THE ASBEiaiuE CITIZEN XH3T7EATIIEB fcllOWEItS 12 1AUtiH TODAY. JMCiKS 1 to 8. VOL. XtlV. NO. 283. ASHEVILLK, N. C, WEDNESDAY MoUNIX'i, Jl'IA 22, 1!HS. PRICE FIVE CENTS. WIIITAHER WILL WEAR WEEDS OF WOE FOR WHILE Jury Returns Verdi-t of Guilty on Earh of the Six Counts Against Him. ROOSEVELT TO REVIEW RECORD AT RESIDENCE Taft Won't Deliver Speech .Until Teddy 1'uts His (). K. on Document. SAYS PRESIDENT IS A WISE OLD OWL BALLY BRITONS BADLY BEATEN BYBULLYBRAWN American Athletes Have Day of Their Own in the ; (lames at Iiondon. THE LATE BISHOP BISHOP POTTER PASSES AWAY AT SUMMER HOME is,'oial Mislio) of l he New York I )ioccsc let s II is Last Call. FLAGS FLUTTER FREELY FOR FESTIVE FLOW Clilllillir uf (,. I'l'in.'l' llf Wal. s Will Kcdala Mv. nt I-'or (iicImv. I.'i.ikm) SOlddKRS Wild. (II'KKT HIM British, Anii iit an. lYt'tn-h Hattltliips will 3 i ve Him n Uoval Wflconif. rT1 1 'TT " 4 a t r . 'it.. . f -- i STATED THAT JURY AT FIRST DIVIDED Reported That at One Time Three $tood For Acquittal Nine For Conviction. "Guilty wa the verdict rendered against Rev.' W. Q. Whltaker by the Jury which came Into Federal court yesterday afternoon at 3:16 o'clock. Guilty on each of the six counts of the Indtotment, guilty by the f'irmi.l declaration of each of the twelve men when Mr. Settle asked that the Jury be polled, the defendant sat with im perturbable countenance as the omi nous verdict was delivered, only the nervous twitching of his hands betray ing any emotion. "Have you anything to day" Mr. Whltaker wan asked a few minute? later. "NothlnK at all" Raid he com posedly and he was escorted back to the county Jail to await sentence. When tola Sentence will be passed can not now be said. It Is probable that the defendant will wish to appeal the oaaa and preliminary to this motions tor a new trial 'and to set aside the verdict will be made to Judge New man but as Mr. Settle In worn out with hla 10 day work It Is probable ttiAJt these matters will not be taken up ontll the latter "part of the week. Ttt0 Sentence. The defendant may be sentenced to serve 18 months in the penitentiary the Atlanta U. 8. prison being the one generally designated for prosoners fwm the South. If the defendant proves as good a prisoner there as he has in Buncombe Jail there will be no compliant against him. It is reliably stated that the Jury at first itood I for conviction and 1 for acquit ai and than. 1 to 1 and a short cam v -.-' the majority billot thun eaood U to 1 for some tlmv Th lv ha,4'taJcn tha case saogy. JfJeqoV t :. tOtort Hlriory. The entire history of the Whlta ker claim was set out In detail In the trial and In faot was fairly well known to many people here who had contributed to Rev. Whltaker's fund to pry It out of England. For 13 vears he has heen working on the claim that In 177 John Whltaker of Downlngtown. Pa., loaned a million dollars to King George to prosecute the Revolutionary war and was not at all rebuffed when the bank of Rng-! land and the American Ambassador (aid thtre was no such fund All over the country Rev. Whltaker trawled In search or twetonded search for helro and he found many in this county, the Jones family or a brunch "f it being declared by him to be heirs They came to A.'lievllle by the sere and eaeJi paid I or 110 to aid in prose cuting the recovery of the fortune of several hundred millions. But the end was coiiiIiik. For a long time Inspector Harschbiiriter had been working on the case of using the malls to defraud but be never' HUlte caught up with the Reverend and arrived here shortly after the de fendant left for Davbin. nlilo. The Inspector pursued the Reverend and caused hla arrest In Dayton and The Mtlzen next day told hundreds of In terested heirs of the arrest .if the man whom they so well trusted. He was brought back to Asheville and placed In Jail. Would Not fJlve Noml. Rev. Whltnker had at thai lime in the Battery Park Bank lo and nl though bond was fixed only at lir,0il and many would have made it for blm he declined "and remained In Jail un til the trial from February to July, YOUKfl MAN lIMVNS. OREENECASTLE. In.l . July 21 ' David Bolton, aged thirty-two. an un- ! married aon of John Bolton, living! near Manhattan, was drowned in Deer creek yesterday afternoon Pulton. In; company with several other men. was bathing, when he suddenly clutched at a boy ifcar him. who was too small to be of any help, urn' nkltig. w. instantly drowned The oun man i wds subject" to fainting attacks and; is supposed to hoi" had one of these Residents of Manhattan say that j thirty-five years ago this summer, a. ft her of John Mahan. wno iook ui the lody of Bolton. i.l took, form precisely the same spot, the Iwxly of a relative of young Bolton. PEICE ptTWEEN NORTH AND plIff TO BE COMMEMORATED (By Associated Preis) C4NCINN'ATI. Ohio. July II. A movement to ckbrat- the -ml-centenoial of pwe the nwrth irnd south y holding In 115 a Kr at southern enposltlon In llmlnnati sm' dedlcstkia at the nut-hern peace mon ument in this city, was launche.1 at a special meeting of the chamber of t commerce thl emenlng. The propo S ittlon was lvn nthusiaatlc approval He Who Reflects "My Poli cies" Won't Talk Until He (Jets Roval Sanction. (By Associated Press) HOT HPKINGS. Va . July SI. President Roosevelt is to review In advance the speech Judge Taft will deliver In (,'lnclniiHtl next Tuesday "I have decided to make this speech what may be ni most Im portant ' utterance of the campaign. 1 have the highest regard for the president's Judgment regarding the subjects to be dealt with, and a keen appreciation of his wonderful ability for forceful expression. 1 want his Judgment and his criticism, and this cannot be satisfactorily obtained ct long range, so 1 have decided to go to Oyster Bay." This statement, made today by Mr. Taft. indicated his view point regard ing to anounccmcnt of bis intended trip which he says is to be taken in his own and not the pres(ent initia tive. He will leave here with Mr. Carpenter, his secretary tomorrow night. He wIM leave New York for Cincinnati Friday afternoon. This, he .says, will give him two days there be fore the notification ceremonies are upon him. Should Mrs. Tuft decide to be with "her husband Tuesday, she will go to Cincinnati direct from here Will lie Lengthy. ' Mr. Taft said today that the first Intension to have the utterance only h. fclimpiy and formal acknowledgment of the notification had been finally abandoned In view o fthe growing Im portance and a number of subjects which seemed to crowd themselves forward for consideration. The speech will doubtless contain approximately 12,0 words. Pressure for one grand rally of Virginia republicans, to, be field here Derore air, sari quit m piace in September for the activities of the campaign, was applied anew today oy b Tieiegaiion or leaning repunnraiw of the state, headed by Representa tive Hlemp of the J9th. district who Is also chairman of the republican state executive committee. Judge Taft looks with some favor on the rallv clnnatl Consider fixing a date In August for Its occurence. lie coincld- d with the view expressed by the delegation that good politics dictated that hr active campaign be maintain ed In the Old Dominion, but also In North Carolina and Georgia "If I have any influence with the national committee" Judge Taft Is quoted as saving to the delegation, "a tight will he made in those states." ROBBERS TERRIFY R0WDEDSAL00N Desperadoes Armed With Revolvers Sail in to "Shoot Up" Place. One Dead. HUSTON, July 2! Thrrn ni'n, nrmed with htavy calibre re vol vera (laHhfd Into h rmwikil Jamaica Plain bar-room, ten minutes before 'l(Hin time tonight ami yelling "II units up" began shoot ii.R- u p the plat. When they grabbed t li monev till and emptied tt and had li niched shooting and made their escape, one man was .1. J on tin floor; another lay dying and h third was seriously wounded. Off.rors Arrive. flashing at the door the nv'n werr nu t by officer S O- Hutlcr. who ilre.v his revolver nnd began lining on the desperadoes ne was hit a rid all eventually ntnped. The dead man I Frank K Drake, aged 72. Patrick It Dnran, aged 4tt years, is dying at the t i t hospital, with a bullet wound in the Abdomen and Thoina.- WinPTtori. mic V t n-1 proprietors of the saloon i suffering from bullet wounds in the back of the head and shoulder The saloon, the wi ne of the shoot ing is run by Wlnterton and McMann and fs situated nt the eomr of Wash ington and Hoy lest on streets in Ja maica Plain, in a thickly settled part of the lty The saloon was crowded when the deaperadoeH appeared by the members In charge. At the close of the meeting tonlfrht one of the leaders In the movement said: "S-uithern episftion and some sort if memorial monumerrt Indicating 'Inclnnatl'ji affection for the South Is niwured ' A formal report was presented In support of the Ideal, tclvtng uarluuH reasons why such a celebration should be held In Cincinnati.. CARRY OFF MAJORITY OF THE DAY'S HEATH Harry Porter of Irish-American Club 1Mb Gold Medal For High Jump. (By Associated Prsss.) U IN KN. July 21. Melvln V Kheppard. of th IrlHh-American Athletic Club, who took the meusure of England's bent diatance men in the l.'.OO metre run at Hie Olympic (anna Juat a week ago. scored another vic tory today when he finished far In the lead In the K00 merte event, estab lishing a new Olympic, record of 1:52 4-5 for the distance and contlnulnR on to the half mile which he run In 1:54, within 8-5 of a second of C 11 Kilpatrlck's world's record, mftde in New York In 15. Aonther gold medal went to Ameri ca when Harry K. Porter, of the Irish-American Athletic Club, captur ed the high jump by clearing the bar at 6 feet 3 Inches, an dbeatlng th Olympic record made by J. K. Bai ter. In Paris In 1W00. of feet 2 4-6 Inches. After assuring himself that he was the winner, he went after the world's record. The bar was placed at 6 feet 3 Inches and beating the of an Inch higher than the record which was made by M. F. 8weey. In New York in 1895. but It was just n shade too much for him. IWXter Weather. linir n mueH lurtmr lit. r"" " Vndanoe and oxottinic UnlBhc made toda'fi Olympic sports at the Htiulluin far arfd away more IntreHtinK than any thnt have preeded them- There was absolutely no interruption and from 10 o'clock In the mornliiK until aft?r 7 o'clock in th r-vonlnjc a great crowdof enthuxlaitp Rat In the Htand chrlng the vlctorn and anqulHhd allkr. Ah was expected. It was largely America's day, for beld winning the onlj1 two ?v?U finally dockM. th Ain'Tiran sprtnten won the great ma jority of the heats In the other events. While Dot ho npprtaruhir ;ty the races, the running hjgh Jump Wii the most keenly contested event if the lay. It started In the niorninK mn not until fi o'cliMk was Porter pro clali ed the winner., the Htars iunl Htrlj fs bning run up to the must hejid for t ie .'A-cttud time in the day In the first flection of II. I) Cld ney, Boston Athletic lub. whs de feated by M on ton of Norwuv and leader of KnKlund. but after the other sections hud concluded a pro test was ent'retl on the Kroiinl tiuit the spot where the other seel Ions con tented was more favorable to the Jumpers than that of the first sec tlon. The protest wa n Ho, veil mxt 3idney in t)ie secnd attemjit did f. feet 1 Inch, thus tuu Nf.v lug f'T the final Th-r, howiver, he soon found more 1 tin ii hi unit h In Lea hv. tin Irish champion Porter. Soiiody. oj Hungary, and several itthers. In hb try for the wotlds record Porter made three attempts, but without success He will K" to fn-land next week when he again meets Leahy I'rHtice i SitoihI Iihy. Koniody and Andre. :if France, tied for second pluee, each having topped the tinr at i feet J Inches, and although they trieil It h quarter of an Inch higher, none of them con Ui accom pi ish It It was de cided to give each a silver meilal and award the pi ints for second and thid places equally among the three countries. T Mofntt. of the tTniverstty of Chi cago, djtl C, feet un1' ineh, which a.' he has been ill shirt roiiiln t Kng land. was a splendid performance 8hepp;ird won a gnat Irtory foi Americh In the nan metre fiat rare He proved himself en ( I rely too fast for the English champion, whw was absolutely done up by the t re rnendous pace l ine MH-lmhig.1 The 100 me tres sprint brought out th best aggregation of sprinters yet seen fn the track and It was notice able that the 4uilv countries repre sented were American, the 1 til ted Kingdom, Canada, ami South Africa. The Americans May and Stevens lost their heat to Walker of South Africa, and Kerr, of Canada, who beat out Sherman of I artmoiitti t'nhersitv. but the other two h;its were gather ed In for .America by Hector. and Cartmell Kerr, who is considered here to have a verv likely chance m the finals took M eronds f,,r heats, one-fifth of a second more than either Waller or Hector for theirs There were four heats in the semi finals of the 4 00-metre hurdle race. In two of which American con teste I and took both of them. Harry L Hitlman. of the Now York Athletic Club, and C J Huron. Irish Ameri can Athletic ' "tub, ridnK the trick The other two went to reat Britain arid In both cases In slower time than that made by the Americans. F. Narganes. New York Athletic Club, and J. II Craige. New York City, lost their bouts in the catch-as-catch-can wrestling and J. B. f.reeru. Brook line Athletic Club. failed to gualify In the 100-metre swim Six heats of which were concluded The preliminary bouts Orecoe Homan wrestling also were finished today but no AArierfcans were enter-ad. ' . tt 4 w. IJ tiXf, SOLDIERSsPRESlNCE HOLDS. STRIKERS Only Outbreak f Day lie sultvtl in Killing of i)w Np gro. Two Wouudi'd. BIRMINOHAM.' Ala.. July 21 With groups of cavalry and Infantry stationed at the more important mln Ing camps of the district tonight Oovernnr Comer and' Sheriff Ilidgon feel more aecitrj? in their efforts to maintain order urlrtg the co:il min ers strike. Th nly outbreak today was In the Bluli f!jhek rettlon, nar Adger, this monlitg. wbet one tit-, gro was 'stviCnna krlfed" and two d putles serif hi sh1 wounded Newsonic and Whntlej-, the deputies, comimtiid i-d a group of armed negroes t halt and the tregroex opeimd bre Troop l of Hlrniingham IgUtt strong, was at once desfiatched to AdR;r v tt h In NtmclioiiH to disperse all a e-rhldane i and a i rest an v one Je;it mg n nus- ioernor drner tonight oideied Cidonel V. H McKetrov. cminandei of the Tiiird r gluieiit. to Itirminix, barn, to tnke ciurjie of the entire militia stationed in the dNtrtcl The home of I, V Kvauti. a mm union mho i-. nn- Mur L . w .' tired on tonight but no one was In lured DOUGLAS MAY BE MADE CHAIRMAN Indications I'oiiit to His Sc lection as I lead of Pciiio cratic ( 'oiiiiiiittcc. (By AnBocmted I.I.S'c ' H. M. N h , .1 Jiilv L' I -M n.irt WCiriH llllll'rMt -ll.lill till lltr rllMir- ln;in of (h- l-in lal lr li. it l ,n:i I "ni millff will In- ' -1 it 1 1- r (iit-in"r II Hum I.. M.Mii:li nf Mil .-,;i, hnH.-M- The fiu l lh;it li i.i- Im-cii k, hi i: h I .i!Kl li(liii' :t f l i- th- U 1 1 in ! of il' Kn-il W illiam vll.i i-.iiil.-i r-il I ivl nlslit with .Mi Hr.Min ; 1 1' t . r n.r - llrccl Ir.iin .M in Iiii-k-IIh. Ii ,r IHit (i'-llt-l :i !l l.-nwn h'TI- th:ll Mr WllllilIMM ll.ld I Mied lll alter t to ri It in .-iii'l I Mile, l;iy r , i i ( J i , In the -:i'-t t that Mr .oj(i " 'fuirem' ntM w h i- h i Irtiuin -ha II i re mejuM mid jh . i- popniiir w itli th' n r ei.nv n he ronterred w the matter v I. It Ih undei would meet th M de-ttied tin lie in :i mi. -in ' litie.'ll eM'l ierv laboring e:io-. hm) hM attitud'- on the l;i r iff un. -! n coin pteie m - - tile (li'll ' ! :il !- I. .s. When a.sked t ni'ht for n e.,n''ii M!N tlon of the rep- Mr. -nd he eould n-d dii'i ihe mutter until ;tf- ter file nie.-lft). ( the Mil b( "o 1 1 1 1 1 1 i t t - e of th-' nntioti;ii onnilttee In i lm ij; Saturday nljcht. 5H0WER& VVAHHINtJT' I. f ' . July HI -Koreeat : North Citrotii i Htiowerw Wedrie, day; Thuisda lilr, Freuh wt wind- V VIRGINIA WILL BE WELL REPRESENTED Komi'thinK Mol'c Than n (icap IMastcr (,ast Will Vht Kiiturc l)utv. . . (By Assoclstsd Pr.t NKW VIIKK. July 21. VlrKlnl-i will sunn lip r'riK nl'Ml In Sdilusr . Hall In Ihc iiiitlonul rsiillsl liy mot t li ii ii u ilii'iip il;iKt-r csitt iT Waihlinf lon Tin- Virginia L.'Klliillvi com mlsln In this flly, on U Wns from frovliictncp, ll. t, whert,. ih hrtm' nntinnir',n'ni'i at- Vt r Wbtetpd, n h-l at the ItnlTniuii Hulls" unit !-rlih-il In auk fur lilils for a lilnliS.- sllltlli nf U IIKlllllliloll Tills Ih to M' :r i-iimi,,iii..1 jiIi tm nf thu liW- III itlltl' .Hill II H K.i. ill 1IH ll'llily tllf plHStlT I'MSt w ill Ii"' ri-llim i ll .liiil!' Oiiirni" I, I'lirlstluti, o." Uli IimiiiimI. ii ini iiiln r nf (lii oiimmlx hi. ill Hit lil hiHt iiIkIiI 1 1 in t It w known l. th.' li'Klnln i iiiiiiiiIhhIuii un H'hiw.' nut li'.i ny tin' iii. iit Mliiiiii" uf Wash hiKti'ii lv-'iM iml h Un hull- II sitl.l tin- i -. i m 1 1 1 Ihh j .iii ili i lih'il t.i hnv r lir.iilm II. Hi 1 1 1 ; I t . .if III famuli, linllil.ill Htlltlli' nf V'hh))IKIiiII, VVlllrll Ht.ilnh In Ilii' riituinlit nf thn ('iipltnt lit 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 " 1 1 . 1 MAKES SPEECHES Hrv;m lcn'irs $.")()() Kiwi li-f j ti Two i IMiuiio 'nitlii 'nii'-orns. I By Agior.atffd Prt ) i All: li: . l.i''n,N, Neb Jul' f I I ( I J.; f i .1 I ii i e the lei I I i' W It vi o lite iimi n ut i n p ; i r i . lite Tn 1 1 ban in r, u ln ii in I i ii- Ii .-in ii'tiomliioit;. tin- im'.lil h"f..r lie tioiiiliiation ..I Mr I' u.i t .dav aK.iin flun I., lie l.i-.e M . . ! ,f I s. J . i v w.i -lent In Mr I ' r vaii i i i ile 1 1 v i i i uk nbi it t HpeeeiieM u tin' i n. .'- of th.- t aiopaiKM lllto a p le .hi u ! a ji 'i. e-o h !e htoi m;nl 1 mill il f lo "ii tie tee,,rdx ! a I . unp in.:-, i I ll The intent inn I j It ; f , . lie - o In wit'' (HhI I I tei Mia, I iif fi 1 1 1 1 i . 1 1 t l.e i Hllll I I l lll t.n : 1 1 1-f i .Mi l'1'..i Miiniptine- 1 1 t h.u ti hid f '-, ' . . tu u .on aril I i i ' lie I ) ' ' ae i I II .1 t ' i til M 1 1 Hit I 1' III j .' ii k i.t 'K le M ' "II f I "Uteil vm h I lie Mi ).'(.'.) i 1.', i fi iiitpertliaii I that le 'i ' a- . i j.t - -I lie. in-- f n-lii i i,Tii itiuii nd i tt. 1 1 t. had at ted I . .iiHMi'. t-. tie .1- . l.n.-.f p., II- i .r tie id lien i.i' ii.'ift'- Mt I' I Ifili-'l thnt tie uh--li lO'd'"11'"" - .i I-..KHM. 1 1 i.i I ii' ;i ie! t hot Ix t ! ui up. i li . ..I, id a. i i,t p t fur lib' ' I.i in if TI). t e 1 1 , 1 1 I a 1 1 e i U ' I . (l"l 1 e - r -v tiim ImiI Ii" tittie d tlu-tii ; , i I" I lie -tat' i nd ( "lint n denio ri'M e.,pilli;t t- e . li peti.i-lv ;H U I ":on; I i i ill t J dull i. ill T-.rii.o f.i Mt I'ti.m Ititi ihN IhH II. ;i ti in- "t He t,T'.i ' I " .'I'ld laiteb ii- a-M.i i' 01 at Ca'dtal lte;i h. - le t it r- nd lie u ilf ib liv i r an t ad-lM SJ- In of trie ... . aiui all e..i it) Htoi - - and hlileh' I whopM i be rhiH. '1 at an aid ie.iir st I ll to iii;t. I!'HM") led. Jnlv 2l--JamM eid'.' yarK old, of New I'.ir U. m. h ov- iewrne b Dip heat , ,"':it unbi 1 . '.li tie winking at Ihe Htafe -; (Tite fru It r.i i-m. and he died In ft i feu hourv It i" the )ii-ki fatal iirux jtratlon In t)ii vlrinhy f'r rreverat j ear j 1 1 NlTKKHKl) IbbNKSS Foit many i:i:ks His W ife and Children Were at Hcdside When I M ead Siiiiiinoiis ( 'ann. ClKII'KUKToWN', N V. Jnh L'l -llilily li.HlliiHIl I'lillil', s.mihIi Crn liKtlllll l.'l.NlUlllll IllHll . ..f Uli' I I nan- ,ir N, Yi'tk. .l-.l t..lilKllt III " I'Vrnh'lxh", IiIh Niiitiinti- titiini' tuitir lli'li'. tll'tlT llll llllll'HM llf Hi'M'llilH Wii'ks. Tin. Iilsbnp WHS ullriill.lrtouK iill iliu. mill Hi.' .in1. hli h riuii.. t S::i uYliii'k InrilKhl whm iit'tti'i'i'ul nmt liih'l Tin' iHInt" li .wurs old (ialhi'riil tit thi' Ih'iImIiIi' uf tin' iIvIiik i Inn . Iuiihii wi n' Mrs I'oll. r. wlfi nf llif iwi'liitr; Mrs M.iHi.ii luivlilm-. whii i nnir rri.itt i 'nllfnrnlii, nun Miss Si i i'U ti I'ott.i. IiIh iwn ilmiKhtrrs; Alonsn l'nttor. Ills son; Mr. Kilwsril H ('lurk. Sl.'ih.'n t'. t'lurk ami Mr iftiil Mrs. K. A. I'lnrk; Mrs. I'linrlis Kusscll, unit Mrs. Wll- llnm llyilv, his two iiihiT ilniiKhfrs, who ar iihrnHil. havr lnn luitlll.-il Di'ntli isas duo iirlnrnrlly to tm holism in the rlitht Ik. following s long utturk of Hvnr anil stoininh tcoubli' anil tlir cnrl hail Uefii rrsnn for wvoral 1ys hy ht hlshup's physlrlnns. lllshop I'nttir MiirfiTi'il n sfVHri' ri'lnpso ynstcnlay mornlnc ninl thotiKh ox.vkcH was giv en, his !' II in. whs gruilunl ami he sunk Into eurly to day, which Insti'il until tho I'li'l. Tin- physicians Issunl th following annoiinii'mi'iH tonight: "lllwhop l'ottr passitil pvHcnfully sway at :!!& o'clock tonight, fits strength graudiiolly failed during th pat 114 hours anil thr was no phy li'ul suffering or pain. 'J. K. JANVH1N. M D. "M. I. HA88KTT, M. O." , No nrrangemciits for the funeral liHve as yd heen made, but It ts pro- l)al)li that ssric will bp hld 'hr ana tluu th liudy will-. tik tt. jr movsd to Now York wher sorvli'iis Will l held t OrBcs chrtich. THREE PERSONS DIE BY- FALLING WIRES Disastrous Fire at AlLoona, I'a., SnufTs Out U Li vest. H(hvv lit sh Kntailcd. AI,T( "iNA, I'u.. July at Ouriliii u fire in ttie Kline bullditiK here to- nlKhl. tiller jeMonM were eertroetited bv CalllhK electric llftht wired The dead; KOHI1Y II Y It KM. JOHKIMI rifH'K, Ituenian for Kd Imoii Klei-trie i-i iin jut uy. II A K It Y lKHIH i.M 1, a led of VI earn HyeiH and I'rlek wi-r" InHtant ly killed The when fell iwoiirnl the net k of voiiiik bt'HliniiK. um nenrly burned IiIh head off. I h ten i (ted ciiiwii being afraid lo render hmmMU Hue The lad whh i moii nf lurry ItenboliK. president of Altoona Helerl 4 'olltH II While the firemen wep' at uorli in front of the bult'tliiK t lie Intense in-at from the fire m'dled the elect rle wlreK and Ihey dropped to the Mreei YftuiiK 1 h-rdionK Mho wiih iitflde I he lire line miide ;m effort to dodK the faltiiiK uln'H but one of tin ni wan wound ar ouud hiH neck ho midden lv that eril pe V;iM I lllpoMiltle f e-t and Trick also been no entit ukI' In the MireM The nioiolary lime wa 1 1 Ti.OdO- ATLANTIC FLEET WILL RESUME ITS JOURNEY THIS AFTERNOON (By A.otitd Prsss.) (li:ul...r for the officers this afternoon llo.VMI.ri.i'. luh l - -The At Iii n. ninl imilxlit n irrand bull was held II. i,.,iii, ,i,i. II. . i h i- ilnNli.'il . ..iil.ll" honor ..f Ihe sailors and marines. . . , , , . . The din's fi Htliltles closed with flre Iiik mi.l hn .l I" ! ii' li-ln-4 . .., ., ... , flH. made I., rwiirn- II 1 I'.ni rn y iiioiui.l ih. .,rlii Hull win be set tiim... r..ii The ll;il'bli (ill l..n.. .it r.n I umiui -- r,w un. I ihe ll.-. i iiill rnlxe urn and f.,lloiv. There mm an em urslon lo 1'earl ijiiiiiiiiitnrttwttwtmtffltmtfmtmimiiitHH K. n.1 In Flat I'a. kngc. lx. Not ltoll. GRAND $3,000 PRIZE CONTEST TIm- Aihcirllle 'lllu-n. GOOIt FOIt Candidate A.ldreea . . This couMn, If rlipiM-d neatly, brouglit or sent to the office) q bcf.H'e expiration of date prlntctl beluw, will count as ONB VtrTK for Ilic alnvci natiml Person. , NOT HHl AITI';ii Jl'I.V 2, IttW. (By Assoclattd Prsss.) VI-KHKt gsH.. July 21 Klual prs piimi Ions fur reilvlng thf l'rlni's ot Wiilrs ui his arrival un Imnrd the but. lleship Iniliiuiltnlih', have Iwwn ruin. pli'U'.l Tho city Is now Invmled f, U'.uimi tu ir.,UOO mildlrrs, representing tlin ri'Kulnr ami inllltlu strength uf all siM'tiuiiH nr th Uunilnikin, nnd ihou siiiuts .if luti'r)stitl visitors frum Can Hilu and I lip AiniMlrsn rltlus. The city Is (iliiliiinuoly rtfi'iiriiliilv frith trliim phnl Bichi's iuiinlnK thft mnln tlior-"iiKlifiir'-, thi- tiutldliiRH huiiK with HrlliNh and rrynch ItuaTs and iIovIcmi DiiniiiiomuratlnK the dv(ls at th old French dhiciiverans and ti'sllfvlnit lny alty to tiro Hiyal vlsltur who will nun ashnru tiimorrow. Th Indomitable I ex pi'i ti.d about noun tomorrow. Msr arrival will b the iluhul for a rnyat salute from th guns of the British llunuhlp Kxmouth and the shlire Mt terles, follnwnd hy ths fiombinad aalut or tha International fleet iif American, French and other , wafshlpa In" th harhor; -r-'tt ' ... iMsilmjuWictt Party. At the Klnk'i landing wl)r be truths ered a dtlnushd party of ofrk'btl tu welcoma th prince, Including Karl Orey, Kuvernor fneral h. ot Canada; Field Marshall Iurd Hobert. rep'ra sentlnK tha British armyi Prlmlitr1 ljiurler and hla cabinet; Admiral Jaureguiberry, and tha official French envoys, and Vlce-Prealdsnt Falrbankt, representlnr tha Untied Hla tea govern ment. and Admiral Cowlca, represent Ing tha American navy. Tha landing staits has been daeorgt d fol tha' occasion with, trny loyal plendur. To tha right of tha landing ha,a been , erected a pavllllon. richly hung with tha colon and arms, and ln slgnla of tha' reigning family', " llerg' Ihe first greetings will be ggchkngeat and welcomea extended In behalf of the Imperial government of Caitada. and th army. Tha caremontea un eluded, tha trinc will drive In an open carriage up the steep streeta lending from tha harbor level to th heights of th city. All along tha route the buildings are a blaactif ooIk or anil ninny nrches apan tha atrenta with bannora whosa Insorlp tlutim declare loyalty to tha ftrlllsh ami plre. JOHN HARPER GETS , ANOTHER RESPITE (y Asseelateg rees.r ATIANT-. Ja., July tt. John lliirpi r, cotivlcli'd of the murder of Hi.' sliiTlff of Murray county, and llirce limes respited by the governor, hits s.'i-iiri il a fourth postponement of his exci'ullon. Ills execution had been m-t fur next Friday, but on the ground I ha I new evidence has been secured Oovc-riior Hinlth granted a respite un III August 21, In order to allow Harper to nuik i' an appeal .for a new trial. II It AtiO fJKTH IT. (gy Assoelsted Press.) (-OI.OHAIM) HI'HINOH. Col., July 21. JiihI heforc a rinsl adjournment to lilltht thf tnembers of the Tepllbrfcan l omrtilttee In conference With Chile man Frnnk Hitchcock voted unanl iniiusiy i i estitbllsh licadijnarters ' In I'hlcflg'i Instead of New Vdrk. I'halr mini Hitchcock's force will be estab llshed there as soon as he can get llieiii together after his return to Chl-i-iiKo. All the work of the Taft forces will be directed from t'hlcago. even to the collection of campaign funds. , ,.,.,. .rr.nil Hint the hos- piini sbii It--ll.-f shall accompany Ihe . . t., the Antlpodm, and the Mln- nrwiin will reniriin to wait the mall hlrh will arrive Trom Han Francisco on the IMcInc Mall steamer. ONE VOTK.

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