of a cur governnseti f "The administration of Justice in th' country perhaps ix-'ter Illustrates what I hve said and the principle ol it than even In ti e city. It Is under stood that the practice Is for all tin country people to gather about on court day to wai h the proceeding to learn the law n" It Is delivered ' from the bench: to t ike an interest In the lues as thev are presented to tin jjury of their neighbor, to criticise . i they have the right to In a proper 'way the rulings of the court, or the 'verdict of the Jury, so that those who I nfa HrimtniMfprinff justice shall see that tnv are un,W ih- critical eye of men fand I may sav of women) entitled to have the Jos' ice of the people ad ministered without fear or favor." EIGHT POINTS BETWEEN U.S. AND BRITAIN Latter Country Still Lends Americans by St ore of Might Points. CAKTMMLL. KNOWN IN CITY, WINS A HEAT C. M. Daniels, of New York. Wins Swimming Event in Kecord-MakiiiK Time (By LONDON. July Praia.) -The second week of the ol.vmplc games at Hhep pard's Hush, began with llrst day lie- voted principal to Held sports such as Americans are aeeuslouiitl lo wit ness. The track athletes were the stars and the program contained many fast and exciting events. The American and British runners and Jumpers gathered In the lion's share of the laurels as usual, but the American exceeded, even the expectations ol their supporters. Several hundred Amerk'atis, mostly lourlsia, with inuny ladles, who were massed together In the seats next to the royal box. rave an exhibition of cheering which suggested an Ameri can crowd, and Immensely amused the foreigners. The attendance at the games was fair, but the weather In the afternoon was gloomy and threatened rain. The speetucular features today were the seventeen trial heals of Ihe 100 metres sprint, and the eight trial bents of the K00 metres. These fur nished several close and stirring lln shes. In the sprints. America captur ed eight heats and (Ireat Ilrltaln four. J. A. Hector, of Ibo Cnlvrrslty of Vir ginia, was the particular star, for he In-ttt Mcla-od, of Cambridge, the hold er of three varsity blues, who never before was beaten, and In doing so he equalled the Olympic record for the distance, of 10 4-5 seconds. Thres America n. The names of Wheppunl, Hulstead. and Beard, the Americans, went up on ihtt blackboard as the winners In, their heata In the 800 metres face. This event proved a dlauupylntment to ... , ,L.h -nunibia . i ).,, la r.llKIMUU, HHHIU OIUHkUiS r rir!"- uZun h'.o'MiHH Ehenluuxl Kecitea an the surprise of the Kngllshmi n, out ran Holding, who was one of their main stays. I.tinglil. of Italy, bent II. I, Cue. of the Inlverslty of Michi gan. In the excellent time ni i:m i-u, and he and Just, the Cambridge half mile champion, who captured the sixth heal In I:."i7 t-Ti, will give the Alltel leans a hard tussel In the llnils C J Hacoii. Irish-American Ath letic Club, captured his heal of the tn" metres hurdle race in 57 seconds, winning by L't. arils, while Coe dis tinguish! d hlniHcir by defeating Den shiiin. tin- former Hrtll-ih chnmplou, although he had Just ( on(ete, a bard Kill) inetreii l.nnghl The IlrltrSh won six ami the Americans three of I In- nine heals in I he hurdles but the majority of these were un ex, Ming because lliev were n walk ovi r Tin- American cdor were ral id to lis- flag pole Hire tluien. !lllnlfliig il. t'.rv in (he finals In Hie I'll) nu ll. . iwliniiilug. Hie iilandlng broad Jump and the bantam catch a i atcli can wrestling, but these triumph-, did not inspire such thrills is the track performs neps bet auue re upeci.itorn in the vast Stadium - ould sec them Win- Swimming Itace C M Danll's. of the New Yoik Athb tle i lub the Ann-rtian cbamplon. ,m a expei ied, won lh swimming event tn Hie fast 11111" of I ! . which eipiah, th" 'llvrnplc leiont lie A'a closi h foil. .well lo the tape lo De HalniMN, "f Hungary with .full n of Sweden thltd I. 'i Ml' Ii, Hiookllne. -Iwimmlng Club, who was i.econd to Daniel!. In the seuil lllial't. Ilnliiheil routtli in the llnul The l.inillllg I. load mni cilltea was prai in alls an Atii.-rhan in nl although no nol.ilil. reeordi win niaile H.iv H"ri Ilu Alii"iin champion I.. 111K h'hllnl III- own i . ord u,.i.. .11 HI l.'.ol' III . gr. ale.i llslanie l.ll.l. W.I H fe. t II Moll.!' IVlolllH I . Hie i;,. ,' J..IIIP' I W I in tin.! . . nt. w it I. 1 11 I t ; I ( uc lo- . me .pi. liter ot .,11 111. I. I" tier than M.irlln .1 Shi rid. 111, In Ii American Athleli' ' lull -I A Kill. I. I'lOol lMl 1 V M '" A , I 'Lin ' Adams. New York Altib In ''lob, and I I, Holme., of flili ago .111. 1 Ho Kngllsh hamploii. 111. .I'lei. wi t. a fiac Hon of an In. Ii behind Sheridan Oeorge N M -1 1 1 1 it National Turn . . rein. I Aiic 1 1. an 1 look the final In the bantam wtoMIng while Oeorge VY Dalzlk. Chh ig'. Athletic A -so, la Hon. won his heat 111 the high diving competition Vt.w- won He medal for feni ing. In w hl Ii the inarn bouts were almost 11 polixed by contl neutais llrllslo HI III ly-ail- Tlie results toda'. a'ldeil Ihru will" 10 America's . ore and ore- to Crane.-, the other nations ,,.,t lmprolng their positions In Ho th id . vents Ameriia added six point- while Or-.-, e. the only other nation to imriuse it wore ill these contests picked up three America i now onl elgiil points be hind the ( nlted Kingdom tin wort reading Cnlted Kindogoin 14; Ann rim 41. The drawings for tin- h.als in the second round of the 100 metres Hat race, wlilii will be run off tomorrow afternoon ale as follows: First h al Ma and Ktewiris. of America Walker of Kouth Africa; Him he. Culled Kingdom fterond heat Sh'rman and llamll- (Cwitlnuctt on page two.) WILL CARRY WAR INTO THE ENEMY'S COUNTRY CAVQ KITPHIM MAMAf.FD jnu iiiiviiut I'lrumuLiv PEN AND PRESS; NO WORDS S WIND Hryan Has Lost Faith in Po litical Stump Speeches; Helievcs in Newspapers. (By Associated Press COLCMH1A. H C, July i "Mr l.tian's campaign will have at lea.Mt one noval feature." said William K (lollales, editor of The State, who returned today from a trip lo the west during which he twice vlslled the deiuiHiatlc sl'initaril beuier at Kalrview. "Thill feature will be the re sort to the pen rather Ihan Hie ton gue; lo Hie press rather than the plat form "When I appealed to Mr. Hryan to isiis " ........ said Mr. Oonxales, "hi reminded me that he was now 12 years older 'and besides' said Mr Hryan. I believe can be more en,nve in writing ar- guments for democracy that news papers can use, If I hey will, over my signature ' 'When I saw him last week, It wits Mr. Hryan's Intention lo deliver two, perhaps three speeches In New York slate, one of them In New York City, and six or elifht speeches In the state of Illinois, Ohio, and Indiana. He proHiscs to discus fully sumo one democratic principle In each of Ihesc addresses. Tn remainder of the cam paign Mr llryan cxpeals to slay at home and prepare letters or articles In the nature of signed editorials for such newspapers as will use them. He will also discuss the Issues with any democratic rpeaker that wish to con sult him. Mr. Hryan feels much en couraged and feels very hopeful and markedly more buoyant than bufole the convention." GIRL TELLS OF (FIANCE'S CRIME 4 I . Jtfic-!" Aniiiziug Tale of Cold lUood and Cunning Murder (By Aaaoclatad Praia.) NKW VOIIK, July 20HeleWng that they were about to capturu Au gust Kh'-rhard, the grocer's clerk who Is rsiught by the police In , connection wltli the murder of his aunt, Mrs Otteile Lhorhard, I ho. police mid cltl ciih searched a two-acre thicket ut Oakland, N J , loiilglvl, llnally dup lurlng t he "suspect, only to loiirti that he was a tramp There was a pathetic scene enacted today, when Miss Khfrhard whs taken to the scene of ilie tragedy. The girl iliowed a remnrkalile memory and Si eliraJoly ;ilded the detectives lo the ipol where her mother was slain and Aihere idle tieraclf was wounded. The til! wsa deeply affecleil, loll she bowed great courage and retold the dory of the rhootlrig She wild. 4hat A-hen h'-r cousin "'lua." who waa ah-io 'ler lian'-e. tuiped Ihem off the trolley It was already dark and a thunder ilnrtii w,,m i oming up II northward for mime distance. and tb' n exeiir-dlv aniioiiiiced that h, was tost and did not know which way to o. They derided to push on ahead, lie girl aid. and had gone hut a Thorl dl'danif when liny ;;tutnlded Upon ttie tlitek!! of the .ill -n tC h a II IIM ralltoad "I'IiIm will h ad un lo a town or a hoo-ie," die said her ' oiiein Htal "d Then lliey walked along the llaik The .dorm lame up and Hie lightning Hashed In hllinlluK brilliancy -hidden y. the girl i., .. slic he,,,, her mother i ii oul, (n l alter tlo-re had tieeit a lla.-h of lit; lit iilio;. "I have been s'ru.k I.-, liclilnlng," she heard tier 1 1 1 i ( I r -ay Ml- I'ihiltiaid iKitil; lo Hie KimiU'l and the ghl slaileil to to-i aid. wlu n to aw ill. tb, "ii from a rcwilwi and heard Hie report of a wto, n oooe, uin .iioi, ov in I neail I'lie Mhol-I freight ear.' Ulil A an In Kavs her c. ami- ttoi bet we I wo hi le Il-ves. stating what t luln fl irted to Wbll" I hi- ilo She her a nn jiuh along liii I ia . I', i kept ti Hum Ii. i t P anled lii r onl', . elare-.. and then ihcad of him, buoy lie ac. lew slept, .'lie die had to go a Ion die I wo l':vr tiiiu II vs. Hole w,c, f I he bull. 0. I.I -he look'-. I hack. a pistol shot, and II her, but infill ted fuge In th. 1m, on Kbcrhard has not only slight wounds Tin Kir) found l of a farmer, and been wen Mini I "wimnwigmattttttmni sa nd In I'lnt I'acknges In, Not Roll. GRAND $3,000 PRIZE CONTEST 7 be A slier Ilia Cl(lu-n. OOi I'OK ONK VOTE. Caniliilnfn , , Address m-r. This fiusn. ff cllps"d neatly, brought or sent to tlie offlc) Ix-forc eiplration of dal printed below, will count aa OXB VrTK for Hm- alsive named Person.. xot .f ki ai-tkh iiiiiiii;iiiMiiiniiiiiiiiuiimuumiiiiiiitiiiwiu.imiii.iiiuiiiH.i.iiiiiiiuiw Mi-. ,Ias. S Manning Who is in Hie Citv Outlines Plan nl' State Campaign. KLLFK OF WINSTON ' TO HE CHAIRMAN Committee Will Probably, Name (lleiiu's Manager For the Conning Fight. Mr. James s, Manning of Durham. who managed Hon, W. W. Kltchln'a I primary campaign for tha guherna torlal nomination, arrived In town Saturday for a short stay. Ha la ac- 'companled by Mrs. Manning and kit , n'., U, LlunBls mmm , . ' , ' """ ""'" " . . man In the atultt tha sucfena nf Mr. Kltchltt In his remarkable fight for the govsTnorshtp against lion. Lock a Craig of this cltv, and lift la thus In position tn know what la tn prospect on the political horlson. Ua talked very freely to a rapresentatlvo of Tha CHIxen last night regarding tha polit ical outlook and the plana fui tha coming state campaign. The campaign will soon In upon Ul In all Its fury. Although tha ropub llcans do not nomlnata tholr ticket , until August it, tha democrat will go ahead with tba campaign- Tha ecutlve commlttsu meeta Thursday la Ilnlelgh to nam a chairman to auo t reed II. a.' Chatham, who dscllnad to take, tha position aiatn. Mr. Mannlnc -will go down to tha mnatlnf'. Ha aay that A. H. KlleT of Wlnaton la almost , certain to be aelected ai the next chairman. Mr, Elier maaanetj Oov-, ernor fllean'a campaign, , and proved his ability m i manager during that rontest. Ho Is on of Mr. Kltchln'a closest political frlunda. and as auoh would put tha 'best that la tn fylm n (ho light. , Tha praaent ,aecrotary of, tha commlttwi, A. t, Kleld of Kalelgh, -will In all .probability ba retained In u. h,.an u,i.i,.i. Um .,Mnni.. k..i.s . Ma,v,ir, IV ,!, ,11, IMHS mt WVMJ' 4tVM , , o many year, , West W ill th) Haltleajroiuid,. , Mr. Munnlng says (hat In hla opin ion the western part of tha atata will be the scene of the greatest democratic! v effort In the campaign. Mr. Kltuhltl fawns carrying the -war Into tha an- emy'a country, and Inasmuch aa tha bulk of the republican vote oomun from this part of tha iHle tha dem ocrats will concentrate their -. fight here. In raae J. J. llrltt of till city receives the. republican nomination . for governor the fight would ba al tpoKt wholly concentrated here in the mountain counties, it i likely that the recent prohibi tion election will play no Inconsider able pail In the tight. According tn Mr. Manning, the democrat will make . a special effort In the antl-prohlbltlon counties, such aa Orange. Chatham, Wake. Johnson, Caswell and Person, Mr Kllchln's own county. It la not aullclluited thai these counties will go republican, but the party manager re alize that their is much discontent on account of the "steam roller" method of the rest of the state In forcing prohibition on them against their will, and the people of these counties .-haiu-e all this up to the democrat. of these counties, therefore, a well led tlnin.,,,, ,(,,, counties where tha re publican vote Is large, tha campaign malingers will concentrate their heav ies! artillery. To lsMk After Close. Counties. Mr Manning will urge upon the coiutnlllee the necessity of looking more carefully after the cnunllea that an gelling iincomforlably near the doubtful point In the la U legislature there were Iwi lily counties which had nl iepii".'nlatlvcH to the lower house on a cant majority of ir0 vote or lev,, lleictofore the policy of th pailv hai been hugely one of Indlffer eie e to iouie of these counties. Know Ing that their little majorities war nam Un- parly managers have bent Hui, efforts toward piling up iill majorities In those coun- II. h 11.1,1 alreadv were In the. habit of glvlnc n large vol,.. This ollcy will be changed this year. The ure ci, nriiic will be left lo do their own ligbnug while the doubtful and close coo, dies will receive all the aaslatance the "lot.- commltiee organisation can give Ihctrl Mi Manuing says that he haw "trav eled prHfy i xtenslvely through the -tale since the Charlotte coiirention, and ilnils no ailotis disaffection any where Me expert Kltchln to carry Hi.- Htal. bv the usual majority, but it in evident from his conversation that (Continued ou page 3.) Jixy an. itm.

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